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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53886615 No.53886615 [Reply] [Original]

Zhangbros btfo again

>> No.53886691 [DELETED] 

Taiwanese and Chinese are bugs.

>> No.53886748 [DELETED] 

China is going to conquer Taiwan anyways. US has no vested interest besides selling weapons, they are happy that both China and Taiwan are killing each other. Same as Ukraine and Russia.

>> No.53886921 [DELETED] 

What is the microchip industry?

>> No.53886973

>a plain retard
>retard who doesn't understand basic geopolitic

>> No.53886978 [DELETED] 
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Plus normies and /pol/tards don't understand that we're not just giving away free money to Ukraine but actually loaning it. It's all tied during Trump's presidency when he cleared the National Debt but this is not /vt/ appropriate to get deeper into

>> No.53887021

>a post from exactly 1 year ago
oh wow. it's like this happened before

>> No.53887195 [DELETED] 

We dumped money on Ukraine as a cash sinkhole to prevent the hyper inflation that was about to hit after money printer go brrrrr period and Russia knows what it is and participated because they were promised Ukraine afterwards. Not hard to figure out.

>> No.53887230

Based. Indonesia and Philippines are more important than those bugs.

>> No.53887271 [DELETED] 

Slava Ukraini! *oink*

>> No.53887322

Anon...are you blind?

>> No.53887378

you don't remember do you. it's all happened before, and it's all happening again, and it'll happen again, and again, and again

>> No.53887567

Based and redpilled

>> No.53887579

No, we have Nazuna, Henya and not Mori join Kson this time

>> No.53887654

>3 whores
No one cares

>> No.53888139

Many are care

>> No.53888177

Sukikira and Baha aren't real people

>> No.53888215

>hololive does stuff in taiwan
>this bitch goes to taiwan
and i am the schizo

>> No.53888259

shenzhen exists

>> No.53888331


>> No.53888338

too based for /vt/

>> No.53888806

Be rebuild in American soil.

>> No.53888965

it's the other way around

>> No.53888973

Kson announced before Hololive did

>> No.53889023 [DELETED] 

Imagine thinking the US will just let them take the only competitor in the semiconductor industry while the AGI race is in full swing.

>> No.53889399 [DELETED] 

Gee and I thought all this time it was simple and Biden was getting flooded with a fortune to act as Mercs for Ukraine

>> No.53889704
File: 288 KB, 1080x1058, IMG_20230720_233602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kson tries to lure delutaya into vshojo
>delutaya tells her to fuck off
>opens a bilibili account as soon as kaon steps foot in Taiwan
Based triangle

>> No.53889794

Yeah, pandering to bugs is based af

>> No.53889815

You that Zhang who went crazy on an airplane because they thought they were stuck in a time loop?

>> No.53889874
File: 424 KB, 240x192, al_looks_up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, quick question. How did you guys go from the discussion of KSON's visitation of Taiwan, to the geopolitical ramifications of invading or destroying Taiwan?

>> No.53889947 [DELETED] 

The pacific theater is sort of a reverse cold war. A lasting, meaningful peace that can be instantly shattered by one of three things.
A) US has not tried to 'stabilize' the entire region with a 'patriotic color revolution' of 'peaceful democratic' coups in a dozen countries
B)china still hasnt taken taiwan
C)japan still hasnt remilitarized
If any of the three goals is accomplished the other two will happen in quick succession.

>> No.53890012

Taiwan's value as a market depends on whether it will still be standing on it own in near future

>> No.53890136

It was almost as if the thread was never about VTubers to begin with, curious! why would someone do that?

>> No.53890437

why don't she say taiwan is a country again
get vshit to get destroyed over there
plz do it, do it for the greater good KILL VSHIT

>> No.53890453

Americans only care about Taiwan if it benefits them by cockblocking China.
Otherwise we're seen as disposeable.

>> No.53890614

Taiwan is not a real country.

>> No.53891011

based and the only correct take
this makes the taiwanese jannies seethe

>> No.53891239

American corpos would rather beg China to sell them the chips if it's cheaper.

>> No.53892453


>> No.53892499 [DELETED] 

Yeah if you honestly believe the us will just sit idly by while the biggest opportunity to show of their big dick military hardware and cut their biggest rival down to size swims by you don't understand the us well enough

>> No.53892498 [DELETED] 

Shenzhen cant produce modern microchips
If you want your modern GPUs and CPUs you gotta defend Taiwan, it is part of their defence strategy unironically

>> No.53892529 [DELETED] 

You wish, monkey.

>> No.53892535 [DELETED] 

2017 called they want their geopolitical realities back

>> No.53892575

Shut up Zhang, pay reperations

>> No.53892617

>there's actual zhangs on this board
i thought it was just a thing we called people we don't like

>> No.53892723

I thought ciao meant goodbye

>> No.53892753

>no spanish on that board
ayyyy... no es buenooo...

>> No.53892771

>no hebrew either
oy vey...

>> No.53892987 [DELETED] 

Oh and they can flex that they only need like a maximum of 10% of their power to return China to the stone age
God I fucking love America
t. swede

>> No.53893217 [DELETED] 

Brown hands typed this
If its pro russia, its probably an indian poster from a sweatshop botfarm
If its pro china, its... chinese. Just the way things are, no idea why they are hyperfocused on 4chin as opposed to shilling elsewhere more mainstream

>> No.53893583

4chans shit flows downstream

>> No.53893982 [DELETED] 

Ukrainian "refugees" have done more to destroy the west than the Ukraine has done to harm russia.

>> No.53894006

How's your 3 day special operation going?

>> No.53894038 [DELETED] 

How's wagner doing these days btw?

>> No.53894156


>> No.53894379 [DELETED] 

completely buck broken running away to Africa, they took over 80% casualties (source is wagners own numbers)

>> No.53895691

>China is going to conquer Taiwan anyways

>> No.53897177 [DELETED] 

>unironic zog defenders ITT

>> No.53897312
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>> No.53897406

Once again a trendsetter.

>> No.53897482
File: 71 KB, 1080x509, IMG_20230721_040055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news: just after a few hours of Delutaya opening her bilibili account, taiwanese people started to harass her and she deleted her tweets about bilibili

>> No.53897506
File: 291 KB, 1080x1228, IMG_20230721_044419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delutaya saying she's sad and disappointed with her fans taiwanese

>> No.53897586

This is her second time in Taiwan.

>> No.53898072 [DELETED] 

seething lazy zhang, can`t even bother to fake images for your usual chink bullshiting, fuck off back to NGA and kill yourself

>> No.53898100

Retard. She's already perma-banned from anything in China, she has nothing to lose. This isn't even her first visit to Taiwan, she went last year too.

>> No.53898920

>Zhangbros btfo again

>> No.53902910


>> No.53904218

source: i made it up

>> No.53905014

Let's be honest, The Taiwanese and Chinese are 2 sides of the same coin. It's just that the Taiwanese haven't done anything major to make this board chimp out.

>> No.53905302

Too based for this board

>> No.53905585

I mean they turned on Delutaya because she dared to make a b2 account

>> No.53905699

that's morally right though

>> No.53905779

>Both sides
Do you really?

>> No.53905811

Taiwan aren't filthy commies

>> No.53905911


>> No.53906384

>kson invited her to play on her minecraft server in 2021
>random guy in the chat asked if she's interested in joining a vtuber company
>i'll just combine those two unrelated facts into one and post it on /vt/
that is the definition of making shit up

>> No.53906471

the irony...

>> No.53909628

I care

>> No.53909646

hello No one

>> No.53910091

Neither are the Taliban, or are you going to pretend they're not an issue?

>> No.53912881

Yeah, they are just faggots lmao

>> No.53913215

Taiwan love!

>> No.53913363

Why do you people utter such retarded takes with such confidence? Please elaborate.

>> No.53913712 [DELETED] 

You have to be a zhang or just talking with shit in your mouth to say something this dumb.
The reason why this board will say how much they love Taiwan and how Taiwan is a country isn't because we all care so deeply about a tiny ass region in east Asia, but because we hate the mainlander zhangs on the internet, and saying this pisses them off. Taiwan also hates the mainlanders. Enemy of your enemy, etc.

>> No.53914007

CIA whore.
She will fall along with the rest of the west.

>> No.53916164

