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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53326036 No.53326036 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel for the homo enjoyer to be the most succesful chuuba in a CGDCT corpo?

>> No.53326128

I know it's incomprehensible to you, but you can enjoy any vtuber, despite their numbers.

>> No.53326226

Can't comprehend. /#/ specifically told me that a chuuba's numbers are directly proportional to their entertainment value

>> No.53326323

It goes to show you that this shithole doesn't represent the actual vtubing community

>> No.53327082

So true! Us cuckolds run the scene! What’s your favorite interracial scene, by any chance?

>> No.53327245

She’s the most successful cause she abused the algorithm, yuko was catching up with her and then she explicitly chose to stop doing shorts because she was gaining too many greyfag fans who knew nothing about the community, it’s weird to brag about her being the most popular when she literally just got lucky with the algorithm and her genmates chose to stop doing the same thing

>> No.53327300

See >>53327245
her popularity has absolutely nothing to do with her not doing GFE

>> No.53327548 [DELETED] 

>appeals to SEA children, numberniggers, and spammers
she can keep her incredibly dogshit fanbase, ive literally never once seen a fanbase as disconnected and shit as hers

>> No.53327663

The real youtube algorithm doesnt give a fuck about her. You should see how many youtube shorts creators have millions of subs but cant even break thousands of views on their youtube videos. Rin has a video uploaded a few days ago with only 22K views despite have over 500K subs.

>> No.53327894

You've been looking at too many numbers anon

>> No.53327950

Yeah her channel is super dead all things considered, yuko was smart to stop doing shorts, her fans are super dedicated and spam her with donations (also based on what you said, yuko has a much better subscriber to viewer ratio, it seems like a much higher percentage of her subs actually watch streams)

>> No.53328614

The algorithm is even more schizo than that. You'll have people who will get 200K views on Game A and 20K views on anything that isn't Game A.

>> No.53328974

>yuko was catching
Retard alert

>> No.53328992
File: 101 KB, 300x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just compared the most recent Filian short to the most recent Rin short.

Rin Penrose:
29 Sound effects
19 Zoom ins/out
4 Jump Cuts
10 uses of visual aid
4 special effects
Background music used at least 2

6 Sound effects
8 Zoom ins/out
2 Jump Cuts
2 Special effects
Background music used at least 1

Someone needs a lot of assistance than the other. Not entirely accurate either Rins numbers might be slightly higher there was just so much editing it was hard to be accurate.

>> No.53329127

Man shut yo ass up

>> No.53329172

>high sub count? nah not popular
it's not like those subs are completely dead anon, she can get around 2k+ on a nonkaraoke nonevent stream which around nijien girl tier and something the other girls in idol can't do
rin hovers around rosemi's vod views and they have around the same subs more or less but the thing is penrose is on a small corpo, her numbers are great relative to the size of the company she's in

>> No.53329418

>editor cope
now i've seen it all

>> No.53329470

Not coping. One is desperately trying to keep shorts viewers engaged at all times while another is posting entertaining stream clips.

>> No.53329575

If I piss in your mouth would that entertain you?

>> No.53329633

not hating on filian, i just found you counting the number of adobe aftereffects funny that's all kek

>> No.53329638

Maybe not entertain but if you add in 29 sound effects, 19 zooms, 4 jump cuts, 10 toys for me to look at and set them on fire along with playing oh nononono in the background you might keep my attention while doing it.

>> No.53329800

But what I said got a response which means it’s high quality entertainment right? Open your mouth

>> No.53330076

>entertaining stream clips
Filian...totally not the embodiment of loud XD funny zoomer meme streamer.

>> No.53330114

More respectable than 1000 edits per short

>> No.53330375

I can smell the mald coming from you

>> No.53330477

t. seething boobro

>> No.53330725

>mfw my oshi is straight
How could she, literally killing myself after this...

>> No.53330810

>not denying being a cuck
at least you own up to your nature like a true proud cuck

>> No.53330826

Ehh they’re pretty fucking dead, she gained 400k subs and only about 8000 of them cate to watch her based on her vod views, that seems pretty fucking dead to me anon

>> No.53330891

>caring about what your oshi fucks beyond whether or not she's fucking you(fanbase) and only you(fanbase)

>> No.53330985

holy autism

>> No.53330987

Watch streams dipshit, yuko was totally catching up to rin and then stopped so she could preserve her community and not flood it with greys, and considering their viewership it was the smart move, rin has 300k more subs then yuko and yet rin only beats her by a few thousand views

>> No.53331342

Yuko is not half as entertaining as rin. Shorts or not she’s not appealing to anyone but your pedo ass and le based 4channers. kill yourself

>> No.53332331

you say that as if rin's shorts had any personality in them at all, she was literally just explaining vtuber culture and all of the jokes/memes came from the official editors, literally none of those subs followed her because of her personality, unlike yuko who would just tell stories or do other dumb stuff in her shorts so all of those subs did in fact come from her personality

>> No.53332457

And this is how anyone can tell you’re a seething tranny that came straight from twitter. You should’ve 41%ed yourself when people were playing the wizard game.

>> No.53333238

Didn’t read

>> No.53333403

>cuck cuck cuck
You should stop letting your fetishes control your waybof thinking

>> No.53333602

The cope levels of the post are extremely high

>> No.53333707

then the nijien girls are dead too then, we can agree on that

>> No.53334449

it makes the lolipedos seethe immensely so I think it's pretty cool

>> No.53334916

this post was deleted by rin.

>> No.53334943

As expected from someone who watches rin

>> No.53334953

Why are trannies like this?

>> No.53335525

Seethe lol

>> No.53335804

>yet rin only beats her by a few thousand views
she consistently averages 10-15k more vod views than yuko. she is the only one in the company who can easily manage 4view territory while yuko is stuck as a low 3view.
you say she has no personality because she doesn't have obnoxious /here/ humor or appeal to your pedo fantasies, but this actually makes her the most marketable which contributes to why she is the most popular.

>> No.53336674

what's important is getting donations with those views, they might open you doors but it's your fans that plug the holes when you're not doing promos, she's getting okayish ccv for her sub count but the superchat numbers don't lie, most of her audience doesn't spend any cash on her content and all she gets is from the terrible adrev youtube allows her if she doesn't get demonitized, haven't checked but I imagine yuko gets more than her for most of her streams since her audience is mostly traditional vtuber watchers and have the age for a credit card
also so true sister, tell em queen

>> No.53336802

so true sis! she appeals to us trans women though, i can’t believe she’s one of us! her blahaj addiction is like so relatable

>> No.53336804

Why gawr gura likes jews

>> No.53336946

Why jews likes gawr gura

>> No.53337073

Literally every girl in Idol is a Chumbud.

>> No.53337157

I just like the funny british girl. She's like Ashens with a vagina.

>> No.53338535 [DELETED] 

CGDCT and lolicon are total trannycore, check any tranny's twitter profile and you'd see that. they self-insert as the cute girls.

>> No.53339137

Probably really funny

>> No.53343946

You can find out by buying an ad

>> No.53344362

# is an absolute blight that makes searching archives patently impossible unless you know specific post number

>> No.53347640

Holy boobro seethe
success truly does breed jealousy

>> No.53347994

Except that’s literally true. Popularity is directly correlated to general entertainment value. I think you wanted to sound smart but chose the wrong word making you look dumb.

>> No.53348262
File: 31 KB, 300x225, 1682120936958382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.53350992

>normalfag appeal bad
>normalfag appeal good
Fucking pick one, you inconsistent sheeple

>> No.53351885
File: 153 KB, 394x348, rincel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not sure whats worse, rincels or this boobro who enjoys getting starbucked

>> No.53351947

They always do that, it's so funny. Everything is cuckoldry to them, it's an obsession

>> No.53352315

English board full of people that can’t read English

>> No.53352468

Trannies hate anything straight men enjoy as well
Because you’re literally a bunch of cuckolds who came straight from r/anime or whatever after seeing funny gta clips but then you see lolis which gets you triggered due to the prevalence of incel chuds in the fanbase. You therefore want to shill homocollabs while pushing lghdtv shit to own those incel chuds before you inevitably lose interest and move onto another hobby to destroy

>> No.53354597

still having trouble hiding your barely disguised cuck fetish i see, and now he's resorted to projecting lmao. typical /vt/ranny

>> No.53355326

You’re probably dilating as you type LMAO go cut yourself to tempiss

>> No.53357017

reminds me of gura. but at least rin is doing shorts for the boost.

>> No.53357657

boo bros are funniest bunch - early in EN1 history they were going 'Yuko is most popular and it's her company' and now that Rin beats her at every field they went 'numbers bad'.

>> No.53357829

At least it won't be to cuck porn LMAO

>> No.53357867

homofag enjoyer has fanbase that doesnt spend money or even watch streams, big shock

>> No.53357870

You do that in your free time, troon.

>> No.53358075

don't worry bro, you can check that pretty easily
June - $382
July - $691 (including 200k celebrations)
June - $3,672
July - $1,706

>> No.53358125

>>53358075 (me)
holly shit, even Juna beats queen of Idol
June - $1,899

>> No.53358293

Great, she's an amazing talent who got the recognition she deserved after being a 1view for months. The fact she doesn't try to rub her own preferences onto the rest of the girls goes to show how either her or Management's understanding is.
Love these girls and Rin is no exception despite what a few mindbroken unicorns spam on cooldown might say

>> No.53359016

I like how you are making shit up
That didn't happen
Nigger you stupid as fuck and you don't even know why, lmao

>> No.53359198

Rincels truly are the most retarded fanbase in Idol, i feel bad for rin

>> No.53359208

Because it's not pandering to unicorns that gets numbers. it's shitting on your fans and constantly causing drama that loses numbers. rin is just her honest self and is reaping the benefits.

>> No.53359236

Holy retard....

>> No.53359552

>resorted to 'no u'
man, what's happened to internet fights... you zoomies just have no bite

>> No.53359625

mindbroken boobros continue to seethe

>> No.53359757

Ok i'm going to tell you why you're a retard. The girls use stream elements for donations to avoid youtube cut but retards like you and the 2 juna whales for some reason use normal super chat

>> No.53359817

>only streams an hour every week
>still ultra popular

How does she do it?

>> No.53359854

>and it goes on and on and on and on and on and on

>> No.53359877

Sis, I-

>> No.53360104

Hmmmm I wonder what happened before June that would impact her earnings...? Could it be that a certain stream was cancelled and she was found out to be playing games with someone offstream...
Nah must be me being a schizo

>> No.53360275
File: 137 KB, 868x906, deliciousdeliciouscope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you boofags require visual proof

>> No.53360290

Poor boo bros making excuses as to why their queen, leader of Idol is being beaten by fucking Juna.

>> No.53360321

This is some pretty sad bait, even for a catalog bait thread.

>> No.53360422

Memes. I mean this unironically. Her shorts give quality of life chuuba info but they are le funny

>> No.53360932

Can you stop mocking boobros? They like to watch their oshi sucking on nigger dicks there is absolutely no reason to kick them while they are down
The numbers is all they had, please let them have it

>> No.53361110

No matter how many blahajes you buy you will never be a woman

>> No.53361348

Anon, once Yuko stopped having biggest numbers they became bad.

>> No.53361871

I don't watch no one in this thread. What the Homos have to do with op girl?

>> No.53361916

idk she probably likes yaoi, just like 90% of het/bi women

>> No.53362025

She simps hard for male vtubers

>> No.53362039

Nobody in Shilldol is CGDCT. Whores and degenerate pedobaiters aren't cute.

>> No.53362043

>primarily CGDCT small corpo
>have gura clone
>have homo collaber
>homo collaber mogs gura clone
>gura clone fans seethe

>> No.53362294

Imagine Bae from hololive but way more blatant with homobegging. Was riding tempus dick before debut

>> No.53363526

No it isn't. Advertising, word of mouth and brand recognition have a bigger influence on popularity than entertainment value does. Unless you're sying that the entertainment value of a small chuuba somehow instantly increases thousandfold the moment they join a big corpo, in which case you have a strange idea of "entertainment value" means.

>> No.53363662

I always found it funny how desperately the jew shills pushed Yuko as le totally based chumbud who likes cunny Gura killer and then the breakout success was the female prince archetype sardonic brit.

>> No.53363726

Is there any reason to believe that Yuko’s Streamlabs would somehow be disproportionately way better than Rins despite her SC, CCV, subs and VoD views being much worse and never seeing any indication of her being a Nene Amano/Kawaii style paypig farmer?

>> No.53363753

She was following the homos/Mori pre debut and collabed with the red one I don’t remember the name of.

>> No.53367781

>not doing one single stream made yuko lose vs juna in june
>doesnt wonder why yuko's other streams arent picking up the slack in june
The absolute state of boobros...

>> No.53369609

>success breeds jealousy

But where's the sauce?

>> No.53369713

I'd probably pick eel lady over any of her gen.

>> No.53369766

That'd be Machina X Flayon. Lil Mach, as I'd like to call him.

>> No.53369873

You forgot to include
>rin abused shorts and the youtube algorithm while yuko specifically chose to stop doing that because she grew too fast.

The only thing this proves is that rin is a numberfag who doesn’t care about her community

>> No.53369910

she was actually successfully bullied out of following Mori by Twitter since Mori is Twitter racist and jewcorp was desperately dodging any potential brand risk at point of debut

>> No.53370484

>using the tools on hand to achieve growth is now a bad thing
the boocope is unbelievable

>> No.53370918

>The only thing this proves is that rin is a numberfag who doesn’t care about her community
It's obvious that her community arent cunnyseurs but there's no need to speak rin's name in hushed tones in /jidf boobro

>> No.53371143

it's not that it's bad, but it's retarded to brag about it as if rin herself had anything to do with it. Her shorts were generic as fuck, just explaining vtuber culture with jokes and memes added by her editors, she didn't incline by her own merit in any way, which is fine, i don't really care how she inclined, what bothers me is all of the rintards pretending like rin inclined because of something she did specifically when yuko was quite literally doing the same thing with the same results until she actively chose to stop

>> No.53371215

her community is a bunch of normalfags, they still use the stupid red B meme all the fucking time, like calling her Bin Benrose... i literally used to do that shit 6 years ago, it is such a dead fucking meme
