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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 437 KB, 512x768, 00107-1292059374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52275672 No.52275672 [Reply] [Original]

You think vegans can't get fat? Think again.
Let me introduce you to the world of
>Canola Oil
>High fructose corn syrup
>Potato chips
>Deep fried avocado
>Oreo cookies (fully vegan btw)
>Peanut butter onions shakes

>> No.52275976

mods please delete this thread

>> No.52275993


>> No.52276063

>Peanut butter onions shakes
I forgor about the filter for a moment and got very confused

>> No.52276183

naw nigga, you read it right

>> No.52277213
File: 1.12 MB, 964x649, spongebob sundae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peanut butter onions shake

>> No.52277264

just bread is enough to make you fat
when i learned this fact i became really fucking depressed and binge ate until i was happy again

>> No.52277350

>bread makes you fat
But bread is so good tho

>> No.52277856

I don't care what anyone says, AI art was a godsend for architecture. Normalfags who have always been spoiled for choice wouldn't get it.

>> No.52277869
File: 170 KB, 1280x816, veggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably leaves a special kind of mark

>> No.52278144

All carbs and little protein. That's why Hispanic Americans are so fat.

>> No.52278369

All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy
>All carbs and no protein makes anon a fat boy

>> No.52278576

We're not friends huh? That's fine, you're more useful as a living blowup doll. Fat hogs like that always have low self esteem and put out so easily.

>> No.52278598

AI art being used to mass produce fat vtuber art is fucking hilarious and based

>> No.52279330
File: 627 KB, 1668x1792, FzowpRLaAAAF5eQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell though

>> No.52279336

The way Fauna presents herself, she doesn't seem careless enough for me to believe that she could ever become seriously overweight.

>> No.52279432


>> No.52280659

she sounds lazy af

>> No.52281617

calories make you fat dumbass
just count them with an app and you can eat w/e the fuck you want

>> No.52281764

she has a sedentary job where she sits in front of a computer for 10+ hours a day. just look at mori and you'll understand

>> No.52282520

So maybe she has some lovehandles. I don't see her ever digging herself so deep that she can't get healthy with a few weeks of exercise. She'll either change her diet or increase physical activity before that happens. That's what I mean when I say she doesn't seem that careless, she is very deliberate in how she approaches things.

>> No.52282795

I prefer to think of it as just salads. She manages to get fat from just vegetables. She basically eats every minute she's awake... more like a cow in my mind. Just the massive amounts of vegetables it would take her to get fat. And all of that fiber.

>> No.52282897

Imagine the fucking farts

>> No.52283065

Vegans eat a ton of legumes like beans and peanuts, so she probably braps all day long. Just imagine every silence during her stream is her muting so the audience doesn't hear her loud crackling cheeks thundering together.

>> No.52283209
File: 1014 KB, 1466x2164, cowfauna3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat ass cow

>> No.52283658

Anyone else remember that really small window where we though Fauna would be the /fit/ Holo and Saplings would match?

>> No.52284275

I am the last swolepling.

>> No.52284291

Then we learned her RHR was like 130bpm

>> No.52285857

Top tier fat artist

>> No.52287592

Anyone into architecture like in op deserves the rope, you have plenty to look at when you see tubs of lard outside daily

>> No.52289229

That's why she deletes so many ASMR vods.

>> No.52289230

I'm so jealous of Fauna's chair...

>> No.52290256

I want to know where you live if the women around you look like that when they get fat.

>> No.52291311

>Easy like Sunday Moooorning

>> No.52294511

Mori was a slob who let herself fall to door deliveries once the pay got to her head, she would literally frequently order mid stream. She's an extreme case.

>> No.52294699

Fauna had a tall skinny goddess body. Even straight girls lust for her. This is well known.

>> No.52294978

mods please delete this thread
