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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54208677 No.54208677 [Reply] [Original]

So this means no more hololive En dead hours, right?

>> No.54208706

it means more overlap

>> No.54208740

It means more overlap

>> No.54208762

It means more overlap

>> No.54208896

It means more overlap

>> No.54208912


>> No.54208933

It means more overlap

>> No.54208951

Only if there's europeans in EN3. If not, expect the same overlaps in the exact same timeslots.

>> No.54209005

It means more overlap

>> No.54209028

It means more overplap

>> No.54209315

It means more overlap

>> No.54209353

What's the issue with overlapping?, it happens all the time in JP and no one cares, regarding the OP hopefully the new EN will stream for properly this time; no "tummy horts", "back horts", "parrot died", "I'm terminally ill so got an operation that will take 3 months with no access to a phone", "vacation time after 2 months of streaming 3 days a week" or whatever other excuse not to do their work.

Finger's crossed we get a Kaela or Korone equivalent.

>> No.54209458

Only dead hours would be EU hours since almost all vtuber agencies and indies know that its a dead market

>> No.54209494

Holy overlap...

>> No.54209548

There will now be more streams at the same 3-4 hours in evening time for Americans with nothing else for the rest of the day.

>> No.54209677

I mean its not surprising since its the only relevant market outside japan for vtubers

>> No.54209791

Reddit tier combo
Here's a better one


>> No.54209853

>indies know that its a dead market
Not on Twitch it's not.

>> No.54209918

It means more lapover

>> No.54209921

>calling other people redditors
>while being too afraid to say nigger
election tourists like you are even worse

>> No.54209958

2016 was a mistake

>> No.54209962

Yeah, just like there's zero JP dead hours and there's a JP stream at every hour of the day.

>> No.54210000

lol, lmao

>> No.54210007

What does it mean, though?

>> No.54210145

Kiaratime->Faunatime->Inatime->AmetimeI -> EVERYONE LETS GOOOOO GuraBaeKroniiAmeMoomThe5newgirls -> AmeII/Moomtime ->IRyStime ->Moritime

>> No.54210168

JPs do things like morning streams, afternoon streams, evening streams and night streams. They tick all the boxes.

>> No.54210198

Reminds me of this

>> No.54210208

Nope. These girls are all NA/SEA too
No euros. Cover hates europe they thought Kiara was Australian

>> No.54210211

*cries in GMT*

>> No.54210287

Fuck you for posting cringe

>> No.54210335

Overlaps happen in JP because they have like 8 generations already and it's all in one timezone. Also, most of them stream pretty often, unlike EN.
It really sucks dick when there's like 3-4 people overlapping for two hours and then it's completely dead for over 24 hours because they all skipped a day.

>> No.54210394
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It's only a relevant market for corposl, as they don't really do much at all to cater to european viewers. Europeans watch a plenty of JP vtubers and especially Indies (who make a lot of money from EU audiences).

>> No.54210482

And none of them will start during primetime EDT.

>> No.54210516

Which translate in EN3 being the worst performing post gen covid ever because it will cannibalize Myth and Council but both have solid established fanbase so even the hardcore people that have to follow every single Hololive members will struggle with 3 EN gens all streaming in the same timeslot
If Cover was smart they hired 0 american based people for EN3

And no, EN3 is not going to make people quit their indies and small corpo either, more likely to see another small corpo incline after EN3 boosting them indirectly when these people will start leeching. 2 years of NOTHING but Council mediocre delivery and half of Myth just stop giving a fuck made the small corpo too rooted now, even the shittiest and most forgettable ones will still live

>> No.54210544

Anon I think you don't understand
People talking about Cover hating Europe aren't joking, they go out of their way to hinder Europeans from enjoying hololive
You thought that Kiara doing the Australia joke for over a year was due to her stubbornness?

>> No.54210812

You say that, but you could still try to grow a fanbase in an underserved timeslot like Vesper and Bettel have done. Hell, Idol's most watched talent streams regularly at 2-3 PM Eastern time and can get thousands watching her.

>> No.54210819

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>never stream in EU hours
>force audiences to stay up till 2am to watch streams
>randomly decide to stream in the middle of EU hours a single time
>nobody shows up because you've trained them to never expect it
>put a lone member in EU times with ten different debuffs and zero collab partners in her timezone
The audience is there, you just need to invest and build it. But of course, a lot of americans love nothing more than to feel smug about themselves, so we get posts like yours.
There are other issues too. For example, merch can be a bitch to get in Europe. This has nothing to do with the audience, but the simple fact that shipping is more complicated because of individual countries, different tax systems, laws, etc.
(And not to shit on Kiara, but she's not everyone's cup of tea. Give me a vtuber more in the vein of Fauna or Gura in EU hours and I'll show up and SC her every stream.)

>> No.54210850

>they go out of their way to hinder Europeans from enjoying hololive
It certainly worked on me

>> No.54211157

Dead hours still. Just overlapping the same times.

>> No.54211209

Everyone somehow forgets (on purpose?) that Ina streamed dead on euro primetime, 9PM CET, for her entire first year, and was more popular than every other EN vtuber not called Gura while doing it

>> No.54211249

They will stream around the same time slot, leaving the dead hours open.

>> No.54211421

at least 3/5 are NA again so it's aleady fucked.

>> No.54211475

The one time Cover released YouTube numbers (the sponsor deck from 2020) it showed holoJP had more viewers in Europe than NA at the time holoEN first debuted. They had a market, and they threw it away on purpose for fuck knows what reason.

>> No.54211549

I think their assumption was the euro viewers would watch NA streamers

>> No.54211579

Personally I just assume heavy racism

>> No.54211820

I think you're right. There are a lot of EU holowatchers, but we can't ever watch streams live other than Kiara's. We're ripe for the picking by just giving us one or two more okay vtubers in this timeslot. I'll be completely honest and say that I know there's indies and small corpos that stream in our times, but I'm shallow (dumb?) enough to want that Holo experience. (I think it has to do with talent freedom, ironically in the opposite order. I think it benefits streamers to have some structure.) I have tried Idolcorp, Phase and a couple of indies, but it's just not the same.
It's like I'm begging Yagoo to give me the opportunity to fork over my money, but he's like "fuck you, it's Kiara or nothing"

>> No.54211866

I guess they still didn't forgive the Portuguese

>> No.54211892

How do you know?

Why would japanese be racist against europeans but not americans?

>> No.54211913

I miss her doing that, it was comfy watching her before bed.

>> No.54211970

This. I'd rather have nothing than my only choice being Kiara.

>> No.54211999
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Is it seriously asking for too much to have the time frame between 10 AM PST and 5 PM PST consistently covered by HoloEN?

>> No.54212114

>since almost all vtuber agencies
Tell that to idol, half of them are euro hours streamers, including Rin.

>> No.54212170

Many did, for about a year, as a compromise thinking something would eventually come. Then most of us fucked off after IRyS and then Council debuted upon realizing they had no intention of doing that. Turns out it's a lot easier to watch indies on Twitch in the afternoon after work than it is staying awake past 2am for HololiveEN. Even turning on HoloJP for an hour in the morning is less hassle.

>> No.54212176

>No, cause they will be limited to 1~2hour streams at the start
management has this retarded strategy since Myth debut
>Yes, cause once that are more free to stream how many hours they want, they will start griding full of enthusiasm
>No, cause this is holoEN so in a couple months they will get lazy, just like the ones before them and the branch will return to the previous state

So don't hold hope this will last long, but be happy there will be some months of tons of content

>> No.54212286

you get 2 months of heavier streaming from myth and council while they feel threatened, and then a year of gen3 before they slack off. then the calls for en4 start.

>> No.54212413

Please understand, poor californians only have 6 holos streaming during the evening, they're practically starving. We need at least 2 more PST-only generations and perhaps 3 more SEA/Aussie members before we can possibly spare a single new european. (And then only because she decided to move there after signing the contract.)

>> No.54212471

And they did, Ina was their euro hours streamer for her first year and was immensely popular. holoEN in general has just got more and more focused on PST over time, to the point that you even see east coast burgers complain. They moved all of their events and announcements to late PST, and told the homos they had to stream then.
It's really frustrating because we can all clearly see the CET primetime slot works. It worked for Ina. It worked for the homos. It works for Twitch and for small corpos. But Cover won't hire anyone there and tells their NA members who are willing to stream earlier that they shouldn't, and there's no discernible reason to do that.

>> No.54213161

I feel at this point if they did hire any euros they'd pressure them to stream in that PST timeslot

>> No.54213346

>americans love nothing more than to feel smug about themselves
Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.54213779

I expect nothing for Euros from Hololive not in streams nor events. I made peace with that. Now I only watch Anya regular and Kiara every now and then. I found plenty of other vtubers for my timezone.

>> No.54213887

They still wont be able to stream without a manager watching

>> No.54214008

>Nobody streams on EU-hours but JP streamers
>"Geez, I wonder why the EU numbers are stronger on JP than in EN",

>> No.54214169

They've done 3/5 NA for the last 2 gens so it's a pretty safe bet

>> No.54214852
File: 56 KB, 1284x384, 1681503809700086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, NA-based members could quite easily stream a few hours earlier. Pic rel is a random week of Myth streams from early 2021, with CEST times. There were 13 streams in one week you could reasonably watch in Europe / early EST. Almost every week back then was like this.
Current holoEN has twice as many members, and they haven't had a week like this for over a year. The last time they did, 70% of the streams were Kiara.

>> No.54215034

2021 my beloved...

>> No.54215075

ok? hololive Jp has literally twice as many members and i've never heard anyone complain about it over there

>> No.54215146

For a month until they stop streaming too

>> No.54215158

Early Myth was best Myth.
They've seriously declined since then and Council isn't even worth mentioning.
I'm curious to see how EN3 do.

>> No.54215299

shit, look at that ... actual games.. a big collab...

>> No.54215338

HoloJP literally has better timezone coverage than holoEN despite all being in a single country speaking an isolated language. Every EN stream today starts in a 3-hour window, while at least one JP member has been live for 20 of the last 21 hours.

>> No.54215488
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>JP girls stream in their morning
>NA girls stream in their evening
I feel like I'm one of the few people who fully prefers Council to Myth but I'll admit I never experienced early Myth and only discovered them in their current form

>> No.54215581

Early Myth was a gem. Things really broke the fuck down after the first year or so, and now I'd agree that Council is more enjoyable, particularly the ORK girls.

>> No.54215842

more like at 10pm, for most of EU (that matters)
wouldn't call that primetime, but the nature of her streams makes it great for bedtime watching

>> No.54215898

ugh. this is why i watch irys. look, she's playing a game. the stream will be of a decent length.
calli just did 24hrs of talk, and mumei and bae just did a watchalong/talk. fucking boring.

>> No.54215947

if there are no dead days I'll be happy

>> No.54215957
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so fun

>> No.54216273

>The last time they did, 70% of the streams were Kiara.
jesus christ lmao

>> No.54216364

She's drifted later over time, but her original time was absolutely 9PM. I was in France at the time and watched her every day. Those consistent watchable streams were the whole reason I bought her membership despite her members content being absolutely terrible.

>> No.54216527

>mumei and bae just did a watchalong/talk. fucking boring.
If you thought that mermaidkino was boring, you are a fucking imbecile. Oh, who am I kidding, you don't watch streams. You aren't a chuuba fan. You're just a filthy fucking /v/igger.

>> No.54216616

i'm saying they probably used most of their material yesterday. today will be boring.

>> No.54216964

It's crazy how current EN is on four continents, yet only one girl stream on a different time slot.
I'm not holding my breath for EN3, considering they're probably pushed by management when to stream and it's understandable to aim for "prime time" in such a number-driven industry.

>> No.54217648

I really don't want to turn this into numberfag talk, but frankly, if holoEN's management are advising them to do this for numbers, it's not working. holoEN currently have their worst numbers ever. Plenty of the most successful small corpo streamers are right in that Euro/EST period that hololive has abandoned.

>> No.54218745

>the ORK girls
I must have missed something. I assume R = Rat/Bae, K = Kronii, O = ?

>> No.54219012


>> No.54219062

also I think K is Kirin

>> No.54219378


>> No.54219540

I think numbers talk has its place, unless you use it to shit on someone. It's an uncomfortable topic perhaps, but agencies (and talents themselves if they do it for a living) must to some degree pay attention to what audiences respond to.
And yes, HoloEN is slowly losing viewers aside from a precious few. (Who are not experiencing any real growth either.) Even if there is another reason for a decline in viewership across the board, the current setup is clearly not ideal. With the relative success of several smaller corpos in the EU timeslot (like Idol and to a certain degree Phase), I hope Cover realizes that there's an opportunity to spread out and mitigate risks. EN3 has been very slow, and I can only imagine that it's because they have some plan in mind. If it's just to double down on the same PST timeslot, I can't see it doing much but stealing viewers from other Holos that stream at the same time. (Unless there's some other initiative in place to convert more tourists.)

That makes more sense, thanks.

>> No.54219814

>reveal at 4am for euroland
this augurs poorly for EU members IMO

>> No.54220304

Not that I'm expecting anything, but I do believe they revealed Council while Sana and/or Bae were asleep, and they just didn't tweet anything until hours later.

>> No.54220404

Op here , personally I think we need a guerilla streamer in en 3 . There would be so less dead hours if someone loved streaming enough to turn it on ANY hour even for a one hour chat or something. Mumei used to randomly pop up with scheduled karaokes from time to time but that’s stopped too

>> No.54220476

It means more over lap

>> No.54221377

Oh sweet summer child...

>> No.54223121

Dramasisters need something to complain

>> No.54223388

It's a valid complaint. HoloEN has an awful schedule coverage problem, and overlapping naturally implies that they won't fix it.

>> No.54223734


>> No.54225071

If you legitimately don't understand the reason why people have an issue with 8/10 EN talents choosing to stream in the same time slots every week, while leaving the remaining hours of the day totally barren, then you're probably mentally stunted

>> No.54228816

I sure hope so

>> No.54228869

When is the new gen dropping anyways? Didn't they do the 48 hours thing two days ago?

>> No.54232214

>i've never heard anyone complain
its because you're not jp anon, I literally see some jp fans scratching their head for having multiple chuuba to watch on their forums.

>> No.54233697

Too bad you faggots only watch IronBeaner or some 3 view western whore

>> No.54237207

oh joy
