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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52437872 No.52437872 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just come out and say it, it got too real for me. Yes, I agree, I came into this space with alot of energy and enthuisiasm as I would finally be able to interact with my favorite online personalities, play games all day, sing songs and be famous! It all seemed too good to be true, well now I know it is.. Reality began to set in, I realized Although I was living my dream life, something was missing. I didnt want to believe it at first because I hard worked so hard to achieve this status and level of recognition as a vtuber but I finally had to accept it: This isnt what my life was supposed to be.
The more time I spent perpetuating this persona the less I felt that I was working towards the person I wanted to truly be, something I could be proud of, something I can look back on fondly once its all over. I know this might not be news you all wanted to hear after being distant for so long but I finally decided to commit to my decision. I "Gawr Gura" will be stepping away from V-tubing as a whole and move onto bigger and better things in life. I never meant to hurt any of you and I hope you chumbuds can in time accept this decision and move on in life like I have.
Thank you for everything <3

>> No.52437930


>> No.52437973

The Gura shitposts are coming after the Niji failure

>> No.52437975

>because I hard worked so hard
If you're going to shitpost at least do it properly.

>> No.52438009

Very cool fanfic

>> No.52438014

this time for sure nijisis

>> No.52438118

>niji failures graduation dates set
>instant gura shitpost threads in the catalog
Totally organic. Stop being so transparent.

>> No.52438146

NijiID graduation deflection thread

>> No.52438426
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try harder m8

>> No.52438475

im not reading this drivel. condense it into two short sentences at most

>> No.52438534

Gura has never referred to her fan base as chumbuds not even once.

>> No.52438602

There's no way in hell she'd say this 2 days before the concert.

>> No.52438682

Is this a new algorithm for the bot? It needs work.

>> No.52438711

Seriously, why even doing this?
At this point, nijisanji graduation is so insignificant and common like a fart.
Even the last nijien graduation only stay relevant for a day.

>> No.52438760

>deflecting literal nijiID whos?
come on now chumkeks

>> No.52439446

not the correct writing style. you suck at this.

>> No.52439485

>nooooo why aren't anons laughing with me?
>nooooo why won't anons validate ME?!
OP, you're not funny and nobody likes you. I know you spent the whole day coming up with this absolute zinger and it completely backfired. It's boring. Hang yourself.

>> No.52439784


>> No.52441691

stop with the deflection posts anon, holo is winning, accept it

>> No.52441766

>Schizo thinks he's Gura
>Other Schizos immediately cry about Niji
There aren't enough meds on the planet for /vt/

>> No.52441812

Demasiado texto.

>> No.52441832
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