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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52683355 No.52683355 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52684468

Rape correction

>> No.52685704

Yeah, me

>> No.52686530

fuck off with your /vt/ screenshot videos, fucking niggerfaggot

>> No.52686872

Punish her for what, being too successful?

>> No.52687009

Who says they aren't?
You think gooba is enjoying being a brand mascot? You know apart from all the money.

>> No.52687162

for what? making all the /vt/stacies seethe daily?

>> No.52687272

If it makes you seethe even more then that's based. Gura already gave her reasons, if you can't wait and can't move on you deserve to pop an aneurysm from malding too hard.

>> No.52687324

Nigga, didn't you watch the concert? they literally demanded of the girls to say "Gura is next on the menu" before ending the free portion, golden goose in action.

>> No.52687452

EN managers actually showed some real business acumen by doing that. I was pissed at first, but then I realized that the fact I was pissed was exactly their goal.

>> No.52687566

remember that time when she did a return stream and it was members only? there you have it.

>> No.52687685

If they wanted to punish her, they'd make her stream

>> No.52687688

memes aside, cover won't punish her unless the chumbuds do first...and I don't think they have the balls at this point so there's no reason for cover to act

>> No.52687787
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She's not streaming because she's being punished daily.

>> No.52688793

By me

>> No.52689801

Ok, fine we'll punish her.
*suspends Gura from streaming*

>> No.52690257
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>gura, you're our most valuable EN talent but we must punish you because you aren't grinding some kusoge for hours everyday
>oh, what's the punishment
>suspension for 2 weeks
>suspension meaning no streams?
>oh nyo

>> No.52690378

Isnt- Isnt that a child?

>> No.52692067

Literally this. She's been suspended.

>> No.52692126

Her punishment is the fame and attention she can't handle. This isn't like Sana.

>> No.52694733

Why would you punish your cash machine if she didn't do shit?

She isn't Rushia who leaks stuffs to dramaniggers, and tries to avoid breaking NDAs, so for Cover is an acceptable situation to have preference for this lazy bitch over others

>> No.52694945

Conserving the goose is fine and all but sometimes you need to make a good foie gras.

>> No.52695050


How are chumbuds actually attracted to this? She's literally a child.

>> No.52695071

She makes them too much money anon. If you work for a company and you make them a fuck ton of money, normal rules don't apply to you. This clearly shows you never had a job before. Go outside anon.

>> No.52695276


>> No.52695510

She's literally a grown woman. They average at 5'3 so more than half are like that

>> No.52695671

>average at 5'3
IN fucking where? The shire?

>> No.52695722

Ok so now Asia doesn't exist.

>> No.52696152

I wasn't aware Gura was asian.

>> No.52696442

My bad it's 5'4. So a little less than half are like that

>> No.52696675
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Stay mad I guess?

>> No.52696865

She has Eastern European/Eastern Mediterranean roots or something like that. That's Asia adjacent.

>> No.52696943

not streaming

>> No.52697062

Anon I'm bad at math, help me out here.

World average is 5'4" with a standard deviation of 2.2"
Gura is 4'7" tall. This puts her ~4 standard deviations away from the average.
Assuming a standard gaussian curve, exactly what percentile does Gura land in for height?

Show your work pelase.

>> No.52697117

She's been suspended for... not streaming?

>> No.52697315

5'4 is short. Women shorter than that without big tits can get mistaken for a child until late 20s. Simple as

>> No.52697494

Why would they do that? She does exactly what they want from her.

>> No.52697571

>women are on average 5'4
>this is normal and accepted
>but also if they are any shorter at all they now look like children
Please explain

>> No.52697622


>> No.52697804
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>le reddit gap
>how can you love cunny
Every fucking time

>> No.52698633

Women reach average height younger than guys. So the group of women of average height is younger than the group of men at average height. Smaller people are assumed younger so less than average makes them look young. Adding to that, women are more likely to take good care of their skin so it's not uncommon for a woman 5'4 and without tits to be asked about her age because it's hard to tell

>> No.52698750

She makes them money by voicing the model once every two months when she streams and the rest of the time she makes money by existing. And you think both of them are gonna risk this win-win business relationship? Fuck no, dude. Watch how things stay exactly the same.

>> No.52699086

4 standard deviations away is... no percentile IIRC lmao
99.87% of the distribution falls under 3 standard deviations (left or right) away from the mean so Gura would be on the 0,13%

>> No.52699138


>> No.52700910


>> No.52701173

She gets correction from top share holders

>> No.52703177

yeah, me

>> No.52706694

They did make her look too tiny in that scene

>> No.52706950

That is exactly my:

>> No.52711831

Mating press

>> No.52712074

I want to punish her by spanking her little butt.

>> No.52713438

Listen to her connect the world, they replaced the VA

>> No.52713721

Damn that's a tiny cunny

>> No.52717515

she looks like a child ToT

>> No.52718797

Gura a pregant, like kson and rushia were

>> No.52719538

All done by me.

>> No.52722734


>> No.52724975

>the most effective punishment is literally memory hole her and ignore her presence in collabs, festivals and merch shilling
>imagine covers reaction when her merch sells drop by double digits and her only streams lose 50%+ more viewership
>that simple technique is a skill issue for most ppl here

>> No.52725022


>> No.52728689
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>Gura improved her singing
the state of anons...

>> No.52728965

there is no way gura is a 140cm, she would be a legal dwarf, she would be qualified for disability checks

>> No.52731021


>> No.52731396

Because it's not in Cover's best interest to put her under stress and risk her quitting. Even barely streaming she still makes money for them, so they're probably fine with just leaving her alone as long as she at least shows up to major events like the concert and they can still plaster her face on merch and marketing materials.

>> No.52731433

They risk making the other talents feel like she's getting preferential treatment and growing resentment and unhappiness. There's a reason why even superstars can lose the locker room if they are treated too differently from the rest of the team, a la Russell Wilson

>> No.52731541

Money... everything is money and money and money. You can print money? Then get money and do more money.

>> No.52731569
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Gura is the Cyraxx of vtubing. Balding unwashed dwarf sitting in her parents dirty attic, screaming about *projects* all day but getting nothing done, sipping alcoholic sludge from a dirty mug.

>> No.52731765

Why would the other EN's care? Gura's marketability alone benefits all of them, the same with the cut's cover takes from her, 35% from youtube stuff and around 50-70% from merch. Those same cuts would likely go back to funding for EN projects. Basically not only does cover benefit from Gura, but so does the other EN girls.

>> No.52731839

whats funny about that is gura herslf doesnt even care about the money she makes. lol the lazy shork lives like a slob, watches tiktok all day and eats nothing but junkfood/fastfood.

>> No.52731885

Bet they talk behind her back

>> No.52731933


>> No.52731958


>> No.52731986


>> No.52732760

Nah she just pretends to do that stuff to seem relatable to guilible plebs.

>> No.52733128

She is being punished. This is why she doesn't stream.

>> No.52735100

She did nothing wrong, anon.

>> No.52735217

The only people who are mad at Gura are envious that they can't have the kind of life she has. This is the peak that few women can reach.
>loved universally
>never has to work
>gets to do whatever she wants whenever she wants
>never has to dress up or wear makeup
>never had to whore herself like the onlyfans girls

>> No.52736257

It all makes sense nyow...

>> No.52736298

Why would they punish her? Being pregnant is a legitimate excuse to not work.

>> No.52736328

The father? Yeah, me

>> No.52736472

I am the fetus, future Holostar and future husband of Gura

>> No.52736530

Nah I hear it was a random guy at that party where Mori invited a bunch of random people to their air bnb that one time.

>> No.52736597
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What is the most fair punishment she can receive?

>> No.52736657

What does she really spend her money on, constant trips to Disneyland?

>> No.52736729

Punishing her (and Ayame/Shion/etc) for not streaming would only be bad PR for diminishing returns.

>> No.52737595

Ayame and Shion are active on twitter. It may not be streams, but it does satisfy their fans to some degree. Happy fans buy merch. Gura is a complete ghost.

>> No.52737948

Extreme, extended hand-holding

>> No.52740313

What a money whore

>> No.52740405

This is a blue board you sick fuck!

>> No.52740631

i just watched holosummer live and gura is so small, shes smaller than indonesians, thats wild, thats insane

does she shop for clothes at kids section or what? shes like the napoleon of vtubing

>> No.52740910

>growing resentment and unhappiness
I can assure you they feel incredibly resentful and unhappy when they get their paychecks way above the average salary for a few hours of work per day.

>> No.52741031
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look her legs cant even reach ground when shes sitting on a chair

>> No.52741439

>drinking from Dokuro-kun
What is she drinking?

>> No.52742255


Guys, just 2 of miko/prekora/suba going the "gura way" can legit kill hololive as whole.
Gura is a bad example, can't have this workrate at the front of the company.

>> No.52742491

WDYM, you guys can't stop talking about her, sorry nobody cares about your 3view

>> No.52745471

I want to fight Gura
