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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5254830 No.5254830 [Reply] [Original]

No not to reddit, I want to go back to the state of mind I used to have when I watched vtubers. Specifically before visiting this board, because holy shit does 4chan need this place to keep all of you people contained. All the crazies who spread drama and rrats have forever ruined my perception of nearly every chuuba stream I watch. And yet I keep coming back out of morbid curiosity. Even if I never came back to this board I still wouldn't be able to return to the innocence I used to have. 2020 me really wouldn't have given a shit about Calli and Kiara collabing with outsiders, I would have just ignored it. But the mob mentalities form so easily here that you'd think this is twitter.
There are some cool people here who post funnies or have genuine conversations about the chuubas they like, so to them I say keep on being cool. And to all you dramaposters let me say one thing, I fucked your mom last night.

>> No.5254907

Go back to r-ddit.

>> No.5254906

Just stop being easily swayed, god damn. Do you adopt the opinion of everyone around you? Are you 2 years old?

>> No.5254911


>> No.5254935
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>> No.5254946 [DELETED] 

Imagine typing all that when you could have just wrote you're a newfag

>> No.5254977

thanks anon, mom said she liked it.

>> No.5255006

this board is the new mlp, the schizo concentration makes vp look normie as fuck

>> No.5255019

This board is full of schizos, if you aren't one just leave.

>> No.5255029

>I fucked your mom last night.
So much drama man. You belong here.

>> No.5255048

believe in the trinity

>> No.5255067

I want to go back to before I clicked on your shitty thread, we can't all have what we want. Get over it

>> No.5255069
File: 150 KB, 900x900, 1623968726831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut it you like it here

>> No.5255070

the solution is simple: stop visiting this board

>> No.5255148

This post sucks
I can't even call you Anonchama because you beat me to it

>> No.5255221

I do really belieb

>> No.5255222
File: 681 KB, 714x1000, 1623734279429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m grateful this board has no effect on me. I come here only to kill time when things are slow

>> No.5255226

This board literally had a fag die of overdose because he tried to make a tulpa of pekora, if this doesn't qualify as mlp level of schizo I don't what else does

>> No.5255253

Yeah I can't watch miko because of the peko rape rrat

>> No.5255283 [DELETED] 

you are really gullible

>> No.5255828

That's good to hear. Keep being a faithful husband okay?

>> No.5256115


>> No.5256341
File: 496 KB, 2500x1768, 1624083784189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep being a faithful husband okay?

>> No.5256870

I get it. My advice would be to not let the fanbase of something you really used to enjoy drive you away from that thing. You liked it for a reason, why should anybody's thoughts on the matter change it?

>> No.5256949

Better to consider the truth than to just take what's given to you

>> No.5257158

is that Kana and Gura mixed up or the Reddit robot and Gura I can't tell

>> No.5257475
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really goes like that op. Over the decade I realized that it's better not to browse 4chan boards for stuff you actually enjoy earnestly, and it's much better to browse boards for stuff you only enjoy tangentially or without any attachment. Leave /vt/ until you care less, and if you feel like checking 4chan just go to another board, that's my advice.

>> No.5257593

imagine being a weak minded loser who can't handle rrats

tell me what else you enjoy, or better yet just replace X with your favourite character in your favourite show

X is a BIG GAY

>> No.5261009

Go back to your shithole, reddit nigger. No one wants you here except for the other reddit niggers who also need to go back to their shithole, reddit.

>> No.5263125

This board is 90% redditers already

>> No.5263433

Does /vt has the largest number of tourists in 4ch?

>> No.5263664

Just watch and subscribe to akai haato roommate account Tsukushi Aria

>> No.5263724

lol fag

>> No.5263836

>All the crazies who spread drama and rrats have forever ruined my perception of nearly every chuuba stream I watch
It's your fault for being weak faggot, kek

>> No.5263840


>> No.5263877
File: 26 KB, 176x176, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.5263963

dumb redditor. you're here forever.

>> No.5265499


>> No.5265549

>But the mob mentalities form so easily here
that's what happens with the kinds of animals that can't think for themselves, after all. you need to apply an outsider mindset, no matter how long you lurk, to not be turned into a faggot on 4chan.
>tfw hanging around this shithole since before /e/ was a thing, but still get called a newfag because I do not absorb faggoty "board culture" shit and think for myself

>> No.5265685

its either this or you go back to the circlejerking in reddit. choose your own circlejerk. i recommend this one here

>> No.5268283


>> No.5268342

>before /e/ was a thing
What an odd frame of reference. If it was the removal of /l/ or the renaming of /b/ from anime/random to just random or even the creation of /jp/ I'd understand, but /e/?

>> No.5268362

Based voice in my head.

>> No.5268490

Blame VShitters and Takamori trannies. They ruined everything. No exceptions.

>> No.5268507

Also the Anituber tourists

>> No.5268530

I blame schizo faggots like you

>> No.5268734

Are you below 18 years old?

>> No.5268780

Go back

>> No.5268854

Welcome to the real world, jackass.
