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File: 3.59 MB, 2660x2660, Hoshimachi_Suisei_2019_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52953941 No.52953941 [Reply] [Original]

Suisei is against creativity freedom

>> No.52954028

she always hated sexy stuff excpet when it is anime boys. her resistance only make people's penis harder, so there are going to be more lewds of her now.

>> No.52954185
File: 221 KB, 447x496, cope_fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fag, you tell yourself that

>> No.52954267

>her resistance only make people's penis harder
This. It's always been part of her appeal, not sure why people are brining it up now.

>> No.52954378

She's merely asking people to not post that stuff on her art tag or on youtube since her younger family members might see it and the last thing she wants is for her nephew approaching puberty to start jacking off to her

>> No.52954438

>creativity freedom
Please learn English before posting here.

So literally the same """"""""Yab"""""""" Ina did? Boring and Lame.

>> No.52955102

I kneel to the anon posting about Suisei being the one cockblocking the MMD model.
I thought he was a schizo, he was right

>> No.52955290

Yeah, it's quite fair but I literally never seen r-18 MMD on YouTube, so she sounds like a schizo talking like the average fan would see it.

>> No.52955342

Well boys, time to fire up the plap plap supas.

>> No.52955773

She knows what the Streisand effect is. She knows exactly what she is doing

>> No.52956865

If the official MMD model doesn't get released than it only makes sense that it was requested by the talent. No matter what Suisei or Ina say they know some coomers will use the MMD model for lewd stuff. Cover owns all the hololive IP so they could release it anyways but even a Japanese company knows that constantly fighting with employees is a bad idea.

>> No.52956874

Isn't her nephew a girl?

>> No.52957121


>> No.52957188

Kill yourself bvtm

>> No.52958660

I seriously don't understand this mentality.

As the people who consume and support their content, they should have 0 say in what we can and we can not do.

Just stay fucking cute and sexy you dumb fucking whores and mind your own business

>> No.52958842

Lets not kid ourselves her nephew approaching puberty is EXACTLY her fetish and this is totally what she wants. Reverse psychology isnt needed here we would do it for free

>> No.52958843

She said cousin though

>> No.52958971

Show me your receipt of support.
If you're a greyname they should not pay heed to anything you say.

>> No.52959412

Making an impact to the algorithm is already a good way to support the girls

>> No.52959515

Suisei owes me sex

>> No.52959961

She owes me a kohaku uta gassen appearance.

>> No.52961311


>> No.52961907
File: 1.36 MB, 1881x1080, 20230707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly is so controversial about asking
>Please don't post literal porn of me on Youtube
again? As far as I'm concerned that sounds like a perfectly reasonable request.

>> No.52963655
File: 109 KB, 850x1337, 1681707196296115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome her attempts to come and stop me. Physically restrain me even.

>> No.52965022

She can't stop me imagining how she smells

>> No.52966869

Is that the secret of her success?

>> No.52967034

>hey please use this alt tag to post nsfw stuff on
>/vt/rannies: "omg shes literally killing us trans rights"
Lmao troons baka

>> No.52967131
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, 1681503151216973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei doesn't want to see shitty R-18 MMD's while egosurfing
>this means she hates everything lewd related
You all are fucking delusional

>> No.52967219

weebs going apeshit when they're cut off from one of their 7,000,000 outlets to masturbate their microdicks to

>> No.52967330

Good, we don't want to turn into vshojo
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to watch Suisei porn

>> No.52967557

>SEA hours
>anons endlessly baiting and seething over clickbait thumbnails, not even something she actually said
>US hours
>people who actually watch streams

>> No.52967673

Creative freedom ESL-kun
Not wanting a youtube search for "すいせいMMD" or her art tag to have a bunch of lewd results does not mean you can't make the art.
I get you suffer from poor genetics, schooling and upbringing in your third world country, but pls andastand

>> No.52967868

you expect too much from /vt, anon.

>> No.52968022

Literally search for "R-18 MMD" on YouTube and you'll actually find it, I couldn't believe it either but there's tons of videos and playlists with 3D Holos and other anime girls dancing and showing off their tits, it's fucking wild

Now THIS is porn addiction, where it skews your perception of reality, not like the zoomers on Twitter like to call a simple hourglass design.

>> No.52968952
File: 241 KB, 1229x2048, 1666756034593851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question

How many of you retards actually WATCH Suisei?

>> No.52969980

>I don't want people to post R18 MMD of me on Youtube
>Please delete them right now.
>I want to ban it.
Not fine. The mere thought of an artist thinking about banning what other artists draw is far more disgusting than any porn. It's backseating.

>> No.52970986

you hate to see it.

>> No.52972053

You don't "draw" MMD models you moron, because that's not what she said she wants to stop existing. Did you even watch the clip?

>> No.52972155

>expecting people to even watch clips instead of making baseless arguments

>> No.52972246

Almost none of them, they are just here to see how many Suisei lewds get posted.

>> No.52973100

Suisex* we need more swimsuit Suisei MMD.

>> No.52973168

Fine, you program it. Now how about you talk about the core of my post about backseating artists?

>> No.52974620

do we? they're always so fucking stiff.
>>Please delete them right now
but she never said this.
>>I want to ban it
that was in response to someone in chat asking her why not just do that, and she said she would like that but also doing that would begin to "limit things too much" so she won't. isn't that exactly the opposite of backseating?

>> No.52975507

>I literally never seen r-18 MMD on YouTube

>> No.52975792

>but she never said this.
0:48 on Yura or 0:56 on otakmori.
>isn't that exactly the opposite of backseating?
She wants to do it, but doesn't want to deal with backlash. So the decision is pro freedom, but the thought is anti freedom.
I don't know about the guy that dropped the model, but if he was threaten by her it's not just her thoughts about the matter, but actual censorship.

>> No.52976252

>0:48 on Yura or 0:56 on otakmori.
i thought you were talking about the strippable models, because that's what she said she would want to ban. you already said it's reasonable to ask them not to post this stuff on youtube so why would it be unreasonable to ask to remove it as well?
>So the decision is pro freedom, but the thought is anti freedom.
now you're just reaching. she's just speaking her thoughts about it, how is that any different from someone saying something like "i hate AI art and i would love it if i never saw it again" but not actually doing it? besides we're talking about her own model here, not just some random porn, i think she has at least a *little* say in the matter no? and she's not even doing anything about it besides making a request to her audience.
>but if he was threaten by her
he never said he received a take down request.

>> No.52976581

who is suisei?

>> No.52976683

>creativity freedom

>> No.52978374

Nigger, she said don't make nudable model of her. Period.

>> No.52979784

>so why would it be unreasonable to ask to remove it as well?
Asking not to do it is one thing, asking for people to delete it is another.
Imagine someone asks her "please don't do more tetris streams." That is fine, it's just a backseating opinion. Now imagine someone asks her "please delete every tetris stream from your channel", do you also take it as just a backseating opinion? The effort to make the stream was already made, asking her to delete it would be insulting. Same goes for any kind of art.
>i think she has at least a *little* say in the matter no?
No, she doesn't. Copyrights are bullshit.

>> No.52980305

>Asking not to do it is one thing, asking for people to delete it is another.
They go hand in hand retard. Your example falls flat because there's no reason tetris streams shouldn't have ever been made, whereas here she's been saying since she exists that she doesn't want people to tag her in lewd stuff nor put her uncensored name on it. If you take a shit in someone else's kitchen and they say "don't do that" and you comply then you're supposed to get rid of the shit too.
And this is not her asking you to remove your "art" altogether she's just asking to post it elsewhere. Just like how it happens already when she asks people not to post shit on her art tag, they normally remove the post and repost it but with no hashtag and no mention of her name.
>No, she doesn't. Copyrights are bullshit.
Copyright is bullshit but this isn't a copyright matter you moron.

>> No.52980397

If Suisei hates her fan artists so much she should graduate

>> No.52980510

Nice try nijinog

>> No.52981115

>They go hand in hand retard.
No, they don't. "Delete this" is used as hex nijisis shitpost for a reason.
>but this isn't a copyright matter you moron.
>claimed she has at least a *little* say in the matter because it's her own model
How is this not claiming that she has the RIGHTS because 3D designers are COPYing her model?

>> No.52981261

She doesn't want to see it show up under her name on the platform she streams on.
Why is this shit on youtube anyways? There has to be better places to post this

>> No.52981362

Like 1%
We are all here for some delicious Suisei lewds.
And not shitty ones like >>52963655 where she looks into it.
She has to be embarrassed or angry.

>> No.52981736

>It's fine wanting there not to be lewd on youtube but it's not fine wanting no lewds on youtube
What are you saying you fucking moron?

>> No.52981793

>No, they don't. "Delete this" is used as hex nijisis shitpost for a reason.
Are you seriously resorting to nijishit to support your argument? Nothing you said addressed anything I said besides "nuh-uh".
>How is this not claiming that she has the RIGHTS because 3D designers are COPYing her model?
Because that was not about the rights she has over the models you retard, it was about how her opinion about the issue does have more weight/merit considering it's something she herself made. Laws had nothing to do here.

>> No.52983247

>Are you seriously resorting to nijishit to support your argument?
Yes, that's just how weak your argument was. I won't ask you to delete your post just because your arguments are stupid, but you seem to think it's the same thing.
Asking people to delete shit they put effort to, regardless of her liking or not, is insulting. Telling people she doesn't like something and don't want to see it isn't. She did both.
>there's no reason tetris streams shouldn't have ever been made
There's also no reason R18 MMD videos shouldn't have ever been made, EVEN in youtube. Because she doesn't like isn't a reason. Because she doesn't want other people to see it isn't either.
>it was about how her opinion about the issue does have more weight/merit considering it's something she herself made
This IS the base for copyrights(not laws about copyrights, but the concept about authorial credit). That the author have more rights over shit they made. They don't. Her opinion, yours and mine are equally worthless.

>> No.52984360

>Asking people to delete shit they put effort to, regardless of her liking or not, is insulting.
It's also insulting that people who claim to be fans of her would explicitly go against the sole request she's been making since the dawn of time, which is not to post things in such a way that regularly searching for her online would make those things pop up. This is literally just an extension of that same request she's always made. And before you go "hurr what makes you think they're her fans" then why the fuck would they find it insulting to have their oh so hard work asked to be taken down? She's appealing to an audience that gives a shit about her and would happily comply.
>There's also no reason R18 MMD videos shouldn't have ever been made, EVEN in youtube.
I never said they shouldn't have ever been made, I'm saying that here they shouldn't have been POSTED, ON Youtube, with her name no less. Also I'm pretty sure nudity is not allowed on YT in the first place.
>This IS the base for copyrights
I don't give a shit about copyright you retard, you dragged this into the argument for no fucking reason, but at least you made it clear that you think her requests about *herself* are worthless so there's no point in even entertaining the point anymore, I won't convince you and you won't convince me, so I'll just call you a douchebag and move on from that.

>> No.52991224

Can you imagine if you made lewds of her and then when she tries to protest you post a pic of your incredibly buff self, sitting on a chair like it were a throne, wearing only a black speedo brief.
She'd probably try to ask to meet up somehow.

>> No.52991406

Keep your fantasies to yourself, troon

>> No.52995117

It's just disappointing

>> No.52997689

never liked Suisei, her attitude is the most westerner woman, among all the jp holos

>> No.52997907

Throwing shitfits just because the chuuba doesn't want her lewds to be seen by her main audience also impacts the algorithm.

>> No.53003892


>> No.53006285

>As the people who consume and support their content, they should have 0 say in what we can and we can not do.
The irony of saying this as a poorfag
Who knows, you are probably using an adblocker too
And the r18 mmds are turning away potential new fans from her
You're hurting her image too
You want to support her? Listen to her songs
Her songs are completely free on YT/Spotify

>> No.53007409

there is a divide between those who are slaves to carnal desire and those who are not controlled by something so lowly and base

>> No.53009296
File: 1.32 MB, 2131x1080, 07382hw0ja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common sense and an unspoken rule among chuuba fans to not put the chuubas name for anything R18 except ero doujin, but it's not really an issue if you put ○machi Sui○i for example

>> No.53010016


>> No.53010552

That's why she's B tier despite her talent

>> No.53012341

And I seriously don't understand people like you
