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53266415 No.53266415 [Reply] [Original]

It really bothers me.

>> No.53266598

it's me.
i'm the one who raped pekora.
so please, stop blaming poor miko you guys, she did it for me.

>> No.53269618


>> No.53269651

They should've recorded it

>> No.53271970

Are we really going to complete five years of this mystery without discovering anything new?
Schizos here only know how to shitpost instead of investigating something.

>> No.53272085

it broke the illusion that the JP holos are actually friends. it's hard to see any of them as more than co-workers after the pekomiko incident.

>> No.53273972

^this, except korone and okayu, shion and aqua, and maybe noel and flare.

>> No.53275342

It's because they never had anything to begin with

>> No.53275425

>except these other lesgroomers

>> No.53277964

It breaks nothing because every other relationship in hololive got nothing to do with how PekoMiko started, developed, and ended.

>> No.53278040

how can i believe in any other relationships when the strongest one collapsed into nothing? what does that say about other relationships?

>> No.53278127

>what does that say about other relationships?
It says nothing, is the point

>> No.53278200

it makes me depressed, pekomiko is what got me into the rabbit hole

watching the old clips legit makes me tear up sometimes

>> No.53278654
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>> No.53279774
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We already know who's fault it is. It's always her fault.

>> No.53282959

you obviously dont have friends.

>> No.53283212

imagine the weird distracting noises peko made

>> No.53283671
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>the strongest one
lol even

>> No.53283811

pekora and miko were close friends and collabed practically all the time. The duo was called "pekomiko" and they appeared together in a ton of stuff. Then one day after an offline collab they just completely stopped all activities and streams together without a single word. It was like 6 months before they even appeared together in a group setting stream again.

the rrat is that miko was reading a bit more into their relationship than pekora and during an offline collab miko tried to make a romantic move on peko. Pekora, who thought they were just friends, reacted with shock and disgust and felt betrayed at the revelation that her friend might have ulterior motives for hanging out with her as opposed to just being friends like she thought

they're no longer on non-speaking terms and they openly interact with each other nowadays, but the days of pekomiko are unquestionably over.

>> No.53284325

This but Miko tried to rape Pekora

>> No.53284664
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anon, please

>> No.53285193

>miko was reading a bit more into their relationship than pekora and during an offline collab miko tried to make a romantic move on peko
what evidence for this is there besides it came to him in a dream

>> No.53285411

Coccam's Razor. The sexiest explanation is often the correct one

>> No.53285548

Pekora and Miko in an old pre-Holololive stream discussed lesbian relationships and Miko seemed much more interested in the topic asking Peko if she would be able to make love to a woman

>> No.53286247
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>Then one day after an offline collab they just completely stopped all activities and streams together without a single word.
that's not quite true, now is it?
they had a few collabs but it petered out

>> No.53287792

I like the ShionMarine more.

>> No.53288535

Marine literally mindbroken by Shion cunny

>> No.53290136
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Miko is happier now than she was back then, so who cares

>> No.53290693

Miko is happier with Suisei anyway

>> No.53291037

And after becoming Suisei's wife, Miko never had the opportunity to have a harem again.

>> No.53291261

Miko no longer exists independently, it is Micomet now.
chat: Micomet!
chat: Micomet!
Birthday stream?
chat: Where is Suisei?

>> No.53291364

at least say believable things

>> No.53291525

link the offcollab so i can judge

>> No.53291974

what was the pekomiko incident

>> No.53292042

nvm saw this post >>53283811

>> No.53292090

So wait a sec. I read another post they where doing a off collab while they were already in holo but NotMiko went all out at Notpekora and she felt all grossed out and left furious while NotMiko laughed at her for not trying. Did this happened once or twice? being the second event the end of pekomiko?

>> No.53292829
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This supposed second incident is the Christmas 2021 sleepover, but they didn't stop interacting fully after it
They had a couple more streams but it died off fairly quickly
This failed confession meme doesn't match with what happened
The official reason given is PekoMiko shipfags being too annoying and making Pekora stop all interactions on stream. This seems dubious considering she did the same kind of stuff with Moona and Marine

Whatever happened, Pekora refused to talk about it for the longest time. I have no idea if she did to this day

>> No.53293173

sorry, Christmas 2020, right before 2021

>> No.53293430

Pekora has forgiven her rapist, you should too.

>> No.53294189

i read about it in a doujin

>> No.53294393
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interesting, I had dismissed this as a minor sensor-vs-intuitive conflict, and I suppose it is but the subject is Japan rather than their relationship. the build point people are missing for Pekora's negative opinions is of course political and to do with Japan's negative birth rate and fairly obvious status as an entirely occupied country. There are vans that roam the country spewing what is officially right wing garbage but I think many here would recognize as the truth: Japan is an occupied country who's natural born people are subject to a slow genocide, itself born of their cultural inability to give in to the west much as a man who won't stand for a crime he didn't commit might rot away in prison because he won't give someone powerful what they want. Japan signed the treaty, but it won't sign it's plea deal and get it's dick chopped so the occupation continues.

The relevance being Japanese women really need to have Japanese children, probably more than anyone on Earth. It's actually morally consequential to a degree for any Japanese woman to give up her reproductive status, or even just the years to do it, to homosexuality. the reasonable conclusion is that Pekora and her parents are nationalists, which, I'm sorry to the many golems here, is entirely normal and healthy. also this the normal human response to your race being threatened like this, not that you little scabs care.

>> No.53294466

so what you're saying is that she isn't a dyke
also take your meds

>> No.53295756

PekoMiko was over way before that. It wasnt a coincidence that both PekoMoona and MiComet were formed earlier.
Peak PekoMiko was really just half a year.

>> No.53295764

Who needs a harem when you have a comet?

>> No.53295943

Pekora kind of looks like a shitty friend

>> No.53297931

wow once again its a fucking nothingburger. pekora is antisocial to everyone, marine has explained this many times. even she knows when its ok to ask pekora for a collab. pekora being friends with miko for so long just feels comfortable with her. when you're friends with someone for so long you can spend time together in silence and be fine. pekora just didnt feel like she had to collab frequently to keep this friendship from falling apart like miko's paranoia lead her to believe.

>> No.53298082

If you can kiss, you can do it!

>> No.53298181

>"Miko no longer exists independently"
>became much more open and is getting over her social anxiety thanks to Suisei
>happier than ever
yeah, horrible influence, isn't it?

>> No.53299294

There's literally is a video of both of them collabing pre Hololive days up on nico nico where Miko basically goes "wouldn't it be crazy if we started making love right now, have you ever considered fucking a girl?" And pekora goes "ew no". Then Miko goes "why not, I made out with girls in middle school. I could do it if I lived the person."

>> No.53299341
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>> No.53299676

the real reason is that after the Christmas off collab pekora had a menhera fit on stream when her manager told her that her proposal for an event had been vetoed by senior management and when she later explained to her fans why she acted so extremely was because some other hololive members had requested something similar i. scale to what she asked for and it got approved, so she felt it was unfair treatment.

and then a few months later miko did her collab cafe event thing.

>> No.53299723

My takeaway was to not rape my friends

>> No.53299813

The real reason is simpler than that, miComet happened.

>> No.53300344
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>this thread

>> No.53300405

that wouldn't make Pekora ignore Miko and avoid even saying her name for like 2 years almost while having 0 issues with Suisei
though miComet is probably why Miko stopped trying to rebuild the bridge eventually

>> No.53301535

She probably thought Miko betrayed her by getting close to another girl

>> No.53301580

Micomet was after the break-up

>> No.53302187
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>> No.53302710

What Marine knows now, she came to know because she witnessed PekoMiko implode right in front of her. Thats why Marine always says that she can write a guidebook to Pekora and shes always careful of what she does.
Whats likely is what Miko probably wanted was a constant pairing like OkaKoro or Micomet and Pekora wanted something them to just be occasional collab partners like PekoMari.

>> No.53302735

I feel like that the ones who still bring this dead pairing up are only nousagi, no 35p actually wants Miko to have to deal with Pekora's shit ever again.
She's been happier than ever and she should stay that way. The rabbit can rot forever alone like the asshole she is.

>> No.53302821

>le management mandated merch-shilling ship

>> No.53302915

Wow, imagine how bad PekoMiko must have been bad for Miko for her to be happier when she's part of a soulless ship. PekoMikofags I feel sad for you, let it go. Your fucking oshi doesn't want anything to do with it(in fact she was the one broke it in the first place), why do you?

>> No.53303021

More like autistic pekora said some rude shit to miko for no reason and pissed her off.
Doog did the same to miko but at least she had the decency to apologize.

>> No.53304180

miComet is far more genuine than PekoMiko

>> No.53304199

well, it's on miko to accept pekora for who she is. i dont think there was a falling out or bad blood, that's just schizo hyperbole.
stop giving hololive a bad image. im a micomet fag and a pekomoona fag. i am also a supporter of the pekomiko friendship. pekora isn't a lesbian though, sadly for moona.

>> No.53304215
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based peko. miko is a manipulative snake.

>> No.53304244

Will nousanjis ever move on from this?

>> No.53304274

you can really feel the tension in the air in every micomet collab, suichan seems a lot more lively and comfortable with aqua

>> No.53304301

some stains never wash away

>> No.53304323

Oh I don't care about PekoMiko or PekoMikofags. but the way they're still seething after 2 years is funny af you gotta admit. Watching them schizo over theories of what could have happened and their endless hatred for micomet just for existing is amusing.

>> No.53304408

Based. Please patiently wait for the next Pekora and Nijisanji collab, sister.

>> No.53304419

Good thing Miko is a lesbian

>> No.53304487

The first one was basically an interview which is fine, the second one Miko replied to everyone with valentine's chocolate pic for fun, she even replied to Sora and some other female vtubers too. So Miko did nothing wrong. It's certainly not worse than getting groped and creamed by a fat hypno bastard on stream like that whore Pekora.

>> No.53304491

Sexual tension, you're right.

>> No.53304538

awkward tension

>> No.53304566

Right, 4chan nigger knows all about that doesn't he.

>> No.53304572

Suisei literally said she's more comfortable and feels like herself everytime she's collabing with Miko. She doesn't have to play a character like every single time she's collabing with Aqua (SuiOji)

>> No.53304587

Will Pegora ever get justice for what migo did?

>> No.53304619

Ignoring ship stuff, Miko and Suisei have at the very least pretty good friendship. Miko has already gone to Sui's place a good amount of times.
I thought we already knew that the "people" saying they secretly hate each other are coping nousanji projecting their ship into mcmt.

>> No.53304628

>She doesn't have to play a character

>> No.53304676

Yes, SuiOji is just a character

>> No.53304710

Only after she quits, if she even cares at that point. No need to rock the boat if it could jeopardize the company she works for, especially when she's at the top.

>> No.53304936

>I feel comfortable so I will act aloof

>> No.53305010

and Suisei also literally said that it's all business.

>> No.53305073

That's the real Suisei
They said it's only business to make fun of the non-believers like you

>> No.53305097


>> No.53305194

Based micometGOD.

>> No.53305563

Acual reason is professional.

In the end miko and pekora are very similiar, mostly same content, same style, alot of overlapping audience.
Pekora also want to be a children icon, innuendos and shipping are a big problem.

>> No.53305731

>innuendos are a big problem
tell that to pekora

>> No.53305748

People like you are the reason PekoMiko died and will be the reason micomet die

>> No.53305883

Any day now! good thing miComet is still going strong

>> No.53305894

Who cares, as long as they're both happy.
Pekomari is superior anyway

>> No.53306022

Nah Suisei is more than capable of herding the shipfags, as long as they continue to throw money Mikomet will stay alive

>> No.53306188

Yeah that's why her previous ship with Kanata died

>> No.53306236

Well HnK died because of Kanata

>> No.53306608

>"PekoMiko died because of Pekora"
>"HnK died because of Kanata"
>"Miko and Suisei? They did nothing wrong"
Why are micometfags like this?

>> No.53306674


>> No.53306977

more like why are hoshiyomis like this? In every fanbase there are always these arrogant pieces of shit, it's like they want people to hate their oshi

>> No.53307255

Nousagi literally blamed Miko for raping their whore bunny as the reason why pekomiko died

>> No.53307268

When people talk about shipfags ruining shit this is a prime example. It's far more likely that Pekora simply got fed up with how hard people were pushing this pairing.

Stop treating human beings like your Barbie dolls. It's cute watching a retarded child slam toys together making kissing noises. When an adult does it it's just pathetic.

>> No.53307278

Jannies didn't delete so I don't believe you.

>> No.53307309

You people have been saying this for like 2 years. I wonder what will die first: Micomet or the pure concentrated copium you've been sniffing for the past 2 years

>> No.53307389

>He thinks someone would just LIE on 4chan

>> No.53307393

It's not that hard to find. It's on youtube.

>> No.53307484

Y-YES it was the shipfags. T-that's why Pekora did the same shit with Moona and Miko still does to this day with Suisei.
Do I just have too much of high IQ to not believe their bullshit story? It's so fucking retarded.

>> No.53307533

Flare and Polpol, Flare and Marine, Choco and Mel, Sora and AZKi, Sora and Suisei. Area 15, Kiara and Reine, etc.

I don't fucking know where people get this idea that everyone in hololive is cold and indifferent to each other aside from a few special exceptions. HoloJP and HoloID are all super super close.

>> No.53307629
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>> No.53307690

MiComet is even worse, because PekoMiko was never advertised as a yuri couple, PekoMikofags just shipped them. MiComet is pure yuri couple with yuri stereotypes included. So if it was the shipfags, Miko didn't really have a problem with them.

>> No.53307697

they're vtubers they're supposed to act, ACT BITCH ACT, ENTERTAIN ME

>> No.53307751

OP is a 53piss subhuman faggot.

>> No.53307777

>T-that's why Pekora did the same shit with Moona
It's not nearly the same kind of relationship. Pekora became fascinated with Moona through Minecraft contraptions(which everyone knows Pekora loves building) and Moona demonstrated her ability to be one of the few people to actually understand Pekora's inane ramblings. Not only did they barely spend any time together when they actually met in person(both were too shy to really say anything to one another or spend time outside of their respective ID/JP groups) but they barely spend time collaborating with one another. They just enjoy casually chatting because they seem to get one another which is an extremely rare thing for Pekora.
>Miko still does to this day with Suisei.
Miko is obviously into it and Suisei isn't Pekora. Try again retard.

Pekora doesn't like this shit. Simple as that. The stuff going on with Moona is not only on a much lesser level, it's at least a relationship that Pekora has some level of personal investment in because she actually has an interest in the things Moona does outside of a strictly business level because Moona isn't trying to push clam slamming on her.

>> No.53307782

Pekomiko is what got me into Hololive, and I know a lot of other people too. You had to be there, they were such a great combo and you could tell they were genuinely having fun together. Watching old clips is nostalgiac but sad. I have to admit, it took me a while to get over it ending the way it did. Personally I always (in my head) blamed Peko for what happened, I didn't watch her for well over a year. I still don't watch streams but I enjoy her in clips and collabs now.
Sadly we will never know what happened. The idea that Miko was more insistent on the pairing than Peko, and Peko was getting bothered by the fans makes some sense but the complete cut of contact is too extreme.
Miko definitely gets clingy, and she is on record, both in pre holo and in hololive streams for voicing her preference for girls, and her willingess to kiss them. I really can't discount her trying to make a move on Peko. Meanwhile Peko is known to be antisocial and not into that sort of stuff.
Whats sad is they were such good friends and had a history back to NicoNico times, so its just kinda sad.
As far as I know they are back on speaking terms now, but they clearly are just coworkers and not friends anymore.

>> No.53307851

That's how real friendships are. Something happens and you drift apart. You never had friends? Have you never lost friends?

>> No.53307897

>Pekora was the one with the problem.
BASED. Now nousagis can fuck off and respect their oshi's wish to not want to be part of PekoMiko again.

>> No.53307912

pekomiko this micomet that when literally the new hotness is elamiko. get with the times oldfags

>> No.53307941

piss nigger fuck off

>> No.53307964

>he lost his friends
lmao weak ass motherfucker

>> No.53308040

I really don't want to believe that they stopped being friends because Miko confessed or something like that because if that's happened I would feel so bad for Miko. I would rather use the shipfag cope.

>> No.53308049

35P dont give a shit about your dead ship noufaggot

>> No.53308089

My oshi's in a good place. I couldn't care less about Pekora and PekoMiko.

>> No.53308189


>> No.53308225

The lesbos are really more often the ones who get hurt and ghost the other person when they get rejected. I think Pekora is probably the lesbo who got baited instead of Miko

>> No.53308334

>. I really can't discount her trying to make a move on Peko.
You can and you should, you don't fuck your friends

>> No.53308431

Pekora is 100% without a doubt one of the straightest holos and she outright told miko this to her face onstream.

>> No.53308433

I think it'd be more accurate to note that there is a difference between friends through convenience and friends through personal interests.

Pekora and Miko were friends through convenience. It's like a school friendship. People who tolerate each other enough to make jokes together and pass time with one another and maybe even occasionally spend some time together outside of school because there's nothing else going on. Friends like these aren't exactly long term friends. They're just people mutually using each other to make the best of an undesirable situation. Most people drop most of their contacts with friends from school as soon as they're out of school because the relationship is no longer needed. There is no longer any mutual benefit to be gained because the environment has changed and that was the basis of the friendship from the beginning. These friendships also tend to be very fragile and the smallest inconveniences can destroy them because it's simply not worth the effort to try to make things work after things start going bad.

Genuine friendships are the ones that last for years if not lifetimes no matter the distance or circumstances because they're friendships formed through actual connections that go beyond convenience. These sorts of friendships are between people who get along together no matter the situation and just genuinely like being around each other. If a disagreement comes up it's likely to be talked out and patched up because the people actually care about the connection they have together. These friendships are rarely broken unless someone changes radically as a person. These are the friends you actually make an effort to keep in contact with even after you're no longer schoolmates or coworkers.

Some people don't understand the difference between the two which is why they often times see professional pairings as two genuine best friends and are shocked when things fall through so easily.

>> No.53308438

Well I think it just may have been a factor. Even if it wasn't straight up love confession, Miko was getting clingy/touchy coupled with her pushing for the pairing more than Peko and the fans pushing for the pairing, it might have been too much for Peko.
We also need to understand Peko has made a lot of progress in recent years, but even now, as Marine has explained, you need to be careful with Peko because she is still pretty antisocial and easily annoyed. She was even more so back then.

>> No.53308537

>you don't fuck your friends
Miko knows that now, from experience, but maybe didn't back then.

>> No.53308595

Gotta love how some random faggots on the internet talk like they know peko and miko personally and witnessed whatever happened between these two at first hand.

Please stop smoking crack.

>> No.53308644

But everytime PekoMiko were doing teetee on stream it's always Pekora who first took the initiative, while Miko always the one who's too shy to do it.

>> No.53308650

rejected confession is the only answer that makes sense.

>> No.53308691

I read a doujin depicting what happened.

>> No.53308705

You can make guesses based on what we know about them pre holo and post holo days. We can connect dots, but at the end of the day, unless one of them just says clearly what happened and gives an explanation that actually makes sense(no shipfag nonsense) people are going to speculate. It's just human nature.

>> No.53308792

Hence the fucking Pekora hated shipfags excuse doesn't work. You can say Miko did, but Miko clearly doesn't because she's part of the most popular holo yuri ship right now.
It just doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.53309018

>Hence the fucking Pekora hated shipfags excuse doesn't work.
Sure it does. Harrison Ford fucking hates repeating all the lines from Indiana Jones that nerds ask him to do when asking for his autographs but he does it anyway because he's a performer and understands the value of giving fans what they want(because it gets him more money.)

Pekora was obviously aware of what the shipfags wanted. Pandering is not a sign that she liked it. Clearly things reached a boiling point where she couldn't tolerate it any longer.

>> No.53309069

If pekomiko doesn't happen on Pekora's 24 hour stream then there is no way pekomiko is ever coming back. Just Pekora and Miko in the stream. No one else.

>> No.53309194

Still even if she did the friendship breaking because of some stupid shit like that means the bonds weren't that strong to begin with.
Based Miko getting rid of the fake friends.

>> No.53309208

but isnt that like saying hello in japan?

>> No.53309212

Stop begging for PekoMiko to be back. It's already dead and buried.

>> No.53309364
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There's a world between assuming two women had a quarrel and accusing someone of rape out of thin air.

>> No.53309422

No one unironically believes in Miko raped Pekora meme.

>> No.53309642

I say Miko raped Pekora but I think the truth is that Miko made advances that were eventually turned down but were far enough to make Pekora no longer comfortable interacting with her.

>> No.53309778

They did a horse racing gambling collab right after their offcollab though. So nothing happened during their offcollab itself.

>> No.53310181

The rape rrat is retarded, but what's true is that the shipping went out of control after the offcollab and that's what Pekora grew to hate eventually even if she thought she could handle at first. Before the offcollab there were people asking them to kiss and so on but after it people unironically thought they had sex because Miko said they slept in the same bed. Marine outright teasing Pekora about it didn't help. I don't know what cause hnk to die but in pekomiko's case it was Pekora's hate of shipping. It wasn't Miko's fault as she's clearly traumatized with shipping now to the point she avoids talking about hanging out with Suisei even though she always tells stories about meeting other holos. There's also the recent interview she did where she said she's very careful about how she handles shipping because she doesn't want her friends to feel uncomfortable by it.

>> No.53310432
File: 717 KB, 711x1162, 1689052725362017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura Miko clearly suffering shipfag ptsd continues to pander to the people who caused her trauma.
It must be hard to resist the urge to go look for untagged micomet fanart to like after the pekora shipping incident of 2021.
Shut the fuck up you absolute niggerfaggot.

>> No.53310554

That's clearly tagged though

>> No.53310608

This one yes, but this is the most recent one she liked. I'm just saying how fucking retarded it is to say she got trauma from shipping.

>> No.53310685

>she's clearly traumatized with shipping now to the point she avoids talking about hanging out with Suisei
Anon she hangs out with Suisei quite a bit now. Your info is outdated. There was a time where she had never been to her house/went out to eat with her, but it is a common thing nowadays.
However, you are partially right that the way Micomet approaches the pairing shows they are aware of how shipping goes too far. The whole "business" stuff. Miko not talking about all the times they hang out irl, only leaking bits and pieces sometimes... They definitely are trying to keep it under control.
But on the otherhand...
Miko goes and does stuff like this.

>> No.53310813

>shipfags lashing out this hard over being called out
Desperate and delusional.

>> No.53310859

??? I don't see anybody lashing out here?

>> No.53310886

I don't think anyone watches Micomet streams here, but everyone talks about it like they do.
It's their fucking dynamic. Miko doesn't let anything out while Suisei spells everything out for the shippers while Miko looks panicked. Suisei shares everything she does with Miko and Miko doesn't tell her to fucking stop because she doesn't care. If Miko didn't want people to ship her with Suisei she just chill with the Micomet streams.

>> No.53310934

Are you blind? Do you not see all the "t-t-there's no way it's because of shipfagging you stupid retard!" posts?

>> No.53310939

You need to take something for the voices in your head, schizo.

>> No.53310988

>shipfag feels threatened after being called out and attempts to clap back

>> No.53311042

Call me out? You didn't call me out for anything you retard. I'm not even a PekoMiko shipper.

>> No.53311087

No, I don't. I see a bunch of people just having conversations and you upset over nothing.

>> No.53311124

it was started because Kanata ignored Suisei you newfag.

>> No.53311143

>has to specify a specific pairing
Cute how you avoided saying you're a shipfag altogether. I recognize you for what you are and no amount of desperate struggling on your end will change things. Thanks for making this easy.
Ahh, I see. The "plug my ears and cover my eyes" defense. Concession accepted.

>> No.53311601

I said she hides that she hangs out with Suisei, not that she doesn't do it. By traumatized I mean that, she's becoming more guarded and avoids talking about stuff that might lead fans to shipping insanely while insisting they're business. Suisei is the opposite she's open about meeting Miko and even says they're good friends. It's obvious Miko is so careful now because she doesn't wanna lose another friend to shipping.
Are you okay retard? Learn how to read. And yeah Miko only does this stuff with twitter likes

>> No.53311610

Seems like your the only angry person here to me. Don't understadn why you are acting so agressive so I'm going to stop responding to you, I suggest everybody else do the same.

>> No.53311668

>hands shaking so much he's making multiple errors

>> No.53311802

You type like a fucking anime character you fucking retard.
End your existence, fucking chuuni.

>> No.53311832

I love Usada Pekora.

>> No.53311964

>gets shut down
>feels threatened
Imagine being so pathetic that you conjure up this shounen protagonist daydream because you feel like I'm coming to get you. Holy fuck.

>> No.53311968

It's crazy how touchy Pekora was with Miko in the 3D rhythm game collab, they get a pekomiko song and then shortly after the pairing just fucking dies.

>> No.53312102

I don't even know what this retard is saying. Feels like he's speaking to himself, I give up can't win against schizos off their meds.

>> No.53312144

And so the infamous rape happened.

>> No.53313246

Why are the mentally ill micomet shipfags here?

>> No.53313824

It started because Suisei was being a cunt to Kanata, newfag

>> No.53314001

Same bro
Despite everything that's wrong with her, there's no vtuber, nor real life woman that has been able to make me fall in love like she did 3 years ago
And it all started with a pekomiko clip
I really tried to convince myself that other vtubers would be better, since there are a lot of things I don't like with current pekora, but no one can replace Pekora for me

>> No.53315062

>You had to be there, they were such a great combo and you could tell they were genuinely having fun together.
you should love miComet then

>> No.53315178

Nta but I'm a huge pekomiko fan and I don't like micomet at all. I really like Miko and used to like Suisei but it's far from the pekomiko feel imo

>> No.53315322

>I can't lose friends if I never had any!

>> No.53315381
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>> No.53315446

sexual assault is no joke, anon

>> No.53315751

>I'm a huge pekomiko
move on, seriously

>> No.53316621

Alright then, post your best PekoMiko clips
let's see how they hold up in 2023

>> No.53317986


>> No.53318791

A Japanese lesbian couple can have Japanese kinds though, either by letting a man (me) sex them solely for the purpose of procreation, or in vitro. They could even take turns being pregnant, becoming a family with 2 (or more in case of twins) with a single pregnancy each. I'm guessing that's what some western lesbian couples might be doing.
The more important part is the higher divorce rate and domestic abuse rate for lesbian couples (sourced by western data), that may cause them other problems.
I'm not against lesbianism and I support Miko in her endeavours, but a proper lesbian relationship might be a pipe dream for her, and she'll likely end up settling in a loveless, from her side, marriage with a salaryman (me) and have a single child. Or her "I want a baby" hormones finally kick in and becomes attracted enough to a man (me) to want to marry him and have children. In any case, she likely won't be a life-long lesbian (assuming she actually currently is one and isn't playing it up for kayfabe).

>> No.53319208

Anon, ALL yuri-shipfags are mentally ill, and /vt/ is infested with them. Why are you so surprised?
This thread is nothing but yurishitters arguing about their schizo theories. No wonder management tells Miko and the others to throw them a yuriship bone every once in a while, because they'll gladly eat that shit up and pay more.

>> No.53319436
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>> No.53320704

>ALL yuri-shipfags are mentally ill
Why specify yuri-shipfags when het-shipfags are the most mentally ill of them all?

>> No.53321030

It's not a coincidence that pretty much always the most annoying fanbases belong to the most "strong independent woman"-type of people.
Over 50% of their 'active' fanbases are a bunch of faggots who want to get pegged and dominated by their comparatively masculine-ish 'idols' as their fans. These types of "people" have terrible moral compasses and are generally terrible human beings overall.

On the other hand, we have examples such as Luna, the very feminine avatar of 'Cute Is Justice' who happens to have generally very respected (by this board's standards) fans, or Nene, about whom I don't remember seeing anybody say anything particularly negative about, and her fans, against which the worst critique I know of is maybe that they can be kind of cringe sometimes.

To paraphrase: Never trust the sissy faggots. Good men either want to PLAP PLAP or raise and protect their oshis, NOT get ass-fucked and stripped off of their masculinity by them.

>> No.53321041

>normal heterosexual relationships
>mental illness
Of course delusional yurischizos would think like this.
Besides, no one mentioned normal shipfags until you did.
>"Blame your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of."

>> No.53321242

>examples such as
Should've mentioned watamates. Everyone knows you don't mess with watamates.

>> No.53321367

>>normal heterosexual relationships
That's precisely the issue, you fucking retard. Yuri ships are mostly fanservice, het ships are too grounded in reality and only mentally ill people unironically promotes them.
>yurischizos would think like this
Try again, I hate all shipfags.

>> No.53321420
File: 760 KB, 740x454, 1684822577253279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora loves yuri

>> No.53321592
File: 2.25 MB, 3960x1992, 78548965145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PekoMiko is dead, putrefied at this point.
Miko already has the ship she wanted so much and pekora already has another homosexual with more decency.

>> No.53321603
File: 268 KB, 437x427, 1603285186558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-yuri schizo having an episode again
One of Miko's special powers

>> No.53321778
File: 473 KB, 579x353, PekoMiko is well and truly dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53321839

Are you blind?

>> No.53321880

>only mentally ill people unironically promotes them
Thank you for telling everyone how you interpret things in your mind, anon. Now I don't have to explain much:
Any mere mention of any heterosexual relationship is automatically "promoting" for you. But the thing is that it doesn't need any promoting because it's the norm. You just think that because you felt defensive.
>Try again, I hate all shipfags.
Funny, since you felt like defending yuri-shipfags by attacking het(normal)-shipfags despite no one mentioning them.

>> No.53322071

I like the idea that Miko could have slapped Pekora in the face in Holostudio or any other situation IRL, but there's no way to consider that possibility because we're weebs lol.
Imagine hating Pekora or Miko when you don't know 5% of their interactions IRL.

>> No.53322170

>Any mere mention of any heterosexual relationship is automatically "promoting" for you
The topic was specifically about shipping you fucking faglord. Quit moving the goalpost.
>you felt like defending yuri-shipfags by attacking het(normal)-shipfags
Au contraire, I just was curious why you were implicitly giving a pass to het-shippers by specifically mentioning yuri. I would have not commented if your message was directed towards shipfags in general.

>> No.53322208
File: 1001 KB, 800x892, 1682845567855831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah we get it, yurifags ruined your life

>> No.53322302

Proof that Pekora can live independently, without a ship and at the same time have casual partners to have fun.

>> No.53322349

>One of Miko's special powers
Sure, along with squeezing cash out of hungry yurifags by pretending to be a dyke.
>"b-but she isn't pretending at all anti-yurischizo kun! she really is a lesbian!"
Right, right, along with every other holomem who is told by management to pander to the yurifag crowd for those sweet sweet yuricuckbucks.

>> No.53322415
File: 824 KB, 463x453, 1629825230579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meds: not taken
>Voices in the walls: heard
>PekoMiko thread: open
Yep, it's schizo time

>> No.53322452
File: 3.23 MB, 237x320, 1663857568552538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuine mental illness

>> No.53322463
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I love PM

>> No.53322527

Are you retarded, anon, or did you not read the OP's post?
This ENTIRE thread started because of a yurifag bitching about their crackpot YURI ship not being real. No one was even mentioning heterosexual ships until you came along.

>> No.53322588

Lol, keep projecting yurischizo. It's what you're good at, after all.

>> No.53322662

Stop deflecting, I don't give a shit about the thread. I quoted your comment because that's what piqued my interest. Why are you so hell-bent on defending het-shippers?

>> No.53322829
File: 163 KB, 448x235, business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average yuribait ship
>want your viewers to pretend you're in a relationship for fun

>be miComet
>demand your viewers pretend none of what you do is gay
>somehow this is yuribaiting

>> No.53323041

I feel like I have to drop in here since I compiled the initial timeline of their demise.
>Pre Holo
Peko played mind games with Miko to where she went menhara about it.And she was never grossed out about the lesbian thing she literally says amazing after Miko brought it up.
>PekoMiko prime
Peko was ALWAYS the initiator for the Yuri bait. Miko hated it.
>Christmas fallout.
They were still on good terms atleast until a month or two after as per the gif of them hugging is a thing.
>My rrats
Miko confessed got denied, moved on.Peko got butthurt that Miko moved on and stopped putting the bunny cunny on a pedestal. Or they dated broke up and Peko fucking hates Miko now for moving on.
Also think that cold chicken actually happened because she thought Miko would invite her to stream but didn't and wasn't in the right mind set to handle Miko questions.
Either way it's better now both are happier than ever so leave it as a good memory and let it go.

>> No.53323094

>I quoted your comment because that's what piqued my interest.
Me stating that all yuri-shipfags were mentally ill piqued your interest? Well of course it would, since you seem to feel defensive over it.
>Why are you so hell-bent on defending het-shippers?
Lol, Why are you so hell-bent of defending yuri-shippers? My post was only about them and yet you posted this:
The very first mention of "het-shipfags" in the entire thread.
Looks like you're the one that's obsessed about them, not me.

>> No.53323347
File: 2.28 MB, 281x364, 1620620918545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The very first mention of "het-shipfags" in the entire thread.
and yours was the first mention of yuri shipfags
looks like you're obsessed too, weirdo

>> No.53323389
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>> No.53323420
File: 160 KB, 442x486, 1665164969820563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's not how it works. I have no problem saying yuri-shipfags are mentally ill. You're the one refusing to admit het-shipfags are mentally ill too. Do so and I'll drop the argument. Keep deflecting and you'll prove you're the one defensive about het-shipfags. It's that simple.

>> No.53323480

Reminder that Pekora's monkey Jill is dead

>> No.53323517

This is why homobeggars are so annoying too, the more submissive a man is sexually the worse he is as a 4chan poster. Cucks are the lowest of the low and are responsible for 90% of the awful posts /here/

>> No.53323520

>and yours was the first mention of yuri shipfags
Sure, I'll admit that.
>looks like you're obsessed too, weirdo
If being bothered about the delusions of schizos is obsessive, then sure, I'll admit to being a weirdo as well.

>> No.53323609
File: 536 KB, 868x461, prophecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth is, the game was rigged from the start

>> No.53323758

>You're the one refusing to admit het-shipfags are mentally ill too.
I already explained it to you, you tard. Go reread my post. It can't be "mentally ill" since it's the norm.
in fact, go read a book on basic biology since you don't seem to understand what 'normal' is.
>No, that's not how it works.
Yes it is. I'm only defend het(normal) relationships only because you mentioned them first. Therefore that shit is on you.

>> No.53323917

>Thank you for telling everyone how you interpret things in your mind, anon. Now I don't have to explain much:
>Any mere mention of any heterosexual relationship is automatically "promoting" for you. But the thing is that it doesn't need any promoting because it's the norm. You just think that because you felt defensive.
NTA but if you like hetships you are the kind of deranged normalfag who doesn't see himself in a relationship with his oshi for sure whereas yurifags somehow manage to occasionally do both via what I assume is massive cognitive dissonance

>> No.53324123

>Go reread my post. It can't be "mentally ill" since it's the norm.
>I'm only defend het(normal) relationships only because you mentioned them first.
Again, the topic is about shipping, not relationships. There's nothing normal about shipping.
Yet you keep on deflecting, guess I'll accept your concession since you refuse to take the same stance against all shippers.

>> No.53324193

> the rrat is that miko was reading a bit more into their relationship than pekora and during an offline collab miko tried to make a romantic move on peko. Pekora, who thought they were just friends, reacted with shock and disgust and felt betrayed at the revelation that her friend might have ulterior motives for hanging out with her as opposed to just being friends like she thought
That reminds me of some clip I saw of some jap streamers where one brought up lesbians and girls kissing girls. The other reacted with disgust and asked if the first was gay, to which the first awkwardly stammered out a denial.
It seems like it keeps happening.

>> No.53324199

>. It can't be "mentally ill" since it's the norm.
Normalfags are very clearly mentally ill and also objectively wrong in terms of every opinionthey hold, though. it even says exactly that in the bible

>> No.53324388

>yurifags somehow manage to occasionally do both via what I assume is massive cognitive dissonance
I agree with you anon, but...
>if you like hetships
I never said I did. I'll defend heterosexuality, but not any specific ship.
>doesn't see himself in a relationship with his oshi
This is the only ship I WILL defend. A guy who ships himself with his female oshi.

>> No.53324539

It's obvious to anybody who's had any human interaction at all. You can't blame Pekora for it, though, she's simply not into girls, so it obviously became awkward between the 2 of them.

>> No.53324787

>Again, the topic is about shipping, not relationships.
>There's nothing normal about shipping.
Like I said, anon, I never defended any shipping or shippers in particular, I only defended heterosexuality itself. If you think that means I'm defending "het-shippers", so be it, even though I don't care about them.

>> No.53325434

what is this autistic conversation?
this is a rrat thread

>> No.53325715

this is where you are wrong
she did not try she did it

>> No.53327262

Remember Miko already said that Pekomiko died because Shipfags were asking for interactions all the time, including in solo streams.
Mentally ill Shipfags who want to defend Micomet but don't accept this reality say she's telling sweet lies.
If you believe Miko, you already know the truth.

>> No.53327436

meanwhile, miComet

>> No.53327457
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Me too

>> No.53327767

Now imagine these Jesusless people asking these things in solo streams, asking for collabs, that was pekomiko's problem.

>> No.53327842

People think Micomet doesn't have any problems, now imagine Miko going a month without mentioning Suisei, we'd watch full dementia.

>> No.53328007

sad watching PekoMikofags writhe in agony

>> No.53328015

That still happens to micomet

>> No.53328166

based and same

>> No.53328251

Go away devil's servant
miko is baby
Suisei is a comet singer

>> No.53328755

It's basically an open secret at this point that Miko and Suisei are a couple

>> No.53328919
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Based MiComet truther.

>> No.53329179

Micometfags took over the thread....

>> No.53330269

miComet is still going strong because Suisei can easily handle the shipfags

>> No.53330490

Suityan doesn't let other people affect her relationship with Mikochi(unlike some other chuubas).
They're fucking though, not my fault you're all fucking blind.

>> No.53330875

>That still happens to micomet
hoshiyomi and 35p might ask about miko and suisei respectively when the topic is relevant but they don't go demanding collabs during solo streams, only pekomikofags did that, remember they forced miko to say she loves pekora during a solo stream

>> No.53331095

Micomet already took way worse shit than PekoMiko ever did.
Some fucking salty jp pekomiko retard was spamming their tags with R-18 fanart. Both Miko and Suisei saw countless images of Suisei fucking Miko with her BBC(BIG BLUE COCK) and they didn't care. Imagine if Pekora had to deal with that, she would schizo the fuck out. Pekora's just a retard

>> No.53331362
File: 239 KB, 400x400, 1615431543504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both Miko and Suisei saw countless images of Suisei fucking Miko with her BBC(BIG BLUE COCK)

>> No.53331726
File: 1.78 MB, 2325x3834, 1678859608686557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if that made Miko browse the tag more often or the opposite

>> No.53333537
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>>53266415 (me)
I remember the scene where Peko was practicing for the sports festival and Miko was encouraging her like "If anyone can do it, it's you". And I thought they finally made up and coud talk to eachother again. But then even at the day of the festival when Peko really did it and Miko was cheering for her, there still seemed to be a sutble distance between them.

When they were all playing Rust, whenever the two ran into eachother they seemed to treat eachother like a random new holomem they don't really know.

At the end of one Rust season they were all in a big call and micomet announced they wanted to make a team for the next season and are looking for a 3rd member. The only one who responded was Peko who immediately said she wants to join. They completely ignored her.

To this day they appear to be avoiding eachother. Whenever there is a big collab with 5 or more members, there's almost always either Peko or Miko, but never both.

Miko more than anyone dragged me into this rabbit hole around 4 years ago and I always thought of Hololive as a kind of neverending Iyashikei slice of life anime. Just a bunch of cute girls having fun with no conflicts or only minor ones that quickly get resolved. Like between the protagonist and her "rival" who would quickly become best friends. But it's been over 2 years and Miko still wants nothing to do with her rival.

There's something seriously wrong in my Iyashikei. That's what's bothering me.

>> No.53333849

I think whatever happened it was Pekora who started it, but now she clearly regrets it. Miko seems to be holding a grudge for whatever reason whatever happened must have hurt her pretty badly.

>> No.53333957

Remember in that Mario Party stream when Miko suddenly just says "This is for ignoring my messages" or something to that effect, she's clearly holding a grudge.

>> No.53334103

Pekora is just a shit friend
Miko found someone who appreciates her
the end

>> No.53335590

I'd like to fucking see what kind of force of nature would need to happen to tear Flare from those tits. Nothing short of divine intervention

>> No.53335801

bro, peko is fucking great but her political opinions are straight shit. Imagine being with her out of character. Straight communist garble. Miko on the other hand is a massive racist and super right wing. She has memes of Hitler on her phone right now. The kind that would make a jew cow in terror.

>> No.53336009

A huge titted Loli.

>> No.53336362

Dreams are dreams for a reason, anon. We're not worthy of such an existence.

>> No.53336443

>At the end of one Rust season they were all in a big call and micomet announced they wanted to make a team for the next season and are looking for a 3rd member. The only one who responded was Peko who immediately said she wants to join. They completely ignored her.
did that really happen?

>> No.53337761

Before, I thought that after a year they would solve it.
After realizing that it's much easier for them to keep streaming and on projects than discussing it I realized there's a big chance they'll never fix this relationship.

>> No.53337988

ahah truly, micomet continues to make the losers seethe you love seeing it

>> No.53338196

You have your own thread

>> No.53338458

Funny how you're always talking about us, but always send us to our thread when you get assblasted by micometfags.

>> No.53339276

lmfao so bitter Miko has moved on get over it already, commie scum

>> No.53339287

Go back to your containment thread, faggot

>> No.53339645

PekoMikofags never invade your thread
Meanwhile you faggots always invade whenever a PekoMiko thread is made

>> No.53339723

funny how a faggot trapped in the past tells people to go back. Micomet is better than pekomiko ever was. Seethe any harder and you'll catch an aneurysm

>> No.53339815

>PekoMikofags never invade your thread
Holy shit how new are you? Those faggots stopped invading our threads with time, you absolute retard. How new are you tell me right fucking now

>> No.53341326

Pekomiko walked so that Pekomoona and Micomet could run

>> No.53341548
File: 1.26 MB, 800x1240, Soap Opera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what went wrong shipbroskis

>> No.53344022

>Revisioning history
You faggots invade the PekoMiko threads first you fucking newfag

>> No.53344806

there was a war time period, even some people make threads for both ships at once just to fight over it
sadly, PekoMiko died a slow and painful death

>> No.53344888

I'm really just not familiar enough with the general community surrounding Watame... she's been massively overshadowed by the Watamelons...

>> No.53346916

Not really. Not the last part at least.
Miko and Suisei seemed to be the most 'determined' about forming a team right away, and Pekora really wanted to have some companions in the next season so she instantly offered to join them. The general half-jokingly said reaction from almost everyone around was along the lines of "Yeah, right, nobody wants to join up with the Demon Lord Pekora, you are too dangerous and untrustworthy!". Anyway, nothing definite was ultimately really decided amongst anyone there (not only those three) and season 3 overall ended up being... quite a disappointment. Most of the 'plans' made that time didn't get fulfilled at all and the server felt pretty empty near the end - most of the members either got bored of Rust at that point or simply had more urgent matters/more interesting streams to attend to.

In other words: In a way, almost everyone there "got ignored" by those standards.

>> No.53347034

ah yeah Season 3
the one where miComet played off-stream and built a gay ass house
good times

>> No.53349064

you literally have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You need to immediately report to a suicide chamber, faggot. Because people cried for over a year about Miko peko breakup before micomet even became a thing. You didn't know that because you're new. You need to kill yourself right now. That's how stupid and useless you are to the rest of the thinking world

>> No.53349666

t. retarded newfag

>> No.53349976

It's over 35P!
Pekora has just drawn her best weapon!

>> No.53350656

I accept your surrender

>> No.53352549

I like how this guy pretends schizoid PekoMikofags didn't divebomb miComet threads for months before finally commiting unlife

>> No.53353485

miCometfags were the one who kept infesting PekoMiko threads before they got their containment thread, idiot

>> No.53354119

You got a link for that clip?

>> No.53355825

Friendly reminder that miComet will NEVER be this close
https://streamable.com/dvpqhq https://streamable.com/9ddfwk

>> No.53356812

>The namefag jobless terminally online yuritard in micomet thread

>> No.53356968

Yeah... you are definitely a newfag.

>> No.53357496

oh are we posting clips now

>> No.53358151

Literally no one, even in the micomet thread likes you

>> No.53358264

You can just feel how awkward they are compared to PekoMiko

>> No.53358323

is lying the only way you can cope?

>> No.53359253
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>> No.53359271

Pekomikofag, I don't feel so good...

>> No.53359445

BASED. Awkward because they want to fuck each other.

>> No.53359518

>Micometfags raiding again

>> No.53359581

I'm pretty sure that it's only one single deranged PekoMikofag who's spamming.
Like, there's no way more than one person hates Pekora and Miko so much he ignores their wishes and keeps shipping them while insulting their feelings and their friend.

>> No.53359661

nijinigger thread

>> No.53359709
File: 63 KB, 460x541, aZrrDPX_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Micomet2/ begins here

>> No.53360284

yeah micometfags have the same behavior as nijiniggers

>> No.53360430

Why do you hate your oshi's company so damn much, nousanji?

>> No.53362915

PekoMiko love!

>> No.53363008

something they literally never had

>> No.53363202

PekoMiko Rape.
Based Miko.

>> No.53364249

The rape rrat is the stupidest theory

>> No.53364330

Come up with a better explanation for Pekora suddenly ghosting Miko after a sleepover when they've known each other since high school

>> No.53364438

They literally had another one on one collab right after the sleepover. So no one was raped.

>> No.53365487

They went out to a mall to get matching panties after that offpako though

>> No.53365933

This whole thread is full of retards. The real reason PekoMiko broke up is because of money and work related issues. Miko fucked Yagoo to get her Cafe idea approved while sabotaging Pekora`s project.

Pekora made a whole fit of her project getting rejected back when she was purchasing a brand new house so the project falling apart really hurt her income.

Miko was starting to catch up in popularity and income with her and decided to 1-up pekora by fucking yagoo, that is why Pekora stopped interacting with Miko.

Pekora hates whores like Miko who sleep with the boss for money.

Miko was scouted by Yagoo personally.

>> No.53366288

Miko is a lesbian. Pekora got molested and creamed by fat hypno oji on stream.

>> No.53367039

... So we just discovered where the rape happened....

>> No.53367082

Pekora is married. You can keep coping trying to pretend she isn't, but she is.

>> No.53368338

pekomiko > micomet

>> No.53368435

There's no such thing as pekomiko

>> No.53368499


>> No.53368594

I guess LamyLui is a thing then.

>> No.53369094


>> No.53369158

nice sponsored song, lol

>> No.53369266

>Moving the goalpost

>> No.53369274

>3 years ago

>> No.53369340

What goalpost, delusional schizo?

>> No.53369456

>"T-there's no such thing as PekoMiko"
>Proof that PekoMiko exists
>"N-nice sponsored song lol"

>> No.53369513

Yeah, it "exists" just like MatsuLuna, ALICE, MiNakiri, AyaSuba, and all the pairing that used to collab 4 years ago.

>> No.53369545

Never forget the good times

>> No.53370116
File: 202 KB, 1080x689, 65765657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly Pekora remembered that fateful night
>The night that her best friend betrayed her trust
>Miko and Pekora are sleeping next to each other in separate futons
>Suddenly Miko whispers: "Pekora...I..."
>Pekora being a sperglord says nothing
>"I've always loved you Pekora, in fact every waking moment I lust for your bunny cunny"
>"Please let me make love to you.."
>Pekora's sperglord mind starts racing she has no idea how to react to this because she's superstraight and hates gays
>awkwardly mutters "O-Ok"
>Miko is overjoyed
>Miko opens Pekora's legs and starts eating her out
>Pekora starts moaning
>Pekora's body is enjoying it but deep down she feels this is wrong
>"Mikochi, stop. I changed my mind"
>Miko starts aggressively fingerbanging Pekora
>Miko whispers in Pekora's ear: "shhhh just let it happen, it'll feel good in a moment."
>Pekora doesn't understand why she's feeling pleasure, she's not attracted to women
>after a few minutes of fingering Pekora, Miko presses her shaven pussy against Pekora's hairless bunny cunny
>They scissor
>Suddenly Pekora cooms
>She tries her hardest to stay quiet but lets out an incredibly load moan
>Miko is overjoyed and french kisses Pekora
>Embraces Pekora and falls asleep next to her
>Pekora is wide awake the entire night and is disgusted with herself
>Morning comes and Miko wakes up
>Miko is the happiest Pekora has ever seen her
>Pekora just acts like nothing happened
>Pekora goes home and showers for 5 hours straight
>Ignores Miko's calls and discord messages for months on end
>Suddenly Miko joins Pekora's mario party game

>> No.53370269

Miko fucked you're mom lmao

>> No.53370323

Your meds.
