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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53303155 No.53303155 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53303204


>> No.53303205

I’m sure it’s all fine, no issue here.
t. Village Idiot

>> No.53303212


>> No.53303243

Literally who? Buy an ad

>> No.53303286

how can he do it actually? does he not have a life outside of vtubing?
because am pretty sure his main also stream long hours.

>> No.53303314

Niji talent, name rhymes with rex

>> No.53303316

This is the /asp/ dude right?
the one who made it

>> No.53303339

I doubt streaming for an hour or two to talk about shit he cant on a corporate account is a detriment to his overall output
If anything its a net positive if it improves his psyche to let out some steam

>> No.53303385

Magni did the same thing seems like cover has a moratorium on past life's.

>> No.53303418


>> No.53303432

No shit, 6 months after debut all the past lives wake back up. It's like clockwork.

>> No.53303464


>> No.53303532

His gimmick was being an attorney and thats not a gimmick you can take with you over to a different personality. If he still wants to discuss law and shit on his hobby account more power to him

>> No.53303531

He's a Homostar, not a Niji.

>> No.53303570

Nothing wrong with it. Totally normal option that anyone who wants can take advantage of.

>> No.53303732

Curious how all of them have too

>> No.53305869

>all deep voiced men sound alike

>> No.53306056


>> No.53306287

Is there some thing in the contract that they're allowed to do this after 6 months. Lando came back after around 6 months as well.

>> No.53306908

Seems like it

>> No.53308014

Stars EN is literally a sinking ship rn, can't blame the man for not putting all his eggs in one basket

>> No.53308113

which homo is this?

>> No.53308253


>> No.53308330

Is this the dude with bare chest? Nothing wrong with it, cover allows roommate activities.

>> No.53308365

Nobody cares about your homos nigger go buy an ad

>> No.53308740

YAGOO owns this board, chud. He loves his boytoys, nothing you can do about it but cope and seethe.

>> No.53308924 [DELETED] 

>get the First Member Stream bucks
>count your change
>after 6 months the debut buff is gone magni goes from 4k CCV to 1.5k CCV
>suddenly he's got two 'lives' going since you get "big return stream" dollars too
It makes the most sense. Gotta play the game if you want the big rewards.

>> No.53309804

wasn't he a chinese b2 streamer who got arrested or something?

>> No.53310600 [DELETED] 


>> No.53312701

he is not from nijisanji

>> No.53313062

It can't be coincidence that it happened the same day the announcement was made

>> No.53313130

No rrats but I hate his stupid ass big lipped model and all the fujos that schlick on his voice

>> No.53313505

how does anyone confuse this guy with the pagnigger niji LOL
