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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53400905 No.53400905 [Reply] [Original]

When people found out Rushia had a boyfriend she got fired, despite her superchat being well above anyone else.

>> No.53400976
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>> No.53401009

i give her 2 months.

>> No.53401008

What happened?

>> No.53401011

Plap plap plap.

>> No.53401053


>> No.53401103
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>her stream was like 10 hours ago
>0 outrage in all that time, not even from the japs
>b-but the stream is gone!!
Let me guess, it's fucking nothing? Like the "apex coach yab" thing?

>> No.53401143

Her boyfriend spoke during livestream, she tried to cut that part, then she cut everything, now the livestream is private.


>> No.53401193

It's a nothingburger, a campaign megaphone truck got caught in the background and she muted it before they could doxx her

>> No.53401313

Don't they usually stream in a soundproof room?

>> No.53401390

Last I knew, Suitan's setup was still in the living room.

>> No.53401503

There is a lot of stupid bait on the catalog right now. Phase or NijiEN must have fucked up somewhere.

>> No.53401507


>> No.53401547

>1. Cover released a statement saying that whatever relationships Rushia has is her business and no one should pry into it.
>2. Rushia went to the biggest Drama whore in Japan and gave away confidential information to them.
>3. Said drama whore reported to cover that she did that and then got fired afterwards for doing so.

kys brapdead go watch your whore(s).
also it was because some random politician was about to dox her location.

>> No.53401571

Hers is in her living room, which is why you can hear her sister so often

>> No.53401569

what a cute fucking dork

>> No.53401680

Suisei a boyfriend? I believe a lot of shit on here but not that. The only person I see her actually wanting to fuck is herself

>> No.53401696

Oh, so it's actually just niggers stirring shit up out of nothing. And here I thought the catalog was gonna be exciting again.

>> No.53401702

this is a genuine yab tho, sudden male voice on stream

>> No.53401866

le retard de Vox Akuma deflection thread

>> No.53401929 [SPOILER] 
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sure thing bud, check this out

>> No.53401990
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>New "Suisei yab" pops up
>"This has to be it"
>It's a voice that sounds like it went throgh like 50 speakers
>She even directly acknowledges it after the fact liie nothing
Every fucking time I think there's actually something on her it always turns out to be jack shit, just like the coach yab, just like the "she doxxed herself" yab from that studio recording video. I always get my hopes up and it's never anything concrete, why the fuck can't you guys get anything ACTUALLY good for once? Legitimately fuck you anon, fuck you.

>> No.53402156

Suisei is indestructible.

>> No.53402204

> "she doxxed herself" yab from that studio recording video
That one was actually real though, it's how we knew Suisei was fat before she told everyone on stream

>> No.53402216
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>Suisei a boyfriend?
Yeah, pic related.

>> No.53402243

>It's a nothingburger, a campaign megaphone truck got caught in the background and she muted it before they could doxx her

KEK, guy got so worried that he even downloaded the entire stream. Then he separated the audio to check what that sound.

>> No.53402333
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did you miss the one where Subaru went full retard and exposed Suisei and Miko having weird PDA on discord and the following gaslighting campaign?

>> No.53402462

qrd on subaru gaslighting campaign? i keep hearing people mention it

>> No.53402490

maybe they shouldnt erp in the work chat

>> No.53402677

>"It's a nothingburger!"
>hoshikeks suddenly quick to defend
Really makes you think

>> No.53402679

can't remember the details but it was something like subaru seeing micomet had matching bios on discord, then when she tried showing koyori it was gone.
honestly I don't really remember, but it was probably all clipped so go to youtube.

>> No.53402789

nah, the board is tired of you nijiniggers making drama out of nothing

>> No.53402801

The only thing we ever got was an AI upscaled image of her that made her head look like a blue hairy asshole

>> No.53402843

you know, they said hoshiyomis have no gachikoi or unicorn, but if she accidentally leaked a boyfriend they would be somewhat upset too

>> No.53402969

And she knows that, hence why she's been so careful

>> No.53403053

Yeah this time for sure it's actually OVER for suisei
"People" will totally not forget this """"yab"""" in 3 days

>> No.53403152

I think it's more like since Suisei will never throw gachis and unicorns a bone then they either keep quiet or fuck off, not that there aren't any at all.
I can't help but notice that after EN male vtubers started being a thing this board's shitposting towards female chuubas who never gave a shit about appeasing unicorns started going up. Remember all the Aki/AZKi/Korone shitposting we've gotten?

>> No.53403231

oh that? wtf i've heard people referring to is as "subaru's big gaslighting yab". do we have such little drama that they have to try to spin shit like this? fucking pathetic

>> No.53403373

She wasn't fat.
But she might not be flat...

>> No.53403384

Not saying this is a yab, but the defense force being this quick in action really makes you think.

>> No.53403452


>> No.53403589

They need to be kept in check. Hard to tell what could happen to holo if we were lenient with homos.

>> No.53403592


>> No.53403662

>When people found out Rushia had a boyfriend she got fired
That isn't why Rushia got fired, retardchama.

>> No.53403673

replying to yab posters is asking for more drama

>> No.53403696

the frick even is this game

>> No.53403716
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>> No.53403740

>Subaru, in the middle of something completely unrelated, goes wtf at miComet using the word "niowase"
>the next day Koyori (good friend of both Miko and Suisei) has a news segment about it with screenshots and various other cope
>Suisei had something like Sakasaki Natsume's girlfriend
>Miko had "what is nye?"
>obviously this wouldbt hint at anything

>> No.53403761

Stop blaming nijiniggers, dumbass. It's just the suischizo.

>> No.53403812

There's no mystery to this, the dude has been trying his fucking hardest for hours over /#/ to turn it into a yab and since nobody gives a shit and he was told to fuck off he ran to the catalog. A few people from there probably just kept track of him.

Also apparently he was running around trying to scream "YAB" on different threads.

>> No.53403969

That last I can tell you that it's just a regular from the general shitposting.
