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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54100163 No.54100163 [Reply] [Original]

She's in.

>> No.54100308

She's another vshojo poach. Pomu would literally murder her if she left Niji for Holo.

>> No.54100406
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>Said she quits to take care of her mental health during her graduation marathon
>Probably needs therapy
She is perfect to depend on Tanigox' payroll, while not streaming and becoming a menhera.

>> No.54100567

let's hope. the mommyfags might migrate to her.

>> No.54100570

>She's another vshojo poach
Mysta, on the other hand, along with Magni and Vesper, are joining Vshonen.

>> No.54100695

It's pretty much not possible since Blackjisanji for sure has an extreme non-compete clause in their contract.
But it would be funny as fuck. Biggest shitstorm in a long time.

>> No.54100715

She ugly cried at graduation and said she'll never be able to talk to her fans again. Fox mom is perma-dead, let her go.

>> No.54100716

I don't see what would be unlikely about it. Care to explain?

>> No.54100744

manisanji cuck sleeve whore

>> No.54100747


>> No.54100760


>> No.54100822

yeah, me!

>> No.54100833
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>she's still Nina... for now.

>> No.54100858

I think joining hololive requires a lot of prep time so I think it's impossible

>> No.54100882

Get that ugly chicken out of here

>> No.54100915

>Pomu would literally murder her if she left Niji for Holo.
Out of jealousy?

>> No.54100964

She was the only good, entertaining one in the entire branch so fine.

>> No.54100979

Nina was orbiting Hologirls for the past few months, doing offcollabs, having a LOT of interactions with Kiara and others. Her interactions with vshojo during the last few months were miniscule, almost nonexistent, and Nina's graduation date so close to the EN3 announcement are too on the nose to be a coincidence.

>> No.54101001
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God, I hope

>> No.54101068

>too on the nose to be a coincidence.
So when it does turn out to be a coincidence you will eat those words and dogeza right?

>> No.54101118

Moruru and Nun bora both ugly cried when they graduated, look where they are now

>> No.54101170

Naked dogeza even.

>> No.54101171

How dare you leave niji... without me

>> No.54101174

Oh I'll suck your cock and grease your balls even anon if that you want

>> No.54101238
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Nobody is going to watch that traitorous whore

>> No.54101274

Anycolor and Cover seem to have a bit of an understanding ever since The Luna Incident. Nina wasn't even a god tier idol type or anything, doesn't make sense.

>> No.54101287

The black company betrays their own talent, sister. Nina has every right to join the winners of the EN market.

>> No.54101320

It could have been in the works already before she left, but it also definitely would have needed to be kept a secret from Nijisanji and Cover would need to be okay with the process beginning while she's working elsewhere.

So basically it's almost impossible. Nina's future remains VShojo or indie assuming she continues streaming.

>> No.54101324

welcome to understanding females, anon. She was either acting on Graduation, or she was too paranoid and thinks old fans won't follow into her new persona. she simply thinks she had to build a new fanbase from ground 0, which is rarely the case.

>> No.54101328

Why are nijifags so desperate for this to happen
Is this what they consider a "win" when they just lost the golden boy of luxeim?

>> No.54101348

>their own
No. She's the one who betrayed her family.

>> No.54101445

Yeah, in a helicopter
And in a second she'll be leaving it.

>> No.54101450

Vshojo's corpo talent scouting department is nonexistent. Literally everyone of their new hires started out with close contacts from existing members. I don't think Nina knows anyone from inside who would get VShojo management to sign her.

>> No.54101457

Mysta is fucking done with VTubing

>> No.54101481

i fucking hope not

>> No.54101519


>> No.54101979

Pomu is the biggest holofan in NijiEN

>> No.54102179

>Holo wave 3
Nice Niji plant

>> No.54102316

What do you think Ame is doing?

>> No.54102363

VShojo has no management. Poaching is made by the talent themselves. Nina is friends with Mousey and Magni is also a fan.

>> No.54102419

Sweating as her 2 homos are getting terminated and she is about to lose even more viewers

>> No.54102422
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It's a poll from the Nijien thread.
Grim as fuck

>> No.54102445

I better hope not

Pinko commie bitches should stay out of Hololive

>> No.54102545

To add to this rrat, originally Nina planned on deleting all her youtube videos as well, but then it was decided to only nuke the member streams.

>> No.54102547

tribalfagging has ruined this board. what happened to caring about the individual streamer instead of the corpo?

>> No.54102550

>does she know.png

>> No.54102613

She's getting married and is probably pregnant at this point. Why do you fuckers think they HAVE to go to another life after graduating?

>> No.54102629

To me and by me, by the way.

>> No.54102640

Political brainrot from Trumpfags makes everything an 'us' verses' them' blood sport.

>> No.54102685

oh fuck off to /pol/ or any other shithole you crawled from.

>> No.54102751
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>> No.54102806

I say the brainrot comes from social media in general, no specific political side involved. Pretty sure many researchers already noticed that social media has polarized people further than ever before since it exposes you to much more people at once, but yes, Twitter seems to be a huge part of it. I'll just try to enjoy what I can in my own terms.

>> No.54102939

I don’t think so. It’s too soon.

>> No.54103264

It already existed, social media just put it on steroids to the point they have to inject int into everything even outside of their bubble.
Like the retards who attack anime posts, even though we're on an anime image board.

>> No.54103420
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Didnt know trumpfags were on kiwifarms

>> No.54103522


>> No.54104321

If you think cover is poaching a nijisanji chuba you're out of your mind. nina saw the bubble is about to burst so she moved on when her contact was up, plain and simple.

>> No.54104366

we don't want her

>> No.54104531

>complains about us vs them mentality
The lack of self awareness is astounding

>> No.54104586

At no point I said Cover was poaching Nina.
I say Nina is an opportunist and applied to Hololive, knowing when her Niji contract is ending.

>> No.54104735

>cover is poaching a nijisanji
Pretty sure that already happened once.

>> No.54104905

pol/ is no different from any other subchan, just like vt/
Schizos everywhere.

>> No.54105277

>Ignoring what happened in 2015
Way to prove my point normalfag.

>> No.54105373

It would be funny but no. The graduation date is too soon to be possible.

>> No.54105603

I will anti if this is the case. She is historically hot garbage.

>> No.54105844

No need to worry, anon. It's been proven already that they are getting 2 VShojo whores and 3 indies.

>> No.54105999

This site has always been a shithole. Tourists have come and gone since forever. Remember Boxxy? Even this board is flooded with tourists from reddit/twitter.
Anyways, memeing Donald Trump into the white house was the last great troll 4tunes will ever pull off, so how mad at the election tourists can you be?

>> No.54106079

Keep us updated on your schizophrenia

>> No.54106117

That's about par for the course. I think every single gen has at least two I don't bother watching, either due to not being for me, or just straight up not having the time.
The generations strategy is good because most of them will still manage to have at least 1 chuuba for everyone.
I just hope they didn't fuck up by introducing someone like Nina into the holo eccosystem.

>> No.54106170

She plays niche games and did a hard turn towards all-girl collabs near the end of his term.

>> No.54106232
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>getting 2 VShojo whores
This is not even possible.

>> No.54106321

Non competes dont hold water bro
You cant legally forbid people from fucking working

>> No.54106370

To be fair it's probably easier for Nina to join VShojo since it's an American company.

>> No.54106489

Vtubing isn't work.

>> No.54106559
File: 399 KB, 674x382, nin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard Nina

>> No.54106630

>memeing Donald Trump into the white house was the last great troll 4tunes will ever pull off,
Being useful idiots isn't exactly a great troll job.
Also if you all didn't have your political blinders on, trolling Trump after he became president would have been the ultimate holy grail. But you're too blinded by playing for your team.
Which proves my point.

>> No.54107049

hopefully this bitch didnt make it
i will anti hard if she did

>> No.54107294

Reminder that Nina is a woke bitch and troons astrroturf her here

>> No.54107337

she's the cunny

>> No.54107469

Nina wants "power to the people". Communist slogan.
Nina's "revolution" to "take down capitalism"
"Eat the rich"
"The revolution has begun"

>> No.54107734

absolutely cringe but even if she spouts these shits she will just become out of place in hololive even in holo en.

>> No.54107853

>Arabic version of page
>She doesn't like Muslims
Damn she sounds based lmao.

>> No.54108001

Dear god no… she will ruin EN from the inside out

>> No.54108053

Thank god

>> No.54108162


>> No.54108366

Ok, that's it, I'm watching Nina whenever she reincarnates, you convinced me.

>> No.54108612


>> No.54108671

Non-competes do work, but they are mostly tech industry thing. If you have access to classified info, it would be unfair for you to go work for competition and leak future plans for them. I really doubt entertainment industry actors have access to any real classified data outside of doxx shit.

>> No.54108742

The Nijisanji collabs would be really awkward.

>> No.54108817

Lots of industries with high-value employees have non-competes to prevent corporate headhunting and discourage turnover.

>> No.54108953

Make your samefagging less obvious, Nina.

>> No.54109246

Have you tried not being an American?

>> No.54109311

I could only dream

>> No.54109425

imagine the seeeeethe i lowkey wanna see that

>> No.54109431

Several of those quotes were Enna.

>> No.54109499

go back to x

>> No.54109701

based grudgeposter

>> No.54109779
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>> No.54111057

you need to be above 18 to post here
comunism doesnt work
the ones who promote it are rich themselves
stop being retarded

>> No.54111209

That would be so fucking funny. So many nijien girls tried for holoen and the most unlikely one gets in, leaving them in the dust.

>> No.54111286

Wow nine people what an amazing voter pool.

>> No.54111415

And capitalism does? LOL have you not been paying attention the last few years

>> No.54111600

what serious commie faggot would join the company and follow the rules if they hated capitalism so much. shes just a casual wannabe commie compromising with the reality unlike you. shes not your friend obviously.

god amerimutts are so fucking retarded as hell.

>> No.54111682

you actually havent paid attention because you dont even know what capitalism is if you think that's the system we live under.
look at chile under pinochet or spain under franco. that was capitalism and they had the biggest growth in history for those times.
now communism had the soviet union, mao's china, north korea, cuba and venezuela. Those countries were/are poor as fuck because of it.

>> No.54111706

If you compare North Korea to South Korea I think you will have your answer.
Or Cuba to Florida.
Or East Berlin to West Berlin.
Or Venezuela to Colombia.
Or China to Taiwan.

>> No.54111949

/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

>> No.54111986

>Cuba to Florida
Lol, If you compare a bathtub full of piss to a toilet overflowing with shit even the piss bathtub looks ideal.

>> No.54112872

It would give EN3 a leader right off the bat but I don't see it happening.

>> No.54113603

I know you guys want Nina to get in to own the nijis but she is legitimately not a good fit for a strict idol environment. Plus your usual bottom feeders would constantly complain about the dozens of male collabs she willingly took part in over the last two years.
Just let her be free as an indie, she's tired of the corpo game.

>> No.54113681

Good riddance.

>> No.54113745

we dont want her
it's shitposters

>> No.54113933

holo en is no different from niji en. western vtubers have to hate any idol stuff at all costs because of the amerimutt woke trend or something. only gura and kiara are working on it.

>> No.54115390

Americans has this weird "Counter-culture" mentality where they must always rebel toward something. Even the movie "Rebel without a cause" was made to placate the rebellious teens especially the female teens where they can salivate over James Dean.
This keep going on until modern day. You have the likes of Nirvana, Green Day, Metallica and stuff like that. But in the end did they really make a difference? Most of their fans grow old to become just another wagie and they consider their past as a "phase" of their life.
EN girls are mostly Americans. They're the most susceptible demographic for counter-culture thanks to their country promoting the counter culture to keep the youth happy before they grow up and became another wagie

>> No.54115585

>North Korea to South Korea
One is a hellscape where people are overworked to death and have to obey a ruling class that is above the law on virtue of owning most if not all assets within the country, the other is North Korea.

>> No.54116171

oh yes life in north korea is so much better please continue educating me about the priviliges of no sanitation.

>> No.54118056

>She's another vshojo poach.

>> No.54118166

>Green Day
>modern day
Time to go bed, grandpa.

>> No.54118315
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And a fine chingchong, nipnong to you too!

>> No.54120816

Not my point, both system will fail you, with communism doing so instantly and pure capitalism taking its sweet time getting there, they are just different systems to put everything in the hands of few.
