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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52257889 No.52257889 [Reply] [Original]

Do side branches really not check the talent's sexuality before hiring

>> No.52257941

Why should they?

>> No.52257969
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>brownie post
Third world thread

>> No.52257970

There are no unicorn IDs because the ID fanbase is too poor to gachikoi

So they all lean heavily into whoredom instead

>> No.52257991

>it's ok when JP does it

>> No.52257995

Hololive having a great collab deflection thread

>> No.52258011

Cover just assumes all their applicants are gay so sometimes a straight girl slips through by accident. Please understand.

>> No.52258030

what collab is this thread deflecting from?

>> No.52258072

Why is she allowed to say something like that?

>> No.52258123

more like they get stoned to death if anyone find out it isn't wholesome or arranged marriage, doesn't matter what your religion are when you living among them.

>> No.52258127

check how

>> No.52258185

what do you mean by this

>> No.52258205

very carefully

>> No.52258229

Because she comes off as a retarded little kid.

>> No.52258315

check what? if you mean body count, the minimum is 3 in the current talent pool.

>> No.52258386

Kobo has been like that since debut. It's only a problem if you hide it. She is by far the most popular ID so it must not be an issue there.

>> No.52258394
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Check how hard she cums from being molested by A-chan of course

>> No.52258459

i want japanese boyfriend
do you have kei no takatobi onigoroshi

>> No.52258457

why wouldn't she be allowed to say something like that?

>> No.52258514

>wanting to filter out the dominant lesbians
I want my FPS playing, whisky drinking, sportball watching, rally watching and hockey watching lesbo to stream and I want it NOW

>> No.52258615

where is the link faggot?

>> No.52258634

No one linked yet the "The God almighty created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Bobby" clip from her? cheap bait

>> No.52258900

She craves men with a lighter skin colour...

>> No.52258979

She then clarified that she wants a boyfriend in every country. There's still a chance for us bros.

>> No.52259269

I can tell you have never watched kobo before

>> No.52259375

Because indonesians are cucks and they support this

>> No.52259805

She's talking about you :3c

>> No.52259910

>He unironically believes the yuri baiting
I expected better from /vt/, something to distinguish you all from the shameful place that is /jp/

>> No.52259923

anon are you under the impression that only lesbians are allowed to be hired
what kind of schizo logic are you using

>> No.52260012
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OP really out here raging that a girl is heterosexual, what a fucking world

>> No.52260228

>he doesn't believe the yuri baiting
Reine literally tried to have sex with Kiara and only failed because Kiara didn't get it

>> No.52260529

1 person is a genuine dyke anon. one
Hint: The girls referenced in OP? 0 of them are lesbians or bi

>> No.52260720

What's wrong with appealing to your demographic?

>> No.52260804

How can she be le based homophobe while at the same time happily LARPing a family with two women as her parents?

>> No.52260900

because that exactly

>> No.52260916

Lol things that never happen. Every single man has a unicorn tendency more or less. The difference is whether or not you sperg out.

>> No.52261113

Like Mori? Funny that she pretends it has nothing to do with her lol

>> No.52261127

I found the awkward pause and uncomfortable
>I'm sure you could get a Japanese boyfriend but l-lets just focus on our careers for now Kobo
Into Mori roleplaying as a boyfriend for her funny. Cringekino if you will. Having a based retard actual child inject uncomfortable topics into collabs and put cracks in the grift is funny as long as she is not doing it to my oshi (who is pure)

>> No.52261293



>> No.52261374

That was also bait. All of the yuribaiting is just for show. No one is retarded enough to actively talk about failed attempts of having sex with their coworker on stream unless they're a complete menhera

>> No.52261410

Can you imagine how much cum Vesper shot on his test?

>> No.52261519

The original unicorn themesong.

>> No.52261589

Gura says you can't be mad at her because she's cute.
Kobo takes it step further by being incapable of doing wrong.

>> No.52261641

If Gura said she liked boys the whole board would be overrun for weeks

>> No.52261722

She dropped some hints early on, that's how the more schizo of chumbuddies found her "friends"

>> No.52261838
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meanwhile in jp

>> No.52261848

Not true, she has talked about what clothes she likes in men, personality features and has no problem showing her attraction to fictional men (she just keeps it classy instead of talking about inhaling their cock)
It would only be a problem if she talked about specific attainable males or told old stories of her experiences - she is too smart to do either of those things.

>> No.52261883

Can Kobo not go a stream without craving dick? What do you do to your women pagpags?

>> No.52262069
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If she admitted to wanting a qt lesbian girlfriend, I'm pretty sure she'd be run over with a bulldozer and set on fire.

>> No.52262068

The unicorns in ID are all fucking up the non-ID girls' fandoms.
Most unicorns do not buy shit.

>> No.52262128

I doubt he's Japanese

>> No.52262172

Well said. Good to hear that the top ID streamer doesn't worship modern western baboons. Mutts influences like Hollywood are certainly becoming irrelevant in asia.

>> No.52262189

White bros, it's over...

>> No.52262256

You aren't Japanese anyway

>> No.52262260
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>She dropped some hints early on
She made a couple of offhand jokes schizos flipped the fuck out over.
Gura's basically uninterested in sex or relationships, but that's a notion which most of said schizos can't even conceptualize as an option.

>> No.52262371

>Most unicorns do not buy shit.
most fans don't buy shit, they just watch the videos and maybe member

but if there were anyone who would spend, it would be the socially-inept ugly loner with no family or friends to spend their disposable income on

>> No.52262471

Does Kiara know Kobo is anti lgbt, i wonder how she feels about that.

>> No.52262516
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Other ID girls act gay as fuck.

Remind the most successful Vtuber is Pekora and not only is she straight she's also homophobic.
It's a heterosexual world, the rest of you devients need to remember that.

>> No.52262555

Old muslims society was incredibly homophobic while at the same time being gay as shit. People aren't all expressing perfect logic all the time.

>> No.52262619
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>> No.52262638

Yeah, and? Are people in here seriously mentally unwell enough to be unicorns over Kobo? GSH

>> No.52262679

Sono nihon no kareshi? Ore da.

>> No.52262712

Did you not read what anon wrote? She's homophobic

>> No.52262722

>Yuri or yaoi
>Pekora chooses the one that isn't a man sticking his penis into another mans anus
Yes and? Lesbian sex is objectively cleaner, thats why they have less STDs. Pekora knows this.

>> No.52262770

Ishallah, unlike Moona, Lofi or other coworkers, Kobo is a Jizyah paying “person of the book”.

>> No.52262772

I'm still not subscribed to Kobo. I found her voice annoying (via collabs).

>> No.52262811

That's because you are male. Its like you say you like yaoi shit.

>> No.52262868

Kiara is a fake lesbian and sometimes lets her anti-troon Austrian views leak out so I don’t she would have a big problem.

>> No.52263045 [DELETED] 

That video of Miko trying to talk to Pekora about kissing girls while Pekora was obviously disgusted was hilarious.

>> No.52263135

That's based though, why would an Indonesian girl want an Indonesian boyfriend?

>> No.52263221

Manager soon must have messaged her to do damage control

>> No.52263225

Roses are red
This board is blue
I won't watch your clip
And I won't give a (You)

>> No.52263469

I hope that after the stream mori held kobo down while kiara molested her. Kobo makes more money than any indo guy she's ever going to meet, of course she wants someone who will be more of an equal.

>> No.52263597

Is that why she still plays offstream with males

>> No.52263768

Historically islam has not really cared about lesbians one way or another. Historically they haven't really cared about homosexual behavior, they care about homosexual relationships. Essentially as long as it was down low and they said no homo, they didn't care. For example, in islam antiquity homosexual poetry was so common that at one point there was more gay poetry than straight poetry.

>> No.52264395

another one to fall for Towa why is life so unfair

>> No.52265335

I remember people saying Fubuki got legit creeped out when she thought Noel and Flare weren't larping about being gay. Based friend.

>> No.52265460

Or maybe the society is not as individualistic so you can always find girls if you try. And not yet having any of those not married and not having children shit.
Indonesia is also a rare country where the male to female ratio is almost exactly at 100. That means the number of males are almost the same as females. So there are always alternatives than being a hopeless gachikoi.

>> No.52265714
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>> No.52265753

Marine joke with her fanbase you dumbfuck ENSHART she doesn't joke with random guy like shilily, it's all Keyfabe

Can retard stop using Marine for those shitty bait

>> No.52267347

anon... you've literally never set foot outside your parent's basement, have you

>> No.52267410

Making coomer jokes still makes her a coomer

>> No.52267484

Why would I?

>> No.52268286

Real lesbians don't like troons either

>> No.52268869

t. schizo who can't comprehend the idea of interacting with a person for a different reason than wanting to fuck them
good job proving previous anon's point

>> No.52269445

Breaking news:
Girls like Boys

>> No.52269523

But what about cooties?!

>> No.52269567

mori is ace and kiara is bi

>> No.52269672

Mmmm delicious cope.
She’s getting railed anon, probably right now

>> No.52269753
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>mori is ace

>> No.52269894

whats ace

>> No.52270150

i think he is saying she likes black guys but i don't know what faggot lingo people speak now at days.

>> No.52270168

Lesbians are disgusting. I'll take a whoretuber any day of the week over a "heckin wholesome" carpet muncher that baits obnoxious yuri pairings.

>> No.52270375

Zoomerspeak for asexual.

>> No.52270405
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How the heck did this devolve into a discussion on whether a woman should be promiscuous or not? Also, why are (You) replying to moronic bait?

>> No.52270526

I dunno, some of the real lesbians aren't interested in baiting. It makes sense, you don't want to catch a feeling for someone that is just pretending as part of the job.

>> No.52270737

Isn’t Kobo like super anti gay. This is to be expected from someone from a Muslim nation. Not every girl is a Yuribaiting whore.

>> No.52270874
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>> No.52271003
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Literally never happens. Would you refuse if a cute vtuber wanted to flirt with you because you're afraid of "catch a feeling"? They are living out the best fantasy of being intimate and lovey dovey with as many cute girls as they can everyday. Free ERPing and they even pay you to do it.

>> No.52271099

>/vt/'s champion of propriety is a retarded child probably already groomed by her own uncle

>> No.52271263

Considering she referred to Conchita Wurst as "she", I somehow doubt that.

>> No.52271489

>No one is retarded enough to actively talk about failed attempts of having sex with their coworker
That isn't what happened. Kiara brought up the poke without knowing what it meant and Reine utterly fucking panicked kek

>> No.52273184

>OP is reminded that women aren't actually gay and is so mad he makes a drama thread
Yurifags need to be bullied just a little bit harder desu, just so they remain at least somewhat grounded in reality

>> No.52273294

Yuribait is hololive culture, go to twitch if you want cuckoldry

>> No.52273434

>Yuribait is hololive culture
Sora is straight, while Mel and Choco were recruited to appeal to men.

>> No.52273489

They are also both straight btw, but will yuribait for money.

>> No.52273587

I present to you Pekora. The most popular Hololive talent

>> No.52273614

based indogs

>> No.52273736
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>> No.52273926

>recruited to appeal to men
Yes, with yuribaiting

>> No.52273941

The one who did pekomiko?

>> No.52274200

pekomiko yuri is a myth made by the fans.Headcanon. Yes they were a duo about as platonic as it gets. It’s why it died out the way it did

>> No.52275184


>> No.52275304

do your reps retarded ape
>but I--
do them. and don't ever post here again unless you learn your lesson.

>> No.52275591
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>wants a boyfriend from every country
Those boyfriends? All me.

>> No.52277657

JFC, do your reps anon. I only casually watch Mori clips and even I know better than that.

>> No.52277803

Hololive talent can say what they want, but most aren't retarded enough to not realize that most of their money is coming from lonely guys who want to fantasize about you and fantasizing about other guys in front of them will probably screw up your income.

>> No.52279416

>girl likes boy
Well shit, third world womens are so uncivilize isn't it ? They should like other women instead of men

>> No.52280036


>> No.52280116

>Would you refuse if a cute vtuber wanted to flirt with you because you're afraid of "catch a feeling"?
Yes? Polka literally did that to Lamy, on stream. Turns out flirting is not really enjoyable when you actually care and the other person is doing it "for fun"

>> No.52280303

I heard the same sentence about EN before tempiss debuted, equaly stupid, equaly false, i laughted at it, i still laught at it now.

>> No.52281648

Pekora has good taste in girls.

>> No.52282087

>Unironically this retarded
>Probably believed the Marine-shion bait or NoeFlare bait
I'd say you're pathetic, but it seems you guys get off to that sorta demeaning tone

>> No.52282279

Because hor her it really is just larping, two women raising a child is as much of a game as pretending to be a wizard to her.

>> No.52282777

>ID unicorns are watching EN
>EN unicorns are watching JP
>JP unicorns are watching JP
Who IS watching the IDs then?

>> No.52282853

Normal people

>> No.52282923

cucks and thirldworlders

>> No.52282968

You think she's gonna larp when she sees reine tonguefucking kiara's pussy?

>> No.52282992

Wypipo BTFO

>> No.52283081

She knows her income doesn't come from people expecting her to be GFE. Her fans are probably a bunch of retarded ADHD zoomers, they don't care if she collabs with dudes or says she wants a bf.

>> No.52283156

Not unicorns

>> No.52283207

thirdworlders are all busy shitting up other countries streams, they all hate their own women

>> No.52283289

I see more of them on JP and EN streams honestly.

>> No.52283609

I used to watch ID when I had a job requiring me to be awake at night (US time) so ID was the only EN streaming content available

>> No.52283699

Kiara's not a real lesbian.

>> No.52283986

fuck, i would too

>> No.52284105

What the hell are those tumors on A-chan's chest?

>> No.52284383

sounds based to me
i want animu girlfriend

>> No.52284420

Since she plays a bratty little sister-esque child, her saying things like that she wants a boyfriend just come across as precocious. She even has a song about having an (in character) imaginary boyfriend and was (in character) doing a bit where she bugged others because she would insist he was real.

>> No.52284424

She's not a real dyke like reine is but she's really fucking gay for women

>> No.52284691

sort of the same. Kaela's debut was good news. Reine was a reliable source for streams back then also. I still watch way more Kaela than say... Kronii or Mori.

>> No.52284733

I found the clip and I watched it, it's cute. I don't watch Hololive at all but Kobo is playing a character right?

>> No.52284844

both win, one get some cunny action and the other one a green card.

>> No.52285487

En unicorns watch fauna mumei or irys

>> No.52285674


>> No.52285915

Choco has talked about what physical characteristics she wants in a boyfriend multiple times, but once again it's ok if JP does it

>> No.52286046

Everyone can see Choco is just pretending and making excuses for not starting a family

>> No.52286095

and this is a mentally retarded kid just pretending, literaly no different

>> No.52286232

Most of ID has boyfriends and/or husbands.
It's hilarious how the most whorish are in ID given it's the most muslim

>> No.52286330


>> No.52286400

who wouldn't though?

>> No.52286578 [DELETED] 

Newsflash you dumb idiots:
All of ID has a bf and/or wife (except Kaela for some reason jesus christ she needs a life)
Mori has a japanese bf
Kiara has had a bf
NONE OF THEM are lesbian. At most some of them are bi

>> No.52286658

deep reps are how you find out shes ace lol

>> No.52286730

which ID has a wife

>> No.52286784

Who tf cares, i just want my yuri couples

>> No.52287162

Based child bride
