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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53464151 No.53464151 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, Hellfire's Angel

>> No.53464237
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remember to love your Mori

>> No.53464250
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>> No.53464430
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Previous thread: >>53434082

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE91ZWYi6rM
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC4bLbQmigY

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (COMING SOON! - August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_JIGOKU_ec
//// Stream Taste of Death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsJY8bli86s

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) JIGOKU 6 EP pre-order [Standard/Limited]

July 29, 2023 via Moment
Streaming tickets online: https://www.moment.co/buzzrhythm
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.53464451

Debbies who would you say has been your favorite person Mori has worked on music with so far? I personally love everything Mori has done with patterns.

>> No.53464491

any chance we get some SF6 lobbies with morp soon?

>> No.53464538

Yeah Patterns never missed. I want her to work with whoever she worked with for the One Piece song again.

>> No.53464590

Pretty Patterns is pretty great, but I generally prefer rock, so I'd say Oral Cigarettes. They are also the only people besides Fake Type whose music I listened to before finding Mori.

>> No.53464631

watched all of Reine's 3D debut that was cool and her model is incredibly fucking sex holy shit

>> No.53464643
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>Start up JK again
>Chase bird
>fall back to the sewers
might as well just make it like only up and start from the very beginning...

>> No.53464681

Taku Inoue I love YYJ

>> No.53464733

Artist? Suisei
Producer? Patterns, Camellia, teniwoha, and I actually really like what this guy who did OP song did

>> No.53464771

Patterns never missed. Teniwoha and Your Mori were also a 100% hit, I'd love to see them work together again.
I really like she has visible ribs on her 3d model. Pochi loves drawing them whenever she does art of her and it looks hot for some reason.

>> No.53464784

I was a fan of zutomayo so I was really hyped

>> No.53464842

Mori would deffo fuck Joshua over Clive any day pre time skip

>> No.53464902

I've heard the Joshua FUCKS
is this true?

>> No.53464953

like a warrior

>> No.53465022
File: 7 KB, 64x61, 1642093248370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want J6 now

>> No.53465110

Unironically if there was a chance it'd be during the 24 hour stream.

>> No.53465783

Ks is the og but yeah patterns

>> No.53466374

JP the W- nope, couldn't do it with a straight face.

>> No.53466771

Patterns, OP song guy, and Teniwoha. She’s made some good stuff with Giga too

>> No.53466838

I'm 70% certain she'll have a song with syudou on Jigoku6, maybe even the Reol song

>> No.53466862

Old Gravy boy might be the musical collab partner of Mori's I've liked the least.
I mean sure, I haven't seen the solo work of say, the composer who worked on Ibasho, but I struggle to think of another musician she's worked with whose solo work I sought out and just didn't vibe with at all.

>> No.53466981

Wait, why syudou specifically?

>> No.53467166

She talked a couple times early on about working with producers on songs that she really admired and he's one of the ones she has specifically mentioned really liking. Also he specifically brought her up on a Japanese television program earlier this year that Suzy was guesting on

>> No.53467250

Maybe. She said there are more than 1 bigger names on it.

>> No.53467479

I absolutely want another song with InoTaku by Mori in the future. Absolute best case scenario? It's a DeathStar original

>> No.53468028

I seriously hope mori doesn't force herself to do some stupid collabs

>> No.53468201

FT I know some of you here don't like them but NEZUMI Scheme was kino

>> No.53468413

What would you consider a stupid collab?

>> No.53468442

I don't hate FT I just think most of their music sounds the same even if Goddy Dog Street and RRat Plan is good

>> No.53468534

Depends on what the collab is I don't want her shoe horned in and it was some obvious thing

>> No.53468594

dyes and ao are both legitimately great trackmakers but when they're faketype they just make, the 1 type of track. its strange

>> No.53468685 [DELETED] 

Kiara insulting Mori in her members stream for collabing with the holostars

>> No.53468763

You really think there aren't people in this thread watching her right now you retard?

>> No.53468834

>Great trackmakers
They made one good track half a decade ago and haven't made a new one since

>> No.53468898

What did she actually say word for word because if she's being a bitch that's just horrible.

>> No.53468932

Fake Type is like, the Runza of music.
They make literally one thing nobody else does, and in doing so, have cultivated a small but intensely loyal fanbase.

>> No.53468993

Someone asked Kiara about doing collabs with the stars in case you where wondering why tourists are flooding in.

>> No.53469011

She just reiterated she won't collab with the stars and has her own reasons which she won't share. It's liek the third time she has said this.

>> No.53469095

did Wawa give them the expected no?

>> No.53469104

Don't give me the short version. Kiara has been known to run her mouth

>> No.53469151

Cough up the money if you want the word for word transcript, bitch.

>> No.53469199

I've noticed too that whenever anyone does guest vocals with them, they take on the same style as AO. Like it's just the experience of doing a song with FT that's the honor. Change the style and it's no longer FT.

>> No.53469208

Alright then I guess she just insulted mori then

>> No.53469289

Dont be an idiot.

>> No.53469394 [DELETED] 

thanks for the heads up, i am now a dedicated kiara anti based on your post

>> No.53469405

Why i don't like it when people it's implied something is wrong with what my oshi wants to do and what was said.

>> No.53469601

If the short version is what Kiara meant, nobody insulted mori.

>> No.53469617

What did she actually say

>> No.53469672

literally this. She only talked about herself.

>> No.53469686

shes not gonna collab with the stars because shes too busy blackmailing them into having sex with eachother recording them and selling the tapes on the black markey
this is the real reason magni and vesper are on hiatus they got sick of the exploitation

>> No.53469774

I'm getting 4 different things and global so which is it

>> No.53469874

Like I told you. Those "4 things" in global is the same retard in this thread trying to claim it had anything to do with Mori.

>> No.53469930

Yeah I don't believe it

>> No.53469936

Kiara didn't mention Mori at all.
Any rrat that implies that Kiara brought up or insulted another holo or shit, even niji member is completely false, she's to professional for that.

>> No.53469944

oh you are that retard

>> No.53469993

holy bad faith shitters, of course some idiot is going to claim Kiara is shitting on Mori because of the stars, it's the fucking narrative that they desperately want.

>> No.53470053

It's the larper you morons

>> No.53470207

Nah but seriously though even implying yourself like that is in kinda bad faith. She shouldn't have even said anything. I don't care what kiara does with her work but saying something like that isn't nice

>> No.53470269

Same answer as always

>> No.53470273 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.53470293

Just report it as trolling.

>> No.53470324
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As someone actually watching Kiara's member stream and not just a threadshitter trying to shitpost from what he read in global, this might just be the most retarded bait they've ever tried

>> No.53470353

Apparently uuu has been dealing with a guy like this lately as well so at least we aren't alone

>> No.53470395

What did she actually say though

>> No.53470448

fuck off, if you want to ask, ask on the KFP thread.

>> No.53470501 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.53470504

Join membership if you care so much

>> No.53470535
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>Working my way through the Windswept Bluffs
>30 seconds pass
>Back in Redcrown Woods

>> No.53470550


>> No.53470606

Yeah, it's a real bitch of an area. I think the slippery stuff is harder, but at least there's a soft checkpoint in the church.

>> No.53470623

We don't give Mori enough credit for beating NB+. That shit is insane

>> No.53470627

>"KFP" leaking membership content
Insanity is doing the same thing(falseflagging) and thinking the result will be different.

>> No.53470676

what the hell is this highlights tab and how long has it been there

>> No.53470763

I bought JK because of Mori and gave up after 20 minutes. I just don’t have the patience for that type of game anymore

>> No.53470783

I wanna know what she actually said and not some half assed statement

>> No.53470857

buy a fucking membership, poorfag.

>> No.53470901

Why does the exact wording matter more than the meaning anyway?

>> No.53470916 [DELETED] 

Then I'm just gonna take that she insulted her

>> No.53470977

that's stupid
you're stupid

>> No.53471014

so be it, this thread will just vouch for your insanity if you so much go to global screaming your FanFiction.

>> No.53471026 [DELETED] 

Because if it implies that its wrong to collab with people it's wrong and a back handed comment that's shouldn't be said. You're insulting mori and her life

>> No.53471150

If somehow it did it would be an accident. There's no chance she meant to insult anyone for collabing with the stars.

>> No.53471152
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This is probably the worst larp attempt I've seen in months

>> No.53471158
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This whole thread just reminds me that 80% of communication is listener interpretation

>> No.53471170

Because he wants to
>I think Coolsville sucks!
this shit

>> No.53471192

Stop replying to it

>> No.53471218

Anon, you're not being clever. Mori cited that she won't be forcing anyone to collab with the Stars. She even stated that some girls don't want to and likely already knows about Kiara's stance.

>> No.53471283


>> No.53471288

I just wanna know what she said

>> No.53471301

The antis have gotten really lazy.

>> No.53471313

if anti tactics are anything to go by, it'll be soundposted by the end of the day

>> No.53471401

Stop replying to it, fag

>> No.53471532

Surely If nothing bad was said they'd do it already

>> No.53471546

Watching the painting vod. Mori sounds pretty healthy thankfully. She must be recovering fast

>> No.53471596

That day she took to recover and do the eps must have worked nicely

>> No.53471837

listen to their solo stuff or even just something like off with their heads, they have a ton of range when they're not FT

>> No.53471854

She is unironically built diffrent. My friend been in bed 80% of the day since AX and he is a healthy dude normally. I don't think i've seen a con flu this bad other than a few early cons were straight up covid were passed around.

>> No.53471906

At the end she reiterated that she was still dealing with a fever unfortunately. Exercise plus medicine and hydration really seems to be helping it as whole though

>> No.53471924

I'm not gonna talk about this anymore but I really hope she didn't imply anything

>> No.53471972

yes you are

>> No.53471990

inference of something implied is 80% on listener interpretation

>> No.53472446

Well I'm not getting an answer and I'd like closure but as I said enough about that.

What collabs are we gonna get for her 24hr stream. Considering multiple people are in Japan we gotta have 1 off collab. Maybe Mori can tag in someone to work the stream while she takes a nap lmao

>> No.53472479

Off collabs require setup time, skeptical it would happen.

>> No.53472493

You will never be a deadbeat

>> No.53472594

You think so? She could start with one. Also there's obviously gonna be breaks, I'm sure mori would take a break to set it up

>> No.53472626

It's when her meds are active. They cool off, she's still getting fevers.

>> No.53472682

Why is the board pink today?

>> No.53472699

That sucks. Hope she gets well soon, a bunch of holos are in Japan right now

>> No.53472763

Even if she was healthy they seem busy enough I dunno if something could be put together

>> No.53472824

/pink/ is active

>> No.53472888

Why are you making shit up? She already had an off collab set up she had to stop. She's obviously got more

>> No.53472930

There's so many Mori threads that have been created by antis. Is it because of the 24 hr marathon with the "huge announcement"?

>> No.53472937

I only see 2 active threads, both which are trying to twist the "announcement" part of the 24h stream. There are a couple other low post threads, but someone been trying to keep like 2-4 random mori threads up at all times.

>> No.53473095

Who cares desu

>> No.53473106
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Don't know, don't care. Not sure why you would. No one here has any interest in it. Report it if you must, but don't drag that garbage around.

>> No.53473239
File: 65 KB, 680x383, 1647679835323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking about the catalog
Stop replying to obvious bait
Stop going to the fucking IRC
Stop being so fucking stupid all the time

>> No.53473477

wdym? I'm currently marathoning Picard S3

>> No.53473495

>>53470535 (me)
dont mind me, just checking how long it took me to get back to the wind

>> No.53473533

do we have two Trekbeats in here

>> No.53473649

Kiara said nothing wrong, even nothing unintentional or backhanded. She was very encouraging and cordial to a blatant homobegger.

>> No.53473734

This, Mori asked people to not bother the other girls and yet people still do. This was blatant bothering other girls about Stars collabs.

>> No.53473754 [DELETED] 

I can see this nigger posting on cooldown from here and global lol

>> No.53473843

Make that 3.
But I ain't ever watching Picard after that first season. I don't care how much it "improved".

>> No.53473875
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Possibly more

>> No.53473939

The retard is busy pretending to be a Deadbeat in global, anon. No need to talk about it anymore.

>> No.53473958

I've still not seen any proof

>> No.53473973

I am NOT a star trek beat. Teletransporters are unsettling.

>> No.53473986

I watched the recent VOD I can't believe this bitch called me cute!

>> No.53473999

Then fuck off and buy a membership retard.

>> No.53474004

S3 ignores everything and is straight up a TNG movie.

>> No.53474028

Has he ever actually provided proof that he's a Deadbeat or not?

>> No.53474032

Holy shit just move on. Mori wasn’t even mentioned

>> No.53474100

these weirdos have a fucking IRC? lmao

>> No.53474160


>> No.53474183

What do you think

>> No.53474184

What did she say

>> No.53474210

he is talking about the 4chan IRC if you need to report moderation abuse.

>> No.53474228

Buy a membership and find out. I watched it since I have a membership and posted my conclusion.

>> No.53474291

If there was nothing to hide then why are you being so passive

>> No.53474316

>Only posts during Kiara hours/Kiara streams
>Avoids any deadbeat asking him questions about Mori's on going stream when he is there during Mori hours
>Lies about things Mori says on stream
>Was tricked into giving a wrong meme answer to a question about Mori's favorite food
>Never posted membership
>Never posted merch
>Never posted a single Mori image This one doesn't matter as much as the others, but still.

>> No.53474355

Do your reps retard or fuck off.

>> No.53474356

>Was tricked into giving a wrong meme answer to a question about Mori's favorite food
This one was funny

>> No.53474391

What was the meme answer? Natto?

>> No.53474422

are we going to get another 8 hour stream for FFXVI?

>> No.53474483

I hope not but probably.

>> No.53474497

Quite possibly.

>> No.53474542 [DELETED] 

I hope mori didn't catch what she said. We will see in 2 hours

>> No.53474622

I’d consider natto a legit answer. She unironically loves the stuff. I can’t remember what the meme was

>> No.53474667
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Enough Jump King for one day
I'm gonna watch Ina's boss battle before Mori comes one the telly

>> No.53474727

fish semen
I also thought it was natto since I misheard what she said about noodles

>> No.53474730

It summer time, baby!

>> No.53474812

Ah yeah that was it

>> No.53474816

She DOES like natto, but it's not her favorite
I can't really stand the stuff, think it's kinda gross

>> No.53474893
File: 268 KB, 425x679, 1676903442962959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just thought it was that since its what she put as her favorite food in Earthbound

>> No.53474899

Honestly I would have accepted that the schizo watched streams if he managed to name at least one thing Mori likes to eat. It’s not even a hard question

>> No.53474943 [DELETED] 

I gave you at least 5 and you didn't take any of them

>> No.53475004

Does mori like onigiri?

>> No.53475073

You will never be a deadbeat

>> No.53475079

None of the original five you gave were right lol. It takes skill to be that ignorant

>> No.53475107

I know, I can name one she loves to eat right now off the top of my head.

Its my dick

>> No.53475147

I don't see a reason why she wouldn't depending on the filling.

>> No.53475194

Jelly filled?

>> No.53475216

Yeah I’m pretty sure she’s mentioned eating natto onigiri before at least

>> No.53475292

You want to know why she hates them?

She actually thought they were Jelly Donuts and was so disappointed that Brock lied to her

>> No.53475308

Man that just sounds awful

>> No.53475370

kek. I was lucky enough to have internet back then and looked up wtf they were actually because they sure as hell weren't any donuts I've ever seen. This search is also what introduced me to forums when i was 10.

>> No.53475490

caught up on last night's VOD she was really cute

>> No.53475500

I want to give Mori my rice balls if you know what I mean

>> No.53475539

You thing it's "cute" to say bogs and swamps are the same thing? Bruh.

>> No.53475541

She was very cute

>> No.53475554
File: 862 KB, 1274x653, Screenshot 2023-07-14 171028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[News that nobody asked for] After watching that showcase I'm going to comfortably slot Reine into the "Severally Underrated Musical Talent" tier of Holo, along with the likes of Okayu and RBC

>> No.53475567

You’re not hungry?

>> No.53475642

You can't just throw anyone in there. If they had passion for music then fair enough

>> No.53475644
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>> No.53475659

Shut up bogman, you belong down there

>> No.53475675

I just ate

>> No.53475676

I thought she was saving herself for sonic

>> No.53475678
File: 391 KB, 532x580, 1689320637307767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!
Bog"people" aren't human to me, imo

>> No.53475731

I like her singing, I just have a small problem with Illusion Night's tempo and lyric flow
Like some of it's fine, but then there's some where it just doesn't feel right

>> No.53475746

I just thought of a cursed Milky/Sonic and Mori/Shadow doubledate

>> No.53475775
File: 3 KB, 158x194, 1663824100446449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ghost pepper noodles came in today!
I'm gonna try out one of them today and another when Mori eats hers

>> No.53475966
File: 189 KB, 435x505, 1688962094846774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about it as I watching and basically my thought processes was "Damn she has pretty nice output of both Originals and Covers, all of which has been consistently pretty good, and the few 3D performances she had have been pretty nice but nobody seems to hold her in high regards for some reason"
And then it occurred to me that she's a tad bit underrated

>> No.53476070
File: 619 KB, 1582x2349, 20230714_192250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53476088

I just wish she branched out from Redshift a bit more

>> No.53476191

If Mori does get her 3D redone I hope they give her titties some real good weight.

>> No.53476350

I didn't know one of the songs she made was produced by YuC'e I love that producer and wished they did more Holo music

>> No.53476429

I love Mori but I can't wait to see her broken by the noodles
Screaming, crying, puking
this is a hornypost

>> No.53476549

Why is 4chan.org dead?

>> No.53476630

the red side is working for me. did your ISP ban 4chan.org? that happens sometimes.

>> No.53476635

I've jerked off to Mio puking, I can jerk off to Mori puking

>> No.53476641

Henry Kissinger needed another shield to ward off Mori.

>> No.53476738

For that /m/beat

>> No.53476748
File: 783 KB, 1231x1458, 1672034639578231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they give her a phatter ass and a cuter face desu

>> No.53476772

I don’t care about that shit at all but that looks fucking awesome

>> No.53476856

Oh shit, neat
Not sure how I feel about that specific pink, but it's really cool

>> No.53477478

It doesn't even work on mobile

>> No.53477710

where do you live? a large part of SEA banned 4chan.org and were able to use the bleu boards until teh 4chan-4channel split so its not unheard of a country banning 4chan

>> No.53478318

It's crazy to me how much better the new wave of 3D models are (council/id/id2), myth really deserves a redo as a whole. Frankly it's kind of embarrassing how much worse they look considering myth spearheaded the branch.

>> No.53478831

Did they redone her model for the NUO outfit or they just use the base model? Cause it looks distinctively different to me.

>> No.53478888

It's an entirely different model

>> No.53479228

Myth was done dirty, especially after how long they made us wait

>> No.53479374

Lucky to have her casual with how bad her normal one looks

>> No.53479460

It works again now for me. It didn't work entirely on West coast, probably a server side issue. I kept getting cloudfare errors.

>> No.53479576


>> No.53479733

I just noticed Mori liked art from like a year and a half ago.

>> No.53479793

... was it posted /here/ recently?

>> No.53479893
File: 700 KB, 2880x3240, FGjaoY4VIAAy4TD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this art

>> No.53480018

Getting a thumbnail for a new members ASMR perhaps?

>> No.53480086

Has she shown signs of life?

>> No.53480139

No. Generalissimo mori calliope is still death.

>> No.53480402

Is she awake

>> No.53480462

I haven't woken her up yet, no

>> No.53480662

I love you Mori

>> No.53480876

Have there been any recent signs that she still comes /here/?

>> No.53480925

She wants to talk to me specifically

>> No.53480944

I'm way behind of FFXVI VODs bros help

>> No.53480970

watch them at 1.5

>> No.53481014

No one who doesn't come here would be maladjusted enough to make a joke about fucking your girlfriend's severed head.
based morp

>> No.53481190

Nobody underrates Reine ya goof, shes not Moona/Risu but people always praise her singing

>> No.53481234

I kind of hope she only goes 2-3 hours with this, I'm a bit tipsy and tired

>> No.53481259

should have thought about that when you were drinking

>> No.53481270

Mori called "numberfriends" not too long ago and she

>> No.53481314

Sadly for you, mori said it'll be a long'un

>> No.53481395

It was a work thing and we were celebrating, couldn't really avoid it and I'm just happy I got back in time for stream

>> No.53481436

Odd to have 0 activity at all before stream. Usually the first thing she does when she wakes up is like a kiara tweet kek. Good she is keeping off Twitter more anyways.

>> No.53481479


Yeah it's on the ep

>> No.53481512

Future Island on Jigoku6 confirmed

>> No.53481556


>> No.53481634

Even in the thumbnail her 3D model looks pretty wonky...

>> No.53481666

Seems kinda weird since based on what we know it doesn't really fit in with the rest. Wonder if it will be a "bonus" track

>> No.53481761

No it doesn't?

>> No.53481902

but will they show her cameltoe in the MV?

>> No.53481907

She's drinking gamer supps again...

>> No.53481914

It's a 3D MV, Mori. How good can it be?

>> No.53481921

I kinda get where hes coming from, the neck looks off, but I think its just the pose.

>> No.53481965

I like most 3D MVs desu, she just got stuck with unfortunate staff for hers in the past. Don't think that will be a problem for this one.

>> No.53482012

nigga she said it was pink monster when someone guessed white monster

>> No.53482063

What the hell was that jump scare?

>> No.53482095

You think he isn't tunnel vision hate watching looking out for anything to give him dopamine

>> No.53482199

me on the phone btw

>> No.53482209

She opened her own stream

>> No.53482356

So did you retweet it dee-bees?

>> No.53482401

I will

>> No.53482434

Why the FUCK are you calling so early pal?

>> No.53482485

Different MV director than everything she's done before: http://buddha-108.com/

Also, it links a choreographer which might be the one that was there for the APEX thing?

>> No.53482495

Sorry Mori I've never tweeted or retweeted anything in my life and not about to start now

>> No.53482518

The spikes are also kind of awkwardly blocking her face, the model with no cape would have been better for the screenshot

>> No.53482523


>> No.53482549

Rejoice autists

>> No.53482563

>the blacks are looking better

>> No.53482564

there you go to that dead beat who had video quality autism

>> No.53482570


>> No.53482578

WE WON!!!!!

>> No.53482673

to talk to morp

>> No.53482679

CaptureCardBeat Won

>> No.53482746

She's a little frazzled

>> No.53482768

>33 and never gotten laid
Clive is just like me frfr

>> No.53483016
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>> No.53483085

and now we have Mori playing an eroge this week could not get more kino

>> No.53483092

>with the patch
oh boy that is going to be fun.

>> No.53483095
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Are debbies REALLY going to gather around to watch their oshi play a smut game and finger blast herself live on stream???

>> No.53483106

Good. It makes things better overall

>> No.53483118

no i'm boycotting

>> No.53483143

hey think of it this way at least you don't have a bunch of kids you can't take care of

>> No.53483150
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>> No.53483173


>> No.53483239

What, "the patch"? Sure, I'm in.

>> No.53483416
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>> No.53483471

>She thinks it didn't change anything
She truly is blind...

>> No.53483478
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Only if it's the prelude to showing off her toy collection.

>> No.53483816

d-does she have any?

>> No.53483873

She has a Thomas the Tank Engine

>> No.53483875

She has a Jin nendo

>> No.53483938

Man it feels like I missed a whole FF16 stream even though I haven't.

>> No.53484107

There was a time skip though so it's probably that

>> No.53484247

What the others said, and a Harold the Helicopter.

>> No.53484303

It's weird that our mom is just like, a huge piece of shit.

>> No.53484324

I love that warcry it's sexy

>> No.53484520

isn't she only Joshua's mom?

>> No.53484519

She back to full retard mode

>> No.53484587

I missed the first stream, so you're probably right

>> No.53484613

She truly is the dumbest EN member...

>> No.53484627

Squirmbeat has switched to Mori vs Mumei

>> No.53484644

Nope, both of yours mother.

>> No.53484647

She's Clive's mom as well

>> No.53484653

Nah, she's both of their moms. She just latched onto Joshua as he was the Phoenix Dominant.

>> No.53484715

no she's Clive's mom too she just doesn't like him because he wasn't a Phoenix dominant

>> No.53484772

So why is she such a piece of shit? Does the game explain?

>> No.53484845

I'm not sure this instakill mechanic is very interesting

>> No.53484883

>don't rush toward him when those balls are out there

>> No.53484917

"avoid those balls, get in there"

>> No.53484934

you can just assume for now she's power hungry and her having a powerful heir is what makes her a massive fucking giga cunt

>> No.53485032

"cum closer, AH! He's so slippery!"

>> No.53485149

Mori has been very horny lately....
I just she cancel this stream and jerk off instead

>> No.53485168

>jerk off

>> No.53485186

You're just hearing what you want to hear

>> No.53485323

>jerk off
The five-foot scythe...

>> No.53485347

yeah to me

>> No.53485423

Is Kiara a big final fantasy fan?

>> No.53485443

I've been wondering about this one
Do you think the people who make this mistake are all ESLs, or younger native speakers causing a language shift?

>> No.53485479

Fuck no she's doesn't know shit

>> No.53485478

Bigger than Mori. Big as Ina maybe.

>> No.53485512

You will never be a deadbeat

>> No.53485531

????? Are you retarded she hasn't played shit

>> No.53485538

Nah, she was a Nintendo/PC girl.
she played XIV when she was younger, 16 will be her first proper singleplayer one when she gets around to it.

>> No.53485581

yea, she's a "tales of" girl

>> No.53485592

Ina has really only done 14

>> No.53485600 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself stop using your shitty boogeyman. Kiara hasn't played a single player ff

>> No.53485924

Another word for the mispronunciation reel

>> No.53486079

She's more of a Tales fan

>> No.53486111

Pour one out for our boy Kendall

>> No.53486120

I think wawa should play FFVI

>> No.53486194

itd be perfect for her if only she wasnt completely averse to pixel art
9 or 10 would be a good second pick for her

>> No.53486249

Tbf if you've played 14 you've pretty much played them all

>> No.53486261

IX would be a cute Wawa game, she'd probably tear up by the end

>> No.53486317

I disagree with you and you should know that there's some FF fans that resent FF14 for trying to take the identity away from the old games for itself.

>> No.53486325


>> No.53486328

would Melodies of Life break her?

>> No.53486344

She barely knew who Sephiroth was when she play Smash

>> No.53486438

Why is she so dumb?

>> No.53486485

She reads more words than she says. Not that dumb

>> No.53486587
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>packing cool ranch

>> No.53486654

I love that laugh so much

>> No.53486657

>breaks out laughing
My oshi is a twelve yeat old.......

>> No.53486667

What did I miss what's Mori laughing about?

>> No.53486690

>Caulk and Bawls

>> No.53486713

>looks at the map
>sees a store called Caulk and Bowl

>> No.53486730

a side quest is called Caulk and Bawls

>> No.53486855

Did Mori just read that

>> No.53486864

That happened

>> No.53486875

big bone calcium

>> No.53486914

Mori why

>> No.53486915

BBCbros we're in

>> No.53486947

British Broadcasting Channel, you sods

>> No.53486979

I get the feeling when she read that, the person messaging wasn't talking about the news station

>> No.53486996

Mori needs to have energy drinks more often she's on a roll tonight

>> No.53487059

Ok but can we make it a sound post?

>> No.53487162

There was a period of time that she did that aka the bang arc. It’s fun but really bad for her health long term

>> No.53487536

is she horny?

>> No.53487589 [DELETED] 

Bbc only

>> No.53487629

just tune in did i miss any boss fight?

>> No.53487667

Not really but it's worth catching back up on the vod

>> No.53487669

She did the Ahriman hunt

>> No.53487693


>> No.53487708

if you're wondering why thread is so nice right now, the schizo is in global getting mass deleted

>> No.53487755

I’m still here dude

>> No.53487837

Wait a minute
>have a special monster enemies as a part of a hunt
>comprised of classic FF monsters
>still no Tonberry
Aint no way they don't get added in later DLC.

>> No.53487840

I'm still here dude

>> No.53487945

Is there at least a cactuar in game?

>> No.53487977

Tonberries are such a weird monster.

>> No.53487990

a sign mentions cactuar needles as a service to get your boner hard

>> No.53488043
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Ope can take one.

>> No.53488075

>your life ends 30 minutes from now

>> No.53488116

I wonder how big the DLC will end up being since they already pretty much say "...and this Eikon will definitely be DLC"

>> No.53488255

This game is even more visually crazy

>> No.53488268

What's the veil made of?

>> No.53488304

an unstoppable force vs an immovable object

>> No.53488353

Not sure what the material is called.

>> No.53488403

kek cute

>> No.53488501

japanese people want the story of the leviathan eikon

>> No.53488568

That would just remind me of Lunafreya...

>> No.53488621
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>> No.53488734


>> No.53488748


>> No.53488796

Will Mori explain why she was talking about cunny with Kiara?

>> No.53488864

what if my and Mori kissed in the secret tunnel?

>> No.53488929

Kobo was there and would have said it 100 times

>> No.53488940

I love that laugh so much

>> No.53489139

>Half of the people who were teased to have been dead in the prologue are actually fine
What was the point then?? lmao

>> No.53489148

Gritty GoT style fantasy was a great influence on this game. It's a breath of fresh air for the series imo

>> No.53489199

So far I just know of Joshua and wade

>> No.53489265

it's very clear Game of Thrones influenced this game

>> No.53489476

Which laugh? Please describe.

>> No.53489607

her belly laugh

>> No.53489668

Is the stream buffering for anyone else?

>> No.53489697

Fine on my machine

>> No.53489698
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>> No.53489725

I'll randomly get 5-10 minutes of bad buffering before it goes back to normal.

>> No.53489744

Oh, I thought it was my ISP being shit again.

>> No.53489830

It's literally spelled re nown ed

>> No.53489887 [DELETED] 

Maybe she just pretend she hasn't noticed, but the same problem is happening on Twitch.

>> No.53489902

Can we get much lower?
so low

>> No.53489920

My personal favorite is HAHAHAW HAW HAW HAW HAW

>> No.53489976


>> No.53489982

>Oh great a LARPer
I'll need a soundpost of that

>> No.53490020

Getting Valhalla memories lol
