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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 602 KB, 856x900, DigbyIsHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53215078 No.53215078 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

>> No.53215778

The board is moving quickly again?

>> No.53215947
File: 521 KB, 846x886, Screenshot 2023-05-20 192605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Got in just as thread was starting. Anyways, I'm playing an RPG Maker game. Come join!

>> No.53217451

Any other femanons get a Hololive view recently? TT_TT

>> No.53217547

I should kill myself.

>> No.53217735

The time of gen 5 draws closer with each thread sliding off the catalog

>> No.53217851
File: 624 KB, 3840x2160, VRChat_2023-06-02_21-09-49.034_7680x4320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello a cute boy will be dancing to calming anime songs for hours here.

>> No.53217922

Just want you to know that I find all of you very adorable even though I will probably never watch you.

>> No.53218370

every /asp/ie needs to watch this and learn the proper motivations for creating niche art, lots of lessons to be learned and reality checks to be had here:


>> No.53218567

This shit smells of yellowcat. This isn’t even vtuber related

>> No.53218964

don't lump me in with him, anon- this shit is more related than you think. You haven't watched it. Just in case you're a dumbass I'll spell it out. It covers: 1) losing money to perform, 2) performing over and over again for 5-10 people, 3) the fact that you probably will not make it. It goes over all this with the goal of exploring why you'd even want to do something so delusional in the first place. These bands put 100x the effort into their art compared to some random jackass vtuber, and they still go nowhere. The world's not fair.

>> No.53219140

I ain’t watching or reading all that
I’m happy for you though
Or sorry that happened

>> No.53220980

I hope the joker enjoyed his last moments in Denpa's dungeon

>> No.53222670 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 655x496, cocainecoconut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, im an artist first. vtuber second. ill put all my vtuber shit on hiatus to protect the integrity of my art

>> No.53222783

I sorta miss that guy, real shame what happened to him

>> No.53223100
File: 61 KB, 766x776, pack a lip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to let my autism demons out like her

>> No.53223450 [DELETED] 

hi shou.ld i lick my microphone for clout

>> No.53223802

yes lick me in a collab

>> No.53224709

Vtubing is a cargo cult.

>> No.53225653

At some point you're simply unable to ignore that your favorite vtuber has a boyfriend.

>> No.53226928
File: 306 KB, 1500x1912, aum0vxw951z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I think about last summer, the more obvious it seems that there was never going to be any happy endings
The best outcome would have been if my suicide attempt when I was 16 had succeeded and I never had to experience the last decade

>> No.53229495

how do i stream retro consoles
i am not good at computers
i do not have much money

>> No.53229585

How do I trick gay guys into simping for me and giving me them sweet sweet parasocial views?

>> No.53229711

with an emulator?

>> No.53229770

Isn’t streaming emulators frowned upon?

>> No.53229859

Copy whatever Haru is doing.

>> No.53229904

Even my vroid model??

>> No.53229910

What's an emulator, I don't know what you're talking about, I own this archaic console and have a compatible capture card wink wink nudge nudge

>> No.53229935

everyone uses emulators you just aren't supposed to acknowledge it

>> No.53229945

i wish to stream console in beautiful SD 4:3

>> No.53230268

I'm male
I mumble when I speak
I exclusively use head voice
I have no friends
I don't like video games
I don't like anime
I have no hobbies
I have negative charisma
I only know English
I don't have stories to tell
My pc is outdated
I might be mentally ill
I can't afford the obscene cost for a vtuber model or design

Is it too late for me

>> No.53230296

get a switch and pay for 30 year old games

>> No.53230337

Any fat or super introverted or schizoid vtubers?

>> No.53230338

I am older than 25

>> No.53230339

>I might be mentally ill
Shit anon, that's all you had to say!
You're a perfect fit for a vtuber

>> No.53230351

I used to think I want to give this a shot until a few days ago when I got ogled by a bunch of gay gymgoers. They were the twink feminine lithe type but I was scared shitless and feared for my well being. I don't think I'm cut out for fujobaiting

>> No.53230363

>Is it too late for me
It's never too late to start, is what I'd like to say, but she'll never love you

>> No.53230391

Who is she

>> No.53230628

why cant i just use my console

>> No.53230743

Yeah, me.

>> No.53231337

dont just say "me" and not share your handle anon

>> No.53231383

It's me Demolition D

>> No.53231636
File: 16 KB, 944x766, 20230710_025402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically have a paranoia disorder if that helps aid your search

>> No.53232010

no, no paranoid uglies nor males

>> No.53232024

>tfw male vtuber older than 30

>> No.53232633

You haven't met her yet, a cute vtuber girl you really get along with and have a lot in common with
Eventually she'll drop the good old
>I have a bf btw

>> No.53232754
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>> No.53232764
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>> No.53232996 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1578x2178, 1681306683623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some feedback on my design so far? It's meant to be simple, but I feel like it might be a bit too underwhelming? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. ;v; I know asking for feedback and then marking as spoiler is counter-intuitive, but I don't want to force people to look at it since it's in the rough stages right now. ;v; There's sludge in my brain I think...

>> No.53233119

My oshi is gay

>> No.53233143


>> No.53233187

How much does it cost to commission this shit?

>> No.53233242

I'd fuck it. Is it meant to look so breedable?

>> No.53233285

I think it's cute, you've got a solid base down with the watamote tired-eyes look and the hair over the eye. The clothing is nice too. I'd say as it is is perfectly fine, but if you wanna stand out a bit more, considering adding some accessories or asymmetry to the clothing. I love any design with tired eyes though, so I might be a bit biased.

>> No.53233290

Personally I think the jacket sliding off the shoulder think looks awkward in motion but I'm just a retard. Consider trying out different versions
I think the design is fine. Simple is good.

>> No.53233411

pure sex

>> No.53233438

>the most successful former aspie male is quitting corpo
if he couldn't make you have no chance
give up now and cut your loses

>> No.53233816

Gen 5...

>> No.53234033

I'd prefer if the hair was slightly transparent so you can see the eye underneath

>> No.53234203
File: 321 KB, 1150x1590, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the art style kinda reminds me of kiliu

>> No.53234232

I was thinking more big buff bara men, but you do you.

>> No.53235484


Haru's finger typed this

>> No.53235592


>> No.53235685

Aaah thank you! Good idea! I'll try adding some accessories and stuff and see how it works out.

Ah ok, I'll do that and see which one's best (or maybe make a toggle for different jacket positions or something hmmm). Thanks!

I'll try that out!

y-you too...

O...oh... interesting comparison you got there, anon... ( ovo)b

>> No.53235778

built for plapping

>> No.53235984

he made it and un-made himself

>> No.53236466
File: 252 KB, 485x600, sui blush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a bad idea to drop an "I love you" on my chat every once in a while?

>> No.53236666

Anyone in asp actually talented enough to give advice? I lost my voice because I spent too long working on death metal singing, good tips to help get it back faster?

>> No.53236669

i do it without thinking, as long as its natural

>> No.53236705

1. yes, fuck you
2. rest, eat healthy food, don't talk or sing

>> No.53237061

That's gay anon

>> No.53237377

it's only gay if it's sexual.

>> No.53237396

I was sleeping, sorry, not me. I don't mind guys or girls liking me so long as they're healthy about it.

>> No.53237602


>> No.53237748

thinking about them makes me angry!

>> No.53237806
File: 17 KB, 459x383, 57028d11ecba1e0a7c17aafed3a6700c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53237807

Why would I bump the thread?

>> No.53238011

Never too late. Just stream with any PNG you have and see if you like it in general. Turns out it's the ideal hobby for me because it combines so many creative skills and forces me to actually make things

>> No.53238215

Is it worth it to finish games on stream? I've been trying to do everything start to finish but it's hard to tell if that's a good or bad idea.

>> No.53238406

Bad for numbers

>> No.53238417

I used to try to do that but I got burned out... if you're still having fun with it then sure, but if it's no longer fun for you then viewers probably won't have fun either

>> No.53238426

Help me I can't stop smacking my lips while streaming what the fuck.

>> No.53238464

if the game is not too long maybe, but if it takes more than 2 streams to finish it might be an issue for newer viewers and for viewers that had missed the previous stream.
this is not a problem with roguelikes btw

>> No.53238499

suck some dicks before the stream to fix that.

>> No.53238519

Are you volunteering?

>> No.53238630

Maybe I should find more stuff to hop between a bit then... I really enjoy playing stuff start to finish on stream and my regulars seem to like it but I don't wanna keep new people from checking me out either. Thank you for the input!

>> No.53238639

for you anything bb

>> No.53238692

if you are playing games that are a little off the beaten path you might get new viewers just because there are not many people who stream their favorite games.

>> No.53238819

I can't imagine there's a huge audience for romhacks and super long playthroughs of older games, however I have had a lot of raids specifically from Okami from people who love the game. It's been a long one though...

>> No.53238889

I got a raid right when I started because I was playing Cave Story. But this is mostly down to luck and whether the right people are online and streaming at the right time. I tend not to get any raids because of my time slot

>> No.53238923

I said little off the beaten path, not in the middle of a jungle high in the mountains, but yeah okami is a good example of a somewhat niche cult game with a dedicated audience

>> No.53239061

What time do you tend to stream? I could try to raid into you if it's anywhere near when I do.
But they're fun... I think it's probably in my best interest to keep stuff that out there to a bit of a minimum and play more stuff like Okami or Cruelty Squad, I had quite a few random people checking in just because they liked the games. Maybe cult games are the way to go.

>> No.53239109

That's kind of you, but if you are who I think you are, you stream after me usually, I start my stream from 2 or 4 pm EST

>> No.53239213

Sorry I can't help you out then, I wish you luck, friend! Keep your spirits high!

>> No.53239300

Is it worth getting a used iPhone for tracking? I've been using my iPad but it's awkwardly big and clunky

>> No.53239936

Could always get a new iPad but same issue with the clunkiness!

>> No.53240014

i've been thinking about using an ipad for tracking, any ideas for what works best for positioning and holders/stands?

>> No.53240177

I've just been leaning my iPad against my raised monitor which is on an arm, it's not ideal!

>> No.53240293

why not an android?

>> No.53240348

iPad/iPhone has ARKit tracking (used for FaceID) and the newer ones utilise LIDAR

>> No.53241188

Alva collab with catsreturn tonight, he's finally back

>> No.53241355

First Coco, now Cats, he really likes whores for some reason

>> No.53241818


>> No.53242049

Absolutely not! Drop them a chu or two while you’re at it

>> No.53242694

god I wish I was him....

>> No.53242767

How broke are you? The solution I've used in the past involved a capture card and an RCA to HDMI converter.

>> No.53243446

What if I save/archive my VODs?

>> No.53243520

no one watches vods

>> No.53243567

You owe me sex if I have to watch your vods

>> No.53243985

unless you are big with a large dedicated audience no one is going to watch your VODs, small audiences follow you to interact with you or to watch you while you are live in their second monitor

>> No.53244292

I think you're overthinking it. Most people are not following the game itself so closely as to care or have already played it and just want to see a cule favorite of theirs revisited, and if they're really new when they drop in and do wonder what's going on you can always give them a quick recap.

>> No.53244382

Everything about Veadotube makes me want to barf, are there any alternatives for PNGtubing that won't scam me and backdoor my rig?

>> No.53244579

I regularly have brand new viewers show up to my chat and say "oh yeah I saw that on the VODs" so there are definitely people out there who watch even Twitch VODs.

>> No.53244646

gazo tuber

>> No.53245106

you might be very entertaining then.

>> No.53245342

I haven't tried this yet, might be worth a look https://landie.land/shop/sammi-extensions/landitube

>> No.53245656

Sun cucked live

>> No.53246582

If you only want to have a mouth open/mouth closed png, I used to use a plugin called Image Reaction (https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/image-reaction.1342/)) and it did the trick for me.

>> No.53247263

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you

>> No.53247414

I wanna give Coco head pats and rub her cheeks and scratch her under her chin and rub her tummy and and and

>> No.53247478

Your are too lewd anon

>> No.53247687

definitely made for plapping.

>> No.53247700

I don't know why I run away
I'll make you cry when I run away

>> No.53248513

Based hag enjoyer dragon

>> No.53249499
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, rinne_no_lagrange-04-muginami-lan-cpr-chest_compressions-swimsuit-beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live, dammit!

>> No.53250014

No thank you, I've had enough, the thread understands how I feel

>> No.53250867

>chilling in an /asp/ chuuba's Discord as a viewer
>basically dead, barring maybe two guys greeting each other occasionally
>/asp/ie themself says things infrequently

>> No.53250925

Small chuubacords are generally pretty quiet until they hit critical mass or have a couple very outgoing viewers that drive them. .

>> No.53251086

You could always message something?

>> No.53251645

Should I post in my dead discord to attempt to stir up activity at the risk of being the only poster there and looking weird and pathetic to any new people who join?

>> No.53251804

Treat it like an open diary with a pr filter. Word things in ways that encourage other people to chime in.

>> No.53251973

Hey, it's your discord, you're the chuuba, who else is going to do that for you?

>> No.53252786

My mind is eternally empty, so it takes time to think up stuff to say beyond basic greetings, but then I wind up wondering, "Is anyone even going to care about whatever bullshit you're thinking of saying?" and I end up trapped in a loop of thinking of stuff and then tearing down those thoughts.
I hate it. I hate that my mind works like this, but I know that the solution is to just care a little bit less.

>> No.53253013

An introvert streamer has to pass through two stages in the beginning of his career. First you learn how to do small talk non-stop without shutting up, like people do on the radio. But because you're introverted it's not natural and quite exhausting for you. So the next step is to learn how to do witty remarks with like 30 seconds gaps in between. Then you learn to switch between these two modes - and you're gucci.

>> No.53253269

Nice Rabi vro

>> No.53254156

The chuuba would rather hang out in aspcord than with their community. You wont find any viewer love here

>> No.53254525

yes, all of you are mentally ill man babies so it's normal to avoid you guys everywhere that is possible

>> No.53254650

You will never get the checkmark

>> No.53255028

Has anyone ever won one of those art raffles on twitter? Are they ever worth it?

>> No.53255450

I really want to say it's not too late but you enjoy nothing wtf would you stream?

>> No.53255520

Sun here! Thank you so much for the giftart! I love your sketchy style

>> No.53255744

I want to take Albionis from the back like the greek little bitch he is.

>> No.53255764

Sun is a top

>> No.53256092

teach sun the ways of anal sex

>> No.53256302

I don't remember posting this

>> No.53258310

we need to revitalize this thread

>> No.53258636

Whatever that means.

>> No.53259637

Greek boy is streaming


>> No.53260231

You are planning out your marketable offline content right, /asp/? You're not planning to just stream into the void right /asp/?

>> No.53260313

No dummy I stream to viewers

>> No.53260326
File: 368 KB, 1195x674, Screenshot_20230711-190449_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun is for gentle love. Imagine falling asleep lying in his luscious blond hair.

>> No.53260519

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.53260589


>> No.53260598

Is there anything more pathetic than a female vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Boys are funny, guys are entertaining, we want to hang out with guys. If you're a female reading this I suggest you quit.

>> No.53260623

He's getting more and more late every day. Shame

>> No.53260765

Why is Sun so good at drawing on top of being good at reading for the stream? life ain't fair

>> No.53261258


>> No.53261346

Man I really enjoy your vocaroos, never stop doing them.

>> No.53261410

who is it? I don't recognize the voice

>> No.53262483

May I ask what part of his reading you find good for streams?
I plan to do q bit of reading myself when I start, so any pointers would be good!

>> No.53262739

He's not really that great at reading.
If you want to read on stream, try to have moments where you go into tangents - so viewers can jump in and offer their two cents.

Even if absolutely noone shows to your stream, you can't talk in an airtight way with no way in. Twitch CCV counts don't update real time, so you might be missing potential viewer comments if you do that.

>> No.53262795

I find his reading non intrusive to my own thoughts which for me is the most important, the second most important is the cadence at which he reads, the voice for me it's not important as long as it's not harsh on the ears.
Another important thing is to speak clearly and not get lost while you are reading.

>> No.53263091

Most chuubas that do reading stream content do so in an ""asmr"" category and treat it like bedtime story or group reading content. If you want to read to an audience but don't want to voice act, at least demonstrate what [and what version of the text) you're reading so they can read along and follow the commentary.

>> No.53263217

when your papa read you bedstories did you also ask him to transcribe the book as he read so you could read at the same time?

>> No.53263614

No but I did ask him to slow down so my mom wouldn't hear my whimpers

>> No.53264013

did he drew this? if yes then there is no way he isn't seducing us on purpose

>> No.53264120

No but often times you could also see the book being read.

>> No.53264945

Is talking to a chat way easier than conversations in real life? Several holos who said they’re terrible socially are evidently good at streaming but maybe they’re bullshitting

>> No.53265091

Chat isn't people

>> No.53265715

wtf streaming is actually HARD i thought it was easy watching other vtubers but i'm stuttering, i don't know what to say and i don't even know how to setup my stream properly, i'm a real NGMI

>> No.53265736

I personally find both to be relatively easy. But honestly if you are a corpo streamer you don't even really talk to your chat anymore because there's too many people and for /asp/ies and other 1views chat is basically like a discord conversation.

>> No.53265800

Take it a little bit at a time. Each time you stream, try to gain a bit more mastery of the things you need to know.

>> No.53267741
File: 279 KB, 2560x1440, LxcS4vFnPo4sKYRXgXRKZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who remembers when I ran and hid from Mr John Alien?
Who wants to join me in continuing my catharsis as I order a bunch of dudes to kill ALL xenos life?
If you do come watch me play Aliens Dark Descent over at https://www.twitch.tv/digbycat

>> No.53267772

brittish people are more disgusting than the french

>> No.53267980

I've been noticing more and more GFE chuubas advertise AI models of themselves.
Any thoughts on this development?

>> No.53268893

ai "art" is for skill free broke bitches who can't draw

>> No.53269437


>> No.53270397

I assume that the "models" in question are of the AI chatbot variety, so that the biggest simps who can't live without their GFE VTuber of choice can have something around for a quick hit

>> No.53271419

I guess I'll call myself design anon since I helped Fig with their design a few threads back. I your concept, so I'll do a redraw of your character and give out pointers later today when I'm not busy.

>> No.53272609

Would you mind helping me redesign my character sometime? I'm so lost on what to change.

>> No.53273039
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x1000, 1689115093397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeating everything everyone else says in a confused tone is how you get ahead as a spy. Come join us for MGS: The Twin Snakes in about 15m awoomfies!

>> No.53273203

Hugging Haru under the blankets because it's a cold day.....

>> No.53273242

I need to find an awoomfie design I'm happy with so I can commission some cute art like that.

>> No.53273326

Depends how much you already have designed. If there's a pretty clear idea that doesn't require a lot of time then I might not mind, but if you want me to redesign from scratch then no.

>> No.53274001

I had to voice act someone saying uwohhh today how's your streaming week going asp

>> No.53274063
File: 35 KB, 375x376, IMG_2991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talked to a viewer for the first time today. They seemed very nice and polite and made a few comments about the game I was playing and even subscribed to my channel at the end. I am so happy.

>> No.53274140

More people should vocaroo the pasta, it's a very fun way to kill the anti-male schizo

>> No.53274256

Viewers make all of it worth it

>> No.53274285
File: 2.79 MB, 2132x2918, IMG_2862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53274428

it's impossible to kill the anti-male schizo, he will comeback a week later

>> No.53274727


>> No.53275533


>> No.53276092


>> No.53276421

What would you like to see

>> No.53276454

someone doing something they enjoy

>> No.53276967

training my girl voice for the views

>> No.53277134
File: 1.27 MB, 1567x999, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some old guy is playing SF6

>> No.53277733

Did Digby fall off?

>> No.53277998

worthless male will never achieve anything in this space

>> No.53279218

Digby fell off his cat tree and broke all four of his paws now is not the time for jokes, anon.

>> No.53279657
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, Thumb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KankuroKing here!
We're playing some Diablo 4 today, trying to stroll around town - murder some ghosties, and collect Orange loot!

>> No.53280632

I got a good CPU, but I want a budget GPU, is a 4060 ti good enough?

>> No.53280730

>30 "vtuber artists"
>0 viewers

>> No.53281479


>> No.53281702


>> No.53281790

I might be looking in all the wrong places but I'm getting fed the fuck up why can't I find a decent styled model artist for under 500. Not even the decent third worldies are selling their models for a good price anymore.

>> No.53282424

What kind of art style are you looking for exactly? If it's a western or more realistic style pickings are slim.

>> No.53282581

Just an anime style that can draw men but like one that at least looks appealing

>> No.53282886
File: 1.22 MB, 1159x2081, deathscholar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your base design isn't bad at all, it just needs some direction to really bring the character to life. It reminds me of Sucy from Little Witch Academia.

I skipped the jacket and legs since I was too lazy to draw them today.

Here's my advice:

Find a theme. You want people to instantly have an idea of what kind of character you are at a glance. It also helps if it ties into whatever lore you have. I couldn't figure out what you were going for, so I went for a scholar enrolled in some kind of death school in my redraw.

Please ditch the bandages around the neck. It comes off as an afterthought to try to make the character look more sullen. It also doesn't fit the current design you have.

Remove the dark circles, make it an alternative expression, or keep it very subtle. No one really wants to watch a VTuber that looks like it's tired of existing even though it's an anime character and will most likely pass you up for a cheery-looking VTuber instead. It's sad, but it's the harsh truth. I'm not telling to make a super bright character, but lighten things up a little.

Honestly, the biggest thing is deciding a character theme here. Hope I helped somewhat.

>> No.53283517

Damn that's cute
I'd oshi if real girl whos into videogames and tangents

>> No.53283534


Tekken open lobby! Beat me up!

>> No.53283762


>under 500 burgers

>> No.53283944

I worked from 6:30am to 9:30pm today and never got a chance to stream... maybe tomorrow morning.

>> No.53284502

A live2D model illustration for under 500 is an insulting price for decent artists

Thanks anon. It's fun to do these kind of redraws

>> No.53286315


>> No.53286982

I streamed! It was fun!

>> No.53288373

Aaah! Thank you so much for your advice and drawing! So cute and your art is so good! The more saturated colors and slightly changed hues make the design look so much better and fix the muddled look I was worrying about.
You're right about having a stronger theme. I wanted it to have kind of a "shut-in trying her best to look like a cute school idol" vibe, but I wasn't sure how to get it across. But death scholar is a very cool idea and I hope you don't mind if I take some inspiration from it! (Though I guess I'm taking inspiration from all of it regardless.)
Yeah, I should probably make it a bit more lively so people don't think that I'm too much of a downer at a glance.
Thank you so much for your advice and redraw!!! I really appreciate it and I'll try my best to reflect your suggestions since they're all really good points! I will deeply cherish your drawing, it looks so good and I'm so grateful to have something like this. ;v;

>> No.53288390

stinky cat

>> No.53289365

Damn I'm posting twice on the same thread. Playing a Portal spinoff and working for Cave Johnson probably. Come join!

>> No.53289729

Did you guys make a new steam account for streaming or have you been able to get away with using your normal one?

>> No.53289770

You might actually be retarded. Search harder, there's an ex asp whose whole live2d offering list is sub 500, or expand your budget since you clearly can't find something satisfactory given your range.

>> No.53290033

I made a second account but don't use it since I primarily stream online CCGs which are tied to a single account

>> No.53290046


>> No.53290200
File: 116 KB, 960x1200, 1683148841919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I might have to use my main for things like Master Duel or Limbus, so I was thinking the same. I just had a random autistic though about how games I play won't get achievements and shit on my main account and was close to having a second thought about pointless shit like that.

>> No.53290486

Thank you for coming for anyone who showed up, it always means so much to me!

>> No.53290645

I don't know if you were referencing him but I forgot he existed, holy shit. Maybe I'll go comm him, he was a nice kid

>> No.53290851


Am I wasting my time coding an ai vtuber? Movements still kinda jank but that's my fault for being shit with unity. at least it works right?

>> No.53290874

You could always use an achievement manager if it really bothers you that much.

>> No.53291091

Library sharing is pretty easy to set up and I don't really care about achievements and I'm fine with starting over in a game if I'm going to stream it, so there's not really any reason not to have that extra layer of privacy for me. I get why it'd be a dilemma for people who stream MMOs or rank based games though since there's an amount of attachment and pride there you would want to show to your viewers.

>> No.53292705

Just get the masterduel bot. make a new account with max gems takes like 5 mins. only way to play the game and not give komoney anything anyways

>> No.53293743

How active should you be in your own discord server?
I feel like people will think I'm a loser and learn how boring I am if I reveal I spend all day on the computer and interact with them too much...

>> No.53293868

Your fans are people you should love talking with and bantzing with.
It shouldn't be a chore.
Activity ranges between just posting once a day and talking at length in certain topics.
Get to know these guys - unless you're a woman then don't bother they're all coomers.

>> No.53293894

people like to talk to their chuubas or their friends depending on how close you are with your community so I'm sure they'd just be happy to see you around
besides, there's a phone app isn't there? plausible deniability that you're "spending all day on the computer."

>> No.53294390

Enough to give them the illusion that you care about your viewers and that they're not numbers

>> No.53294533

How do I find the motivation and willpower to keep streaming regularly?
I usually get about 0 viewer on average and talking to myself gets kinda miserable.
I'm not asking for advice to get more viewers, I'm just wondering where do I find the discipline to keep grinding through.

>> No.53294612

im a guy but I wish I could use a virtual model
it just seems useful
people can see you react to what you play, allows for visual gags, gives you a unique identifier that you can make art of
All while preserving anonymity which is important to me

Its a shame it has such a stigma for men

>> No.53294884

I'm glad you liked it. Feel free to use the drawing however you'd like since it's all yours now.

You can keep grinding and grinding, but unless you figure out what to improve, you will be stuck at 0 views.

Watch your own VODs and see what you can change. Are there lots of long pauses? Do you say the same things over and over again? Do you elaborate on your decisions in a game? If this was a random streamer, would you watch them at all?

Network as well. Find people you're genuinely interested in and watch them/hang out in chat.

>> No.53294955

Just don't call yourself a vtuber. E;R is behind a persona that is straight up Dr.Stein from Soul Eater (MYSTERY NIGGA version).
But of course, I know you're male-schizo just mixing it up for a bit.

>> No.53295291

What should I use my stream deck for? Besides scene switching and model toggles

>> No.53295375

Why can't you be a regular faceless streamer/content creator? Why box yourself in as a VTuber?

>> No.53295763

Those i know in real life keep saying id be a good streamer. I've never considered it. What does that mean? Is it an insult?
How can I start

>> No.53295976

goofy sound effects

>> No.53297041

They're telling you you won't shut the fuck up

>> No.53297273

Volume controls to easily change if the game audio is too quiet/loud stream-side. Mute toggle.
Something I do is automate the start and end of stream using macros. I hit one button and it will: set the scene, start bgm, hit go live, wait 30 seconds, and run an ad.

>> No.53297851

It makes you feel like a real streamer

>> No.53297902

This actually makes me reconsider on setting up a cord once I start streaming. Since absence makes the heart grows fonder, I think that repeat interactions with viewers outside of streams will make the streams no longer a special occassion, since viewers can catch you off stream in your cord anyway.
I think participating in multiple community cords of your interest as a user would be better instead of setting your cord from the get go

>> No.53299826

Its insane how much more easily people will follow you after you have a few hundred followers and 10+ ccv. I streamed for many months to very few viewers/followers and people would barely give me a chance at all, its really striking to me how quickly it has changed.

>> No.53299892

I'd rather be one of few viewers than the only viewer.

>> No.53299962

the lurkers that make up a majority of your viewers will want a crowd to blend in to when they're not chatting

>> No.53300026

we know, groomer-kun.

>> No.53300184
File: 526 KB, 1000x1000, 1689148317606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New emotes are so cute, I love this artist so much, he's such a wonderful guy!

>> No.53300528

How do they look when tiny?

>> No.53300610
File: 2 KB, 28x28, 1689149361804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to ask him to make the lines on the hands and mouth a bit thicker but I think that helped quite a bit!

>> No.53300731

such a cute boy

>> No.53300846
File: 165 KB, 128x128, 1689149845995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I'm just doing my best! I hope everyone likes them, these are the two I got requested the most by my awoomfies.

>> No.53300938

Not bad. Could be a bit more readable. But I have seen worse.

>> No.53301200 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 356x64, ZmxhbmR6ZW4=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute~
we love you!

>> No.53301291

Should I just say fuck it and use a free live2d model to stream? It's a model I like the look of and I think I wouldn't feel too weird using it

>> No.53301342

It doesn't actually carry any stigma other than the more insane factions of vtubing, vtuber "normies" if you will don't dislike male chuubas at all

>> No.53302613

need... hydrate... redeem...
Now offering gamer boy sweat at a discounted price

>> No.53303373

Calm down Haru

>> No.53304367
File: 1.46 MB, 1108x895, latam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53304618
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British people are how you exist at all you silly yank

>> No.53304794

No one's been paying you any attention, and I feel like giving some advice today, so...
Your VRoid model is an instant turn-off. You'd do better paying for a PNG. The character concept is OK I guess.
No social media links on your Twitch? You CAN'T just stream on Twitch and expect people to find you. Go get a Twitter account or something. Upload your VODs to YouTube.
You're consistently talking and your mic quality is good enough so there's that.
Get some free starting soon/overlay assets (though your whole setup reminds me of when I started).
Good luck slushie.

>> No.53305283
File: 329 KB, 1600x900, Euro-Truck-Simulator-2-Company-Paintjobs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53305447

Do you understand the pain of being euro? You make all those Internet friends across the world that you will never meet

>> No.53305591

Don't think I'll ever meet certain people because they want to remain hidden behind their avatars, which is fair

>> No.53305604

That must suck for Beryl considering the hours he streams means he'll never ever meet with anyone that he tries to network or friend with since they're all yuros or SEA

>> No.53306382

>he's not travelling to visit his friends
true ngmi, if you are my friend i WILL travel 5000+ km to visit you in your shithole even if it's peru or the philipines

>> No.53307053

I would only go that far if I'd known them a good few years and even then... maybe I'm lazy

>> No.53307233
File: 913 KB, 512x281, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get into vtubing to get a gf, but...
There's nothing more blackpilling than a cute girl telling you she likes you, but that she's going to date another guy because they live close enough to fuck.

>> No.53307501

Discord isn't a dating app how many times do I need to say this

>> No.53307575

500 for something you draw in few hours is an insult to hobbyists that will never even get their money back through streaming. no wonder you greedy fucks are getting replaced by ai

>> No.53307733

Long-distance relationships are hard. Some people need that physical contact. I'm sorry anon

>> No.53307844

Well, one is a marketable skill the other is being autistic on camera. You can turn that around and say that a guy who draws for 10+ years and still is poor as shit vs the girl who buys a asmr mic and gets thousands for licking plastic ears.

I think 500 for a character is a little much depending on complexity, but if it's a Live2D commission that actually comes with all the layers and extra fillout for the rigging is a little more complex and could warrant the pricetag. As with everything it's relative, art is worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it, nothing has inherent value and since people will infinitely throw money at streamers for doing nothing in particular, these streamers then in turn throw their money earned at artists to draw them things.

>> No.53308116

500 is pretty cheap desu
you should be making that in around two days if you work a normal job
the greedy ones charge 2500+

>> No.53308848

I know, they should just draw faster

>> No.53309407

art is pretty competitive. with such high prices a lot of people will barely ever get any comms. you have probably heard of that starving artist meme

>> No.53309464

I paid $100 for my live2d and $100 for my rigging and I like the result

>> No.53309465

This is actually great. Vtubing was not supposed to be discount tinder

>> No.53309702

I'm inclining hard from streaming but working full-time is killing me...
/asp/ies how do you cope with it

>> No.53309743

I only stream on weekends

>> No.53309920

I don't

>> No.53309987

I do high effort streams (manga reviews) on Saturday and just play games on weekdays. Games are not that taxing if you don't stress yourself to talk all the time.

>> No.53310082

Someone should let the american vtubers know because they're getting it on, especially the female vtubers. If they don't have a bf pre-debut then they be hooking up with a fellow vtuber within a year. It should be me.

>> No.53310126

They all have bfs why are you trying to use /asp/ as tinder

>> No.53310153

Would simp for

>> No.53310306

No one has said they have a bf, not even fuwacoco, so there's a chance they might be single
The gay furry is definitely taken, that guy fucks

>> No.53310419

Well if you think fun attractive women aren't immediately locked down 95% of their lives I don't know what to tell you.

Enjoy your Tinder experience but we'll still be here for you if you want to do some VTubing instead.

>> No.53310562

I know at least one has mentioned a boyfriend offhand a few times but I'd rather not call attention to them specifically because nobody in chat noticed or cared and I'd rather not ruin that nonchalant vibe by dredging up catalog schizos

>> No.53310565

nta but i'm here to have sex with ugly women and so far it's been working out great.

>> No.53310615

it doesn't matter if they have a boyfriend anyway because they're not GFE

>> No.53310715


>> No.53311298

You can't be a cuck if you aren't invested in the woman romantically. It'd be silly to think that everyone who has ever hired an escort is a cuck, right?

>> No.53311491
File: 449 KB, 618x750, selen_garb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't watch my stream or talk to me if you're single looking to mingle
you should be here for my content not my gender or availability

>> No.53311546

if you are male you don't have to worry about that, if you are female... well you should be used to it by now

>> No.53311570

It's okay, Selen, I watch you because you're funny.

>> No.53311591

There is not such a thing as being "invested" in the opposite sex platonically.

>> No.53311609

Even assuming this isn't bait, if somebody turns around a model in "a few hours" they probably did a shit job.

Also lmao expecting your hobbies to self finance

>> No.53311651

It's only like that if the opposite sex is attractive.

>> No.53311865

You're the problem

>> No.53311931


>> No.53312170

Catsreturn is the closest female /asp/ie and I can do a lot better than that by meeting people IRL
Focus on vtubing guys

>> No.53312531
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, check.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me be completely honest with you, my bruddas in Christ. If you want to date a vtuber, the easiest way is to start dating whoever is available and willing and then convincing them to become a chuuba - paying for the hardware and the model, if necessary. Grooming a chuuba is so backwards and inefficient it's not even funny.

>> No.53312593

a person making a joke on a ricewashing forum?

>> No.53312629

>paying for the hardware
I could even let her use my gear

>> No.53312659

There hasn't been a funny joke on asp since your last selfpost

>> No.53312916

I'll give you that one

>> No.53313245

That's good, he's a comedian, ahahah...

>> No.53313387
File: 520 KB, 200x200, OGEYGif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys how's it going today?

>> No.53313624

> start dating whoever is available
Thats the problem

>> No.53313634

the yuros are not behaving again

>> No.53313680

I do not trust the female gender that is all.

>> No.53313705
File: 452 KB, 800x600, Kenji_NoGlasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53313725
File: 209 KB, 937x935, Meme10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why'd they have to make him so good-looking..

>> No.53314346
File: 100 KB, 1192x706, LetsGoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how Digby started out
I think he bought a new model eventually but even that was a store bought one

>> No.53314586

Does anyone else think Denpa is a lesbian? She gives huge femme dyke magnet energy, I just don’t buy it that she has a boyfriend

>> No.53314897

Check out ramos__ on fiver. Sub 300 for design + model + rig. If it's good enough for grimmi to get twitch partner it should be enough for you.

>> No.53315479

I'm paying $260, there were some weird things up with the art but hopefully the rigging should be good. I do think you get what you pay for so I might upgrade next year

>> No.53316194

NTA but terrible rigging. The art is *okay* but really flat and drastically changes quality from model to model
