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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 93 KB, 900x900, Noir_Vesper_Ch._HOLOSTARS-EN_2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53256384 No.53256384 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this man and how he ended up. This is how most of you will end up if you join HoloPro.

>> No.53256521

you mean I get to fuck Kronii? sign me up!

>> No.53256563

He's a great case study for /asp/ on what not to do

>> No.53256594

hahaha what a retard

>> No.53256702

/asp/ already has /their/ guy in anyway, and he is the least drama-ridden person in the branch. Maybe they should pick up more retards from there because no one seems to figure out how to act accordingly

>> No.53257011

Are you referring to Shinri?

>> No.53257124

I used to think that being a part of Holostars would be fun before EN debuted, but then I saw what kind of people they hired. I don't think I could pretend to like those fags even if it was my job

>> No.53257221

All of VG have 0 drama so far. The closest is probably Bettel, but it's only by association with Magni

>> No.53257251

Go back

>> No.53257262

uhh, I'm out of the loop
what happened?

>> No.53257329
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>went from looking like ass to looking like an ass

>> No.53257594

Vespers and Magni were caught sharing inside info to third parties. Their activities have paused until the internal investigations can fully access the damage. Expect the termination to be announced a bit before the EN3 drop to deflect from the yab. Ame has already announced her vacation, so it must be within the month

>> No.53257610

>This is how most of you will end up if you join HoloPro
drowning in Kronii pussy? I'm in.

>> No.53257666

Proof next thread?

>> No.53257718

get in the loop by tying a noose and hanging yourself qrdbeggar

>> No.53257743

Wrong, I don't care about "owning" the haters and I just want to do my own thing.

>> No.53257780

Wasn't Bettel main drama in the beginning when he was having tech issues?

>> No.53257818

I don't believe they will be suspended or fired because it'd simply be too good to be true.

>> No.53257848

Shouldn't have went the Mori route, Vesper. Few people can pull off a direct confrontation with /vt/rannies and live to tell the tale. You overestimated yourself

>> No.53257853

the fuck? lmao
well im just back from a business trip anon not everyone here living from their parents

>> No.53257870

he didn't take his meds

>> No.53257933

I want to join Phase Connect

>> No.53257996

Considering that Lia doxx you dropped, I wouldn't blame you. She's a cutie

>> No.53258031


>> No.53258043

Hope your trip didn't include english lessons anon, I'll get a refund if I were you
Neck yourself tripfag

>> No.53258327

I wouldn't call it drama if that predicament net him an entire fanbase of cougars and saviorsisters kek

>> No.53258373

yeah yeah I still got things to learn huh
but I hope ur parents have healthy and long live ahead of them how else are you gonna pay for the internet to tell some rando on the internet to learn English

>> No.53258474

Tempus got the fastest non-political redesigns in hololive/holostars. That both Magni and Vesper seem to be in a fight with management does seem odd even for the EN branch.

>> No.53258522

YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOO Kronii I'm coming for you!

>> No.53258531

Proof this thread?

>> No.53258561
File: 238 KB, 1000x1000, 1689098437774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're embarassing yourself, come home.

>> No.53258639

I'm 36, are they still Cougars or just 'women my age'

>> No.53258694

Thanks anon, Lia is beatifull

>> No.53258787


>> No.53258854

Why do you think i never even though of posting my candidature? It's not like i'm delusional enought to not see the obvious.

>> No.53258883


>> No.53258956


>> No.53263511


>> No.53263807

I don't know about you, but keeping your head above water would be pretty easy.
>Just focus on collabing with your genmates at the start, hopefully you got good chemistry, if its not a hit, just do your own thing, that works for plenty of others.
>don't even mention who your oshi is, but continue to support your oshi through your private account
>don't entertain collabs with the girl branches, it aint worth the heat, but be more than professional offline, maybe bounce ideas off each other
>Enjoy the easy 3-4view status
It's really that shrimple. Oh and don't chimp out over game perms. There's plenty of shit to grab out there.

>> No.53267365

My hair isn't that long though

>> No.53267931

>>Enjoy the easy 3view status
They do that without all those hoops

>> No.53268291


>> No.53268409

>don't chimp out over game perms.
i don't understand how anyone can bitch about game perms. how can you be so autistic that you get in a fight with your manager and get suspended for 2 weeks because you can't play a single game? grown ass men throwing a temper tantrum

>> No.53268416

The only two non flops in the gen were the leaches who collab with Calli and Kronii constantly. So I don't know about you, but if I get in, my mission will be to collab with Gura and make real money. Why would I care if it pisses off her fans? I've seen pictures of chumbuds. They're not up to much.

>> No.53268752

>Oh and don't chimp out over game perms.
Too late. If I'm not allowed to play my imoutoxonee-sanxprotagonist hentai simulators then I'm fucking out. FUCK YAGOO, FUCK HOLOLIVE AND FUCK YOU.

>> No.53269003

>You want to play something
>You promise your chat you'll play something
>You can't
I don't understand raging at your manager, but I do understand how frustrating it can be to simply not be allowed to play something because Japan can't fax machine the company that made the game.

>> No.53269266

Even then Mori is just one schizo post away from a major yab. Every time she tweets she seems on the border of going menhera.

>> No.53269387

Succubus Affection playthrough when.

>> No.53269454

I still wonder how it's that difficult for people to understand this. Trying to "own" haters doesn't end up well, it just encourages them to push harder until they finally break through. There's no winning move in that scenario outside of trying to not engage with them.

>> No.53269948

Does she? Since the lean/ cuckbeat incident I don’t think she’s had any even sort of questionable tweets. All the ones I’ve seen seem to be pretty normal.

>> No.53270048

Dont care, I will have still fucked your oshi.

>> No.53270099

I thought that was always the reason anyone in willing to join Holostars, the Holo pussy.
Because we all know they barely get money and fame so why else would it be?

I'm applying to the next Tempus gen to fuck Fauna.

>> No.53270273

I hope that with this suspension, management thinks of doing something unorthodox. Like replacing the voice actors for the both of them. Kek

>> No.53270538

as cringe as this is, this has been my suspicion for a while now.
he sounds asian-american to me, possibly 2nd gen chinese or korean, and he doesn't show anything that is worth a serious viewer's time. his random japan trip during the time the EN girls were basically all together smacks of a rabid fan who aimed to get into hololive, just for the opportunity to fuck around, literally. the sweet irony is that he is fucking up, royally.

>> No.53270571


>> No.53270626

I wonder what he did in Japan
Any homofags can explain?

>> No.53270823

Personally I don't want more people from /here/ joining Holostars. The worst thing that can happen is an actual sex pest joining only to get terminated for trying to groom one of the girls and permanently tarnishing the Holostars brand. The chances of that happening are low since Cover isn't as incompetent as Nijisanji when it comes to filtering out bad apples from the get-go.
By the way, you'd have to get used to fujoshis drawing you fucking the other boys in private and it being posted in /MANS/ or /cbdct/.
Most people assumed he just went there to record his Shinigami cover while he was off his meds but other than that we don't really know.

>> No.53270873

IIRC he forgot his meds because he didn't check to see if he would be allowed to bring them or not. The end result was him having a schizophrenic mental breakdown in Japan.
Also he didn't interact with with Axel despite the two of them both being in Japan, and while it was probably before or after it, he also didn't participate in Tempus's half-year anniversary. He also said things like him having a "low social battery", but that just caused people to meme
whenever he would later show up to a collab with a Hologirl in it.

>> No.53270978

>schizophrenic mental breakdown
That magically wore off whenever he got the chance to collab with a girl

>> No.53270994

i just want to play games and socialize with (You) though
maybe sing a song or come up with a funny video

>> No.53271058

this. he's horny as fuck, and he's hoping to ride a holoEN girl. i wish more people would realize this.

people like you will be why hololive ought to be even more stringent with their interview process, which could be a plus for them.

>> No.53271346

>i wish more people would realize this.
I think some do understand it anon. They just rationalize it as
>Vesper? It's okay because we self-insert as him!
Even though they aren't the one streaming or interacting with their oshis. Basically in any other situation they'd be happy being NTR'd.

>> No.53271599

>People like you will be why hololive ought to be even more stringent with their interview process
You act like any of them will say during the interview that they want to date the Hologirls, there's no way for the interviewers to know that.
I don't give a fuck about the idol culture or the feelings of fans, if i can get Holo pussy i will get it.

>> No.53271949

hoooo boy.....

>> No.53272098

Whomst among us can tell Kronii no, though? If Kronii asked me to collab, even if I was seeing spiders climb down the walls--I'd be there.

>> No.53272448

>I don't give a fuck about the idol culture or the feelings of fans, if i can get Holo pussy i will get it
Unfathomably based. Most of the fags /here/ spout lies like "Of course I wouldn't date the girls! I respect idol culture too much!"

>> No.53272573

It's always easy to say that.
But once you realize you have a free pass to hit up the girls and some are willing to like Kronii and Ame, you throw that pride out of the window.

>> No.53272655

Aieeeeeee, noooooooo

>> No.53272736

>>You promise your chat you'll play something
you mean
>make promises that you can't keep knowing full well that cover has the worst perms autisms of all the corpos and then whine like a bitch when you can't get perms in the end

>> No.53272764

I'm going to join Holostars and show Mori my love and marry her right on the spot.

>> No.53272833

>there's no way for the interviewers to know that.

>> No.53272839

you do realize that most people's views of kronii is based on the ribbon right? she has zero ribbon, zero charm, and zero fucks about the fans. vesper is simply aiming to get fellow asian pussy because he couldn't get irl because of his schizo dumbass.

>> No.53272965

Vesper is black

>> No.53273055

Going for hologirls is fucking stupid even if they're receptive because it's a liability.

If I was a holostar looking to get laid, I'd leverage it to bang girls in other corporations and indies. You'd get way more for way less.

>> No.53273088

>This is my life as Hololive fan.
>I only watched clips of Hololive.
>I only watched restreams of big holo events or pirate the VODs of them for later use.
>I always have adblock on.
>I never buy merch.
>I don't give likes.
>I don't comment.
>I don't subscribe.
>I will not learn Japanese cultural customs.
I am in Holostars English, and I have already fucked your oshi and I have done it while she was live thanking you for superchats. If you don't believe me, watch the end of Bae's Typing of the Dead stream. That clapping you hear is me slamming my penis into her tight ass.

>> No.53273181


>> No.53273193

It's not about any pussy, it's the worth of the pussy.
For example, if you date and marry Gura you are set for life. You'll have all her millionaire money

>> No.53273338

low IQ, high estrogen

>> No.53273352

>model goes from vampire autist to chad human
>gets suspended
I'm seeing a pattern here, bros.

>> No.53273362

Noir = Black

>> No.53273434

You are the sanest viewer on /vt/ despite people here hating your stance.

>> No.53278261
File: 246 KB, 387x593, ohy my goshh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc7i185.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53278293


>> No.53278786
File: 39 KB, 415x738, Mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joining, but I am not a menhera and will be fucking Fauna instead.

>> No.53278937

Sorry anon, she is taken(by me)

>> No.53278988

I >>53278786 also wrote this post I am replying to

>> No.53279090

Kinda based ngl

>> No.53280091

But going through all that makes their jobs virtually stress-free. Can you say the same for HomoEN members when they are being shat on by significant amount of Holofags even outside of /here/? (Including hugboxes like reddit and twitter)

>> No.53280212

I've had a nightmare before where I got into Holostars and ended up just ghosting and losing my meager popularity. Then when I came back it was super awkward.

>> No.53280713

So much potential lost.

>> No.53283508

Meeting the hologirls offline at the JP office/studio would be a great achievement for holofans who are able to join tempus.

>> No.53283958

This is what happens when you pander to brotubers. You end up a menhera mess

>> No.53284763

Vesper raped Gura in front of Ame while Yagoo just sat there watching

>> No.53285610

This bro knows whats up

>> No.53285692

Fpbp. Vesper took the chance and it was worth the termination.

>> No.53286682

While I understand not to force issues, if they allow me (the girls) to collab, that's that and if they attack me or the gal,


>> No.53286745

Nah, this is a 2weeks cope.

>> No.53286936

In the end, all this male seethe is because it wasn't them.

>> No.53286993
File: 22 KB, 400x400, magni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even more menhera than Vesper
>gets away with it

>> No.53287076

The thing is he did just cancel the X-Com stream and do something else... the first time. It was the second time it happened for the same game that was the problem and he was suspended. They do have perms for 2K games but for several of them they need to notify 2K a week or two in advance every time they want to play. (the girls have talked about this policy when they wanted to play Civ). Vesper did everything right and notified the perms guy well in advance both times but the perms guy just didn't submit the notice to 2K. I can understand getting frustrated with someone so incompetent at their job that it affects your ability to do your own job, but he should have handled it better. Since then Vesper has mentioned several times that he wont (or can't) ask for game permissions, and that he may not even be able to play games that other members can (he can't play anything that requires perms guy notifying the company).

>> No.53287080

Me but any of Calli, Kiara, Kronii, Marine, Polka, Chloe or Ollie.

>> No.53287135

Unfortunately you also have to deal with a tranny loving coworker

>> No.53287288

I want to join to hang out with Bettel. Been a fan of his for over a decade.

>> No.53287294

i'd say management is doing their job very well

>> No.53287386

I already have to deal with this so it makes no difference to me

>> No.53288128

Of course. No one's going to believe the "w-why would I want to join Tempus? T-there's no way I-I'd want to make money and meet my oshi! I'm not a fag, b-baka..." cope

>> No.53293099

Me with Axel or Shinri.

>> No.53296586

If you're gonna shit on other people's English at least use proper English yourself

>> No.53297650

Well if I'll have a decent chance of fucking my oshi, why not? Definitely better than 99% of all losers here.

>> No.53302016

Well if I'll have a decent chance of fucking my oshi, why not? Definitely better than 99% of all losers here.

>> No.53302090

Keep dreaming, faggots.

>> No.53302112 [DELETED] 

If I joined a corpo I'd be cancelled and graduated within a week.

>> No.53302142 [DELETED] 

>Vesper's remodel is Vesper after mewing for 5 years and getting old-Irys gene therapy

>> No.53303522


>> No.53303566


>> No.53303604

He looks like that doctor from Oshi no Ko in this pic

>> No.53303770

Still cant believe he got away with making fun of his model on his PL.
Vesper wasnt much better though by RT'ing it.
