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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5245066 No.5245066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hololive is ruined by it's holobronies fanbase who freak out over their oshi even collabing with someone they don't like
They're literally one of the worst fanbases ever, competing with Steven Universe fans and kpop fans in how fucking retarded they are

>> No.5245085


>> No.5245112


>> No.5245126


>> No.5245134
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based mamaposter

>> No.5245161


>> No.5245182

this just shows how collectively you retards only have one brain cell
you literally ruin hololive

>> No.5245189

I am a fan of both SU and Hololive. Living my best life.

>> No.5245204


>> No.5245210


>> No.5245299

mama is undeniably cute and barely escapes holoniggers retardedness


>> No.5245390


>> No.5245528

no way a holy trinity stream after vshitjo was an accident.
lines have been drawn.

>> No.5245557


>> No.5245568

kpop shitters did a good job gatekeeping their hobby because I have no intention of ever listening to that garbage.

I as a hololive fan want that level of commitment towards keeping foreign agents as far away as possible from my oshis. HoloEN already brought enough cancer as it is.

fuck anitubers and their ironic weeaboo fanbase
fuck pronoun spouting, pride flag western vtweeters
and most importantly fuck nyanners

>> No.5245570
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You know the full size doesnt fit or are you just pretending to be retarded?

Also i like everyone my oshi collabs with because that means she likes them

>> No.5245676

The current Hololive fanbase is already a product of failed gatekeeping on EOPs so keeping the millions of subverters away that're already there at this point is nothing more than a pipe dream
If you want a good example of gatekeeping just look at the Nijiniggers, people always talk about what elitist assholes they are and how the /jp/ thread is soooo mean because they don't allow people to talk about Lulu, but hey it works

>> No.5245876

nijiniggers are somehow less obnoxious than hololive fans, maybe because there are fewer. at least they don't make a million threads or shit themselves everytime a girl has a collab and sperg out about the dumbest shit
I saw one anon say how a chuuba doesn't appreciate hololive and they should be like a family. I didn't think they could get any more retarded.

>> No.5245912
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I'll admit the fan base is as bad as kpop but Stephen universe..... Come on that's low...

>> No.5246115

I find it funny because there is a general literally made for spoonfeeding Nijisanji here.

>> No.5246143
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You're not wrong.
Do note that this is the 4chan portion of the fanbase though. The shithole of the EOPs and ESLs of them.

>> No.5246258

Yup Nijifags will never escape the evil gatekeeper image so matter what they do at this point and that's a good thing for them

>> No.5246315


>> No.5246386

the 4chan fanbase and fanbase as a whole practically worships cover and considers them incapable of doing no wrong, even insisting the girls consider each other family
imagine licking the boot of yagoo

>> No.5246431

>noooo you can't call out collabs with literal racebaiting piece of shit americunts nooooo
Fuck off and die offsite retard.

>> No.5246459

marxists gtfo

>> No.5246490

How dare fans not consume collab content!

>> No.5246497

>this product would be great if people stopped consuming it.

>> No.5246498

how new? Cover hate from hololive fans is at an all time high now due to the events that lead to Coco's graduation. I know you're most likely a tourist from /v/ but please don't embarras yourself like this, lurk for a while before making idiotic posts and maybe even search the archives.

>> No.5246502

how many keywords can you fit in there bud

>> No.5246529

>Cover hate from hololive fans is at an all time high now
Bullshit, people are already dragging Coco's name through the mud to make Cover look better, it's retarded

>> No.5246546

even with the hate at a supposed all time high people are still bootlickers

>> No.5246577

>Kpop fandom
Rabid but profitable
>Steven Universe
Just rabid

>> No.5246617

kpop is probably worse than su fans
imagine a bts meal but with hololive or even Szechuan sauce
they'd have fucking meltdowns

>> No.5246781

>people are already dragging Coco's name through the mud to make Cover look better
Examples of this outside of this board?

>> No.5246926

We were specifically talking about this board so I don't see how that's relevant

>> No.5247003

Any examples from this board? Isolated shitposts don't count, I want to see these supposed hololive bootlickers all reacting positive to Coco smears.

>> No.5247096
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didnt read here for ui op is a retard

>> No.5247431

>>/vt/thread/S5107201 >>/vt/thread/S4887604
Give these threads a read, tons of Cover shills

>> No.5247463

It's relevant because outside of this board, nobody is shitting on Coco to make Cover look better. Even fucking Reddit and Twitter understand that Coco left because she wanted to because of creative differences

>> No.5248945

nice ebin wojak format

>> No.5248982

Fuck off EOP

>> No.5249115

seethe much

>> No.5249172

>worst fanbases ever, competing with Steven Universe fans and kpop fans
Not even by far as bad as those fucking freak shows. I've witnessed all of them.

>> No.5249205

gatekeeping good

>> No.5249291

Mentally ill /v/tard

>> No.5252933


>> No.5254102
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