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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53353114 No.53353114 [Reply] [Original]

>be Nazuna
>get convinced by your friend to join vshojo because of talent freedom and because you’ll get an entire branch built around you
>turns out the “jp” branch is just a branch for Japanese people who speak English
>Kson blends in well due to her bilingualism while you struggle to fit in with your preschooler level english
>can’t stream on YouTube
>meanwhile, your indie account gets 4x the viewership you do on Nazuna
>wait in hopes of new JP tubers joining to not feel isolated
>1 year passes
>Henya joins, who’s practically the ideal person for vshojoJP since she’s literally a western vtuber from Japan
>she streams at EXACTLY your timeslot
>she hovers around 5 view status for a while and ends up consistently getting over 5k avg ccv per stream
>you feel even more isolated
>all the while your main account is near 5 view status on YT

Why did she join in the first place, bros?

>> No.53353232 [DELETED] 

Chink thread

>> No.53353266

Bot reply

>> No.53353304

>daily henya seethe thread
gonna assume henya has streamed more this session than all of holoen has today again

>> No.53353401

Where am I seething about Henya bozo

>> No.53353499

>>turns out the “jp” branch is just a branch for Japanese people who speak English
Nazuna is so shit at her job that she allowed the branch to become defined this way, yes. When you isolate yourself because your a menhera and don't collab with your popular new kohai, don't be surprised when you are left in the dust.

>> No.53353525 [DELETED] 

This thread is praising Henya's success and shitting on Rushia. Learn to read, chink.

>> No.53353724

seething about henya, seething about nazuna, seething about vshojo, it's all the same seethe. you do this every day. get yourself an oshi who actually streams so you have something to occupy your time instead of annoying other people with your dumb posts.

>> No.53353846

Kill yourself

>> No.53353868

Hold this L and go jerk off to froot cuckold porn retard

>> No.53354201

Nazuna should quit. Being in VShojo is culling her numbers by 5x.

>> No.53354373

rent free holofag

>> No.53354436
File: 575 KB, 1573x313, 1672556020928566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That data about stream hours for vtuber groups in June was pretty funny. The trio of Ironmouse, Zentreya, and Henya stream so much that VShojo beats both NijiEN and HoloEN in terms of watch hours.

>> No.53354481

Blood acting like he didn’t bring up holo first LMAO

>> No.53354484

Pandering to schizophrenic SEAs is not better

>> No.53354486

She joined because if she doesn't work for a company, she feels like she's not doing anything. Before Kson "saved" Mike she was talking about getting a job at a convenience store—while she was probably the most popular indie vtuber in the world. She's crazy.

>> No.53354517

She was basically tricked into joining at the lowest point in her career. There's no actual reason to stay when VShojo can't even handle Nazuna's merch without causing a huge number of issues whereas her indie persona has released numerous items of merch with no issues

>> No.53354532

she speaks english

>> No.53354547

>while she was probably the most popular indie vtuber in the world
fankeks actually believe this. Incredible.

>> No.53354573

The reason she was bringing up part time jobs is that she was afraid that she'd end up getting no social interaction at all
It's funny because she's still getting no social interaction at all

>> No.53354582

It was either vshojo or indie.

>> No.53354751

there will barely be 5 other indies above her
>in jp
where actual competent and big indies are, out of which only ui will be above her as the rest are only big with there gimmicks.

>> No.53354787

No, it wasn't. VShojo were in touch with her as early as March and we have reason to believe that she could get something else
Indie is also unironically better for her than VShojo

>> No.53354873

>It was either vshojo or indie.
I find it interesting that she picked both
why not join as miguel instead of splitting your content between multiple accs that all have the same personality
was she being greedy, stupid, or am I missing something here?

>> No.53354935

She's worried Mikeneko's reputation is too bad and would cause issues for anyone involved with her

>> No.53354980

Most likely scenario is that she was stupid and thought she could just reset her reputation like she did when she debuted as Rushia.

>> No.53354994

> we have reason to believe that she could get something else
What reasons?

>> No.53355025

>why not join as miguel
she probably thought it was too close to rushia and nazuna might be a good replacement, but it wasnt and she started to stream more on youtube and twitcast where she actually seems genuinely happy to stream while not dealing with her dramafagging fanbase on twitch.

>> No.53355047

Not leaking Mengen

>> No.53355067

Kekson ruined notRushia. You can't be hanging out with a whore when your schtick is a "seiso" unicorn milker.

>> No.53355097

Its funny how a retarded menhera like Rushia is still not retarded enough to give up her IP like Yuri
It would be career suicide to give up michael since that would mean vshojo owns her fanbox

>> No.53355120

nobody cares she just needs to return to youtube and people will watch her, if she gets a proper timeslot she might even get some holoaudiance

>> No.53355163

>Why did she join in the first place, bros?
To escape the past,
why keep living on it when you have a choice to move on?
It took her a pretty long time to be able to accept the reality that she can't comeback to her home, so she did what she can do.
And I don't think having those kinds of numbers is her problem, but rather being able to join the others in her new comp.

She moved on Op, and you should too.

>> No.53355225

VShojo wouldn't own her IP, anon.

>> No.53355233

In her last stream on Nazuna, her Twitch fanbase destroyed her mood by telling her repeatedly that she was their friend and not their wife. This led to her getting depressed

>> No.53355353

Twitch is so bad as a service and as a community.

>> No.53355405

Idiot. She has praised Rushia several times over the past few weeks while not being particularly happy with VShojo

>> No.53355406

Silvervale has already proven this statement to be false. The new contract would've stolen 50% of her patreon earnings so she quit. Rushia signed this deal (as Nazuna), they didn't manage to steal her IP since she isn't a retard like Yuri. There is a reason why there is no Nazuna fanbox or merch while she constantly shills her michael fanbox
There is no reason to lie and defend Vshojo here anon. Froot will never suck your micropenis

>> No.53355519

you might've replied to the wrong reply, because idk wtf you talking about anon.
That's so far off from what I said.

>> No.53355723

>The new contract would have stolen 50% of her Patreon earnings.
Evidence of this claim?

>> No.53355841

Go harass her on twitter how shes lying like you usually do tranny

>> No.53355854

You said she wanted to move on. She doesn't
She wants to continue Rushia's legacy and realised the best way of doing that is on Mikeneko

>> No.53355980

Then don't tease it. I'll just assume that you are lying

>> No.53356147

That's what you VSJ always deflect to whenever someone implies that VShojo isn't a good fit for her

>> No.53356421

Unicorns and their enablers have ruined vtubing

>> No.53356484

Literal retard

>> No.53356503

she never said that

>> No.53356616

So true sister

>> No.53356706

I wonder how often she lies awake at night full of regret for fucking up her golden goose with hololive.

>> No.53356836

A real keyfag wouldn't leak any members content.

>> No.53357048

Come on, it's 2023.
No one watches it.

>> No.53357298

Kiara was away from home for most of it doing shit in Japan. She's usually the one to do the heavy lifting in the stream time department.

>> No.53357455

it's ok to admit you just want to console war over streaming services, I won't make fun of you. Much.

>> No.53357507

The real reason is that she's sick, spammed solo apex and rarely if ever does collabs or anything else noteworthy.
If she participated in my varied activities then she could incline like Henya and recently she did incline because she changed to different games and had some more activity with Vshojo.

A real keyfag was reposting a mike member karaoke stream recently.

Also would you rather see her in Niji? Because that's the only real alternative for her.

>> No.53357678

That wasn't even a member's stream, and no, I'm not defending the re-upload
I'm just pointing out you don't watch Mikeneko
Also she isn't going to incline on Nazuna, Mikeneko gets more viewers

>> No.53357860

I watch her more than you, troll.

>> No.53357898

>>daily henya seethe thread
What dimension did you come from? No one even talks about her anymore. You yourself just had to randomly bring her up in an unrelated Nazuna thread.

>> No.53358138

rent free

>> No.53358170

You cannot seriously claim this when Mikeneko streams on YouTube once a month and yet you didn't realise that that one stream was public

>> No.53358206

What? Can you even read?

>> No.53358236

Wtf, and people tell me vshojo not company, why take so much?

>> No.53358448

>That wasn't even a member's stream, and no, I'm not defending the re-upload
Ah, I see but it was still supposed to be an unarchived stream that got shared.
>Also she isn't going to incline on Nazuna, Mikeneko gets more viewers
500+ more average viewers compared to last month.
She already is inclining just by changing what she does a little bit.

>> No.53358509

>you struggle to fit in with your preschooler level english

>> No.53358644

Oh, she'll be changing a habit soon alright
Also her incline already levelled out. It's not going to get any higher then those 9 hour streams and those were freak exceptions

>> No.53358652

Shit that's what I thought too. Maybe Kson only was talking about her deal with vshojo.

>> No.53358678

2 more weeks, surely.

>> No.53358822
File: 8 KB, 384x239, WalrusGuysprofilepicHQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was scammed. Nazunas model was obviously made for Kanata but Kanata gave Kikeson the finger and told her to fuck off with this bullshit.

Asking Mike to join was like stealing candy from a 30 year old womanchild. Mike was depressed, insane, allegedly broke from filing frivolous lolsuits and unhireable due to her public work drama. Mike had no alternatives so she took thi rotten Judasdeal.

Now shes stuck with her branch of has-been esl faggots for another year before she kills herself or fucks of back to youtube.

>> No.53358853

>Silvervale has already proven this statement to be false.
No? She is still Silvervale so they didn't steal her IP.

>The new contract would've stolen 50% of her patreon earnings so she quit.
Where did she say that?

>Nazunas model was obviously made for Kanata
Take your meds

>> No.53358871

what's nazuna's average views

>> No.53358886

Basically this entire post is wrong

>> No.53358962

Yeah, I don't care for your memes
My oshi is Mikeneko but specifically the 中の人。You act like you only oshi Nazuna, which is why it's so weird talking to you
Rather than speculating about Nazuna only, I only consider what's best for the 中の人 and the answer is public Mikeneko YouTube streams. I think you're wasting your time focusing on Nazuna alone

>> No.53359243

Nazuna isn't my oshi but I do like to watch her.
I just explained why she didn't do well on Twitch and it's obviously not Vshojo's fault.

>> No.53359270

Vshojo take 50% for what?

>> No.53360494

Nazuna was the shittiest hire and I say that as a VShojofag, Henya is 100x better in all aspects
>Can actually speak english
>Fanbase isn't mentally ill faggots who would kill themselves if she talked to a male
>Interacts with other members

>> No.53360535

>>53360494 (me)
>Streamer herself isn't mentally ill
>Streams basically everyday
>Streams a variety of content
Posted too early on accident

>> No.53362183

Vshojo was onto something last year with the JP branch, but completely squandered it by not doing anything with it until a month ago.

Even then, they're recent hire is much more well known by EN fans than JP. a Promising idea threw away by VSHOJO staying dormant as always.

>> No.53362210

The numbers argument is just the easiest one to make publicly because you can make it entirely with public information
The point is that what she wants from a Vtubing company and what VShojo offer don't match
I also don't see any benefits for her staying but I see benefits to a departure

>> No.53362393

>The point is that what she wants from a Vtubing company and what VShojo offer don't match
That is up to her to determine.

>> No.53362401

if we're being honest 5 minutes, joining vshojo was an extremely bad decision considering how she cannot speak english

i think that she was just at such a low point that she took the first opportunity offered to her to move on, she never was a person thinking on the long term after all, she just chose whatever made her think about something else the fastest

>> No.53362466

vshojoJP is easily the only truly interesting branch of vshojo, but they're doing the same mistake as they did with EN, because it's more of a VIP club than a true branch

no one does collabs with other members there, it's literally just kson doing everything, henya playing video games because why not, and nazuna clinging to any interesting thing to do there because it's just way too different from the way she sees vtubing

>> No.53362645

Nigger detected

>> No.53362655

They should have been more proactive with getting new talents for the branch. With how heavy they advertised in JP last year they could have grabbed some decent indies and turned VSHOJO JP into a leginimate agency. Instead they just looked for the JP speaking biggest talents they could find and snatch them up.

The main problem ends up being that VSHOJO never grew out of the " Group of popular streamers under a corpo name for merch and legal help" phase, so it just doesnt seem like they have any interest in hiring anyone outside of huge names or their friendgroup.

>> No.53362701

I barely know who the fuck Nazuna is but every time i see her past referenced it sounds like the most insane dramatic shit, is she a fucking K-drama? where can I get a rundown of this rollercoaster

>> No.53362725

>vshojoJP is easily the only truly interesting branch of vshojo
Not really. They were entertaining before then and the EN side is still bigger than the JP side.

>no one does collabs with other members there
Henya did a ton of collabs and one cannot complain about lacking collab partners if Nazuna doesn't even collab with Henya.

>> No.53362789

She was arguably the biggest talent in hololiveJP, also the most GFE a vtuber could be. She had a male e-celeb discord dm pop up on her stream and it caused a huge shitstorm. To remedy this she leaked private cover corp info to the japanese equivalent of keemstar, which got her fired. Vshojo picked her up after and here we are.

>> No.53362842

Unpopular opinion for some here, but I'm glad Vshojo exists. If you pull numbers and aren't happy about the status quo, Vshojo is back there as an option if everything goes tits up.
It doesn't matter if you never need to use that option, or if it turns out they wouldn't let you in anyway, or if it would kinda suck to join the vtuber orphanage.
What matters is it's soft power on the side of the talents that I do care about.

>> No.53364010

Nobody is saying that it isn't but nothing I've seen suggests that her opinion has changed

>> No.53364280

>she streams at EXACTLY your timeslot
Henya starts her streams like 6 - 7 hours before nazuna's timeslot, retard-san

>> No.53364313

If that's truly her opinion then she can simply quit, leaving Vshojo is far easier than any other corpo.
I don't think your claim is true though since she tweeted about things like all the Vshojo staff cheering her on to get better and how she talked about the Vshojo panel at AX also indicated to me that she would like to stay with them.

>> No.53364329

NTA but Nazuna was originally streaming at 12JST for about 2 months. No idea why, honestly, the Rushia timeslot would be better
I think it's a mix of trying to get more oversees viewers combined with wanting to have time in the evening to do her Mikeneko streams which she usually enjoys more

>> No.53364434

Just because she isn't heraruing as hard as she was back in May, that doesn't mean that her underlying complaints were addressed. The JP Branch still lacks a JP only member and the one year anniversary is coming up
Out of curiosity, are you following her instructions about donations?

>> No.53364714

I don't know what's happening behind the scenes but I can say for certain that if she stays that she isn't too unhappy with them, even if a few things are lacking here and there they might be compensated by other qualities.

>> No.53364791

>she streams at EXACTLY your timeslot
How we can tell you don't watch Nazuna or Henya

>> No.53364836

All I'll say is that it feels like you're running a lot of damage control for something that ultimately doesn't affect you much. If she stays, good for you? If she leaves, she'll still stream
I'm more interested right now about if she's doing anything about her anniversary since she hasn't said a word about it yet

>> No.53364865

>The new contract would've stolen 50% of her patreon earnings so she quit
Proof this thread or next thread

>> No.53364866
File: 62 KB, 700x800, VShojo_-_Amemiya_Nazuna_Nendoroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did she join in the first place, bros?
Merch, nigga. Merch.

>> No.53364904

She hadn't retweeted this in the 5 months since it was announced
She retweets Mikeneko merch about three times before the time ends

>> No.53364932

>asks for evidence for a claim that can be easily proven or debunked from a clip or tweet or writing
>gets insulted by accuser instead
That's not how it works

>> No.53364931

>be Nazuna
>get convinced by your friend to join vshojo because she can retain her IP and make money
>turns out the “jp” branch is still growing, as she was aware when signing
>Kson helps bridge the language gap
>can stream on YouTube, but streams on twitch to be part of the group
>meanwhile, your indie account gets similar viewership
>continues to stream and help build the brand
>1 year passes
>Henya joins, who’s practically the ideal person for vshojoJP since she’s literally a western vtuber from Japan
>she streams literally all the time
>she hovers around 3000 view status and ends up growing to 5000

fixed your post faggot

>> No.53364973

>She was basically tricked into joining at the lowest point in her career.
Her lowest point came after she already signed the contract. As in, she was joining vshojo before you idiots shat on her for having an alleged boyfriend.

>> No.53364976

>She hadn't retweeted this in the 5 months since it was announced
No use retweeting a prototype all the time, these things take time to produce.

>> No.53364997

>I find it interesting that she picked both
There's nothing interesting about it, it was expected

>> No.53365030

ogey rrat
silvervale wasn't even offered a contract

>> No.53365063

>Where did she say that?
never said it

>> No.53365095

>She was arguably the biggest talent in hololiveJP, also the most GFE a vtuber could be
shhh if there's a holofag in here they're going to try to claim even miko was bigger, and it was just whales, but if you show them numbers they accuse you of just being a numberfag.

>> No.53365102

Even the JP CEO confirmed Nazuna can't stream on YouTube
If you think she was planning to leave Hololive to join VShojo, you're beyond delusional
Just a reminder that the fans telling her that she's their friend and not their wife ruined her mood two days ago

>> No.53365132

>Even the JP CEO confirmed Nazuna can't stream on YouTube
never said she couldn't, just said there was difficulties with it, as in vshojo's agreements with twitch.

>> No.53365168

>If you think she was planning to leave Hololive to join VShojo, you're beyond delusional
If you think she got that model that fast, lol, just absolutely lol. there's like a 12 month waiting list for this shit.

>> No.53365228

It doesn't affect me too much, true.
But I do think she can incline with Vshojo / Twitch if she plays her cards right and it doesn't seem like she hates it there from my perspective.

>> No.53365232

>Even the JP CEO confirmed Nazuna can't stream on YouTube

do you really think she could magically stream as an "indie" on youtube if she was really not allowed. nazuna has a contract with twitch, her alts do not.

>> No.53365234

Twitch views. wow. they have their recent vod embeded on the channel if you dare to browse that shit.

>> No.53365355

Yes. There's literally videos talking about designing her
Your rrat is completely unsubstantiated. It takes about 2 months for a model and less if you rush it. It took 5 weeks to make the chuuni cat model
You don't understand how Vtubing works

>> No.53365418

>Yes. There's literally videos talking about designing her
Thanks for pointing out the video that proves I'm correct lol

>> No.53365507


>> No.53365567

Source your statement about a Live2D taking 12 months

>> No.53365651

source half the stupid shit you've said in this thread.

>> No.53365666

Vshojofags have no ounce of common sense lmfao

>> No.53365726

Nazuna sabotaged her own career from the beginning by taking a lot of days off between streams, streaming at shitty times, her streams are short, no collabs and self isolation, cry’s about no new JP members finally gets one then ignores her, has a terrible toxic obsessive fanbase(both accounts) and listens to them like their opinions actually matter, she’s unironically crazy and doesn’t seek medical attention. Let’s be honest here Nazuna’s problems are of her own doing and her fans make it worse cause they encourage her bad decision making.

>> No.53365757

>announced was working on a major project for vshojo IN APRIL
yes, she was totally allowed to announce the project right away, also lol if you think it went through concepting, design, review, revision, and design in 2 months, before it went for (lol) 1 month of rigging.

>> No.53365783

Anon, your ESL is showing.

>> No.53365789

>She was arguably the biggest talent in hololiveJP
How the fuck do you faggots even begin to believe this shit? She wasn't even the biggest in her gen. Do you just look at superchat numbers and decise that that's the most relevant vtuber? Did you ever even fucking watch her?

>> No.53365814

Firstly, she asked specifically for a JOP, not a new member
Secondly, it's funny that you anti her fans. it's a waste of time. It also doesn't explain why Mikeneko is so much more successful than Nazuna
No good VTubers ignores her fans

>> No.53365822

i called it

>> No.53365838

>Silvervale has already proven this statement to be false.
Silvervale has proven the statement true by still being Silvervale after leaving Vshojo.

>> No.53365840

You’re right

>> No.53365908

>she’s unironically crazy and doesn’t seek medical attention
I think she started to take her meds recently.

>> No.53365919

How was she the biggest, vcuck? Didnyou even watch her? Explain.

>> No.53365934

Breaking news
>anchor: we are here live now at a bait thread and we found an anon who took the most obvious bait in the whole thread. anon how does it feel to be this stupid?

well anon?

>> No.53365956

Yeah she would totally leave her position as the queen of GFE to join a newly formed overseas branch of an American vtubing company LOL
Next you’re gonna tell me Epstein killed himself

>> No.53365963

read my post again dipshit, i already been in this rodeo.

>> No.53365991

You may have quoted the wrong post.

>> No.53365993

You’re the type of fan I’m posting about, vshojo doesn’t revolve around Nazuna. And yes her listening to any of your shit advice is problematic.

>> No.53366031

>Yeah she would totally leave her position as the queen of GFE, which was extremely unstable and paid less than 10% what she actually brought in, to join a newly formed overseas branch of an American vtubing company which paid her more.

Glad you understand anon

>> No.53366064

Show the numbers that prove that she was the biggest most relevant and popular talent in hololive, cucklord.
You won't do it because they don't exist. You will juat say you've "proved" it before and slink away hoping everyone believes you.

>> No.53366068


>> No.53366070

Double checked, nope, right post.

>> No.53366098

Nigga, you know where the numbers are. If you don't gtfo tourist

>> No.53366143

Yeah I know and those numbers show she was never the biggest.

>> No.53366188

Ok, glad we established you never finished preschool grade maths

>> No.53366220

stop being an ass with Nazuna, she is getting better at english little by little, if she continues like this she will be fluent in the next 5 years, which is more than i can say about her ex-coworkers who also received a lot of help from EOPs.

>> No.53366221

So you WERE only ever talking about superchats? I accept your concession.

>> No.53366223

Whereas listening to any of your advice would be career ending

>> No.53366281

I never gave advice, only stated facts

>> No.53366285

>coco left forever ago, still number 2 most superchatted of all time
>rushia gone 1.5 years, still number 1 most superchatted of all time
>next closest is 66% less
>but anon they weren't even the most popular!


>> No.53366315

>only ever talking about superchats

lol nigga, her gen was 3 viewer andy's before she left.

>> No.53366353

Oh I see so you were trolling the whole time. I will use your retarded shit against fancucks in the future. Thanks.

>> No.53366385

>i'm wrong so you must be trolling
yes anon that's exactly it

>> No.53366414

Let's see you prove how her gen were 3views. Do it.

>> No.53366448

why can't she stream on youtube

>> No.53366489

because her other members in the group stream on twitch.

>> No.53366498

im not the one with the claim here budyy, youre the one claiming she wasnt the biggest

>> No.53366536


>> No.53366537

You just said her gen were 3views. You claimed that.

>> No.53366544

>she streams at EXACTLY your timeslot
Henya goes live several hours before Nazuna usually does

>> No.53366567

i still remember that day...too many things happened...

>> No.53366577


>> No.53366630

Do you suddenly not know where the numbers are?

>> No.53366661

Do you suddenly not know how to support your own claim? You seemed pretty adamant I support "mine" earlier

>> No.53366681

She is not going to be happy no matter what anyway, she really liked the idol business of Hololive, there isn't any alternative, so whatever she was bound to choose she is not going to take her past glory.

>> No.53366706

she can beg Yagoo

>> No.53366714

Nobody with a working brain will simply believe someone's word without evidence.
If you cannot or will not back up the claims you make, then those claims hold no weight.

To anyone who doesn't have access to her mengens, anything you say without sources provided is literally indistinguishable from complete lies.

That fact that this is how you treat almost EVERYTHING in relation to her does not help.

>> No.53366722

So you now do not believe that her gen were 3views?

>> No.53366720

>she really liked the idol business of Hololive
lol ogey

>> No.53366755

ok ESL buddy, malaysia or indonesia?

>> No.53366766

Pekora was a 3view before Rushia was fired. This is a fact.

>> No.53366832

>more deflection
Why can't you show how Pekora was a 3view?

>> No.53366988

Me when I lie

>> No.53367022
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53367037

>another day, another vshojo seethe thread
>today, the seething is about... Vshojo members doing their jobs as professional streamers and streaming regularly
Why are you guys like this?

>> No.53367068

just false flag holofags seething they lost their 1 and 2 profit makers back to back

>> No.53367092

are all henya watchers this stupid and illiterate?

>> No.53367245

You don't believe it ? Even Kson liked to participate to all those concerts, she doesn't admit but she is missing it.

>> No.53367298


>> No.53367330

Concession accepted.

>> No.53367371

>op is faggot

>> No.53367458

She joined as an entry ticket for kson to get her JP vshojo branch, since it would look bad to have an American as the sole member .
Plus since vhsojo wanted to brand themselves as hololive rival, her being fired was the perfect candidate for them to play the "talent freedom" card Kson wanted to use for her own moralist war against the whole japan vtuber sphere .
Just look at her : she's just kson accessory angel whose only purpose is to fill amane kanata's role .
Country of origin, former hololive status , kanata angel replacement, drawn by ayame mom .
She was never considered a talent on her own , just a tool .

>> No.53367606

They can still have concerts

>> No.53367812

corporate mandated

>> No.53367930

Nice fanfic

>> No.53368000

>Be Nazuna
>Isolate yourself cause you are retarded menhera

>> No.53368089

Thank you.

>> No.53368192

Please show some understanding for Nazuna, she's sick.

>> No.53368764

Always have been on the lower IQ side of things

>> No.53368859

This has literally been the way I've been treating the VShojo girls, though?
I don't know anything about them, so I asked your thread questions before Nazuna joined and got answers. Most people didn't source their side of the story but I worked under the assumption that people who put in the effort to explain the girls had no real reason to lie about basic things
I was hoping that the same courtesy would be afforded us regarding Nazuna but apparently that isn't the case

>> No.53368923

I think it's fine to get annoyed at an actual troll but could you kindly not lash out at us over it
Nobody who actually watched Rushia would claim she was the biggest except exclusively for Superchats

>> No.53370461

>Nobody who actually watched Rushia would claim she was the biggest

>> No.53370683

I dont understand why mikeneko didnt just... stay indie and stream like that. Why the fuck did she even join vshojo. How much did kson lie to her?

>> No.53370782

She thought that her just joining a company with kson would magically result in the same success she had in hololive.
She was clearly not making as much as before on her own even if it was more than she ever got from vshojo.

>> No.53370875

>She was clearly not making as much as before on her own even if it was more than she ever got from vshojo.
ogey rrat

>> No.53370946

It was likely sold to her as an established Western VTuber company opening up a JP branch that she'd be one of the stars were. A chance to get closer to her precious kaigai fans
If you described the reality of now to her back then, I doubt she would have joined. She actually lost kaigai fans by joining which definitely didn't please her

>> No.53370965

I concede anon. She is obviously making more money than she made in hololive.

>> No.53371013

NTA but do you even watch Nazuna? She doesn't get nearly as many donations as Mikeneko does on either Twitcast or YouTube

>> No.53371019

If you don’t put any effort and time in something you can’t become successful at it! Duh!!!!

>> No.53371069

>How much did kson lie to her?
You act like Nazuna has no agency or accountability.
I'm sure they talked and decided on that together.

>> No.53371241

She's menhera as fuck anon. I'm not saying she shouldn't take accountability but it's clear that she was in a bad place and was easy to manipulate by one of her "friends" that deceived her.
Well the thing is that she didnt really go live on mikeneko at all because she was prepping for nazuna
Maybe she just didn't want to be alone. But in the end I think indie would have been fine for her, she just needed some friends, maybe a small group to stream with.

>> No.53371246

>kaigai fans
Go back to crying about it your perennial bait thread cause that’s all you do there

>> No.53371303

She didn't want to be alone but in the end, being alone in a company is far worse than just being alone
I believe that she can eventually get her own box of girls one day but it could be a long road

>> No.53371350

That's never going to happen.

>> No.53371374


>> No.53371376

Good luck to that crazy bitch!
Hope everything works out for mike, hell maybe she should look into even making a small girlsFC type thing going on once her vshojo contract expires

>> No.53371404

>being alone in a company is far worse than just being alone.
She did that to herself, all you fuckers take zero accountability for your wife’s actions

>> No.53371436

Post evidence that Kson lied or deceived her then.

>> No.53371461

good for them. i hope for their continued success

i'll keep enjoying other streams in the meantime

>> No.53371563

Good one...

>> No.53371567

>join japanese branch
>a year later she's still the sole japanese only speaker in the company
Totally her fault though, the company can do no wrong

>> No.53371572

post evidence she hasn't

>> No.53371631

>the company can do no wrong
holofags would certainly try to convince you of this

>> No.53371647

innocent until proven guilty.

>> No.53371671

Literally everyone there is nice to her and wants to collab, she's only "alone" because of her own brain worms.

>> No.53371678

nigga this ain't the justice system, it's 4chan

>> No.53371724

Thanks for proving my point...
>its always someone’s else’s fault

>> No.53371732

Kson is vtuber judas anon

>> No.53371748

Forgot to mention the very real possibility of Vshonen existing the future
Imagine being Nazuna in that situation

>> No.53371774

She shoulndt had backed up that stupid rant about weebs and unicrons Kson did then

>> No.53371786

>refuses to collab with her new friendly and popular japanese speaking co-worker because she's jealous of her
ho, poor Nazuna, so oppressed.

>> No.53371824

It is interesting how the Ksongumi, whose oshi has benefited a lot from the VShojo connection, tend to have a positive opinion of VShojo and will defend it against detractors whereas the Lollipops, whose oshi has basically not benefits at all from the VShojo connection (and is arguably in a worse position than she was before joining) tend to look at the company with spite and enjoy taking jabs at it whenever they can.

>> No.53371896

She doesn't speak the same language as most of the streamers in the organization and had already mentally checked out by the time Henya joined.
She's collabed plenty with Kson. A bit too much, I'd personally argue

>> No.53371945

You're making the claim so provide evidence for it.

Only to chinese shills

Some of them hated it before she even joined.

>> No.53372008

>I'd personally argue
no one cares

>> No.53372034

When you take weeks off at a time and put hardly any effort in combination with self inflicted isolation, you get poor results

>> No.53372067

>Some of them hated it before she even joined.
Yes, this is correct. The impressive thing is that far more of them hate it now after nearly a year inside.
I had originally been hoping that it could act as a sort of "training wheels" to help her get back into public streaming as she was basically unable to after the termination on Mikeneko. And for a time, things seemed fine. But at this point, the company is causing more problems than benefits. There's no reason for me to defend them, they've personally turned me against them.

>> No.53372075

>>53371748 (Me)
*in the not-to-distant future

>> No.53372086

>and had already mentally checked out by the time Henya joined.
Oh right, she's leaving in three days, right? Or has it reset to two weeks already?

>> No.53372115

And yet Mikeneko does far far far better despite streaming far less
All she needs to do is go on YouTube and remind people of Rushia and she's guaranteed success

>> No.53372172

Sorry do you not understand what mentally checked out means?
May was the month she was basically only streaming two games, usually in a bad mood. There was a week or two where both her manager and Kson literally couldn't get in touch with her. Do you think that doesn't sound like someone who, at that point in time, was mentally checked out

>> No.53372233

Kson joined Vshojo specifically to leverage their connections to accomplish the things she wanted to do and has benefited from it. Nazuna has done absolutely nothing but make things worse for herself and shockingly has little to show for it as a result.

>> No.53372257

She was Silvervale before Vshojo too, I don't get your point at all.

>> No.53372283

Ok then so stop crying about it and go watch your stupid ERP stream

>> No.53372288

I don't think this is true. The number seems about the same to me.
And I think the company supports her since she tweeted something like that out.

>> No.53372320

I just wanted to get a timeline update, since all you guys keep swearing up and down that she hates Vshojo and is definitely leaving in two-weeks, what the current go date is.

>> No.53372401

Now that I think back to hololive she basically made no use of the company connections back then either.

>> No.53372469

I do feel like if this was actually explained to her before she joined, she might have had second thoughts.
I mean, the absolute irony is that Mikeneko learned how to handle merch better than VShojo
>shockingly has little to show for it as a result.
I mean, the hilarious thing is that Nazuna's CCV is still around the same as Kson's, usually a bit higher. I suppose doing absolutely nothing has some benefits

>> No.53373008

>the company supports her
They haven't gotten her a game sponsorship in over 8 months and her only actual request, more JOP members, was ignored for around that length of time as well.
She went into Henya's chat recently to basically ask her if her first language was English or Japanese. I think that rather well illustrates how badly VShojo is handling their "JP" branch.

>> No.53373052

>They haven't gotten her a game sponsorship in over 8 months and her only actual request, more JOP members, was ignored for around that length of time as well.

>> No.53373088

>She went into Henya's chat recently to basically ask her if her first language was English or Japanese. I think that rather well illustrates how badly VShojo is handling their "JP" branch.
Sounds more like how horrible nazuna is at communicating with coworkers considering henya has reached out multiple times

>> No.53373098

>It's Vshojo's fault that Nazuna somehow knew nothing about her new co-worker that had been streaming for weeks and trying repeatedly to talk to her in Japanese.

>> No.53373153

What do you mean, "ogey"? This isn't a rrat, it's observable reality.
The game sponsorship was some shitty rpg back in November but it was at least "something" that showed that companies were interested in her.
I remember when she was playing Elden Ring and the official Bandai Namco account came into the stream briefly to watch, and she was so excited that she tweeted about it afterwards and actually asked us to clip that moment for her. She was even asking in the next stream if they were going to show up again. And I don't blame her for getting excited over such a minor moment when she's otherwise not being helped to acquire sponsorships by a company who makes moneys from getting sponsorships for their streamers.
As for wanting more JOP girls, she's openly talked about this on stream several times

>> No.53373198

Nazuna did mention on the first day that Henya debuted that the Discord used by VShojo is basically only in English, which makes it extremely hard for her to keep up with any information that was being shared there.

>> No.53373588


>> No.53373597

Henya writes all her tweets in japanese and Nazuna did look at her twitter so that's not an excuse. I'm looking forward to her anniversary, if she decides to stay even the biggest of your rrats will be slain and I want to see you cope from there on.

>> No.53373646

soro soro
ogey rrat

>> No.53373679


Can you name a more iconic duo?

>> No.53373896

I'm just explaining her side while VShojo apologists and nitpickers keep trying to take jabs at Nazuna.
Who knows what they get out of it, but evidently they don't care much about her at all considering how they'll always try to push the blame for anything on to her.
>Henya writes all her tweets in japanese and Nazuna did look at her twitter so that's not an excuse.
Anon, I write all of my Tweets in Japanese and Nazuna has looked at my Twitter. She knows I'm not Japanese. She knew Henya spoke Japanese, she didn't know which was her first language because 80% of Henya's streams are in English.

>> No.53373953

>>53373896 (Me)
Meant to reply to this guy
Oh Christ, you're that schizo, aren't you

>> No.53373988

idk if you're troll or dumb

>> No.53374058

Why are vshojo keks such parasocial fucks?

>> No.53374106

>debut in vshojojp
>speak in japanese
>tweet in japanese
>nazuna: i won't interact with you because you clearly don't know japanese

k, definitely vshojo's fault

>> No.53374134

She couldn't have possibly known that Henya would stream mostly in english before she started to stream and Henya was active on Twitter before her debut.

>> No.53374338

Sorry, are you referring to the week or two when she was so utterly checked out of VShojo that she barely touched Nazuna's Twitter? I wonder why she wasn't paying attention to fine details like that at the time? It truly and utterly puzzles the mind.
Nazuna hasn't done a collab in about 2 months. She's not interacting with anyone on stream recently (besides her fans)
Why not give her some space instead of sperging out about her not doing collabs? Do you even want to watch these collabs because you think they'd be enjoyable or just for the purpose of "having" a collab?

>> No.53374405

>not nazunas fault
>she don't pay attention
>she doesn't try to interact with coworkers
>but not her fault


>> No.53374482

she's been in kson's chat on youtube a few times lately

>> No.53374520

What's the purpose of complaining about not having JP members if she gets a cute one who is fluent in JP but barely interacts with her?
I don't even want to force collabs on her or think they are required but make your choice instead of complaining about both.

>> No.53374638

anytime henya has tried to interact with nazuna is "corpo mandated", don't you know? somehow only henya is "corpo mandated" to interact with nazuna but not vice versa

>> No.53374699

There is no rhyme or reason for anything that she does. She's completely menhera.

>> No.53374741

For the last time
>Nazuna is already checked out
>she specified JOP because she didn't want to continue to be left out of things
I've heard they're doing another big VShojo collab this weekend? I wouldn't know or care much, but Nazuna is 100% not showing up over the language barrier.
Yeah, she's interacted in Henya's chat too. But she isn't doing collabs. Her last collab was with Kson back in May

>> No.53374785

Also, I just want to tell you VShojofags now that you guys have the least funny "in jokes" or running memes because they're all coming from a state of butthurt and you can't actually be funny if you're so obviously seething

>> No.53374799

why do the mehera keyfags always write blogs and theses like anyone will read anything beyond the first sentence?

>> No.53374865

>Nazuna is already checked out
If that were true why did she watch the entire Vshojo AX panel?

>> No.53374922

Why do people nitpick and shit on everything Nazuna does?
Funnily enough, this wasn't the case when she first joined. It seems to have only become a problem whenever she expresses dissatisfaction with VShojo.
I find it hilarious when you people insult the "Holofags" defending Cover when I've seen Hololive fans outright shit on Cover when they feel like they're not doing a good job for their oshis, or when their oshis openly express frustration with Cover. Honestly, you people, who have 0 expectations for VShojo, are unironically bigger corpo fags than most Hololive fans.

>> No.53374969

She likes the idea of meeting up with her fans because she loves her fans. This is pretty much a consistent part of her personality and shouldn't really be all that much of a surprise
She did confirm on stream that she likely won't be going to the next one, though.

>> No.53374999

and like clockwork i didn't even finish the first sentence
she has androphobia you sperg

>> No.53375140

Michael Cat is not a smart person, we've been over this many times.

>> No.53375174

If you only watch mike cat and have no idea what anyone else is up to it could seem like that. But vshojofags watch a bunch of different streamers and regularly see people talking about how they want to collab with Nazuna but can't get in contact with her while she's literally just ignoring them because she's on live on twitcast with her paypigs complaining about how lonely she is which makes her seem like a huge bitch.

>> No.53375219

I'm not shitting on Nazuna or on Hololive.

She also watched the interview part with Henya and Kson. Well anyway, we'll see what happens with her very soon. I just wonder how you'll react if she decides to stay.

>> No.53375335

There's only so much sympathy a person can have for a woman who (according to her own fans) just whines non-stop about absolutely everything while never doing anything about any of it.

And like the other guy said, in contrast to that she's surrounded by other vtuber girls who are constantly trying to reach out and getting rejected. She complains about not getting new co-workers and then doesn't talk to them. She complains about not getting help from her company while simultaneously ducking out of literally every event they set up for her.

>> No.53375433

Isn't Silvervale the one who was always on stream talking with other people about wanting to do collabs but then reveals that she hasn't spoken to another member off stream in like 2 years?

>> No.53375493

She doesn't speak English, a point that has been brought up multiple times in this thread alone.
It's all well and good if people want to collab with her. Now whether it would actually work out to any degree is to be seen

>> No.53375604

This thread is proof

>> No.53375622

>every event
Maybe they should set up some events that would suit her, rather than trying to invite her to an American Anime Convention that would require her to wake up at 3am despite having sleeping issues, mental health and physical issues? It's all well and good to say that they "set up things" for her, but you only need to take a quick glance to realise that it's not suited to her needs at all
Same with the large scale collabs where every single member speaks English other than her. Why on earth would she join those? Put yourself in her shoes for a second and realise that this isn't helping her at all, especially if schizos like you "fans" just shit on her for not being grateful to the "wondeful" company for being so kind in setting these things up for her.

>> No.53375698

The "streamers" I mentioned includes several Japanese speakers.

>> No.53375711

you know you can type a single sentence and still convey your retardation right

>> No.53375751


>> No.53375989

Ignoring your retardation, my point is that it's very bold of her to expect the company to go out of their way to boost someone who has proven her willingness to flake out at every conceivable opportunity.

Vshojo is not a strict company, they won't force you to do anything, as even Henya has said repeatedly. But they are still a business, and that doesn't mean you're going to be first in line for promotions when for all they know she's just going to be "sick" again at the last second and piss off a sponsor. That's just reality, that's life.

>> No.53376106

Awww poor nazuna needs to sacrifice some of her time for her fans or for a group collab? Give me a break every other person sacrifices their personal time for things they love, why is nazuna so special? The world doesn’t bend for the will of nazuna. I swear all what you keyfags do is complain

>> No.53376742

Are Nazuna fans the black sheep of the Vshoujo community? Like the Fagoons of NijiEN

>> No.53376845

i mean it was silver, now it's probably henya

>> No.53376858

If black sheep means whiny mentally ill retards then yes

>> No.53376906

nah, it's the Henya fans

>> No.53376994

Huh? You’re a retard, everyone loves henya and the braincells are cool as fuck. You don’t know what you’re talking about

>> No.53377010

seethe more

>> No.53377013

it's not just that it's just henya just kinda seems asexual compared to the rest

>> No.53377067

Mousey's refusal to actually click the end stream button shouldn't count.

>> No.53377105

Nazuna deflection force

>> No.53377170

keep telling this yourself
I thought Henya will overtake Gura with 10k+ CCV

>> No.53377173
File: 471 KB, 907x333, 1688621810801975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. 99% of people have a suggested streamer currently live on their page over their own vods. Even going at Henya's page right now she has Mouse's stream there.

>> No.53377175

everyone has some kind of schtick that's related to sex or relationships, but henya is just kinda, there? feels black sheep to me

>> No.53377237

That's the thing. Even if you don't count the subathon they still won.

>> No.53377265

>doesn't make a retort or argument of any kind
>hold this L

>> No.53377299

bruh you're responding to someone from 12 hours ago

>> No.53377342
File: 1.48 MB, 1806x1818, 1684115663241160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>henya just kinda seems asexual compared to the rest

>> No.53377379

>keep telling this yourself
Nice ESL also I don’t need to
This thread is proof of the crying

>> No.53377392

It doesn't.

>> No.53377403

Henya is probably the most overall liked member of Vshojo, no one in the Vshojo community goes after her at all.

>> No.53377440

I love the mental keynastics.

>> No.53377475

and who talked about Henya? I am talking about her annoying fans. Henya is cool

>> No.53377533

>everyone has some kind of schtick that's related to sex or relationships,
just how much has /vt/ mindbroken you...?

>> No.53377606

>everyone has some kind of schtick that's related to sex or relationships
This isn't even slightly true, just FYI

>> No.53377679

You actually think henya’s fans are more annoying than keyfags?????
kek I almost fell over in my chair...you can’t be serious?

>> No.53377717

Mel does cb
Mouse lewded shit all the time before Connor
Don't get me started on froot zen and haruka
Nazuna is gfe
Himes literal character is designed from hentai
Mel does chaturbate
Henya is asexual af

>> No.53377907

>Don't get me started on froot zen and haruka
No please do, I want to see you try and pull more retarded shit out of your ass. Also you forgot Kson

>> No.53377919

>daily henya seethe thread
>hourly hololive seethe post

>> No.53378016

ok tourist

>> No.53378025

Yeah, they are. I can just ignore the schizo keyfags, but the Henya fans shitting up the whole catalog in the first month was the most annoying shit you could see

>> No.53378072

Yeah all the Mike fans who refuse to watch Nazuna streams totally do so because VShojo hasn't benefited her at all, not at all because they drank the "VSHOJO BAD" kool-aid for years as Holofags and refuse to change their minds because that would require them to look inward and realize maybe they were wrong and they can't ever be wrong, even if it causes their wife harm.

>> No.53378185

>Mouse did lewd stuff before Connor
>Mouse did lewd stuff more than 2 years ago
Mouse has cleaned up her act considerably and stuff from 2 years ago is hardly relevant to today. Aside from that, Froot's not very lewd outwardly at all. If you dig into it you'll find stuff like how she designed some of Mel's sex toys, but if you just stick to streams she's very reserved in things like that. But most importantly Haruka of all people? She's autistic and doesn't even understand the vast majority of innuendo people throw at her. She started screaming when Zen figured out how to make the TTS made a sound that was slightly similar to moaning because it was so weird to her. She's the furthest thing from lewd. Even Henya's way more lewd than Haruka is lol.

>> No.53378250

sorry for the autism but i think this is really interesting. the explanation i think is that the difference is mainly due to one being a GFE streamer. both of their fanbases on /vt/ were basically the same at first - they were mostly tribalist holofags who seethe at vshojo all day. that is the nature of all holo/former holo fanbases here. so you would expect them both to have similar majority opinions. but in kson's case, when she joined vshojo, all those people just left and went back to catalog bait threads or whatever. the ksonfags who remained were relatively normal people and not tribal psychos, so they were eventually won over by vshojo accomplishing all the goals that kson laid out when she explained why she joined.

in nazuna's case, her fanbase was much more emotionally invested in her due to the GFE thing, so the holofag tribalists were not all able to easily just leave when she joined vshojo. some of them did of course, but others split into weird factions. some of them cope by just watching mike cat and pretending nazuna doesn't exist. some begrudgingly watch nazuna but only spend money on mike superchats, and so on. but all those pro-hololive tribalfags are still there and still shitting on vshojo as they always have. which is extra weird because hololive completely fucked her over but that's a whole different story.

>> No.53378285

and then you have henya, whose literal only sexual thing is "hentai". Look, idk why it insults you but henya is asexual, clearly, even as pikamee

>> No.53378630

>Henya’s fans
It’s not henya’s fans posting them
kek you must be new around here and don’t understand how bait threads works or who posts them

>> No.53378684

making fun of holoen for not streaming is not seething. i'm not unhappy that they aren't streaming. i think it's funny.

>> No.53378803

I don't think you've watched either of them if you try to seriously make that argument.

>> No.53378975

People that still defend Rushia even after getting cucked are like very weird. Why do you care so much after she cheated on you?

>> No.53379004

Henya streams daily
Nazuna streams once a week or less

Nazuna could have more viewers if she streamed less on twitcast when she wanted to talk about shit. It's also a platform barrier except for her most autistic english fans. And a lot of those twitcasts are paywalled on top of that. She gets more viewers as mikecat because she streams 20x as much, even if those streams aren't on youtube.

>> No.53379042

Sure but it was unprompted. Therefore, seething.

>> No.53379102

I don't think you have my friend

But let's entertain you. Let's put every vshojo member in a cb stream with Mel. Let's see who makes the most incoherent uncomfortable noises the most.

You can have everyone else and my bets on henya.

>> No.53379142

seething means that you are really mad. bringing up a funny joke it not that.

>> No.53379148

Yeah she cheated on everyone with a gay dude. Ogey

>> No.53379223

Nah, seething means being obsessed enough to bring them up unprompted. Otherwise you wouldn't have said the same about OP to begin with.

>> No.53379284

It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.53379296

Also just incase some of you are retarded (you are) Nazuna had partner before her first stream. This means twitch absolutely had an exclusion clause in the contract to give that to Nazuna. This is why nazuna won't stream on youtube. If she would have been fine not getting money for a week or two this could have been avoided

>> No.53379360

>meet up with your friends
>"hey someone sent me this picture earlier it's hilarious you guys gotta see it"
>"wow dude you're literally seething. rent free"

>> No.53379422

>he still doesn't believe she cheated
Lol, lmao even

>> No.53379527


>> No.53379553

>>Otherwise you wouldn't have said the same about OP to begin with
Stop anon, it's unsightly.

>> No.53379609

who are you quoting?

>> No.53379610

>mikeneko streams less than nazuna over and over

Why do any of you even say that? Sure she doesn't stream on youtube often but she's on twitcast almost fucking daily. Do those not count in your warped opinion?

>> No.53379673

no she didn't lol
it took her over a month to get partnered

>> No.53379697 [DELETED] 

Myself >>53379223

>> No.53379713

Oh you mean the laziest of lazy content
wow!!! So exciting!!!!

>> No.53379761

Myself >>53379223

>> No.53379797

So does it not count as streaming?

>> No.53379799

My dude kson has literally already said the YouTube thing was due to twitch agreements. Stop being retarded

>> No.53379816

Nazuna was an affiliate when she debuted, it took her a while to get partner. Affiliate requires like 3 CCV and 100 followers, it's easy for anyone to get and nobody signs an exclusive contract for it.

Henya on the other hand did debut as a partner and she is still able to stream on Youtube.

>> No.53379882

Do we know she can stream on youtube? She never has

>> No.53379916

It does but it’s the bare minimum requirements

>> No.53379976

Her being lazy is her choice.

>> No.53380124

Stop being stupid

>> No.53380134

Then her and the keyfags shouldn’t have anything to complain about since you just said she’s lazy by choice...right?

>> No.53380388

It's so they can "woe-is-me" that she only streams on youtube once a quarter and act like the numbers there are magic when she's somewhere else almost every day

>> No.53380442

This is not correct. Kson was repeating what someone in chat said to her and that was wrong. Note the date of the clip: July 22, 6 days after debut. At the time Kson didn't know why Nazuna didn't stream on Youtube, she said it was because Nazuna was a Twitch partner. This was back when partners all had an exclusivity contract. This was also before Nazuna was actually a Twitch partner, she was only an affiliate, and affiliates do not have exclusive contracts, they could stream wherever they want still. Kson was also an affiliate at this time.

About a month or two later Twitch dropped the exclusivity clause and partners were allowed to stream on Youtube as well, this rule change coincided with Kson finally achieving partner status. (Kson had been applying to be a partner regularly for months and was denied every time, so her waking up one day as partner was a huge surprise). Upon learning this, Kson excitedly messaged Nazuna on stream saying that she could stream on Youtube thanks to Twitch changing the rules. This is when Kson learned why Nazuna actually couldn't stream on Youtube. Right after that she dropped the subject because she can't talk about it due to the NDA. The next time she would talk about Nazuna's Youtube status was like a year later in the CEO interview.

>> No.53380493

Meant to quote >>53380124 and >>53365232

>> No.53380603

non-compete exit contract I imagine.

>> No.53380647

Why must you always write an essay every time you wanna convey a thought? A few sentences would do perfectly fine

>> No.53380791

You're fucking retarded of you think she can stream on Michael cat but not keyfag on YouTube. Also NDAs are non disclosures just means you can't say shit, and are never enforceable. If anything it's a non compete, which is also fucking retarded to think because they cant block one and not the other, it would be all encompassing. Therefore if Michael cat can stream is has nothing to do with holofaggotry. What it does have to do with is vshojos agreement with twitch.

>> No.53380834

Keyfags would kill themselves if Nazuna ordered them to. Considering a lot of them are attached to her because she's mentally unwell, they're are not to be trusted.

>> No.53380949

I mean you don't have to use a hypothetical. Here's Zen making moaning noises in TTS. https://youtu.be/SYeTOCQkO4k?t=0m59s Henya laughs because she thinks it's funny, Haruka screams and keeps saying NO NO NO NO because she hates it.

>> No.53380961

Mikecat is an individual. An individual person cannot compete with a business, they are in different classifications.

>> No.53381037

Your level of autism is off the charts

>> No.53381060

That's literally the only possible reason but Nazuna's fans are adamant defenders of Cover and want to blame Vshojo or Twitch or anyone except Yagoo.
I want to clearly convey the details of the situation. I've seen people post the same misinformation before assuming that Kson is a reliable source but in this case she was not informed about Nazuna's situation at all. She was making an assumption, and that assumption was incorrect.
The reason she can't stream on Youtube isn't "due to NDA", the reason is a thing that she can't reveal because that reason is under NDA. If you can't understand the difference then the only retard here is you. Also Mike Cat isn't affiliated with any vtuber groups. Hololive is a vtuber group. A non-compete with Hololive would prevent joining other vtuber groups, as that's literally what non-compete agreements are. You agree to not join a competing business. Vshojo is a competing business to Hololive. Streaming by your lonesome is not a competing business to Hololive. This is why one is restricted and one is not. I hope your tiny retard brain can comprehend this now that I have stated it clearly for you.

>> No.53381088

Nah it just comes from actually watching them. That moaning thing was done all the time the day it was discovered and /vsj+/ couldn't stop laughing at Haruka's over the top reactions. At one point she ripped her headphones off her head and threw them.

>> No.53381119

You realize on paper there's no difference between an individual and a corporation right? A non compete is a non compete, solo or in a company, if you're profiting you're competing.

>> No.53381146
File: 183 KB, 325x321, 1648702087475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching you VshJP fans squabble about who is better is always a good laugh.
It's still funny because they're both complete fucking nobodies compared to the queen

>> No.53381201

>Nazuna's fans are adamant defenders of Cover
They only pretend to appear friendly to hololive fans. They will never accept the explanation for her termination.

>> No.53381204

>Not allowed to compete
>Ok I'll go to customers as a consultant then

Yes that's definitely not competing. Fucking retard

>> No.53381218

That is not how the law functions. Hololive, Nijisanji and VSPO compete.
Some jackass off the street isn't competing with them, even if the jackass gets the most viewers because jackass is not a multimedia conglomerate. If jackass opens Jackass inc. for their taxes then they are competing.

>> No.53381269

What happened in your life to make you so confidently incorrect about a subject that you clearly do not understand at all?

>> No.53381271


>they're are not to be trusted.
Only a fool or a newfag would trust a keyfag,
I was just catching that keyfag in a Gottem moment

>> No.53381281

>People STILL haven't realized that Youtube only lets an individual own a single monetized streaming account
>If Nazuna wanted to stream on Youtube, she'd have to do so without monetization enabled
>The only other option is to retire Mikeneko to stream as Nazuna on Youtube too
>The "third party" kson mentioned preventing it was Youtube, not Cover and especially not VShojo or Twitch
>She didn't mention this even though it's obvious because Mike wants to keep Nazuna and Mikeneko separated, and acknowledging her other account would break that separation
This discussion has always been dumb when the answer is this obvious

>> No.53381305

It literally fucking is. You're profiting off of their potential customers. That's literally what competing is.

Jesus Christ, tell me you've never had a job other than fry cook without actually telling me

>> No.53381382

The non compete argument has always been so full of holes.

>> No.53381467

Listen retard. It's not about the textbook definition. It's about the legal definition. The same reason you can't buy a house in a residential zone and then turn it into a business. The ground is good, the building can be anything but it has to be a home because legally that land is designated for housing.

>> No.53381468

This is wrong. You can have multiple monetized accounts. Nazuna's account is monetized. Go check.
Her memberships are open and she gets ad revenue. She just can't stream there. Because of an agreement with Cover.

>> No.53381528

Cover really is a black company

>> No.53381551

Emphasis on multiple monetized STREAMING accounts. They're different kinds of monetization. Plenty of Youtubers openly have multiple monetized accounts.

>> No.53381645

I have a monetized Youtube account myself and can say with confidence that you are completely incorrect. Feel free to link the FAQ and prove me wrong though.

>> No.53381727

Cover Corp has like 50 monetized streaming accounts all going to the same bank account. Anycolor has 500 or whatever.

>> No.53381736

The difference is that the rest of VShojo don't have the majority of their content and information locked underneath supporter paywalls.

If you wanted to, you could ask "do you have the VOD/clip for that?" and someone would find it for you.
I would say at least 95% of what /vsj+/ knows about any member sans Nazuna is publicly available knowledge.

It is simply not the same situation.

>> No.53381765

Feel free to provide a single instance of the same person streaming on Youtube under two separate accounts without there being a third party involved. Like Holos can continue streaming on their old identities because their corpo identity is under the company, not themselves.
The rule is for individuals, not companies.

>> No.53381789

>It's about the legal definition.
I just gave you the legal definition.

Btw how many buttons do you have to push to make the fries extra crispy?

>> No.53381849

The retards in this thread that don't know the difference between streaming account and general posting account and that non compete is levied on an individual not on a corporation is just astounding to me

>> No.53381865

Not how it works. You prove your claim. The thing you assert would be listed in Youtube's monetization FAQ. It's searchable. Chop chop.

>> No.53381907

Sorry I can't procure a Youtube streaming contract out of thin air for you buddy. There's millions of Youtube accounts. Surely if this was allowed at least one person would have done it by now?

>> No.53381932

Because jp offers the true cuck experience

>> No.53381945

internet historian does it

>> No.53381967


>> No.53381977

>She doesn't speak the same language as most of the streamers in the organization
She knows some English and seems to want to keep learning.
She already did an Apex collab with two of the members who know the least amount of Japanese by having a translator in the background.
It can be done.

Everyone in the company is willing and able to do whatever it takes to make Nazuna feel like she's welcome and belongs.

>> No.53382004

How do you know what the contract prevents if you don't have a contract?

>> No.53382005

so you can't prove it? lmao

>> No.53382056

Top 10 Things keyfags consistently do is
Pass blame
Write essays
Defend wife regardless if she’s in the right or not
Love wife
Hate wife
Be paranoid of male collabs
Swallow bait
No YouTube streams
Argue about her contract

Did I miss anything?

>> No.53382074

Look at these two faggots thinking mom competes magically only apply on corporations

>> No.53382156

They apply to individuals joining corporations' competitors, who are corporations themselves. You do know that non-compete agreements are a real thing and people know how they work? You can't just make up how you think they work and pass it off as the truth outside of the numbers thread.

>> No.53382159

>Feel free to provide a single instance of the same person streaming on Youtube under two separate accounts without there being a third party involved
Nta, but...are you for real...are you being serious right now? Are you not aware of the bazillions of indie youtubers who operate multiple monetized youtube accounts just to better pitch their content at different audiences? Like, really?
