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52341904 No.52341904 [Reply] [Original]

Based chubbas who support trans rights

>> No.52342024

>Shondo is bas—

>> No.52342316


>> No.52342390

only LGB, anything after should be shot.

>> No.52342405

lol she always reeked of following whichever way the wind blows.

>> No.52342446

Should've said no or skipped the question. Anyone who is in favor of that shit is ignorant or insane.

>> No.52342472

>expecting mentally ill zoomer white girls to not support trannies
why do you guys always set yourself up for heartbreak. you know every EN girl in hololive has the same opinion too right?

>> No.52342581

Do you want her to write "Total Tranny Death" and be endlessly harassed by twitter freaks instead?

>> No.52342598

It would be more based if she said she didn’t support affirming mental illness, guess she’s too scared of the cancel mob

>> No.52342624

Based on mental illness perhaps, not reality. It's disgusting how trans fags bully vtubers over what games they're allowed to play.
And remember, Trans Rights = Pedophile desires

>> No.52342636

I'll pop her eyes with my thumbs.

>> No.52342674

They already harass her so what would be the difference? She's a coward or as we call them now "modern white woman".

>> No.52342699

That was a year ago. Her opinions have probably shifted against the trannies since then.

>> No.52342843

I hope someone spergs about it in her chat, it would be so fucking funny.

>> No.52342841

OP tried to hide that fact to start shit. Also file name.

>> No.52342954

Thanks, I missed the file name.
This year should have convinced even more people to band together against these aggressors.

>> No.52343071

grifters be grifting, it is how it is

>> No.52343106

Anyone who played Hogwarts Legacy. It has two trans women in it who are portrayed positively.

>> No.52343130

>Loli chuuba
>Support pedos
Was anyone really surprised?

>> No.52343132

>source: my mind and projections

>> No.52343167

Fck your trans rights.

>> No.52343202

>posting bait from a year ago and cutting out the part where she refers to being tranny as being political and how she doesn’t care for that
Shondoantis are getting really sad

>> No.52343372

>flat chest
>no periods
>can't have vaginal sex
>generally a kind and empatheic person
I don't get how you'd find this remotely surprising

>> No.52343587


>> No.52343622

fuck off retard you already did your thinly veiled /pol/nigger bait thread earlier

>> No.52343816
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>supporting trannies
pick one.

>> No.52343895


There were a lot of well-meaning people in the 'live and let live' camp a couple years ago who have since realized the trannies have no intention of doing either.


>> No.52343950

For free~ (:

>> No.52344050

Jesus fucking Christ. Literally memes aside what the actual fuck is wrong with trannies? Why are they like this?

>> No.52344082
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queersanji deflection post

>> No.52344260

didn't even click but

>> No.52344323

This can't be serious

>> No.52344516

This is what happens when weak, ugly people base their identities on being marginalized victims instead of actually improving themselves like a normal, functional person.

>> No.52350323

That was a year ago. Ask her that in the post-Hogwarts era and she'd avoid the question or say no.

>> No.52350412

I dunno I'm probably still in that camp, I don't think twitter is a very accurate reflection of real life. You can still make fun of lunatics without shrieking pedophile at everyone with a pronoun in their bio.

>> No.52351249

There's proof she supported them in the past and no proof she's changed her opinion. I've not giving your 2view any benefit of the doubt especially given her past

>> No.52351710

retard can't even count

>> No.52351857

That's just the sensible opinion 99% of functional people in civilized countries have.

>> No.52352546

It called an insult retard-chama. I'm insulting your midget twitch thot

>> No.52352645

>99% of people are cool with denying observable reality to affirm the fetish of random freaks with wigs
uh huh

>> No.52352690

Nijitranny is real

>> No.52352724


>> No.52352745

Everyone is cringe before they get redpilled and turned based

>> No.52353103

It's a retarded insult. Do you call tall people dwarfs, or married men incels?

>> No.52353204

>dont know any
that's a lie
reactionary posts, you don't have actual opinions. when they decided to create something worse than the trannies in a few years, you'll start accepting trannies to shit on them

>> No.52353268

What do you propose as a treatment for this mental illness?

>> No.52353290

>when they decided to create something worse than the trannies in a few years
spoiler alert, it'll be "plurality" (dissociative identity disorder). they already have tons of terminology for their mental illness (like "alters" and "fronting") and soon enough kids will be encouraged to make their imaginary friend a part of their identity. guess what, two things can be bad at once for the same reason.

>> No.52353361

trannies literally tried to cancel her on twitter a few months ago for calling them transtrenders. at least pick something better to anti her with.

>> No.52353399

Yes, nobody cares.
Why do you care?

>> No.52353408

is this the girl who renpc groomed?

>> No.52353452

i like truth and am not comfortable with denying truth. i also have compassion for trannies and I think lying to them is entirely the wrong way to "care" for them.

>> No.52353471

Trans rights are human rights chudcels.

>> No.52353544

>why would a gay guy make a stream about being gay during gay month????

>> No.52353576

poor bait, pity (you)

>> No.52353676

If nobody cares, why do troons feel the need to force other people to affirm their delusions. Why do laws get passed that prevent people from speaking the truth? Why did you open your mouth? Clearly people do care, including you, you disingenuous faggot.

>> No.52353711
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don't care

>> No.52353788


>> No.52353834

But shondo talks to this troon all the time

>> No.52353899
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>> No.52354459

Pretty sure she collabed with lilyhops recently, who is suspicious to say the least.

>> No.52354541

All women do, they are easily indoctrinated by the popular thing. Expect them to immediately turn into the biggest nazi tranny haters on the planet when the general public begins genociding troons for touching kids at school

>> No.52354791

Just call em all queer
I don't understand why each subset has to have their own name

>> No.52354877

Attention. Its a collection of snowflakes all fighting for the most victim points

>> No.52355255

if you have compassion for them you would understand that literally all medical science points to transition as the best way to stem the mental health issues associated w/ dysphoria and until theres something that can actually help people feel comfortable in their own body it should be what you're supporting

because you're so compassionate for them, right?

>> No.52355370

I will always hate trannies. Their acceptance was the actual slippery slope.

>> No.52355476


>> No.52356057

like them when they make my dick hard
hate them when they push agenda crap and cancel shit
don't think about the rest
simple as

>> No.52356077

Why do you believe you're a woman? You clearly have a male skeletal structure and male genitalia.

>> No.52356084

Is that science actually any good, though? Or is it half-assed garbage because no one wants to seriously study the subject?

>> No.52356158

NTA but all that that you mentioned is literally just chemical castration.

>> No.52356245

Anon we're not even go there in this thread. The question is do you think Shondo knows?

>> No.52356387

Well given that they seem to be friends, they might talk off stream about this sort of thing, wouldn’t surprise me if she knew better than us.

>> No.52356474

Makes sense. I always got massive fag hag vibes from her

>> No.52356622

guys dont be so small brained.
Think why, if someone trans is doing somthing bad, dont support. But if they are not, then, support them. They have human rights all the same. Dont think trans bad, needs to be more to why it would be bad and it changes depending on the situation. Trans good by default.

>> No.52356705

actually true. i can concede the fact that the first three are regular people a little bit on the degenerate side but anything after the three is just pure delusion.

>> No.52356851

Kill em all. I always wonder why you fucks even differentiate them. They are all degenerates.

>> No.52356947

>a year ago
She's still friends and occasionally collab with the frog vtuber shylily. Yes, it's a tranny.

>> No.52357004

Oops. I meant lilyhops.

>> No.52357100
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>> No.52357156

Because all trans people are a singular mass that also share the same mind and consciousness

>> No.52357279

You know i never thought about it, but it’s kinda nice that lilyhops still collabs with shondo if they’re a tranny since obviously they aren’t discouraged by the drama.

>> No.52357373

Gays are raped children who reproduce through raping new children themselves, as can be seen throughout history with how often homosexuality is virtually exclusively pederasty.
Why do you wanna rape dem keeds?

>> No.52357441

Lol calm down

>> No.52357464

Hate the ideology not the people affected by it

>> No.52357658

thank you

>> No.52357668

Lilyhops is a guy playing a little girl. As far as I can tell, he'a not someone who actually rejects observable reality and thinks he's actually a little girl.
Stealth babiniku, not tranny.

>> No.52357766

If it really does think he's a man, shondo wouldn't and shouldn't even interact with him. You know shondo right? No males stuff? YOU KNOW RIGHT?

>> No.52357783

Why do you think?
You are here, on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum, fishing for affirmation on your views, and they aren't even remotely important ones.

>> No.52357789
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I don't like the way the meaning of the word "support" has changed and I blame americans. Supporting used to mean putting in your own time and resources to help someone or something, but nowadays it's just an empty phrase.

"Support the troops!" But all you're doing is just saying the line and nothing else. I don't really care what trannies do with themselves, but I can't rightly say I support trans rights, since I dont even get what rights they're referring to at this point. I've never donated to any tranny charity or campained for tranny legislation. I doubt anyone saying they support trans rights did so either.
That said if a friend came to me and was struggling I'd try to help them the best I could, tranny or not.

>> No.52357815

I don't see him mentioning that anywhere.

>> No.52357851

No need to project. I'm calmly asking why you'd be cool with a mental illness that propagates by playing cave explorer with Little Timmy.
Protect a munchkin's poop chute, become a virulent homophobe today!

>> No.52357866

It's a mystery why nobody listens to you

>> No.52357894

Supporting transrights mean you are okay with their existence. You want them to have the right to mutiliate themselves, children, and others. You allow people of the same genders to get married. If you in anyway allow any of those things to exist, you support trans rights. You are the problem.

>> No.52357909

>throughout history
Sex has been pedophilia throughout history, homosexuality ain't special.

>> No.52358016

LGB are sorta natural, those kind of behavior can be found in animal and you can even blame God or nature for making them born that way.
T on the other hand are just freaks that is supported by the devil.

>> No.52358109

>the mental health issues associated w/ dysphoria
Ah yes, resolve the mental health issues by telling them their mental demons are right. I suppose we should just start telling suicidal people to kill themselves too, while we're at it?

>> No.52358113

You have studies showing homosexuality is caused exclusively by exposure to homosexual acts at the ready I assume

>> No.52358172
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I wonder how many arguments like these are based on people having actually looked into the medical science. A lot of our medical practices are influenced by political, economical or emotional factors at this point. Medical science does not agree with the notion of human albumine and porcine albumine having any major difference in treatment for cancer patients, but hospitals are willing to use the much more expensive human albumine for patients who can afford it. Why would that be so? Because pharma makes a lot of money with that and hospitals are in their pocket? Say it aint so...

>> No.52358238

As opposed to what?
>>52357100 ?
We are at the point where we can medically treat dysphoria but you think we shouldn't because it's icky?

>> No.52358272

Do you know what else can be found in nature retard? God made you with a mind that can think. So fucking think faggot.

>> No.52358282

man I wish reading comprehension was a prerequisite for posting here. I hope you kill yourself soon.

>> No.52358332

>You allow people of the same genders to get married
way to dilute a potentially good point with retarded shit no one has a problem with anon

>> No.52358403

>he supports LGB but not T
Fucking hell. People used to hate LGB and T. Fucking fags all of you. Americans ruined a whole generation. I really blame Obama for this by making it legal in the states.

>> No.52358407
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>As opposed to what?
Gee I don't know, THERAPY?

>> No.52358461

lgb actually has an evolutionary function. Animals exhibiting non-heterosexual behaviours usually do so in high density populations. This serves as natural population control, while ensuring that your family's dna has a better chance of survival, since the next generation has less competition, while the "gay" individual can help raise the offspring of their sibling.

>> No.52358494

Like... gender affirming care?
That kind of therapy?

>> No.52358543
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yeah yeah shoot yourself faggot no one cares
no one respects your ideals and you will die alone

>> No.52358549

>It's not natural!
>Yes it is
>Not everything natural is good!

Okay which is it?

>> No.52358591

There was no "potentially good point" since his baiting ass wasn't even responding to the previous post. He just clicked reply and then proceeded to write something only tangentially related to get replies.

>> No.52358592

>gender affirming
If you mean affirming their actual gender, the one they were born with, sure!

>> No.52358613

That doesn't mean supporting them dumbass. You are a male, you should only be allowed to fuck a female. You are female, you should only be allowed to fuck a male. What you like the same gender? That's okay. Just don't fuck the same gender. It's not that fucking hard. Also, your explaination doesn't include lesbians. So, we know those should never exist right?

>> No.52358651


>> No.52358662

>>It's not natural!
Never said that. I just say it is degenerate.

>> No.52358687

you're almost making me regret my policy of never saving a soijak you rancid reddit fanny bandit

>> No.52358691

So your solution is "do nothing"
It's shocking that people aren't following your advice.

>> No.52358693

41% yourself groomer

>> No.52358701

please take your room temperature IQ out of this thread anon, adults are trying to talk
you have zero argument other than your authoritative stance and in 2 posts you're going to start copypasting bible verses as "argument"

>> No.52358723

the naming is disingenuous when it actually meant you should cut the penis and make believe you're a woman and cast yourself to genetic doom in life of mystery and hate.
i fucking hate that troons literally subverted the word when a simple therapy that actually treats your dysphoria would actually suffice to talk people out of it but no, your money hungry medical industry must make lifelong patients with troons to profit with their misery, too bad they don't live long enough to actually churn out that profit.

>> No.52358754

My solution is THERAPY, you utter fucking retard. It's a miracle your malformed brain manages to keep you breathing.

>> No.52358786

>One study with a positive result was criticized for a small sample size and was redacted to an inconclusive result
Okay, pack it up. The science is in.

>> No.52358794

>comparing marrying teenaged girls to sodomizing prepubescent boys
pedofaggot pls

>> No.52358839

What therapy?

>> No.52358848

Didn't she say she doesn't like transpeople at some point? It's what led into her infamous "girls should be girly" rant.

>> No.52358870

100% this. Killing susceptible kids (socially, then literally) by stringing them along this doomed path is highly profitable by the medical industry and the left wing thinks that's just brilliant.

>> No.52358872

not what it says you disingenuous faggot

>> No.52358891

It's not disingenuous because it involves many things only one of which is surgery.

>> No.52358939

>Its just hebephilia bro it’s not the same
Lmao ok

>> No.52358953
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I can't...

>> No.52358961

>you're wrong because I said so
>I defend the gays becauss people should allow to fuck whoever they want
>but trannies are too far tho
Disgusting. Supporting LGB was the start of the slippery slope to supporting T. You fucks made your bed, now lie in it.

>> No.52358981

>Fucking underaged girls is good
>Fucking underaged boys is bad
I am very unsurprised to see this stance here.

>> No.52359046

>GLORIOUS girl pedophilia vs DISGUSTING boy pedophilia
your arguments just keep getting brighter by the minute don't they anon?

>> No.52359056

Yes I know you can't provide anything, but it's good that you finally admit it

>> No.52359114

see >>52358543

>> No.52359167

holy shit lmao

>> No.52359214

America? More like fagmerica. More like americuck. More like amerimutt. More like amerifat. More transmerica.

>> No.52359246

I like to read most of your posts as the last words of a lunatic hiding alone in a countryside barn about to eat a shotgun and pull the trigger.

>> No.52359324

>I don't know any
So are we just gonna ignore how she low-key confirmed that Lilyhops is cis?

>> No.52359399

stop giving trannies an inch, use real words.

>> No.52359436

What word would you prefer?

>> No.52359458

You shouldn't be. I'm your gf gay black trans best friend. Don't worry though. I only fuck her on the weekends.

>> No.52359461

in which way is cutting your fully functioning penis "affirming"? it's literally the opposite in that it denounces what you actually are to be something you are not.
why can't people see that is an extremely profitable industry that literally manufacture victims that would literally make a life long medical paypig for a procedure that they don't even need in the first place.
apparently surviving with a flesh wound that would never heal can set you free to be your true self, I just get disgusted at the people perpetuating this bullshit.

>> No.52359709

don't forget that it also preys on an extremely common perceptions kids have growing up that they'd be happier if they were born the other gender. in every past generation men and women grow up and eventually accept their identity, now they're forced into furthering a political narrative before they even understand anything about the world

>> No.52359715

are you dense?

>> No.52359744

>only one of which is surgery
But if you want to focus on that sure
>it denounces what you actually are to be something you are not.
According to you, but they disagree.
You should become a psychiatrist and just tell them that then, that'll fix it
>extremely profitable industry
And once again we see how something that affects the entire world is revolving entirely around how it effects the USA.
Somehow an issue which has existed for all of history worldwide is actually created to make a meager amount of money for some corps in the US

>> No.52359766

>real words
Not sure where you live but I grew up in the middle of nowhere USA and we studied Latin roots every year that I was in school.

>> No.52359773

He's trolling. Stop giving him (You)s.

>> No.52359783

You going to keep samefagging or actually post an answer?

>> No.52359795

NTA, but "male" and "female" works.
I also tend to clarify as "A man who identifies as trans" if I'm being very diplomatic, or "A perverted fuck who wants everyone to pretend he's a woman" if I'm not.

>> No.52359844

>Somehow an issue which has existed for all of history worldwide
You don't actually believe the bullshit you're spouting, right..?
This shit literally did not exist 20 years ago.

>> No.52359902

That's entirely too many words

>> No.52359957

I hate how supporting LGBT means you are supposed to agree with everything they want, no questions asked.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness by definition, yet unlike 99% of mental illnesses, you aren't allowed to consider it a bad thing. And a lot of them believe just trying to figure out why some people become trans or gay is a bad thing. Very few people would have issues with LGBT people if they could just be honest and admit it's not normal, and stop forcing it on people. This is how transsexualism worked in the 20th century. Now LGBT people want to have their cake and eat it too.

I support LGBT people just like I support autistic people, or depressed people, or OCD people. They're mentally abnormal, but they deserve respect too. But supporting an OCD person =/= agreeing that if he doesn't open and close the faucet 5 times in a row, his house will burn down. Because that's enabling their destruction. Yet we try to do that with LGBT people every day. The level of cognitive dissonance is intense

>> No.52359980

But it has.
People living as the other gender has existed for ever. The only thing that's changed is our ability to use surgery to treat it.

>> No.52360086

>tomboys and tomgirls have existed since forever, but now FINALLY we can mutilate them!
genuinely psycopathic.

>> No.52360108

Yeah, it's a similar issue with the whole body positivity shit lately.
"You shouldn't attack people for being fat, it's an unfortunate situation" is generally an understandable stance.
"Obesity should be celebrated and by being fit you are committing landwhale genocide" is not.

>> No.52360123

>unlike 99% of mental illnesses, you aren't allowed to consider it a bad thing

You are completely fine considering it a bad thing. You are not fine pretending that it's not an issue or trying to block people from treating it.
>forcing it on people
Who is forcing it on people? Just by admitting it exists it's forcing it?
Or do you mean shitty parents who are convinced their kid is trans against their wishes? Because child abuse has always existed and will always exist.

>> No.52360158

Based. Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.52360178

Third post best post.

>> No.52360187

>we can mutilate them
Who is this "we"?
If they want to I'm certainly not going to tell them no as I'm not a psychiatrist or medical doctor.
Are you?

>> No.52360321

>You are not fine pretending that it's not an issue or trying to block people from treating it.
NTA. The treatment itself (affirming the desired gender) is enabling their self-destruction and I cannot feel comfortable supporting it. And somehow it's wrongthink to want them to receive actually positive treatment, like therapy that affirms who they actually are.

>> No.52360348

after seeing the trans here in Canada chant "were here were queer we coming for your children" at the Toronto parade.. they started a fucking war now... next trans that touches a kid or shoots up a shcool is going to starts ww3 right here in North America

most of the general public are at a fucking boiling point. and don't even get me started about the muslims.. you guys really know how to piss ppl off.. why cant you just exist without trying to push this crap like it's some sort of insane religion.. absolute psychopaths

>> No.52360377

>The only thing that's changed is our ability to use surgery to treat it.
>Who is this "we"?
I have to believe that you're trolling us, anon. I'd feel pretty bad if this is genuinely how you are in real life.

>> No.52360433

So what's the cure for being a tranny? cutting off their breasts and dicks obviously didn't work

>> No.52360462
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>were here were queer we coming for your children
>it's real
>it's actually real

>> No.52360501

The kind of therapy that doesn't affirm their delusions of becoming a cute anime girl and tells them they were born a man and a man they will always be no matter how they choose to mutilate themself. Give them a dose of reality before they ruin their life by letting a doctor snip their cock off and give them a permanent wound that will ooze pus and colon juice for the rest of their miserable life.

Troonism is mass psychosis and needs to be treated as such.

>> No.52360511

Sit them down. Tell them that they are not the opposite gender. Tell them it's okay for a man to be girly. It's okay for a girl to be manly. That's fine.

>> No.52360585

the same kind of therapy schizophrenics and other delusional people get
imagine if we told the schizophrenics all of their delusions and hallucinations were real to make them feel hecking valid and not hurt their feelings

>> No.52360590

Why do you hold that position? Are you a psychologist? Did you research this issue? And I don't mean "internet research". I mean conducted studies and consult other peer reviewed publications?
Do you have similar strong views on how to treat other disorders like DID or DPD?

>it's wrongthink to want them to receive actually positive treatment, like therapy that affirms who they actually are
Is this an effective treatment? What are the success rates for it?

>> No.52360610

the only reason the big corporations are in full support of the rainbow agenda is because they want things to go back the way they were in Ancient greece, where old men would rape young men in the wide open no one would care... that's why the Drag queen movement is taking over the rainbow agenda... most Drags in usa are members of NAAMBLA (nationa association of man boy love of america) these faggots have existed since the 50s. in Fact.. one of the NAMBLA members even was the founder of the LGBT movement and invented the fucking rainbow flag... they are all in a cult called Ordo Templi Orientis.. they practice sex magick rituals based on tantric yoga.. the OTO cult was created by mi6 agents who were freemasons... every last secret service global is controlled by these ppl... their agenda is to sodomize the world...
sodomy is their highest degree of magick.
dont' believe me ? google search "XI degree sex magick OTO" this is a well known thing.

this is what the old men politicians do in those redwoods northern california.. thats why Nixon called it the faggiest thing he's ever seen when they invited him. they have male strippers and shit . all the world leaders. CEOs and politicians are part of this club

>> No.52360702

I'm sorry I'm not indulging your schizophrenia by pretending there is a shadow organization that for some reason is pushing this despite all evidence in order to... what exactly?

>> No.52360714

>I mean conducted studies and consult other peer reviewed publications?
No and that's a good thing. The leftoid academics who actually promoted this shit are not to be trusted.

>> No.52360732

>literally all medical science points to transition as the best way to stem the mental health issues
The same can be said of lobotomies.

>> No.52360782

I wish there was a sensible named counter-movement to pro-transitioning ideology. One that would come from a place of compassion for gender dysphoric people and that would advocates for non-destructive methods of trans care. One that normies could voice support for freely without fear of persecution. Common sense must prevail.

>> No.52360789

Today I will remind them

>> No.52360811

But that means that they won't have to buy expensive medicines and go through a profitable surgery

>> No.52360835

>sir, my demons tell me to kill myself
>well gee Timmy, better get to it!
to be fair that's how medical care actually is in Canada now

>> No.52360920

I'm pretty sure we tried just telling them to get over it and 41% of them killed themselves.

>> No.52360961

this post goes off the rails so quick. I was going to ask you for sources at the start but now I don't want to bother.

>> No.52360993

Faggots deserve the rope.

>> No.52361004

gain. money.
and again turbo-retard-kun, I am quoting and paraphrasing YOUR OWN WORDS

>> No.52361037

they literally have a book in schools here in canada for elementary school kids in the library.. that teaches kids about men giving each other blowjobs and how to get on Grindr.. this is at the boiling point
this has nothing to do with fucking trans rights anymore. THE ELITE CULT ARE USING YOU IDIOTS
using you to get to the children
they are of the cult of PAN . NAAMBLA runs the white house even youd be suprised but in the late 1980s . Ted Gunderson who was head of the entire FBI of California had an open investigation about all this stuff, he said they were taking over schools way back then and that it runs all the way up to the white house.
there are interviews of him saying this on youtube. He was head of the entire FBI. this shit is not make believe, it's real.

the rainbow movement has nothing to do with gay or trans rights anymore.. it is an agenda taken over by drags and naambla they organized this whole idea back in the 70s they tried it and it was too early. They are coming for the kids. they believe in the cult of pan and want to sodomize the planet. I pray the muslim bros save us from this madness. and they will. i can fucking guarantee that

>> No.52361047

He told you man, just google "XI degree sex magick OTO"
It will point you to a peer reviewed study, I'm sure.

>> No.52361078

That is the most retarded way I have ever heard of making money and I did quite a bit of research into crypto.

>> No.52361093

google search "harry hay" learn about who he was... he literally invented the rainbow flag. ...google search "oto xi degree sex magick"

google search "bohemian grove richard nixon"

bruh my family is full of freemasons, not making any of this shit up.

>> No.52361096

you know most elementary school kids are sexually active right? they probably have more sex than you do

>> No.52361112

It's a tough spot to be in. There's got to be a healthier answer, but then the only alternative voices are people gormlessly saying talk therapy will cure these people who have a part of them erratically screaming in their head that their body is wrong. These people just want the 40% to be 100%. Zero compassion.

>> No.52361126

what fucked up country you live in dude? that shit absolutely does not happen here . fucking pedophi

>> No.52361182

what fucked up country you live in where elementary school kids are "sexually" active... that does not happen in most nations bruh. maybe some 3rd world backwards fucking dipshits let their kids do that kind of stuff but not here

>> No.52361197
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you're trolling. I'm cutting off the supply of (You)'s, you'll have to bait someone else.

>> No.52361240
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>> No.52361288

geez it's almost like "some people" are trying really hard to radicalize everything to divide and weaken the society

>> No.52361297
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Utterly satanic. Repent for your sins now.

>> No.52361310

I don’t even know if transition is the best solution most of the time, but if you think all the trannies need is a little heart to heart then I don’t know what to tell you. Do think this is how it works for other mental illnesses, you just tell people everything is gonna be okay and it gets better?

>> No.52361314

>who have a part of them erratically screaming in their head that their body is wrong
Some people have a part of them screaming they should kill themselves, is it wrong to give them therapy? I don't understand what your issue is here.

>> No.52361390

Watch her backpedal on this because /vt/ Shadowcucks won't think she is based anymore

>> No.52361399

NTA but I know I used to want to be a girl for a while when I was growing up. then I grew up and I accepted my identity (growing a beard helped quite a lot). most kids being rushed into this just need to fucking wait and, yes, genuinely, have a talk if they need it.

>> No.52361431

>who's forcing it on people?
You started by having a month and some parades for you, now your flag replaces the country flag everywhere for almost the entire year. Most sane people are getting tired of your shit. Continue and things will escalate, and trannies won't be the only ones paying the price.

>> No.52361452

based threadskipper stay blind

>> No.52361566

That's a start dumdum. You can also give them drugs like all the other mental illness. What you don't do is cute their dick and breasts. Like you don't kill suicidal people.

>> No.52361625

How many of these people wanting to switch sex do you think are mentally ill? There are many cases of tomboys and tomgirls during puberty and they either outgrew it or keep doing it as a lifestyle. If it goes as bad as wanting to mutilate your own body part to feel "normal" then they need more than just a talk.

>> No.52361670

What is this comparison even? Whether you think it’s effective, the purpose of gender affirmative care is to hopefully lower the amount of trans people who kill themselves. Letting people just kill themselves is the exact opposite of what anyone actually wants.

>> No.52361679

If you've got a glitchy ass brain, just having some dipshit flip their chair around to give them the "real talk" by itself isn't terribly effective. It's supplementary to the real treatment, which is a hypothetical medicine to level out their dysphoria. We don't have anything like that yet from what I understand. There was experimental treatment in the late 80s that was showing promising results on dysphoria, but it basically turned you into a lobotomized zombie while on it, patients were literally incapable of working their normal jobs. Meaning they have to live on taxpayer dollars because they can no longer work for themselves, just substituting one bad issue for another.

>> No.52361733
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>tomboys and tomgirls
Less and less these days, sadly.
I'll never forgive the trannies for stealing my feminine men and autistic girls.

>> No.52361775

this, trannies are the new goths and emos. most of them are just kids trying to fit in with the trend to feel "special", and the rest are mostly autistic porn addicts and perverts

>> No.52361776

it's actually literally an anatomical difference in their brains. they cannot help it or will themselves to not be that way. it is not a voluntary choice in the slightest.

trans however, I dunno. some of them do have brain architecture that looks more like a woman's brain than a man's etc, there are legit ones. the problem is people can just decide to choose to be it suddenly etc without actually having a demonstrated anatomical difference.

>> No.52361810

Gender """""affirming""""" care is analogous to suicide in every way. You can't undo cutting off your dick.

>> No.52361822

What in the kek are trans rights?

>> No.52361895

>it is not a voluntary choice in the slightest
i felt absolutely zero attraction towards men and intense disgust anytime I saw gay media two years ago, now every other fap session involves men. any explanation?

>> No.52361946

This is kind of the problem, it would be nice if he had some magical medication or special therapy that just made all the gender dysphoria go away, but we really don’t. Even gender affirming care, HRT, or surgery doesn’t necessarily guarantee happiness for these people, but we don’t have much else.

>> No.52362005

finding men attractive isn't a voluntary choice but having sex with men is, which is the actual problem.

>> No.52362074

Basically you were like that all along and didn't know it was a loose boundary, maybe legit bi.. although the one dude I knew who orignally always said he's bi wound up just being like 99% gay within 10 years.

Also brain development doesn't stop at birth and can be influenced while growing up, although I don't think outside influences alone can literally gay-ify someone by themselves, just enable it if it was possible. Thing is once that wiring is set, it can't just be willingly undone so yeah that's the thing, there's no use berating someone or trying to get them to change once the wiring is set in.

>> No.52362095

>You are not fine pretending that it's not an issue or trying to block people from treating it.
Dysphoria is obviously an issue, it's real and there's no denying it.
>Who is forcing it on people? Just by admitting it exists it's forcing it?
Nah. Forcing it on people means forcing average people to accept the logic of how a dysphoric person views the world, which is honestly crazy. Personally it makes me upset having to conform to LGBT pronouns and stuff because I genuinely can't believe in it, and it's like I'm blatantly lying to someone's face when I use their pronouns.

Just let us be honest again. Biology = sex = gender.

>> No.52362098

Can you find any record of gender dysphoric people killing themselves due to their illness before the year 1980?

>> No.52362145

>which is the actual problem
how does me pounding bussy affect you in any way shape or form

>> No.52362182

The ones that call themselves queer ARE the bad ones

>> No.52362196

They’re all fucking degenerates and deserve to die

>> No.52362207

>the fact that you can google "gender affirming clinic scandal" and dozens of actually relevant results come up

>> No.52362235

the intense, guttural disgust I used to feel doesn't seem to align with "being like that all along" anon-sama. the only thing that did change is my cock suddenly started working properly, would get hard but wouldn't shoot before.

>> No.52362244

fun fact anon, the japs would rather you be trans than you be a fag or even how in iraq, transitioning isnt a crime but being a fag is?
you do understand that how trannies are treated is mostly cultural right?
collectivists demand all nails be hammered in, if your mind isnt correct to your body, your not fitting in to society, so fix it.
as much as i wish just saying its okay would help, problem is that society will still say its not okay to be manly girl or a girly boy.
theres men out there who cant be feminine at all and will throw shit fits because of their egos are broken in part by society

>> No.52362303

You know the science actually says that the suicide rate is highest after transitioning right?

>> No.52362310

>fun fact anon, our new trend isn't illegal yet in these places
awesome, thanks for sharing

>> No.52362318

if you literally couldn't cum to girls before ever, but just discovered that you can freely can cum to dudes... well..

>> No.52362367

NTA but please post your sources, I need them.
>its not okay to be manly girl
the tomgirl aesthetic is widely beloved, the fuck are you on about

>> No.52362381

I'm sorry my guy, you are absolutely gay.

>> No.52362447

Kill yourself

>> No.52362448

no cum at all and hate gay shit -> suddenly cum (to girls) -> accidentally get aroused by a boy picture once much later (thanks kid icarus) -> eventually 50/50 split in attraction and stop feeling guttural disgust at gay shit

>> No.52362499

no need to apologize, i've come to terms with it

>> No.52362541

You sure you didn't have parents that raised you either accidentally or otherwise to repress? If dudes are getting you hard you are bare minimum bisexual. I had cloyingly liberal parents and I have never once felt anything sexual towards men, so I feel like there's a lot more nature than nurture to sexuality.

>> No.52362613

Here you go.

>> No.52362674

Anon... if you only like gay when it's kid icarus like stuff, you are not gay. But if youblike bara stuff. You are. Gays. Actual gays like the dick itself. They are influenced to like the same gender. Either raped or touched by someone close to them.

>> No.52362707

No, my parents wouldn't have given a shit, they're liberal too. Maybe it was pride? But I was pretty left-leaning growing up too, so I don't really know why I would've been so strongly against the possibility of turning gay.

>> No.52362719

why wouldnt it be illegal now if gays are already banned, trans fit in more with those societies then gays do, the usual complete oppisite of the west type situation
the truth is the "born this way" shit was mostly just a talking point to get individualistic people to relax on their bigotry, because telling them it can sometimes be a choice wouldnt have progressed shit because theyd just continue to demand that fags stop being fags.
you can develop fetishes and so your sexuality can develop too, nothings wrong with that but people are stupid and are required to think people to have no choice in the matter for them to accept them.

>> No.52362748

Live and let live enjoyer
The problem is that people belonging to this shit don't follow the same philosophy

>> No.52362750

>some anons trying to convince a man he is gay
Lol lmao. They are actually doing it in this very thread. And they say you can't turn someone gay lol.

>> No.52362782

I thought only liking the dick is the most common form of bisexuality

>> No.52362802

>conversion therapy is good actually
very nice to know anon any more riveting takes?

>> No.52362807

Okay, tell me then. I only fap to feminine men, femboys and the like - I've seen almost all the fetishes you can do with girls but with femboy yaoi. And I also got interested in real life feminine boys, like https://twitter.com/kotafwee/status/1642593091659141120. Femboy cocks get me excited. But then in post-nut clarity, I feel completely indifferent towards what I was just looking at when it's gay shit. So, am I gay? Fake gay? Annoying fence-sitter?

>> No.52362840

you're looking for this (expertly written) post >>52343895
i am so stealing this line

>> No.52362887

Easy question. Do you think traps are gay? To me, liking cute things aren't gay. Liking cute things that want to be like female so bad isn't gay.

>> No.52362894

how are you misreading this so badly? I already accepted I'm gay because I've climaxed to hentai and real men an uncountable amount of time now. If anything, they're trying to convince me I'm straight (somehow)

>> No.52362936

>Do you think traps are gay?
I don't know, I'm gonna say yes? The other day I caught myself being genuinely upset because I discovered a "femboy" on PornHub was actually a girl. Surely I'm past the point of no return.

>> No.52362949

You're the one overcomplicating a very simple issue, just like the lgbt's. If a man likes men, even if it's effete men, that is de facto gay. They're just very particular about their homosexuality. It sounds like you're just asspained that it hits a bit too close to home. Because if you wanted femboys to not be gay, you'd just get a fucking woman.

>> No.52362990
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It's not difficult, but since you're all fucking newfags you can still learn.

>> No.52363003

I always knew Shondo supports the cause. Now I just need to be the first troon she knows

>> No.52363052

as nice as that would be, the problem is that its also anti-trans trying to push away from that too.
i believe most trannies would be happy with that middle ground if there wasnt other forces at play who wont budge even a little
cant turn him gay if hes already come to terms with being gay and/or bi.

>> No.52363060
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>>52362807 (Me)
god he's so fucking cute I need to take a break anons

>> No.52363102

Is this why all oldfag groups I've been able to find so far have turned out to be gay circlejerks?

>> No.52363176

Fucking femboys is gay as fuck. Liking cute things isn't.

>> No.52363237

so until I succumb to the forbidden bussy fruit I'm in the clear? I swear to god there better not be any femboys in my area when I try out Tinder tomorrow.

>> No.52363285

If it’s male and you’re a male it’s gay, simple as.

>> No.52363326

damn that cutey got tiddies! good shit anon
hey if you aint getting bitchs you might as well suck dick because theres plenty of dick to go around.
plus oldfags share a lot in common so of course theyll be gay with eachother.
what about cuntboys? like genuinely

>> No.52363520

I'm not going to be able to sleep soundly now. Fuck you.

>> No.52363589

im sorry my sweet summerchild...

>> No.52363737
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You know what I hate about trannies? That every single small interest on the internet they need to immediately infiltrate it and "tranny-fy" it. They did it to anime like Serial Experiments LAIN and especially with western Vtubing early on. These people cannot simply enjoy something but insert their own warped ideology masqueraded as "lore" into it.

Truth be told I believe trannies are just mentally ill people who are enabled by faggy elitists

>> No.52363775

Trannies are also by far the most hateful and backstabbing group I've ever witnessed online too.

>> No.52364043

How the fuck does no one EVER bring up how all of these gender people are almost always on the autism spectrum? Does that no say anything to anyone?
