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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 164 KB, 800x600, vesper-soulless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52481993 No.52481993 [Reply] [Original]

I hate change.

>> No.52482058

I hate his glasses

>> No.52482281

Lmao they fucking ruined his design, that’s so fucking funny, i knew they were gonna ruin it, it’s a miracle if he doesn’t lose viewers with this

>> No.52482398

That can't be real

>> No.52482441

He's always looked like shit, just now he looks like what would happen if you prompted vesper noir into mid journey

>> No.52482487

Wtf he looks like shit now. Wtf why did they change his design?

>> No.52482510

He looked like shit but i think some people actually liked his design (not many but he fulfilled a niche, now his design flat out sucks)

>> No.52482553

Who's that? lmao

>> No.52482563

He really does there's something so uncanny about it

>> No.52482562


>> No.52482567

His OG artist disappeared from the face of the Earth back in 2022.

>> No.52482569

Gakuen Handsome vs Castlevania

>> No.52482577

why do they always make them younger

>> No.52482619

His mama is fucking dead apparently

>> No.52482711

New design looks cooler in ways. Gentlemanly bara vibe. Unusual combo. Though it's such a jarring change I can see why people would hate it

>> No.52482806
File: 116 KB, 999x608, jawzrsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirin the jaw gains what's his routine?

>> No.52482915

This one is the hate thread. The other is the dicksucking thread. Both your threads are astroturfs. Fuck off.

>> No.52482944
File: 414 KB, 783x553, fubuki new model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Vtubers do this? What is the point?

>> No.52483091

He catering to brotiess

>> No.52483108

don't act like the previous design was good, fucking everybody laughed at it.
it's a change for the better no matter how you see it. i'm not a huge fan either, but it IS better than the original.

>> No.52483165

skin too pale, jaw too wide. looks full of life. would be good if he wasn't supposed to be a vampire

>> No.52483184

This is such a downgrade wtf.

>> No.52483202

pako designed sana too, what is with him putting out shit vtuber models

>> No.52483217

He went from classical vampire to Jojo vampire

>> No.52483231


>> No.52483300

Virgin VS Chad, I guess? He seriously hated his original design, didn't he? RIP Dorito chin.

>> No.52483317

Dicksucking reps until failure, get to it anon.

>> No.52483379

Old design had a theme and hit it pretty well. The new one just looks like generic, there's no real theme or soul.

>> No.52483380

he looked like a 2000 anime
now he looks like that chinese image generator from a couple of months ago

>> No.52483413

fuck u i liked sanas model

>> No.52483475
File: 186 KB, 1859x1048, FzY9yKNXwAAIyZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both friends

>> No.52483479

Nah you just hate they exist

>> No.52483492

The hair and face looked like shit, other than that it was good

>> No.52483513

i came to like it too but it was still shit. the colors were so ugly, a lot of people were able to "fix" it pretty easily with some edits
pako is not exactly a safe option for vtuber artist it seems

>> No.52483563

He looks ready to collab with VShojo

>> No.52483591

Orc bros are we back

>> No.52483682

that doesnt look like an anime character at all

>> No.52483709
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>> No.52483729

He got Irys'd lol.
Thankfully its 2.0.

>> No.52483744

I have a very big hunch that the people saying "they ruined it" are people who were going to say that no matter what the result was in order to try and stir up shit
Just a feeling I have

>> No.52483790

I like it a lot better. He doesn't look like a bargain bin Alucard anymore and he has a real man's jawline now.

>> No.52483812

that design obviously caters to women which is homo target audience not (you) anon

>> No.52483842

I feel like I'm looking at a blur filter it's hard to focus on the face

>> No.52483929

This is objectively better, but matches his voice even less. Comically so.

>> No.52484043

It’s funny because magni and vesper were definitely chosen as the go-to female collabors because their models were ugly so people wouldn’g get jealous, now that they’ve both been updated, i wonder how people will feel about it now

>> No.52484075

The hatred is justified. Now he looks like one of those half-assed 2.5D art styles. His goofy persona also doesn't fit.

>> No.52484097

i keep thinking about whether i think this one is an actual downgrade or not because im used to the older model. im wondering if i'd be feeling the exact same way if he debuted with this model instead and then updated his model to the 1.0..this seems like a perception problem on my end

>> No.52484125

Well that’s the bit isn’t it, this appeals more to women but vesper was basically the one tempus member who appealed to straight men in any capacity, this ruins that

>> No.52484152

Why is he just discount Henry Cavill in the witcher wig?

>> No.52484218

i guess we really didn't know Sephiroth...

>> No.52484292

The biggest issue is that he's not pale enough. If they changed his skin color, to the one 1.0 had, 90% of people complaining about it would shut up.

>> No.52484298

Gigachad redesign, looks much better

>> No.52484402

New friend is immensely sexy. That cheeky look slays me.

>> No.52484437

As someone who has never watched the homos I can't say this looks bad? Pako fucking killed it and it makes me wonder what the hell happened with Sana?

>> No.52484549

Pako is extremely known for his male drawings, not his female ones.

>> No.52484582
File: 182 KB, 518x265, 1686738419137446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, desaturation by a bit makes it way better.

>> No.52484621

It's still the same guy, what the fuck

How are you physically intimidated by a cartoon you fucking wimp

>> No.52484695

Damn ok, so that’s what I found odd about it

>> No.52484701

OMFG i can see Vesper sending Pako the Orc design asking for a fusion between the vampire and his PL, he is fond of that kind of models with rounded faces, old Vesper was too thin and pointy

>> No.52484730

If anything this just filtered the crazy bitches who'd only like him for having a model like this, unlike Bettel who got a bunch of those crazy yumes/Nijifags.

>> No.52484734
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>> No.52484767

The new one feels so disconnected. Unlike Azki, Miko, Flare, IRyS, and Fubuki, who all have some degrees of familiarity which took some time to get used to, this one feels so distant, as if some dedicated muscular guy is imitating him after hunting down Vesper. Suisei's had a huge change in design, but her body shape didn't change much, thus it still retained its familiarity.

>> No.52484819

Yes! That's much better. I hope they can make that change in the near future.

>> No.52484863
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, 1676173432931225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei's had a huge change in design, but her body shape didn't change much, thus it still retained its familiarity.
Suisei also retained what made her special without going insane with her facial structure. I feel like this is the difference between what makes IRyS look nice, and what makes Vesper look like a shitty ken doll reject in the 90's meant for boys.

>> No.52484862

If you're a straight man I don't see why you would have very strong opinions about this, then. I still think his yaoi chin was the worst offender and am glad they fixed it.

>> No.52484864

>from shovel faced twink to to a better faced, muscular dude with ugly glasses
Still an improvement.

>> No.52484997

Even Sana’s kimono outfit was great
It’s just the original was off

>> No.52485023

The people in this thread shitting on the design wouldn't have praised it if it was any different of a result. Ass hurt male vtuber haters either way.

>> No.52485035

This really just makes him look like RPR.

>> No.52485040

The hair looks gorgeous, and the accessories are on point, the face is solid, great design overall

Then comes the question, What the hell was Pako thinking when he designed Sana, he begged to take this opportunity to clean his name?

>> No.52485096

Alucard becoming the witcher

>> No.52485158


>> No.52485178

Helps him look human too. Or vampire or whatever. A lot of artists love making skin look like it's glowing but sometimes overdo it. And it doesn't fit every art style.

For a model glow/oversaturation seems like a horrible idea period.

>> No.52485237

It's definitely a massive improvement. I'm never watching him either way, but there you go.

>> No.52485255

I like the redesign. Only complaint is that I have to get use to his voice with this model, it just feels off currently.

>> No.52485281

whats the artist @ ?

>> No.52485289

Vampire Lord
Isekai Prince/General no. 243

>> No.52485359


>> No.52485610
File: 297 KB, 432x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he just needs black shades and the hair

>> No.52485668

this looks 100x better
this looks worse

>> No.52486354

Imagine the reverse: right got deprecated and left is the new model.
Thank god we are not on that timeline.

>> No.52486630

>we want the vox audience

>> No.52486676

counterpoint, they're both terrible, if you're gonna go through the effort of updating a model, you should at least make it good, this mf is gonna be asking for another redesign in 3 months

>> No.52488203

This is so fucking bad.
While it's more elaborated on a technical level, it got rid of all the traits that made his design stand out.
No more pale skin, no pointy chin, no more sleepy eyes, no golden waistcoat.
It's just generic in high quality, and now looks more bara pandering with the swole proportions and robust facial features.

>> No.52488333

>we want the vox audience
Eh, it's a good model objectively, but it's not Vesper. It's too 'daddy' which clashes with Vesper's autistic/nerdy but charming personality and it's kind of all over the place with the colors. Wish they'd stop feeling the need to do this shit all the time. Very few chuubas actually incline after complete model overhauls, usually it's a steady decline. Not sure why it's so hard for them to understand that people get used to matching a voice to a face, and to radically change it like this creates a sense of disillusionment and it feels like someone is skinwalking as the person you know. It's why often times even popular chuubas who have graduated can't reincarnate to as much success (yes, I know Henya is doing well, but compare Nazuna to Rushia for example). Can't we go back to the days of an occasional model touchup, a new costume, new hair or something every once in a while? Why has completely changing the artstyle and rigging entirely become the norm? Stop with this shit you retards, you're killing your channels

>> No.52488332

I think friends new nose is the problem
Its highly invisible compare to the old one

>> No.52488566

Suisei is a good example of what a model update should be. Same face shape, eye shape, colors. Even the way the hair curls is similar, and bangs are almost identical. Her clothing retains a similar quality as well.
And the rule should always apply

>> No.52488632

his first art is objectively shitty and looks like they spent more time drawing his hair and shirt than, you know, his actual face, which looks like it was pasted onto an upside down teardrop head they paint bucket filled with a uniform flat white.
but i get it, change is scary

>> No.52488633

>implying dorito chin was good and didn't need fixinghw

>> No.52488776

Hold on, I can see it.
If I recall correctly, she was very fucking involved in the process to the point where she was considered annoying and had some arguments about what the model should look like. She got exactly what she wanted though.

>> No.52488797

I don’t think this 2.0 was chosen as an overhaul but more that his first mama is fucking dead.

>> No.52488836

>debuts with shit model
>gets a better one

>> No.52488953
File: 135 KB, 650x650, 119976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in the 90s. Loads of male characters looked like that at the time, especially if it was implied they were overtly handsome/cool in some way. In a way it's even more fitting, given his age and liking of older anime.
Anyone that complained about his chin can't into basic animu

>> No.52488973
File: 714 KB, 876x863, 1672493291341060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution really was to turn the saturation down by a good notch.

>> No.52489027

>named noir
>colorful highly saturated model
This is how it should be

>> No.52489036


amirite?doin' it right? old good new bad

>> No.52489054

Now he can roleplay as nazi

>> No.52489063

that looks a lot better

>> No.52489283

KEK, well i guess this "upgrade" is good for the fujo, cause is that faggier than before. even included so nice leather for eazy gay sex kek.

>> No.52489294

now its looks like a brotuber

>> No.52489336

Uuuuuu uncle Nowa looks different….

>> No.52489417

I genuinely don't understand why they changed his design. All they had to do was redraw him, maybe change his clothes.

>> No.52489496

I think the update has to match the person to really work. IRyS 2.0 really matches her personality, same for Flare. Vesper's voice and personality fit his 1.0 more than the generic giga chad new model and that's why it feels off.

>> No.52489551

It's been said multiple times. The original artist has been MIA since 2022.
The original artist is needed to re-draw and change clothes in the same style, but with that gone, you need a new artist and a new touch-up.

>> No.52489555

Flare is not cute

>> No.52489604

Flare is cute. fuck you

>> No.52489622

And you didn't read my post. This is a full on redesign, not just an art upgrade. It should've just been an art upgrade.

>> No.52489663

Nice try, Flare

>> No.52489710

Art upgrade implies needing the original artist to give general direction.

>> No.52489785

That's like saying people who are drawing fanart HAVE to redesign even though their styles aren't the same as the original artist, because they don't have the original artist to "give general direction"

>> No.52489894

Yes? Because fanart is just that, fanart.
This is official art that will be used officially in every design and capacity. Unless you're trying to imply that plagiarism in official capacity is ok.

>> No.52490248

holy projection

>> No.52490284

Why Low Quality = Good?

>> No.52490296

Left he looks like a vampire. Right he looks like a vampire hunter.

>> No.52490464

BOTH look like shit

>> No.52490473

The redesign is 1000% better and you're retarded if you disagree

>> No.52490500

I have no idea who this is but the old model is probably the ugliest piece of "art" I have ever seen in my life and I'm not exaggerating, the new one looks meh
The fact that you niggas think left looks better shows /vt/'s autist majority is just biased against change

>> No.52490706

it's also likely people looking to shit on whatever the new thing is just to have an excuse to shit on something despite not actually believing what they're saying

>> No.52493141

he doesnt even look like the same character, WTF did they do???

>> No.52494065

nice "brotuber"

>> No.52494253

why'd they give this guy such a pouty bitch face kek. that's so unsettling.

>> No.52494300

he has resting bitch face irl

>> No.52497078

they're both ugly

>> No.52498861

I dont even care about this guy but damn, I thought his design was fine.

>> No.52499002

>I thought his design was fine.
All it needed was the proportions getting a touch up like the top of the head andf the chin, but not this extreme of a change where he doesn't even have gray vampire skin anymore..

>> No.52499009

>Old Suisei vs New
Straight upgrade, very good. Like all old things the original is soulful but I like the new one.
>Old Fubuki vs New
New isn't bad and will grow on me, but there is something wrong with it. Maybe it's the nose as other anons have mentioned.
This is a completely new design. It looks like a cross between his PL and his 1.0.
1.0 was ugly but full of soul and character.
I don't like the new one at all. But the desaturated versions posted ITT helped a lot.

>> No.52499132

Damn, I don't watch him but I was still excited for his new model. I was hoping he'd get a much nicer one, but both of these look like shit and the rigging is horrible.

>> No.52499216

Doesn't help that the new Kurokami model looks 10x better than the new Fubuki model.

>> No.52499256

This is the ugliest design in StarsEN bar none

>> No.52499332

>goes from classical chill vampire to fujoshi Black Butler character

>> No.52499414

Looks great.

>> No.52499529
File: 534 KB, 992x920, 1670104018423133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He now looks oddly similar to his other VT persona...

>> No.52499569

>They fixed his chin and gave him a better jawline
The only thing that matters desu

>> No.52499584

>classical chill vampire to fujoshi Black Butler character
Yeah, that is what sucks the most. Whatever weirdness the original model had it still had a cool vampire look to it. Now he looks generic as fuck and could be a butler or anything really.

>> No.52499680

pako litterally gave us the worst outfit anyone could have wished for, thanks pako-sensei!

>> No.52499754

the fujos are happy, now we'll see all the nijisisters and the other fags who follow luxiem in this community

we didn't push tempus into graduation quickly enough bros

>> No.52499763

Someone save Bettel and give him a redesign that filters the crazy yumejos he clearly doesn't like

>> No.52499847

Almost looks too perfect, devoid of any interesting motif or fun accessories.

>> No.52499884

rare gimp on /vt/

>> No.52499887

came here to post this, the pointy chin always bugged me

>> No.52499954

Apparently it wasn't if Pako felt he needed to divert from it so much.

>> No.52499968

Man, I wonder why would two different models of the same person look alike somewhat alike. Crazy how nature does that.

>> No.52499993

Give him girl model and paint it in trans flag colors. Then he'll get his gf's and Twitter's approval.

>> No.52500026

Meanwhile metal rat.....

>> No.52500034
File: 227 KB, 960x1415, office-space-md-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes from being a sickly nerd
>to a 80s middlemanager

>> No.52500823

Lean more into the "goofy clown" image, make him look like a fucking loser white boy. But a likable one. That's closer to what he actually is.

>> No.52500907

The new design is technically better but Vesper Noir the vampire and Vesper Noir the anime villain look like different characters completely, that's all. It's just on the borderline of "why even keep the name when it's so different".

>> No.52500940

The new model expresses a greater range of emotion but since I'm used to fubuki being mostly deadpan it looks weird. Plus her boobs are bigger.

>> No.52501010

>her boobs are bigger
Well, that's fucking suck

>> No.52501656

Good you hate it
Im masturbating to all the niggers here crying about it
t. vesper

>> No.52501905

iirc, she said the old model was made for an older version of Live2D, so they couldn't make use of newer Live2D features to add to it new gimmicks and outfits.

>> No.52502345

Only change I think is good.
The rest are eh, but I think ditching the pointy ears and changing his skin color is bad.
He's a vampire right? New one looks more like his unbitten brother.

>> No.52502462


>> No.52502589

>It's another IRyS situation where people got Stockholm syndromed into liking a shit design and shit themselves when it gets replaced with a better one

>> No.52503428

Why is cover rigging so shit. this company got so much money and got the worst rigging by far

>> No.52503552

I like this Ace attorney design.

>> No.52503578

New one unironically looks worse.

>> No.52503668
File: 98 KB, 359x497, pizzakun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reverse pizza dad

>> No.52503825

Soul is just a cope anyway
the only time i ever hear it's got soul is when it is trash

>> No.52503932

This is not the case, the new design is better. But in this case it's also almost a different character- he doesn't even have a suit or anything, he has something like a military uniform. It's like Vesper Noir and then Char Aznable without a mask or something.

>> No.52504078

Because we live in an age where you can be mensa and the smartest dude ever but no one is going to hire you because companies get tax credits for higher 80 IQ tards who got pushed through university by their professors so they could say they passed a tard. Everything is ass backwards, so cover has contracts with riggers who suck ass and can't break them, while decent riggers exist in outside their contractor's circuit and will never 'get in' because they're not friends with the right people.

That's just how it is now, like that bridge that collapsed in Florida in 2020. Stupid people get the contracts, smart people lack the connections, average people die in riggign accidents.

>> No.52504279


....you guys are just used to the old design. If he Debut with the good design this will be different. Imagine if he downgraded to the old one instead.

People made fun of the strange proportions like his version one a lot, like the jaw. Its like a boy love manga which attracts horny nerdy teen girls. I think that was the purpose, but overall it was off looking vs the other livers.

Well...image wise new Vesper is more of a strong chad vs his old look and it looks like he has a natural frown. Still, it fits gamer vesper more, when he goes all out.

>> No.52504298

It's awakrd realizing the autistic spergs who obsess over numbers and computers lack the social skills to network and get the jobs that suit them most.

>> No.52504405

It only becomes awkward when you're walking on that collapsing footbridge or driving under it. Or the engineer getting sued because her design killed people kek.

>> No.52504528
File: 336 KB, 549x498, 1688122524661041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing

>> No.52504812

lmao wtf is that

>> No.52504893

I like it as a male, someone photoshop char's mask onto him.

>> No.52504953

Can't believe someone still samefagging a thread. This is 2023 OP

>> No.52505039

The lack of black lineart on the head just makes it look blurry.

>> No.52505282

>Have nothing to rebut the argument
>Hahaha you esl, redditor, Nijisanji psy ops!
I'm NTA, but it's boring when someone like you can't even argue back.

>> No.52505551
File: 191 KB, 367x411, 1638114524415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What baffled me is that the Americans don't realize this will slowly destroying their country to pieces while other countries like China, Japan, or even Indonesia, a third world country taking advantage of that and create better thinktanks and innovators or just better workers.
I was surprised that American colleges can discriminate by rejecting certain race from entering college. Imagine, USofA, who loves to flaunt about their human right stuff. And yet discrimination exists in the most prestigious level of education?
What the fuck happened with that country?

>> No.52505657

I don't think they can even hold a job. Their love with numbers is on the basic level. They even made common mistake a lot.

>> No.52505854

It fit the lore though. Tempus is a guild, from the look of it they serve a kingdom (Cover Kingdom). It's very common for the military to employ people with certain set of skill (doctor, alchemist, architect, etc etc)
Hell, my dentist is a military dentist. His adjutant/apprentice is in full uniform even when you're suppose to wear sterile white doctor gown in that hospital.

>> No.52505922

Burderland is an apathetic shithole where the women have 3 figure bodycounts and then wonder why they're single at 30 while the broader population can't figure out why shit gets worse when they support the worst policies imaginable. The people cannot mentally connect "bad policy" with "worsening quality of life", so the USA will just become a shithole country.

>> No.52505975

So you're saying a brotuber need to be ugly?

>> No.52506095

Time to invade Kiara

>> No.52506112

I don't really have an opinion on Vesper's old or new design so why would I try to argue anything? I'm just calling things out the way I see it, and clearly it bothered you. Also:
>just as esl as that anon
You're not fooling anyone, anon.

>> No.52506202

>finding men attractive
Nice "bro"

>> No.52506276

Now kronii will redebut as a flat genderless trooni.

>> No.52506387

Anon, I think you want to tell us something.....

>> No.52506767

>old good new bad
This but unironically.

>> No.52506992

Look, I'm an oldfag like you. But even then the long jaw is not universal. Maybe it is if you love Trigun or that Shinshengumi guy from Kenshin or Spike Speagal. But even then not all characters have long jawline.

>> No.52507092

Suisei is a big moneymaker for Cover. I think they will tolerate her involvement.
Also from what I know about her, she's diva (a good kind that is)

>> No.52507207

>Think the redesign is to net Vox audience
If you actually watch him you know he will filter that kind of audience in a single stream lol. Just shut up tourist.

Captcha: UZ GOY

Oh my

>> No.52507308

>Thinking it's to bait the Vox audience
>When he can filter that kind of audience in just a single stream
Shut up tourist.

>> No.52507550
File: 54 KB, 844x703, 1e215dfa4ecb6c974e1f37d118ac803d41440f7c228c8e6a7c8cd8c26646f422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what?
So your logic is that stright men have to be ugly?

>> No.52507696

LOL what define "anime character" for you?

>> No.52507981

fellas…i really don’t like fubuki’s new design :(

>> No.52510152

This, this is the fix

>> No.52512466

wtf is this new scarle shit

>> No.52515358

its literally just her old design except with a lot more facial expressions

>> No.52517190

>I hate change.
I love change

>> No.52518216


>> No.52518271

just kinda wished he looked old

>> No.52518443
File: 317 KB, 599x338, what if it was gray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52519731
File: 258 KB, 441x849, mein chickwin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52520531

No way, it's a bit overly busy in the torso area but it looks WAY fucking better now. Only issue is his new model looks like some kind of badass charismatic boisterous psycho JRPG villain and he's a retro pc gaming nerd who collects weird weapons and has menhera episodes.

>> No.52520598

>Suisei is a big moneymaker for Cover
She wasn't when this happened.

>> No.52521570

Fuck all of you Sana was perfect

>> No.52521715

They should have Atleast kept him grey....

>> No.52521767

Damn, nigga's jawline increased twofold.

>> No.52522911

new one looks better, but the old one is still as cute as ever

>> No.52523090

Yes, we know you're autistic.

>> No.52523768

All me

>> No.52523863

>no gimptubers

>> No.52523881

he followed kronii and went and got a plastic surgery done
what a cuck

>> No.52523978

vesper turns into NTR antagonist, nice
hope he can cucked every holo EN simps
waiting for the next drama coming from him

>> No.52524063

Why though? He looked okay. He looks like a normal guy now.

>> No.52524242

Thank god someone else said about it. I thought I was going blind.

>> No.52524377

I think he fucked up his settings. The new colors should be more muted. You can even see something is off

>> No.52524598

His original Mama has been MIA from twitter ever since late 2022, so who knows what happened to them.

>> No.52524612

I predict there will be another stream dedicating on shitting on his model soon where he begs for a new one
And he will get it

>> No.52524630

yeah i think he mightve messed up. dude seemed nervous and confused on how his OBS worked

>> No.52524699

Vesper can change saturation/brightness of his model. So basically he can do it on his own.

>> No.52524738

he did one of those tiktok jaw workouts and now his face will never be the same

>> No.52528631

You mean mewing? That's nothing new.
There's also a bite toy, which also is older than Tiktok itself, which can strengthen jaw muscles, but it's better not to overdo with it, otherwise you'll look like a freak.

>> No.52528807

Yeah but it's only the skin that needs it, if you desaturate everything it will fuck with the clothes.

>> No.52529057

>I hate change
A tale as old as time.

>> No.52529449
File: 187 KB, 800x534, korean jaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii gets surgery for a Korean Jawbone shave
>Gives her jawbone scraps to Vesper
That's so cute of them

>> No.52530397

I know vesper himself isn't remotely vox-like and I'm glad for it, the new design just screams chinese fujobait to me. It's probably just because of how bright it is, like this post >>52484582 says.

>> No.52530554
File: 557 KB, 660x807, firefox06302023185437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he can look at the fujos and daddyfags disapprovingly.

>> No.52530768

This new design has to be a nod to his PL, they're way too similar.

>> No.52532844
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, Fz7BMI3aQAEzXhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference this is what it looks like on the model sheet they tweeted out

>> No.52532899

That's just disturbing.

>> No.52532990

the model art looks much better and closer to his og form than the actual model...

>> No.52533032
File: 697 KB, 731x639, 5mqabjvle99b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i wonder what couldve tipped you off

>> No.52533144

Haters gonna hate whats new?

>> No.52533159
File: 73 KB, 591x940, korean jaw pillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52533217


>> No.52533228

Haters going to hate just because they’re males.

>> No.52533868

How do crazy bitches even like him, watching his WoW streams he (and rest of the boys) go on guy topics where they talk about fucking succubus and stuff like that

>> No.52533890

why cant we have both? both have charm, unlike magni

>> No.52534818

The facial structure and the way the fangs look, especially when the mouth is only partially open.

>> No.52535289 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.29 MB, 1525x1888, beardmaxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If straight man aren't ugly they turn other straight men gay.

>> No.52535376
File: 13 KB, 600x400, Files.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone used one of these bad boys on his chin and its honestly all for the better

>> No.52535559

You will be happy to learn that it was just declared illegal by the Supreme Court. This shit takes a bit to work its way through the system.

>> No.52535637

That's how you can tell they've never watched anime in their lives

>> No.52539428


>> No.52539784

No, the older design is an Alucard ripoff.

>> No.52539941

He doesn't look like a generic vampire anymore

>> No.52540393

IRyS still retained a lot elements from her original design.
This might as well be a different vtuber entirely.

>> No.52540524

That's a good thing

>> No.52540697

New design looks nice, still won't save him from being bullied by the clock though.

>> No.52541073
File: 755 KB, 598x885, Evan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a generic character from china phone games, are they really trying to steal audience from niji with this shit?

>> No.52541353

To be honest if Chinese fujos actually visiting one of his stream and get BTFO'd I really want to see it.
>Chinese Fujos: "Oh boy a new Vox!"
>*Vesper talking autistically about his recent biking trip or something for a full hour"
>*Chinese Fujos running away screaming*

>> No.52541523

Girls actually fine with sex talk (They even secretly enjoy it)
What make them left is when guys talk about guys stuff. Things as mundane as camping in the wilderness, biking stuff, working in IT, etc etc and that's Vesper true power.

>> No.52541660

Yep. Also redesign is to avoid Konami's wrath and possible lawsuit.

>> No.52542547

his passion about things is endearing. i enjoy hearing him ramble autistically about biking and shit

>> No.52542678

Still ugly as fuck, nothing changed

>> No.52543345

As a Muslim not all imam need to be heard. Also there's a lot of Muslims in SEA. And many can't even grow facial hair.
Also Muslim or not, Turks can be quiet nuts sometimes (no offense to Turkish people)

>> No.52544011

>And many can't even grow facial hair
I stand like a viking between syrian coworkers who are two heads shorter and have less hair on their chin than I have on my belly. And muslims assume I'm one of them solely because of my beard

>> No.52544322

>shitty but unique design
>generic jrpg villian

>> No.52544702

Ironically he looks more androgenous now. Reminds me of the retro female pornstar look. Doesnt mean i want to fvuck him but i could basicly do mutual mastrubation and cross swords by pretending hes a female pornstar bimbo/trap.
Yes this means its a disaster.

>> No.52545513

Women got too many rights. I'm not saying this to Chad post or shitpost, I mean this 100% unironically. People vote way too much for selfish reasons instead of voting for the betterment of the nation as a whole, even if it's a little uncomfortable, and women (and Boomers) are literally the biggest offenders.

>> No.52546261

soulless soulless
go back to being a pedophile on twitch

>> No.52547274

The problem with Syrians or Afghans is that they live cooped up in their own country for way too long and never learn about the world more. Also their concept of Islam is already mixed with their local culture and it's bad. If you read the book you know it's never focused on growing beards. It's more about doing good deeds and learning/education.
Sadly, westerners will always focused on those nutcases rather than good Imams.

>> No.52547735

I WILL agree on this.

This is the correct answer.

>> No.52547891

>IRyS saturated af
>Fubuki saturated af
>Vesper saturated af
OK what the fuck is going on??????

Now out of these 3 I'd say IRyS>Fubuki>Vesper on who looks better to worse.

>> No.52553170


>> No.52553712

lol., homostars EN really got new.2d live models before Myfh

>> No.52555088

Because Myth models are already good enough?

>> No.52555204

So true sister, the boys just need more help, it’s called equity

>> No.52555257

gay->ultra gay

>> No.52555411

exactly what I thought the first time I saw it, looks like something you'd find in a chinese gacha

>> No.52555575
File: 221 KB, 451x462, 1673654552652737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to suck, huh?

>> No.52555677

You're going to get called a woman for this

>> No.52555849

These look exactly the same

>> No.52555868

Yeah this model just does not fit his personality whatsoever, I don't get what they were thinking with this change.

>> No.52556596

>before: ugly af
>after: ugly af
Thanks yagoo

>> No.52558968
File: 55 KB, 355x450, nowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just miss his hair and prefer his old eyes.

>> No.52559296

This entire thread is proof that 2D is superior to 3D. Reminds me of when the Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright games made the switch to 3D models. Looked completely shit by comparison.

>> No.52559373

Hey he got Pako as his artist least. they fucking love Hololive and are a good mama.

>> No.52559548

It's still 2D rigging though. I get what you mean, but still.

>> No.52560899

Yea, I don't like the "glow" of Fubuki's new model. It throws me off.

>> No.52561035

I'm so sorry that it's already metastasized to your eyes anon

>> No.52561075

with tweaked settings this is an improvement

>> No.52564871

You can not like the new model as much as you want, but you can't deny that the rigging is leagues beyond anyone elses.

>> No.52564928

The mouth tracking pretty shit unfortunately.

>> No.52568138

Not just twitter, but Pixv and Facebook too. The only thing that’s been updated this year, and fairly early on at that, is delivering a couple of skebs they were commissioned to do.

>> No.52568432

kek, he went from fujo bl style to bara homo style
