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52361487 No.52361487 [Reply] [Original]

was Yagoo genuinely sad over Coco graduating?

>> No.52361763

>Gets BTFO
>make catalog bait
Every time
This time It will work out, kurosanji bootlicker >>52360922

>> No.52364526


>> No.52365510

She was a top earner and a big flagship for overseas viewers, he obviously was - regardless of his personal feelings.

>> No.52366254

being a flagship for overseas is different between overseas appeal, considering myth took a vast majority of her popularity

>> No.52366464

nobody except the chinks wanted it to happen

>> No.52366592

that begs the question of how much yagoo prefers stability over owning the chinese

>> No.52366986

I used astral projecting and can confirm he felt sad.

>> No.52367412

>sacrificed entire branch and some other JP talent growth for her
>grifter leaves less than a year later
He was probably just dissapointed.

>> No.52367442

Not only was he sad over Coco graduating, I'll bet you he was probably sad about Rushia too, but felt he had to do it as a responsible business owner.


>> No.52367576

Joining Vshoujo is the cherry on top.

>> No.52367629
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Stating it plainly in case anyone's actually fallen for Yagoo's badly-maintained 'doting old ojiisan' act: Cover is a CORPORATION, one which basically sells emotional blackmail. Everything, from the lyrics of songs to the calls of who gets hired or fired are made by a cabal of sociopathic shareholders who wouldn't give half a gram of shit if every girl was run over by a wheat-thresher and the survivors skullripped by the fucking Predator as long as shilling their funeral-merch made their shares worth 15 cents more at the end of the financial year. The popularity of any individual girls means jack-shit because they know you'll just jump to one of the other idols. The girls are viewed as expendable assets, which is why they really don't care about overworking them to the point of exhaustion/health breakdowns.

tl;dr: You should do your utmost to make your oshii feel loved because her employers sure as fuck don't.

>> No.52367676

Too long didn't read but you are probably smoking some horseshit, stop projecting sister so far cover is good at treating there talents.

>> No.52367703

fpbp, when OP can get BTFO this easily it's time for the rope.

>> No.52367711

>implying Predator-chan is not my oshi

>> No.52367803
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Triple your dosage, then kys.

>> No.52368036

anon, you're genuinely retarded if you think cover doesnt give a shit about long term stability

>> No.52368110

>viewed as expendable assets
I hope you're not a Nijifag, for your sake

>> No.52368290
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>about overworking

>> No.52368579

I doubt they had a choice between keeping Coco or the CN branch. There's no telling if graduating her even would've appeased the chinks and it was just a matter of time before something similar happened again.

>> No.52368989

Try actually enjoying content and leaving your basement instead of lurking this trash dump 24/7 for rrats. You'll laugh once you realize how big of a retard you were for writing all of that.

>> No.52369063

He's a teenage boy at heart and Coco's style of humor was among the funniest in all of vtubing to him.

>> No.52369197
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yagoobros.... not like this

>> No.52369637

>pander to retarded chinese viewers
>employ retarded chinese vtubers
>your vtubers constantly say things that piss off the retarded chinese nationalists but they forgive them because they are japanese
>don't take any measures to stop your vtubers from saying these things despite promising that you will every time
>japanese-american vtuber does the exact same thing everyone else did
>chinese audience throws a shitfit
>suspend her and put out official notices saying that she broke the rules
>force her to put out a canned apology
>don't let her explain what actually happened
>now japanese and western audiences are mad too
>chingchongs still mad
>chingchong vtubers watch a terrible nationalist movie on the day she's unsuspended
>don't fire them or suspend them
>ban holoEN from collabing with her or mentioning her
>don't allow her appoint fans as chat mods
>don't give her professional mods
>don't help her set up automated moderation
>ban her from doing her most popular show
>she sits with members-only chat for literally months until her fans convince youtube to make a spam filter for her channel specifically
>don't include her in any sponsorships
>don't feature her on the main channel at all except for a mute prerecorded video of her idol outfit
>she sends a list of spammer accounts to ban because apparently she's not allowed to do that herself either
>turn some of those accounts into moderators because why not lol
>spammers ban a bunch of her members
>don't apologize
>she quits in the most gracious way possible
>instantly gets a trillion sponsorships right after quitting
>wtf traitor they did so much for you

>> No.52369908
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>thinking your oshi loves you
Anon, the girls are well aware that most of their fanbase are horny lonely whiny boring men who openly joke about raping them.

>> No.52369953

Nope. He would do the same thing they are doing right now for gura if that was the case.
But maybe they learned from the experience

>> No.52370760

By Lamy word

Yagoo was crying so many times because of Coco graduation. She even said Yagoo want to protect Coco. That is a last time gen5 witness Yagoo tears.

If you want to know....

Coco decided graduated because Chinks randomly spam her friends and she want to stop them by created anti spam system with Youtube and suicided for end cycle of hatred.

She hinted it in 2 hours of silence mem stream

>> No.52370807


>> No.52371016

i am yagoo and i can confirm i was indeed very sad

>> No.52374677


>> No.52374826

yes, Cover isn't Nijisanji afterall.

>> No.52375170

How would Hololive look if she actually died in her suicide attempt

>> No.52376655

>The girls are viewed as expendable assets, which is why they really don't care about overworking them to the point of exhaustion/health breakdowns.
Seems to be describing a different corp.
Gura and others are prime examples of giving them the time they need. It's pretty common to hear from new talents about management telling them to cut back and not overdo it.

>> No.52376817

When she was describing a black corp, it's more evident now that it wasn't about Hololive, but Nijisanji. The rrats about it being Nijifans doing most of the harassing is probably true.

>> No.52376833

What's sad is how many people don't realize this. Cover is a lot like Nintendo, everyone loves Nintendo, a lot of us grew up with Nintendo, we've bought Nintendo products and have fond memories of those products.
Nintendo would flay us over hot coals if it meant they'd get more money.

Corporations are not your friends, they do not care about the consumers "feelings" they do not care about the people who work for them. They care about the bottom line. Yagoo might have been genuinely sad about seeing people go but he is alone in that. The company marches on stronger than ever before

>> No.52377215

Cover at least knows not to publicly execute their talents. That would hurt their image, while another corp rather use Chinese brute tactics. Relying on corp bootlickers for damage control.
Similar to various govts: Cover fans have the freedom of questioning their own management, while other corps try to silence it. One has transparency, the other does not. But can say the bottom line is the same. One CEO makes less than some of the talents, while the other boasts of being one of the youngest billionaires while giving them 2%.

>> No.52377448

That's literally a true statement.

>> No.52377626

I remember "hololive moments" demanding Cover to do it lol

>> No.52378070

Thats some revisionist shit if I've ever seen it. I don't care about nijisanji but I will say that the first post itt talks about how >>52360922
Is totally wrong but as someone who was actually there during that time, they're correct. Coco was blocked from collabs, had literal antis and doxfags promoted to moderator status in her channel and couldn't get rid of them. She begged and pleaded for cover to give her moderators and they wouldn't. It wasn't until after she announced her graduation that she was able to do what she'd been wanting to do and cover actually gave her mods.
Rushia got terminated and got a notice that basically said
>She violated the contract and was more trouble than it was worth to keep her so we canned her thanks for understanding bye!
Nobody prevents people on either side from questioning management and neither one is transparent about their actions.
Also reminder that merch cuts from hololive are also shit according to both Fauna and Axel and that you're taking the word of a doxfag who also claimed that he was being hunted in Japan by anycolor.

Both companies suck ass m8, if you wanna know the truth vshojo is unironically the best company out there.
-Large merch cuts for talents
-no cuts on superchats or donations
-helps you obtain convention appearances and concerts
Etc etc etc. I unironically pray for the day that Japanese corps fail so we can get more corps that actually respect the people in them

>> No.52378214
File: 83 KB, 480x480, 1687478861013533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The love for Yagoo is not a front.
While they still respect him as not a friend, but the CEO.
Will be a sad day when he steps down.

>> No.52378599

> Cover is just as bad as my black corp.
Still refusing to believe in the 2% shows that you are not brave enough to face the facts.
Even resorting to twisting what others said to fit your narrative.
Pure cope.

>> No.52378646

Of course you'll be sad losing a colleague

>> No.52378739
File: 31 KB, 177x182, New Project (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorrowfur time but rife goes on

>> No.52378890

What "evidence" is there for me to believe? Words from a man who when I looked up I found was
>too stupid to cook rice
>too lazy to clean his rice cooker
>frequently goes on menhera tangents about shit like people making fun of LoL players
And a tweet that was 4+ years old. I don't doubt that the merch cuts are shit but I'm not so willing to throw my hat in with dramafags who make up shit for content so SEAmonkeys can sit at the screen chimping out over their tribal wars.

>> No.52379300

>Cover is evil. Everyone is expendable assets
So, where's JP7 and EN3 anon? It has been more than a year, and even approaching 2. Lots of companies launching 2 or 3 generations, in the span of a single Holo gen.

>> No.52379397

They modded China spammers then literally refused to help fix it. Banned users had to tweet at coco in her replies with their account ID to get unbanned.

>> No.52379522

It's quite simple.
What the talents/livers say and do not say helps prove the legitimacy of the rrats.
Coco doesn't hide how Cover was restricting her. Removing react content was probably the last straw. But otherwise talks highly of the time there, and still respects Cover. And she was one of the first to criticize Niji on the 2%. That they need to treat the talents right. That she was lucky, even complaining about only getting 50%.
You twisted what Fauna said...to make it more clear, She said can tell which merch gets the higher percentage by how much they shill it.
As for the truth of the 2%, no livers have debunked it. Can easily say, it's not true and stopped it there. But instead, they plead the 5th. While some have already stated it was true in the past.
In case you don't know, Niji currently has someone inside leaking internal info. Everything released has come true so far, also stating the 2%.

>> No.52379691

yagoo was actually getting jerked off during this

>> No.52379911

This board has made so many stupid narratives over a fundamental misunderstanding of the difference between talents saying which source of income makes up most of their paycheck versus which source of income pays the largest percentage of the revenue to them.

>> No.52379933
File: 245 KB, 952x949, 1688055093829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The talents who aren't menhera and too stupid to clean something as simple as a rice cooker haven't tuned in when they do feel free to tag this post and tell me. And yes coco is Japanese but it doesn't change the shit cover did to her. Cover literally did everything they could to force her to want to graduate because of what happened between them and China. She can suck up to cover all she wants but people who were around got to watch a corporation throw one of the most promising talents they had to the wolves and pretend like everything was okay.
And no, I didn't twist anything. Fauna herself said that "only sometimes" is merch better than superchats and since you're esl let me show you what "only sometimes" means.
And no of course nobody has fucking "debunked" it you fucking retard. I could go around stating that hololive gets 1% and nobody would debunk that either because they can't without breaking their contract.

>> No.52380330

>that merch cuts from hololive are also shit according to both Fauna and Axel
now changed it to
>Fauna herself said that "only sometimes" is merch better than superchats
Like I said, can tell what merch gets the higher percentage by how much they shill it.
Why caused you to go all schizo about that statement?
If you are trying to say Cover also pays only 2%, no one is going to believe you. Coco debunked that already.

>> No.52380804

Yes getting paid less than a superchat per merch is shit anon. And Axel also confirmed that merch is at the bottom of the barrel. If you wanna support your oshi buy her voice packs and send her superchats because those are better ways to support her most of the time as confirmed by both axel and fauna.
Also Coco didn't really "confirm" anything, she confirmed in her next stream that her vshojo contract got updated and she now makes more off of merch than she did before. Now I'd also like to point out that as much as I love kson/coco she's been kson for far longer than she was ever coco. Coco lasted 551 days and if you dont count the Three weeks she was suspended for saying "Taiwan" on stream that gives you 530 days, under two years.

Kson streamed as kson even when she was Coco but even if you want to take the time from graduation to now it's 728 days as of today. Truth is that coco was a flash in the pan. She was incredibly talented and creative and still got treated like shit the second she crossed a line she didn't even know about.
Corporations are not your friends.

>> No.52380807

>can tell what merch gets the higher percentage by how much they shill it
Not true, a lot of Holo merch is things that the talent come up with themselves and are genuinely excited for. Those types of things are also usually very custom made and have lower profit margins. Merch that they get the biggest cut from is things like acrylic stands. Voice packs are far and away the best though, as they have a production cost of basically zero, they're essentially superchats but instead of Google's 30% cut it's the online store which takes like 5% or less.

>> No.52381154

Not talking about the company's cut, but the cut to the talents.

>> No.52381257

Ofcourse, why wouldn't he

>> No.52381271

Just dishing the 2% from Niji is logically deducing that her past cut was not so low...or even close.

>> No.52381606

Gotta stop thinking all corps are like Nijisanji.
There are various ways to make profit.
One has diminishing returns, while the other is at the top with a low turnover rate, reinvesting in themselves with the ambition of world domination.
Of course, both are doing it for profit, but it's like comparing a wage-slave company to a legal firm.

>> No.52381887

It's possible, it's also possible that she literally forgot that she got that much too when she was in cover. I'll put it this way, if you sell 10,000 items priced at $50, you earn 2% of that.
You've made 10k off of that one item alone, now you convert that to yen and you've made 1 million+ yen. That's pretty good and that's not all, you make a shitload off of superchats, voice packs, concerts, conventions, sponsorships and special events too.
Funny thing is nijisanji talents have said the same exact thing fauna and Axel did. Voice packs are best to support them, Merch is the worst. The difference is that when you're a tribalfag you immediately react to hololive saying this with excuses like
If copium was a stock I'd invest in it because you tribalfags sure do know how to produce it.

>> No.52382436

No one is saying they are not still making profit. Just that they are making less than other talents in other agencies.
One complains about not making rent or paying taxes, while in another corporation they are eating A5 wagyu with caviar.
When Yagoo was questioned why his company does not make as much profit despite revenue, He replied that he pays his workers so they can and encourages them to reinvest in themselves. Gura puts her own money into the animations and other projects like 3D Lives. It was not cheap. Most are unable to think of doing such. Good to hear that Iron Mouse is also getting work done from that same company. She can afford it.

>> No.52382589

Japanese men talk with their backs. If he is sad, he won't allow himself to show it.

>> No.52382894
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>the vtuber with a business degree who constantly talks about money and contracts literally just forgot what her contract was

>> No.52383078

she never said what her degrees were, and she did not work in that field.

>> No.52383207

she worked in some undisclosed black company in an office setting before the job where she saw a lot of buttholes
almost all her college friends have foreign partners
99% sure she has some type of international business degree

>> No.52383230

>was Yagoo genuinely sad

>> No.52383336

it was in the medical field, probably at an english language school since her japanese wasn't good back then

>> No.52383741

Do not put words in Fauna's mouth, she's mentioned nothing of voice packs and only responded specifically to someone saying "Merch is the best way to support you right?" In which she responded "Some of the time" and pretty much implied anything she had to deal with making then she gets the most out it, which is why she included the hand towels for her outfit reveal. I fucking hate you fags, stop talking about Fauna. Stop mentioning Fauna. You do not watch Fauna and you clearly didn't watch the webm that was floating around either. I fucking hate you cunts.

>> No.52384658

NTA but Anon, do you think that a5 wagyu and caviar is that expensive....? Even if it's first class caviar that's only about $600-$700. I've eaten at places more expensive than that.....
But the rest of your post is kinda funny cuz like pomu went to Japan like 3 times in the past year, bought a limited edition pachislot machine that cost 2k, and has earned enough to where she had a menhera breakdown about how much money she was making like a month ago.
Selen is holding an outfit contest worth 5k
Vox literally ate two different $500 caviars on stream like it was nothing
Petra doesn't even stream 90% of the time and still affords a Japanese apartment that she lives in by herself and college and alcohol
Nina who is graduating has lived by herself since being a part of Nijien, has moved at least twice, spent her first couple of months flying to a variety of different countries for extended periods of time, and plans on flying to every member of Nijien after graduation.
Maria who is a 3view in Australia just recently moved to a new place that's been better than the one she lived in before and commissions covers frequently.
Reimu is moving to a new place in Columbia here soon as well paid for solely through her streaming expenses and has also taken several trips to Europe, Japan and the UK since streaming.
Millie was literally hospitalized for a month and a half and has produced fewer VPs than any other girl but still lives by herself in one of the most expensive provinces of Canada and makes enough to eat pretty fancy meals herself bragging Recently about taking Enna out for an 8 course meal at a fancy restaurant.
Those are just a few examples that come to mind. As much as I may hate it, both companies are very profitable

>> No.52384878

I watch her, mainly her asmrs though and I watched the clip as well. She didn't mention that voice packs were better you're right but I'm giving her and axel benefit of the doubt. According to both merch is worse than superchats most of the time and if voice packs aren't better than superchats then.......rough.

>> No.52385242

I mean it's just common sense. Superchats are 70% profit before the split between Cover and the talent. If merch is remotely close to that then you're getting ripped off.

>> No.52385354

Aloe was not forced to graduate by cover, they actually wanted her to stay

>> No.52385603

I remember the good days. Sad that they are gone.

>> No.52385835

Niji bad and they're all poorfags. Delete your post.

>> No.52388338

She became irrelevant with the arrival of HoloEN. Thus the desperate grifting with taiwan/china drama which she knew would bring massive positive and negative attention on her. Anyone who says that she didn't know what she was doing is a drooling idiot.

While she gained attention and support, it was already over. These EOP supporters were watching HoloEN and other english tubers now. She weren't getting them back.

The only tragedy is

>> No.52388877
File: 2.26 MB, 1500x2100, coco graduate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revisionist shit. A rather persistent narrative that cropped up following the "Taiwan Incident" was that Coco's showing of her channel analytics for the September 25, 2020 edition of Asacoco, just hours after Haato had showed her's, was her way to draw aggro from the pro-CCP antis that were harassing the latter. This was unfortunately a narrative spun up by Coco's existing pro-CCP antis at the time, as she had a sizeable hatedom in the mainland due to her being American-born Japanese, for the express purpose of justifying further villification of her and Hololive in general.

Coco had been asleep at the time of Haato's stream and, if her reaction to that morning's Asacoco archive being privated is to go by (She was informed by the chat of this, while in the middle of an unarchived English-only karaoke stream on the afternoon of the 25th), completely unaware of what Haato had done the night before.

Furthermore, the reason she was even bringing up the analytics in the first place was in response to an article by Bunshun Online, which talked about the success of Vtubers, but described them and their audiences as 'Japanese'. Coco brought up her stats to show that her viewership was actually pretty varied (only 50% Japanese, with the US and Taiwan taking the top 2 spots for non-JP viewership).

Here is the article in question: https://bunshun.jp/articles/-/40372

Here is a clip of her during the "incident" to refresh your memory. No intent detected. She just mentions taiwan nonchalantly and immediately moves on:

tl;dr: The rrat that Coco fell on the Chinese landmine deliberately for Haato is false. It was unironically just a coincidence spurred on by racism on the Chinese' part.

>> No.52388962

you can tell when a poster is chinese based on their insistence that the rest of the world knows about their taiwan sovereignty dispute

>> No.52389112

NTA but that's pretty common knowledge at least in the english speaking parts of the world. The only other Asian geopolitical dispute that's more widely known is probably the Korean schism.

>> No.52389831

Not really, not in america at least. 99% of people think taiwan is independent and have no idea about china's claims over it. When we go shopping at walmart, some products say "made in the USA", others say "made in china", all the clothes say "made in bangladesh", and some electronic stuff says "made in taiwan". That means it's its own country as far as the majority of people are concerned.

More people are probably aware right now due to the media constantly bringing it up after the ukraine thing, but that wasn't the case before that.

>> No.52390199

I know our education system isn't the best in the world, but I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge, at least in regards to modern geopolitics. If you have even the slightest inkling about history or politics, chances are you know about it. I learned about it for the first time when I was in middle-school several years ago in world history, and I went to public school. It's been one of the main talking points of the news when it comes to discussing the Pacific fleet and military operations in Asia

>> No.52390351

I didn't know about it until the coco drama happened. If you were reading vtuber fansites at the time including this one most people were confused why it was an issue at all.

>> No.52390462

I am yagoo. I was very sad.

>> No.52390667

>I didn't know about it until the coco drama happened.
That's really weird for me. Are you an American? Didn't they cover this shit in your world history class? I distinctly remember this being brought up during the lessons that covered the post-WW2 to the Cold War era. I don't know if its because I paid attention more in class, our school district had higher standards, or some other third reason. That's like not knowing about the Vietnam war or that period in time where we ruled the Philippines. It's just basic geopolitical knowledge.

>> No.52390953

My high school history classes were mostly limited to things that america was directly involved in, we learned a little about china but it wasn't really modern chinese politics, don't remember taiwan coming up at all. The college history classes I took were mostly ancient history, and some pre-1900s american history.

>> No.52391156

>I don't even know who you are
t. Yagoo, probably

>> No.52393272

No, he couldn't give less of a shit.

>> No.52393716

Cover likely wanted to fire Coco but instead did that Japanese thing were management made everything so unpleasant that she would eventually want to quit. Honestly does seem odd that Haachama has gone radio silent for over 4 months and investors have started asking when hololive will return to the Chinese market.

>> No.52393776

Wasn't she only a top earner after her graduation announcement?

>> No.52394268

No, she became one through being popular and having "superchatto time" as one of her prominent chat memes.

>> No.52394304

>>52394268 (me)
Well, and because she appealed to older fans with money to spend.

>> No.52394551

Dude, I hate my ex and I cried when we parted. It's a perfectly normal reaction, all the memories can't just be erased overnight.

>> No.52394875

I went to one of the top high schools in my state in the US, and we did learn about the Chinese civil war, the nationalists fleeing to Taiwan, reestablished relations by Kissinger/Nixon, etc. However, the formal curriculum itself never said "Oh btw there is still a dispute where Taiwan claims to be the real 'China'."
I think we did learn that China still pretends to own Taiwan, but it was treated as a silly "lol imagine that" footnote, and was definitely NOT taught as "Mainland Chinese nationalists will flip out if you don't indulge their claim to control Taiwan."

>> No.52395016

Stop. You can't be reasonable on /vt/. That is not allowed.

>> No.52396847

>The popularity of any individual girls means jack-shit because they know you'll just jump to one of the other idols. The girls are viewed as expendable assets, which is why they really don't care about overworking them to the point of exhaustion/health breakdowns.
That describes Hololive, Nijisanji, and most Japanese idol companies. Cover shills will act like their corporate brand is different but 2022 had a suspicious amount of problems in holoEN. I am skeptical though when talents have these long radio silent health breaks since a few tweets each week is easy unless they are locked out of their hololive accounts.

>> No.52400686

a little

>> No.52404733

welcome to the ricefields
