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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52565037 No.52565037 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there more holos playing retro games? Why aren't there more hag vtubers playing retro games?

>> No.52565103

>Watches hololive
>Wonders why there isn't more variety

>> No.52565138

Sir this is hololive.

>> No.52565251

how about you fuck off and be glad that any of them do? none of those twitch nigger vtubers play retro games, ever. it's all fad of the month shit. just be glad korone, pekora, luna, lui, etc even exist

>> No.52565357

touched a nerve with that one kek

>> No.52565472

>why streamers play mostly FOTM games

>> No.52565474

There's literally a retro gaming thread on this board at all times and yet your hollow-life fools chose to cry about there not being enough

>> No.52565531
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>> No.52565573

Holy kek calm down schizo.

>> No.52565651

No blue triangle, no watch.

>> No.52565753

Japanese laws and perms autism.

>> No.52567826

The problem is Japan forbid emulation. And set up old console to stream is a hassle.

>> No.52570494


>> No.52571545

Good thing my oshi is both

>> No.52572184

>none of those twitch nigger vtubers play retro games, ever.

>> No.52574167


>> No.52577555

Watch idol corp

>> No.52577893

They're busy getting fucked by me. We're going to try some anal tonight.

>> No.52578418

The problem with not many vtubers playing retro games (at least to the vocal minority of the audience that demands it) is that the number of girls interested in retro games is simply lower. Hell, the number of girls interested in videogames period is lower, and when they are it's mostly about genres that the male ojisan retro demographic cares less about. So being a girl interested in retro games is already a niche within a niche.
It's also one of these "things girls just can't understand", unless they're the rare 1% of autistic femcels 99% of girls don't even see the appeal of retro games, don't appreciate the history of the medium and don't bother playing decades old janky but "sovl"ful shit when they rather just mindlessly trendchase the latest FOTM that panders to them.

Also since you mentioned Holo specifically, well you know the big corpos have to abide by copyright permissions buerocracy bullshit this problem also gets compounded by the fact that you can't just simply fire up an emulator to play any old game you want, no you have to use original hardware (which is both a technical and collectors pricing hurdle) and have to get perms in advance (which can be annoying especially with many old defunct publishers etc), so that's an additional obstacle that puts many talents off playing retro games even if they just had a passing interest, because they see the amount of bullshit busywork around it and decide "ehh why bother, it's not really worth it..." and just lazily play the latest FOTM game they have much easier access to.

>> No.52578546

But there's plenty of female vtubers playing retro games on twitch. There's more that I could hope to keep up with.

>> No.52578782

Isn't Korone's whole channel enough for your retro game hag needs?

>> No.52579052

There's "plenty" if you are already looking within that niche, but compared to the general set of "female streamers playing games", the retro gamers are a relative minority. Sure, you may know "more than you can keep up with", as already a few dozen or even a hundred can seem overwhelming. But there are thousands of vtubers in general (or tens of thousands if you wanna expand the issue to female streamers in general), so the point still stands that dedicated retro gamers are a rather tiny minority among them.

Also you're kinda proving the other point. Your female retro vtubers on twitch are probably neither japanese nor big corpo, so they don't have to jump through all the technical and permissions hoops that make the whole ordeal so prohibitive to others, and can just use roms, emulators, etc. and play what they want whenever without needing a triple-signed fax from the publisher, simply because most of those vtubers are probably small enough to fly under the radar of the copyright lawyers (and/or under jurisdictions with more permissible laws anyway).

>> No.52579459

Of course they are a minority but does that really matter if they're relatively easy to find and you can find a satisfactory amount of them?

>> No.52579504

go to /vrt/ and stop bitching about "mai holos"

>> No.52579999

no problem for me, but apparently for OP since he's whining about not enough retro Holos and won't look beyond the blue dorito bubble

>> No.52580154

Jew've gotta be kidding me

>> No.52581680


>> No.52581871

If it's fucking DragonQuest a big pile of them have played. And Lamy's on a DQ quest but well Concert prep and too many games coming out that it's been delayed for a bit

>> No.52585506

they suck

>> No.52589159

Come home newfagchama

>> No.52589394

Okay, good ones. I'm sick of SNES shit.

>> No.52591906

koyo is playing rockman x2!

>> No.52592917

1. Perms
Copyright lasts over a century in many countries
2. They aren't allowed to emulate even if they own a copy of the game and could legally do so (in the US anyway)

>> No.52597197

none of them are playing retro games, Pochi said she wanted but she just stopped streaming

>> No.52597296

japanese companies don't like emulation, so they would have to physically get the hardware to even play these games and then have to set up all that shit just to even stream it. Only korone is invested in that kind of stuff

>> No.52599024

once you cross out the holos that aren't actually gamers, a good number do have some kind of old game in rotation/on regularly. They do variety content for numbers.

>> No.52599124

itt Blue Dorito lovers cry about Blue Dorito restrictions, blame everyone else, and reiterate their stance of only watching blue Dorito streamers

>> No.52599128

>Vtubers play retro games
>It's almost entirely boring JRPGs like Dragon Quest

>> No.52602766

Who's that?
