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File: 711 KB, 2892x4096, __kiryu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_tonarikeru__3179e67f6ead4111cde1621986b83736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5368630 No.5368630 [Reply] [Original]

After witnessing the past few streams of unfiltered coco, can you really say management too strict on her?

>> No.5368705

Yes. Think about the amount of money she made with limiters on. She could have made a shit ton more.

>> No.5368718

All to appease the fucking infantile zhangs who can't take a based holo.

>> No.5368741

> Thinks Coco is actually being unfiltered
> Doesn't realize she is not trying to burn bridges
> Hasn't watched old Asacocos or streams in general

>> No.5368772

Ikr, early 2020 Coco was something else man.

>> No.5368807

She's been raking in loads of fans and money for them by pushing the boundaries and their response is to screw her over.

>> No.5368850

yes. she chose a cringy as fuck meme to showcase this, but yes.

>> No.5368915

She’s being extra because she got fucked over by Cover and Cover deserves what they’re getting. They can eat the fuck you because they’re fucks

>> No.5368924

abayo american bitch!

>> No.5369098

>rape jokes
>sex toy jokes
>unfiltered to the point that in every collab everyone stays silent for a few seconds because she said something incredibly vulgar
Asacoco had buttplug jokes but that's basically kid's humor, and the drug jokes are american kid's humor, coco is vshojo levels of being unfiltered right now

>> No.5369132

Coco doesn't need hololive to rake in cash.

She could go indie and take a bigger cut. Her fans would follow her.

>> No.5369269

At least she's raking in cash, unlike those whores from the other side. I do wonder why the Nips like these type of humor as well

>> No.5369285

>Asacoco 1.0 literally had Fubuki getting roofied and jokes about Watame prostituting herself

>> No.5369330

Can you just imagine creampieing her perfectly shaved vagina? So erotic! Uuuuuuuooooooooohhh

>> No.5369396

Her fans wont follow her. She is going to be a 500k sub youtuber with an audience of 1000 max. In a year she will be forgotten about.

>> No.5369406

I need to hear her moan and beg for my cum in that mickey mouse voice
Bonus if she held on to the actual buttplug version of her tail plushie the production company made by mistake

>> No.5369432

thinking about her smooth cunt with no pantsu makes we want to COOOOOOOOOOOM

>> No.5369515

Such a lewd body and her pussy probably has a very nice gape.

>> No.5369563

>Roommate broke past 500k yesterday


>> No.5369812

>Her fans wont follow her.

>> No.5369850

You really underestimate her JP fans lmao, some of them are her old fans, so really it doesn't make a difference

>> No.5369941
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>> No.5369993

>500k sub youtuber
You don't know, do you?

>> No.5369999

In the past week her non-holo channel has jumped 269,000 subs

>> No.5370004
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Management did nothing wrong

>> No.5370042

as much as it pains me to admit it, when she went on about tampons for the third time, I just clicked the x.

>> No.5370109
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>Starts crying on stream because she couldn't take a little banter from the people she shit on
>based holo

Yeah, sure thing buddy

>> No.5370112

Yes. Fuck management.

>> No.5370115
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>> No.5370192

I'm actually annoyed that she and Kiara decided to speak Japanese when she a perfect opportunity to speak english for a whole stream. Like I'm not her fan or something.

>> No.5370225

yea, why people like these kind of jokes. i know she doesn't need to force vulgar things to be entertaining.

>> No.5370281

Here is how I explained it in another thread:
1. If Coco got by okay in the past with less restrictions, then it is already confirmed to work. She didn’t need it, and worked out fine.
2. Restricting Coco has been confirmed a failure, because it caused her to leave.
Conclusion: replace the low IQ management.

>> No.5370306

Coco has many more Japanese fans than English ones and arguably the stream matters a lot more for them than Kiara's fans

>> No.5370333

She didn't shit on anyone, chink, she said a single word, was punished, and even apologized when she shouldn't have. I'm glad you fuckers are being beaten to death every day in American streets. It couldn't happen to more deserving animals.

>> No.5370437

>replying to ironic zhangs baiting for (you)s

>> No.5370462

Tch, kiara antis are always the EOP scum

>> No.5370527

>I'm glad you fuckers are being beaten to death every day in American streets.
Not a zwang but isn't everyone getting fucking beat to death in the streets americlap? like, your cops are leaving on mass and shit.

>> No.5370540

I mean, it makes sense for the sake of "preserving the format", but yeah, I got pissed about it too.

You are holo EN, Kiara! Say it with me: E - N. Not JP. I know you wanted to be japanese more than anything else in your life, but it didn't work out.

>> No.5370583

newfag detected

>> No.5370652

She is a stupid whore the same as all vtubers

>> No.5370683

That's exactly why she's leaving- she kept trying to push the boundaries and innovate, but mgmt started making her dial it back and sandbagging her (and to a lesser extent all the Holos) because they, the mgmt, weren't doing their fucking jobs. they got mogged by Capcom because mgmt didn't do their homework, they didn't train their talent on how to avoid bugman aggro despite thirsting so hard for CN cash, and then they rush to try and make themselves acceptable for normies and YT content filter (rest in peace swimsuits (I'm not even KFP but ty based huke-papa for sneaking a new swimsuit in)).
So Coco gets pretty well fucked over by management, gets pressured to make "safe" content, thrown to the wolf warriors, and barred from collabing with the hyper-successful EN branch that wouldn't even fucking exist without her. I'm sad to see Coco go- it'll be more difficult without corporate resources, even if she does make more money as an indie- but if I was working as fucking hard as she did and still got held back, I'd give em my 2 weeks notice and swear at the customers too.

>> No.5370715

Ogey Zhang

>> No.5370768

Touch grass

>> No.5370793

The riots ended after the election ended. Those cops left because one of their own was hit with bullshit charges. Portland is the only city that's still an issue, but they're just maneuvering for federal funding to launder away.

>> No.5370796

Nah just the Zhnags and blacks only.

>> No.5370870

Nah just the Blacks & Zhangs

>> No.5370936

Of course, schizos gonna schizo anyways.

>> No.5371304

Anon everyone knows what she looks like, she is not uuuoooohhh

>> No.5371531

atleast has a clean & hygene cunt than anything that you will ever get to bang.

>> No.5371793


>> No.5372185

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.5372359

anons itt should stop pretending that every restrictions management gives is bad and every projects coco proposed is good.

>> No.5372419

Lewd body and shaved cunt, uuuuooooohhh

>> No.5372494

but how can even say this when you don't even know the projects Coco planned for.
Did you even see when Pekora broke down crying, when Astel broke down crying when the management canned their projects.

>> No.5372545

Jeezus you don't know much about Burgerland do you? Crackers can walk the streets freely, without fear. God help you if you are colored though.

>> No.5372813

Her humors only shined when she broke common senses.
It was unsustainable anyway.

>> No.5372828

Crime rates have been dropping for decades, you have to be a conservative (i.e. a retard) to think you are in serious danger walking down a street unless you yourself are a drug dealer or gang banger and thus a target.

>> No.5373031

Ignore this retarded faggot lmao, he clearly doesn't know that Coco isn't the only one affected by this. Either a newfag, or a clipwatcher.

>> No.5373150
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It's good that she's leaving, but they should've kicked out this vshojo tier whore sooner instead of just imposing restrictions. Cover made a big mistake axing holoCN because of her.

>> No.5373176

>Her humors only shined when she broke common senses.
i was trying to put my finger on it, but you got it. i remember finding her vulgar humor entertaining when the whole idol image was strong but also in question.

>> No.5373261

exactly, we don't know. how can we assume the talents not in the wrong in a way or another. they do make bad decision sometimes.

>> No.5373688

most international people who visit the states say its a very dangerous place because they only visit major cities run by democrat morons who let niggers rape women and kill old asians

>> No.5373787

Yes, and I'm worried at what will happen now.
If they don't kneel, it will likely lead to more graduations, and potentially create a morale-killing domino effect that causes a large number of talent to leave.
If they do kneel, after seeing all the holos not streaming, taking breaks and anti-management fan discontent, they might panic, kneel too hard and use too light a hand, especially with non-JPs (they're japs, they almost certainly associate Coco's attitude with her burger upbringing). This could have disastrous timing with EN2 on the horizon, because recruiting too-online western girls will always be a minefield and it's a miracle that EN1 had no hardcore wokies that a corporate recruiter failed to filter (even Coco isn't that familiar with western internet cultures). Cover going too soft, combined with some unlucky draws, could see EN get its own futacoochie mama who sticks her foot in the door to try to push more of her shit into the company, as is their prerogative.
Either way, it's Cover's fault. Orange woman did no bad.

>> No.5374093

This. Her growth has always been unstable ever since management started to fuck with asacoco live. She had problems over this issue with management very early on but she usually found a workaround or had some leeway still.

>> No.5374118

Kneel to what? All the talents seem content and no one has even raised a fuss about coco graduating, the truth is most of the talents are lazy or lack ideas, I can't see management being such a pain when Ame makes so many creative streams all the time. I really doubt anyone else will graduate because of these "restrictions", after coco leaves nothing will change and the talents will keep doing what they always do

>> No.5374241
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fuck them hoes

>> No.5374286

>you have to be a conservative (i.e. a retard) to think you are in serious danger walking down a street unless you yourself are a drug dealer or gang banger and thus a target.
yeah dude, criminals follow like their own geneva convention. non criminals are off limits.

>> No.5374309

Do you not follow anything? Haato is on indefinite break due to Cover's restrictions, Korone has mentioned thinking about leaving, EN has been vocal about wanting to collab with Coco even when they weren't supposed to be, lots of unspecified emotional breaks from JPs in the last few months (when Coco's graduation would have been known within the company) and 3/5ths of EN pushing the envelope for what they can get away with, and today even Kiara flaunting management to encourage Coco to tell the other talent that the restrictions are nonsense and to do what they want anyway (much like Ame just did with her 3D stream using tons of random third-party resources that she stated she hopes she doesn't get in trouble for).
There are rrats, but there are also facts, and some of the rrats are going to be true. There are a number of holos who, much like Coco, don't need Hololive to survive, and, like Coco, a number of them are also cornerstones of the company that other girls rely on or look up to. If things get bad enough, you'll see a number of holos leave at once, with mostly the reliant and indifferent ones remaining.

>> No.5374459

>There are a number of holos who, much like Coco, don't need Hololive to survive, and, like Coco, a number of them are also cornerstones of the company that other girls rely on or look up to. If things get bad enough, you'll see a number of holos leave at once, with mostly the reliant and indifferent ones remaining.
I still don't believe the "Coco's leaving to start her own company" rrats, but I'll saw what I've been saying since the graduation announcement: If a bunch of Holos graduate and then a new company starts up with Kson at the helm, expect some familiar voices.

>> No.5374498

Don't worry, July 2nd? Ryuu Momo will be the new VShojo streamer.

>> No.5374581

I meant a fuss as in, no one is saying anything about their restrictions because they don't care, coco had a million reasons to graduate, restrictions were just a plus. As for haato, you do not watch haato. As for korone, that was family related, as for the rest, I don't see them cursing management and wishing they could graduate. The truth anon is that girls like coco are anomalies, no one else really wants to break grounds like her and they're just content playing apex and streaming minecraft

>> No.5374619

Crime rate goes down when you legalize some of them.

>> No.5374654

I don't think they curse management (yet) but we knownfor a gact thatt Marine, Pekora and fucking Kanata of all people have gotten projects canceled by management.

>> No.5374757

Pretty sure marine's project was allowed and even cofunded by cover, that was the whole argument against pekora because if marine's expensive ass project got the ok then pekora's idea must have been retarded

>> No.5374779

Other members is just not as vocal as Coco. When something is wrong, she would really call the bullshit out. You don't really know what the other member feels, perhaps they really feel like mgmt is being shitty, but can't speak out. I mean Pekora cried on stream when her project got canned, and also Marine.

>> No.5374810

Didn't marine said that she had to bankroll her project because Cover wouldn't fund it?

>> No.5374852

Must have been another project because the one that was approved when pekora's was rejected was more than $100k, no way she's paying that alone

>> No.5374985

It was precisely that project

>> No.5375052

You underestimated one of biggest HoloJP too much.

>> No.5375084

Ogey Zhang

>> No.5375110

She’s pretty hot imo

>> No.5375144

Thank god she gone. A lil more and she'll turn hololive into some low level trashy thots

>> No.5375228

The way she phrases it, it seems more like cover funded a part of it with the revenue they got from marine's activities and she still had to pay a big sum from her own share to complete everything

>> No.5375309

>no one is saying anything about their restrictions because they don't care
JPs don't say anything because JP autism, especially company autism. ENs and IDs allude frequently to being controlled by management, and even those instances are phrased like this is a slip and there's plenty more they never mention.
>coco had a million reasons to graduate, restrictions were just a plus
She's said herself that it was primarily the restrictions, and she reaffirmed that during Holotalk. The bugmen were controlled and dying out. Cover was the problem.
>As for haato, you do not watch haato
Are you mad or something?
>as for the rest, I don't see them cursing management and wishing they could graduate
A JP wouldn't do that if she was being actively molested, and you know this, so why the pretense?

>> No.5375366

Ogey Zhang go back to watching tia in bilibili

>> No.5375421

They said it would take her cut from her merch and even then she would still have to pay a big sum on top of that

>> No.5375454

I assure you that without restrictions, nothing would change, it's always the same with everything else with holos, they get game permissions and they do nothing with them until someone like pekora plays it and then everyone follows her, and about the ENs they are actually more restricted than JP holos so I can actually understand them complaining even if ame gets away with a lot, and the IDs basically don't have management how can they be restricted when ollie is on the loose 24/7

>> No.5375915 [DELETED] 

>MuH iDoL pUriTyyyyyyyyyy
Go neck yourself bigger, they're adults, not kids.

>> No.5375952
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>can you really say management too strict on her?

>> No.5375985

>mUh iDOL pUriTyyyyyyyy
Go neck yourself retarded nigger. They're adults, not kids. They have common sense. Also people like Matsuri and Marine existed before Coco.

>> No.5376012

Nope, she's still a bitch

>> No.5376323

Go neck yourself retarded nigger

>> No.5376728

Coco is sexy

>> No.5376743

Far less, since YouTube would have punted her.

>> No.5377331

Yea, but she should still be allowed to do her projects as long as she didn't say anything offensive that would damage the brand. If she made shit content, the audience would be the one to tell her. I'd rather watch dumpster fire of a show rather than pixel-art building in Minecraft

>> No.5377371

they've allowed her to do what she wants - at least, more of it - because she's graduating. they've successfully power harrassed her out and dropped the restrictions to shift any possible suspicion

>> No.5377392

and a kanata suicide joke, don't forget

>> No.5377489

Small degree of censorship is benefitial because it stimulates creativity.
On one hand the menagment has been too strict too often, but in the context of them being on youtube which is about as stable as Stalinist USSR its understandable to some extent.

>> No.5377538

>Small degree of censorship is beneficial because it stimulates creativity.
This, I get a lot of enjoyment when Coco tries to toe the line. If she pushes it further it gets hammy like South Park

>> No.5377567

*rapes you*

>> No.5377605

So go watch Vsluts or Niji? If you want an agency for your vtubers, hololive aims to be the most pure, niji spans the spectrum, and vshoujo is the least. If everyone picks the one that suits their taste, everyone can be happy. But if retards insist that hololive has to imitate vshoujo, then the people that actually like hololive can't be happy, creating unnecessary conflict and shitting everything up.

>> No.5377617

I don't mind staff being strict to be honest, the fucking problem is they do fucking nothing with the harassment, no supporting holomem music, pain in the ass with collabs fuck cover

>> No.5377696
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>> No.5378582

china was trying to do us a favor getting rid of this degenerate americanized bitch

>> No.5378726

Taiwan is an independent country of free intelligent people. It is truly the real Republic of China! That is, of course, in contrast to the oppressive communist land that calls themselves 'China'. Full of whining blithering morons with no honor, no love, and no freedom. Everyone there is a criminal for they are in league will the illegitimate government the 'Chinese' Communist Party, which are a bunch of evil bastards. The People's 'Republic' of China is truly the asshole of the world! I'd feel bad for them if they were humans instead of robots, lol.

>> No.5378832


Tbh glad she’s gone from Hololive, she did more harm than good

>> No.5378891


This - kind of ironic that this board complains about VShojo ruining their seiso jp waifus while licking the proverbial sweat up from between Coco’s toes because she says the word shit in Japanese.

>> No.5379697

you probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her so I guess you're right.

>> No.5379899

I'm kind of disappointed that the woman who lived in the country that made tentacle porn a thing because of censors didn't get more innovative with her content

>> No.5379903

>whites beat blacks
>blacks beat asians
>asians beat no one because they're not animals

>> No.5379949

>blacks blames whites for beating asians
>whites gets reminded why they need to beat the blacks

>> No.5380331

Having a management at all is too strict for her

>> No.5382130


>> No.5382300


>> No.5386648

Ok, perhaps you don't enjoy Coco's content. This doesn't only affect Coco. Don't you want to see Pekora's project comes to light. What can possibly come out of that rabbit's head that would stain the purity of the brand and needed to be shut down? It isn't about taste, I don't even want Holo to imitate vshoujo, I want them to put up the best show that they enjoy doing.

>> No.5387801

Pekora's project was a massive off-peko with fans, cover would crumble the next day

>> No.5388042

She got two fucking spots in the top 5, holy shit.
That's a once in a century talent.

>> No.5388195

I figure she's unfiltered now because Cover doesn't have to worry about Youtube banning her channel anymore.

>> No.5388231

If you think this, you haven't been paying attention. Whites are killed by cops at a disproportionate rate.

>> No.5388290

Wdym, she knows her fans, at least more than Cover

>> No.5388497

Maybe im retarded but cover management should have let her do the what ever the fuck she wanted.

Then if she got banned they wouldnt be to blame for it and the fan would people would have understood why they are this restrictive.

Now its just look like to me that they are overreacting with they're censorship.
I get being scared of youtube but for fucksake if she's gonna leave either way why not try it.

>> No.5388633

They can't let her do something that would make Cover look bad.

>> No.5388709

Make Cover look bad to who? China? Who else would think less of Cover for it?

>> No.5388751

>to who
To companies Cover does business with, sponsorship is where the money is after all.

>> No.5388949

>Then if she got banned they wouldnt be to blame for it and the fan would people would have understood why they are this restrictive.
Cover would be to blame anyways, if something bad happens to the talents it's still their fault. And it's hard to find a middle ground when coco's idea of creativity is drugs and sex jokes and sometimes (un)intentional suicide

>> No.5388975

You mean the companies that make things that might interest people who watch anime girls playing video games on the internet? Those are the ones that are going to be offended by Coco's behavior? Those are the ones who think Coco's behavior would scare away their potential customers?

>> No.5388977

her literal words are that she was restricted, are you dumb or just naive?

>> No.5389019

We're talking about old rich Japanese men so... yes?

>> No.5389039

Coco has to live probably half a century off her current money, she will need a new job. No you can't live in Tokyo or wherever with 2 mil in savings or whatever even if she was frugal.

>> No.5389055

>Those are the ones who think Coco's behavior would scare away their potential customers?

>> No.5389249

She doesn't need a new job when she can continue milking her fans as her roommate for a good time

>> No.5389268

>Japanese investors
I thought it's mostly chinks? I was wrong then

>> No.5389273

I'm really curious about what kind of company you two have in mind. Like what kind of company thinks sponsoring piss fetish Matsuri, endless lewd joke Marine or sex game addict Miko would bring them more money and be okay but sponsoring Coco would hurt their image?

>> No.5389280

That will only last a couple months, she needs a long term plan.

>> No.5389289

Holy shit Kson is the no.1 highest growing Youtuber in japan. No wonder Coco hasn't played RE8 yet. She's been saving it for her roommate. Cover is shaking.

>> No.5389319

She can if she is a landlord for vtubers.

>> No.5389351

Part of me wants Coco to reincarnate in Nijisanji just to spite Cover.

>> No.5389415
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son of a bitch, did she just become japan's pewdiepie? No wonder she's wanting to graduate and a good majority of the girls want her to stay. I'm not sure of many influencers who have that level of sway and clout. Maybe the Paul brothers when they do antics?

>> No.5389434

>Vshoujo: haha ass tits pussy pubes
>Everyone calls them dirty western whores and says hololive is better
>Coco: haha ass tits pussy pubes
not even trying to start shit between holofags and nijifags (I watch both) but this is pathetic

>> No.5389450

She's been a streamer for way way longer than she has been coco, she doesn't need the disgusting amount of income she got as coco to continue living as she is now, if she gets a loyal fanbase she's set for life

>> No.5389456

While on Holotalk Coco said that she has over 60 games she has not played yet. Welp, I guess I know where she's planning on streaming them.

>> No.5389490

No it haven't. Pay better attention what the fuck has been going on outside of your bubble you stupid bitch

>> No.5389495

Anon coco has been shit on nonstop since her debut for her humor, the only reason she stopped getting shit on is because she became the enemy of china which made her based to this site

>> No.5389513

They've been pretty entertaining.

>> No.5389538

Yes, on Mildom where the vast majority of her western fans will never see them.

>> No.5389581

Graduation buff plus Youtube algorithm magic. Boom!!! She's over a 1million subs again. It's an inevitable outcome and super fucking hilarious to think about.

>> No.5389584

People forgot how Coco was before that incident with the zhangs because a lot of folks had a common enemy. If they didn't target her, her departure would be vastly different.

>> No.5389588

She's on Mildom right now because it has a built filter to stop the communists. She's in talks to get Youtube to implement the experimental chat filter she has on her Hololive channel on her roommate account.

>> No.5389643

>People either love me, or hate me for my humor
She knows her humor sucks, she's self aware. It's really up to people, and its not like all her streams are like that. Even other holos do that too, i.e. Marine and Matsuri. I just don't get why Coco gets singled out all the time.

>> No.5389673

My rrat.
Some of Hololive girls reactivated their roomate accounts to be able to collab with certain Bayonetta in future

>> No.5389687

Guess why Asacoco 3.0 was tame as fuck, anon.

>> No.5389689

Of course, because she wouldn't graduate without the yab.
>No Chinks seething
>No nonsense restrictions.

>> No.5389738

She was out of ideas, even 1.0 wasn't that good most of the time.

>> No.5389751

Cover restricted her. Even Kanata couldn't do an idol show.

>> No.5389778

Thank the Zhangs for that.
>Gura is No. 17
Very surprised. Does she know about this?

>> No.5389813

Perhaps because she's the most easily accessible for EOP's and newfags? Because she speaks burger?

>> No.5389840

Coco is based as fuck. Vshojo on the other hand are a bunch of Skags and Vermin who belong in the trash. Coco is japanese, which around these parts is a passive immunity buff that dispels her from any form of criticism. Let's not forget that Coco is an Idol who we worship. She's a beacon of light that blinds faggots like YOU and empower Chads like me. If you don't agree with me then You are a Zhang apologist. Fuck of Zhang.

>> No.5389873

I'm afraid of this because I don't what to discover that any of them are actually fatties. Fat Asians are the worst fatties.

>> No.5389928

Yep. People don't care if other vtubers do it unless clipfags translate content then it spreads.

>> No.5389984

Not personal ones. Lot of Holos have accounts with some alias and anime like avatar + some covers or similar things.
Theoretically they could use them to collab with anyone, regardless of Cover restrictions.

>> No.5390018

I read that in a hillbilly southern accent and it makes you sound retarded anon. Based nonetheless.

>> No.5394984

Have you seen her roommate's twitter?half of them literally have tatsunoko badges in profile names.

>> No.5395034

Dont give ieddit newfags the (you)s

>> No.5395067

That was hololive’s golden age, asacoco got almost the whole cast together,

And then they all played arc together, far more entertaining than the shitty minecraft streams

>> No.5395090

Stop giving newfags the (you)s

These guys all came when en debuted and never even seen a single episode of asacoco outside of clips

>> No.5395099

Ching chong spotted

>> No.5395126
File: 354 KB, 1061x1500, 1607756675878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is an attempt at sarcasm, but...

>> No.5395229

I would really love your girlfriend to walk here alone at night.

>> No.5395296

based chad 6'9" and jacked anon with a huge penis

>> No.5395380

Holy shit the second highest ranked is this dentan dude. Hes like korean vagrant holiday.

Why is he categorized as japanese?

>> No.5395427


>> No.5395551

The only newfag is you zhang.
90% of this board are enfags who joined during en debut

>> No.5395597


Its literally just fat cat and fat clown, everyone else is fit as a fin

>> No.5395658

Nice strawman faggot.

people who like coco arent the same ones who complain every thread about vshojo.
Almost all of them are pekorafags

>> No.5395704

If she didnt get targeted then she wouldnt even need to graduate. This whole last 8 months would be vastly different

>> No.5395810
File: 613 KB, 796x626, cocosmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that coco is going to stuff veggies, change, asacoco, dead yagoo, and her fist up Reine's butt before she leaves.

>> No.5395913
File: 113 KB, 379x359, Based on what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5396053
File: 51 KB, 832x1000, Chad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Idolchads will never stop winning.

>> No.5396113

Nice try zhang, but
We all know artia was actually hated by the zhangs. This whole artia hated coco shit was a false flag from bilibili

Shes also american, i hope you realize this shes literally in callifornia and has her own insta. Shes not anti coco by any means

>> No.5396301

Asians need to start doing mass shootings to scare the blacks and cumskins

Need another general cho

>> No.5396446

Imagine lf coco does one more collab before she goes, and its on chasturbait with melody,
And they do the whole van darkholm skit,
“The leather clubs 3 blocks down”
With coco as van

>> No.5396534

Dont reply to zhang tourists

>> No.5397931
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>> No.5398022

This is probably one of the biggest roasts ive seen on this site in years. The last one was about a guy pouring cereal after the milk

>> No.5398665

But Coco has more to offer than dirty jokes. Vshojo not

>> No.5405253

Ogey Zhang

>> No.5405425

>muh madonna whore complex
lmao you tragic pieces of shit

>> No.5405437

I'm sad that we'll never get a holo who is in to anal sex again

>> No.5405484

shhh, let the zhangs think they sound like humans, it's funny

>> No.5405568

Marine is right there

>> No.5405592
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>> No.5405656

Now guess what most of these cities have in common.

>> No.5407075

no one even remembers your shit oshi's name, go back zhang.

>> No.5407902

Shark looked like she could have been chubby, but at the very least she looked like she would have been a cute chubby.

>> No.5408719

All run by Democrats

>> No.5409083

fat cat isnt actually fat anymore
cow knight and pirate are fat

>> No.5409596

>kid's humor
creampie compilation on pornhub

>> No.5410139

>Her fans wont follow her. She is going to be a 500k sub youtuber
there is a reason why she sticks to mainly streams in japanese, she knows her fans and gachikois very well, you don't even know what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5415517
File: 2.54 MB, 1819x2294, 1608676002757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatsunokos are insane and will follow her anywhere she goes.
Some of them have been watching her since 2016.

>> No.5419476

what's her new stream channel after she leaves hololive?

>> No.5420890

cow knight is literally still streaming on her roomate's account and is not fat. She got big of fat bappers, but she is pretty thin.
