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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 682 KB, 860x1271, Mori-Calliope_pr-img_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53963423 No.53963423 [Reply] [Original]

I literally only watch Mori these days. This isn't bait. I barely even know what happens in Hololive unless Mori tweets about it or mentions it on stream. If Mori isn't on, I might watch Tomoe Umari or Amiya Aranha, but other than that I'll just watch normal YouTube or listen to music if those three aren't streaming.

>> No.53963570
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>> No.53964240

Based devoted deadbeat

>> No.53964380
File: 98 KB, 477x477, 1672358648528079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you

>> No.53964398

>I might watch Tomoe Umari or Amiya Aranha
Stealth shill thread, buy an ad

>> No.53964437

My sincere condolences

>> No.53964444
File: 326 KB, 2066x678, notlikethis_031636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you're one of literally DOZENS of remaining deadbeats.

>> No.53964490

What's the point of this thread?

>> No.53964663

>This isn't bait
anyone who says anything positive about her isn't a real fan.

>> No.53964812

This is what happens when children don't have a father in the home, they become Deadbeats.

>> No.53964879

same here only its ina for me ... I just don't care anymore for the holohomofamily shit

>> No.53964890

>Gura still can't beat a reupload of her one piece song even having double her subs.

>> No.53965051

Yup her 2nd original song that's fully animated is doing worse than a reupload. Gura is a failure

>> No.53965246

I love how "Mori when carried by the biggest media franchise in Japan can barely beat DO U" is the only cope deadbeats have left.
Meanwhile, Q is the second most watched video on her channel.

>> No.53965285

So what you're saying is real fans only have negative things to say about her?

>> No.53965317

Don't look at what Guras most viewed video is you might pass out. Roru stay mad chumbud

>> No.53965329

Nice blog faggot

>> No.53965336

I love how CCV is the only cope chumbuds have left.

>> No.53965421

Reflect reached 1 million in 10 hours

>> No.53965511

And now her new highly anticipated 2nd mv that's fully animated can't beat a reupload. Oof

>> No.53965581

Q has more views on Gura's channel...

>> No.53965668

"Highly anticipated"
Bruh, if you had watched the streams you would know she revealed it months before uploading it, there are even uploads of it on clip channels
Wait for Full Color

>> No.53965695

Mori is literally in Guras most viewed video. Her getting the last laugh couldn't be funnier

>> No.53965742

>y-y-yeah b-but I'm coping

>> No.53965756

Because that literally second song on Gura's channel.

>> No.53965846

>ITT cuckbeats trying to seriously argue Mori is carrying Gura
>Reality: Mori is lucky if she can get 2k without resorting to coombaiting or clickbaiting

>> No.53965874

And who's fault is that

>> No.53965914

Considering Gura can't even beat a reupload with double the subs. It's looking grim

>> No.53965917
File: 699 KB, 832x1000, 1674932879160356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will still blame Mori

>> No.53965951

At this point Deadbeats are entirely fueled by Copium and shared delusion.

>> No.53966068

This didn't need a thread

>> No.53966926

Indeed not, but they're trying to gaslight us into thinking that she's popular now. It's kinda sad.

>> No.53967970

I watch Morí+ Kronii+ ID.

>> No.53968203

>I might watch Tomoe Umari or Amiya Aranha
you almost got me, faggot

>> No.53968772

same but kaela and moom

>> No.53968911

your probably baiting since your a dead beat whose shilling he's oshis but in all seriousness most people choose an oshi and stick them while ignoring the others

>> No.53969043

Are deadbeats inside your room right now?

>> No.53969116

>I've been found out!! I must pretend the person who found me out is mentally ill!!

>> No.53969140

>this isn't bait
I stopped reading there

>> No.53969164

No need to lie, deadbeat. I know it you acting like you are Mori anti.

>> No.53969251

>Antis are Deadbeats
>Deadbeats are antis
Skinwalkers all the way down.

>> No.53969364

These astroturf threads are getting sad.
Her numbers have only dropped since this spam started 2 months ago.

>> No.53969371

All ways have been.

>> No.53969416

We know it is you making these threads.

>> No.53969586

No, that's just (((you)))

>> No.53969633

Don't kid yourself.

>> No.53969716

No, I know what's going down. Deadbeats have been astroturfing ever since the OP costume turned out to look as retarded as it does.

>> No.53969777

Sure they have.

>> No.53969877


>> No.53969951

Deadbeats are THE worst fanbase out of all of them. Bar none.

>> No.53970004

Why do these threads always turn from anti Mori to anti deadheat?

>> No.53970017


>> No.53970066

The fanbase reflects their oshi

>> No.53970118

I'm not anti Mori, even though she does tons of shit I wish she wouldn't. I'm 100% anti-deadbeat though. Fuck you fucking fucks.

>> No.53970218

Yeah. Same as OP for me. I only have time to follow one nowadays, so I choose Mori as my oshi. Maybe sometimes a stream by someone else just happens to line up, but I can't follow all of Hololive anymore.

>> No.53970267


>> No.53970345

Congratulations on your bottom surgery.

>> No.53970479

You're wrong, this needed its own thread because I care.

>> No.53970480

I became anti mori because deadbeats their shilling and white knighting (which most of the time involves comparing her numbers to other holos) is fucking annoying.
There isn't a more annoying fanbase. And you can fan see those assholes do it on other platforms. Not just here, except they can dox with total impunity on those platforms.

>> No.53970578

Fembeats are annoying I do admit that. They made AI thing much worse than it was.

>> No.53970614

They're in every thread too. All the damn time, CONSTANTLY starting shit. And they only have, like, three different types of post, too. Fucking irritating.

>> No.53970666

Have you ever guys though maybe they are falseflaggers?

>> No.53970734 [DELETED] 

And then they wonder why everyone hates them. Gee, maybe if they STFU and stopped putting down other holos to try to elevate Mori then maybe we wouldn't have to keep slapping them down.

>> No.53970774

The worst is when takamori niggers suddenly raid someone else's general because Kiara has a better relationship with other holos now. I'm glad they got chased out of certain generals.
These retards literally monitor every thread for mori mentions. No other vtuber's fanbase does this shit. They probably have a discord.

>> No.53970811

No. Falseflaggers would have gotten bored and fucking left by now.

>> No.53970818

We see through your lies, Satan. We know when it's actual Deadbeats or your Luciferian lies, so don't start that song and dance again.

>> No.53970898

Remember how hard those fuckers raged against Takamori in the beginning? Kiara was labeled cringe, a predator, etc but I guess it's okay now for some reason.

>> No.53970916

There is a Deadbeat behind you.

>> No.53971023
File: 16 KB, 184x256, 1689737017796353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a deadbeat inside of you

>> No.53971074

No, Deadbeats are the skeletons of irredeemable faggots like you, not of normal people.

>> No.53971135

Deadbeats =/= skeletons.
Skeletons have a spine.

>> No.53971140 [DELETED] 

lmao they're weeping into their lean about us being big meaniefaces in their containment thread. Pathetic.

>> No.53971173

Are they crossposting like a bunch of faggots again?

>> No.53971177

lol based

>> No.53971179

literally didn't need a thread

dude, you're doing the same

>> No.53971186

>stopped putting down other holos to try to elevate Mori
So who are these deadbeats because they sure dont exist in /morig/.

>> No.53971223

t. Deadbeat

>> No.53971294

lol yup, note the flurry of posts just below your own?

>> No.53971303

Just proves how shit they are. They could have simply left their own general pleasant.

>> No.53971337 [DELETED] 


>> No.53971364

There's like 2 /v/tards max trying their darndest to ruin Mori's reputation in any way and making every deadbeat look like a two-faced sociopath. Don't let them fool you.

>> No.53971379

/morig/ is fine. We don't need you ifunny cocksuckers flooding there to post all your fetishes and OWN the debbies.

>> No.53971430

Yup. Sure did. It's what they fucking do.

>> No.53971456

/qa/ lost

>> No.53971462

>The worst is when takamori niggers suddenly raid someone else's general because Kiara has a better relationship with other holos now
What do you mean? They are still friends.

>> No.53971471 [DELETED] 

Stop attacking everyone else and stay in your cave. After a period of good behavior we might let you out. Might.

>> No.53971479

>There's, like, no one actually doing it.
Next will be, "Are you ESL?" posting.

>> No.53971506

I am just asking. Jesus.

>> No.53971525


>> No.53971573

A bloody miracle given all the hate you fucks dumped on Kiara's head back when you were worried she'd NTR you.

>> No.53971577

Trump lost.

>> No.53971647

>"There's just one schizo."
>"Go back to /pol/."
Yup. It's the deadbeat trifecta in record time.

>> No.53971664


>> No.53971668

Mori won :}

>> No.53971704

What, herpes? That's not what I'd call winning.

>> No.53971754

And this shit came true 30 minutes later. Meanwhile their general came to a standstill.

>> No.53971792

I personally never hated her.

>> No.53971874

>And this shit came true 30 minutes later

>> No.53971949

Sure, bub.

>> No.53972018

What? Not every deadbeat agrees with other deadbeats. I fight with them constantly.

>> No.53972127

Not every liar is a Deadbeat...

>> No.53972191

you two should exchange your discord handles and take it there, the weird ERP you're doing looks really fucking pathetic on an anonymous website

>> No.53972267

Yeah you are right. We should let this thread die because it isn't going anywhere.

>> No.53972586

Hahaha got stung, huh?

>> No.53972634

>twitter-esque moralizing
Is this person a deadbeat? Survey says...

>> No.53972693

Ding! Survey says Yes!

>> No.53973302 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 690 KB, 4096x3295, mori miror reflection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53974744

I literally only watch Ina these days. This isn't bait. I barely even know what happens in Hololive unless Ina tweets about it or mentions it on stream. If Ina isn't on, I might watch Henya or the niji Project Zomboid collabs, but other than that I'll just watch normal YouTube or Dark Souls challenge videos if those aren't streaming.

>> No.53974768

Based beyond belief.
Too based for /vt/ actually.

>> No.53974990

They're not wrong. Mori singlehandedly carries Hololive right now.

>> No.53975050

Even the JPs?! Amazing!

>> No.53975677

You know, it's hard to even be ironic saying that, lmao.

>> No.53975810

>male collabing whores
>terminally reclining has beens
You tell me.

>> No.53976006

>mori doesn't do that
