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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52684777 No.52684777 [Reply] [Original]

Hopping like a Bunny edition.


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii ""Friends""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Co. >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>52613782

>> No.52684895

First for Nene!

>> No.52684899
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Just blew a fat load to Lua

>> No.52684967

Nene is a whore

>> No.52684985

Is this true? Did someone actually sell their car to donate and then cried about it? Please let this be true.
So they hate me but defend me because... They don't like the old Shee streams when I was there? What? Jesus what's wrong with these people, that's some proper mental gymnastics.

>> No.52685093

stop trying to bring this drama over to a new thread, stop larping as GFN and fuck off

>> No.52685147

Def Kino, they defend you because it will defend "Shee" lore. They don't want newfags here to know why she didn't build subs so early on and when she did some early GFE content. That and it's DiscordFag rules to "Defend, and White knight the talents! Canon events cannot be discussed it they expose bad shit that happen to talents because we can't let it be known X happened like Gen 3 Graduated!"
It's some weird Kino shit the discordfags have, like their secret seggs doxxservers they made so Huere and some of the others won't judge them

>> No.52685214

Anyways new topic talent July 4th AI art DOKO?! We need it ASAP!

>> No.52685333

nene is still a whore and nami is still fat.

>> No.52685401

all of the "le sekrit Shee lore!!!!" was literally schizo narratives you came up with and convinced yourself that they're true
and suddenly anyone who shits on you for it is a kino doxxcord white knight or whichever combination of random buzzwords you're using, absolutely no one here is taking you seriously

>> No.52685409
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>> No.52685460

(You) will never be GodFN, Troonstar

>> No.52685480

I wish Nene would delete my VODs.
I asked her.
She said no.
Now I'm left with all these VOD's

Pray for me... I'm, as the kids say, ngmi

>> No.52685495

I'm sorry for cross-threading but I need the answer to the car question. I will legit draw you tits right now if it's true because it's so hilarious.

Is there a clip?

That's so... Dumb. Why not use the other actual reason of "she went for a vacation for three weeks killing her growth so badly that management got mad at her" instead of this weird ass shit.

>> No.52685514

Nene is a whore and deleted my fat load

>> No.52685531

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.52685585

has it gotten so bad that calling Nene a whore is a ritualpost

>> No.52685748

Neena stop shitting the thread, go post pics of your butt or something on tw*tter

>> No.52685817

is it a nice butt at least

>> No.52685823

>Vacation Argument
I mean that too but they were asking about Shee GFE content from the ASMR she did and when she like begun it or so.

>> No.52685876

Please, I need answers. The car thing. I'll even let you people choose the girl.

>> No.52685878

Mod's don't delete troll posts on /vt/ they won't even delete doxx posts in /pkg/. I just got over a ban I got trying to get mods to delete a doxxpost. The doxxpost never got taken care of.

>> No.52685923

Not even close.

>> No.52685943

>sekrit lore
You guys literally hate discussing it every timeloop and turn any topic that has Shees name into "Le AntiFag, Le DramaFag!" Like bruh.. please.. just please... change your tactics for once.not everything is a anti/drama until you make it one...

>> No.52686077

Le sekrit discord server lore, we aren't saying anything because the discordfags are going to schizo out and start fagging the entire board. Sorry

>> No.52686167

no, she is a slampig

>> No.52686248

For anyone who wishes to learn le discord lore, we can't discuss it here or else le discordfags are going to cry and shit the board up by crying anti and crying over being doxxed and namefagged by who they are on discord.
Sorry, but feel free to dm/seek le discord sekrit/lore/drama with us thru any other means if you so wish!

>> No.52686251

Nami tits? Nene tits? I'll even draw Shee again if I must. There must a price man.

>> No.52686322

you've made this exact post several times now, you buzzword spamming tranny

>> No.52686382
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>> No.52686384

No art can afford me shitting up the thread and having discordfags schizo out and trying to doxx me and report me to kawaii/discord mods, well besides me doxxing everyone on the discord and stuff because I know them all n stuff and how some of them act like they went to the concert but didnt.

>> No.52686407

Stop your drama timelooping and bickering. She has awoken

>> No.52686434

Nami fat lol

>> No.52686451

Just shut up. Nobody cares about this stupid crusade you're on.

>> No.52686479

**nuzzles sleepy nami and lightly sniffs her hair**

>> No.52686516

Dame da ne. Dame yo, dame na no yo...

>> No.52686537 [SPOILER] 
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>several times
Le discordfag is weird, dreaming up several instances now. Here are some boobas for you to jack off to in your dreams.

>> No.52686616

some doxxcord fags at the concert were taking pics of what they think were some of the girls btw
they said this is nami

>> No.52686626

I'm probably to blame for this since he ran out of arguments last thread, after I disproved the retarded claims he was making about Shee. I guess he realized that he can slip out of making arguments by just calling everyone a discord whiteknight or whatever, lmao

>> No.52686659

Darkstar had a rustbucket, his dad bought a new car and gave him his old one. Darkstar sold it instead to donate 5K to the kickstarter so Shee could win a center spot. He got 30 minutes of "1-on-1" time (kaolin was still in the call) they played minecraft and he cried during it. That is the story from a discord insider. Now draw Nami in a loose fitting tank top bending over.

>> No.52686663

Fake, not fat enough

>> No.52686671
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>> No.52686704

holy shit she wasn't lying about having massive tits

>> No.52686760

My man you literally ran when GFN came and then tried to white knight after an your you were outted and everyone shat on you for white knighting. Please, leave white knight.

>> No.52686764

I don't buy it. Nami's cock is much larger than that

>> No.52686773


the doxxcord won't like this

>> No.52686832

Wym, this is what they thrive on. It is a doxxcord after all.

>> No.52686846

There you go making up entire scenarios in your head again

>> No.52686862
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Nene is Hana's VODs and deleted a whore

>> No.52686874

Both of you fuck off.
Okay. Here's the deal >>52686760 wins the argument. Everything he says is right and true and everything the other guy says is wrong and false and also a poo-poo head or something.
Congratulations king of the thread, you're the bestest basedest poster ever. You've never been wrong and everything you've posted will always be attractive to supermodels.

Now can we wrap this up?

>> No.52686928

My dude I will literally roast your ass with evidence, the only reason I don't is because you will LITERALLY respond "Oh but your an Anti" like you always do to everyone who says Shees name once. Please, leave. There was literally NO drama until you started white knighting, both literally and physically evidently from the last board.

>> No.52686964

>My dude I will literally roast your ass with evidence
Go ahead.

>> No.52687022

bros, I think it's Neme melting down again

>> No.52687025

:PleaseKillMe: Waiting until gaediscordfags go to sleep so we can have normal boards instead of white knight fagging fags here trying to anti everything possible. So anyone got any 4th of July plans/art for the talents?

>> No.52687056

Fucking hell that's absolutely glorious. Absolutely insane, and that's coming from me... Ahhh, I'm in tears.

Areola? Nipslip? See through? Or is it like one tit covered and one exposed? Or neither and it's getting there but still technically barely sfw?

>> No.52687143

I'll leave the details to you but I still want nudity.

>> No.52687161

>some of them act like they went to the concert but didnt
that is sad

>> No.52687165

Can we agree to toaster bath until the discord fags leave temporarily so we can discuss our 4th of July plans to seggs the talents? They won't leave until the board dies/Shee streams.

>> No.52687170

>my man
>my dude
hi charzu

>> No.52687219

I know I shouldn't be giving this schizo the time of day, but at this point I just want to see what he can come up with next. Every claim he's made thus far has been provably false, but he still insists that he's in the right and has more or less resorted to name calling at this point. If he wants to further embarrass himself then I won't stop him

>> No.52687240

So not sfw, okay. Gotcha brother.

>> No.52687271

I know Charzu has checked this thread in the past but I'd say she is the least likely to actually post anyone in it.

>> No.52687283

Anything to try to "fit in" that schizoco- discord I guess. They actively want to doxx each other after all trying to seek irl pics of each other after all. They want to get any info they can like "Buy this, BUT you gotta mail it to me and I will pay you via X" or some weird shit or like "Show/Say who you are at X con stream/etc!" Weird discordfag shit I guess.

>> No.52687379

>Admits to try to gaslighting
>admits he's retarded enough not to look at evidence
>admits he's just a discordfag and fagging up the board because he's literally proven everything right about the Discord Rrat of the talents

>> No.52687454

I wonder how many times Nami and whichever manager that comes here has seen this image...

>> No.52687457

>>52687379 (Me)
>Ignores the fact GFN (if he is) has admitted to these things and didn't deny it, but hasn't really proven it.
>Claims GFN incident is false
Please... please just leave discordfag.. we don't want to make a new board to get rid of you.

>> No.52687547

Any talents possibly streaming today btw?

>> No.52687560

>try to doxx the talents
>try to doxx each other too
i know its true too discord needs to die fr

>> No.52687609

Nami said that she would but thats up in the air at the moment, for everyone else dunno.

>> No.52687656

Kill yourself Tokenai

>> No.52687676
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Nami tits better be real fat

>> No.52687750
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Nami, you didn't get take me to the dungeon?

>> No.52687759

Man really went and exposed him, deadddd lmao, unfortunately the discordfags won't like this

>> No.52687826
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nami gaming

>> No.52687869

Charzu and Nene said they would be back on the 4th.
Isla and Lua are 1000 miles away from home.
Shee and Reina are still in LA.
Nami said she'd stream on monday but we are a hour past her normal start time.

>> No.52688050

I miss my imouto already..

>> No.52688084

why would anyone pay for the worst versions of P3 and 4

>> No.52688112

Holy shit, this is hilarious, I'll make those tits fat.

>> No.52688176

klll yourself kiri

>> No.52688200


>> No.52688228

go back to your discord faggots

>> No.52688271

People are lazy and refuse to go out of their way to play games properly if their is an easy steam version of it.

>> No.52688299

We are winning my fellow goons heh

>> No.52688342

My man your replying to the wrong person. We're just discordfagspies who expose the discordfags here that start being dramafags.

>> No.52688384

We can’t say about management but Nami has mentioned Gen 3 posts before, and has acknowledged the discord schizo meltdown/anti posts from Kbezon and the other heroji that were compiled here by some anon from the profile icon stream. So it’s safe to see she has seen those sort of images at least once

>> No.52688481
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Nami boobs

>> No.52688545

This is what also started another discordfag drama lol, when the discordfags found out the discord was being leaked on 4chan/other sites and the talents could see it. This is what kills me lol

>> No.52688605

Nami is going to start after she eats.

>> No.52688631

>your replying to the wrong person
no I'm not, kill yourself

>> No.52688653

Maybe they should be normal then if they get freaked out about it leaking.

>> No.52688771

This resonates Discordfag energy considering you don't call out the obvious discordfag who admitted to gaslighting and hasn't denied being the discordfag everyone here has called out. I'm now convinced you are a discordfag trying to act like a normal fag.

Please leave.

>> No.52688851

They're schizos, they will never be normal considering they try to doxx others on 4chan/discord, and they actively start drama for their oshis whenever they can. How do you expect them to live as normalfags without drama/gfe content?

>> No.52688907
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>> No.52688972

the jokes write themselves nami...

>> No.52689010

based leakers i hope they keep saving and leaking things on them those troons are evil

>> No.52689028

Nami fat lol

>> No.52689161

Hard to now because they realized there are leakers so thats why they made secret separate discords away from the mods/leakers. Funny enough this further proves tho they have something to hide considering they hide in their secret servers and come here to start drama and make themselves look "good" lol

>> No.52689195

So this is /pkg/ after no streams for days
jk it's like this all the time

>> No.52689225

kill yourself arc

>> No.52689381
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Yeah. Normally I would not want Nami or any of the talents to see anti posts. But them being so blatantly two faced about their support for the girls in this case Nami, I am glad she saw what they said that day cause it showed who they really are. Kbezon or anyone who would say such hateful and irredeemable shit like this about any of the girls should be banned for eternity.

I’m sure some of them are decent but a lot of them will just say the most psychotic or deranged shit imaginable

>> No.52689429

they will implode and leak on each other eventually like how doxxknights got exposed

>> No.52689468

Wait what haven't I denied or proved exactly?

>> No.52689593

>they played minecraft and he cried during it.
wtf is wrong with niggaz today? jeeeeeeeez louise!

>> No.52689648

No worries, its all good now since the discordfags left after trying to gaslight

>> No.52689753

As an ex-discordfag, I will deny that some of us are decent. Everyone there is just deranged in one way or another.
Like.. you don't join the discord if you are a normal fag, even more normalfags exist on 4chan than discord considering half of them are fake as shit and easily exposed while others lurk to NOT get exposed.

>> No.52689762

I prefer these discord troons to that one mindbroken retard that brings up luke 10 times per thread.

>> No.52689898

>hateful and irredeemable shit
I'm glad I recognized that was a shit hole and left early on for my own sanity. It also pleases me to know I haven't been exposed here for anything bad because I've just been true as a schizo and dumbfag lol which is why everyone hates me :)

>> No.52690015

>nene and shee both got sick
nene accidentally put the drugs in both glasses...

>> No.52690173

Holy fuck, Kb and Hannibal are actually psychotic

>> No.52690179
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>Nene trying to kill Shee


>> No.52690216

bros we grilling tomorrow or nah?

>> No.52690270

I'm gonna drink so much I won't be able to stand so probably not

>> No.52690317

Nami Shee Collab is real

>> No.52690458
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shee didn't get a penlight...

>> No.52690463

kill yourself andrew

>> No.52690726

I love my bimbo assassin wife.

>> No.52690855
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>> No.52690939

nene can sabotage reina all she wants but if she messes with Shee, I'm going to be really angry. leave Shee alone nene or ELSE

>> No.52691410

>Sabotage Reina
A whore that collabs with males and reaches out to Ren Zotto for a collab after he begged literally every other bigger female vtuber?
That was fucking pathetic.

>> No.52691494

Nia should graduate and Prism out

>> No.52691568

when is Kani going to stream again, I miss her so much

>> No.52691889


>> No.52691961

all right fine I'll watch the fat girl.

>> No.52691969

Nami saw the state of the thread and tried to save it
Nami love

>> No.52692020

Lumi should kill herself

>> No.52692046

Kawaiikeks want people to forget about shit like that. They always bury their whores while pretending to be a GFE or a CGDCT corpo.

>> No.52692071

Nene wants to bury whores too

>> No.52692081

someone tell name to turn off members only mode. what the hell maaan

>> No.52692181

> start off stream with what foods she ate in LA
Ah as expected from namj

>> No.52692203

A foodie, my beloved harmicist
Now can she whip my a-

>> No.52692202

>>52692081 (Me)
thanks nami I knew you were reading the thread.

>> No.52692265

Oh absolutely. Nami is great and all but it is unironically sad that she never banned or timed out either of them. Kbezon left for like a month then came back presumably to get his money’s worth now that we are post concert and he is one of her top donators on streamlabs. I think the only person Nami has banned is Kevin and I have my issues with him like any other chatter but I respect him more than any discord schizo for calling out the mean stuff that was being said about Nami behind her back during that stream. Saw him post plenty of tweets in the concert hashtag along with the other Kawaii viewers so I assume he still supports her despite being banned currently

She just turned it off anon

>> No.52692309

Reina is a FAT FUCK

>> No.52692356

Reina is too poor, she never had lobster

>> No.52692391

No he didn't sell his car. He sold his dad's car.

>> No.52692404

I'm thinking Chinese today Nami, do you agree?

>> No.52692609
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Another homobeggar that complained about no males policy btw.

>> No.52692641

she's talking about me, btw.

>> No.52692652

Nami almost dox herself to the kawaii stalker heh

>> No.52692685

who almost met nami?

>> No.52692719

It should have been me.

>> No.52692747

I think I know who, one discordgoon had a Lua t-shirt and Concert towel when he was at Anime Expo

>> No.52692759

The Cooksie impersonator (jk)

>> No.52692780

Nami snoops at what people looking at their phone...
But she also take "candid" pictures of strangers in public so I'm not surprised

>> No.52692797

He also sent 50 dollars to Mori asking her to unban him in kiara's chat because he is her "trollmaster" Someone made a thread about him a while ago.

>> No.52692807

>had a Lua t-shirt and Concert towel when he was at Anime Expo
She said he had fandom accessories; they obviously weren't Kawaii stuff or she wouldn't have been surprised he was a fan

>> No.52692835

Nah, it was someone with non-kawaii merch from another corpo/media nami is interested in.

>> No.52692879
File: 756 KB, 720x916, KittenReaction1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never get upskirt shot'd by nami
just end me now

>> No.52693031

nami should just wear a burka everywhere

>> No.52693098

She needs a tarp to cover her whole fat body lol

>> No.52693130

>Charzu phone wallpaper
that narrows it down quite a bit, charzufags regulars on the kawaiicord aren't that many lmao

>> No.52693313

even fewer if you count those who were at AX during that time

>> No.52693324

what wallpaper? i need a wall paper for my phone.

>> No.52693343

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand just like that I'm never watching Nami again.

>> No.52693431

Your first mistake was watching her in the first place.
see you tomorrow

>> No.52693457

Okay, see you later Hannibal

>> No.52693464

based I'm going to keep watching Nami

>> No.52693470

baseball is boring

>> No.52693503

based cuckchad

>> No.52693545

Another Niji tier whore. Drooling about other guys on stream. No wonder she said that Niji is her oshi.
Nah, I'm done with Kawaii in general. Way too many disappointments in recent months. Lua and Nami were the only 2 girls I watched anyways.

>> No.52693586

Same, I can't believe she prefer baseball over football/basketball...

>> No.52693616

Nami please ask Charzu to watch wrestling clips with you. Super low effort collab.

>> No.52693654 [DELETED] 

cringe shit skin trolling a /pkg/ for (you)s

>> No.52693681

Nowhere close to Niji, LOL

>> No.52693708

I think I know who who that is heh

>> No.52693836

>nene tried to dox the others by giving them identifiable bracelets

>> No.52693851

Aight then, bye faggot

>> No.52693890

why are you fags crying the guy she may have mentioned is ugly as fuck if anything that means you uggos have a chance

>> No.52693929

also a celebrity, pretty much a fictional character

>> No.52693959

~400 customers, not bad but i also have no context for what would be good.

>> No.52693985

Its a really good turnout.

>> No.52694004

latinobros winning

>> No.52694061

How much were in person tickets?

>> No.52694110

turns out Kawaii is GFE

>> No.52694132

Dogshit company dogshit talents dogshit fans.
>trash every other corpo ever and insult their girls calling them whores
>keep defending a cosplay whore, male collab whore and a whore that lusts for jocks cock on stream
It is hilarious how inconsistent you are. God fucking bless. You earned yourself another schizo that will shit up your threads and doxx your girls.This is on Nami btw.

>> No.52694139

I see the head manager of the Prism division from Sony was there

>> No.52694141

so they did make money or nah?

>> No.52694181

Yeah if you are completely braindead and ignore super whorish behavior and the fact that Charzu and Isla want nothing to do with being GFE.

>> No.52694182

Guess he's looking at what to do for their live if they ever do it.

>> No.52694190
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>> No.52694228

we're inclining bros.

>> No.52694309


>> No.52694355
File: 295 KB, 890x584, DANCEDANCE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqol1sf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52694360

>gen 2 sat in the back of the bus
not like this

>> No.52694399

they made roughly $10000 from in person and $15000 from online. Then all the money from merch.

>> No.52694440

I bet they are still in the red

>> No.52694474

$105 for general admission I think. Plus each attendee spent ~$100 in merch as well.

>> No.52694497

They won't fuck you retard. No need to get upset that hard. You are just a number to them.

>> No.52694506

2-3 hours reservation

what else is there?

>> No.52694531

Isla sex btw

>> No.52694550

I don't think they broke even from the concet alone but if you count the Kickstarted they probably made money overall

>> No.52694567


>> No.52694617
File: 168 KB, 305x324, SmugestNami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52694625

I expect more people to apply now cause of the concert.

>> No.52694695

how many

>> No.52694704

tree fiddy

>> No.52694723

drink antifreeze you retard

>> No.52694744

all me

>> No.52694771

calm down KekB

>> No.52694926

I need that kaolin video

>> No.52694977

bitch, keep talking about the concert i give zero fucks about overshit

>> No.52695026

Weird that Kawaii hasn't done a "7 days left to audition" tweet

>> No.52695056

its not weird if they already have their candidates

>> No.52695076

Everyone was busy with the concert to do that.

>> No.52695083

>Nami sat on the management side of the table
The schizo rrats were true...

>> No.52695155

how many management dicks did she suck under the table?

>> No.52695183

nami is sleeping with kaolin...

>> No.52695192

Furi and Kaolin massive futa cocks

>> No.52695200


>> No.52695227

Explain how renting the el rey which costs 8k, flights and lodging for ~10 people would cost more than 30 000+ dollars?

>> No.52695243

>avocado toast

>> No.52695311

Reina stole Koshita's burger... it's over for her

>> No.52695352

Wish I had a girl that would take a bite out of my burger, and then feed it back to me like a bird.

>> No.52695365
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she can't keep getting away with it

>> No.52695373

all the concert prep, tech and support stuff

>> No.52695383

what is with reina and food? doesn't that girl eat at home? how poor is she

>> No.52695387
File: 1.34 MB, 991x963, Nami's burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want nami's burger

>> No.52695412

reina sounds like such an annoying girl to hang out with lmao

>> No.52695420

Lua and Isla flights were probably around 1000 dollars each

>> No.52695459

they probably did it themselves, so 0 cost.

>> No.52695464

poor latina and needs extra calories to keep that dumpy

>> No.52695515

they rented out professional grade tracking for 7 people

>> No.52695524

Lol no
They had a couple of 3rd party for different aspect of tech. The 3d studio was another company. The mixer/audio tech were some 3rd party as well

>> No.52695532

probably worth it though. girls like that, i bet you wouldn't even be able to walk afterwards

>> No.52695541

Reina sounds like the perfect girl to hang out with lmao

>> No.52695559

damn I want a spicy latina girlfriend now

>> No.52695581

It's easy to set up a scheduled tweet but them having found their candidates sounds more realistic.

>> No.52695602

You now remember that she didn't have enough money to buy groceries a few months ago

>> No.52695646

>i bet you wouldn't even be able to walk afterwards
Yeah, out of starvation because she ate all your lobster

>> No.52695676

idk how girls even starve these days they can anonymously sell feet pics for easy money. someone tell reina

>> No.52695698

I come from a place for away to ask whether or not there is a cute manager who's busty in this idol company.

>> No.52695763

it's not a manager heh

>> No.52695800

Busty? No
Kaolin is a legitimate 8/10 japanese girl though

>> No.52695808

our managers are flat jp cuties sorry

>> No.52695846

I know of Nami's fat honkers. Heard about a manager that was at the concert.

>> No.52695890

Do you really trust her to even do that properly without somehow screwing it up.

>> No.52695985

Maybe "Julia" that was namedropped once, if she even exists and was at the concert

>> No.52696083
File: 771 KB, 580x960, mi niña ya es mayor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shee got a churro flavored drink
>complained that it was not authentic
confirmed over and over

>> No.52696158

I asked shee if she was latina and she said she wasn't.
stop the cap

>> No.52696204

I want to fight nami

>> No.52696246


>> No.52696287

She wants to fuck dogs that's all you need to know

>> No.52696289

based pervert looking at Nami, Shee fat tits and Reina big ass at the bar

>> No.52696586


>> No.52696597

Nene deleted a whore

>> No.52696626

But Nami is still streaming?

>> No.52696670

pretty based ngl frfr

>> No.52696744

Kirigaya cringe compilation (WIP)
>>39208159 (she announced a hiatus shortly after this btw)
If anyone has a favorite memory of someone from gen 1 or 2 having to deal with Kirigaya feel free to share, if we get enough maybe we can get a Rentry going.

>> No.52696884

imagine raping nami and shee after beating them up in a fight they thought they could win against you. my cock is fucking throbbing from imagining it

>> No.52696903

Kill yourself Neme

>> No.52696946

we will never have another good thread again

>> No.52696982

yeah, women got too cocky nowadays. They unironically think physical confrontation with a man could solve the perv issue lmao

>> No.52696988

that's hot.

>> No.52697197

is nami finna have sex with that dog?

>> No.52697224

every day 5pm

>> No.52697240

I'm dog btw

>> No.52697299

нeнe иc a щхope aнд дeлeтeд хaнaьc вoдc!

>> No.52697316

she is a white woman but the dog is a bitch

>> No.52697500

nami is back and refreshed

>> No.52697544

she is more likely to sex her horses or something

>> No.52697587


>> No.52697707

nami is cute

>> No.52697767

>girl from another corpo mentions a guy
>kawaii girl lusts over sportsball cock

>> No.52697769

possible Lua stream later

>> No.52697823
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>> No.52697906
File: 346 KB, 600x654, 1681073651763165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right saplingschizo, kawaii girls are a special category.

>> No.52697945
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>> No.52698015

don't hand out (You)s to seething sisters

>> No.52698348

>sell company image as a gfe/cgdct
>whores openly lust for males on stream
>kawaii fans defend it
>shaaaaang a collab enabler still one of the more notable members of the community
you faggots are pathetic. just fucking turn into niji en already and stop larping

>> No.52698347

I'm glad GFN is well. I hope the tits are very fat

>> No.52698463

>kekrojis actually choosing which male in an otome they would aim for
actual fucking faggots kek

>> No.52698483

Nami is trying to turn the heroji gay again

>> No.52698484

Luke the cuck heh

>> No.52698509

shutup we love our girls they can do what the fuck they want and if you dont like it fuck off somewhere else

>> No.52698571
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>> No.52698611

I want to correct this damn filthy fujo so badly

>> No.52698623

Everyone here hates the poop man and all the girls know he's a treasonkek, it'd just be bad optics for them to do anything about it besides give him the cold shoulder

>> No.52698671

I like how these things happen after every big event. Donothon = cuckening. Concert = cuckening.

>> No.52698859

he's just like me mostly watching jp/kr asmr streamer fr fr

>> No.52698861
File: 68 KB, 705x524, 20230521_183211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why aren't you guys reacting to this artificial drama I'm trying to force?
the sweet, sweet taste of desperation

>> No.52698896

collab enabler? why would they care if some random long time viewer wants males on stream

>> No.52698979

>ew, reddit

>> No.52699043

It's just Kirigaya again, every now and then he'll randomly sperg out over Shee or something and shit up like 3 threads in a row.

>> No.52699143

Nami is a WOMAN
I can smell the estrogen from here

>> No.52699153

Wait is this unironically a nothingburger to Nami fans or Kawaii fans in general? I thought you people are turbo goslings. Where is the line of tolerable behavior when it comes to males?

>> No.52699159


>> No.52699177

Nene deleted my unborn child.

>> No.52699218

Nice try but her cock has been doxxed a hundred times over.

>> No.52699239

the line is collabs and sex mention

>> No.52699277

nami is talking about anime boys again

>> No.52699327

It's avn, all it proves is that Nami desires a boyfriend (me)

>> No.52699329

Yeah? She is a gosling for anime men and cried because her husbandos weren't real. That's real shit.

>> No.52699342

> food
> overwatch
> anime boys
The classic nami stream

>> No.52699404

Man oh man I hope someday someone has futa Nami on their phone when she looks.

>> No.52699414

This >>52699239
If sportsguy showed up in chat saying shit like "I heard you liked the mets" and Nami was gushing at him about how happy she was he was there then it'd be a yab. Her thinking an atheletic man is hot is no more a yab then me constantly lusting after Nene's big fat honkin' bazookas.

>> No.52699424

>They never had a fujo GF

>> No.52699441

>Nami calls guy attractive
Yeah yeah, we've time looped this all before. You're probably the same faggot who tried to invent drama out of Nami mentioning that she takes pictures of people or plays Dead Space. I promise you no one gives a fuck that she called a dude hot.
I swear, dramatrannies are literally subhuman.

>> No.52699453

Oh I thought it was about the baseball player that she mentioned? She talked about these anime/vn/game characters before several times from what I remember.

>> No.52699500

Fujos are bad girlfriends unless you are also a weirdo

>> No.52699501

You fucking dumbass, did you really came here to start some stupid shit without knowing anything?

>> No.52699517

That's what I thought we were still on too. If it's about the anime boys then it's extra retarded.

>> No.52699584

I'm not normal... but how bad can it be?

>> No.52699586

>You're probably the same faggot who tried to invent drama
What the fuck? I don't even visit this general that often. Are you out of your mind? How did me asking all that imply that I must be someone else? Jesus Christ you people are goofy...

>> No.52699633
File: 26 KB, 441x307, weyyyyyyy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi270z7.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this ritual post.

>> No.52699634
File: 337 KB, 720x1060, stabbed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you gonna do? stab me?

>> No.52699652

I'm in love with a vtuber I feel like that's the dude equivalent of being a yume so a fujo gf like Nami would be fine for me.

>> No.52699688

See >>52699586
You mixed me up with someone else. I'm not a regular here and I dropped by just for the concert. I literally just asked because you people have a certain reputation on this board.

>> No.52699887

There's a difference between gosling and losing your shit just because a woman called a dude attractive. Not even the most hardcore of goslings would give a fuck unless she actively started pursuing or obsessing over the guy. This was literally a passing mention.

>> No.52699974

Nami wouldn't have good standing posture if she was fat

>> No.52699979

Lua's terrible (old) posture lol

>> No.52700043

Lua can do cartwheels

>> No.52700154

> certain reputation on this board.
Stop believing everything posted in the catalog.

>> No.52700164

someone post the webm

>> No.52700179
File: 827 KB, 795x719, 1232345434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua old

>> No.52700454

old sex lol

>> No.52700461

I'd let Shee and Nami try and fight me so I can take advantage of the opportunity to grope

>> No.52700510

>Nami walks around her house on the balls of her feet like a thief to avoid making too much noise.
She's... she's just like me! She has autism too!

>> No.52700608
File: 841 KB, 1184x769, TheEnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nami, my sweet silent ocelot

>> No.52700617

She needs to be stealthy to get creep pics of people in public without getting caught.

>> No.52700718

honestly nami should just graduate and phase out

>> No.52700810

Is nami trying to kill the nami fat rrat?

>> No.52700848

>Lua likes to press down on double jointed thumbs
Is this a Chinese thing or something

>> No.52700944

Anyone who watches Nami never actually believed it anyway, it's just a shitpost that started because she talks about food so often
The only fat part of her are her tits lmoa

>> No.52701122

she is fat, stop coping heh

>> No.52701123

>Nami didn't get into the dance team
yeah no shit SHES TOO FAT to dance

>> No.52701209
File: 2.63 MB, 500x324, 1671714185788360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shee's newest ASMR...I'm not gonna make it, bros

>> No.52701290

Nami wants her ass railed by some latino baseball dick. heh

>> No.52701337

First time actually watching Nami, she's pretty cute. Seems like a very nice girl.

>> No.52701385

> Nami's cute
> 1337 get

It's confirmed boys. Providence has spoken.

>> No.52701427

>I don't want anyone touching me
I NEED to grab your fat tits Nami, you just don't understand

>> No.52701468

Nami might be autistic

>> No.52701496

yeah, that's straight up autism

>> No.52701508

first time watching nami and she's fucking weird. what is her appeal ?

>> No.52701513

>might be

>> No.52701524

>might be

>> No.52701530

You just said it

>> No.52701562

I became like this after anxiety fucked me up. I was completely normal before, super outgoing, etc.

>> No.52701598

Full body skin on skin sex with Namiji Freesia!

>> No.52701632

fully clothed sex with nami

>> No.52701661

No, you are just a loser faggot. Only girls can play this off as quirky and cute.

>> No.52701672

I can't get any hugs and here Nami is complaining about getting them for free...

>> No.52701680

A Reina anti thread? Well that's new

>> No.52701711

Who's the YouTuber Nami is talking about?

>> No.52701760
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>> No.52701886

Because of the fact that....uhhhhh...

