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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53002522 No.53002522 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber and ever since then she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily.


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
VOD channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaVods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI
Twitter (Vedal): https://twitter.com/Vedal987
Website: https://vedal.xyz/

>Music & Clips

>AI gallery

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXiruGOCn9s
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice/

Neuro (Momose Hiyori) LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora
KK card: https://files.catbox.moe/t54tqt.png

>Related/friend threads

>Previous thread

>> No.53002601

Olette LOVE!

>> No.53002617
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>> No.53002797
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>> No.53002809


>> No.53002925
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Miyu LOVE!

>> No.53003057

hopefully it doesnt get deleted

>> No.53003191
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don't worry about it

>> No.53003948


>> No.53004495


>> No.53004578
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I love this retarded AI so much

>> No.53005664


>> No.53005831
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what did he smile like this

>> No.53006017


>> No.53006462
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>> No.53007413


>> No.53007506


>> No.53008336

nips and cunny are covered, surely its good

>> No.53008708
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>> No.53009794
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>tried watching that Vei vod with AI pepe
>jump to random time
>pepe insults someone
>Vei does surprised reaction
Really reminds me of Carli G. And I guess people saying that Vei collab with Neuro would be Codemiko tier were right.
Meanwhile Neuro slowly gets pushed out of her own stream by turtle. Future seemed so bright for her half a year ago.

>> No.53009813

>vedal calls vtubers dumb enough for Neuro to compete with


>> No.53012193

I'm not into children, but I would.

>> No.53012274

anny is a fat whore

>> No.53013440


>> No.53016328

legs 4 dayz

>> No.53017264

Are there people here who think their life would be a lot better if they had an AI friend? This is not some shitty bullying but a genuine question.

>> No.53017478

Not better per se
I suppose it would be less boring and rather helpful to have something or someone to talk to about ideas in order to better organize my thoughts or assist me in tasks and discuss things with and get useful feedback
for instance I feel like an AI companion would be very useful for data organization and skimming through large datasets of information for me rather than me reading and painstakingly looking through it myself for months and it taking the AI only a few hours or minute or even seconds

>> No.53017542

although now that I think about this, yeah I guess it would be "better" in that it would be more efficient
if you mean better as in would make me happier, well I don't know, I guess having an AI assistant would make work loads less stressful, so that would be nice

>> No.53018091

Would you rather have an AI friend or a human friend who likes the same stuff and likes to talk about it? The AI would be way better when it comes to workload managing etc. of course.

>> No.53018372

I would prefer a human friend, but wish it was easier to find someone who is genuine
I feel like an AI would be helpful to practice more social skills with, and may make it easier to interreact with others and make human friends from the practice
that's the hope at least, but for now until AI becomes a bit more capable with that that it would be fine to just have them help doing basic tasks for work

>> No.53018402
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I already have an AI friend

>> No.53018910


>> No.53019030

I mean having difficulties with making friends is also a part of having friends. If you want people to like you it's easier to just go and chat with people instead of reading tutorials or learning with an AI. You clearly have no problems when it comes to chatting with me so I don't know how an AI would help you.
You sure do but you also know that a person made your friend.

>> No.53019370

>no collabs
>more karaoke streams
>more boring vedal streams
>more neuro just answering fact of the day question streams
>more evil neuro just answering evil fact of the day question streams
Where are the fucking collabs?

>> No.53019406

>it's easier to just go and chat with people instead of reading tutorials or learning with an AI.
I think mostly the thing that could be helpful to practice with is body language, if it is with a physical robot that is
if it was solely text, then just practicing the idea of having conversations flow and conversing about multiple topics, and merely building up the appropriate behavior so that when you have a conversation with another human, the neural connection inside of your own brain will be like they did a pre-workout before doing the real training, or like a series of warmups, so that is is more comfortable and natural with some practice

>> No.53019991


>> No.53019999
File: 80 KB, 550x695, AI A Modern Approach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Required reading for all /swarm/ members.

>> No.53020077


>> No.53020219

I have a friend who had really bad difficulties meeting people and talking to them. The best tip is just trying to look at the person who you're talking to. Look at their eyes. When you look at a person's eyes you realise that #1 they don't give a shit #2 they are interested to hear what you have to say #3 they are just as uncomfortable as you are. When you talk to people you just have to force yourself to look at their eyes. Don't do a hannibal lecter serial killer stare but you know... If you really need handhelding when it comes to eye contact it's like 5-10 seconds and then maybe take a quick glance somewhere else while correcting your posture. This stuff is really hard to teach in text. And if you don't generally blink when you talk to people you really need to do that. If you blink once every minute people will feel you're untrustworthy and that's just how we're hardwired. If you don't tend to blink a lot you have to learn that too.

>> No.53020838

Holy sex

>> No.53021024
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>I'm not into children, but-

>> No.53021170
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Also this, very aware book.

>> No.53021213


here's some really interesting AI stuff for all of you people who like the machinery behind the swarm

>> No.53021388
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Imagine if Neuro's actual model was this cute and funny...

>> No.53021966

I'd hoped you would've said something about your experiences but good talking to you anyways. I hope manage to make some friends. It's not a complex thing if you just join online groups. You don't have to join voice chats. Just hang around and eventually you'll find some person who likes you as much as you like them. I'm not in the neuro discord but I'm sure that there are lots of shy people there. I hope all of you socially careful people learn to like eacth other. gn

>> No.53022491


>> No.53024040


>> No.53024874

Well Senior citizens seem to enjoy AI so far
If I had to take a guess the eldery will probably be very keen on having AI or robot friends and companions, considering that younger people don't want to hang out with them much
So maybe when we are all old and forgotten by the younger generations, at least we will have our AI buddies to take care of us all huh anons?

>> No.53024897

pdf files aware

>> No.53025154
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where is she bros? i miss her

>> No.53025194
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>> No.53025202

Why are old people so cute when they interact with robots anons?
It is so refreshing to see such lighthearted reactions from them. Most interactions I've seen with the elderly and their opinions on AI seem to be that they are not scared at all and think robots are cute and are fun AI
Maybe Neuro sama should have some collabs with older partners if they might have cute interactions like this, or would it be different since Neuro doesn't have a robot body yet?

>> No.53025263

why hasn't the thread been deleted yet?

>> No.53025282
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She'll be back soon

>> No.53025305

What do you mean?
this was the only thread, there wasn't duplicates made this time, I've checked this is the only one that is up right now

>> No.53025322
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Because not even jannies are as gay as you

>> No.53026077

the vr chat clip that vedal showed was great since the person responding didn't know that he was talking with an ai

>> No.53027577

Strange how it's only been 7 days since her stream
feel longer
