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File: 226 KB, 1216x1080, Sava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54205344 No.54205344 [Reply] [Original]

This whore sabotaged and destroyed Production Kawaii

>> No.54205431

Nice boobs

>> No.54205558

Hana did nothing wrong

>> No.54205571

*save her genmate from the Black Company and Nene's clique

>> No.54205652

With a chest that big she's in the right, fuck Production Kawaii.

>> No.54205661

Based, I hope she destroys vshojo next

>> No.54206032

go to bed Nene

>> No.54206088

Glad to see some girls still understand solidarity.

>> No.54206696

she had such a good/unique model. i didn't like her much, but really a great model.

>> No.54207030


>> No.54207151
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My favorite part is that she's reincarnating under the exact same theme of orange jungle cat, as a final fuck you to Kawaii.

>> No.54208241

Shut up bitch. That blacked company burned her. They let Oceane do whatever the fuck she wanted, doxxing, lying, stealing, cheating, etc until it affected Nene.

I would've left too if they let a psycho just run rampant because they didn't want to handle her.

You disingenuous sack of lying garbage.

>> No.54208355

After the Oceane shit, and Nene literally deleting Hana's channel after she threw a fucking fit because someone drew Hana in their Gen 1 fanart, it's obvious that Gen 3 was in the right to anyone with their brain screwed into their head correctly.

You blacked company shills are braindead.

When more than half of Tsunderia or Wactor vanish, they're clearly black companys but when the same happens in Kawaii, it's not indicative of a larger issue? Get fucking real.

>> No.54208480

Indeed. I hope Isla, Shee, and Nami can find a better company to be in. They deserve more

>> No.54208549

Wactor doxxed talents with their full name, SSID and address, it's not even in the same ballpark of what a black company is

>> No.54209135

I'm aware Wactor is the blackest.

>> No.54209376

>muh Hana
Lol who cares?

>> No.54209429

Tsunderia wasn't a black company. They were a dead company. The talents weren't mistreated because there wasn't anyone to treat them in any way.

>> No.54209655

PPP hate

>> No.54209828

That is black, if Urara was the only one who did anything and she left.

>> No.54209898

so how are they all doing after they left anyway? i don't even know who they reincarnated that's how little they get mentioned here.

>> No.54209909

I don't think it was her fault, but she obviously wanted out. Aletta on the other hand I can believe she convinced the other 2, to be fair I don't think it took her too much to convince all 3 of them.

>> No.54210003

Aletta was one of the ones who wanted to stay, the other one pushing the others to leave was Miryu

>> No.54210179

She was the only reason I watched Kawaii.
After gen 3 fucked off I hard dropped that corpo. The gen 1 and 2 girls are mind-numbingly boring, other than Nene.
Kawaii is dying a slow death at this point.

>> No.54210254

so true sisters. so valid.

>> No.54210257

I find this hard to believe, Aletta would be fine on her own but Peony and Miryu probably won’t make it on their own. Sava has potential but doesn’t stream consistently so her success and failure are in her own hands.

>> No.54210327

Nami comfirmed in a member's stream Miryu was the one who wanted to leave the most, mainly because she couldn't interact with her past indie friends and she hated her models tits for whatever reason

>> No.54210381

Idk, that may be what the girls say but my instinct tells me she had something to do with it too, those niji faggots showing up on her streams and twitter feed was a big red flag, it would be so funny that they left because those faggots promised them a spot in the company and now all of that got shattered as kurosanji crumbles. Of coursethat didn't happen but it would be so funny.

>> No.54210495

>and she hated her models tits for whatever reason
KEK, holy based miryu.. i didnt know having big tits pissed her off so much.
I dont get the other point though seeing as she rarely interacts with others even now. Also what? She literally collabed with that random magical girl she was grooming while she was Miryu.
That sounds made up

>> No.54210528

That's weird, I wouldn't doubt that she left because she didn't find the success she was looking for (she's a good musician) but didn't expect her to have issues with her model.

>> No.54210975

I wouldn't give her all the credit but I am glad you think so highly of her.

>> No.54211229

Dont care about this chick, but the bitter ex-partner energy that the kawaiipro fanbase has is really pathetic

>> No.54211247

They'll be fine, someone will pick them eventually, you can find them here >>53966837

>> No.54211521
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Kawaii really has had zero growth since the mass treason by the whores and it's been months already. People steer clear of them, reputation ruined. Grim.

>> No.54211569

>Nami comfirmed in a member's stream Miryu was the one who wanted to leave the most
Doesn't mean that Aletta wanted to stay.
But Miryu apparently being the one who lead the walkout is cool, at the time I decided to believe the ones claiming that was the case just because it seemed funny to me but didn't actually expect it to be true.

>> No.54211587
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Welcome to the pichi punch bowl! Anyone make anything good with this?

>> No.54211644

Production overlap

>> No.54211643

They're doing worse actually

>> No.54212006

Kawaii isn't a black company. They're just mismanaged and its leadership has no fucking idea how to actually run a business. Most of these small corpos are just run by some rich kid who kickstarted a vtuber company with dad's money. Rather than actually being founded on genuine goals and a vision, it's just some hobby project. Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed simply to stupidity.

>> No.54212302

Lmao get fucked black company

>> No.54212365

Nice reddit spacing faggot. None of the things that happened affected Sava. You are just making up shit based on board rrats that Nene is some kind of a evil queen that gets people terminated. Literal thread reader.
Samefag btw. You can post proof of Nene being this big evil bully anytime.

>> No.54212587

>Nene has anywhere from 150-200 ccv on average. You picked one of her WORST long running boring ass series as an example of low numbers.
Nami is a 60-70view average streamer and Reina is also somewhere around there.
Lua, Shee and Isla can go over 100 pretty often.
>I don't think it was her fault, but she obviously wanted out
It honestly looks like she joined a corpo just for the sake of it and didn't really put much thought into it. Which is shitty because when you get bored after a few months like a typical western whore with zero work ethic, then you cause drama and walk out which damages everyone elses reputation. I don't care much about the company/management as much as I care about some of the girls (mainly Lua and Isla) that were there practically from the start and tried to build something up from scratch.

>> No.54213048

I think kawaii got extremely unlucky rather than being a black company. My impression of the girls that left was that they had their minds set on getting out rather than working through whatever their issues were on top of the last gen 3 girl actually doxxing. Don't know if any of them actually made some sort of statement to clear things up since leaving though.

>> No.54213102

I feel sorry for Kawaii I really do, they have had the worst track record hiring in the entire industry and they are basically on their own tier already.
I've seen companies full of menhera do better than them.
At this point it's hard to tell if the damage to their brand will ever recover or not.

>> No.54213113

They never addressed it because they know they were in the wrong and acted maliciously.

>> No.54213150

>Company offers no support for projects unless vtuber has enough good girl points
>Have to do huge donothons to earn good girl points
>Projects still organized and paid for out of pocket by vtubers
>Vtubers decide to leave since they're already doing everything themselves and would rather not pay a slack call xx% of donos forever for a model they already could have paid off several times over by now
Production Kawaii destroyed Production Kawaii. They should hire staff not another gen of contract slaves

>> No.54213398

she had her own complaintes but got pressured by the others to leave mostly due no communication with management because they are japs and gen 3 had no jp speakers
the nijishits show up in all streams did the same to the new girls at pixelink so its not that but was implied that someone not aletta didnt like the no male collab ban so there is a whore among them

>> No.54213614

Sometimes I hate vtubing for 3dpd arrogant whores hiding behind cute 2d images

>> No.54213626

That's disrespectful to people who work at actual black companies

>> No.54213894
File: 74 KB, 707x695, Where is the stand pk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Company that takes over 6 months and counting to make an acrylic stand destroyed

>> No.54214001

She did nothing

>> No.54214315

She is a mess that has health issues every other day and she applied to be a full time vtuber just to be like "TEE HEE I CHANGED MY MIND" after a few months of barely even streaming.
She is a grifter whore that expected to be a mid 3view with a lot of comfy passive income so she can continue to live like a lazy piece of shit that she is. I know Sava even from when she was an indie.
I got my Miryu standie pretty fast.

>> No.54214411

> no support from project
> every girls get merch
> every girls get their music cover done
> 3d costume and 3d live concert get done under a year.

>> No.54214527

So... exactly like every pre-order vtuber merch out there.
Hololive also take 6 month - 1 year for their pre-order merch

>> No.54214763

This is the birthday stand not the normal ones
Meanwhile NotSava has drawn, manufactured, and shipped a merch run as an indie

>> No.54215115

I thought it was miryu who immediate did a valo or apex collab with a male after graduating

>> No.54215136

>Meanwhile NotSava has drawn, manufactured, and shipped a merch run as an indie
If you ship merch made in the US of course it will be faster than when it's done from Japan, you absolute ape.

>> No.54215163

>>every girls get merch
At a rate much slower than as an indie and only for enough good girl points >>54213894
>> every girls get their music cover done
It's just paying the mixers which the girls can do themselves
>> 3d costume and 3d live concert get done under a year.
1 live event doesn't justify the cut in income idolfag

>> No.54215271

so why aren't the japanese slack call autists competent enough to do it?

>> No.54215291

And you have proof of this? Most is a pretty huge claim

>> No.54215346

>Nene literally deleting Hana's channel
Things that never happened.

>> No.54215449

So does anyone watch ex Gen 3, Kawaii, or any streams in general? Why does it make you seethe so much?

>> No.54215618

oh really?

>> No.54215634

I watch Nene

>> No.54215649

Merch on anniversary, bday, anniversary, some special events such as 3d or concert as well as sub goal is really good. There are some good custom merch instead of generic acrylic as well. Kawaii pretty much run merch almost equal to the best corp's in the industry even if they don't make much profit from it.
Wow, she should just run merch for Cover then. She just use a different method to get merch, but that come with other flaws as well and if will show if the merch get more complicated beyond acrylic. Didn't her merch have some problem with quality inconsistency as well?

>> No.54215770

Butterface, Reina, and fat blue neet told their fans to seethe and anti so they're seething and anting. Kawaii is just as bad as Oceane kek

>> No.54216246

I agree, kawaii is just as good as the best v tuber companies. make sure you subscribe to nene

>> No.54216608

Oh shit is that who that is? I've seen her pop up in my recommendations a few times. Definitely give her a watch now.

>> No.54216943

Eh I don't really care, I only have eyes for NotAletta my beloved
All this drama shit doesn't really interest me.

>> No.54217552

yes I watched almost all of gen 3 since debut (and one member pre-debut). It feels like a betrayal because I (and others) supported them, only to get burned by them ditching their designs and company. The most frustrating thing of all was the company allegedly caved to their demands, but they quit anyway.

Even then, the one member I was a fan of before kawaii is now ditching their old identity in favor of this new ripoff design, which is entirely inferior. Just feels disingenuous, which is a definite pattern for this person.

tl;dr, I'm not even seething, just saddened

>> No.54217676

How's the discord nowadays? I had to leave when their mods became "vtweeters" by stealing her attention. Sickening behaviour

>> No.54217744

Nene fucked Nene. 'Tis always been the case. Still, they can manage.

>> No.54217792

I continually listen to one Neena ASMR because it is so relaxing.

>> No.54217948

>loyalty to designs and company but not enough to follow them with similar designs and no company
Weird way to say you weren't a fan of the girls themselves

>> No.54218066

I wouldn't know. Sorry anon

>> No.54218100

Which one? Or did Nene have it deleted too heh

>> No.54218103

The event sort of open my eyes for the current state of the new gen of small corpo hire. A lot of "indies" are spamming application on multiple small corpo to get in because it's a quick number boost, even if they don't quite fit in with the corpo or w//e. I slow myself down and mostly stick supporting the girls I've been watching for a year (who had been consistent around for 1-2 or more regardless of their number).
This doesn't apply to kawaii alone. I don't really chase debut of every new gen atm. I might take a look at kawaii gen 4 when they come but probably won't commit until after a while.

>> No.54219003

didn't she scam some indie that hired her to do a model for her, or am i thinking of somebody else?

>> No.54219201
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>the company allegedly caved to their demands, but they quit anyway
And the most hilarious part is that it has already happened before with picrel. Honestly, the single fault of Kawaii is not being able to wrangle their talents. They are expecting the girls to be genuinely nice people and decent human beings and whenever this is not the case they just let them walk away.

>> No.54219964

Did they have donothons right before they left or just Aletta?

>> No.54220204

I am tired of people pretending to give a fuck about Hana.

>> No.54220252
File: 2.11 MB, 1125x1507, 54f159f7-4f75-4603-9919-e82a6892882f_300-mobile+(10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sava also did and hers was the latest donothon. She also went on her hiatus aka streaming strike like 2 weeks after her donothon

>> No.54220442


>> No.54220495

He isn’t alone. Look at MikeNeko and her “new” design. There is a reason why she wanted it as similar as she could and why she got such a big boost in number with her old audience coming back.

>> No.54220565

Nene is a piece of shit.

>> No.54220732

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WymUM-0NjP0 Now she's sabotaging her buddies into playing fricking roblox with her!

>> No.54220742
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*the love of my life

>> No.54220837
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i want to fuck sava so bad

>> No.54220901

They betrayed their corpo for this...?

>> No.54221693

The company is just way too nice to people which invites others to use them.

>> No.54221912

The corpo environment wasn't for them, which is fine. People should really understand what they are getting into before signing a contract.

>> No.54222048
File: 301 KB, 1068x601, mfw when Nene calls me a chump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when Nene calls me a Chump

>> No.54222627

kinda hoping Peony gets really desperate and starts doing lewd content

>> No.54222834
File: 222 KB, 659x708, 1672933887134694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One purpose

>> No.54223282

They should just do their job better and not hire grifters like her and the one in the op that's a known one.

>> No.54223864

Kawaii were mostly recruiting on what they see from the application instead of doing deep dive into the applicant's past or w/e. Isla did say that she convinced management to let the talents look at the candidate themselves as they have better networking in the western vtube scene to do background check themselves for the upcoming gen.

>> No.54223983

They'll be indies for a while. Not even known small corpos will give a chance to those 4 who could not fulfill their contract terms.

>> No.54224148

In about four hours you'll have a whole lot of people suddenly caring about her.

>> No.54224398
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>doesn't justify the cut in income
I guess you can do it better, right?

>> No.54224994

The number are effectively 2x what they are, when you don't have someone taking 50% just so they can turn around and ask fans to fund every project anyway.

>> No.54225125

lmao the ultimate cope that Beryl is in Holo EN. I'll come back here to laugh at you later.

>> No.54225210

Who is Neena Makurano now?

>> No.54225209

Hopefully Aletta and Miryu still apply to HoloEN or even Phase. They're way too skilled and cute to die out as indie.

>> No.54225226

I mean she did collab with a whore that showed her tits on /trash/ as soon as she went indie. Her whoring herself out is a possibility.

>> No.54225229
File: 1.28 MB, 1348x720, 1674783338924113.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a turbo dyke and hated that men jerked off to her fat tits

>> No.54225334

Some whore on twitch named Bazelle. Her dono rewards are her IRL pics in a nightie where her nipple is showing through the thing. Disgusting slampig.

>> No.54225453

Absolute disgusting, I have to corroborate this myself

>> No.54225610

It's a pretty solid rrat, and even if she's not in Hololive, she'll be in Phase with a CCV that will make Nene rage even harder than she did at the fan art.

>> No.54225618
File: 133 KB, 1340x1029, bazelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like whores though

>> No.54227406

Is there a source for that from Isla?

>> No.54228263

Any of sava?

>> No.54229310

It's always a tragedy when the world loses a good pair of tits

>> No.54229567

Such a shame, she had potential to be top earner without having to do gfe

>> No.54229748

Neena is fucking disgusting, when she got fired I got her membership just to see her membership streams and there was one where she literally talked about the dicks she took and how she liked getting fucked, she even asked Nene how she liked getting fucked and it was extremely awkward

>> No.54229814

>she even asked Nene how she liked getting fucked
W... What was her answer?

>> No.54229817
File: 3 KB, 40x40, tomostare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she even asked Nene how she liked getting fucked and it was extremely awkward
How did she answer? This is relevant to my interests

>> No.54229864

>sex = disgusting!!
Sex haventers are hilarious. I do agree that that collab was not the place for it

>> No.54229865


Do you know what the demands were?

>> No.54229930

she didn't answer obviously, she tried changing the question to something else

>> No.54229944

They lucked out hard with Nene

>> No.54230231

They didn't want to join the Idol project

>> No.54230352


>> No.54231385

Mozzu is a fucking trainwreck and already had issues with her US based merch shop fucking up her keychains, so it's not all fun and games. She is currently on hiatus for health reasons and all planned streams can be delayed or cancelled at any moment for whatever reason. She barely stramed anyway, basically has become a vtweeter until her official debut and who knows when that will come since she seems to be the one holding back the ex-gen3 group official debut.

The only ones who really kept up a decent pace were Spica (Miryu) and Elia (Aletta) until she fucked off to Japan on paypig money. As indies Airi (Peony) and especially Mozzu (Sava) really showed how unfit they were for the corpo world on the basic principle of "showing up to work". Now that the black corpo cope is gone they are on their own, they fuck ups are 100% on them. I don't think Airi cared much about numbers but Mozzu is a retarded numberfag and I don't need to tell you what happens when someone who obsesses over numbers DOESN'T FUCKING STREAM.

>> No.54231746

If Kawaii was really a black company Charzu would have ran away a long time ago, she doesn't deal with bullshit.

>> No.54232046
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, NeneAmano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to put my penis in Nene Amano's vagina.

>> No.54232302

she did a terrible job of it then since they seem fine

>> No.54232316

mozzu is a whore heh

>> No.54233218

>all 2views except nene
Gen 3 had 2.5 girls who could compete with nene and would have been a boon for putting the company on the map. Now it's just the nene company since the other girls except nene are content being part-timers since they have day jobs. Ironically this is probably the primary reason sava was mad since she wanted the company to advertise and get the word out like idol to grow, the girls who are working in the office by day and doing 1 hour variety streams by night for fun didn't want to be 'full time vtubers'.

>> No.54233406

>believing that the orange whore wanted to stream

>> No.54233704

She straight up said it on stream. I can't remember which though

>> No.54234215

It absolutely was her fault, her stream was the first to be canceled when they went on strike and shortly after that she tweeted about how appreciative she was that the others were rallying around her. I think their company Twitters are privated now but you should be able to find screenshots in the archive.

>> No.54234421

They would be DOA >>52895403

>> No.54234678

Kinda, iirc she did eventually refund her but yes she silently hung onto that money for almost a year or something

>> No.54234695

Gen 1 and 2 stream very consistent while having irl job( other than nene who stream 2x a day) while also participate in the idol project doing voice lesson and dance lesson to prep for the concert. Gen 3 other than oceane and aletta doesn't stream as much because peony and miryu have school and sava has... health issue??? Kawaii were happy to accomodate them though.
Kawaii wasnl already on the map before Gen 3 joined, and that's why oceane and Letti grew so quickly when they have high stream volume. Sava didn't have "bad number" herself holding low 3 views consistently. New gen for small corpo now away do perform better than the older gen (that's in every single corpo). Was just being 3rd in mumber in the small scene not good enough? Only idolcorp and Phase were ahead. EIEN rose a but then stalled, especially after riifu left. If gen 3 didn't leave, kawaii would still be in comfortable 3rd place because they build and plan for fan retention long term.
Kawaii doesn't have deep pocket like Idol and it's questionable whether that's a sustainable method to spend a lot of ads and expecting big number to make up for the cost. Phase didn't actually spend much on ads and promotion at all. Kawaii promote their talents as a corpo about as much as Phase does, but Phase has Pippa doing her viral campaign to boost the corpo.

>> No.54235939

Phase gets memed to death but the fishman is on record as wanting the companies to be on good terms with each other so he wouldn't touch them. The Phase and Kawaii girls are friends, at least publicly (Twitter interactions, occasional raids, randomly appearing in each other's chats, etc). Pippa has promoted a video about the Kawaii concert and tweeted in support of Isla when management made that announcement about her getting doxxed.
Meanwhile they have beef with the ex-CL whores who are still seething about Lumi to this day, this beef likely extends to their friends as well, but it's impossible to say how many degrees of separation it goes.

>> No.54236217 [DELETED] 

Charzu is corpo cocksucker and Black.

>> No.54236444

Sakana also already got burned by Yuri. He would be very apprehensive himself as well.
A couple of phase girls also attended the Kawaii concert in person

>> No.54238090

I'm pretty sure she specified that it was her PL model she had a problem with, because it was gifted to her rather than being a design she actually wanted.

>> No.54238588

Good. Production kawaii deserves to die. They are all bitches.

>> No.54238678

Which one of the failed traitors are you?

>> No.54238846

Thats Coni from Idol

>> No.54238923


>> No.54239018

Based as fuck.
Black companies deserve death.

>> No.54239228

That makes no sense, and Coni already has more CCV than all of Kawaii combined

>> No.54239280

She's best friends with the orange cat

>> No.54239814

can someone post the one where nene seethes at hana's drawing? always forgent to save it

>> No.54239873

Never take in a /wvt/ chuuba

>> No.54244647

nice art
