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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54141766 No.54141766 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji's Virtual Talent Academy (VTA) is suspending activity until further notice.

>> No.54141987


>> No.54142094

VTA sucked anyway. it made all the Japanese people apply to EN while every single gen coming out of that Academy was dead on arrival. NijiJPs only recent successful newbie was Salome, and she‘s the only new hire who didn‘t go through VTA to debut.

>> No.54142129

Rumor is that they’ve been making VTA members create clips for their existing NijiJP members in exchange for their training.

>> No.54142194

vantablack company

>> No.54142212

>various reasons
Wonder what they are. All we have to do is wish upon a rrat and Nijisanji will make it come true.

>> No.54142296
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I'm not surprised

>> No.54142314

2023 seems like one of the worst times one can be a Niji fan. Not a single branch seems to have it good this year.

>> No.54142409
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>nuking an entire branch

>> No.54142416


>> No.54142479

Shareholders asking why they're wasting money training talents when they could just pull from indie streamers is my guess.

>> No.54142490


>> No.54142552

Isnt their latest wave a gigantic flop and they're sitting at 300 ccv?
Just fucking shut the company down goddamn

>> No.54142561

VTA was a waste of money, Riku couldn't buy his new yatch

>> No.54142563

I dunno even why they thought it will go well. It's not even a VA or idol training

>> No.54142780

An academy for Vtubers fits more for Hololive, since they have that "idol aura" around the brand.

>> No.54142825

>while every single gen coming out of that Academy was dead on arrival
Here's your (You) retard.

>> No.54142927
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>I have no idea what I am talking about
Cool, thank you for your input. Can you tell me what you didn't like about Raununculus or Idios besides "I didn't watch them, so I don't know"? How is Watarai a failure? Did you like Igarashi as a captain for Koushien?
Also Kotoka and Meloco have been great hires for NijiEN and are my favorites. Probably because they are Japanese.
Anyway, as far as the Japanese comments go, most of them consider it to be more of a summer break. So VTA will most likely be back. I really hope they keep the 4th gen of students (at least the girls I care about)

>> No.54143081

Hi intern kun

>> No.54143096

Maybe it was done for good PR more than anything, and it just outlived its purpose.

>> No.54143139

It fits Nijisanji's goal of maximizing profit since instead of trying to recruit established streamers/entertainers they get a stream of starry-eyed applicants that are easier to exploit

>> No.54143204

Please go through this bootcamp process to become a 1k-3k view

>> No.54143216

>Can you tell me what you didn't like about Raununculus or Idios besides "I didn't watch them, so I don't know"?
Thats the point. The academy is a stupid idea for introducing talent as a substandard tier and then later upgrading them to main talent. Doing all of the onboarding behind the scenes and then debuting a new talent directly into a full streamer leads to a more successful debut spike and allows wider audiences to actually see the streamer in question, as opposed to the VTA system whose only real benefit is letting them be more intimately familiar with a core nijisanji fanbase that, quite honestly, would follow them anyway.

>> No.54143234

I always considered VTA a terrible idea.

>> No.54143292


>> No.54143307

Shareholder approved.

>> No.54143354

>can you tell me how they failed OTHER than nobody watches them???

>> No.54143387

Literal who?

>> No.54143397

>all the Japanese people apply to EN
And now the academy graduates are more popular than those lazy shittiers

>> No.54143622

>They only fail because nobody watch them
And people die when they are killed anon

>> No.54144171

>Also Kotoka and Meloco have been great hires for NijiEN and are my favorites. Probably because they are Japanese.
Bootlicking snakes and genuinely the worst parts of EN right now next to Kyo. Next to no grasp on English, the one requirement needed for the damn group

>> No.54144396

Kotoka at least knows eigo, but Meloco falls very heavily in ESL territory and being in NijiEN probably did worse for her English.

>> No.54144491

(You) are not watching them because you are EOPs but that's it.

>> No.54144538

nijinigs never change

>> No.54144802

Didn’t Meloco live in Canada for a few years? How did she go through that with “next to no grasp on English”?

>> No.54144902

>Nijisanji's Virtual Talent Academy
I see that /vt/ still doesn't even know surface stuff about VTA but I also don't blame any of you

>> No.54144970
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Maybe you should watch some streams instead of being a tribalist

>> No.54144981

ITT people somehow can't even read an English translation of a tweet. Is it a holiday in Indonesia or do you guys just not have jobs?

It's temporarily closed and if you read any of the Japanese comments they're saying that with the current heat it's for the best. It's 37-40C degrees in Japan with people passing out from heatstroke. It's not a great idea to have people singing and dancing and being overly active in this heat. It'll likely resume when temperatures fall a bit

>> No.54145094

Doesn't fit anon's narrative

>> No.54145295
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The Japanese comments are like, it's ok we get it. The English comments are like, yo bruh nijisanji bad.
Just wait for FalseNewsD to make a drama video on this and we will get more drama here too.

>> No.54145391

Not the other anons, but seeing that those two got median viewerships of 2,079 and 1,815 respectively in June, it doesn’t look like there are that many nips watching them either - and they are actually some of the more popular VTA graduates.

>> No.54145409

You'd be surprised at how many people there are in NA that cannot speak English, and only get by like a tourist in a foreign land. Only time they really talk is with their people in their language.

>> No.54145545

I don’t care too much about this and just got here from the catalog, but
> It's not a great idea to have people singing and dancing and being overly active in this heat
NijiVTA can’t even afford aircon? They are VTubers, it’s not like they have to be outside

>> No.54145562

>Probably because they are Japanese.
don't care weeb go back to /jp/

>> No.54145706


>> No.54145821

idiots together strong.
fuck arakara

>> No.54145855

If people have a negative perspective of you even the little blunders are turned into "They're utterly incompetent" and to be fair niji deserve to be seen as that because they shit on the ground literally every week

>> No.54145902

BlackSanji Sex Academy

>> No.54145918

This isn't even the first time VTA is temporarily closed. It happened many times last year and it came back.

>> No.54145968

NTA but Japanese air conditioning is a bit different than air conditioning in other places. It's not centralized and even if it was you have to realize that there's a bunch of electronics in the building that all add heat. If it's 37 Celsius before you factor in humidity and electrical heat, you don't want to make people suffer in that kinda heat.

>> No.54145969

No new waves for a while then?

>> No.54145980

Funny considering how 99% of the VTA audience and NijiJP is JP people and they understand what is happening, beacuse that happened before

>> No.54145986

Kill yourself Zaionturd

>> No.54146095

no, it has suspended its activities before last year and it came back, this isnt the first time this happens

>> No.54146128

>Anyway, as far as the Japanese comments go, most of them consider it to be more of a summer break.
Weird cope. The acceleration company doesn't just put the breaks on things for no reason. They suspended all activities which suggests Anycolor weren't happy with how the academy was doing and will likely try and completely change it if it ever comes back.

>> No.54146187


>> No.54146470
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You can take your numberfaggotry as you will. I guess it depends on your expectations.

>> No.54146574

But why? The academy was very successful and has many graduates.

>> No.54146651

yeah they're definitely sure this is a normal thing and not coping

>> No.54146740

>weird cope
>last year VTA activities stopped for weeks before coming back

>> No.54146774

>askhually it's technically not Nijisanji
Nobody cares, dipshit, all the same people are in charge, you can't even use the VirtuaReal excuse since it's fully controlled by anykuro.

>> No.54146798
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>Didn't Haachama live in Australia for a few years? How did she go through that with “next to no grasp on English”?

>> No.54146841
File: 23 KB, 460x288, chimp_1490686c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The south east Asian monkeys possess remarkable cognitive abilities and often engage in complex social interactions. Yet, despite their intelligence, there's a peculiar trait they exhibit when faced with challenges to their beliefs or decisions.
Watch closely as they grapple with conflicting ideas. When confronted with a dissenting opinion, their responses are nothing short of astonishing.

>> No.54146890
File: 3.33 MB, 3265x4898, 1690237170716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears that the concept of reason, so apparent in other aspects of their lives, eludes them when faced with opposing perspectives. Instead of embracing discussion and logic, they resort to passionate vocalizations, expressing their frustration in an attempt to assert their viewpoint.

It's a mesmerizing sight, as these intelligent creatures wrestle with their innate impulses and the struggle to accept reason. The passion in their screeches echoes through the jungle, highlighting their unwavering determination to stand by their beliefs.

>> No.54147139
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niji it's been 2 days and there is already another L...

>> No.54147334

Every time /vt/ tries to scream that someone from Tempus is graduating, another Niji gets the rope.

>> No.54147613
File: 31 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-630600794-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A particular tribe of these monkeys has seemingly developed an intricate curiosity towards books and anonymous image boards.
They flip through the pages and scroll through the boards with a stunning degree of human mimicry, giving the illusion to any onlookers that they're capable of understanding the words that they see. However, the reality is that the monkeys lack the cognitive capacity to comprehend written language.

As they try to grasp the meaning behind the words, frustration sets in as the symbols on the pages remain a mystery to them.

The monkeys' frustration is evident through a series of vocalizations and agitated movements. They screech and gesture, expressing their bewilderment at their inability to unlock the secrets held within the written words. It becomes apparent that their curiosity, though admirable, has reached its limits.

>> No.54147943

Why would living in Canada teach someone English? Chinese, sure, but English?

>> No.54148254

She really got the last laugh in the end, NijiEN is dying and she didn’t even do much.

>> No.54149245

Hey quit lashing out just cause you feel called out for being retarded, ok?

>> No.54150736

>as opposed to the VTA system whose only real benefit is letting them be more intimately familiar with a core nijisanji fanbase.
That is only part of VTA you have other people within that do not do the weekly livestreams.

>> No.54151243
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>> No.54152036

fucking black company

>> No.54152211


>> No.54153189

This board is just full of weeaboos, but unlike other places, here they refuse to learn anything about Japanese or even try to find the context behind , They always blindly express complete hatred toward it and take every bait that portrays Japan negatively.

>> No.54153578
File: 246 KB, 599x579, vta-deleted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't even that long ago that they removed these 12 from VTA.
Now the suspension with the rest is very grim.

>> No.54154008

Oh yeah, they removed girls, the exact same number as the idios girls and 6 boys, who are also very similar to the heroes wave. I wonder where they could go, mind tell me, FALSE dick sucker?

>> No.54155059

i'd be more relieved if they were actually removing people instead of treating vta as almost a guaranteed debut in nijisanji, but most of those are probably debuting

>> No.54156020

Another Niji project bite the dust

>> No.54156083

Why pay clipper when you can trick people to do it for free?

>> No.54159199

Why has nobody tried monetizing the training process by making it a reality TV competition show?

>> No.54160715

People who are still following Nijisanji are morons.
Only pains awaits ahead.

>> No.54162680

>new hire

>> No.54165810

>suspending activity until further notice.
failed experiment
Of course they're not going to call it that

>> No.54166884

Dumbass, that's only for houses and apartments. They're not going to snake AC lines and have a million small condensers on the roof of a office or school building. They have central air for those.

>> No.54172930

for fucks sake

>> No.54173236

>Judges other's English

>> No.54173306

>I wonder where they could go, mind tell me, FALSE dick sucker?
They aren't going where you think they are going. They are gone.

>> No.54173633

if she was in bc during her time here she would have no trouble at all. there are a shit load of asians even in the small town I live in

>> No.54177048
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>> No.54177120


>> No.54177198

Shitskin SEAnigger necrobumping.

This is a nothingburger btw: >>54145918

>> No.54177324

When are they going to catch a break

>> No.54177368

When your mudhut gets swallowed by the ocean

>> No.54177626

Took me a year to notice Ponto because i avoided any VTA like the plague. Not even the Minecraft tour with my oshi could warm me up to Ranunclus back then.

>> No.54178667

Kek, nijisister seething at False.
Y'know, if anykara don't strike his videos, he still side with Nijisanji. But now it's open season for everyone.

>> No.54178761


>> No.54178936

Meloco „za luined shitty“ Kyoran could‘ve just directly gone to JP instead of being an EN in name only if it weren‘t for VTA, and I assure you that she would‘ve been more popular than any of their shitters.

>> No.54179160

>Nijisanji bad for trying to take down dramanigger
I guess they should've dropped a nuke on SEA instead since he wouldn't have any audience

>> No.54179434
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>transforming the auditions into american idol
Hmmmm cool idea, but in practice it sounds hard to pull off

>> No.54179554

Perhaps running a company like Amazon and treating all the workers like slaves would be bad for morale and motivation.

>> No.54179768
File: 296 KB, 375x372, 1672580873057178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is niji struggling to manage everyone, is this a case of managing something too big that resources have been stretched thin?

>> No.54179883

The break is normal. It's probably because of the heat wave going on in Japan right now.

>> No.54179889

>Kanda Shoichi
>Debut Date: YouTube: 2018/08/09

>> No.54180170

Break is probably due to the heat wave and covid

>> No.54180217

>Shareholders asking why they're wasting money training talents when they could just pull from indie streamers is my guess.
You dont get paid in the VTA academy anon and niji actually gets free labot from it since the students are told to make clips of their favorite livers and spread it on youtube

>> No.54180229

Why are you lying

>> No.54180485

>25 years old otaku without knowledge trying to run a company

>> No.54180637

>Dramanigger that siding with Nijisanji
Just side with him. Feed him delicious news and make him feel special. He will focus on Holodrama.
Nijisisters and Nijimanagements are too dumb for this strategy.

>> No.54180883

>muh heat
>muh coof
Why didn't they just say the reason then? Those 12 people that got their archives deleted, are they going to debut or did they get fired, WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL PEOPLE ANYTHING
Also VTA is a shitty idea, there is absolutely no reason why people have to waste their time 'training' under the program, some of the new debuts from VTA are pretty good but pretty sure they're not good because they've trained under VTA, they've always been good entertainers.

>> No.54181266

>shitty idea, there is absolutely no reason why people have to waste their time 'training' under the program
The idea isn't bad, give them streaming expierence in the off-branch so they can have a smoother start in the main branch and already a small fanbase. The problem is vtubing is already a niche so almost no one cares for a a niche in it.

>> No.54181519

>Why didn't they just say the reason then?
Because saying something like "our management is dying because the heat and we don't have enough resources to continue the program right no" would sound stupid. They didn't give out any reasons for the breaks last year either.

>Those 12 people that got their archives deleted, are they going to debut or did they get fired, WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL PEOPLE ANYTHING
Wait to see. Some people pass and some do not. It's how it always worked.

>> No.54181716

Salome is an old talent LARPing as new liver that started off as a fucking joke but when it gained massive numbers the liver continued it as a side hustle for the memes.

>> No.54181934

covid huh...
sure worked the last time they used that excuse LMAO

>> No.54181965

Maybe if you retards learned the right lessons from ww2 you would've done better

>> No.54182059

Isn't it indirectly Meiro's fault since they created VTA to filter people like her and Raito? If you believe she was the bad guy in that drama, of course.

>> No.54183523

No new waves for a while then?

>> No.54184126
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>why people have to waste their time 'training' under the program
The idea is that they build a portfolio they can use to apply as VTuber at Nijisanji or any other corpo. They are adults and do this out of their free will, so if they don't like joining VTA, maybe they shouldn't.

>> No.54185528

21 fucking debuts in 2023, and the year isn't even over yet.

>> No.54185655

wait what

>> No.54186481

Only ever liked one of the VTA girls. Was a blonde with shittons of energy from a few months ago. Fun to listen to even though I didn't really understand anything she was saying.
Wonder what happened to her.

>> No.54186794

>Nuking SEA
Look what happened to Japan after 2 nukes. You want more of that but with SEA?

>> No.54186839

Imagine telling your new prospective new employer you came from a black company
