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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52455865 No.52455865 [Reply] [Original]

Was it the point of no return for /vt/ ?

>> No.52456039

This didn't involve anyone I care about.

>> No.52456113

That stream was hilarious.
The point of no return for vt was how every living thing on earth agreed to never love them. Or so their brain says.

>> No.52456138

A lot of anons here were saying Kronii was a men-hating dyke before this collab
I truly wonder what these posters did after that happened

>> No.52456197

I don't see Gura, irys or fauna there

>> No.52456237
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To me it was this one.
Never looked back.

>> No.52456330

I called everyone a bunch of crybabies because Altare didn't do shit, Kronii made herself laugh when punching altare by accident when trying to heal him and somehow people spun the narrative that Altare made her laugh.... of course we later found out Kronii is just a retard but that video proved nothing.

>> No.52456339

You had years to become a male vtuber and get in your oshi's pants. And you didn't.

>> No.52456472

>Dead by Daylight
and dead they are

>> No.52456506

I respect this industry too much to ruin it.

>> No.52456537

anon please being that high on copium isn't healthy

>> No.52456599

>That post history
Bro why the fuck is there a Pippa tripfag now? Phasebros you're okay with this?

>> No.52456705

>Altare didn't do shit, Kronii made herself laugh
/vt/ just saw the title of the clip and didn't watch. No different from redditors only reading the headline and not the article.

>> No.52456977

Nigga, it's in the fucking video, blue homo doesn't do shit, it's all kronii. Was she a retard because of the ''idol culture'' thing? absolutely, did she deserve her sales sinking because of her own stupidity? fuck yeah, but blue homo did nothing.

>> No.52457069

>the only one okay in this
>discount dracula with mental illness
>support the cause
>Ouro "I'm depressed, I want to kill myself haha...ha..." Kronii
I don't think I lost anything by not watching this.

>> No.52457146

>he took and kept this screenshot saved all this while

>> No.52457336

It was the same as when Ame decided to do that karaoke duet stuff

>> No.52457748

The guys didn't even interact with the girls. Hell, Axel barley interacted with anybody, he was like that retarded kid that you're forced to invite along and then he just sits in the corner eating paste.

>> No.52457951


Your oshi will never have a casual conversation with you. You will never meet her as an equal and you will never have any sort of relationship with her.

>> No.52457989

you mean for /infinity/?

>> No.52457999

ok faggot

>> No.52458025

this was a fun stream but tbf i love anything with bae in it

>> No.52458646

It's so funny to me that even casuals noticed she laughed like love-struck cocksleeve to the point that she even addressed the "issue".

>> No.52458716

Seething yellow femoid hands wrote this.

>> No.52458733

I guess that's the real conundrum of HoloEN. It's not even that the males are sex pests, it's that the women are THAT fucking horny for cock that they will start pushing this NTR bullshit all on their own.

>> No.52458739

I'm not one of them but I still think Kronii hates men in general.

>> No.52459246
File: 786 KB, 1536x2048, Diplomatic Immunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine question: if Tempus never existed who would be the boogeyman when EN inevitably still reclined?

>> No.52459270

Making /infinity/ completely meltdown like that is the only good thing homos have done.

>> No.52459362

lonely 40 year old virgin hands wrote this

>> No.52459590

Gura probably

>> No.52459601

>Was a dull, boring collab for most involved.
>Lives forever rent free in the cock obsessed schizo mind.

>> No.52459628


>> No.52459681

>Tempus is fucking my oshi!!1!

>> No.52459755

Gura not streaming and keeping her comparatively massive audience in the holo ecosystem

>> No.52459786

you dimwit that would prove that quality does exist, we don't go that route

>> No.52459793

Nah the Worms one was the dealbreaker for me
Forever swore off anyone involved, even Reine

>> No.52459816

Would that timeline have EN3 or not?

>> No.52459873
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Pic is just to attract attention. My point of no return was when Moona said it's fine for Holo vtubers to have relationships, and that she knew some of them already were.

>> No.52459927


>> No.52460056

I can't find it, but it was early on. Maybe it's deleted now

>> No.52460116

>Mori ruins HoloEN
Of course

>> No.52460161

This guy is shitting up literally every thread

>> No.52460311

Yeah good question. If it does and none of them become the new/vt/ villain, they'll probably blame Gura. If there's no EN3, they'll blame Cover for not releasing it. Maybe some counter arguments blaming Council for "not doing as well as expected" and not having a million sub member yet.

>> No.52460399

>disingenuous tranny here
>if the consequence of Tempus happened anyway but without Tempus, who would you blame?
You're huffing Altare's yellow cum if you think we wouldn't be riding high right now without Tempus, and approaching EN3's anniversary, with EN4 on the horizon.

>> No.52460462

There was no inevitability you homobegging cunt.

>> No.52460520

We try to ignore him, but he doesn't care, and there's always one faggot that gives him a (You)

>> No.52460547

We can now confidently say that Moons does not have a boyfriend.

>> No.52460557

Lmao even

>> No.52460581

>NTR bullshit
What NTR? and why is it not NTR if they do the same with girls? Would you be ok with your gf cheating on you with a girl?

>> No.52460663

Hypocrisy that's why, if it doesn't involve dicks then it's not cheating

>> No.52460693
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You can see that EN was mostly tracking JP's ebbs and flows all the way through, albeit at a lower clip, until Tempus happened. Retard.

>> No.52460846

Even assuming that Tempiss wasn't the main culprit for EN's recline things would've just gotten slower and more comfy. At worst you'd have a couple discussions and timeloops about some girls being lazier and burnt out.
Instead now the entire fanbase is filled with a loud minority of mentally ill Twitter troons who do nothing but pick fights with the core audience of actual stream watchers.
It's not secret that the faggots have more overlap with NijiEN than HoloEN at this point and their average viewers is a seething femcel trying to force herself in a hobby for dudes.

>> No.52460860

Kiara and Mori were the old boogeymen.

>> No.52460931

Right, Tempus is why EN2 was lukewarm and the EN vtubing industry as a whole is dying outside of the eceleb leeching Twitch ones (so I've been told). If the EN market was just full to bursting with demand spoiled only by those dastardly Tempus cocks, one of the other idol type corpos or indies would be hitting myth numbers, not floundering in 3 and low 4 view territory at vest. So yes, it was an inevitability, you assisted living grade retard. The fad is dying and COVID is over.

>> No.52460985
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Autists who think they know statistics will never not be funny.

>> No.52461063

>doesn't stream
>numbers drop
Those evil Tempus cocks!

>> No.52461096

For Kronii yeah.

>> No.52461097

>deliberately wreck the house
>eh it will happen anyway

>> No.52461121

>the stream that caused endless /vt/ meltdowns to this day
>all because of a laugh

>> No.52461171

It just looks like everything on that chart dropped except VSPO and HoloJP. Covid over, vtubing died.

>> No.52461273

>top talents keep rising
>talentless hacks keep falling
You can blame the homos all you want but there's no saving terrible work ethics

>> No.52461288
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The branch would be far, far, far more motivated if Tempus never existed, and we have EN3, and EN4 is on the way. Yes, Tempus is the cause of it all. And I'd eat shit and shut up if they produced numbers; if they actually proved they were worth the sacrifice. And then reality sinks in and they're shitters.

>> No.52461326

>Was it the point of no return for /vt/ ?
No way, it was when Mori decided collabing twice with that faggot Connor and Trash Taste was a good fucking idea, along with the condom money SC yab.
That day fucked this board over in more ways than one, any sign of overall mental stability went to the gutter after that happened.

>I truly wonder what these posters did after that happened
killed themselves, hopefully

>> No.52461356
File: 61 KB, 781x447, 34u093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would Hololive be if Yagoo just debuted picrel and nobody else for two years? Disingenuous prick.

>> No.52461361

Nah it was the point of no return for Altare and Vesper being on friendly terms

I have taken my meds btw.

>> No.52461387

i'm pround they finally and tank EN hololive
plz kill it, for the greater good.

>> No.52461427

>The branch would be far, far, far more motivated if Tempus never existed
The lack of streams happened way before Tempus existed, so you're saying they're using the homos as an excuse to be even lazier?

>> No.52461456

This is some premium grade cope

>> No.52461535

Were there lack of streams in the months right after Council's debut? Hmm, I wonder how things would've been like if EN3 debuted on the exact date Tempus did, instead of Tempus? Hmmmmmmm what would it be like? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

>> No.52461541

How is this shit still living in your head 10 months later rent free

>> No.52461542

>What NTR?
I'm assuming you don't know the situation he's referring to. Altare did a karaoke with one of the songs being Fly Me To The Moon. At some point after, Ame also did a karaoke where she said Fly Me To The Moon but instead of the standard version with no lyrics, she sang to a recording of Altare singing it. Naturally /vt/ spun that as Altare's fault and not Ame being retarded.
Tldr: My cartoon girlfriend literally had sex with a prerecorded cartoon m*le on stream!

>> No.52461582

>Hololive's appeal has always been CGDCT, literally 99% of their streams are that with a few exceptions
>Tempiss debuts and they go full guns blazing with weekly HoloEN collabs and nonstop interactions
>the homo themselves are absolute shitters and their core audience mostly fujo sisters, already proving the Hololive fans actively avoid them
>still no EN3 when the branch desperately needs it
>you can literally see the graph for HoloEN drop hard the moment Tempiss debuted, with each individual Holo except Fauna having massive % reclines
>beggars STILL deny homos were responsible for the recline
you are genuinely fucking delusional even when you have every piece of evidence stacked against you.

>> No.52461599

Won't logically happen because they were still no names who need every exposure they can get from new members, holoEN is already an established branch but it is still stupid to wait for 2+ years for releasing new talents

>> No.52461721

Retarded point, people only care about their oshi providing the content they are here for. And not having to deal with fag is some pretty basic exigences a public can expect, on a scale of dificulty it's around game journalist mode. Sorry it doesn't fit your rrat, but it's a pretty retarded one so sorry not sorry retard. and yes people can just fuck off, and they did.

>> No.52461742

either vesper said the n-word in discord and hurt altares feefees or that. it's funny because rrats said altare was supposed to be omega when in reality vesper is the biggest mixed pusher of the homos.

>> No.52461785

>you can literally see the graph for HoloEN drop hard the moment Tempiss debuted
Explain why Kiara's number dropped then despite her avoiding the homos like a plague

>> No.52461858

NijiEN debuff

>> No.52461894

Really? What about it is cope? More girls, even if their activity is mediocre, still means more streams, because there are more girls. The workforce would've literally been expanded by 50%, assuming 5-person debut.
The same kind of energy and momentum the branch had continues with an all-girls cast, instead of being weirded out and stumbling through trying to accommodate the sudden introduction of Tempus and all the leddit homobeggars coming out of the woodwork. What's so illogical here to you?

>> No.52461898

I respect girls too much.

>> No.52461919

Kinda true, but I could even tolerate the existence of Tempiss (bad numbers or not) if Cover didn't shill them so FUCKING HARD.
Why the fuck do they get model redesigns faster than IRyS? Why the fuck did Cover pay for Axel's shitty cover song? Why the fuck did they get a SECOND FUCKING GEN already, before EN3 (and no, I don't care about their bullshit "NO NO THEY WERE TOTALLY MEANT TO BE ONE GEN I SWEAR" excuse)? Why the fuck did they get some power-tripping, grandstanding tranny self-insert who made himself the god of the holoverse to be their personal shill? Why the fuck is the subreddit running 24/7 damage control over them? Why the fuck is Yagoo CONSTANTLY sucking their dick on twitter? Why the fuck are they allowed to act like sex pests towards managers (Nodoka)?

>> No.52461939

collabing put people off of EN as a whole

>> No.52461957

The whole board was on fire.

>> No.52461981

The cock sucking nijiEN girls stealing her viewers or her collabing with them?

>> No.52462049

Kiara, Bae, Gura, Ina. Whoever didn't stream or had shitty numbers.

>> No.52462111

Wouldn't her being the paragon of CGDCT be a buff for her like it is for Fauna?

>> No.52462117

>despite her avoiding the homos like a plague
She never did.

>> No.52462170

link her homo collab then

>> No.52462223

I may be able to do that soon.

>> No.52462318

So no one watching her has nothing to do with Tempus existing, okay

>> No.52462365

Because CGDCT is the natural state of HoloEN. It's not a surplus buff, it's what's expected and when half of the branch is fucking it up the weaker members are gonna suffer the consequences too.
Is this literally your best argument after I provided you 10 different points on why Tempiss cause HoloEN's recline?

>> No.52462393

The latter, though I'm mostly shitposting
Kiara has always been the runt of Myth for various reasons, with her lusting after Pomu, Nina and Rosemi being the latest reason for retards to hate her

>> No.52462438

Don't know. I'm showing you that she never avoided them like the plague, as you claimed. Which you then used that claim to make factual conclusions, but you initial claim is provably wrong.

>> No.52462494

Along with all the other corpos and indies? Boy those are some scary powerful cocks Tempus has. Funnily enough, the only significant incliners EN industry wide seem to be Twitch male collabers, but we'll ignore that and keep pretending male collabs are why a fad is dying.

>> No.52462508
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>>Hololive's appeal has always been CGDCT, literally 99% of their streams are that with a few exceptions
>when you ignore the parts that disprove my point, I'm right!
>>Tempiss debuts and they go full guns blazing with weekly HoloEN collabs and nonstop interactions
Actually Mori was the one who got their collab ban ended early, therefore HoloEN were the ones going guns blazing with weekly Tempus collabs
>>the homo themselves are absolute shitters and their core audience mostly fujo sisters, already proving the Hololive fans actively avoid them
>Source: it came to me in a dream
>>still no EN3 when the branch desperately needs it
Skill issue. ID and Tempus have less members. Tell the girls to spread their less less and stream more
>>you can literally see the graph for HoloEN drop hard the moment Tempiss debuted, with each individual Holo except Fauna having massive % reclines
Actually the recline happened before Tempus debuted. Are you forgetting that "incline" was Sana's graduation month when she decided to get off her ass and start streaming? Where her streams and any collab involving her would get mega buffed because of said upcoming graduation? Picrel is a better graph that doesn't crumple to outliers. Oh look! Constant decline.
>>beggars STILL deny homos were responsible for the recline
Considering all the evidence pointing to the contrary, are you positive you aren't projecting?

>> No.52462661

The claims anon made are that Tempus is the sole reason for holoEN's decline, I then ask if that is the case then why Kiara, one of the remaining holoEN that hasn't collab with Tempus, are declining in numbers unlike Fauna, another one of the remaining holoEN that hasn't collab with Tempus, her mentioning Tempus debuting is not the same as collabing with them regularly

>> No.52462821

Sana graduating and Gura going ghost.

>> No.52462920

okay i had never actually studied this graph before. it looks like holoen was on a downward trend, and that tempus was a factor but not a sole reason in that happening. hopefully EN3 sparks things back up for you bros though

>> No.52463188

They have Magni and Vesper in it. This was enough.

>> No.52463249


>> No.52463618


>> No.52463674

Yeah, they don't use that graph because it's inconvenient to the Tempus killing EN rrat. As you can see in my graph, a sharper downward slope happens on August 22 exactly. At that point the only collab that happened was the Mori/Magni art collab on the 19th. I noticed a lot of members were playing Rust on the 22nd, including Ame. I don't don't if the timeline is correct since I didn't watch, but was that when Ame and Gura had a falling out when Ame called her a bitch?

>> No.52463782

>I'm showing you that she never avoided them like the plague
Actions retard actions where are the streams? The one in your made up mentally ill mind in the future does not count as one.

>> No.52463818

so vesper finally collabing with "for the cause" again?

>> No.52463904

Be vesper
>NO, I WONT collab with altare. The rift between us is too great.
>what... you say there will be THREE females?
>alright, fine... I'll do it.

Kek I'm just joking. Should be a fun collab after all, I'll be watching it.

>> No.52463909

I see almost no influence from Tempus in the numbers here. You could draw a straight line from 2021-12 to 2023-05 and it's been a gentle downward slope that entire period.
What this graph does tell me though is that we need EN3 already.

>> No.52464120
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>> No.52464200

>Source: it came to me in a dream
Are you really debating the fact that Tempiss is full of shitters? I mean look at the graph they are at the absolute bottom of the pack and regularly mogged by ID and even some small fucking corpos. It's painfully obvious the vast majority of Hololive fans refuse to watch them.
And taking a look at /MANS/ or their top SC members it's painfully clear they have a retarded amount of fujos and sisters in their fanbase.
>Skill issue. ID and Tempus have less members
Pretty ironic you use ID as an example when ID3 their newest gen is also by far their most popular one and singlehandedly lifted up the entire branch. Is that supposed to be an argument against debuting new gens?
>that graph
You can literally see a small drop during the Tempiss collab arc and a steeper recline in the period after they debuted.
Honestly the absolute best thing you can try to prove is that Tempiss didn't singlehandedly kill HoloEN. Even that is debatable but there is not a single fucking world in which Tempiss and the whole HoloPro bullshit + mixed collabs was a positive for the branch and what the fans wanted.
So we're left arguing if Tempiss was either a complete disaster or just a harmless flop and a waste of resources. Amazing. And I'm still convinced they were a complete disaster but it's mostly debatable points like the Kronii drama or Hololive's core appeal.

>> No.52464236
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>> No.52464286

>What this graph does tell me though is that we need EN3 already.
If you're saying that because of the drop in CCV, I don't think that'll help. Council debuted on August 23, 2021. You can see their debut in the top left: a small bump followed by a decline much sharper than before they debuted. That could possibly be due to CCVid being so close to their debuts, or it could be from Council stretching EN's audience thin. A similar trend can be seen from Tempus2's debut in the bottom right: a small bump, a sharper than previous decline. It seems more like a general disinterest in the EN market, which would explain NijiEN's decline as well. I don't disagree that it's been too long since EN had a debut btw

>> No.52464774

I do think during that time EN vtubing was becoming saturated. Niji EN was started, Vshojo was popping off, thousands of indies started appearing on Twitch and Youtube etc.
At this point though it feels like the current trajectory for HoloEN can't be shaken up without an injection of something new. That something clearly wasn't Tempus.
I'm on the side of harmless flop. I don't know if I would even go that far for Tempus 1, but absolutely for Tempus 2.

>> No.52465040

>Are you really debating the fact that Tempiss is full of shitters?
You can think what you want, but I was referring to the "core audience" part. woman=/= equal fujo, and if you're using 4chan of all places to gauge an audience I've got horrible news for you.
>Is that supposed to be an argument against debuting new gens?
Who said anything about not debuting gens, schizo-chama? My point is that there are branches with even less members that EN has. For example at this point EN had both their vsinger as well as their second gen while Tempus doesn't have their vsinger. And here /vt/ told me they were getting special treatment...
>>that graph
Your claim was that EN is recline because of Tempus. The graph proves EN has always been declining, which even Council's debuts being on the graph and only caused a sharper decline than before they debuted. Take a closer look at when the decline you pointed out happened: August 22. At that point, the only collab was between Mori and Magni on the 19th. Whatever happened, it's more likely to do with either Council's Anniversary which would be the 23rd, or Rust which EN played on the 22nd.

>> No.52465085

>I see almost no influence from Tempus in the numbers here
Yeah because you're ignoring it. There's a drop in Holo EN that coincides with the debut of Tempus and you can see how EN just keeps losing steam afterwards while Holo JP inclines. I was there when Tempus was announced and I watched EN numbers instantly start declining across the board. People did not fucking want a bootleg Niji EN.

>> No.52465201

The point of no return was when any corpo thought it would be a good idea to bring any western thot into the industry.

>> No.52465206

Looks to me that the recline started on tempus since they went downhill the moment they started

>> No.52465324

Tempus 2 was pushing the already small audience too thin, the only positive addition was the clown

>> No.52465591
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I love people posting this graph and immediately outing themselves as an innumerate subhuman.

>> No.52465599

I guess EN's massive decline 7 months before Tempus's debut was also because of them and not covid ending then?

>> No.52465605

When it's two women fucking you just can join in.
Besides lesbianism is a joke in Japan.

>> No.52465770

As someone who actually tracks numbers daily unlike most of the larpers in this thread, the July buff was due to Rust where people like Ame and Mori were getting free 10ks just for booting up the game, plus Sana's graduation tour which let her shit out a bunch of highly buffed collabs - see Nina's streams recently for an example of the exact same phenomenon, tons of NijiEN streams getting a temporary boost from former viewers who came back.
On the other hand, the graph doesn't prove that "EN has always been declining" because when you smooth out the data over an interval that long, you obliterate all the trends that appear in less than a year. EN was definitely doing better going into the summer of last year. The reason why it fell off after that is subject to interpretation.

>> No.52465918

Tempus kicked the decline into overdrive and they did it instantly. Pretending they didn't kneecap Holo EN is revisionist history and cope.

>> No.52466022
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Sorry, the concept of a "line of best fit" is difficult so I made it easier for you to see.
Please explain to me how Tempus caused the HoloEN girls to start declining a full year before Tempus debuted.
Also while you're at it, explain why they had their first notable incline in a long time this year, while Tempus exists. It's not big enough that I'd ever attribute Tempus to it but it sure does seem to run counter to your theory.
Whose trying to revise history here?

>> No.52466065

HoloX and JP management were exactly that until Tempus debuted.

>> No.52466119

Uh, yeah, well.... what happened before Tempus doesn't count. Homobeggars out!

>> No.52466141

>>52466022 (me)
Sorry, I said a full year, 7 months like the other anon said. Got dates mixed up.

>> No.52466205

>Please explain to me how Tempus caused the HoloEN girls to start declining a full year before Tempus debuted.
You're being completely dishonest. Holo EN was in decline and then Tempus made the decline much, much worse over night.

>> No.52466225

Well yeah, when I say "constant decline" obviously I'm not going to include the natural fluctuations that happen everywhere. In the zoomed in graph >>52460693 you can see Tempus is technically inclining at the end there. Does that mean "Tempus is inclining" is accurate? In the very literal meaning of the word yes, but when you look at overall trends they aren't. The same can be said for EN and NijiEN.

>> No.52466406

>Is provided with proof his narrative is wrong
>keeps spouting it completely undeterred
Many such cases.

>> No.52466655

>keeps lying and pretending like I'm claiming Tempus started the whole EN decline
>I'm actually just pointing out how they accelerated the decline
>all you have is a strawman
>everybody who was watching Holo EN when Tempus debuted witnessed the damage they did first hand, in real time, and is immune to your gaslighting
>the only people you might successfully fool are are complete newfags
I accept your defeat.

>> No.52466751

>I accept your defeat
How do people here still not realize this chuuni cringe talk is embarrassing.

>> No.52466912

>Anons talking about tempus damaging the girls when the biggest damage they did was actually to starsjp
will never be not funny to me

>> No.52466979
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So the decline got "immediately worse overnight", and you have nothing to prove it other than
>everybody saw it

>> No.52467007

>Please explain to me how Tempus caused the HoloEN girls to start declining a full year before Tempus debuted
Because your shit graph is literally made to flatten most of the context around said peaks and reclines. The first recline happened after COVID when streaming as a whole was at its absolute peak. 2022 looks that fucked mainly because of CCVID but as a whole it showed HoloEN being relatively stable and finding their foot. Post Tempiss marks by far one of the steepest reclines of the branch only saved afterwards by the HoloFes+Myth anni and 3D debuts+CouncilRyS outfits.
>Also while you're at it, explain why they had their first notable incline in a long time this year, while Tempus exists. It's not big enough that I'd ever attribute Tempus to it but it sure does seem to run counter to your theory
Already proved it. Also by that time the Tempiss collabs pretty much halted save for the monthly SQUAD collab with Kronii and Mori. HoloEN was at its absolute worst during the time when the branch was aggresively spamming homo collabs and in the following months.
Explain that.

>> No.52467021

I'd argue that 30 day intervals are too short while 1 year intervals are too long. Entire corpos have started up and folded in less than a year. I'd ask the guy who made these for a 3 or 6 month chart but it would just be spammed in catalog threads by retards so meh.

>> No.52467029

Most of us are ESL...

>> No.52467934
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I agree with 30 days being way too short, and one year may be a touch too long. I prefer the longer one since, as you mentioned before, with short graphs you have things like Sana's graduation buff skewing results, which wouldn't be an example of actual incline. With a longer graph, while it might be harder to see the induvial impact each event has, it still gives a good idea of general treads.
Original graph provider here. Trendline anon is not exactly accurate. There's a clear shift in the trend starting August 22. As a clearer example of EN's graph, this is AdmiralBahroo's graph. As you can very clearly see, his general trend on an incline until a very clear shift where he reclined and remains stagnant. Because of this shift, it would be more accurate to use two separate lines. EN has a sharper decline on August 22, but the cause is unclear especially on the 30 day graph.
>Because your shit graph is literally made to flatten most of the context around said peaks and reclines
Which makes it less shit than the 30 day graph. In the short graph, it appears EN inclined to the highest they've been pre-covid. The reality is that Sana was graduating, an incline that obviously wouldn't last and doesn't speak on EN as a whole, only that something big happened. Longer graphs aren't week to freak outliers like a graduation.

>> No.52468367

At least the blue homo noped out of collabs after this. Vespers bitch ass ruined EN. Stay in your lane fuck Nigga and stop thirsting over that Korean pussy bitch boy. Dude finally gets to talk to girls, it’s probably the peak in his life

>> No.52469117

>retarded catalogmonkey thinks a literal fruit into hypermuscle Bara wants his Korean waifu

>> No.52469286
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>graphs and stats, arguing over some bitches that barely get 5k to watch them
Lol cringe, it's like arguing whether it's shittier to live in Indonesia or Philippines. Anyway, what's the point of these when youtube doesn't show viewcounts properly, or did they fix it? Haven't watched holos for 1,5 years, maybe something changed.

>> No.52469395

It was a decent stream

>> No.52469575

Tempus' biggest crime is how fucking obnoxious and boring they are. They're not good entertainers or streamers and the only reason they get a spotlight, ever, is when they leech from the women because they're just terribly unremarkable and serve zero purpose. They bring in even more awful people into the vtuber viewerbase and they've done exactly zero things to improve themselves in any way. That's the actual reason to dislike them.

I can at least say the second tempus guys, or some of them, have been pretty good about trying to keep to themselves and not leeching and at least giving an honest go at trying to get people to like them for being them and not because of holoEN or holo collabs in general. They're slightly better than the first four fags at least but still not great.

>> No.52469671
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>365 day average
Utterly useless, things change quickly enough in the vtuber sphere that using an enitre year long average smooths things out way too much.
The 30 and 60 day average versions do a much better job of showing the effect Tempus had during a period of relative prosperity for HoloEN. Had they debuted EN3 at this time instead of Tempus I truly believe things would have gone differently.

>> No.52469885

Then you believe in a delusion.
As others have said, >>52467934
the entire streaming industry as a whole suffered, 5 more people wouldn't have changed the general decline of the fleshtuber and vtuber industry.

>> No.52469970

That graph was already posted and as it's been mentioned multiple times, that "period of relative prosperity" was due to Sana graduating, not actual incline. Obviously once she leaves that buff disappears. Tourist attractions like that and debuts aren't exactly "periods of prosperity" otherwise your own graph would mean Tempus inclined after Tempus2's debut, therefore we need more Tempus members.

>> No.52470065

The point of no return was when Kronii made her unarchived member stream and then turned around and hid behind Cover's skirts. I've watched it from when someone linked it here and I can see why the Kronies are so mad. It was a very warm and intimate stream and it seemed like she had actually gotten to know her fans better and they her. Then she came back and just pretended like it never happened. It was brutal.

>> No.52470066

next question

>> No.52470108

tell them to collab more
i want them to become even more irrelevant

>> No.52470315

>Why do the girls let people harrass them, they should just let cover handle it
>Kronii decides to let cover handle it

>> No.52470527
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>>52469970 (me)
As a current example, Nina of NijiEN is graduating. Take a look at her number's before and after the announcement:
>3view to mid 1k, Mincraft buff bumps an extra 800ish viewers
>22k announcement, a couple 5ks, a 7.5k, even the worst performing stream mogs the best performing stream barring the Kiara collab
She didn't "incline" over night, she attracted tourists that want to be there in her final moments. But that's all they are: tourists.
Sana and all streams involving her, also got buffed but to a much higher degree. She once languished in 2k-4k CCV, then failed to ever fall below 8k after the announcement.

>> No.52471190


>> No.52471235

Who are you quoting?

>> No.52471285
File: 341 KB, 1080x723, Screenshot_2023-05-07-10-30-12-645-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot that this board just hate hologirl and use everything homo and doxx to shit on them. This all started when homo got sister and trannie as their audiance, it didn't happen when hologirl interact with starjp, it's only happen after staren. Picrel

>> No.52471617


>> No.52471644

>implying greenposting is only about quoting
Go back.

>> No.52471717

Unicorns are so goddamn insufferable holy shit

>> No.52471864

Maybe you should go back to Twitter sis. You never belonged here.

>> No.52472399

What Kronii did was like shooting up a preschool because she was told to stand up to bullies

>> No.52473146

It was the point where /vt/ went full mask off and became deranged.

>> No.52473182

>ITT: HoloENfags being confronted with their truth that their oshi's reclined all on their own

>> No.52473348

Yes. pretty much dropped the whole branch gradually after that. If I couldn't watch JPs I'd be done with chuubas.

>> No.52473711
File: 17 KB, 1358x315, 84D6C5C8-F5B8-42C1-99C3-43A6D724148D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collab with Homos
>Collab with twitch retards or NijiEns Decline

It’s as simple as that. HEY don’t get mad it’s not my fault, I’m only one viewer!!

>> No.52474222

>It was a very warm and intimate stream and it seemed like she had actually gotten to know her fans better and they her.
Why do people parrot this meme, go back and watch that stream (someone's archived it I'm sure), she was very passive aggressive that stream and everything she said was shitting on unicorns. Think about what she said during that stream in the context of her subsequent actions and greater channel decisions, off the top of my head:

>I've never seen myself as GFE
says the woman who has never interacted with any male before that stream
>doesn't want to be called a whore
says the girl who jumped on star dick the moment she got the chance
>literally reading online articles about how parasocialism is bad
I don't think I have to explain this one here, her whole job is parasocialism
>demanding the Kronies explain why she shouldn't collab with males
she was so aggressive at this part too, as if its some alien concept that dudes don't want to watch other dudes hang out with their oshi
>reading comments from the schedule post (including Kronig)
I'll give her credit here that's something no other holo would be dumb enough to do but it took balls even if she shot down all his CGDCT arguments

Also can't forget that Mori visited her in Canada before this shit went down and after the DBD stream she posted the "winner winner chicken dinner" tweet.
Overall it just seems that she harbors disgust and disdain for her fans.

>> No.52474279

Meanwhile in reality:
>Kronii and Ame have done everything in their power to debuff themselves
>Ina clearly has grown bored of streaming and is just phoning it in at this point
>Mumei is allergic to consistency
>No one ever liked Bae and Kiara
>Mori's appeal has been almost entirely supplanted with other vtubers outside of Hololive.

>> No.52474447

From minute one it should have been obvious that she didn't like her model having giant tits (same as Mori) and didn't like the kind of audience that it ended up attracting.
What she never realized was she never had strong appeal outside of her model and voice, which is why she's great at attracting tourists and dogshit at retaining them.

>> No.52476821

I am just hate lesbians.
All my RM, PL and archive reps have been rewarded.

>> No.52479257

Ahaha yes.
I don't understand why common knowledge in Indo is bannable in /vt/. It's not like it's doxxing, it's available in the internet without trying so hard.

>> No.52479532

I already gave up on them. They're no idol therefore they don't belong to holo

>> No.52479599
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>> No.52479650

Anon its still private information. SEA facebook users digging hard into it and spreading it all over doesnt change that. How fucking hard is it to respect someones privacy?

>> No.52479694

Mori obviously

>> No.52479720

NTA but there are some holos who dislike how attractive their models are (Kronii, Flare), and some who are outspoken about how they dislike it being changed (Suisei, Aqua). I don't think it's bad to have preferences, but I agree that it's toxic to not serve the product that was given to you to market because of your feelings. It's your job, do your job. If you dislike it, then do what Flare did, which is to not actively do stuff against it.
Kronii is the biggest what if in Holo EN. Imo she could've been bigger or as big as Gura if it weren't for her attitude. But she clearly likes the cash that comes with it, so suck it up buttercup.

>> No.52479983

If you post it in Facebook then it's not private information. Or at least post it in a closed group for family only. I didn't decide to see the info, it showed itself on my FB TL. I didn't share it, didn't spread it, and I respect her privacy, but once something is common knowledge because of the internet I think simps and mods need to recognize that. It's not all the time that people talk about roommate stuff that they mean any harm. Hell why is it I can say stuff about Reine but not her? It's a double standard.

>> No.52480464
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>unicorns holds a gun to Kiara head
>"kiara would never collab with males she hates males she believes in are unicorn gay shit aswell!"
there is a big difference dude.

>> No.52481292

>Axel barley interacted with anybody, he was like that retarded kid that you're forced to invite along and then he just sits in the corner eating paste.
Axel sounds incredibly based sometimes

>> No.52481335

Still violates the rule because the vtuber persona and the real life persona doesn't want to have any correlation with each other

>> No.52481488

she sounds like a gf that is about to ask her boyfriend for an open relationship

>> No.52482013

Well good news, the vod has been available to watch for nearly a year now so watch it any time you want.

>> No.52483327

>Overall it just seems like she harbors disgust and disdain for her fans
It's so funny whenever people who clearly aren't Kronies try to analyze Kronii and come up with the wrong conclusions every single time. "This girl who I don't watch and already have preconceived biases against clearly thinks a certain way, I know because I watched the archive! Sure I wasn't actually there live but that doesn't matter!"

>> No.52486446


>> No.52490174

i know you are trying to be funny but you sound so retarded lol, try reading what you type man, i got some second hand ultimate cringe. please go back retard

>> No.52492318

LMAO I thought it was supposed to be a new one. Shit thread after all.

>> No.52493286

I've watched her since debut and she's always tried to down play the fan service, which is fine I wouldn't want her to be EN Choco or EN Marine, but she's always kept the Kronies at arms length and always communicated and streamed the bare minimum (yes Kronii is the standard for the bare minimum, Gura and Ina are actual ghosts). We always knew she hated us but the misandry rrat was the cope that wouldn't collab with males and it turned out she hated us more than the stars.

>> No.52494340

Even before sana's graduation announcement holoen was inclining after ccvid and were close to jp in progress. Tempus debuting only hurt holoen's numbers and probably the biggest negative impact they had was delaying en3 which was and is desperately needed to keep interested in the branch

>> No.52494643


>> No.52494748

I accept your concession.

>> No.52494935

>holoen was inclining
>doesn't post proof

>> No.52495184

Sana announced her graduation on july 12. Compare that to the graph >>52469671
Holoen peaked before that

>> No.52495443
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>HoloEn didn't recline thanks to Tempus
Wow, no shit. It's almost as it would take constant collabs throught an ENTIRE branch to do this, not, just Ame and Kronii. Bae and Kronii were doing it from the start and others were singular/brief nothingburgers.

People who tell you HoloEn reclined thanks to Tempus are just projecting Kroniicucks and Teacucks still malding about their oshis cucking them.

>> No.52495489

*Bae and mori.

>> No.52495550

Why can trannies never argue the actual merits of anything and immediately start claiming "no one loves you" when I don't care because I just want good streams, is it because everyone actually hates you unironically due to being a fucking tranny who deliberately works to piss people off and then acts like you're oppressed?

>> No.52495620

You're doing the exact thing you stated right now.

>> No.52496316

You mean when all the members are more active they are at their peak? What a surprise

>> No.52496351

>If I just ignore all the evidence against me and trust my headcanon I'm right!
Not only did the the collabs hurt holoen, but tempus' existence delayed en3 which also added to the recline

>> No.52496461


>> No.52496480

Agree about the second point but collabs only hurt Ame and Kronii. Why would, say a Takodachi even fucking care?

>> No.52496502

I can't believe Tempus made EN decline 7 months before their debut

>> No.52496557

And the goalposts move, kek

>> No.52496592

The point of no return for /vt/ was >>2.
Verification not required.

>> No.52496670


>> No.52496848


>> No.52496989

It doesn't hurt the girls that don't collab with homos, like Fauna much, but collabs that bring in the tourists are hurt when some of the members have lost a lot of interest and there has also been big gaps in events that the main audience is interested in, because of tempus, like the lack of en3.

>> No.52497081


>> No.52497457

Because she keeps talking about them. You'd know that if you actually watched streams. holofans want to just ignore the stars entirely and while kiara will very likely never collab with them she has made repeated mentions of them on streams so some kfp quietly left.

>> No.52497468

Kroniis stupid blunder happened before Mori visited her in Canada, retard. The entire time you faggots were shitposting about it Mori didn't leave yet.
There is no reason to lie about this or willfully ignore the order of events.

>> No.52497597

Look at yourself, writing this long ass post about how much you're seething. You think any girl would like that shit? You're disgusting, unironically go kill yourself.

>> No.52497682
File: 1.01 MB, 1390x682, shag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give this merit and agree with the simple fact alone the Hololive's gachikois are either one and the same or as diaper and leash laced as Ninten-toddlers

Bottom of the fucking barrel as it gets and Good, they've earned it

>> No.52497795

Kronii made this post.

>> No.52497961

At least you stopped seething for 5 seconds

>> No.52498425


>*Shoves a fat Dick in her mouth to subjugate the lesser species*

>> No.52500343

jesas it just became a Pacman mouth after tempus

>> No.52501149

Why is the HoloJP at his highest while EN is reclining?

>> No.52504173

What is there to argue
You have a dumb cunt op who is either trying to bait other dumb cunts or is mentally ill
There is no debate to be had
