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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 442 KB, 488x469, 1624133015627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5349479 No.5349479 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here Anon Sodapoppin Streaming.: https://www.twitch.tv/sodapoppin

>> No.5349688

I kinda wish he went further and got a voice changer for the full ugu uwu experience

>> No.5349905

I think its mostly enjoyable due to him keeping his voice
Something about his tone and the way he talks really sells it

>> No.5349977

Nah his voice is perfect for what he is trying to achieve.

>> No.5350027

Alex, stop hiding

>> No.5350119
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>> No.5350138
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i hope he keeps it up desu

>> No.5350188
File: 328 KB, 357x415, Sodahood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay like this.

>> No.5350237

Do we really need to have a thread for a fucking shitpost?
Should we get a fucking thread for PewDiePie and the Kleins too?

>> No.5350259

bros... i want to fuck soda... bros.. i cant fucking take it..

>> No.5350313

make one if you want one that bad

>> No.5350328
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>> No.5350330

its the perfect combination of the fake 'bro friend' streamer and the 'fake gf' vtuber

>> No.5350376

it's okay anon, everyone on /vt/ is secretly gay

>> No.5350380

Sodapoppin becoming a vtuber is an unironically good thing. It'll send the message to westerners that guys can be vtubers too, that it isn't only an industry for females. Hololive has had too much of a grasp on the west's view of vtubers, and this is a good way to shatter that biased perception.

>> No.5350403

>for a fucking shitpost
Is it really a shitpost if he enjoys using the model and actually gives a shit about it?

>> No.5350438

m8 i doubt a literal shitpost by a gazillionaire is going to change the western vtuber experience

>> No.5350445 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5350454

I can't tell if he really appreciates Vtubers or is mocking them and everyone who likes them

Also this dude has 3 million followers and somehow I've never heard of him, who the fuck even if he and why is he famous?

>> No.5350503

He made the redditors on LSF seethe because of "NOOOOO NOT A LOLI MODEL STOP NORMALIZING LOLICON WAAAAAH"
He proved himself to be based by that alone

>> No.5350510
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>"It's just a prank!"

>> No.5350523
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>a literal shitpost is higher quality than all of vshojo
how mad are they right now?

>> No.5350551

you're only saying that because he didn't do it

>> No.5350580

I'm encouraged to skeb the idea, is it legal?

>> No.5350590

It's not a loli model though, it's a young adult woman with a slender body and B-cup breasts.

>> No.5350595

he's taking it seriously see the streamables>>5350510

>> No.5350604

Soda has higher IQ than all of vshojo combined

>> No.5350609
File: 66 KB, 1040x520, mr sodapoppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the latter but apparently some of his mods are big vtuber watchers
also he's an og livestreamer that basically pioneered video game streaming back when it was in its infancy on twitch

>> No.5350610

She is 45, he said so.

>> No.5350618

higher quality than hololive too, the man just has too much money

>> No.5350622

He's had emotes of hololive vtubers enable on his BTTV and FFZ for quite some time now, he definetly knows alikes at least some of the Holos
For your other question, he's been streaming since JustinTV, the predecessor of Twitch over 10 years ago. Became popular due to WoW, then abandoned it and started doing variety. He became very jaded over time, which pretty much made him 100x more entertaining.

>> No.5350649

Of course.

>> No.5350653

didn't he say 'loli' in the previous stream?

I'm watching him for the first time in my life right now, I don't know how I didn't found about him until now.
But I absolutely would not be watching if he was using a voice changer

>> No.5350659
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>> No.5350664

Exactly, but the redditors still think it's a loli. Even though his model is probably 3x taller than the average height of a loli.

>> No.5350722

It's not a shitpost. Maybe Soda played it off like a shitpost, as per usual with everything he does, but it's not a shitpost.

>> No.5350750
File: 626 KB, 534x726, 1624065974570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda love!
Hag love!

>> No.5350761

I've watched him for about 7 years
it would be funny, maybe not to use it all the time, but every now and then

>> No.5350772
File: 17 KB, 916x377, 1611378891310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda is the first western vtuber to hit 3 mil. He did it, guys!

>> No.5350778

Why did he commission such a fuckable model? What's his ulterior motive?

>> No.5350812

sadly, only matters when women do that...

>> No.5350824

wait isn't he only playing non-games? whats this

>> No.5350837

God fuckin dammit why did it have to be so hot

>> No.5350865

is he gonna jump to ff14 too?

>> No.5350909

He's literally a vtuber with 3.03 mil subs. He is the first.

>> No.5350946

only if asmon does

>> No.5350973

He's a coomer. Once during a VRChat stream some years ago, he was very high and became very horny sometime into the stream. He hopped into his bed and started jerking off to Widowmaker's ass. The stream was still running (no webcam though), he even told the chat he fapped to Widowmaker once he came back.

>> No.5351004


>> No.5351008
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It's on the same level as Nyanners, better than Mousey and Hime, but definitely worse than Vei. Not sure about Froot, I haven't seen a lot of her streams.
I think Hololive got rid of the most egregiously bad rigs at this point. Gura is the worst one by far, but she's an exception.

>> No.5351012

no, hes a pvper and ff14's pvp is unironic non-existent dogshit

>> No.5351016

asmon said he'll play ff14 but I dunno

>> No.5351024

I'm guessing Bahroo is the vtuber with most subs thanks to his genius emote salesman skills.

>> No.5351029

he is a pvp player mainly
so even if he does, he will quit fast, since xiv plays like shittier wow and has no proper pvp

>> No.5351048

do you think he already jerked off to his own model?

>> No.5351052

Veibae is deviantart tier, Soda looks like a JP mama/papa made it.

>> No.5351084

no way, his wow autism is too high and he doesn't care about retail dying

>> No.5351093

100% yes

>> No.5351121

>Soda will literally play garbage to lose viewers
>still gets 30k
the most powerful chuba.

>> No.5351122
File: 33 KB, 601x508, a12432fab6f0c61e2815d3df4736669e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping veibae cuck fan hands wrote this post
just admit this dude literally mogged your vwhore oshi dude

>> No.5351159

He is his own oshi. Big brain

>> No.5351199
File: 432 KB, 2048x1183, 1623066613317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you joking m8? His art is average, and so is his rigging. It's not bad, but it's not amazing. Vei is miles ahead.

>> No.5351218
File: 105 KB, 1528x891, Sodapoppin the last spell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one might be good.

>> No.5351267

Go to bed, Veibae. That's a deviantart face.

>> No.5351298 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 211x239, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his art is average
>vei is miles ahead

>> No.5351308

>looks like a JP mama/papa made it
Wrong on both accounts, actually. And it's not that good, not reall.

>> No.5351324
File: 1.33 MB, 1254x1771, 1594220858413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discount Choco

>> No.5351331

I can already tell this is gonna end up with gay femboy shit or sodapopping turning tranny.

>> No.5351344 [DELETED] 

obsessed, meds

>> No.5351349
File: 124 KB, 463x453, 1618428964148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, m8.

>> No.5351376

holy cope

>> No.5351395

The face is objectively shit and that's the most important part of a l2d.

>> No.5351436
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>> No.5351441
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That's your opinion, I can respect it.

>> No.5351447

On the contrary, thse random game marathons are one of his biggest draws for his channel. His viewes tank whenever he plays WoW.

>> No.5351456 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 208x243, lerattmerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yess goyim take your meds and consume vshojo content yesssssss

>> No.5351462
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>> No.5351489
File: 1.49 MB, 1360x716, 1601226911069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first vtuber in the west to 3 mil subs
>on debut, mogs the entire vshojo branch
>30000 viewers playing a horse kusoge
>all as a shitpost
I kneel, Soda.

>> No.5351507

>gay femboy shit
yeah, about that...

>> No.5351515

Is it wrong if I masturbate to this?

>> No.5351531
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soda already did

>> No.5351543

Another reason Soda is the #1 vtuber: NO PERMISSIONS. He can play anything.

>> No.5351572

God damn it, so cute and hot.

>> No.5351584

who's this

>> No.5351611

sodas brother

>> No.5351615

what are permissions? i'm only here because of soda, i don't follow all this virtual girls shit

>> No.5351627

That's the case for Twitch in general, you can stream pretty much any game you want without consequences

>> No.5351657

Permissions for cocksucking. Soda immediately gets right into it, for faggotass fans like you.

>> No.5351658

In other companies they need permission to monetize (get donations) for a game. This is why Cover can't play Dark Souls currently for example.

>> No.5351663

He should've put more thought into this design if he was serious about it. It's just a weird mess of clashing colors and no consistent theme. It's not memorable at all. The girl herself is fine, but maybe he should consider commissioning a new costume (make it less of a "Projekt Melody's tryhard imouto") and sticking with the catgirl theme, never removing the ears.

>> No.5351677

im not gonna lie anon her design is fucking good but her personality is absolutely unbearable i'm not sure how you can like a prostitute like her

>> No.5351700
File: 553 KB, 594x710, shovel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in his debut stream composes a tweet making fun of trannies to announce his model
>says "I probably shouldnt do this"
>does it anyway
already the best EN

>> No.5351702

some japanese law or whatever, they need permission from the game publisher to stream it
any company in US can do it because it's transformative content and falls under fair use

>> No.5351733

Wait, really? When did he become trans? I remember him being just an average Texan dudebro that smokes pot, what happened?

>> No.5351773

don't corrupt distorted pekora you whore piece of shit

>> No.5351789

I feel like this is only really enforced by and for japanese companies most western developers have blanket permissions for streaming their games anyway.

>> No.5351800

When I first watched Vei, I got filtered hard by her attitude. But after giving her a chance, I realized that she's actually really sweet. She enjoys acting abrasive and crass, but none of it is malicious, she's just a natural-born gremlin, and a huge nerd.

>> No.5351810

You ate wrong, what the fuck is wrong with you. Stop saying words like they are magic spells, no streaming has not been decided as being transformative. The reason it doesn't get taken down is because companies most companies don't bother. Both Twitch and YouTube are US based companies, they follow the same law. A US vtuber on YT is gonna have the same problems on Twitch and YT.

>> No.5351811

I prefer Vei's old model to Soda's. Soda's new model is better than new Vei even if her voice still makes me coom.

>> No.5351824

yea he started doing massive amounts of drugs and started roleplaying in WoW's TradeChat
I guess all the RPing trannies got to him and he chopped it off
that's why Soda doesn't stream with him anymore
this was few years back

>> No.5351854 [DELETED] 


>> No.5351856

She just wants a dude that looks like Jason Momoa to fuck her brains out, she admitted that she's a brat that wants to be put into place by a hunk of a man.
The irony that her viewers are mostly pathetic virgins is obvious.

>> No.5351881

no you retard
hololive and nijisanji are fucking japanese companies, that's why they need to do it
it has nothing to do with youtube

>> No.5351891

Just a matter of time before Sodas "lol its just a joke" erping with dudes while "pretending" to be a catgirl leads to this

>> No.5351914

>that's why Soda doesn't stream with him anymore
makes sense, I remember there being a popular clip of Soda where he said "There's only 2 genders" live on stream and that he'd wear a bumper sticker like that just to piss of SJWs.

>> No.5351915
File: 1020 KB, 1085x1097, image0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons... she is pretending... literally the whole point of vtubing is to larp. you can argue some vtubers are honest with their personalities but often and its almost always the case they always think of a personality to go with their persona. my point is. dont fall for her tricks because she is fake as Fuck.

>> No.5351970

Duh, western companies know it's free publicity. Jap lawmakers are being retarded as per usual.

>> No.5351977

No anon, any company can DMCA a streamer and companies have in the past place restrictions on streamers. PrwDiPie Lets Plays of Firewatch got taken down by the devs.

>> No.5351980

he's been doing this on vrchat since the pandemic started
as far as i know he's still straight but the most degen he got was having a "personal mute" and convincing other streamers to get one
his friends like surefour though... dude taught himself how to do a convincing female voice after 2 months in vrchat

>> No.5352006

I'm legitimately happy for Soda. He actually put enough effort (money) into getting a well designed and rigged model unlike Pokimane.

It's sad seeing some people discredit him for clout-chasing when modern V-tubers wouldn't exist in the first place if it weren't for people like him pioneering game-streaming and proving it's viability as a profession.

>> No.5352013

streaming gameplay of a game someone else made is just showing people what they would see if they bought the game themselves. It isn't transformative.

>> No.5352020

lmao we have soda general now
can we use twitch lingo in here ?

>> No.5352038

>he does not know about the ERP vods

>> No.5352059
File: 888 KB, 923x619, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His avatar is really fucking good

>> No.5352119

I will now watch your chuuba
he sounds incredibly fucking based and I want to be his friend

>> No.5352133


>> No.5352136

Soda was in many private ERP worlds in VRChat, not as a participant, but mostly as a watcher

>> No.5352241

poggers bro

>> No.5352260

Does anyone hate Twitch's layout besides me?

>> No.5352279

>not as a participant

>> No.5352282

not at all, game's are not films or music, anon, most of them are completely transformative and different depending on who plays
maybe japs' are, because most of the trash they make is a hallway level design with zero choices

>> No.5352289

i hate you fags

>> No.5352292


>> No.5352320

If you're not autistic, and you stick around for long enough, you can figure out a few basic things. Just don't be creepy about it.

>> No.5352325

Oh, he already moved past that line? I haven't heard much of his ERP escapades since like a year.

>> No.5352346

>he keeps insisting his vwhore is pure
not gonna make it

>> No.5352352

He actually started on Xfire. Soda is basically as OG as OG gets.

>> No.5352374

Navigation is a bithc. butthe stream itself and the chat are far superior to Youtube

>> No.5352385

wtf PepeHands

>> No.5352390
File: 773 KB, 1511x970, 1603918148926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of hororaibu...
>the CHAD Soda live2D

>> No.5352392

twitch's theater mode is much better than youtube's. Other than that I don't think the layout matters much

>> No.5352394

he literally have said that he had a dude in a yoshi avatar fuck his face

>> No.5352421

Most twitch viewer numbers is far stabler than number of viewers of vtubers on youtube. It won't fluctuate that far, so if you reach a certain number of viewers expect to get around that for any games that they would play.

>> No.5352447
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>> No.5352495

let's gooo xqcL

>> No.5352504

No one said anything about anyone being pure.

>> No.5352522

To be fair, every man and woman alive wants to have sex with Yoshi, so it's understandable.

>> No.5352552

it's the ultimate shitpost: he doesn't care, but it outdoes all the vtubers doing it seriously on Twitch. Never change, Soda.

>> No.5352597

you're just not used to it, youtube is actually much worse for watching live streams.

>> No.5352602

There is literally nothing gay about getting off with dudes pretending to be anime girls in a virtual space as long as you're the guy.

>> No.5352685
File: 508 KB, 648x598, 1562118207927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically you can fuck any dude in VRChat without becoming gay, because your actual balls aren't touching.

>> No.5352698

I'm willing to believe that he cares, his setup looks legit. But if he doesn't, why should we? Pewds pulled this stunt before, and the world didn't end. In fact, it brought more people in.

>> No.5352700

I had to use an extension called "twitch theater mode for youtube" to make youtube usable, otherwise you get a shitload of wasted space that could be the video screen/chat.

>> No.5352780

Is this faggot going to be on this board from now on?

>> No.5352833

Pewdiepie just used a shitty Vroid default that looked lik him, while Soda paid $10k for an actually good handmade model.
He might drop it after a few weeks or keep it as a permanent thing, who knows, only time can tell.

>> No.5352839

Isn't he's just a babiniku now unless he's actually a tranny? Also what's up with IRL streaming turning vtubers lately? It's kinda unfair when you already have thousands of subs to begin with.

>> No.5352867

>It's kinda unfair when you already have thousands of subs to begin with.
cope chumbud

>> No.5352891

why not, he's a vtuber with a better rig than most vtubers.

>> No.5352913

He might use it quite a bit. His chat always begs for facecam whenever he isn't feeling like it so he'll probably just use this to shut them up.

>> No.5352921

>want to be his friend
oh no.

>> No.5352930

Let me check
>/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers
Yep, it checks out.

>> No.5352934

Why is this actually entertaining? Am I becoming a zoomer?

>> No.5352991

he became popular without a gimmick. Most vtubers are about 50-60% design and only 30% entertainment

>> No.5352995

You're gullible. A image search reveals it's a youtuber called Panser or Tradechat

>> No.5353003

He's a jaded millennial just like you except rich and now hes a cute anime girl.

>> No.5353011

no, pls no.

>> No.5353012


how can vshojo compete?

>> No.5353032


>> No.5353042

>It's kinda unfair when you already have thousands of subs to begin with.
Life isn't fair. I bet the JPs felt the same way too when people had the idea of streaming in a language 1/6th of the planet is fluent in

>> No.5353050

Oh, really? Can you faggots tell me what's his lore? What's his kayfabe?

>> No.5353104

Cute as fuck, 45 and smokes

>> No.5353145

His mama is cute too and she has a nice swiss accent

>> No.5353157

45 year old girl who plays World of Warcraft sometimes.

>> No.5353192

We need this faggot out of here

>> No.5353232

He's been streaming before half of zoomers were alive, he's not one of the Frotnite dudebros like Ninja.

>> No.5353276

Oh thank god. For once I'm thankful that I was being retarded.

>> No.5353289

when the fuck did anyone care about vtubers' lore you dumb nigger
soda won, your oshit lost, get over it

>> No.5353343

I hadn't heard about Dream before the cheating drama, and that faggot streams to 150K people.
It's weird how there's all these big circles of people all isolated from each other.

>> No.5353356
File: 79 KB, 488x511, 1600109349827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking it's collab time.

>> No.5353360

who's the artist for his character?

>> No.5353404


>> No.5353406

I have no idea who that is, so... same.

>> No.5353408


>> No.5353415

tuned in for the lols, ended up following him

>> No.5353416

would be cool, why is she hated?

>> No.5353466

Soda's a brand risk, doubt they'll allow her to collab with him

>> No.5353479
File: 98 KB, 262x283, 1600978731629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers bros, artist seems based and I like the style

>> No.5353501

Soda will abandon his channel for months if it attracts holoEN fans.

>> No.5353526

kek, I saw first anon make that tranny sht up
thought I should say he's messing with you, instead I joined and made up lore
I even gave you a hint [wow's trade chat]

>> No.5353529

>It's weird how there's all these big circles of people all isolated from each other.
Unless you're the type of person that browses lolcow shit 24/7

>> No.5353533

I wonder if Soda has a stream deck. He doesn't use expressions at all, that's a shame.

>> No.5353645

he's very lazy
he's not gonna put effort into this aside from putting his phone in proper position

>> No.5353678

he is better than any vshitjo, i wouldnt be mad

>> No.5353707

Then he may actually become a Vtuber. He wouldn't need to care about his looks at all anymore, just sit there and stream.

>> No.5353709


>> No.5353777

some butthurt janny really put the thread on autosage? not much point when it's a general though

>> No.5353790

that's what i've been saying, he has a second twitch account to stream without mic and cam.
now he can now just use this and never fix his hair again

>> No.5353804

This will only be kino if Soda loses his mind and keeps unironically using the avatar to try and cope with his jadedness.

>> No.5353855

I noticed that too. Wonder why?

>> No.5353858

Imagine if he actually gets really into it to the point of respect and passion and applies for Nijisanji.

>> No.5353865

kek this boring ass game lost him 6k viewers

>> No.5353873

holojanny be mad

>> No.5353874

holoniggers think they own this board for some reason, even if there's reasonable non-shitposty discussion in a thread they'll enter it for the sake of sperging out

>> No.5353895

Yeah it seems so

>> No.5353907
File: 17 KB, 916x377, 1613160871101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally. Soda is the first vtuber to 3 million subs.

>> No.5353910

it's 1 am for eu boys, I'm gonna go sleep soon too, I imagine a good amount of his viewers are eu boys and are calling it a day

>> No.5353926

He's a twitch eceleb doing this as a joke. Not the same thing and you fucking know it. A day or two to discuss it whatever, it doesn't mean you can set up shop for plain actual twitch ecelebs here.

>> No.5353932

he won't care lol he spent a week playing a board game called for the king trying to figure out the optimum strats

>> No.5353941

>high end rig and model
if anything vshitjo looks like the joke.

>> No.5353942 [DELETED] 

cry more holonigger

>> No.5353971

nice bad faith argument, he's literally a vtuber, fuck off

>> No.5353995

The intent is what counts and he doesn't intend on doing this forevermore. He's clearly just butthurt about the presence/rise of vtubers so is mocking them going "lol I can do that too you're not so special see"

>> No.5354003

just make a new one

>> No.5354025

why would a janitor set it to autosage? he is literally using a live2d as a streamer.

did the shark meido from /jp/ get transferred here? that one was also really biased, to the point /qa/ mods made fun of them.

>> No.5354051

listen here you holonig, he's actually a fan
look at his chat, korone and gura emotes everywhere

>> No.5354056
File: 779 KB, 1526x248, 1608368148153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how inferior and antiquated the guy on the right is

>> No.5354061

But he isn't mocking them. He unironically enjoys watching some of them.

>> No.5354072

Don't think he's butthurt or mocking he's friends with vtubers through arcadums dnd thing and artia was in his wow guild/project 30 group

>> No.5354141

Wait, Artia was in Project 30?

>> No.5354143
File: 102 KB, 290x253, kuva_2021-06-20_021459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also does proper debut etc with guide
>>5350510 streamables

>> No.5354189

>He's clearly just butthurt about the presence/rise of vtubers so is mocking them going "lol I can do that too you're not so special see"
Making a whole lot of assumptions there mr. janitor

>> No.5354192

the activity of their threads dropped to like 20% recently, they're probably spooked of becoming irrelevant

>> No.5354219 [DELETED] 

lol it is actually a buttmad holonigger janny, now he suddenly cares about post quality when those "numbers threads" have been pure dogshit toxic garbage with holoniggers running their bitch mouths non stop, when the reddit dragon graduates I'm gonna shit on them so hard all day

>> No.5354264

>holonigger janny making retarded shit excuses
oh no no no

>> No.5354266
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>> No.5354303
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1619100999650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just nuke this board

>> No.5354310

Yeah she was a frost mage

>> No.5354514

I don't care he exists or if he "won". I don't want to see this faggot in the board I use

>> No.5354519

it's starting to get good now that holoniggers are becoming irrelevant though

>> No.5354562

I don't care about your shit opinions holonigger

>> No.5354598

then HIDE THE THREAD you fat lardslurping twinkiesucking faggot
nobody cares about you

>> No.5354607
File: 379 KB, 622x641, 1607641830545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop turning me gay god dammit

>> No.5354648

anon this is literally a vtuber i'm not sure why you are seething so fucking hard

>> No.5354691

holonigger jannies are seething so hard that they auto-saged this thread lmao

>> No.5354722
File: 949 KB, 540x960, 1605463102113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be respectful to your ancestors

>> No.5354752

you mean Kizuna AI?

>> No.5354792
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1555772374891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just now Soda would revel in all this seethe if he would see it

>> No.5354801

You mean Sodapoppin?
Vtubing is just a specific subcategory of modern content creation/streaming in general.

The big IRL streamers who go way back are our crusty-ass grandparents and we owe them even if they sometimes shout slurrs at people jogging by from the porch. It is the way of things.

>> No.5354858

That's a pretty nice butt..

>> No.5354861

This faggot isn't a Vtuber. He's just a faggot using an anime avatar and you shitposters know it. This board had problems but this faggot is the worst thing to happen to the hobby.

>> No.5354902

vtubers use anime avatars anon, take your meds

>> No.5354903

you mean pewdiepie? game live-streaming was just a specific subcategory of lets play youtubers

>> No.5354906

He doesn't browse HERE?

>> No.5354907

Muh hobby

>> No.5354919

>One of the most famous female streamers
>Got this shitty avatar
She really had no idea what she was doing and just went with the trend, even Lily got a better one

>> No.5354916
File: 132 KB, 423x407, 1620192654064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This faggot isn't a Vtuber. He's just a Vtuber

>> No.5354925 [DELETED] 

why? holoniggers aren't respectful to nijisanji, or kizuna ai, or any of their ancestors, I'm gonna spit on you holoniggers for all eternity

>> No.5354929


>> No.5354954 [DELETED] 

holoshit is the worst thing that happened to this hobby, at this point you're not allowed to complain

>> No.5355045

This faggot is famous, right? Doesn't he have a thread all for himself in another board? I know you're just trying to piss off the users of this board. Mission accomplished. Now get out of here and go back to whatever board usually hosts this faggot.

>> No.5355053
File: 18 KB, 156x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has a UUUUOOOOOHHHH cunny emote?

>> No.5355062
File: 130 KB, 463x453, 1599183435134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i am real scared of you anon. please don't "spit" on us

>> No.5355091

>he has a thread for himself in another board?
alright anon enlighten me which board are you talking about?.

>> No.5355115


>> No.5355118
File: 27 KB, 640x480, FeelsWeirdMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not capitalizing the emotes properly

>> No.5355125

Yeah and some Korone/Gura emotes too what I saw.

>> No.5355188

I am a /vt/ user. I'm not pissed off, I'm glad this board is starting to get some variety instead of being a giant /hlg/, keep crying bitch.

>> No.5355192

monkaS pls don't hurt me

>> No.5355197

Holowhores has their own thread on /jp/, I guess you and your faggot fuckbuddies should stay over there, or you could kill yourself, make everyone happy.

>> No.5355201

Do you think I would know where this faggot belongs? Certainly not here. Try /b/ or /y/

>> No.5355221

>this much seething
oh no no no no no

>> No.5355235

Same. As long as he puts in the effort and doesn't do it to mog vtubers, I don't mind.

>> No.5355257

maybe can do a twitch general, to include vshojo

>> No.5355268

Fuck, I meant mock.

>> No.5355290
File: 199 KB, 112x112, MEGALUL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You typed it right, I'll spare you

>> No.5355395
File: 665 KB, 1219x1158, 1594008582801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just went from a somewhat tolerable discussion to a full on tribalism conducted by a bunch of shitposters and falseflaggers, jesas!

>> No.5355430

seems like 4chan allright

>> No.5355437

blame hololive and vshojo fans and the hololive janny for seething this hard

>> No.5355454

Crying? Maybe you cry. I speak stoically.
That thread is too small for how big Hololive is, that's why this board was created.
If this faggot is so big, maybe create another board just for him. I support it.
I'm rational

>> No.5355460

If we're going this route, then we have to blame Slowbeef for creating the first video Let's Play and then blame the Oregon Trail SA thread for making the first Let's Play

Streaming eSports and stuff started separately from Let's Play tho, so it's kinda moot

>> No.5355538

>im rational
>This faggot isn't a Vtuber. He's just a faggot using an anime avatar and you shitposters know it.
anon stop for your own good. you're making a fool out of yourself

>> No.5355580
File: 235 KB, 1794x1437, E4MUWvJVgAAYChn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5355587

? Holos aren't faggots

>> No.5355638

That's really cute, glad to see he's getting Vtuber fanart

>> No.5355704

>what is holostars

>> No.5355809

They also aren't faggots. They have lore, they roleplay it and make streams based on it, like Roberu is a barkeeper and hosts drinking streams with others chubas.
What about this faggot here? Can you tell anything about the character, not the person behind it?

>> No.5355833

I left to watch bea's stream
Did he stick with that trpg game?

>> No.5355912


>> No.5355914

yeah he lost like 5k playing that boring ass game but didnt give much of a shit. he's done streaming now

>> No.5355944

She's 45, cute as fuck and smokes.
Here watch the debut it has all the lore you need.

>> No.5355980

Especially surprising considering last thread was mostly chill and now there's like two anons fighting each other over Hololive instead of going to any other thread

>> No.5356070

Nice that it's your only rebuttal. You're proving my point. This faggot didn't think about his character at all. Literally, he just animated the OC he jerks to.

This is just he. You know this guys is a joke, but here you are making a thread on /vt/. Go create a board for him, I'll support you.

>> No.5356097

I swear if we were just called "/ho/ - Hololive" we wouldn't have these semantic arguments about what is and what isn't a vtuber

>> No.5356174

Don't forget the giant cat penis

>> No.5356218

just slither back to whatever schizo general you usually infest already, you complete waste of cum

>> No.5356231

That's not just him though, he's not 45 for one and I don't believe he smokes either.
He also doesn't have a giant cat dick.

>> No.5356272

Seething because I just told the truth about this faggot? Go to /y/ or create /<insertfaggotnamehere>/ board

>> No.5356357

That's just a collection of his fetishes: unhealthy futa hag

>> No.5356525

>lol ur gay XD
You must be over 18 to use this site

>> No.5356586

no u

>> No.5356714

3 million people follows Soda. Do you kneel your new vtuber overlord?

>> No.5356783
File: 497 KB, 1775x2048, E4MrUenWQAAZPip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5356853

Not really. You fags are saying you're fapping to your faggot, right? Nothing against gays, but you should go to the appropriate board.

>> No.5356879

where's the art coming from his sodart tag is kinda dead

>> No.5357005


>> No.5357283

We're fapping to his female avatar thank you very much

>> No.5357419

I would absolutely agree to this if all the yurishitter hololives and such had to go to /u/

>> No.5357819

Wondering the same. Is this from his Discord or something?

>> No.5358359

The first 3 million vtuber. Soda is an OG.

>> No.5358492
File: 110 KB, 320x320, lulu excited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the snowflake autist stays mad.
t. holofag

>> No.5358817

>seething holofag hands wrote this post

>> No.5358997
File: 584 KB, 2040x2880, COMIC_LO_2020_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't intend on doing this forevermore
>eceleb doing this as a joke
It's up to chance and to whatever the fuck he decides to do. But he puts effort into his shitposts. Stop posing as a holofag, tribalcancer.

>> No.5359324
File: 1.06 MB, 1365x768, ame hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? You know I'm talking about the >>5356853 retard, right? Unless you're him, in which case go be triggered in your blog.

>> No.5359515

N-n-n-not that gay, dudebros!
Liking it or not, the Holos yuri bait, so it isn't inappropriate to have those threads
But this faggot isn't a Vtuber. He shouldn't be in /vt/.
I was just giving recommendations. You can maybe go to /b/, /a/, /tv/.
Or just create /<insertfaggotnamehere>/ board. He's too good for our peasant board, after all :) Please, do your faggot better!

>> No.5359572

stop baiting for people to call you reddit it's really transparent

>> No.5359626

rules are rules, anon
as much as i would love for soda to have his own board, this is where he belongs. I'm sorry if his superior streams draw people away from the inferior tubas this board talks about, though.

>> No.5359850

so this is what happens when someone challenges the status quo huh.. pathetic.

>> No.5359907

context or fake

>> No.5360003

here's the tweet

>> No.5360212
File: 81 KB, 600x788, kuva_2021-06-20_042331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5360251

hmnmmm moderately based

>> No.5360287
File: 123 KB, 705x708, gura singing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that there's a chinese youtube vtuber who's entire lore is "hacker catgirl". Lore is just an excuse for tribalcancer to autistically rage. Even then Soda's "45 yo smoker catgirl" is a better lore than that. His shitpost (if he drops it) already shows more effort than Pewdiepie's, Pokimane's and El Rubius'.
>commisioned an actual artist and rigger for actual money
>already used it for 2 streams
>better shitposter and streamer than half the western vtubers in existence (not a high bar, I know)

>> No.5360288

Don't be surprised when he shows up as an antagonist in their arcadum dnd session

>> No.5360535

holofags and vwhores knows this and that makes them cope even a holofag janny set this thread to auto-sage despite it perfectly fitting with the rules of this board. they hate seeing the "new kid in the block" challenging the already established status quo.

>> No.5360564

If his chat pesters him about it, there's a 20% chance he'll do it. But there's also a 40% chance he'll just actively avoid the group just to spite his chat.

>> No.5360590



>> No.5360604

This faggot doesn't belong here. (You) too. Can't you faggots just go bother another board?

>> No.5360649
File: 27 KB, 363x387, gura despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even see the picture I posted, retardchama? I'm pretty sure the global thread would offer up Gura if they knew about this.

>> No.5360655

anon, he perfectly fits into this board though he does belong here.

>> No.5360666

I didn't know he was an actual fag until I looked at his twitter
sorry for defending him

>> No.5360691

>This board is for the discussion of Virtual YouTubers ("VTubers"), including those streaming in Japanese, English, and other languages. VTubers don't necessarily need to be on Youtube of course, they can be on Twitch, Niconico, Bilibili, or any other platform.

>> No.5360736

>This board is for the discussion of Virtual YouTubers ("VTubers"), including those streaming in Japanese, English, and other languages. VTubers don't necessarily need to be on Youtube of course, they can be on Twitch, Niconico, Bilibili, or any other platform.

>> No.5360776

He's not he's just irony poisoned. He was trolling some huge zoomer who's friends with lebron james son that gets 100k viewers

>> No.5360880
File: 114 KB, 700x700, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, just let the autistic schizo alone. He probably doesn't even understand shitposting of that level.

>> No.5360934

>hacker catgirl
but she crashed into china from outer space, was adopted and indoctrinated by Xi Jinping, and goes to school probably to get a job in Silicon Valley
That's a ticking timebomb

>> No.5361120

You fags are using the laconic description of this board to shoehorn your faggot here. He isn't a Vtuber. Literally, he's just using the OC he faps to to bandwagon the Vtuber trend. Maybe the rules should be more specific. I support it.

>> No.5361248

>he's just using the OC he faps to to bandwagon the Vtuber trend
thats most vtubers

>> No.5361257

starting to think you're an indie with no viewers and a shit mmd rig

>> No.5361261

retard-chama.... if we apply the same logic then veibae shouldnt be allowed to be in this board because the character technically is her oc. if sodappopin isn't allowed here then neither should veibae or nyanners.

>> No.5361269
File: 718 KB, 983x1727, 1596308977960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a ticking timebomb
Anon, she's already a graduate and the chat tricked her into "rm -rf /*". She's just LARPing.

>laconic description of this board
Why do you think it's laconic in the first place? Gatekeeping has a place, and it's against retards like you.
>he faps to
>all (You)r other posts
Let me guess, you're triggered because he became the little girl as a shitpost and you're still waiting for your meds.

>> No.5361300
File: 37 KB, 112x112, 1618525491447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love Soda
love Forsen
love Nijisanji
simple as.

>> No.5361337

hopefully we get /wvt/ or /tvt/ twitch vtubers

>> No.5361348

>tags korone only

>> No.5361446

>tagging korone
lol eop newfag clipfag

>> No.5361454

That's you who are saying it.
Think whatever you want, fag.
Veibae I don't know about, but Nyanners make use of her Cat Alien character, like having a clone that wants to kill her.
You're the one that need meds. You're triggered and projecting because I'm laying the facts out that this faggot isn't a Vtuber.

>> No.5361481

meds. take them anon

>> No.5361607
File: 208 KB, 800x800, lulu family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meds, deviantart-tier 2view faggot
You need them.

>> No.5361649


My god anon, take your meds, seriously.. you really need some help. You were trying to give an objective opinion, but no one will take your "opinion" seriously once you use racial slur on every sentence.

>> No.5361694 [DELETED] 

No more rebuttals? I guess faggots attract faggots

>> No.5361703
File: 1.82 MB, 360x343, this is bait [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkpur8h.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5361727

Since when faggot is "racial slur". Is there a race of faggotry I'm unware?

>> No.5361751

can the meidos explain how Soda is not a vtuber?

>> No.5361792

It's just a powertripping janny, leave him be. Or try to trigger him so he shares the same public execution as that one /c/ janny.

>> No.5361818

I had a fishing trip recently and all I could think was of all the good ryona and guro stuff you can do with gura

>> No.5361826

I hope he actually use the model again. Not always necesarily, but it would be nice to just don't drop it out

>> No.5361856

>i dont like him so hes not a vtuber

>> No.5361970

Considering >>5352913, he'll probably use it when his chat pesters him.
Also, remember the Niji girl that spammed FFXIV when she got EOP attention? Soda does taht with WoW when he gets too many viewers. He'll probably even do it with the vtuber in mute if he's feeling particularly spiteful against his chat.

>> No.5362062

will he be considered as female chuuba?
its racist and homophobic or whatever anti-lgbt if not

>> No.5362092

You can commission an elevenese artist to do it, if you really want it.

>> No.5362146

He paid a lot of money for it and looking through the artists vods it's been months of conceptual work and design for her. I doubt he will treat it like a one and done thing with the amount of time that was put into it.

>> No.5362166

He's a babiniku. Not sure if he knows of them. But I'm pretty sure he's just gonna keep saying that he's fucking cute.
>its racist and homophobic or whatever anti-lgbt if not
Anon, he's too big to be cancelled. He even went against the unholy mess that is K-pop just because and nothing of note happened against him.

>> No.5363238

He doesn't need either, he has been doing arena already no cam and used to do no mic streams too. He's been streaming long enough it doesn't matter what he does, he has an extremely dedicated base that only goes up in viewers when he doesn't play his main game

>> No.5363483

Probably. He does a merch competition monthly and its full of dogshit which is the best part of it.
