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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 107 KB, 1300x1000, cutecrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52536958 No.52536958 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Adobe Premiere Pro.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG

>> No.52537230
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Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>52434399

>> No.52537514
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>> No.52537619

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.52537830

I don't know why you think spamming this every thread is going to help you in your trans furry aspirations, anon. Tho I welcome more femanons.

>> No.52538245

Thanks for the proper thread, OP

>> No.52538606
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>> No.52538823

>grow up being abused by men
>hate men
>hate self because also a man
>go trans out of cope
>still hate self because of man voice
>decide can't stream because of hating own voice
>spend all day schizo'ing out reliving the past
>tells herself that's my identity rep for the day
It's sad even for a NGMI.

>> No.52539628

which schizo is this? the anti-male is trans all along?

>> No.52539721
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is this song too low, i have a low voice naturally but i dont want it to sound try-hard or gravely, but i also don't want it to sound like a high pitched fake voice

>> No.52539788

samefag forgot to add lijnk

>> No.52540448


>> No.52540556

It was quite fine. You'll be able to hit those low notes with more practice as you are, don't even need a keychange. Try the yawning thing and from the diaphragm.

>> No.52541253

It's pretty obviously a seething troon

>> No.52541316

Erasing history. I like this.

>> No.52541936

Daiya streaming affiliate celebration

>> No.52542344

Why he chose such a difficult song? Should do easier ones.

>> No.52543575
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Song suggestions for /asp/ sings? Not this one, btw.

>> No.52543627

Probably something with both JP and EN lyrics. Dont forget the instrumentalists.

>> No.52543850

So /asp/ performs, not sings would be more appropriate. Gotcha.

>> No.52544057


>> No.52544526

>Tho I welcome more femanons.
I speak the truth and you know it.

>> No.52544679
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>> No.52544704

ayo, should I do this weird Vtuber Self-introduction Q&A video? I am tempted to, and it does seem like the best way to slowly introduce people to me. I've also been told by a bud that it might be a coo idea to have it periodically play around in the my stream intros/endings as a sorto of introduction to me for newbies. What's your take on it?

>> No.52544751


>> No.52544814

Depends if your lore is some bullshit character LARP or if it's actually about you and your journey so far. The former is totally passable though if you're cute enough.

>> No.52544868
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Haru getting upside-down headpats!

>> No.52545236

bad apple

>> No.52545384

Haru getting upside-down ear rubs!

>> No.52545407


unsure what you mean by this. Do you mean as in how much effort I put into my lore? Because character larp just sounds like keyfabe to me, which I feel like I'd be prolly doing it as good as possible

>> No.52546886

Q&A is a great opportunity to build keyfabe and parasocial. The conversation can easily get personal though so where the line draws is on you to decide. Some audiences prefer the character and design discussion more than blogging, tho again, I wouldnt be worried about choosing between one or the other. It's a good opportunity to encourage others to try vtubing for themselves.

Personally, I rarely talk about my avatar's design elements. Seen a fairy girl just go on and on about her fictional world and powers and the "Queen of The Forest" and stuff the whole time it wasn't my cup of tea. Hope that helps.

>> No.52547138


Oh, I was mainly thinking about this 1 minute video other chuubers were doing, desu. Then again, my idea for a debut stream is basically try and make a sorta powerpoint as well in order to introduce myself to the community so they know what they are dealing with, give some smoller details about my original character and also about the man behind the mask. Not sure how much fun that's gonna end up being, but hey, it's prolly better than nothing lol

>> No.52547197

the self intro is annoying and cliche. No one wants to watch 2000 3 minute intros to find a chuuba. Make some shorts that showcase your style instead

>> No.52547212

I can talk hours about worldbuilding but I figured nobody actually wants to listen to that so I'll reserve that until I can build a proper watchable story around it.

>> No.52547277

visagecord link, you can dm me for the lancecord link

>> No.52547504

kill yourself

>> No.52547624

Anons, I'm kind of scared of be a vtuber ngl but I still want to make specialised content and make people enjoy it. How do you deal with anxiety about this issue?

>> No.52547677

make fleshtuber content then realize you're being a bitch about wearing a literal mask

>> No.52547689

discord links are bannable now, but go fuck yourself.

>> No.52547815

Is that the place full of groomers I've been hearing about?

>> No.52548911

So I came up with a name for my VTuber character, but upon looking it up, I found a Literal Who romance novel with the same name as the character I created. It's definitely a novel maybe only 100 or so people in the world have even heard of, but should I change my name to avoid any potential legal issues that may transpire were I to be successful or something?

For the record, the name is using very common names and titles, i.e. something like Doctor Bill or something like that. No special proper nouns or anything.

>> No.52549103

Food-inspired names are quite popular. Wouldn't recommend meme or obscure japanese.

>> No.52549316

Anon there's probably at least a hundred people in your country with the same first and last name as you. If you didn't go full chunni with the name there's bound to be more than just the one example you found.
and that's not a problem, you can't be held liable for having a name as basic as "doctor bill" as a vtuber because some literally who novel also had a character named that

>> No.52549477

One of my schizos literally skinwalks under my name on fanfiction writing Tales of Symphonia and Naruto sexy text. And there's another identical name occupying Tumblr. Just aspire to be the best one out there. Everyone knows someone playing games as Gawr Gura is just a chumbud.

>> No.52549580

Show and tell without the show would be weird yeah.

>> No.52549722

>not having a completely original name that makes you show up as the first result when people search you

>> No.52550074

My twitch is second on the google search. First is a book on amazon with the same name with 1200 positive reviews. Honestly not that bad. Maybe someday I will become first.

>> No.52550484

Lately I've started thinking that a vagina will take you a long way, but it's not bulletproof and you can still sabotage yourself hard enough to stay under 10ccc

>> No.52550776

Well, that lower the anxiety for some reason.

How anons choose an artist for their character? I tried contact one (korean) and I was ignored sadly. On what dimensions you make your characters?

>> No.52550957

>a vagina will take you a long way, but it's not bulletproof
Aspies with bulletproof vaginas?

>> No.52550992 [DELETED] 


>> No.52551002

What kind of email you do for your avatar? A normal google account or any other?

>> No.52551076

I just did a Gmail account

>> No.52551329

She's not on the level of /meat/ vtubers

>> No.52551405

Thanks. Will take it as a reference. Maybe will do one too.

>> No.52551513

Where's the line between caution and cowardice? I threw some shit together to make a basic bitch PNG that I'm satisfied with for now and I went through the process of getting things set up with veadotube and whatnot, but I realized that I've never actually set up any YT/Twitch account beyond what I've been using to stream into the void. Same accounts that I've been using for casual viewing as well, actually. I think that I might've been just slightly too eager to do the damn thing, there's still some stuff to think about. Maybe I'm still thinking too much, I dunno.

>> No.52551980
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>got everything ready to start streaming this week
>make a quick introduction video to get lore, things I'll do on stream and general vibe quickly explained
>stutter and choke on nerves the whole time
Actually streaming is going to be rough and I didn't expect it to be this difficult. I'm still determined to make it though.

>> No.52552073

Simulate a dry run by having ChatGPT generate chatlogs for you, then respond to the AI's chats. Practice until you feel you can do it smoothly.

>> No.52552364

Shes pretty close to it and seems to be leaning into it.

>> No.52552392
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My biggest fucking problem currently is THIS bitch. How the fuck do I recover from that? I don't want potentially fans to die from heart attacks or nightmares...

>> No.52552410

Primary reason in my experience for females staying under 10 is that they grossly neglect networking and self shilling. Though these days with the level of market saturation that we have reached it is much more understandable to have so few viewers.

>> No.52552517

Use Gazo Tuber instead of veadotube. It's technically superior, and doesn't have a bullshit ToU.

>> No.52552534

Actually great idea wtf... I was basically just acting like a streamer when in a car or alone, but it's hard doing that when you don't have anything to really jump on desu...

Do you think there's also some sort of video or something that asks you questions to respond to? In case one ever decides to do collabs. My current strategy is just watching videos or other people's collabs and answering their questions and such on my own, but this seems pathetic as fuck

>> No.52552727

Serious question here. I am planning to stream and all, but before that I planned to just upload videos of me doing stuff (basically playing). Of course, this consider editing and shit, but I noticed that EVERYONE is jumping to streaming. Why? Any reason?

>> No.52552798

>My current strategy is just watching videos or other people's collabs and answering their questions and such on my own, but this seems pathetic as fuck

My brother in christ, you are aspiring to be a VTuber. You are already at the maximum level of cringe, there is literally nowhere to go but up.

>> No.52553161

Daiya is taking a shower live on stream, now

>> No.52553809
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I now realize that I used to be a good streamer but I lost my reason to stream, my purpose, and so it became meaningless. I became meaningless.
All the talent and ability in the world is meaningless if you don't make use of it.

>> No.52554925

>I failed to be popular not bc I dind't have talent but cos I lose my reason to work hard
Holy cope

>> No.52555697
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cab is streaming

>> No.52558960 [DELETED] 

I’m so fucking lonely

>> No.52559016

>my schizos
Anon, it's okay, you don't have to pretend there's a schizo, we forgive you for being a tumblrina and a narutard

>> No.52559151


>> No.52559559

Sorry cab but your shit is boring as fuck.
Stop shilling 3d shit when it's clearly not working.

>> No.52559623 [DELETED] 

None of the connections I make feel real

>> No.52559659
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A mistake in the making!

>> No.52560418

YC has improved for the better, he should be allowed back into the aspcord

>> No.52561210


>> No.52561283


I too, admire the Iron Giant.

>> No.52561506

A volcano just erupted less than a year ago and you seriously want to build a house on the foot of that volcano?

>> No.52561675

YC is already in /asp/cord

>> No.52562349
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Wait till after this at least, the whole point from the start has been to use VTubing to thoroughly better myself as a person. I don't particularly miss it beyond the resources section tho I'd appreciate it if it happens someday. I honestly really appreciate getting yeeted for menhera'ing, it was an excellent deterrent and a resounding "No, do not stream your worst self". I got tired of eating my pet nipple crabs, I'm adopting a kitten Thursday.

I don't like scaring people, believe it or not. One of my neighbors told me yesterday, "seeing you get better gives me faith in humanity". Manic rock and roll all day everyday was fun while it lasted. It'll always be a part of me.

>> No.52562758

Everyone who got kicked out was beyond redeeming

>> No.52562778

Are you sure you arent manic right now? The way you post here sometimes makes me wonder.

>> No.52562976

I'll have my Superman moment one day...

>> No.52563187

Not like delusional manic, no. It was antidepressants making my bipolar (aka manic depression) more manic and antipsychotics prescribed by emergency rooms for my own stupidity in weed abuse.

I'm putting all my weed and tobacco money to VTubing and computer now, it's just so much more meaningful and lasting. Whatever substance it is, alcohol or not, you just get tired of it after a while. I need to be able to sing and talk without shortness of breath, sometimes I wake up due to breathing. These days I post pretty peacefully, I just don't feel like attaching my usual obnoxious selfpost pics to every time I help someone out here. It's all practice and stuff anyway.

He had some pretty advanced tracking systems to be able to find and intercept his missile the way he did. Nurture your best self for those moments and be ready to add up your small victories for fuel. Thanks for the stream, ne.

>> No.52563293

oh and here is where I used to go to take a shit (formerly). pretty common around here.

>> No.52563516 [DELETED] 


>> No.52563604
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>> No.52563667

Guess you owe us now, then.

>> No.52563692

all of them?

there's nothing stopping anyone from joining in with another account

>> No.52563939

seems like a waste of time honestly.
If you're not wanted somewhere that won't change unless you change as a person.

Trying to force people to adapt to you or disregarding their wishes is a cunt thing to do.

>> No.52564205
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Instragram and Discord go hard with ip stuff because of bots. I mean yeah I got friends who are in there that I can screenshare with to browse thru the resources section but I can't honestly be bothered, yet.

Can we go back to /asp/ and 4chan now?

>> No.52564304


>> No.52564341

fall guys

>> No.52564451

how's that new model coming along /asp/?

>> No.52564655


>> No.52564687
File: 3.34 MB, 3000x1518, image (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave my Mom an aneurysm. She had this much to say:

>if u dont want to stream on 4th of July, u dont have to do it

>U dont need to choose a special date for your comeback, you should just do it when you feel comfortable. Never force yourself to do things you dont want to do, its bad for you and it will show up on your stream
>Streaming, like everything in life, is not worth it if you wont enjoy yourself, life is hard enough, dont create yourself more obstacles. u are your best ally and you should always make decisions that will improve your wellbeing

>also, nothing you can say to me can hurt me, i have thick skin and i can take constructive criticism, i will work on making the changes, but remember it wont be 100% accurate to the source material and there will be some things that i cant change, for example :

>whenever you say perspective is off, its because your character is not a 2d picture, the 3d model can basically move and breath, since it can be used as a game model (craftopia for example) and therefore there are some things that wont look the same as if it was a 2d model (where since things are drawn, there arent a lot of limitations as long as you find someone willing to rig it for you)
>About the perpective thing, if you look closely you can notice the two comparison pics are not even taken in the same angle, which will make it look different

>But the jacket and texture changes are definitely something i can do, i will work on it later
(Google Translate)

>> No.52564834

I have a design in mind, but I want an illustrator to make it happen.

>> No.52564902

Working on a sketch right now with someone.

>> No.52564962


>> No.52565044

I don't understand.

I feel that, I need to work on my shit but I'm being lazy

I hope it comes out great anon!

>> No.52565216

>change as a person

>> No.52565385


My latest goal is to commission him someday, probably 800~2000$ at least.. got back on neetbux to make it happen. Turns out artists with the same taste in favorite characters tend to have similar artstyles and interests too.

>> No.52565393

Always look on the bright side of life. At least you know they're superficial connections and you won't get hurt.

>> No.52565458

>what did he mean by this?

>> No.52565494
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>> No.52565518

are you from indonesia?

>> No.52566071

I meant that we need to stop gaslighting people

>> No.52566467

Nah he doxxed himself multiple times before, don't entertain the schizo and just ignore him

>> No.52566678

Huh? Are you reading his posts I honestly think he's gotten worse

>> No.52567053

what is gaslighting about implying a person can better themselves?
I genuinely don't get what you're trying to say dude.

>> No.52567598

i want to talk about conspiracies such as mk-ultra, the crack baby "epidemic", waco, etc. but I don't want to do it like pippa because I find her annoying and try-hard. I'm somewhat schizotypal and I tend to get overly hung up on things such as school shootings, national tragedies, and government overreach but im not trying to carry an agenda, and my intentions are pure (as in, I feel so much genuine remorse and empathy for the victims.)
I'm torn because on one hand, I don't want to bring politics into my content (human rights are not politics), but on the second hand, I'd kill myself if I had the yabbit's fanbase.

>> No.52568726

Half the conspiracy scene are chuds that believe in white supremacy despite looking like the offspring of a floridian and a swamp cryptid. You need to build a base that filters these "people" first before you start doing conspiracy stuff.

>> No.52568783

if you're interested in the topics there's no harm in talking about it, but it definitely shouldn't become your brand unless your comfortable with the types of people who obsess over things like that.

>> No.52569774

On top of filtering the retardiños, be ready that even if you do that, you'll still get called a nutter, a /pol/ack, a stormfronter and a leninist at the same time. Conformism comes bundled with a lot of insecurity and aggression for some reason.

>> No.52569812

What kind of shorter clips might be a nice idea to garner some sort of initial interest? Since someone here told me not to do the self-introduction song video... I dunno what seems fun to do and would be seen by others : /

>> No.52570595

Do the self introduction video, who told you not to do it

>> No.52570864

Is it rude to delete my viewer's clips...? Some of them seem like they may have hit the button entirely by accident and recorded a full minute of seemingly nothing going on but I don't know if it deletes them from their side as well as mine and I would not want to offend if they actually wanted a clip of a particular moment...

>> No.52570930

Just delete it.
if you click the button by accident it saves a whole clip even if you back out and don't choose to save it.

>> No.52571968

some anon here...

>> No.52572339
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Most of the advice you'll receive in life are based off personal opinions *with some exceptions
You still have to decide yourself whether it's good or bad advice before following what some random person on the internet is telling you what you should do
Do you think that anon knows better than you?

>> No.52572882

I know better than anyone. I am the uberanon.

>> No.52572933

I don't remember writing this post

>> No.52573024

Creating any content outside of streaming is only a good thing, more eyes on you and the chance for it to get popular/go viral

>> No.52573107

if there is one ass I do not trust, it's mine. I'm an unreliable fuck! Also I am easily manipulated and groomable, so there is that too uwu

>> No.52573205

>easily manipulated and groomable
I see, interesting... has anyone ever told you you're very mature for your age?
But seriously, think for yourself, make decisions, take risks, don't do drugs

>> No.52573576

I'm sending my design to an artist in a few days!

>> No.52573631

Give it to me straight:
Should I join the /asp/ies?
Yes or no?

>> No.52573710

No straights here to give it to you anon...

>> No.52573727

hell yeah!

>> No.52573910

No, stay far away from here.

>> No.52574237

An important aspect to growing as a streamer is networking well with fellow streamers, and you can consider /asp/ a bit of a shortcut in finding chuubas willing and able to network with. The /asp/ies are a relatively large and easy to approach group of streamers that are fairly tightly interconnected with some access to a relatively large pool of viewers because of how many chuubas are /asp/ies and how large their extended networks are. You don't necessarily have to use the actual thread to interact with and talk to other aspies, but it does make you better known and give you a bit of exposure to them that makes it easier to connect with.

So is posting here good if you plan to network with other aspies? Yes, it can be very helpful and speed up the process of networking a bit. If you don't plan on networking at all posting here is not all that helpful unless you have specific questions you need answers to.

Are there any downsides to networking with aspies? Sort of. If you really don't want to be associated to 4chan for some reason you might want to reconsider. There are also some fairly unsavory /asp/ies out there, so you might want to do a bit of vetting first before you work with any streamer, but that can be said of any streamer not just /asp/ies.

>> No.52574505

This is the same question as: "Should I watch anime X?"
You already know the answer and you toss this question just for validation

>> No.52574907

Should I kill myself?

>> No.52575151


Well, I have made the video. Now try to convince me to post it please...

>> No.52575255


I mean the aspies I've been interacting with so far were pretty cool. Of course some of them might be a bit more Edgier than you would want, but at the end of the day they still have to follow twitch tos still

>> No.52575323

I've only had positive experiences. 90% of us are regular/slightly weird people. Just don't let your guard down straight away.

>> No.52576396

Do people even watch male /asp/ies? What kind of numbers do they get?

>> No.52576913

CryptidKliffoth and AuxiliaGenome generally have 10+ viewers, with higher peaks. Jones, Hazmat, and Nyanomancer do well for ex-aspies

>> No.52577015

Reminder to not limit your connections to just other aspies

>> No.52578964

Noted, I'll make friends with reddit chuubas too!

>> No.52580750

Getting the itch to just jump into faceless suff to start while I figure out the png. As a guy, is it still possible to just do the chill guy playthrough of games? Friends have been telling me that's what I do well.

Also, would everyday after work for 2 hours be a good idea or over doing it?

>> No.52580787

Guys need some kind of hook

>> No.52581135

Damn. I've been trying to find that hook for a while now.

>> No.52581174

Look at the boys who take off, Lcolonq, Kongou, etc. all have a strong hook

>> No.52581237

There are enough hookless males and viewless females to make this not true.

>> No.52581274

Name a hookless male with a big audience who debuted in the past year.

Not maleschizo, just curious

>> No.52581304

>who debuted in the last year
odd qualifier, I wonder why you included that

>> No.52581326

Because the market is more saturated now

>> No.52581395

What hook do they have?

>> No.52581438

He's adapting the formula and you retards are biting again. I hate this site.

>> No.52581685


>> No.52581686

>he also gave the schizo a free (You)

>> No.52584351


>> No.52585167
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>> No.52585933

lmfao no

>> No.52586628

How can I tell if I'm a hooker?

>> No.52586845

did you have sex with someone for money?

>> No.52587008

Have you had sex with someone for streaming equipment?

>> No.52587303

I love streaming!

>> No.52587372

When I get home I plan on streaming something like Xenoverse 2. You guys mind if I share my twitch link when I do?

>> No.52587644

I wish some cute rich girl would have pay me to have sex with her in exchange for streaming equipment

>> No.52587936

Vtuber lore.Just how cringe is it?

>> No.52588116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52588223
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Not all whores do it for money.

>> No.52588357


>> No.52589498

I would get pegged for some streaming equipment desu

>> No.52589542

i would get pegged for free t b h

>> No.52590293


>> No.52590358

i'm not kaiser, but he's cool in my book if that is a real thing he could have said

>> No.52594311

sure, i do have a bunch of experience with it so i'm definitely confident that i can be of service.

>> No.52595943

I should kill myself.

>> No.52597028

Are my viewers even real?

>> No.52597178

Very cool Denpa

>> No.52597479
File: 3.60 MB, 2652x4000, 04-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder.

A person with jealousy and envy cannot rejoice in another person’s successes. A mature person can delight in God’s blessing on someone else’s life.

Happy Sunday, /asp/.

>> No.52598525
File: 538 KB, 1000x1000, 1688327189644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good afternoon everywan, what is everywan up to today? Are you doing your best? Do you have big upcoming plans? How are you going to better yourself this week?

>> No.52598704

Going to continue to work on my live2d rigging even if it kills me

>> No.52599106

Haru is truly the cutest pet dog we have.

>> No.52599114
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x1080, evolve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have big upcoming plans?
I haven't streamed in a month and a half and the first thing I'm going to do is open trading cards on a shitty 10 year old webcam

>> No.52599216
File: 190 KB, 1153x2048, IMG_20230701_122124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My funny handcam stream is tomorrow might start it a few hours early so i can build both kits as compensation for getting sick today.

>> No.52599315

How's it coming along so far, are you making good progress? Are you happy with how it looks?
I'm a wolf, not a dog!
I didn't know Shadowverse had a physical version, I played a lot of it back when it first launched, it might be fun to pick up again. Drop your link, do you have a day/time in mind yet? I'd love to come watch if so!
How long does putting one together usually take? I'm still reluctant to put mine together in fear that I may ruin it...

>> No.52599314

I'm going to stock up on sodium nitrate

>> No.52599499

Depends on if its high grade or not but honestly i kinda forgot how long it takes. Been a while.

>> No.52599899

Evolve launched in Japan last spring, and just hit the west on Friday, but it's very different from the digital game. I don't have a time worked out but I know I'm going to do it today/tonight at some point...

>> No.52600364

What for? For some reason hearing chemical names puts me on edge...
I assume the high grades, master grades, perfect etc all become increasingly complex and take longer to build?
Neat, I don't recall seeing the physical game while I was over there in winter, does it have an English release too or is it JP only? I'll give you a follow and drop by if I'm around when you're live!

>> No.52600455

Yes they do, they also increase in quality

>> No.52600512

Not them but most HGs can be bashed out in a couple of hours, RGs have more and smaller pieces, and MGs and PGs are just bigger so they have way more parts and take much longer.
The overall process of "snip part off runner, clean nubs, put parts together" remains the same.

>> No.52600527

Haru is the cutest pet wolf that we have.

>> No.52600696
File: 62 KB, 671x578, erm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y...you guys are practicing illustration too, right...? you wanna b...be an illustrator too right.?

>> No.52600779


>> No.52600824

will that get me a GF? if not then nah.

>> No.52600897

I think I would have a hard time motivating myself into learning a skill like that with the threat of AI looming overhead. Not saying it wouldn't be worth it, or even be fun to learn to draw, but the fear of wasting my time doing it makes it an unappetizing prospect.

>> No.52601200

it's not wasted time if you enjoy it. may as well say playing video games or watching anime is a waste of time.

>> No.52601344
File: 59 KB, 240x240, 1688330234505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a tiny tiny bit about Gundam model stuff from a community I'm in, building them seems fun though! Do they typically come painted or do you generally do that yourself?
Thank you! That's much nicer!

>> No.52601558

They come pre-molded in color and the engineering of how they get all the details color separated on some of the newer kits is extremely impressive, but they all benefit from some detail painting and topcoat at least. The sky is the limit when it comes to customization though, some people spend months on ultra elaborate kitbashes with custom scratch-built parts and intricate paintjobs too.

>> No.52601782

This is the aspiring vtuber thread

>> No.52602072
File: 428 KB, 585x579, 1662564769675113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you bitch

>> No.52602220

no, FUCK YOU. I'm furiously masturbating to this image right now

>> No.52602287
File: 106 KB, 112x112, digbythecat-112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In under ten minutes your second favourite cat vtuber the ever cheery Digby will be streaming once again!
We got a cozy night of Dragonball the breakers. Yes I play it a lot, I like it.
Might even play some rounds with chat assuming enough people are up for it

So come on over and watch at

>> No.52603258

there was an anon here that was talking about ordering some subtance to kms with and we kinda made a joke out of it by mentioning less dangerous ones with myriad of other uses (like pickling salt which would be sodium chloride for example)

>> No.52603364

yes! i have a few too many plates in the air right now, but i do have a very clear educational path laid out for myself. so far it has served me well. unfortunately, my actual university course takes precedence...and work and all these other bullshit obligations. but art will always be my deepest passion.

>> No.52603716

anon, that was not a joke, an anon ordered sodium nitrite, posted a picture here, and probably killed himself
there's some speculation that it was a 2 view male who had been hospitalized a lot and deleted all of his socials around that time
aldia_lua or something?

>> No.52604224

>sanest /asp/ie

>> No.52604285

wait he really oof himself?
what a shame love his vampire masquerade stream. He was there for me when I debuted

>> No.52604461

That guy seemed mentally stable enough to not pull off a sodium an hero, and I'm pretty sure he straight up admitted to being a hobby hopper and was never serious about vtubing. Considering how crazy the gen3 era was, I'm not surprised he moved on so quick.

>> No.52604643

honestly if you announce to kill yourself on an anonymous ricewashing forum, you deserve to be ridiculed. not that i want anyone to end themselves but i've seen it all too often. and even if it did happen it doesn't mean it can't also be turned into a joke.

>> No.52604847
File: 62 KB, 1024x561, CaseFatality7-1024x561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone killed themselves then I would prefer it to be aldia because he was already dying

he's the one that makes most sense, but the truth is that even if someone tried to kill themselves with sodium nitrite that attempt probably failed because organ failure is incredibly painful and slow

it was very anonymous this time, not the usual attention-seeking shit yellow cat or the other schizos would pull, that's why everyone thought it was a legit post

>> No.52605915

If true, no reason to keep bringing up a sodium 2view.
If not true, dude is probably out there doing other shit before the timer runs out.
Best to just hope for the best and memory hole right after.

>> No.52606605

I am a failure. I am not going to make it. I will kill myself on the anniversary of my last near successful attempt and this time I'll have the sense to not be a coward about it.

>> No.52606615


>> No.52606667

post name so i can talk to you before you go

>> No.52606681

join the sodium gang

>> No.52606743


>> No.52606876


>> No.52606930
File: 3.93 MB, 1920x1080, unknown (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've dozens of streamers in this situation have talked to me on that to the point where I'm exhausted, minus the completion obviously (since you'll never find out). It happens but it's nothing new nor original is what they need to know. It achieves nothing, literally everyone livestreams suicide and mosque shootings these days. It's in human nature that it ends ugly like that. Undeniably brilliant minds, squandered.

>NGMI numberfag mentality

>> No.52607052
File: 28 KB, 446x435, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52607220

Holy shit is that me as a rabi lmao

>> No.52607564
File: 24 KB, 699x429, ipod commerical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ipod commercial

>> No.52607653

Anyone know best way to share multiple game inputs on a single screen?
I know Bloom, Elliott, and Woozle did something for the Mario race, but how?

>> No.52607661

You're literally the last person anyone wants an opinion from about suicide

>> No.52608003
File: 210 KB, 1551x823, skinmealive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plug the controller into your ass then use your penis as the jopystick

>> No.52608241

>grow up being abused by men
>hate men
>hate self because also a man
>go trans out of cope
>still hate self because of man voice
>decide can't stream because of hating own voice
>spend all day schizo'ing out reliving the past
>tells herself that's my identity rep for the day
It's sad even for a NGMI.

>> No.52608303

I hope you have a good dinner tonight.

>> No.52608830

I do so to dispense hope. Content made up of rambling about how much pain or success you're in is meaningless without deeper connections and insight. People want to know how you overcome it and what changes you've had to make. Birds a feather, faggot.

>> No.52608949
File: 11 KB, 393x506, HeraHera_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, Herahera quit. He still streams (probably will quit altogether soon) but gave up both the name and character.

Nicely done, Exraxs.

>> No.52608962

>replying to himself because he's not getting enough attention

>> No.52609086

>Did (You) want some too?

>> No.52609223

Take your meds and write this post in English after.

>> No.52609332

>help people
>expect attention and donations in return
Nope. Try again lol.

>> No.52609446
File: 70 KB, 960x960, __m200_and_type_80_girls_frontline_drawn_by_misaki150280__5e604eea1dbdc02b2568bf1363f72d75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help people
>expect attention and donations in return
Nope. Try again Iol.

>> No.52609760

i actually wasn't in that race, it was bloom, woozle, and shanaha.
however, if you wanna do multiple game inputs, you would just get your collab partner to screen share their pov and capture the window for that; it's not super complicated
if you want to avoid discord sharing there's also vdo ninja

>> No.52611535 [DELETED] 
File: 3.52 MB, 2438x3178, 20230702_192321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52611612 [DELETED] 
File: 3.53 MB, 2438x3178, 20230702_192321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52612084
File: 3.08 MB, 2279x2984, 20230702_193339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52612472

wtf are you doing anon?

>> No.52612566

looks like forgot to link to haru the first time, then the second time he didn't like the contrast so he retook the pic (idk why he didnt link to haru 3rd time though)

either way, always nice to see people's fanart of aspies

>> No.52612636

Cute wolf!

>> No.52612690

Realized I forgot to color in the eyelashes was all.

>> No.52612842
File: 624 KB, 3840x2160, VRChat_2023-06-02_21-09-49.034_7680x4320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virtual world is kinda cool you know

>> No.52612885
File: 119 KB, 600x600, 1688341767283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind if I show this off Monday along with the cute gif another kind Anon posted? Thank you so much!

>> No.52613139

Are you really fine with fanart drawn by the local schizo who's been shitting on the thread for several days in a row?

>> No.52613148


>> No.52613376

i'm not haru but i'd be fine with literally any fanart, person's history be damned

>> No.52613467

post design

>> No.52613509

He's been kind to me and has been nice in my chats and he has done something kind for me. I'd love to show it off with permission!

>> No.52613608 [DELETED] 

Not at all, it's flattering thank you.

>> No.52613680

Not at all, it's flattering thank you. It's a gift to you so enjoy, senpai.

>> No.52613823
File: 500 KB, 1800x1800, haru-export-1800x1800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can have a higher resolution so it doesn't look blurry if you want, I forgot that I could export at higher res so I didn't

>> No.52613977

haru thighs..................

>> No.52614059

also every time I look at it again I see a mistake I forgot to fix so im not looking at this again

>> No.52614132
File: 500 KB, 1800x1800, haru-export-fixed-1800x1800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last fix before I schizo out and ruin my day

>> No.52614425

Thank you, thank you! I can't stop smiling seeing these, hehehe.
I'm use this one instead on Monday instead of the old one you posted, thank you again! And please don't hyper focus on your mistakes, I believe you said before that this was the first time you've drawn in 10~ years? That's very very impressive and I'm happy you're doing something you're good at, please draw more if you're up for it, you're talented and I'm sure some of the other vtubers here would love some cute art too! Don't give up!

>> No.52614438
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, Fx57zuGagAUOheK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rejected by this new company "specialite" trying corpo is hard af

>> No.52614445

You have to tend to your community like a growing tree, and if you don't set it straight then it will grow crooked and you'll hate it and people will leave you because no one likes a crooked tree
My girlfriend left me because my penis is crooked

>> No.52615774

I'm very happy with my community so far, everyone is kind and they drive me to do my best, it makes me really happy to be able to inspire other people and bring joy to them. I see no need to change the trajectory of my community right now!

>> No.52618570

who's your art mom? I wanna com them so we can be schizo twinsies

>> No.52620820

I have no idea who to talk about this with but as a female vtuber suddenly a LOT of babinikus with large followings are raiding me
Are they trying to groom me? Do I just appeal to babis? Do I accept them and collab with them? I never thought I'd have this problem

>> No.52621066

your name isn't girl_DM tho

>> No.52621095

Please be my girlfriend

>> No.52621172

Hence I said second favourite

>> No.52621542

I hate taking breaks because trying to come back feels like starting to stream for the first time all over again and I can't get over the jitters

>> No.52621638

>large following
Good joke

>> No.52621658

maybe it's just an "availability" raid thing, in that moment you're the only "funny" person who is streaming

>> No.52625013
File: 1.25 MB, 2500x2500, dumb rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm playing DDR and its so jank


>> No.52625037

>Do I just appeal to babis?
maybe, what are you like?

>> No.52626664

Aight who has the rigging tutorials?

>> No.52628652

yeah, i really want to explore vrc. it's been a dream of mine since 2016 or whenever it was really popping off.

>> No.52629040
File: 96 KB, 1138x1895, 20230617_230416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oranjina @ Discord.
Entry level and very affordable. Bottom left is her, she streams in French.

>> No.52629400

Two babis with giving raids of over 100 followers is nothing my two-view ass is gonna sleep on

>> No.52629532
File: 3.68 MB, 3000x3000, thanks_mom-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic (but that was her art)

>> No.52630662

How am I supposed to build an audience if I hate every one of my chatters?

>> No.52631395

You don't deserve your audience

>> No.52631496

Theres a decent number of babis hitting 100+ ccv actually.

>> No.52632002

aww why do you hate them? I recommend trying to connect with the audience that's right for you
and do not hesitate to block that annoying brazilian guy who does not speak english

>> No.52633246

Schizos are time bombs, if you let them sit in your community, then the damage will be worse once something sets them off. Are you that desperate to have someone active in chat?

>> No.52633568

Shh, let them experience life

>> No.52637252

there are so many people using my tumblr username on other sites that I am tempted to just debut with that name and never acknowledge it.

>> No.52638136

the only design I want is so similar to what I currently look like that I don't know if it's worth pursuing as a non-unique premade. The artist seems nice but I don't want to even remotely risk being hounded for design theft, so I think all I can do is wait for them to open comissions and request a similar design to be expressly mine and work from there.

>> No.52638204

the screaming of cocks at dawn
good morning

>> No.52638509

It's not the absolute dumbest thing you can do I suppose.

>> No.52640350
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 517QM4fcG-L._UXNaN_FMjpg_QL85_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.52642595


>> No.52643586
File: 3.59 MB, 401x498, ezgif-4-740522eb17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52644158

sopa de macaco

>> No.52646222

>born male
it was over before it even began

>> No.52648136

Very cute, thanks!

>> No.52649094

My artist is going to begin working on the preliminary sketch in the next coming days! I'm really excited!
I'm going to start making the twitter account & other stuff too since I decided on a name. Just trying to figure out what to put in the pfp pic & banner when I have nothing? Maybe some of the old sketches for the pfp. Could just grab some random celticy looking design for a banner maybe for now.

>> No.52649724

I have construction sign as a banner... Till I get an actual good one. Sketches for profile pic seems good tho

>> No.52650435

Hey /asp/. Decided to pop in and check how everyone's doing!

>Got noticed on-stream by Nina Kosaka, one of my oshis
>Reached 20 followers on Twitter
>Had 10 concurrent stream viewers last time I streamed

We're all gonna make it, bros.

>> No.52650486

I have street signs as armor, fun times.

>> No.52650679

Everyone but me...

>> No.52650801

post design

>> No.52650879

"Making it" has many definitions, I'm sure you'll make it by some definition

>> No.52651336
File: 761 KB, 832x1088, 00000-845351172-mouth closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design kochira

You'll make it, anon. Don't worry

>> No.52651479

Needs an eyepatch

>> No.52652365

Construction tape is a really funny banner lmao.
Mhmm, I'm thinking of just taking the body of one of the sketches. It's a really basic outline even missing some of the main features, so I think it's perfect for a WIP type thing! Plus it has collarbones & a little thigh showing & people like that kinda stuff.

>> No.52653045

Are you me?

>> No.52653209


Right or left eye

>> No.52653541

Why do you hate your chatters?

>> No.52654369
File: 456 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52655431
File: 3.38 MB, 2179x3283, 20230703_011738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52655549

I had my first Collab of the year, networking slow and steady

>> No.52655603
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, sardaukar_dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52656324

Right eye for sure

>> No.52656522

Did you just turn him into a girl?

>> No.52656690

Nice work, anon. I really like it.

Networking 101

Interesting choice.

>> No.52657268
File: 521 KB, 846x886, Screenshot 2023-05-20 192605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slushy's getting scared! Join me for spookiness!

>> No.52657769
File: 169 KB, 659x605, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_touto_sunoures__5f34cf03cb03da29e1753bda0e6cf66c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rember, debut or re-debut is meant to be a celebration. Less pressure, more planning!

>> No.52658195
File: 21 KB, 28x28, goose_dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep staying strong! You can do more the better you are doing.

Good work today, get some rest for tomorrow's today! Oyasumi.

>> No.52658825

Pleasant dreams be upon ye, /asp/. May you see something as you sleep that inspires you as you wake, that your content may be improved in some manner.

>> No.52659885

Thanks Prof! I'd thought it was probably discord, but that also opened up potential for yabs, so had wondered. I'll check out vdo ninja too

>> No.52660496

my advice to you is take the things you like the most, and then add your own twist to it.
What are some things you think define you, or the content you want to make?

I think the main issue with sticking with the same design as a premade is literally anyone can just buy the same premade and look just like you, YOU need to be the individual.

>> No.52660574

Anything works really, could try to make a banner that is themed around pointing to your pfp or a solid color with just a logo, whatever feels right!

ideal size is 1500x500px btw

>> No.52663315

is being a male chuuba form of masochism

>> No.52663671

Not that I am doing it because it worked for Xia, but the whole Xia situation put it into perspective for me that you can make a premade seem unique by simply being the first to have your personality associated with it in the mind of a given viewer.
But I do agree with everything you're saying, I just feel locked into this now. My main concern with modification is ownership/entitlement, so I basically feel like I need to start from scratch to make any big changes, but I'm becoming less wary of the idea of doing it myself by the day I guess. The artist has unique designs and those belong to the chuuba AFAIK, which is why I'm bassically kicking the can down the road until they open commissions. "Hey can you do this bassically but edgier? I'll pay you custom prices, I just want the design to be mine.", is how it goes ideally in my mind, more or less.

>> No.52664064

There's a guy named marrowmage who uses a premade skeleton model with a mouse in the eye of it.
He's got a new model design but I don't think he has it rigged yet so he's still using the premade, but maybe you could check him out and see the difference between the two and maybe it'll spark an idea in your head?

Personally it's whatever, you can do whatever you want.
There's a dude who's partnered on twitch who literally uses a 3d model of hank hill and does a hank hill impersonation, and I feel like that's gotta be a weird copyright infringement space lol

>> No.52664253

Just accept that you're trans and stfu already, damn dude. The rest of us came to terms with it peacefully.

>> No.52664294

Bro I'm not even a vtuber

>> No.52664606

Neuro, the AI chuuba, used one of the default live2d model and look how far that got it

>> No.52664673

that too, but I tnink that's a special case on an entirely different level.

>> No.52665108

Mind linking your potential premade? I'm also windowshopping for a premade currently and it would be weird if we get to be twins

>> No.52665184
File: 53 KB, 218x218, eeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52665333

There's a /here/ chuuba that's using a free premade, it's funny because she has a japanese and chinese twin sisters she's never interacted with

>> No.52665606

Cute lookin' one thing I'd suggest for you going forward is the black eye should be a different color.
I'm no design professional so this is just an opinion obviously, but when I see that dark eye on the pale face with the light colored hair next to the lighter colored eye it doesn't stand out in a cool way it looks kinda jank.

>> No.52665806
File: 31 KB, 371x592, image05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't my model, just something I want someone to buy, the overall design is so cute but I know my voice/personality doesn't match it

>> No.52665809
File: 2.80 MB, 2444x2958, 20230629_043955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never drawn anyone so softly before, go for it. Personally I'd strongly encourage you to give in to making your own. You don't need to know how to draw. See >>52564687 (I'm only 200$ in so far over 3 years)

Yeah it looks way bigger than the other due to the illusion.


>> No.52665817

There are so many vtubers out there that literally no one cares if you are using a premade. You would probably have a very difficult time even finding somebody using your premade if you tried to. I used one for months and never had any problems with it. I think you are really overthinking it. Save yourself the money and just get the premade and possibly commission one later down the line when you get enough donations for it

>> No.52665845

yeah I know it isn't but aren't you the one who wanted to commission a new model that basically looks the same?

>> No.52666108
File: 652 KB, 1748x1080, reference_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try drawing over it like this if you can't draw or edit the model yourself. Send the notes to someone with art/technical (rigger) know-how while you focus on other aspects.

Actually, what do you like about the design and what would you change? You're going to have to make some modifications and alternate outfits down the line eventually, it's part of the fun. Tho seriously, this is meant to be simple fun not a nerve-wracking decision.

..if you're trying to tempt me into designing something for you from scratch for free ITT it's working tho.

>> No.52666490
File: 265 KB, 500x672, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp sorry, seems like I'm all drawn out for today. It's 5 am and we're on page 10 as well. If you get more specific maybe someone more versed can help though. Keep asking, anon. Ganbare.

>> No.52666510
File: 521 KB, 707x804, lilthing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought maybe spikey hair would look cuter and some slightly different colors, like more purple instead of red but it's w/e
for the anon with the lil model that may be interested in getting a new one.

>> No.52666568

Doesn't he ever sleep?

>> No.52666672

Different anon adding on, I was thinking some platform lolita shoes too. Or some strengthening some sort of witch or dark red riding hood theme.

>> No.52666777 [DELETED] 

I appreciate your concern but I'm fine.

>> No.52666814

I appreciate your concern but I'm fine. It rained last night so the sunrise is really beautiful rn.

>> No.52666979

New bread

