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52357393 No.52357393 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52357474
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>> No.52357614


>> No.52358349

I didn't break NDA for her

>> No.52360675


>> No.52362054

Rushia, I know you're mentally unstable as fuck but I still love you. Sometimes I hate you more than I love you. Sometimes I love you more than I hate you. I can't live without you, Rushia. It's just not the same. I need that death metal scream back in my life. I need your laughter back in my life. My friend said that it's weird that a 30 year-old makes a loli voice and streams as a loli anime girl, but I don't give a fuck. I love you. Everyone else just doesn't sound the same. Come back to who you were. Scream again for me. Please. I want to hear you sing again... I don't want Nazuna, I want Rushia back. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!

>> No.52362200
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For what? This? https://twitter.com/hibitti/status/1674215124020908032

>> No.52364625


>> No.52365282
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Attended a shareholders meeting in Rushia cosplay out of protest? And did it with Bandai Namco last year?

>> No.52365628

they should rehire her

>> No.52365662

this hence why they should rehire her

>> No.52365691

absolutely based this shows they should rehire her

>> No.52365751

I always wanted to fuck the shit out of Rushia's tight body

>> No.52366942

I want her back.

>> No.52366972

I miss her.

>> No.52367066

I strangely want to fuck her?

>> No.52367108

thats right bitch, you better apologize to me, NOW.

>> No.52367143

I'm sorry she and Cover Corp. couldn't work things out. I know she seriously screwed up, but even if she had to take a multi-month suspension and pay a massive fine (like maybe 10 million Yen to charity), they both would have been better off if she had stayed in Hololive.

>> No.52367233

Yeah, she should apologize for fucking up so badly. Also good riddance.

>> No.52368169

I can fix her.

>> No.52368313

Did Michael’s Cat do anything new?

>> No.52368336

She really didn't do anything wrong. She proved her innocence.

>> No.52369608


>> No.52369687

Bring her back.

>> No.52370051


>> No.52370363
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>> No.52372595


>> No.52372672

that's a man?

>> No.52372726

fandeads are unhinged

>> No.52372786

Are you blind? That's Rushia.

>> No.52374760

This is a deflection thread by the cucks in her general
She did a NTR bit in the middle of her TikTok stream with a random delivery knocked at her door lmao
Reason: Own the 5ch haterz

>> No.52374941

Ah, so every time they post a thread like this it's just to deflect from something like that. Got it.

>> No.52375261 [DELETED] 
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You keep getting cucked every damn week but you keep protecting her. I admire your sheer dedication, fancuck!
Rushia wasn't the GFE queen all this time, she was the NTR queen!!!

>> No.52375453

The TikTok stream is different, you're mixing up rrats. People were angry that she did one with no warning because nekofami get suicidal when they miss a stream, any stream.
The NTR bit was her saying "Oh hey uber driver is here he must be my boyfriend too" in a very sarcastic tone, because she was mocking her 5ch thread, whose antis post about how everything she does must involve men and how that man must be her boyfriend. She went on a rant 2 days ago about how much it frustrates her to see it because she only has us and how ridiculous it is that they turn every single event in her life into a cuckpost in order to fuck with her gachikoi and how ludicrous doing it for every little thing.

>> No.52375925

>she only has us
That's a lie. She had kusoneko until you found out about them being closer than yoi had deluded yourself into believing.
You will never find out if she is seeing some guy off-stream and away from the internet.

>> No.52376278

She pours her heart for us and still gets backlash. She has to learn she will never please everyone. It's hard to ignore antis when they are this autistic though.

>> No.52377321

We knew about him for a year and he was brought up a dozen times. She had almost cut him off entirely a few months ago. Her cuck fans reassuring her that "it's okay to have male friends" is the main reason she didn't. Even despite that, she tried talking with us when she saw people worried and described in detail who he was and why(and gave us personal background info about how he was trying to get with somebody else and that is not really the type of info you share) on top of trying to literally have a conversation about it with a known worried viewer via 凸待ち (he was too happy about it and sperged out instead of her responding to her probing of "is there anything you're worried about?" over and over).
Every time it was brought up, the cuck squad would keep incessantly telling her that literally nobody minded. And she still distanced herself from him at the time, just not cut him off.
It was only when she had seen how happy and positive things were when she went full unicorn again, and conflicting events happened, that the situation exploded and ultimately ended with her cutting him off for our sake.
Don't pretend as if your thread-reading garbage has any relevance to the truth.

>> No.52377618

You got cucked and she will keep doing it again and again because you never learn.
You will NEVER find out about her going out with another man if that man is not some kind of public person.
She does not want you for anything but easy unconditional income and it has become completely apparent from her actions.

>> No.52377756

this guy has some balls... or maybe not

>> No.52377809

...We found out about kusoneko because she told us about him in the twitcast immed8ately after he got back in touch with her.
Literally nothing was hidden.
She has also told us about literally every other person she came into contact with. Oftentimes it's people we would not even know she talked to otherwise.
You're not very good at this

>> No.52377944

The perfect liar mixes 90% of truth with 10% of lies. You cucks wouldn't notice shit up until it's way too late.

>> No.52378008

>the perfect liar
Perfect liars don't get caught even once

>> No.52378124

Yet she denied not having played Apex with him which caused you cuckolds to melt down, but yeah you totally knew everything and she never hid anything.

>> No.52378514 [DELETED] 

I'd absolutely believe she'd have multiple boyfriends I don't know why she'd act surprised by that. Her getting so defensive about it makes me even more suspicious

>> No.52378607

She was just frustrated at the antis. She tells every single thing about the people she meets and talks with to her fans in membership twitcasts away from the eyes of people who wouldn't believe her anyways.

>> No.52378639

>Yet she denied not having played Apex
She admitted to doing so for over a year until her unicorns successfully began to change her attitude about it back to her previous self.
Her attitude changed, her behavior lagged behind, she ended up doing something she said she had started saying she doesn't 2 weeks ago after a year of saying otherwise -> cog itive dissonance, contradictions, angry fans, menhera go boom, happy ending
Don't assume every meltdown is as it appears when her fans know that her seeing us have a meltdown over something is a way to make her reflect on her actions. People can also pretend to have meltdowns, too.

>> No.52378773

>I'd absolutely believe she'd have multiple boyfriends
The posts on 5ch shitpost about her fucking a male doctor when she had to be carted away by an ambulance after nearly passing out.
Try having an actually sane impression of a person

>> No.52378856

You're just inventing shit now to protect your delusions. She outrigt lied and told you to fuck off on a public stream.
>her seeing us have a meltdown over something is a way to make her reflect on her actions
All that does is remind her that her income could take another massive hit so she covers it up with the same old lies that you're happy to believe. How many times has she said that she's sorry and will never get close to any man by now? How long until she breaks her promise again?

>> No.52379121

What's the point of "defending" her on this board when you won't do anything to dismantle even over a year old drama?

>> No.52379161

The shareholders want to keep making merch of her. Oy vey.

>> No.52379273

>She outrigt lied and told you to fuck off on a public stream.
I know she did. She began saying that she doesn't play with men, full stop, only ~3 weeks or so before that drama. It was not what she had been saying for over a year. It was not in response to any recent requests. She just got more loving with us, and vice versa, and as she got more loving with us she kept saying more unicorn type stuff.
Nobody expected her to ever say "I don't play with men", the line before that one was always "I only play with my longtime friends"(which was true, we know who she played with)
She responds to feelings of love toward her fans by becoming more unicornish in her words and behavior. Her words came out of nowhere, and then out of presumably habit and being a retard, she did it again behind the scenes, and we obviously knew immediately. She freaked out because that's what happens to a menhera when faced with cognitive dissonance and not being able to grasp that she fucked up. Lashing out, irrationally, live on stream.
>how long until she breaks her promise again
The male collab one stuck this time schizo friend so clearly you shouldn't use surface tier info for discussions over another persons personality
Also your "breaks her promise" thing is overblown. This was one of her most genuine promise breaking moments in fucking ages. And it was over a very unique situation.

>> No.52379323

good she deserves it

>> No.52379403

Because it's incredibly retarded to think that a woman would pursue a guy who she was physically unable to meet, for starters

>> No.52379421

>the line before that one was always "I only play with my longtime friends"(which was true, we know who she played with)
But you were going insane at any mention of kusoneko even in the past and said that she is definitely not playing games with him.

>> No.52379484

Are you talking about her fans here? lol

>> No.52379550

You should hear about Reimu from NijiEN.

>> No.52379597

There is nothing to "dismantle" when it was proven from the very start she was and still is innocent.

>> No.52379604

No, we were going insane every time she played with kusoneko, even though she said she was, because 4chan is where the unicorns and gachikoi are. We don't necesarilly overpower the normalfag cucks in her actual chat, who are the ones who made her think everybody was okay with it.

>> No.52379711

What makes you think most of her fans are just trying to be "the one" irl?

>> No.52379742

But it hasn't been proven. There has been no explanation to why she met up with mafumafu and why she kept contacting him.
There has been nothing on why she went to talk to korekore, other than what korekore claimed.

>> No.52379791

She said she is innocent which proves that she is.

>> No.52379797

You talked about people she can't meet physically and that's only true for her fans.
She physically met mafumafu and could physically meet any other japanese man.

>> No.52379839

I have a feeling I'm better off not knowing about most NijiENs

>> No.52379867

Unironically this. Why would she self sabotage like this?

>> No.52379932

Well she did, so what was the reason?

>> No.52379964

To prove her innocence

>> No.52380099

She met up with mafumafu once, then nothing more months, then occasional apex. Korekore himself confirmed her contacting him was like a whole half a year after they met once and only once. And that she was permabanned from seeing him ever via messages.
Also, based on what he said, it sounds like workplace worries aka her belief of some kind
of conspiracies against her were the dominant topic of interactions.
So realistically, while we don't know the specifics, the topmost limit is "not much". And suggesting that there was some sort of actual cheating is ridiculous on its face.

>> No.52380483

>Also, based on what he said, it sounds like workplace worries aka her belief of some kind of conspiracies against her were the dominant topic of interactions.
So the intent there was to get back at Cover. That doesn't sound like someone innocent to me.
>And suggesting that there was some sort of actual cheating is ridiculous on its face.
Why? She was not supposed to be doing anything with men because she'd androphobic and dedicated to her fans. Mafumafu is not even useful for shitting on your workplace like korekore is. There was no reason at all to go out to eat with him and then ask to go again.
You might as well say she can collab with men because calling it cheating is ridiculous.

>> No.52380621


>> No.52380709

Sorry green whore I haven't insulted you enough

>Brokes NDA
>Puts other chuubas in danger
>Blamed everyone else for your mistakes
>Didn't learn from them and thinks its not your fault
>Get in Vshojo
>While in Vshojo, harrass Delutaya who is indie and way smaller without any support
>Always had and continues to seep money from parasocialism but can't take the hit when the cons of the pratice show up
>Continues to want fans to obsess over her and simp intensively for her


>> No.52381053

She was trying to resolve her workplace issues and specifically was asking him for advice on how to in at least one line, idiot.
Why would one want to resolve a problem at their job if they want to sabotage the company that is required to exist for her to have that job?
She clearly lied and is at fault there. There's actually a years worth of discussions I could bring up to psycho-analyze how that happened, but ultimately it was fucked up to do so.
>why mafu
unironically she doesn't know many people, him being a dude she interacted with a few years ago in order to apologize for the same merch accusations made him on one a short list of people she could have reached out to that was also in Tokyo which she had just recently moved to for Hololive

>> No.52381436

>She was trying to resolve her workplace issues and specifically was asking him for advice on how to in at least one line, idiot.
>Why would one want to resolve a problem at their job if they want to sabotage the company that is required to exist for her to have that job?
Why was she telling him to propagate what she had said about Cover if the plan wasn't to fuck them over? Korekore isn't just some guy that gives advice in private. Talking to him is wrong.
When it comes to mafu, you seem to be saying that you are totally ok with her meeting up with dudes. It's fine if you believe that, but that's a huge departure from what her fans here say about her and males. You also completely skipped over the dedicated to her fans part, but I guess that goes with the acceptance that she lied about being afraid of men and never doing anything with men outside of work.

>> No.52381799

I miss Rushia...

>> No.52382130

She has an awful understanding of people.
>totally okay with meeting up with dudes
fuck no lmao
she lied and she hurt her fans whom she loves and she should both feel awful for it and never do it again
>dedicated to her fans
she was dedicated to her fans
she started acting irrationally and dissociating because she started feeling unsure of whether her fans loved her and would stay with her
Out of curiosity, did you know that her previous top SCer before Orca left her very publicly with a final akasupa telling her that he doesn't like her anymore not long before she did anything 2022-wise?
Rushia loved her fans and thought of them more than anyone else
And nobody could hurt her as much as her fans could, either

>> No.52382204
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>her previous top SCer before Orca left her very publicly with a final akasupa telling her that he doesn't like her anymore
What? Really?

>> No.52382601

She broke down on stream because of it while crying and trying to basically try and get him not to go and list reasons for why he thought what he thought wasn't true and so on. She ended that
stream abruptly in hysterics.

>> No.52382774

>fuck no lmao
Then why are you excusing her meeting up with mafu as him being just somebody she knew that lives in Tokyo?
>she was dedicated to her fans
>she started acting irrationally and dissociating because she started feeling unsure of whether her fans loved her and would stay with her
She met up with mafu in 2020, anon. Has she been not dedicated to her fans since December 2020 until last month?
>And nobody could hurt her as much as her fans could, either
She seemed to be the most hurt over getting fired though since she claimed she attempted suicide that day.

>> No.52382789

>Menhera chuuba who doesn't want you to have a girlfriend and wants you to be stuck there forever with her giving her money like a parasite sucking your blood and sweat without even using her own mouth to do it

Aww, such a sweetheart WHORE

>> No.52382889

>>52382601 (me)
For anybody insightful enough, re-read the post I made further up about how when she feels more loving of and more loved by her fans, her behavior naturally becomes more unicorn-y.
Her literal sense of self is dependent on being mutually in love with her fans, and when she feels as is she's losing it, her entire sense of self begins to deconstruct, and she starts losing her grip on reality and acts in ways completely at odds with who she is at a proper baseline.

>> No.52383073

If she was so in love with you she wouldn't be playing around with men.
She only ever corrects her behavior when you threaten her.

>> No.52383081

They need to just call security on that retard. Although it's probably the same type of more who'd KyoAmi the place because of MUH ROOOSHIA

>> No.52383264
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"Rushia would never betray our cock, she isn't sucking his cock no, she is just giving him a bath with her mouth"

>> No.52383387

I'm saying she didn't cheat on her fans and that she loved them, I am not saying that her doing that was okay.
She met up once with somebody at a time where she was super stressed about her moving to Tokyo, and that's fucked up that she chose to either disregard the importance of honesty to us or not realize the wrongness of it at the time because of the stress, but it had at least at that point been a singular act. And she was crazy enough then to even freak out publicly. It was fucked up, but at that point it was an action, not any sort of chain of actions.
>suicide over getting fired
No, she didn't attempt suicide the day she was fired, I don't know who told you that but they must've conflated things. She was pretty clear about her fans and what it was that she had with them that she felt lost, the termination itself was not the cause.

>> No.52383472

>She tells every single thing about the people she meets
Yet she didn't tell her fans about her gaming sessions and conversations with Mafumafu, so clearly she doesn't. You're a fool if you believe everything she says. Then again, fancucks/cuckfami being one of the most cucked, mentally ill and delusional fanbases is well known so not surprising that you believe her.

>> No.52383598

>she only ever corrects her behavior when you threaten her
This is definitely not true, but my main example is something way too personal for me to post even in comparison to the stuff here. But she has made several seemingly unprompted decisions for our sake that we only found out about afterwards.

>> No.52383648

>retarded post

>> No.52383697 [DELETED] 

Greeting penniless shitskinned antis: Move the fuck on with your lives.

>> No.52383800

>believe everything she says
When did anyone say that?

>> No.52383846
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>She only ever corrects her behavior when you threaten her

That is a lie, she never corrects her behavior even if you threaten her

>> No.52383863

>that's fucked up that she chose to either disregard the importance of honesty to us or not realize the wrongness of it at the time because of the stress
This seems like a common theme with her. Maybe she just doesn't take it that seriously? Ever thought about that?
>No, she didn't attempt suicide the day she was fired, I don't know who told you that but they must've conflated things.
She herself said it on twitter in a reply to someone. I don't remember the specifics but she or the person she replied to mentioned 19th of February and I think they were making fun of that one short twitcast.
>the termination itself was not the cause.
It absolutely was.

>> No.52383977

Why don't YOU move on? You could just stay in your thread, but no, you can't live if someone does not affirm your delusions.
Actually, just leave this site. Stay on your discord.

>> No.52384029
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>> No.52384031

Good luck maintaining the mentality that you are right with what you said if that's all you have as a reply

Oh, I forgot you also get emotional support frp, the moans of your oshi next door who is 100% just doing exercises

>> No.52384056 [DELETED] 

Blah blah cry more brown faggot

>> No.52384065

I forgive her.

>> No.52384073

You every time you talk about how much she definitely loves you or how she cut some guy completely out of her life for you or anything else.

>> No.52384274

You are definitely misremembering because when she mentioned it for the first time in a mengen she was pretty clear about it being a reaction to everything that was happening and believing it was over and not being able to take it
>that one short twitcast
that wasn't the suicide attempt...I assume you know that much at least, right?

>> No.52384337

Your reply didn't even make sense you fucking retard

>> No.52384394

A classic.

>> No.52384500

Not believing her every word and only her word =/= never believing anything
>totally loves you
This is based on so much more than just words to the point where it's actually funny to me that you think it is
>cut ties
What gives you the impression that me believing she did is based only on her words?
Stop assuming things

>> No.52384676
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slava Russia slava Z
oh i'm sorry, you were talking about her so no she fucked herself

>> No.52384791

Yes the twitcast wasn't the suicide attempt, bu she said she tried to take her own life or something like that.

>> No.52384914

Yes, she attemlted to overdose. This was prior to the termination itself. The phone throwing was the day she was notified of the termination.

>> No.52384954

She didn't, it was all implied with her last message on the twitcast which looked like she would attempt suicide

All this when things happened, and she blamed the world with her own worlds calling everything unfair, even if its the consequences of her own actions

I have 0 sympathy for her, especially because she does not seem to have an ounce of regret of what she had done and thinks the fault is at others

>> No.52385019

It is all just words and public performance. She constantly gets caught not living up to the standards that you claim her to be a model example of.
Just because she doesn't follow some guy on twitter anymore isn't proof of her not being in contact with him. You do not know if she has male contacts on her LINE or discord. All you have is what she says and shows to you.

>> No.52385317

The reply was about the day she was terminated. Did she misrember it?
It also wouldn't make sense for the termination announcement to be delayed if nothing more than her getting mad happened.

>> No.52385479

>She constantly gets caught not living up to the standards that you claim her to be a model example of.
Rushia got caught exactly once to my knowledge, and nobody quietly attempts suicide and only mentions it much later over a "person" for a show.
>just because she doesn't follow a guy on Twitter anymore isn't proof
I agree, but I'm not sure why you think that that is what I'm referring to.

>> No.52385528

It is pretty funny how she went from claiming she's afraid of men to being discovered as having had contact with one for an extended period of time and even had gaming sessions with him off-stream, and since then it's just been a downwards spiral.
Openly talks to men repeatedly, and has even said she wants a boyfriend despite her fans being her "husbands", and yet her fans still find ways to excuse everything she says and does. The cucked mind is a broken mind.

>> No.52385592

Pretty much my stance on her as well. The fact that she blames everyone and everything but herself as if the world is out to get her is one of the biggest reasons I feel no sympathy for her no matter what happens to her.
At some point you have to stop and think "oh, maybe the fault lies with me and not the whole fucking world".

>> No.52385728

>It also wouldn't make sense for the termination announcement to be delayed if nothing more than her getting mad happened.
There were specifics of the termination that needed to be hashed out, some of them she mentioned being asked about. It was somewhat vaguespeak because of the nature of the topic of the conversation, obviously, but she made at least that much clear.
>The reply was about the day she was terminated
If you can remember a general time frame for this I can look through my archives, but on memory alone I don't recall any tweet nor reply by her that matches what you're saying

>> No.52385755

>Rushia got caught exactly once to my knowledge
Yes because she was under management and the belief that she has to maintain a brand image. She even said this to korekore.
Now that she is her own boss you've seen her on a male totsu and a collab with a male. Blaming the anti-corns or whoever doesn't help here because the point is about her not living up to being the perfect GFE chuuba you hyped her up to be.
>I'm not sure why you think that that is what I'm referring to.
Then what are you referring to?

>> No.52385788

It's all on her

>> No.52385981

>I have 0 sympathy for her, especially because she does not seem to have an ounce of regret of what she had done and thinks the fault is at others
I can tell you for certain that this isn't true
There was one particular moment when she was a little delirious and in the hospital and she started telling us about how awful she felt about what she did to her fans, she even mentioned wanting to do a dogeza(which was a littlle funny to me in a really dark way to me because of the dogeza memes /here/).
She basically spent that whole twitcast really weak from the delirium telling us how much she hates herself for doing what she did to her fans and how sorry she is

>> No.52385997

>There were specifics of the termination that needed to be hashed out
This doesn't line up with the fact that on the bakatare stream after the termination announcement it was brought up that the announcement was supposed to happen earlier, unless she refused to accept the termination for several days, causing the delay.

>> No.52386033

I am sorry.
Rushia pls comeback.
Mend this cursed world.

>> No.52386065

>Then what are you referring to?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe her efforts to prove herself go beyond actions made in and for the public eye?

>> No.52386087


It really does not help that she has done GFE as a form of profit, constantly sowed parasocialism, and blamed everyone else when the consequences of that hit her.

Also she doesn't seem to have changed or learned her lesson, in Vshojo she harrassed Delutaya when she was still on very early stages of growth and had just got her L2D trying stuff out of fanbox

And she harrassed Delutaya solely based on rumors she heard without any base and refused to talk when Delutaya tried to solve it peacefuly

>> No.52386132

So she is lying to you in your DMs? That's even less trustworthy.

>> No.52386224

Oh so she only feels bad for the fans? Nothing about trying to tank the reputation of her "friend's" employer?

>> No.52386396

>was supposed to happen earlier
Yes, almost as if there were legal details surrounding various specifics of the termination
required her to sign off in order for things to go smoothly, things that people expected her to sign off on logically because it made sense for her to do so, and then ended up being wrong in their assumptions of her signing off on those things being a sure thing.
She wasn't cartoonishly booted out of the building once they made the call for a termination, anon. They were obviously going to consider how and what kind of announcement they were going to make, and there were quite clearly going to be details that might be preferred but would require her to sign off on.

>> No.52386502

Such as?

>> No.52386563
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>> No.52386576

Why do you continue to assume the same sort of nonsese over and over?
Try being a rational person for once."never trust her no matter what!!1!" is just being s cynical retard who can't handle considering that his opinion on a thing might be wrong even after having already decided what his opinion is.

>> No.52386595

If you actually believe this then her "correction" statement about the annoucement that she allegedly signed off on looks pretty bad.

>> No.52386720

Everyone else can see how she constantly lies and misleads you. Your only cope is that she privately proved everything to you her most loyal fans, and intentionally doesn't do it in public because that makes so much sense.
Then you come here and demand everyone to just believe you and stop calling her a liar. How about you just fuck off if you are not going to prove shit?

>> No.52386769

Once again, a person who wants to stay employed at a company is not going to want that company destroyed, because then they wouldn't be employed any more
How is this not insanely obvious on the most basic possible level
At some point you're going to have to realize that she didn't believe that korekore was a bad person nor think that what he did was capable of causing harm, and that your common sense interpretation isn't relevant to that situation

>> No.52386833

I'm not sure what you mean by this, can you extrapolate?

>> No.52387057

Oh so she actually did not tell korekore to spread her message about hololive staff being horrible and how she wants them all to suffer. That just did not happen.
>At some point you're going to have to realize that she didn't believe that korekore was a bad person nor think that what he did was capable of causing harm
She knew exactly who korekore is and what he does. Do you seriously think you're fooling anyone? Also how the fuck is korekore in the wrong in any of this?

>> No.52387257

You said a few posts ago that believing anything she says or shows is a show and shouldn't be believed. If words, receipts, and no indication of lying over a significant timespan afterwards despite being caught every single time prior aren't enough for you anyway, I don't really know what you want. Your "anybody can see" tier gut instinct doesn't line up with reality just because you make irrational, sweeping judgements, you are the one who should shut the fuck up, not the people who aren't making posts from their ass
By the way, kusoneko also ended up talking about it, and some of his actual IRL friends in the chat, so in the first place your take is that he and several people are literally conspiring to confirm a personal confrontation and cutting of ties that apparently never occurred, which is fucking insane already before we even get to the details.

>> No.52387435

>spread her message about Hololive staff being horrible
Considering that that wasn't even what she implied it being about, no, this didn't happen
>She knew exactly who korekore is and what he does. Do you seriously think you're fooling anyone?
See this is exactly the problem with you
>it MUST be this way!
And that's your call. Your irrational call, based bo what you think, but nothing substantial.

>> No.52387558

You have quarterly meltdowns over her cucking you, but yep, she is completely honest and dedicated to her fans. She showed you the receipts in a membership twitcast after all!
Let's see the receipts then. Oh, that's for the "people who deserve" only? Why the fuck are you out here arguing in the first place then, retard?

>> No.52387954

>that wasn't even what she implied it being
Then why did she want them to suffer? For fun?
>Your irrational call, based bo what you think, but nothing substantial.
You are being irrational. You demand everyone to just sccept that your queen did nothing wrong and that she is mentally 5 years old and just does what everyone tells her to do, except when it hololive managenent.
She has known korekore for a fucking decade and even used his channel to expose someone before. You can't be fucking serious with this bullshit about her JUST HAVING NO IDEA AT ALL about who korekore is. She even blocked him just before she joined hololive, but yeah, she didn't know what he is like lmao.
Also since you dodged the question, how is korekore in the wrong? How is he a "bad person" and why does that matter at all? How would him being a "good person" change anything?

>> No.52388044

Uhh is this the same thread or is someone making a new one over and over

>> No.52388075

Someone's making a new one over and over

>> No.52388185
File: 32 KB, 430x195, IMG_0664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, kinda like /vt/
Lmao captcha

>> No.52388286

>You have quarterly meltdowns over her cucking you
Half of those are literally all me, because I have schizophrenia and have burned down several threads in bouts of hysteria over things that end up being untrue
I wish I was exaggerating, but one time I made something like 70% of the posts across two different threads over what ended up being a misinterpretation
So the frequency of those meltdowns might be a little skewed, sorry
>Why the fuck are you out here arguing in the first place then, retard
Are you under the impression that you have some sort of God given right to make anti catalog threads to endlessly shitpost anti takes without being interrupted?
Just because catalog threads are treated as /vt/s toilet doesn't mean that there is some sort of divine mandate of protection for non-stop shitposting

>> No.52388468

I'm not making any threads, cuckboy.
So why are you coming into these threads? You are not defending her. You are not protecting her reputation. You are only making her little pyramid scheme cuck cult look exactly like what it is.

>> No.52388497

>fuck the delivery man
>fuck the singer/musician
>Almost died and fuck with the doctor inside of ambulance
So doujinshi and porn stories are real in japan? Shit, I need to live in japan

>> No.52389283

>Then why did she want them to suffer? For fun?
No matter how much you pluralize it, nothing about her behavior even indicated that she had any issue with the company as a whole or its employees as a whole
>she knew korekore for a fucking decade
And at no point during that decade did she demonstrate any understanding of the notion of a dramatubers or how they were doing things she separately considered bad.
>she used his channel to expose someone
Yes, she did. Did she do that to "harm his reputation"?
Have you ever considered the idea that "making a scene about something bad" is part of her internal understanding of what "the right thing" is, and that "making a scene" doesn't connect to the concept of reputational damage to her?
That she internally has no sense for the notion of the idea of lasting consequences due to making a scene?
You know she essentially treated korekore like a friend after threatening to sue him. She is clearly the type of person who does not believe in the idea of lasting impression-based consequences, give that she doesn't demonstrate lasting emotional consequences for people she felt wronged by before.
>she blocked him
She has blocked her fans several times while saying things like she hates them and she'll never forgive them only to be sweet and loving to them later as if it literally never happened so this is just not an indication or anything meaningful here

>> No.52389484

>implying I have a purpose
I have never once in my life considered my actions ahead of time and I don't intend to start now
I see a post containing take I know are incorrect, I give the post a (You) to tell them they're wrong, simple as

>> No.52389564

I don't

>> No.52389671

she has also had sex with several men she has never even spoken to or interacted with in her life according to the 5ch thread
They even started cuckposting about her and connor before anybody/here/ did which is honestly a little impressive because the only reason he came up at all was "this vshojo guy has a decent number of viewers"

>> No.52389733

>I see a post containing take I know are incorrect, I give the post a (You) to tell them they're wrong, simple as
NTA but you keep saying this yet haven't provided any receipts or proof that they are in fact wrong.

>> No.52390092

I mean I did mention the public kusoneko stream where he said that their relationship is over and that it is his fault and everything
idk if it's archived but you can see her antis shitposting about it live in the 5ch thread at the time, and IIRC his twitcast comments are archived so you can probably open the relevant cast and just read through them and what they say pretty clearly matches exactly that context. Or hell the cast itself might be archived. I only listened in for a decent chunk of it to hear his confirmation and hadn't checked back since. I'm tired atm but if this thread is still up later I'll grab it

>> No.52390094

>admits to being schizophrenic
So no one should take anything you say seriously. Got it.

>> No.52390183

>No matter how much you pluralize it, nothing about her behavior even indicated that she had any issue with the company as a whole or its employees as a whole
Why are you the nihongese master pretending that 全員 isn't plural? It's not only plural but all-encompassing.
>And at no point during that decade did she demonstrate any understanding of the notion of a dramatubers or how they were doing things she separately considered bad.
She exposed her ex on his stream. She knew korekore is the guy you go to when you want to fuck up someone's reputation and that's exactly what she went to him for.
>Did she do that to "harm his reputation"?
Yes, you retard.
>Have you ever considered the idea that "making a scene about something bad" is part of her internal understanding of what "the right thing" is, and that "making a scene" doesn't connect to the concept of reputational damage to her?
So she does know what dramatubers are for then. She wanted to make a scene about Cover and hololive.

>> No.52390238

He wasn't even talking about her.

>> No.52391128

In no rational thinking persons brain does that equal 会社の全員 when the context of her entire shitstorm was that a sub-group of people within the company were trying to fuck her over the state of her continued employment within the company
>So she does know what dramatubers are for then. She wanted to make a scene about Cover and hololive
People don't hate making a scene, people hate the repercussions of a scene being made
Well I guess some people might find the idea of making a scene in and of itself seperate from any
consequences annoying, but not particularly malicious
Moreover she wasn't intending to make a scene about Cover
Let me put the thought process in a very simplistic language for you
>these employees are bad and they made me kill myself, and when bad people hurt you the normal reaction is to scream really really loud
If anything, she probably wanted her friends at Hololive and the people there to be a part of the group that agrees with her on the badness of the people in it that she was referencing. Clearly, if she exposes the bad one, then all of Cover and the public will band together as one and realize that she was in the right and that those people who made her kill herself were wrong
At no point did it present understanding of reputational damage, collateral damage, lasting impacts
>Yes, you retard
So tell me why she at no point did anything or reacted poorly when his reputation wasn't damaged meaningfully nor did he have any lasting consequences from it?
If her desire was to damage his reputation, why do her actions line up more with someone who wanted to talk about it without actual meaningful regard as to inducing any actual changes?
Are you just incapable of grasping this or what

>> No.52391373

You MUST be shitposting. It was out and about on Twitter and he made zero indications of it being anything else. Nor were there any. This is the most bizarre take I've seen, not even her antis claimed him to be talking about anything other than her
See this is what I fucking mean when I say that no evidence is sufficient for people who have simply decided that they WILL hate her period, it's astounding

>> No.52391918

>malicious GFE streamer

nah I'm feeling pretty good

>> No.52391972

>a sub-group of people within the company
So hololive staff as was said before. Also let's not forget that a senpai was one of them, so a hololive talent.
>she wasn't intending to make a scene about Cover
That's exactly what she was doing by not naming a single person.
>>these employees are bad and they made me kill myself
Which employees? She allegedly never named anyone.
>when bad people hurt you the normal reaction is to scream really really loud
She is not doing any screaming, no bad person even hurt her. She is secretly relaying information to a dramafaggot so that he can broadcast it to millions of people.
>she probably wanted her friends at Hololive and the people there to be a part of the group that agrees with her on the badness of the people in it that she was referencing
No one would know anything about that since she only talks to men on the outside about it.
>if she exposes the bad one
She failed to expose anyone.
>So tell me why she at no point
What thd fuck is this shit? How the fuck would I know and why the fuck would that mattee?
You tell me what was the point of exposing mahoto at all if not to damage his reputation?
>why do her actions line up more with someone who wanted to talk about it without actual meaningful regard as to inducing any actual changes?
Doing that on a korekore stream says otherwise.

>> No.52392154

Let's see some example tweets then.

>> No.52392387


>> No.52392528

given the muted response to her termination by the other talents is safe to assume her coworkers don't particularly like her either. which is speaks louder than anything a shizo anti has to say

>> No.52392614

It's decent but it doesn't make sense that the young guy suddenly turns into an older salary man by the end when you consider the timeframe between her graduation and reincarnation.

>> No.52393426

>That's exactly what she was doing by not naming a single person.
Are you daft? She clearly was referring to some people she did name, korekore just wasn't retarded enough to fucking show the part where she does
Jesus fucking christ anon, he literally censored names in that stream as is
>Which employees? She allegedly never named anyone.
He had said that about her when he mentioned her initially start griping you retard, not "never ever"
>You tell me what was the point of exposing mahoto at all if not to damage his reputation?
>the point
>the point
>the point
I keep saying over and over again that your entire comprehension of how she logically operates is inconsistent with how she actually behaves and you fail to even try to understand what is actually being conveyed
Do you understand the notion of "intrinsic value"?
How someone can want do a thing for the sake of it being done without consideration of what it accomplishes?
>doing that on a korekore stream
You're deliberately fucking with me right now right?
Okay, maybe I have to simplify this down further for you
Seperate the concept of knowing things, and knowledge influencing the future
This is the girl who unironically believed that her selectively forgetting coco announcing her graduation would *physically prevent the graduation from occurring*, as if something that nobody knows about literally can not exist period

>> No.52393633

She literally caused an incredibly distressing and emotionally exhausting shitstorm with extremely prickly details in the professional world where public responses were under heavy scrutiny both internally and externally
You are insane for thinking that there was anything meaning to glean from public responses in a situation like that

>> No.52394287

>She clearly was referring to some people she did name, korekore just wasn't retarded enough to fucking show the part where she does
She said the only thing she ever leaked was the message from her manager, but now you're asserting that she did leak other employee names.
>your entire comprehension of how she logically operates is inconsistent with how she actually behaves
Her behavior is very consistent with that of a two-faced snake.
>How someone can want do a thing for the sake of it being done without consideration of what it accomplishes?
What the fuck is this cope?
>This is the girl who unironically believed that her selectively forgetting coco announcing her graduation would *physically prevent the graduation from occurring*, as if something that nobody knows about literally can not exist period
She did not actually believe that. Also, she is not a girl. She is an adult woman in her 30s. Acting like she is a retarded, innocent child with no ability to think about doesn't absolve her of what she has done nor does it obligate anyone to stop disliking her.

>> No.52394876

>She said the only thing she ever leaked was the message from her manager, but now you're asserting that she did leak other employee names
You realize that she could reference that senpai via her holo name and not through their real name
or any other form of non-public identification, correct?
>What the fuck is this cope?
This woman constantly airs things that have no actual reason to be said as if the very act of airing them to an audience i.e the public was somehow important, she constantly behaves as if she her feelings are actively invalid until they are made public, what the fuck do you mean "what the fuck is this cope"?
What's YOUR explanation for why she makes a tweet every time she has any sort of emotion or thought and then deletes it five minutes later?

>> No.52395377

>You realize that she could reference that senpai via her holo name and not through their real name
>or any other form of non-public identification, correct?
This is getting fucking ridiculous. So now she did not name any of the people that did bad things to her by name (the people she wanted to suffer) and she ONLY named a hololive talent by their talent name?
>What's YOUR explanation for why she makes a tweet every time she has any sort of emotion or thought and then deletes it five minutes later?
How is this relevant in any way? Korekore is not twitter. She had to first go out of her way to get in contact with him again and then she specifically told him to spread her messages if something happened to her. But yeah she totally did all of that on a whim with no consideration for what she wants it to result in.

You are contradicting yourself so much I'm convinced you're nothing but a schizophrenic troll. The creeping thought that you wasted all that time and money on her must be unbearable so this is how you cope.

>> No.52397109
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2458, FZbLIADaIAAmPjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive alumni love!

>> No.52397189

3 Alumni and that kid who got kicked out of the school and showed up to the party like nothing happened

>> No.52397330

Pekora already corrected this retarded take. Seethe elsewhere, third world nijifag.

>> No.52400731


>> No.52401986

>You are contradicting yourself so much I'm convinced you're nothing but a schizophrenic troll.
I mean, he did admit to being a schizophrenic responsible for 70% of the sperg posts across two threads of her general due to a misinterpretation once.

>> No.52404330

for what?

>> No.52405227

Cover corrected this retarded take with the term TERMINATION, Seethe elsewhere delusional fancuck

>> No.52407413

holotranny quiet down, men are talking.

>> No.52410382

pay me

>> No.52410501

Cover would collapse in a day if they ever lost Pekora

>> No.52411654

>This is getting fucking ridiculous. So now she did not name any of the people that did bad things to her by name (the people she wanted to suffer) and she ONLY named a hololive talent by their talent name?
I was giving an example of how you can refer to somebody without giving away personal information you fucking knob
companies also have names for positions
the message itself implied clearly that it was the people she had complained about before, the ones she believed wronged her, there is literally 0 indication throughout every single piece of evidence that was ever presented that so much as even hinted that she had a problem with cover as a whole, which is why you continously grasp for straws.
>how is this relevant
Because korekore was a person she went for advice on how to resolve the issue because she clearly regarded him as knowledgeable about way more than he actually is
She didn't post it on twitter because how the FUCK is she going to tweet if she's dead?
She didn't tweet beforehand because she clearly was trying to resolve shit and didn't want to escalate it by blowing it up while things were chaotic
just because you're incapable of grasping any sense of nuance beyond "if she wanted everybody to know [her manager/some holo/the janitor/whoever] bullied her to death, and ended up telling korekore to do it for her if she died, she totally hated Cover and everybody in it"
That's not how this works
You can hate her for talking to a dramatuber about not wanting for her company to be unaware that she was harassed after she died as irrational or whatever but the fact of the matter is that you have presented literally 0 proof throughout this entire conversation of her having a problem with Cover as a whole, and that is because you can't, because it does not exist

>> No.52412834

I still love her very much from the bottom of my cock <3

>> No.52416342

>I was giving an example of how you can refer to somebody without giving away personal information you fucking knob
Now why the fuck are you suddenly doing that? We were talking about how she shit on hololive as a whole by not naming anyone. You are one again conceding that she was doing just that.
>she clearly was trying to resolve shit and didn't want to escalate it by blowing it up while things were chaotic
This is all about why she was talking to korekore before she got caught, not after. Nothing was chaotic beforehand. Talking to an outsider and asking him to spread your messages is not resolving shit, it's setting up for a future where you want to take down the people you spread misinformation about.
>you're incapable of grasping any sense of nuance
There is no nuance. You just make up shit as you go to make her seem as innocent and faultless as possible.
>That's not how this works
That' exactly how it works because as we have seen she wasn't even going to kill herself over whatever happened back then. She also said she wanted to quit, but you will staunchly deny that part.
>talking to a dramatuber about not wanting for her company to be unaware that she was harassed after she died
She never needed to go to korekore for that. The only reason to go to korekore is to spresd that information to a massive audience.
She never talked about how it's just so her company would know later, retard. You are once again doing all you can to twist the to truth make her seem completely innocent.
You are a retarded schizo troll.

>> No.52417466

She should, but she won't.

>> No.52418942

>She also said she wanted to quit, but you will staunchly deny that part
Go ahead and post that then moron
>the only reason to korekore
Is because she knew him already you daft cunt
She didn't go fucking window shopping for dramatubers to message
>She never talked about how it's just so her company would know later
She has also never once said that she disliked Cover as a whole but you staunchly believe it despite your entire perspective being conjured up out of your schizo brain without a single, and I mean not even one SINGLE solitary moment you could ever provide where she claims that she hates the company as a whole

>> No.52420049

>Go ahead and post that then moron
It's literally in the korekore stream, retard. You always make it so obvious that you never even watched it.
>Is because she knew him already you daft cunt
That's not a reason to talk to him if she just wanted her company to know something you fucking cuckold ape. I'll now have to assume that she never really knew anyone in hololive well enough to talk about something like this.
>She didn't go fucking window shopping for dramatubers to message
But she did since she was also spreading info to narukami. Narukami was another person who she had told that she wants to quit.
>She has also never once said that she disliked Cover as a whole
Her messages to korekore and asking him to spread them say otherwise.
>your schizo brain
You don't get to call anyone schizo after admitting to being a literal mentally ill schizo.

>> No.52420784

fun thread

>> No.52420886

Rushia's career will forever be immortalized as the perfect vtuber and nothing will ever change that.

>> No.52421101

>It's literally in the korekore stream, retard. You always make it so obvious that you never even watched it.
Go ahead and post the part where she said she >wanted< to quit. Since you don't seem to understand that a reaction to something is by definition not a freely chosen thing.
>she was spreading info to narukami
>Her messages to korekore and asking him to spread them say otherwise
Her messages said that she dislikes Cover corporation and everybody in it?
I didn't ask for your extrapolation, I said that you don't have one single instance of her ever so much as hinting at disliking the corporation as a whole. That requires words that match the accusation you're making.
And you do not have a single instance of her ever saying that, because it doesn't exist.
>you don't get to call anybody schizo
You have actively antid a person over something she never did for a year and a half and are so insistent upon doing so that you try and claim yourself as being a moral person "punishing" her fans for being outside of their thread. And you have done this at every single moment there was ever a mention of her outside of her general. Literally every single thread, for a year and a half
Moreover, you anti her every single time you see her brought up by non-fans out of literal sheer happenstance
And you have done this for a person you have zero significant emotions towards
I am a schizo and you still outdo me when it comes to insane behavior by leaps and bounds

>> No.52421620

that's a huge rusi...

>> No.52424201


>> No.52424356

>Go ahead and post the part where she said she >wanted< to quit.
I would if I was at home, but I'm not. I have posted timestamps and screenshots from those streams dozens of times and it's getting really tiring to prove each and every single fucking thing to you when you insist that everyone must believe you with zero proof.
>Her messages said that she dislikes Cover corporation and everybody in it?
That's effectively what she said, yes.
>That requires words that match the accusation you're making.
Her actions are speaking here. She was ready to sink the whole company over a dead cat that they didn't even kill.
>You have actively antid a person over something she never did
Then why did she get fired? Over a teeny tiny message from her manager getting leaked? You act like I'm the only person in the world and this board that hates her for what she did but the truth is that a lot of holo fans turned on her after seeing what she had said and done.
>you try and claim yourself as being a moral person
I have never done that, but I am more moral than you and her.
>"punishing" her fans for being outside of their thread.
I simply question your motives and purpose for doing this and beat you into the fucking ground because I know you can never prove that she's innocent and that she didn't cuck you. Reminder that it has been a year and a half and you have failed to prove that she didn't love mafumafu.
>you have done this at every single moment there was ever a mention of her outside of her general. Literally every single thread, for a year and a half
Completely untrue. I only so this when you cucks raid a thread to insist that nobody is allowed to hate her because she is totally innocent.
>you anti her every single time you see her brought up by non-fans out of literal sheer happenstance
I will call out anyone trying to excuse her. What's wrong with that? I'm not seeking mentions of her out like you are, schizo.
>you still outdo me when it comes to insane behavior by leaps and bounds
All I do is post in threads I'm interested in on this board. You obsessively sesrch the archives for any mention of her to shit up any thread with people that don't like her.

Mikeneko is a dumb slut who got fired because she loved mafumafu more than her fans and hololive. She has no friends in hololive so you can stop LARPing as a holo fan. You don't even watch anyone there.

>> No.52424359

I miss Rushia

>> No.52424972

>I will call out anyone trying to excuse her. What's wrong with that?
You are literally the only person on this board that does this to anything near your extent and your inability to understand why it is completely insane nor your capacity to grasp how you being the singular(1) person with your behavior on a board infected with schizos is a sign of extreme abnormality is exactly why you are and will remain one of the biggest schizos on this board

>> No.52425279

You are the extreme abnormality, not me. Most people here think your wife is a whore. Nobody else obsessively spends their day refreshing the archive for their whire oshi's name.

>> No.52425307
File: 137 KB, 850x1331, 1677396980522774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Excellent News] IRyS ordered 8 slices of cakes from uber again

>> No.52426204

I frequent log threads here and there and you are literally in every single one, I recognize your writing style and schizo arguments, if you can call those arguments.
You never make any points of substance and when called out essentially just dismiss everything with "cope" "she's a whore!1".
You have created an image of her fueled by rrats that only exists in your head. You are hatred incarnate.

>> No.52426635

Good thread

>> No.52427695

>You have created an image of her fueled by rrats that only exists in your head.
The korekore stream is very real and so is her cucking her fans with several men.
You have created an image of her fueled by the delusion that she must be pure that only exists in your head.
You are cuck incernate.

>> No.52428107
File: 236 KB, 1078x1521, 1685414698753762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect Vtuber doesn't get fired for breaking NDA.

>> No.52428897

>appeared with men
>doesn't love her fans
Your pic related is only perfect in the numberfag's world devoid of all love and affection.

>> No.52429317

lmao anon's bullshit got dismantled with rationale and he got called out for his poor and delusional reasoning
>just dismiss everything with "cope" "she's a whore!1".
>proceeds to do exactly that
>>52427695 you couldn't have proved their points any better
just take the L and hit the showers anon

>Her messages said that she dislikes Cover corporation and everybody in it?
>That's effectively what she said, yes.
despite the message showen in korekore's leak was obviously a cutout to fit a narrative, even a small child could understand that _everyone_ was meant in context of those who had hurt her and not literally everyone, you retard
that is not effectively what she said, that is your language skills being worse than a primary schooler's
