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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5380509 No.5380509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is she the only HoloEN that actually tries? Even though she has no special skills like the rest of her genmates, she's the one setting trends and giving a 100% plus an extra 5%.

>> No.5380533
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>> No.5380541


>> No.5380551

i pud foot on desg

>> No.5380556

One day she's going to inherit Coco's curse of creative difference

>> No.5380566

You usually have to try harder if you have less talent.

>> No.5380567

If only she knew japanese she'd be the best coco replacement for shitpost review and a asacoco

>> No.5380586

she has soul

>> No.5380637

Nah, ame can be creative within the rulebook, meanwhile coco find it constrictive as her main was dark and unhinged comedy.

>> No.5380654

You can already see from a mile away that everyone is going to do 3D chibi now. Easier and cheaper to make, I assume, more expressive, and easy cute farm.

>> No.5380661

When you have no talent, you have to be creative at least in some way, especially when the rest of your gen is talented as fuck.

>> No.5380672

talentless blonde whore
she's the runt of her gen

>> No.5380676

Yes and she deserves every sub for it

>> No.5380685

>dark and unhinged comedy
>say "I have nipples". she said it guys!

>> No.5380694

I mean, she doesn't have much of a choice. She went full scorched earth on her past identity, where most of her gen mates still maintained their alter egos.

>> No.5380704

She tries harder to do more in her streams because that's all that she can offer. She can't exactly work on making original music nor take in big art commissions and I doubt she cares a lot about participating in conventions although she has experience being part of one. I think she's still trying hard to find her gimmick that she can really latch unto. Which is good. Staying hungry to do more is a good sign that she will try harder. For the longest time she was just coasting thus the lazy criticisms but she's doing more now which makes me glad.

>> No.5380717

I'd rather have her be the tech support in the group because she doesn't seem like she's comfortable to inherit coco's reddit shitpost or asacoco. Plus, she's not an extrovert who would come up with funny conversations to fill up dead air. Hoping for EN 2 who's a bit similar to coco and would gladly take up reddit shit posts again to bridge the gap between all the branches. Then again, the best girl for it is Reine.

>> No.5380740

HoloEN2 will eclipse her. no more easy mode

>> No.5380759

only HoloEN actually tries.

>> No.5380762
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>> No.5380765

I think there was an original song reward in the charity stream... Not sure though, she teased it a bunch but I didn't hear her mention it during the stream itself.

>> No.5380786

First legs and now 3D chibi. Ame is setting the world on fire.

>> No.5380793

She could graduate, set up a new avatar and live comfortably as an indie. She doesn't need her past identity. People will obviously be able to find her.

>> No.5380801

>he never watched Asacoco
i'm so sorry anon.

>> No.5380812

>mfw people considered her the dark horse of her gen
I watched her roommate prior to her debut with Hololive and knew how creative she could be. I’m proud of her.

>> No.5380816

why are KFPhaggots like this

>> No.5380828

I see. Didn't catch it either. I think people should complement her without actually trying to put down other girls because she might get on a defensive and not even do anything creative anymore to not draw hate to other girls. This is Ame we are talking about. She's kind of retarded that way.

>> No.5380831

does anyone else want a plushie of her in this style?

>> No.5380846

Ame reminds me of Coco as well. Both of them aren't good singers but tries to sing and make soulful karaokes. They're not the best in terms of drawing either, but they make it up with fun segments and stream ideas. Only difference between both of them is that Coco is bilingual and have an easier time with EN and JP like Kiara. She's like a combination of Kiara and Ame.

>> No.5380862


Name one talent that kiara has

>> No.5380869

Ame and Kiara care the most about Hololive out of the EN talents. Calli and Ina care more about their other jobs, while Gura doesn't care about much of anything in general.

>> No.5380870

Dude. The only reason she can even finance any of any those things is because she got into Hololive. She got the boost that she needed.

>> No.5380885

Angering people

>> No.5380888
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China already beat her to the 3D chibi thing

>> No.5380893

She can speak 3 languages. Can you do that, cunt?

>> No.5380894

That's why she tries so hard.

>> No.5380905

Trilingual? That's an S tier talent right there. But her other talents are somewhere around B tier.

>> No.5380948
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Pretty sure she popularized the blankey meta as well.


>> No.5380963

That's like every seanigs out there

>> No.5380983

ame is absolute SOUL and the only holoEN i enjoy watching

>> No.5380984

it's called being good at her job

>> No.5380991

So, like millions of other Europeans and SEAs?

>> No.5380992


>> No.5380993
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ogey 5%
Ame is better at games than any of her genmates

>> No.5381003

I'm not convinced an EN can fill coco's specific role, I think it needs to be a fluent bi-lingual in JP6. Though that might create problems too, with people comparing them and maybe even resenting her as a blatant replacement coco.

>> No.5381013

I am so sorry for your incompetence, EOPchama.

>> No.5381018

games aren't an actual skill retard

>> No.5381019

But...she's Taiwanese..

>> No.5381031

Tribal bullshit can die in a fire. That aside, her costume reveal was pretty damn good. It's almost up there with Aki's for her last one.

>> No.5381032


>> No.5381055


I wouldn’t phrase it in the way you did, but yeah that checks out. She doesn’t have any huge artistic talents, so she makes up for it by being creative and putting in a lot of effort into cute skits and gimmicks. I’d consider that her own talent.


The only actual idol in Hololive.

>> No.5381062

Yogiri reborn.

>> No.5381064


>> No.5381069
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>She has to work hard because she isn't skilled
>My oshi is skilled and is probably capable of hard work and therefore is hypothetically better than Ame
Checkmate Teamates

>> No.5381072

Then why did you say China

>> No.5381094

only the other two in the trinity has talent though.
takamori have minimal talent for entertainment and don't have any actual soul, mori only wants to be a wigger 3dpd brapper with her retarded english dubbed anime voice, kiara is an annoying numberfag that's most fit working in a jewish bank

>> No.5381099

Only Americans don't know 3 languages on a conversational level.

>> No.5381100

the group Yogiri went to, they gave their members chibi 3D models for Children's Day and made them do a stream where they act like elementary schoolers while another member plays a strict teacher

>> No.5381105

Wtf are you even talking about? I just got here.

>> No.5381132
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>The only actual idol in Hololive.

>> No.5381193

I wish she could stream outside of Bilibili but I'm glad she's doing fine.

>> No.5381197

>Even though she has no special skills like the rest
You think those are some kind of superpowers people are born with? Gura is good at singing because she trained her whole life. Ina is good at drawing because she trained her whole life. Mori is good at rapping because she trained her whole life. Kiara knows how to speak Japanese because she worked hard and did her reps. What does Ame do? Stream from the PC her bf built, using the VR rig her bf set up.

>> No.5381198

There is no point in comparing Ame and Kiara because they are different streamers. Even the things that they tried to do similarly were approached very differently for example,
-Talk show with a guest: Podcast vs Holotalk.
-They have a different sense of humor.
-The few times that they played the same game they played them differently. Ame of course choosing not to stream Nier anymore.
Stop trying to pit one another because Ame isn't really the type of person that will appreciate these kind of low blow compliments as compliments. She will see them as you attacking her friend thus pissing her off.

>> No.5381232

She's can speak fluently in a conversation with all 3 languages. Heck, I'm from SEA and I've learnt 5 languages throughout my life, but even I'm not on the same level as her when speaking in a different language without stuttering.

>> No.5381251

Being a great streamer and being able to consistently come up with quality content is a talent.

>> No.5381254

name one talent mori has? Other than sounding like a man

>> No.5381255

>Mori is good at rapping

>> No.5381266

Do your reps retard. She has a roommate video where she builts her own PC.

>> No.5381278

Phoning it in and still getting paid

>> No.5381291

Yeah she is.

>> No.5381302

Checked. Also my wife Kuriri is so cute!

>> No.5381325

Ame understands western streaming, she's taking the good shit from Twitch and forcing it onto japs

>> No.5381327

Nobody in this thread actually watches her nor do they care what she thinks of them.

>> No.5381351

>I mean, she doesn't have much of a choice. She went full scorched earth on her past identity, where most of her gen mates still maintained their alter egos.
Honestly that's the best thing about her she cares about Hololive more than the rest of her gen because of that

>> No.5381357

Sometimes I wonder if anybody on this board watch V tubers at all

>> No.5381366

And yet she still fucking sucks, really makes you think huh?

>> No.5381370

Gura fails at making boxed cookie and cake mixes
Mori can’t even speak Japanese
Kiara is a shrieking harpy
Ame relies on her creativity and weird interests to stand out
Ina is actually talented

>> No.5381378

Unironical heart of holoEN.
Also explains why she tried to distance herself from 'le angry gamer gremlin' stereotype

>> No.5381404

She's also very good in video editing, drawing, animations, music productions etc. She also has a good work ethic.

>> No.5381406

This is why Coco named her as successor. She has that creative spark that the others lack.

>> No.5381415

I honestly think she cares about her viewers. Some people you can just tell have a good heart, and Ame is one of them. Sweet lass, I wish her the best

>> No.5381476

>Ame and Kiara because they are different streamers.
American versus European sensibilities

>> No.5381489

She's about as creative and entertaining as your average westerm twitch streamer

>> No.5381505

Yes. That's why Ame is my Oshi.

>> No.5381517

>One member does something cool
>Better use this as ammo to attack the other members of her gen
Why is this always on the EN side, the JP watchers never do this.

>> No.5381521

HoloEN protagonist.

>> No.5381566

To be fair no one in HoloJP is as bad as Ollie from ID, or Kiara and Calli from EN.

>> No.5381623

I'm sure she still has all of the assets for it and I'm sure twitch would restore the account, especially since she is popular now.

Also, hot take, but her old roommates 3D tracking is better than most of these corporate ones

>> No.5381627

>use model somebody else made
>happen to own vr shit
what did she try at again?

>> No.5381716

>Using my wife for thinly veiled shitpost thread
Fuck off.

>> No.5381781

>People considered her the dark horse of her gen
>"A dark horse is a previously less known person or thing that emerges to prominence in a situation, especially in a competition involving multiple rivals, or a contestant that on paper should be unlikely to succeed but yet still might."
This describes her perfectly, I think the term you're looking for is black sheep.

>> No.5381785

>To be fair no one in HoloJP is as bad as Ollie from ID, or Kiara and Calli from EN.
Stfu. Kiara is the best you loser.

>> No.5381796

Your wife is only good for shitposting.

>> No.5381808

It's more /vt/ that does this because it's all shitposters here

>> No.5381834

Veryneet is that you?

>> No.5381883

>Name one talent that Kiara has
She speaks multiple languages, can draw pretty good and sings like a goddess. Also, she's the most entertaining one in EN.

>> No.5381938

>games aren't an actual skill retard
Do you know what they make money with? Exactly, gaming. Being good at games definitely helps to make your streams more exciting.

>> No.5381939

>talented as fuck
there is one (1) talented EN member and maybe 2 if you're forgiving to what being talented is

>> No.5381943

Most retards forget about this. She just tweeted "sauce?" to a meme model.

>> No.5381951

Amelia's personality is that of a random twitch streamer, how is that special?

>> No.5381959

Shouldn't you be dilating KFPranny?

>> No.5381981

My rule of thumb is that the stream watchers stick to their designated threads and rarely venture out.

>> No.5382015

More like no one watches JPs here, /hlgg/ is filled with clipfags that pretend to follow the girls but constantly fall for rrats because they cannot understand the full context.

>> No.5382080

Amelia is very likely the only based of the EN crew. Mori and Calli are confirmed black and transsexuals supporting SJWs. Amelia has the vibe of someone that is likely based and I love that

>> No.5382087

>Amelia's personality is that of a random twitch streamer
The other members just have fake personas.
I'd rather watch generic Ame than streamers who scream like hell or talk fake lewd stuff all the time.

>> No.5382121

Yea saw enough of them biting on "X isn't streaming anymore, graduation imminent" type bait when clippers stop covering them.

>> No.5382124

She seems to be more ambitious with her streams and seems to take the "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" route regarding management, which is very wise considering Cover.
That being said, to say she's the ONLY EN who tries is foolish at best, and a shitpost at worst. She's been the most experienced streamer since the beginning, and is incorporating a lot of Western streamer culture into Hololive. If you consider that being the only metric of "trying", there are countless other 2view indies out there that would legitimately make you fall in love.

>> No.5382154

Just think about it for even a second.
She has no singing background.
She can't draw.
The only thing she has is her streamer background which she's VERY good at. Ame has to try hard cause she has nothing else to fall back on.

>> No.5382165

Tell me she isn't being fake when she slams her desk and yells? It's no coincidence her chat is filled with emote and meme spam it's the twitch audience

>> No.5382170

>-The few times that they played the same game they played them differently.
Agreed. I watched both playthroughs of Mario Sunshine from Kiara and Ame and they both have their own way of doing it. Nothing really to compare there.

>> No.5382172

no one cares about bilibili zhanganon.

>> No.5382177

Nobody watches JP, if they did we'd have way more threads going after underperforming JP holos. It's better this way actually, EN attracts the tourists that just wanna call each other names.

>> No.5382180

Typical KFP retracing.

Ame gets called talentless compared to the other members.

Someone points out that Kiara is also talentless compared to the other members.

>> No.5382246

>Tell me she isn't being fake when she slams her desk and yells?
That's what she did in her past life. She's a little rage girl and she tries to stay calm pretty often. I don't think this would be the case if she faked it.

>> No.5382256

Yeah, her only edge is that she's been streaming for about 4 years now, so already knows how to do everything. Wouldn't call that talent, just time investment

>> No.5382260

>Is she the only HoloEN that actually tries?
Kiara's entire problem is that she tries too hard

>> No.5382279

Ina and Ame are the only ones who care about hololive and have an enjoyable personality. Gura and Mori don’t care about hololive. Kiara cares about hololive but she’s annoying and menhera.

>> No.5382343
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>Nobody watches JP

>> No.5382352

Do you mean West Taiwan?

>> No.5382356

>Typical KFP retracing.
Are you retarded?

Kiara is known for having talents. To say she's talentless is just straight-up stupid.

Ame is known for not having many talents, that's why she tries to find new gimmicks to make her streams stand out. That's not a bad thing and also nothing that can changes. So stop with this comparing bullshit.

>> No.5382403

Gura was a meme queen in the past.

>> No.5382442

>china actually does something original
>gets copied by westerners
>no one cares
At least you're honest with your hypocrisy and shaky foundations.

>> No.5382445

The one who has a side gig and can phone it in with hololive since this is nothing more than a hobby to her?

>> No.5382449

>Gura was a meme queen in the past.
She still is to some extend.

>> No.5382475

Hololive is her side gig, she's an illustrator first

>> No.5382491

>Giving (You)s to obvious bait

>> No.5382531

She makes the most money from Hololive and that's the reason why she can have her second one, which is more the side gig.

>> No.5382535

What talents does she have though? Knowing another language is not a talent, besides that she is empty

>> No.5382550


Fuck, yeah I forgot. Wife is the stronger idol.

>> No.5382602

>What talents does she have though?

>She speaks multiple languages, can draw pretty good and sings like a goddess. Also, she's the most entertaining one in EN.

If you don't see that as talents, the problem is you, not her.

>> No.5382610

Well, she can sing

>> No.5382639

I'm not a KFP nor a teammate. I like Ina most. I have watched these 2 girls though and can tell that both of them are doing things differently but achieving the same thing. They both try hard the most with all of the gimmicky stuff they do and with all of the special streams they do that you can't say for their other genmates. That isn't a bad thing though because like I have said before, their genmates have a clearer brand which is music-Mori&Gura and art-Ina. Gura can just stream and get the numbers because she has the mainstream appeal that both do not. If you don't know, Kiara and Amelia have really great chemistry. I wished they collabed more because the clash in their humor is just really funny. Amelia with her cringing and Kiara with her self-destructive unaware bottom-left word plays. They are also quite supportive of one another in the background so bringing Kiara or Amelia down will absolutely make one girl overly defensive for one another. You know this when you watch them.

>> No.5382736

Living rent free...

>> No.5382761

she have to make up for being pretty low energy as a streamer (despite being the most "pro" member when they started) and awkward silence collab partner.

>> No.5382822

Meh, her drawing style is devianart tier and I'd rather listen to Coco or Ame ear bleeding screeching than to her soulless shit. If you actually think that she is entertain you're probably a fag or a european.

>> No.5382842

Yes , actually most people in Europe can, you retard

>> No.5382867

this stream was so good
best EN by far

>> No.5382874

I don't mean to discredit her efforts though, I simply just find the idea of her being the "ONLY EN" to be retarded.
She obviously does care quite a bit, and does indeed appreciate her fanbase, but her experience and overall interest in the "streaming" aspect of her Hololive employment makes her not only a helpful source of tech support and ideas for her genmates, but keeps her up-to-date on popular trends and interesting techniques to try out for herself, and bring to others.
This has unironically opened a whole floodgate of possibilities for not only her genmates, but even ID if they have their own proper 3D/VR settups.

>> No.5382890

That's just your opinion, not a fact.
Kinda week argument if you ask me.

>> No.5382944
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*"ONLY EN" to care
**and even ID
Fuck me

>> No.5382946

Cocos creative output was just shitty american edgy humor. Saying motherfucker and twerking like a ho isn't being creative. Ame is actually creative and comes up with interesting stuff.

>> No.5382967

Not a talent, not new information, and her old videos are all how do you do fellow zoomers soulless and corporate influenced garbage. They took everything they determined irony poisoned fags on Twitter think is funny and handed it off to some well connected gremlin to half assedly make videos about

>> No.5382971

How can you say that someone being a best entertainer is a fact ? It's purely subjective

>> No.5382977

>actually most people in Europe can
That might be true for the European languages but Japanese is definitely not one of them. And most Europeans have shit accents when talking another language, Kiara's as fluent as a native-speaker.

>> No.5382979

Your mom not having an abortion was a weak argument, faggot.

>> No.5382985

She's the only one with an autistic fanbase who will do all the work for her, she just wants to play video games

>> No.5382990

>Stream from the PC her bf built, using the VR rig her bf set up.
Can confirm, I'm her boyfriend

>> No.5383034

In terms of effort put into things order it goes:
Actually innovates new trends the other girls follow.
Holotalk, has the most hustle in terms of collaborations of the EN girls.
She's putting all her Hololive effort points into the Tabletop RPG sessions, which to her credit already looks like she's putting a lot of thought into in terms of presentation.
Content with her comfy art streams. The Flare of EN who is happy to just be the niche one of the 5.
Trend follower, not a trend setter.

>> No.5383054

t. white boys who don't know shit about rap

>> No.5383060

Did I hurt your feelings? Do you feel sad because you just lost an argument? Don't worry. You'll grow up and realize that it's fine to be a shithead.

>> No.5383125

Ame a cute


>> No.5383137

You'd know all about that kfp

>> No.5383142

No u

>> No.5383145

>she just wants to play video games
What is wrong with that? She's a streamer after all and Cover knew before, that this is all Ame's going to do.

>> No.5383165

Creativity IS a talent.

>> No.5383194

>Creativity IS a talent.
But the stuff that makes her creative, is stuff that make fans for her. Literally none of that is made by her.

>> No.5383202

Why did you out yourself as a white boy doesn't know shit about rap, but also referred to yourself in plural form?

>> No.5383210
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Nah, I watch a ton of EN streams and even some JP ones (don't know japanese) and still like to dumpster dive into schitzo or anti threads. Watamelon threads are also one of my favourites

>> No.5383242

Because I'm based as fuck, chud

>> No.5383247

This ain't the company to join if you're just going to play vidya

>> No.5383254

People might say that Ame lacks talent and yet from all those people who apply for hololive and could sing/draw or do both she was the one who got the job. Now , that makes you imagine either how good she was or how bad everyone else was

>> No.5383264

>and even some JP ones (don't know japanese)
May I ask why you watch Streams you don't understand? What's the appeal?

>> No.5383266
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>> No.5383291

To be fair a white boy is the best rapper in history

>> No.5383297

What else do you have to do though? Throw an occasional karaoke stream and you're good.

>> No.5383299

You wouldn’t get it
And you will never be Japanese

>> No.5383319

>The one who has a side gig
Yeah if anything this makes Gura/Mori look WORSE. Ina is putting a shit ton of work and enthusiasm into hololive despite it being one of her two jobs. Meanwhile Gura and Mori can’t even stream as many hours as Ina does, despite the fact they really don’t have much else going on. And when those two do stream, they sound bored the entire time. Meanwhile Ina always shows up excited and does great art on stream.

>Kiara clearly has talent!
Okay name one then…
>uhhh, you can’t compare the talents!

>She speaks multiple languages
Every European does this
>can draw pretty good
Her art is analogous to a 15 year old girl who read a book titled “how to draw anime”. I remember seeing girls in middle school drawing at the same level as Kiara.
>sings like a goddess
No she doesn’t. Literally everyone thinks their oshi sings like a goddess or whatever. Compared to her genmates she is average or below average.
>Also, she's the most entertaining one in EN
I’d rather kill myself than watch more than 5 minutes of a Kiara stream. And I had that opinion even before I read “Kiara anti” threads. She’s just so fucking annoying

>> No.5383349

Did you even ever read the requirements? You need to do content OF SOME KIND at least 3 times a week minimum. It IS literally the company to join if you just want to play vidya. Most girls had multiple talents.

>> No.5383351
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>> No.5383361

Imagine being called a worthless pity sub by your oshi and still desperately trying to defend her in every thread.

>> No.5383403

>Ina is putting a shit ton of work and enthusiasm into hololive
Where is the shit ton of work? Most of her streams are just lazy drawing streams and she abandons most of the games she starts.

>> No.5383463
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I'm a tako but this anon speaks the truth. I love my dorky priestess!

>> No.5383560

try a little harder kfp

>> No.5383566

I love ame but i think objectively kiara puts in more work - though I think most of it is misplaced.
For me, its a combination of how funny/comfy they are, hence why Ame and Ina are the only 2 EN's I still watch

>> No.5383568
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It is not the same.

>> No.5383607

>try a little harder kfp
Nice argument, you did great at defending her!

>> No.5383629

If you can’t be entertained by Ina’s streams then I’m sorry that you have shit taste and ADHD. Maybe check out vshojo if you want a girl to yell swears in every sentence and tell jokes about their vaginas.
Also, a majority of her fanbase is glad she dropped certain games. She cares more about making a stream entertaining than continuing with a boring game for the sake of “finishing it”.

>> No.5383656


>> No.5383710

The more I watch her, the more I become convinced that she was genuinely dumb, but just lucky enough to capitalize on it.

>> No.5383745

Dude, I love Ina and I find the fact that she dabs on most of her genmates while being lazy as fuck hilarious and based, eat my dong.

>> No.5383812

Admitting that Ina doesn't put a lot of effort into her streams =/= not enjoying her content, you retarded simp

>> No.5383838

Ah, love seeing this cope.

>> No.5383845
File: 284 KB, 720x3133, IMG_20210620_220121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are baiting because apart from Kiara, she has the most completion rate. Her art streams are great. Wacom and Pixiv also agrees. Her Draw a Lot project is big project that has multiple companies supporting it. Not to mention the pixiv conference. She's at prestigious level already at this point. Just look at her illustrations on Twitter and see how many famous artists would respond and like them. She's well regarded and respected.

>> No.5383891

>if you don't find my oshi entertaining you have shit taste
Doesn't this apply for everyone?

>> No.5384016

>Her art streams are great.
No one said her streams or her art is bad. When you compare her content to the other members, her channel is probably the most lazy one and it's clear that she doesn't put a lot of work in it. Does this make her streams bad? No. Ina is as great as the other ones. You braindead simps need to start to think rationally instead of just emotionally.

>> No.5384049

>dark and unhinged comedy
No, it was bog-standard American toilet humour. If your toilet is dark and unhinged, you need to change the lightbulb and fix the door.

>> No.5384137

Yeah pretty much, she couldn't do regular garbage edgy American humor in Japan so she complained. Her stuff is nothinh we haven't seen before unless you think Adult Swim jokes and Amy Schumer are the pinnacle of comedic art in 2021. Coco is highly overrated.

>> No.5384182
File: 465 KB, 715x816, 6C08F323-5C17-4C4D-8B90-17ECE622394A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically using the word “simp”

>> No.5384231

I admit her language ability is impressive, but it just means she's annoying in three languages.

>> No.5384265 [DELETED] 

>>5380551>>5380556>>5380566>>5380567>>5380586>>5380637>>5380654>>5380654>>5380661>>5380676>>5380676>>5380685>>5380694>>5380704>>5380717>>5380740>>5380759>>5380762>>5380765>>5380786>>5380793>>5380801 >>5380812>>5380816>>5380828>>5380831>>5380846>>5380862>>5380869>>5380870>>5380885>>5380888>>5380893>>5380894>>5380905>>5380948>>5380963>>5380983>>5380984>>5380991>>5380992>>5380993>>5381003>>5381013>>5381018>>5381019>>5381031>>5381032>>5381055>>5381062>>5381064>>5381069>>5381072>>5381094>>5381099>>5381105>>5381132>>5381193>>5381197>>5381198>>5381232>>5381251>>5381254>>5381255>>5381266>>5381278>>5381291>>5381302
Why ar Enfags like this?

>> No.5384273
File: 294 KB, 1950x2276, 1609116484128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself you goddamn loser

>> No.5384298

Holy shit take your med FAST

>> No.5384324

What a fucking loser

>> No.5384340

There wasn't a song, just a free voice pack.
I think the VR game was the last goal of the charity.

>> No.5384366

You really just spend half an hour to show us your retardedness?

>> No.5384372

She does art streams because she's an artist. What do you really want her to do to make it creative? Do backflips while drawing? It's not simp brain. It's just logic. She can sit there and talk and show her creativite process.

>> No.5384394

I cannot watch anyone who is bad at video games.

>> No.5384412


>> No.5384423
File: 75 KB, 218x169, C385CCF4-6B5D-4440-A352-D435D62B8C6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck someone get this schizo their meds and fast.

>> No.5384495

All me

>> No.5384524

>Unarchieved karaoke stream
>not even 7k

>> No.5384543

>I cannot watch anyone who is bad at video games.
If the streamer is REALLY bad it's funny to some extend but if the streamer is just trash at games it's not entertaining at all.

>> No.5384629

Take your fucking meds holy fucking shit

>> No.5384710


>> No.5384821
File: 11 KB, 189x266, 1624193367423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit schizochama

>> No.5384822
File: 77 KB, 1293x822, All me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you absolute retard
You fool!

>> No.5384892

EN indies have been doing the blanket png for months

>> No.5384911

Serious question, is there something actually wrong with you?

>> No.5384969

You fucking newfag coco did plenty of other stuff beside that type of comedy There was a time when she got her live streaming permissions remove from YouTube.

So she did an gag that she went to jail and have the hololive members visited her for an series of videos.

There also the time where she did the word game program and the holo memebers had to describe each other using the their names.

>> No.5384985

Inspect element LUL

>> No.5385014

Oh fuck, you're so smart, holy shit, that must be it!
Literally go to SA and roam the streets alone.

>> No.5385032

Was this sanctioned by cover? How can a holomember just go into 3D like that and not set up a dedicate stream for her debut? This could get her in trouble for this kind of insubordination.

>> No.5385058

You are a genius, can I suck your toes?

>> No.5385079
File: 124 KB, 461x447, 16E543F2-06F6-425A-9B88-6FD271211C59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real

>> No.5385080


>> No.5385113

Ame has dirt on higher-ups, she is untouchable.

>> No.5385117

You're the smartest kid I've ever met.
Don't breed.

>> No.5385130

>literally shaving her cunt on stream like the foul bitch that she is

>> No.5385152

She is too cute , everyone will forgive her

>> No.5385158

I wish I could eat the hair she shaved off.

>> No.5385197

better get it while you can cause she is graduating on july 1st

>> No.5385207

It's better to ask forgiveness than seek permission

>> No.5385227

Nah I don't think so, a lot of chuuba have done GFE sleeping-beside stream. They used some blanket props similar to that

>> No.5385229
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1623966428769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame definitely doesn't..

>> No.5385537

EN protagonist.

>> No.5385751
File: 60 KB, 657x543, Eyz_GcTU4AE51iC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've not laughed this hard at a 4chan post since golden age /tg/ memes

>> No.5385808

>>Unarchieved karaoke stream
>>not even 7k

She already hit 7k. Silence, Nerd.

>> No.5385910

Those poor souls..

>> No.5386185

What's her name? I missed yogurt :(

>> No.5386196

>Lazy drawing stream.
Try reach Ina level and do art stream by yourself. The amount of time to prepare a sketch, color scheme, references... And testing multiple times took weeks before a stream can happen.
There are a lot of underrated artists better than Ina but are not carried by Hololive name doesn't mean she doesn't work hard.

>> No.5386234

Why do people peddle this? All she did was nuke the vods and private her twitter, her accounts are all still alive and well, if she wanted to jump back in she can at any time and would almost certainly be stable.

>> No.5386246


>> No.5386307


>> No.5386439

Is having a 3D chibi really that innovative I thought she just got a model someone made for her in the past or something.

>> No.5386459


>> No.5386490

fuck you

>> No.5386845

nah, ina clearly is working her best, all the art she does for hololive; while kiara clearly puts in a lot of effort (though I think this is a case of working hard and dumb, wasting most of her effort); Mori definately puts in effort on the music side of things, and i think this is an unfair comparison for Gura. She never did this for money or success, she is doing this for friends; and her success has been undermining it. So she has an active motivation to NOT try.

>> No.5387160

Sometimes you just enjoy chuubas doing cute things, the "one hand clapping" stream korone did is one example, the pekomoon one got a lot of attention too, marine playing portal was good too.

>> No.5387241

Neither is coco, she only seems so in the Japanese social context.

>> No.5387308

>Mori is good at rapping
She's as good as a white women can be, but she's not even close to the real thing...

>> No.5387340
File: 775 KB, 3480x2428, the doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then she is being creative in using her fans, something I wish many talented chubas do because many overworked themself to death trying to do everything themself.
Thinking outside the box, bringing a gun to a swordfight, being creative, whatever you call it is a huge talent many people wish they had.
She changes her tone after playing the game for fifteen seconds & somehow becomes way smarter than usual, then next stream she created a new intro & outro just for that game alone.

>> No.5387361

i don't think it's so much as it is innovative as it is a maverick move. Ame said fuck you to management and just commisioned/used a model someone made for her instead of waiting another fucking year for a 3d model. She's a trail blazer and that's what sets ame apart from almost every other western vtuber.

>> No.5387429

It's a joint effort. You wouldn't get it because you seethe too much.

>> No.5387460

No, there's still the SSSS cover, horror stream, RFA stream, & ASMR stream.

>> No.5387475

toilets don't use lightbulbs

>> No.5387489

Speaks multiple languages, was (likely still is) a gravure model.

>> No.5387697

Are people really still trying to say that Mori isn't talented? Hate really clouds the brain I suppose. She is literally the most successful Holo when it comes to music. More than Suisei, Sora, and AZKi. That takes talent.

>> No.5387720

her special skill is technology

>> No.5387855 [DELETED] 


>> No.5387862

Justin Bieber is soooooo talented

>> No.5387961

KFP really out here tryna say their oshi sings like a goddess. I tuned in for a second in her karoake stream and it felt like i was watching an american idol audition lmfaoooooooo.

>> No.5388007

It means fucking nothing, retard. I'm learning my fourth to watch Pekora.

>> No.5388050
File: 27 KB, 128x128, pekopogg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally same

>> No.5388051

She's a genius at OBS so scratch that.

>> No.5388104

Being successful =/= having talent
But she has another talents as well, but musical talent is more than doing raps, that's why when she does another type of music she sounds weird

>> No.5388143

That'd be coco with her expensive bed.

>> No.5388159

And the Es/Jp only stream, the ASMR is a free voice pack if I remember correctly

>> No.5388179

Oh wow, just like most ID.
No wonder she's the last that reach 1M in her gen.

>> No.5388326

I have mad respect for her even though I don't watch her

>> No.5388355
File: 36 KB, 659x609, kimochii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame ASMR stream
Hope she gets a proper binaural mic
no anon don't destroy my dreams
Fuck, they'll succumb eventually
Everyone one of them will make proper ASMR at some point

>> No.5388387

Shame her panties werent modeled and its just a brown block under her skirt. Anyway, next fish tank episode when?

>> No.5388411

No, the voice pack is the totally not a date! at the aquarium.
The ASMR is for member stream actually. I remember it wrong.

>> No.5388462

fuck yeah

>> No.5388742

Kiaras special skill: being an annoying bitch
Moris special skill: sucking eceleb dick
Inas special skill: being boring
Guras special skill: being a pedophile

Yeah, I'm thinking she's better off without "special skills". I'm kidding about Ina and Gura though, love them.

>> No.5388874

technically true, but objectively false

>> No.5388971

I might love Gura if she stopped shitting on Vergil.

>> No.5389107

she did that cause she was harassed by fucks from global, she was absolutely fine leaving her shit behind for old fans and new fans that'd want to stick around but schizos quite literally forced her hand
you took away her past to make her a corporate slave

>> No.5389153

>Mori and Calli
this is always funny and always tied to stupid as fuck post

>> No.5389369

I hadn’t heard of this project. What’s it about? I rarely catch Ina’s streams but when I do I’m always floored by how professional her art looks.

>> No.5389378

How many PC's does she have? She made me make her a PC, and I'm her boyfriend. G-guys, is she just farming us for PC's? For what purpose?

>> No.5389620

We can never agree to anything…

>> No.5389629

hundreds of million people in non anglo countries

>> No.5389749

Ame wanted to give us a more immersive experience than just having a cutout with a VR headset PNG slapped on, but obviously also didn’t want to use a model of her that was full-sized. THAT would undermine Hololive in general if she were to do that, so she went smol.

>> No.5389773
File: 663 KB, 640x1136, 1620403410753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 4chins, what did you expect?

>> No.5389790

Ina is the only talented member of holoEN and it isn't even close
>cringe rap

>> No.5389806

She has to give extra because other members already gave their extra while honing their talents and are now reaping rewards for their hard work

>> No.5389858

based and truthpilled

>> No.5389962
File: 40 KB, 230x230, 1623856618276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame gets called talentless

Anon you're literally posting on a a thread about how people should stop considering Ame talentless

>> No.5389991

Just use Google translate.
It's a really good one. A creator will make an illustration that they can sell on a t-shirt. The profit they will get from that will go to struggling artists. Just like those non-profit for mangakas.

>> No.5390070

Gura is a cunny lover. I believe that.

>> No.5390120

She won't collab unless there is cunny in the proximity. Ever since the whole AmongUs fiasco, she has decided she will only go through the hassle of collabing if there is cunny involved. Noone is safe including her mother.

>> No.5390203

Out of everyone ame is the best streamer by far and very relatable. According to ina she helps with stream ideas and production. She pretty much did what cover is suppose to do for her despite meme 3d. It wouldn't be surprising to see the other girls followsuit as she continues trailblazing for her gen in terms of stream production. I just wonder if anyone gets butt hurt over not being loyal to the cover "tech" and using something indies use.

>> No.5390313

Yes. Speaking multiple language isn't all that cracked up to be.

>> No.5390328

>Kiaras special skill: being absolute great
>Moris special skill: sucking eceleb dick
>Inas special skill: being boring
>Guras special skill: being a pedophile

Just want to bump this

>> No.5390358

Ina is boring but since she's in hololive people mask that with "comfy"

>> No.5390397

>she has no special skills like the rest of her genmates

She has the most actual experience with streaming, including how to engage an audience and the technical knowledge to be creative with the medium. Those are skills in themselves.

>> No.5390405

Unironically based and kekpilled.

>> No.5390432

She has yet to create a single trend. But I agree that she is one of the only two HoloENs that actually try.

>> No.5390480

Why would anyone get upset over a chibi 3D. That's just your dramafag brain working up stories. Noone was upset when all got an l2d for their walfies. Or the fact that Matsuri got her mother and herself lolis. Or that Subaru was making fun of Miko's hands.

>> No.5390537

Mori is more creative but only when she feels like it

>> No.5390559

So never

>> No.5390768

t. room temperature iq jogger noise expert

>> No.5390881


>> No.5390889
File: 262 KB, 90x90, 1599180555747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you all back on hating kiara now? its like a few days ago everyone's praising her during nyanners

>> No.5391090

you're probably mixing us with reddit

>> No.5391108

Those were all kfps pretending kiara was based

>> No.5391156

>are you all back on hating kiara now?
These people are fucking retards. They hate on her on this side but as soon as she streams, they get their super chats ready.

>> No.5391163

Yeah but they're not "special" skills.

>> No.5391499

Maybe, if she didn't always sing with that horrid voice she made for her character.

>> No.5391569

>le gura can't sing funny mayo xD

>> No.5391803
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, Euh3Yh7XAAUJ_G3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct term here would be runt. Amelia was the runt of the Hololive EN debuts. Couldn't sing, couldn't draw, and didn't know Japanese. She started with the least but ended up doing the most with it.

>> No.5391870

that's called autism

>> No.5392352

I love Amelia.
(haha get it it's a rezero reference god fucking damnit subaru you fucking nigger I'd ditch the witch bitch right then and there if I was in his shoes
fuck, imagine making half-oni babies and living happily with Rem

>> No.5392389

>imagine making half-oni babies and living happily with Rem
Wouldn't he eventually die (old age, illnesses, accidents, whatever) and reset back?
