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53756620 No.53756620 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe raiding Kiara wasn't a good Idea after all

>> No.53756696
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Stop talking shit about my granpa

>> No.53756817

>misspelled name and esl use of language
holy shit

>> No.53756921

I gotta wonder, do these people not realize that the other members of the company are their CO-WORKERS? Even if she'll never collab with a member of Holostars, they probably talk off-stream and probably get along fine enough that talking shit about one of the boys is probably going to piss off one of the girls.

>> No.53757028

Not raiding Kiara, but insulting her fans. Pretty sure if he said "ok everyone go support Kiara senpai shes the one streaming now, and remember don't cause trouble" or something only hardcore schizos would've attacked him.

>> No.53757095 [DELETED] 

so she is getting filled to the brim by Vesper right at this moment, is that what you are saying?

>> No.53757305

everyone but schizos know, that is why they don't want to see it on stream, they already can interact off stream, but why they have to do it on stream as well when unlike them, it is the only way fans can interact with the girls?

>> No.53757751

>they probably talk off-stream
you wish homobeggar

>> No.53757836

This. The fact that he said “kiss my ass” at the end made it clear that it was more to cause drama for attention than it was something done out of any good intentions.

>> No.53757934

It won't. Also, the boys confirmed that they've never talked with Mumei, Gura and IRyS.

>> No.53757962

give me one reason why they'd ever need to interact in any capacity outside of their own personal desire to interact/collab

>> No.53758001

>they probably talk off-stream
Even genmates don't necessarily talk to each other
HoloENs from Myth and Council barely communicate with each other at all off-stream
But you think the girls just go around chatting up the boys for the fun of it?

>> No.53758020 [DELETED] 

brown hands made that image

>> No.53759617

They talk to her before their debut

>> No.53760798

>Misspelled kiara name
>make a fanfic of what she said
>admitted they doesn't watch stream or care about kiara.
Why nobody offered them a rope.

>> No.53760872

it's typical homobeggar behavior

>> No.53760987

Did this retard really go into some internal debate on raiding kiara and end it off with a “kiss my ass” to own the haters? At some point he has to stop being a retard and just stfu if he doesn’t want to continually deal with the shitflinging that his actions bring.

>> No.53761031

>Group wide meetings with management
>Sponsorship meetings
>Ah, hello, otsukaresama
And other smalltalk that tends to happen when a company has this many meetings.

No one is saying they have lengthy discord chats, or that each member even got to be in the same meetings as everyone else, but ENs are in the same branch and had moments where no one was streaming on either side because they had a meeting.

>> No.53761170

You would think that, but hololive girls seem especially weird and autistic even by the standards of weird autismos who only interact with coworkers to prevent the strangeness that comes with coworkers wondering why you never talk.

>> No.53762692

Yeah, it wasn't a good idea. He should know his place.

>> No.53764344

Is it over?

>> No.53764417


>> No.53764455

>Group wide meetings with management
There is little to no "group wide content" (i.e. stuff that covers and involves both HoloEN and StarsEN) that would necessitate a "group wide meeting" (the girls and boys sitting in the same discord, listening to the same presentation by some staffmember or whatever). And even on the rare chance such things actually happen, since they are probably mostly passive (some staff from the company is talking, the talents are mostly just listening, or asking a few questions occasionally to staff), there's very little actual discussion amongst themselves, and nothing that would get to the level of "frivolous mingling" that unicorns actually care about.
>Sponsorship meetings
Again, there's very little overlap in the sponsorship campaigns between the two branches, and nothing that'd necessitate them to interact or sit in common meetings.
>Ah, hello, otsukaresama
This would be more fitting if they were coworkers at a traditional offline job where you actually meet irl and exchange social pleasantries out of formality/obligation (yeah even the JP Holos and Homos occasionally run into each other when one comes/leaves the Cover office/studio, and nothing really happens). But the ENs are all just online-only, it's very easy to avoid interacting with someone you don't want to interact with and you'd actually have to go out of your way to actively seek them out. Hell, half of the EN girls don't even talk regularly amongst themselves either, there's less than little chance that they're talking instead to some random male "coworkers" (can you even call it that if you don't work together?) you never see and have nothing in common besides just some vague general company association.

Again, yes, SOME girls do indeed actually talk to SOME boys in meaningful capacities, i.e. for example have separate discord rooms where they organize collabs and shit, and hey if you wanna get feisty, they probably even talk about non-work private stuff as well and just chat if they are friendly enough. But that's just the girls who want that and actively seek it out. For the rest of the girls that don't have any particular onscreen homo association, there's very little to assume they'd also have meaningful offscreen interaction too. And yeah, shit like "having to listen in to the same company meeting call" (without really talking to each other, because why the fuck would you) if it does happen, doesn't count as a meaningful interaction. Someone reclusive like Gura or similar girls who don't want to interact with them can simply choose not to and it wouldn't impact them in any way whatsoever.

>> No.53764781

I choose this one. This rrat. Kiara was so pissed off she called digital rape on Vesper and then Magni got hit for being a rape apologist. I will go with this one no matter what other evidence crops up to the contrary.

>> No.53764827

I hate all my co-workers for being worthless shits that contribute nothing but pointless drama that shits up productivity and honestly think it would be to the companies benefit if they were fired.
I know how the girls feel

>> No.53764976

>he believes this

>> No.53766457


>> No.53767515

since when do you talk wit coworkers that you don't give a fuck about

most of the girls have either some random ass collab song or nothing at all, even the girls like mori or kronii ain't making collabs anymore

>> No.53768834


>> No.53769196

Tempussisters Must be the most delusional danbase on this board, worse than cuckbeats

>> No.53771112

lol, you seem to be under the impression that they all go to the same office or something. Take it from a guy who works from home, you don't speak with your colleagues unless you're friends or you're literally forced to, like in a meeting.
HoloEN and StarsEN probably communicate between them with the same frequency as HoloEN and HoloJP, i.e. extremely seldom. Most is handled by the managers.

>> No.53771193

Kiara supports the homos

>> No.53771243

How does FBK get away with homo collabing?

The friends thing?

>> No.53771425
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>> No.53771443

She knows unicorns are mentally ill so she doesn't indulge them

>> No.53771497

third worlders Bandwagoning behind the JP branch would defend literally anything

>> No.53771768

>He look, a hive. I'm gonna poke it--
Fuck off morons.

>> No.53771807

holy shit although im shy with girls and cant talk to them properly, i still can manage to talk to them at work because shit needs to get done. but i can believe people can't talk to the opposite gender even at work if they're THAT socially awkward, but i highly doubt everyone in cover corp is like that. otherwise nothings going to get done properly lmfao.

>> No.53771888

The cherry on top of this shit comic is that they don't know how to spell Kiara's name. Outing the artist as a clip watching homobeggar.

>> No.53772030

>We really owned them this time! Ha ha!
>And what did it cost you?

>> No.53774058

>Also, the boys confirmed that they've never talked with Mumei
Mumei has collabed with holostars.

>> No.53775200

>Council doesn't communicate at all with each other
Sharing cursed memes and hanging out off-stream is one of the things Council is most known for compared to Myth.

>> No.53775284 [DELETED] 

Mumei is a JP stars cocksleeve. She loves Astel

>> No.53776987

>Maybe raiding Kiara wasn't a good Idea after all

>> No.53777290

Nah, I think losing your job is worth it as long as you stick it to those hecking incels.
Well, not like I watched Vesper.

>> No.53777301

I can't wait for the graduation announcement so that I can ask "I thought you were going after my oshi next? what's wrong >>bro<<?"
I get a little too excited just thinking about it.

>> No.53777555

He had no regrets, so I hope he doesn't regret losing yet another job :^)

>> No.53778821

Pretty sure with Tempus at least, they need raid permissions ahead of time. So at some point Kiara labeled herself open to Tempus raids. She underestimated how mind broken the Hololive fandom is and thought surely a raid wouldn't be seen as the same as a male collab and cause months of seethe. That'll learn her.

>> No.53780089
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>get away with

By being respectful to her fans? kronii made a snide tweet and rallied the LGBTQ+ crazies to defend her. I can still recall their revolting profile pictures above their "supportive tweets", shitting on the fans. Where are they now?

Fubuki and Matsuri know and understand what the gachikoi issue is all about. But they're professionals who are able to navigate the minefield expertly. holoEN, meanwhile, can be very patronizing and condescending.

>> No.53782828

Wrong. Kiara has her "raid permissions" (i.e. youtube channel settings about who can and can't redirect their viewers to you) set to "everyone" - that's also why she often gets raids from smaller vtubers, for example. Some other HoloENs have it also set to "everyone", and some HoloENs have set it to "none" and can't get raided at all.

There are no Tempus-specific "raid permissions", either formal (like the girls having to manually add Tempus as eligible raid sources, which you could do, limit raids to specific channels only) or informal (like an agreement that the dudes have to ask over discord in advance if it's ok to raid or whatever), and Tempus was probably the last thing Kiara ever thought about when she originally set her raid settings to "everyone".

>She underestimated how mind broken the Hololive fandom is and thought surely a raid wouldn't be seen as the same as a male collab and cause months of seethe.
What seethe exactly, and where? The vast majority of people didn't care either way, some (the usual homobeggars) were even positive, there was no significantly noticeable "seething" or dissent in any of the mainstream normie places Kiara takes into account (youtube chat/comments, kfp tweets). And whatever "seethe" happened /here/ was also minor. Despite your gaslight attempt to paint them as mindless schizos, actual unicorns can very much differentiate between something meaningless like a stream raid and actual shit like lying or talking down to your audience, and this was not something that mattered in the grander scheme. Of course, there were some trolls that tried to make this into a "thing" but their shit baitposts were too transparent ("oh nonono kfpbros, we loooost, they're toootally fucking ehehe...") to gain any traction and the whole thing lost any little steam after the next other manufactured drama came around.

If you want to go this route of argument, maybe mention the homo who clearly came in with a shit dishonest attitude wanting to cause trouble with the raid and said as much, and how he should "learn" not to involve others in his personal inferiority complex to "own le hater incel chuds"... but seeing as how that retard is a total menhera pussy bitch who already managed to get himself suspended multiple times now, his learning ability seems to be zero.
