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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53501694 No.53501694 [Reply] [Original]

Why cant they ever just say that they want a break/holiday, /vt/?

Why all this "preparing"/lots of stuff/sick" memes?

>> No.53501783

Why cant they ever just say that they're addicted to (You)s, meidos?
Why all this "vaguepost about twitter screencaps" memes?

>> No.53501800 [DELETED] 

Fauna bullshits like this quite a lot too. I guess she can't just say she has plans with friends/family/significant other and can't make the stream too casually.

>> No.53501859

she's going to japan. fauna will be part of the swimsuit reveal stream at the end of the month.

>> No.53502003

If you want even a semblance of honesty watch an indie.

>> No.53502041

She's flying to JP now that Myth is leaving

>> No.53502071

being a glorified prostitute isnt honesty, anon

>> No.53502141

Because they have an incredibly easy job so telling vagies that they are too tired is too much

>> No.53502561

Why does holoEN attract so many mentally ill weirdos obsessed with hating them?

>> No.53502627

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.53502658

because women intentionally leave things vague and misconstrue situations as a form of enticement to men it's vagina black magic and it's stupid as fuck

>> No.53502766

Unironically this

>> No.53502912

smells like pussy in here

>> No.53502956

Going to Japan to prepare stuff for HoloSummer and Council anniversary most likely

>> No.53503036

didn't the JP side announce her involvement? Why wasn't it included in her tweet then? She had to intentionally leave it out

>> No.53503038

definitely council anniversary stuffs. bae is already over there, mumei is confirmed to be going soon (she has an offcollab lined up with kiara and reine) and kronii is part of the second holosummer 3D stream.

>> No.53503047

DAMN holoearth fucking mindbroke a lot of people huh

>> No.53503255

Don't be too upset, it's because they know I'm gonna stretch it out. And by it I mean their holes.

>> No.53503371

says the one dramafagging and hatewatching like a vagina, kek

>> No.53503540

>no u
Yep, that sure is a hecking keker right there. Jesus Christ you faggots are weak

>> No.53503595

She's taking a huge multi week idol meeting

>> No.53503978

to make it look like they're actually doing anything. so much breaks for so little results.

>> No.53504034

When kiara says it straight everyone shits on her and when someone else is being evasive people still shit on them, idk wtf you guys want really

>> No.53504099

Your jealousy and seethe are unsightly, sister.

>> No.53504143

if the indie is female then it's literally the definition of honesty

>> No.53505238

That's annoying

>> No.53505244

idk about you but if I had a "job" that allowed me to get away with that kind of bullshit I would probably do the same. I have the social skills of a newborn and streaming to thousands of people would stress the fuck outta me even if I'm playing my favorite games so I'd come up with excuses to avoid it all the time

>inb4 t. gura
no I'm not her. I like hands rather than feet

>> No.53505374

wait kronii still works?

>> No.53505484

>offcollab with weine
Wait really? Which stream was that?

>> No.53505571

bro uses dictionary.com lol

>> No.53505665

The year is 2023. Hololive talent does idol things. People are still surprised.

>> No.53505721

fauna has previously announced her vacations though. maybe she actually is preparing things…its crazy i know.

>> No.53506014

Based quiet life enjoyer

>> No.53506232

nigga just work IT

>> No.53509312

>Why all this "preparing"/lots of stuff/sick" memes?
blame management

>> No.53509654

because its not a lie. duh.

>> No.53509756

Graduations and suicides.

>> No.53509807

No, women cannot ever tell the truth, otherwise my entire worldview falls apart.

>> No.53510107

I trust Faufau she won't leave us saplings high and dry

>> No.53510331

Mumei said their managers advised them not to say when they’re traveling. Fauna is a bit paranoid, so she seems to actually agree with it.

>> No.53510647

No news is best news.
Can't win if try explaining, as shown.

More should be like Gura. Best for opsec, and less worries of some entitled fan showing up and throwing gasoline on you, burning you alive.

>> No.53512053

its part of work. like sucking my dick.

>> No.53514065

>Why all this "preparing"/lots of stuff/sick" memes?

>> No.53517557

She already did before mr, newfag
>Announces about her break back in december
>Announces her break back when her cat died
>Announces her break when she was in japan
>Announces her break before she went out with her mom.
>Doesn't do much breaks because she feels bad for her fans
>Does her best to stream when most of holoEN where taking break/healthbreaks back then.
You anons have no fucking idea how much this girl cares about her fans.
Because most of you only think about yourselves.

>> No.53517865

but she hasn't even done her 3d showcase yet

>> No.53518517

The hint was in the shorts the whole time!

>> No.53518771

We will always shit on them no matter what. It's our job, and we do it for free.

>> No.53519328

I-I'm a terrible sapling...

>> No.53522398

Why does it matter so much to you?

>> No.53522722

>knows the context of the tweet
>cant figure it what preparations shes referencing
Nobody can be this fucking dense. Here's hoping you can figure out hiw to work a zipper someday

>> No.53525676

Cause they’re whores

>> No.53528955 [DELETED] 

Its called railed by bf

>> No.53530737 [DELETED] 

Translation: I'm busy fucking my bf so I gotta take few days off.

>> No.53532888

>Says she is on vacation
>People attack her saying that streaming is just talking and playing games

There is no winning.

>> No.53533088

Same reason why videogame companies say the update is for "system stability" and not to patch the latest piracy exploit

>> No.53533205

Leave Pippa alone.

>> No.53534847

If you want even a semblance of honesty watch an indie.

>> No.53535600
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