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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54036206 No.54036206 [Reply] [Original]


>I actually feel more limited and it's not just because of company stuff
>It's also because of past things that happened being in luxiem, past controversy bullshit from fans
>so a lot of you know that I said a long time ago I never want to do an off collab again and that's still true
>I'm very scared to do what I wanna do
>I would love to go to close friend's houses and do collabs with them and shit but it's too much of a headache
>My mindset in the past was I have an idea, I'm gonna do the idea
>But now it's I have an idea, but am I allowed to do the idea and then is it a good idea to do it with people I wanna do it with
>how will it affect me and them, how will things be in the long and short term for us and will this affect future collabs with other people
>more times than not it's more risk for the other person
>you guys have seen how fucking crazy luxiem, vtuber fans can be
>people in chat here are silent but they chat on other websites
>and these people will go out of their way to harass anyone I talk to

Sisters are slowly killing nijien...

>> No.54036335
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What was the saying again? "All it takes are just few mean comments" Or something?

>> No.54036858
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>> No.54037175

This nigga is such a sad sack of shit that people don't even care about the fact that he's graduating.
Everyone just shrugged and went "was inevitable"

We need a real shock graduation.

>> No.54038664

That's just coping anon, the same way "we didn't want that (x) anyway" is

>> No.54038952

He is right though, his first 6 months had so much drama
Holofags participated in it too, his old friends who resented him being in Niji digging up shit only when he got into Niji. I remember the threads. He's not mentally strong enough, none of the dudes are

>> No.54039051

Women were a mistake
Give Adam back his rib.

>> No.54039148

>We need a real shock graduation.
Who would that be then? Pomu?

>> No.54039181

>blame Holo
kek Nijifaggot can't help himself.

>> No.54039257

Oh no… what has millie done to this man…

>> No.54039267


The only thing I know about that retard is his name, that he used to fujobait with the nijisister daddy vox and the multiple menhera breakdows that he had saying that he will fuck her coworkers or the one of the OP

>> No.54039288

Where am I blaming Holo? The usage of the word "too" denotes that both Nijisisters and Holospergs wanted him gone. This is an English vtuber thread.

>> No.54039386

we don't even know him outside of him being in luxiem and clips of him talking like a wannabe, never participated in anything that is in your imagination.

>> No.54039457

Adam was never gay.

>> No.54039642

>lacks reading comprehension
>gets mad

>> No.54039751


>> No.54039761

>blame holo for no reason
>get mad when called out for his imaginary enemy.

>> No.54039781

It has to be someone at the level of Pomu, Selen, maybe Elira, for people to actually be shocked. Very few people would be able to have a bigger effect from graduation than how Nina did.

>> No.54039874

>still too retarded to understand I never blamed Hololive the company at all

>> No.54039967

>blame people who never participated
i-i-i never blamed anyone. you are too retarded to talk to.

>> No.54040071

ok, I clicked your link and watched for FIVE (5) minutes and he didn't say any of that. Can you revise your timecode or something?

>> No.54040076

Anon the only dudes getting shittalked here in a noticeable way were Vox and Luca, the other guys may as well not exist to anons here. That's on nijisisters/chinks. Own up to that at least.

>> No.54040163


>> No.54040273

OP posted the wrong link, it's here https://youtu.be/aK50X1klpl8?t=2789

>> No.54040515

There’s also the Discord leak where he’s having a breakdown instead of shitting on HoloEN.

>> No.54040667

>Makes more money than most of us will ever see
>All he has to do is show up and barely do anything
Good riddance.

>> No.54040792

Being a public entertainer wasn't for him.

>> No.54041003

What the hell? I thought unicorn and parasocial Hololive fans were the issue. Why are NijiEN talents the one running away from their dogshit sister fans????

>> No.54041013
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>> No.54041054
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When women become unicorns, they are crazier.

>> No.54041142

cuz ppl just get used to it, nijigraduation

>> No.54041188

no, I think it was, just not in Niji where he's limited in everything he can do. He was pretty entertaining at the start.

>> No.54041200

He was raped by vox

>> No.54041236

Sisters have never been there to properly support ANYONE thats the reality of it

>> No.54041291

How long until he misses the money and comes back?

>> No.54041435

being a chuuba sounds like the easiest job on the planet yet so many of them quit because wah wahh i can't be ~creative~ or wah wahh people on the internet are mean to me. this is something i will never understand.

>> No.54041547

You don't understand because you don't have it. There's a reason no one wants your untalented ass

>> No.54041560

most are just spoilered young adults I feel, many prob have never had a real long term job

>> No.54041755

Many seem very sheltered or have some abusive background. Plus being zoomers who grew up online.

>> No.54041779

I was skeptical male vtubers could work in the west. Then I saw Mysta's debut and he was funny, charismatic and basically exactly what I wanted out of male vtubers, a sort of extension of the male content creators I already watched except anime. He even referenced those same creators with a few Oneyplays/Sleepycabin jokes, so the future was looking bright. Then things started to change. He talked about his demographics being something like 85/15 female despite women never caring about him before. He started lewdbaiting a lot more, talking in a sultry voice and giving kisses to his SCs. He was still funny in collabs and his Ironmouse SOTD is probably the funniest episode, but it was clear his solo content was no longer for me. Fickle women ruined his content, and even when he stopped catering to them, it was too late. At this point, all male vtubers need to filter them from the beginning, but the damage has probably been done and we'll never get an EN version of the brotubers NijiJP has, at least no big ones.

>> No.54041795

Selen is next

>> No.54041978

you're right anon, it must be extremely hard to sit at home talking on video without even showing your face because you have a live2d model other people drew and rigged for you.

>> No.54042316

you will never get bigger spenders than people who watch GFE/BFE, all you have to do is actually commit and not have a meltdown and tell your fans that you're not dating and that umm ackshually being parasocial is... le bad!!!
schizoid femcels are the worst people in the universe but you don't even have to interact with them in person. just pretend. and if you decide you want that audience, be ready to accept what comes with it. you can't have the women AND brotuber enjoyers you need to pick one and stick to it or else you will end up alienating both.

>> No.54042439
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>can't have the women AND brotuber enjoyers you need to pick one and stick to it or else you will end up alienating both.

You can... just not both at the same time

>> No.54042584

Anyome have that SS of the dog eating kindred?

>> No.54042777

The reaction to a nijisanji gradutation is always fans shitting on the talent. Nijisanji fans hate nijsanji livers most of all.

>> No.54042808

I think it could work if the BFE is extremely subtle or potentially even unintentional where there's plausible deniability for the straight male fans, which Bettel arguably is. Interestingly enough, he's probably the closest vtuber in mannerisms to Jerma who also has a big female fanbase. In cases like that, it won't be the creator alienating the fans, it'll be the fans themselves.

>> No.54042856

If it was so easy then why are you still crying on 4chan instead of becoming the next big vtuber anon?

>> No.54042960

Vesper you mean. Bettel's fanbase is just women

>> No.54043033

Selen wouldn't be that much of a shocker, she could easily want to go full time on her esports shit or whatever. Pomu or Elira leaving would absolutely crush the entire branch though, but there's 0% chance of Elira leaving and Pomu is going to stick around for at least another year or so.

>> No.54043038

And dont shit on them, its not hard, just move on, the old fans will understand

>> No.54043080

We aren't allowed nice things like brotubers because that doesn't make enough money and company will complain. I wouldn't be surprised if mysta was forced to pander to them by his manager.

>> No.54043138

Women grow up never being taught about boundaries at then start acting like lecherous old men when they enter these type of fanbases, and nobody ever calls them out on their behavior.

>> No.54043204

>dishes out banter
>can't take it
>boo hoo why can't you just give me money

>> No.54043220

Vesper's the biggest crybaby primadonna in Tempus

>> No.54043241

>it won't be the creator alienating the fans, it'll be the fans themselves
this is also why it can't work. even if the content itself is fine, the chat is part of the experience. so it won't be appealing for men to see a chat full of kpop twitter women, just like it won't be appealing to women to see a chat full of men showing up for the brotuber experience. if you try to please too many people you will struggle with keeping your audience, especially with how many vtubers there are right now. people can just immediately move on to the next one without giving you a second chance.

>> No.54043303

Didn't the same thing happen to one of the JP members? Nipple man's friend

>> No.54043349

I mean perhaps, but his fans are just as mentally ill as he is so it's not like he will be alienating anyone. He still has the biggest straight male fanbase in tempus bar none.

>> No.54043507

Yeah the brotuber experience only works in edited/recorded content where the chat does not play a significant role in the entertainment, in a livestream format, if the dude is in anyway hot or desirable eventually the bfe folks win out

>> No.54043556

even selen wont be a shock, she said before vtuber careers only last 2-3 years.

>> No.54043784

I swear to fucking god brotuber beggars are some of the most retarded fucks I've seen in this community.
Just watch flesh streamers. Every single time you retards get baited and start shilling some turbo faggot and then act surprised when it turns out he's a turbo bitch appealing to women.
>t-this time for sure we'll have our brotuber!

>> No.54043878

Genuinely asking if any # people are in here, can we extrapolate Bettel's gender demographics in any way? I know there are a lot of women among his whales, but I see a lot of men in his chat too and he's basically doing the same shit he was doing a decade ago when he has a majority male audience.
But yes, Vesper might have the highest ratio of male viewers in all of EN male vtubing (among 4 views at least that isn't the boyfriend of a bigger streamer like LordAethelstan) just by consistently doing things that alienate women like playing WoW for hours on end.

>> No.54044050



>> No.54044250

Unless the person themselves comes out with numbers, no. We already have evidence that women being loud in chat disparages males from chatting so using chat as a way to gauge viewership is an absolute crapshoot too.

>> No.54044334

>But now it's I have an idea, but am I allowed to do the idea and then is it a good idea to do it with people I wanna do it with
>how will it affect me and them, how will things be in the long and short term for us
Is this not just how normal people think about their actions?

>> No.54044356

The flesh streamers/youtubers that are actually funny are generally pretty hostile to fans of anime/Japanese media. Hard to do that when you ARE anime. It shouldn't be too much to ask for just ONE guy like Vinny or the let's players of 2012 and onward that doesn't have a fujo/yume guillotine hanging over their necks.

>> No.54044433

>Mori got shat on on almost everything she did over the last 2 years or so
>Still forging on happily (at times)
>Mysta was harassed by a few sisters months ago
>Burnt out and eventually quit
Either this guy is a massive pussy or NijiEN should take better care of their member / friend's mental health

>> No.54044440

normal people generally don't have to worry about whether they're going to have thousands of people trying to ruin their career if they make one misstep

>> No.54044571

Based on the context and actual clip I watched, I'm getting the impression that it's pretty high stressful because of how land-mine-esque his decision-making has to be. Especially with his collaborators and all.

There's a lot of high thinking and stress associated with it and most jobs aren't that high stress unless you go up the corpo ladder. Sounds like he just wants to have a chill and good time.

Having strategy is fine but some people aren't interested in that especially if they want to just have a relaxed fun time which Mystas seems to want.

>> No.54044647

>Be an experimental gen
>Get popular way too fast, can't tard wrangle Chinese chat
>Management won't help you
>Management only knows the words "no" or radio silence when it comes to personal projects
>Share a company with idiots who keep shaking the antis beehive for no reason
>Be fairly menhera yourself
>Get none of the rewards for such fast growth
>No 3D, canceled AR Live, 2%
>Company constantly trying to cannibalism your fanbase with new waves that look like they tried to recreate you with an algorithm
>Fans doxx you for saying Chinese gacha game names wrong
I feel genuine pity for Luxiem

>> No.54044740
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>“I am just a streamer who plays games; don’t pretend to be my girlfriend and have strange dreams about me,” he continued.

>> No.54044876

Vox should really fucking leave.

>> No.54044997

Axia got his ass kicked because Nijisanji desperately wanted to recreate ChroNior with him and Lauren, even though ChroNior happened naturally out of their own free will and was not company mandated. Can't have Axia making his gachi fanbase feeling bad by chastising them seriously and ruin the company's attempts to catch lightning in a bottle again. Of course then the guy explodes and it's roo late to fix it.

>> No.54045102

Are you being genuine or an anti, because this statement can fall into either category honestly, poor guy is always on the verge of a breakdown because of his crazy fans.

>> No.54045190

if Axia got even a fraction of the hate and harrassment Kanae gets on a daily basis, he would've had his meltdown 2 weeks after making his debut

>> No.54045259

i have one vtuber fan friend and we used to talk about our oshis. mine was nina, his was mysta. this is some kind of an evil irony

>> No.54045267

They (Luxiem, especially those who stream in CN timeslot) reap what they sow. They used to do much fewer coombait streams in the first 2 months after their debuts. They only started going hard at it after they found out how thirsty CN / SEA sisters are and were too much of a bunch of numberfags to stop.
Those sisters didn't come out of nowhere. Luxiem, Mysta included, pandered them to get to their peaks.

>> No.54045321

babyshit. i get the entire legal system on me if i mess up

>> No.54045328

He should let his collab partners worry about that. It's not like his toxic fanbase is a secret.

>> No.54045349

Oh I agree, Kanae is just an absolute juggernaut at handling it at this point and he's getting to do the things he wants to do. I'm not saying anykara was SUCCESSFUL at recreating ChroNior, I'm saying their attempts to do so set Axia up for failure.

>> No.54045545

They ate the forbidden fruit of Chinese gachis. Normal amounts of fanserve would have been just fine, but they leaned way too far into the coom and by the time they exploded there was no coming back.

>> No.54045649

One a month huh, who's next

>> No.54045749

I don't know man skill issue. Used to follow some brotubers from my Country before getting into chuubas and all of them were massive weebs.
Just look further into it. Instead you get baited into shilling a bunch of menhera faggots and then act surprised when the entire fandom is filled with chink sisters and kpop stans.

>> No.54045814

>Mysta will soon be gone
One down, two (and a half) to go

>> No.54046043

They clearly didn't know what that fanbase was like. I know Vox in particular was completely uninterested in the scene before he joined Luxiem and I imagine that the other guys weren't exactly deeply involved with this fanbase before joining either. I guess all they knew is that apparently if you don a pretty anime boy avatar and do lewd BFE ASMR streams a bunch of women will throw stupid amounts of money at you, and I guess they heard that and were like "sounds like easy money, sign me up boss" but after they made it big with that fanbase they learned just how batshit insane those girls can be and I don't think they were ready for it, Mysta most of all of them seemed disturbed by the fanbase they had cultivated.

>> No.54046080
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>these people will go out of their way to harass anyone I talk to
The Male Elimination Project is proceeding according to plan. Total unicorn victory is assured.

>> No.54046250

It is unfortunately a beast of their own (unknowing) making. Management should have tardwrangled from the beginning but once they drank of the coomerbucks, they were doomed. If they wanted yumes, the could have had yumes without going whole hog, but lewd shit brings in way more money (and batshit insane people).

>> No.54046482

I hope all of the hurt Mystakes take the time to learn that gatekeeping is good and there are very much fans you want to keep out.

>> No.54046669
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>> No.54046779

Never go CN, those yuan ain't worth it.

>> No.54046787

Mysta learned to gatekeep at the end of his career. Intentionally filtered certain fans, by his own admission. He spoke multiple times about liking his current fanbase, despite a portion being crazy as he says in the OP. Said in another recent stream it makes him happy that only the "hardcore fans" watch him now.
It wasn't enough to keep him around unfortunately, but I'm sure he'll be reincarnating, so eh.

>> No.54046869

what the actual fuck

>> No.54046951

>I'm sure he'll be reincarnating, so eh.
He'll come back to you one day, stronger than every. When that time comes, remember these types of bitches >>54046669 and don't give them an inch.

>> No.54046969

Pomu graduating would be the end of Niji EN, but she would never graduate since she's a huge Nijifag.
However, her graduating would most-likely mean she joined Holo EN the next day.
>inb4 she failed auditions back in the days
She failed when she was still an inexperienced nobody, but she has proven her worth since then. Pomu has a massive history of success as of now and Cover would know that she would be a money printing machine for them.
>inb4 a Nijifag joining Cover blah blah tribalism
You know that talents don't give a shit about tribalism, right

>> No.54046982

Thats the one. Kek. But the pussy and wimpy unicorns are the problem, right sisters?

>> No.54047064

they all suck honestly

>> No.54047106

Thank god this faggot is graduating.
Maybe Nijisanji EN will be watchable when all of Lux fucks off

>> No.54047164

I believe her she is mainlander bug

>> No.54047189

>she's a huge Nijifag
lmao no she's not, she applied to Hololive first. She barely knows anything about Nijisanji she just needed a job for her medical bills

>> No.54047310

Does he now? Why? Kuzuha fans?

>> No.54047331

>Have a male oshi
>Doesn't collab excessively with women
>Doesn't pander to Chinese fujos
>Doesn't get attention from unicorns because he never enters their field of vision
Feels good, /#/ can go fuck themselves because my oshi is happy, his fans are happy, and antis are not even a problem.

>> No.54047435

>Collabs with women
>Collabs with equally if not more so popular friend, who has all of the above as well
Man's a target and a half.

>> No.54047510

I see. Damn. I didn't know that. Well, more like I didn't think about it too much. But it kind of makes sense. Props to him for not breaking under pressure.

>> No.54047593

>nijiEN slowly falling apart
better ACCELERATE even faster

>> No.54047713

Chinese investors really don't care, they want green line to go up as fast as possible so they can sell and be long gone before the consequences ever hit. MORE DEBUTS! NEED MORE IMMEDIATE HYPE!

>> No.54047740

Yeah, like there's a long time meme that strippers hate women who come into a strip club. They're notorious for not giving a shit about groping and harassing etc. strippers, male and female alike, because they haven't had those kinds of boundaries beat into their head.

>> No.54048190

No one has any issues with that. In a perfect world Hololive panders to unicorn, NijiEN to the sisters and Stars to the yume/fujos. Everyone has their niche.
Problem was when these retards tried to turn HoloEN into NijiEN and the mongoloid sisters called everyone an incel for not accepting it.

>> No.54048665
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How about new wave every month? Chinese overlords would be happy with green line going green

>> No.54048851

Stop, the marina can only hold so many yachts!

>> No.54049110

There's a difference between being entertaining and being an entertainer. Obviously the latter requires the former, but just as important is being able to peer into the seething mass that is your fanbase without immediately picking out the worst comments and letting them sear into your brain.
He was really really bad at this. Anyone who is can't do streaming in the long term.

>> No.54049142
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>>I'm very scared to do what I wanna do
>>I would love to go FUCK MIKA but it's too much of a headache
>>My mindset in the past was I have an idea, I'm gonna do MIKA
>>But now it's I have an idea, but am I allowed to FUCK MIKA and then is it a good idea to FUCK MIKA
>>how will it affect me and MIKA, how will things be in the long and short term for us and will this affect future collabs with other people
>>more times than not it's more risk for MIKA
>>you guys have seen how fucking crazy luxiem, vtuber fans can be
>>people in chat here are silent but they chat on other websites
>>and these people will go out of their way to harass anyone I talk to
We get it, bro. Enjoy yourselves.

>> No.54049727

I think the collab thing was referring to the Shoto collabs rather than the Mika collabs since Shoto has also said that the Niji collabs were nightmares as well.

>> No.54049921

He unironically has my 100% support if this is true.

>> No.54050609

>before the consequences ever hit
Seems a bit late for that now

>> No.54051561

I never said it anywhere and I know that nobody cares either, but it seems like an appropriate moment so I'll get it off my chest: I never cared about Mysta, never could enjoy his content, collabs nor clips. He always seemed like a very, very young, inexperienced idiot. Maybe if here were 10-15 years older I'd start caring about his views, stories and comedy. Like this, he's simply not worth the time.
For reference, I've always had much more respect for people like Vox, who I don't actively follow but at least he knows what he's doing and does a good job at it, Shu, Yashikizu, Chaika to name a few. People who are smart, stable and entertaining. (ok maybe Chaika is not that stable but still...)
But yeah, just a rant...

>> No.54051691

Chaika is smart for throwing his co-workers under the bus for more management pull

>> No.54054596
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Its honestly the best part of the image, Mysta's the only one using the channel to actually vent, everyone else is just shitting on hololive.

>> No.54058677

I could see some autistic retards saying shit like that here if it was Mori or some other vtuber that is persona non grata. Chinksisters are just the female equivalent of /vt/ shitposters. In a better world there would be mutually assured destruction of these two loser demographics.

>> No.54058884

>Chinksisters are just the female equivalent of /vt/ shitposters
not even in the same realm considering all that vt can do is just shitpost while the chinksisters actually doxxed him and his mother and her family in flipland as well

>> No.54059219

Oh please, even in his PL he was pathetically simple to one guy. Dude just can't take it at all, he was Axia tier.

>> No.54059587

>Fans doxx you for saying Chinese gacha game names wrong
What the fuck, real?

>> No.54059765

He got harassed twice by Genshin fans for saying some characters name wrong and then saying that the fanbase is retarded though the doxx they used was from before the drama

>> No.54060472

we're just getting our receipts for aloe

>> No.54060840

>easiest job in the world
>still complain and quit
>terminally online and can't filter anything because retarded
>complain about not being able to do what you want
>other talents have done creative things while he's done nothing
This guy is so full of shit. What does he actually want?

>> No.54060988

>Still forging on happily (at times)
she basically lives it Japan, She has A LOT of friends there. Mysta is basically alone

>> No.54061105

They are as schizo like me... Maybe women arent that bad...

>> No.54061255

Get them both out of this hobby

>> No.54061410
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I mean...

>> No.54061529

>You know that talents don't give a shit about tribalism, right
sure, if you ignore the EN discord leak and gwelu singing a pekora anti song on stream.

>> No.54061673

nobody cares anti-anon

>> No.54061894

Mysta in particular cant fall back on anything outside of vtubing for... obvious reasons... I hope he enjoys McDonalds!

>> No.54062200

Freedom to do whatever he wants and be paid for it, but also freedom from responsibility of being entertaining or pleasing his audience.

>> No.54062227

the pekora anti shit was a joke
The discord leak was literally just fulgur and vox

>> No.54063250

They should date each other and fuck

>> No.54063423

is she worth it? Isn't she like, really stinky and slutty?

>> No.54063492

This guy sounds like a pretentious twat. How did he even get a following?

>> No.54063685
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What's happening to NjjiEN is karma for what Nijisanji fags did to aloe.

>> No.54063850

How the fuck did he mess up life that badly?

>> No.54064152

Kill yourself aloe harasser

>> No.54064248

Kill yourself aloe harasser

>> No.54064401

such a good joke that it caused nijisanji a sponsorship stream which was what got gwelu suspended

>> No.54064630

Kill yourself aloe harasser

>> No.54064664

someone edit the yagoo holding out his hand picture to just him standing with his back turned, it will be useful in the coming months

>> No.54065858

To be fair, they were probably pressured by management to maximise earnings from CN women. Consequences be damned, they can always hire more men if the ones they have now fuck up or get burned out. Male vtuber gacha for the gacha loving chinks.

>> No.54066055

>eats dog
lmao the stereotypes reinforce themselves

>> No.54066218


>> No.54066770

For Aloe

>> No.54066878

So just like kiara whiw as in Europe for two years and in some cases even worse antis than Mysta?

>> No.54066999

Where would she even go? She's not good enough for VSPO is she?

>> No.54067290

Nijisanji fans kill yourselves

>> No.54067703

Make me, faggot.

>> No.54067814

Your family will die for what you did to Aloe

>> No.54067925

>aloeschizo so far off their meds they're blaming EN

>> No.54067984

Didnt they try with Hex only to fall flat in their face?

>> No.54068020


>> No.54068070

Nijisanji fans are still Nijisanji fans retard. Kill yourself

>> No.54068100

Thats quite ironic considering vox did the same shit before joining niji but pandering to a different part of the world

>> No.54068196

reminds me of last year when some fag tried to revive the aloe rrat in yt comments saying that she was rightfully fired for talking shit about the other company and even doxxing them

>> No.54068262

Nijisanji fans harassed her and Nijisanji deserves to suffer for that.

>> No.54068345

Seeth more sister, most of your money went to Anykara anyway kek

>> No.54068424

Shoto's own damn fault for being a bottom bitch yaoi boy. Like why even bother with vtubing as a genetic male if all you want to do is play valorant and talk shit on camera.

>> No.54068431

Nyfcosisters, our response?

>> No.54068477

Meds SEAnigger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVhSRmoGehg

>> No.54068611

Kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.54068665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.54068690

ah Miran the typical holo "fan" who never went to holofes but supported niji doujins

>> No.54068728

He needs to kill himself

>> No.54068961

You need to kill yourself for being this schizophrenic about 3 year old stuff

>> No.54068985

guy has been doxxed anon

>> No.54069034

Kill yourself Nijisanji fan aka Aloe Harasser

>> No.54069054 [DELETED] 

And you just invented this bullshit because you're part of SEAnigger discord rrat spreader

>> No.54069154

sure anon lets go with that its not like people have doxxed him and harassed him irl due to him being retarded

>> No.54069215

he has another yt account which i forgot

>> No.54069578

So he still makes videos like nothing happened? Weak 'doxxing' right there. I see nothing pointing out that he's a Niji fan falseflagging as a holo fan or some schizophrenic headcannon either.

>> No.54070269

Kill yourselves Aloe harassers

>> No.54071329


>> No.54071490

Kill yourself Nijisanji fan aka aloe harasser

>> No.54075365

mucho texto

>> No.54078746

she never applied to holo and her past life said she's a big nijifan

>> No.54080974

Why are nijisisters like this?

>> No.54082617

They neec to be raped for being nijisanji fans

>> No.54083264

The JP brotubers are great about seperation. Kuzuha for example, all the gay shit is limited to the chronoir channel+kanae's twitcast on chronoir day and they're just good friends on all other normal streams. The fans understand this and respect it.

>> No.54084031

Jesus I wish my life was so easy this was the kind of shit I was "worried" about lmao

>> No.54084053

Kill yourself Nijisanji fan

>> No.54084067

He can just move back to PH. His income from VTubing should've been way more than enough to live comfortably the rest of his life. He already bought a house there anyway

>> No.54086848
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>it's not gay if it's not on his own channel (usually)
am i getting this brotuber logic right?
you are right about jp fujos being more respectful though, en ones could learn a thing or two about not directly bothering the guys they ship

>> No.54087488
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I'm always very glad and happy that I'm not an incel loser or schizophrenic.
Sucks to be some of you genuinely.

>> No.54088680

Kill yourself nijisanji fan aka aloe harasser

>> No.54089452

Pretty sure axia quit because he had a gf, the fujos were one thing but anti's and gachis were literally accusing him of fucking that one chick because it showed they played monhun on their switch.
Like there was an entire anti-thread basically accusing him of going balls deep in her lol.

I have to assume it's the reason he took the defamation so seriously.

>> No.54089687

It's not gay because kanae isn't a faggot.


>> No.54090701
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>he genuinely believes this
anon.. even if you think the chronoir stuff(and his other interactions with guys) is fujobait, he calls his own fans boyfriends and he said early that he would date people regardless of gender. he's very open minded and enjoys male attention, at the very least.
this doesn't even feel like an argument worth having, how can you actually believe this about kanae of all people?

>> No.54091086

God was the one who took Adam's rib, tell him to give it back

>> No.54095066

Something is seriously wrong in the land of nijisanji

No, I'm not just saying this for tribal reasons. Something is seriously wrong when the second biggest talent in your entire branch suffers from burnout and instead of taking a break he decides to quit instead. Yeah, sure, shitty fans and what not, but if working at nijisanji is actually enjoyable, this wouldn't be an issue. The fact that Mysta is actually quitting speaks to a severe disjunction in nijisanji's management, either they physically do not care that they are losing their second biggest talent, or they care but working at nijisanji is so shitty that there's nothing they can offer to incentivize Mysta to stay on

>> No.54095594

Nijisanji fans should be raped for what they did to Aloe.

>> No.54095791

We've lost like 4 NijiENs now, right? First was Yuugo Asuma last year because of "unacceptable behavior".
Then the termination heard round the world with Zaion and the fallout from that.
Then Nina just quietly announcing her leaving and then Mysta today.

Maybe the corporate structure finally crushed them since those last 2 were fine with not much of hint of them wanting to leave until they announced it. I'm not sure I personally believe Mysta's stated reasons for leaving and that money did have to come into play with it. I'd put up with the on-high orders to get more money since I would separate myself from the personality I play as the character.

>> No.54096319

getting women into the fanbase was a mistake

>> No.54096447

They should be raped

>> No.54096861

more like pandering to westerners who only started watching vtubers in 2020 was a mistake

>> No.54099530

5 members if you count the guy who left before debut.

>> No.54099615

The AR Live's cancellation and Luxiem publicly voicing their discontent over it was a huge sign that the branch is falling apart.

>> No.54100437

Still butthurt you lost the too spot eh nijinig?

>> No.54100847

>shitty fans and what not, but
the main reason is the shitty fans. otherwise whats so fucking hard? the work pace is totally controllable, a lot of niji jp livers dont try so hard to stream, some like ichigo even take a break for months, whereas your troon and fujoshit comrades are absolutely unhinged and totally uncontrollable. maybe you should stop blaming the management for everything.

>> No.54101805

Kill yourself nijisanji fan

>> No.54102097
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reminder that this menhera and nina were the people who opened the floodgates of male offcollabs. and now they have the audacity to try to whitewash out their involvement of turning this already shitty branch into an even more shittier branch.

>> No.54102268

Why do holoniggers care about Mysta? Aren't you fucks getting bored of dunking on nijifans? Just leave us alone.

>> No.54102413
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>> No.54102803
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>> No.54102871

If nijisanji was a competent company, that wouldn't be enough to make him quit. The fact that he thought that quitting was better than staying at the company earning supposedly thousands a month means there something rotten there, and it's not like nijisanji is a small company where losing your talents to bigger companies is a thing. For a male vtuber, Nijisanji is the top spot, so if you're losing talents to burnout, something has gone horribly wrong

>> No.54102896

termination of the entire branch

>> No.54103055
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is this what they call "sad boy"

>> No.54103515

someone qrd me on mysta leaving
is it menhera?

>> No.54103818
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even know about axia and lulu from niji jp. they were much more popular and relevant, made much more money than mysta, and yet had to graduate for their shitty fans.

he isnt the first liver who has graduated with their top tier popularity. to put it in another way, the niji fanbase is just much more toxic than the management.

>> No.54103974

Nobody put a gun to their head and forced them to graduate, they choose to graduate because nijisanji either wouldn't or couldn't care enough to get them to stay.

>> No.54104433

you are overly defensive about niji fanbase. must be one of the toxic fans who pushes mysta into graduating. and faggots like you say again that any colour is a shit company when they say they crack down on the toxic fans to protect livers. then whats the solution? just answer.

>> No.54104550

I'm not defending the niji fanbase, I'm shitting on niji management who literally did such a poor job their talents would rather leave a lucrative job where they mostly set their own hours than stick around

>> No.54104553

nijiEN's fanase is chinese and SEA

>> No.54104558
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>those last 2 were fine with not much of hint of them wanting to leave until they announced it

>> No.54104867

>Makes more money than most of us will ever see
He got about 440k in superchats total, after subtracting revenue cuts he's at about 110k.
He makes basically 0 off merch, adsense doesn't pay shit and he has no other major revenue streams.
He's been active for a year and a half or so, leaving him at 73k p.a. +/-20% or so depending on revenue split.

It's good money, but for a fulltime commitment with no upward prospects, it's really not all that impressive.

>> No.54106400

>Sisters are slowly killing nijien...
They're not

>> No.54106857

No exceptions,

>> No.54108796

