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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52257704 No.52257704 [Reply] [Original]

There can be only one edition

Sponsored farming time!

>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan, ASMR and singing.
She is known for her powerful singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Watch her OffKai Live mini-concert:

Also here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>52046089

>> No.52257722

lmao what an op gg no re
also I love Nina!

>> No.52257734


>> No.52257735

>referral link doesn't have steam

>> No.52257757
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I love Nina so much, bros

>> No.52257791

Nina...Gaben is starving...

>> No.52257876
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>> No.52257918

Personally I like to think she hunted her down with a sword Highlander style

>> No.52257934

Did i miss something?

>> No.52257972

NijiNina is graduating, leaving our Nina as the one true Nina.

>> No.52257996

fake nina is graduating

>> No.52258034

I saw a screenshot at /lig/ Nina was very classy about it, left her a nice message. I mean obviously nijiNina wont care about her but its the gesture that counts.

>> No.52258136

all other Ninas shall be eliminated

>> No.52258186

I want Nina to get married and have kids so bad bro I don’t even care if it’s me (it will be) I just want her to be happy

>> No.52258203

dont look up what shondo did

>> No.52258228

There can only be one

>> No.52258251

do you believe her excuse?

>> No.52258255

well it was a coincidence, and funny, so >>52258034 probably should look it up

>> No.52258270
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It'll be me, actually. But Nina's happiness should be a shared goal for all of us.

>> No.52258287

It's kind of fucked up she put on a Bane mask and picked her up and broke her back over her knee

>> No.52258308


>> No.52258432

I thought it was a Jet Li movie reference

>> No.52258439

does nina realize those are basically moaning sounds?

>> No.52258478

those are anime sounds

>> No.52258674

Based OP

>> No.52258689

nina is based

>> No.52258709

>learn a language to groom idols
sasuga neener

>> No.52258734

they will never see it coming

>> No.52258745
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>> No.52258756

to be fair i was seriously considering learning japanese to play untranslated eroge

>> No.52258798

that is the most common motivator
source: my cock

>> No.52258820

the cock is an amazing motivator. NTA but got advice on starting?

>> No.52258899

easy to remember is the stroke order is top to bottom

>> No.52259158

Nina learning to sound extra british for shondo...

>> No.52259248


>> No.52259258

cute #squadgoals

>> No.52259303

start by learning kana and don't bother with duolingo

>> No.52259819

You now imagine Nina whispering that shondo compliment to (You).

>> No.52259905
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Hello I will now be bunking here because my wife loves your wife. Your wife is very cute and I am glad they are friends.

>> No.52259934

you are welcome shondophrenic, shondo is on topic here!

>> No.52259967

Shondo good

>> No.52259995
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I'm really looking forward to the big CIV collab. Shondo said she and Nina are a team.
I am a little worried there will be 8 people talking, has Nina said at all how the voice chat will be arranged?

>> No.52260043

Nina explained that there would be 4 teams of two and they would be tagging out periodically, so only 4 on stream at any given time.

>> No.52260066

We already know its not 8 at once. It's some sort of tag-race-relay type of thing. There are teams of two but only one plays.

>> No.52260112
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Ahh I see! Yeah, that's better. I'm a little disappointed Shondo and Nina won't be together the whole time but this makes sense. Thanks anons.

>> No.52260199

I wouldnt be surprised they can sit on VC within their own team - this is just to make things more interesting but less chaotic. When everyone heard its 8 players everyone immediately knew its going to be impossible to spectate.

>> No.52260387

God I wish that logo was me

>> No.52260395

Sometimes I wonder if she is actually named Nina.

>> No.52260417

It would have been on brand for her.

>> No.52260426

I really hope this is the case, would be cool if they could hang out with their team in private VC then switch back to the 4 player VC now and again. That'd just be my ideal because ShondoxNina is my favorite Shondo collab pairing and I'm starved for more of them. They were supposed to be collabing last week, schedules were messed up though.

>> No.52260479

Nina's schedule is dominated by the concert I am 100% sure. Every time there is a concert she used to cut streams to minimum as well.

>> No.52260593

Sucks but I like watching her too so I hope she can get back to normal next week. I'm sure you guys are starved for her too. Her concerts are great though, I hope she can sing longer than she did at Offkai. I stayed up with Shondo to wait for her and she was absolutely fantastic, but damn they didn't give her as much time as she deserved

>> No.52260606


>> No.52260622
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forgot to post schedule

>> No.52260747

It's a whole hour of singing this time. We'll get around 10-12 songs I guess

>> No.52260780

Ninabros have been eating incredibly well the past few weeks.

>> No.52260826

the only ones starving are the ones that watch to see her sing

>> No.52260896

>whats that, sounds like pag pag flipshit
>A gory, action-packed FPS set in the near future. Unleash all hell on your enemies, dodge bullets and leave a trail of destruction in this hardcore and frenetic shooter.
uh based?

>> No.52260931

Nina milking

>> No.52260974

Just checked the steam page for that as well. Seems like it might be a decent FEAR successor

>> No.52261047

Why does Nina seem to be so fond of older men...

>> No.52261064

I like that Shondo participates in chat without dominating it and stays for hours instead of just dropping by once and disappearing 5 minutes later like most vtubers

>> No.52261210

People have the same opinion on Nina, its cute how they go so well together

>> No.52261228

yeah, she aint no geega

>> No.52261300

Guess I gotta start to wander the dutch streets.

>> No.52261429

>there can be only one nina

>> No.52261540

I like that she actually mingles with the chat and acts like a normal viewer instead of trying to flaunt her friend status.

>> No.52261560


>> No.52261567

Nina does the same in Shondo's chat. It's awesome

>> No.52261617

Has Shondo become Nina's "best" friend? I think it's either her or Soya
It's crazy considering they haven't met IRL (yet)

>> No.52261618

bat tardwrangles verdy so she can stay

>> No.52261699

From outside she spends the most time with her and Soya. We also know she hangs out with Effiez. I also noticed GFC girls decided to invite her into the circle so we saw more of it recently

>> No.52261701



>> No.52261734

I think Soya is her closest traditional friend, but Shondo is like a cute little sister that she dotes on.
It's a lot easier with Soya since they are closer in location and schedule.

>> No.52261745


>> No.52261774

Nina would never insist on meeting Shondo knowing how she is and what she went through.

>> No.52261840

I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Nina. Every day I would wake her up by cumming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside Nina. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that Nina'd be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would be to have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if Nina was already pregnant, I'll fuck Nina while she's pregnant and Nina'd get double pregnant. I'll fill Nina with so much cum every day that she'd look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Nina as fertile as possible. I'd give Nina fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 5 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll even bake Nina home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of milk per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make Nina so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she'll be carrying at any given time. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside Nina again each time she asks for something. Nina would be so pregnant all the time that she would literally not be able to stand up straight. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone Nina purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. Nina would have so much progesterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her.

>> No.52261855

Shondo wants to meet Nina but is deathly terrified Nina won't like her for some reason even though she's gorgeous IRL.

>> No.52261861

Consider Nina, but in full wedding dress, smiling brightly.

>> No.52261893

It's a sin there is no fanart like this

>> No.52261948

Do you think she made her outfit look like a wedding dress on purpose?

>> No.52261978

>what she went through.
Malding on her roommates twitter account about males that rejected her lmao.

>> No.52261979

someone could skim through 5toubun's artworks and make an edit, she kinda looks like one of the quints if I'm remembering them right

>> No.52261982

i dont want to believe this woman is so coldly calculating

>> No.52262026

>no no anon its a magical girl dress

>> No.52262032

everything goes for a chuuba desu

>> No.52262090

dont shatter this for me, please

>> No.52262160

the sooner you rip off the band-aid the better, trust me

>> No.52262163

Her wedding and honeymoon will be magical indeed.

>> No.52262224

how desperate for copulation would nina be on the wedding night?

>> No.52262246

NTA but how many lies can she even tell? Worst can happen its that she has a SO but she talked about it zero times so far.

>> No.52262315
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>> No.52262383

I remember a long time ago in this thread someone said she had mentioned not being a virgin but no more details like that

I really dont know how substantiated that claim is though.

>> No.52262400

She'll force the marriage by getting knocked up early.

>> No.52262428

we've seen zero receipts, we did have many people claim they found a picture of her since the /trash/ times but no proof

>> No.52262489

Nina is very good at hiding her dirty laundry. Only rrats, no proof.

>> No.52262594

All it takes is anyone from twitchcon, soya or the bat spilling the beans

>> No.52262605

Imagine this thread if you suddenly heard a cough or some other male sounding noise coming from the background.

>> No.52262636

sorry, my bad

>> No.52262651

it would be a great few days

>> No.52262692

longterm improvement in quality of the thread

>> No.52262746

If Shondo met Nina and Nina had a boyfriend living with her I think we would find out pretty quickly. The girl cannot keep a secret, wouldn't want to be in the house with a random guy, would be hurt, and it could even have the potential to ruin their friendship if she's been lying to Shondo too. I trust Nina.

>> No.52262844
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the upscaler added those teeth instead of the anime mouth with no teeth visible orz

>> No.52262896

If there is anything that could get you actually cancelled, is doxxing another vtuber

>> No.52263004

wasn't shondo literally defending some pseudo doxxer

>> No.52263013

I mean if Nina had a boyfriend Shondo would accidentally mention something about it once she came home. There's no way she'd be able to keep a secret like that, she's signed literal NDAs and all but said what they're for even though she's legally supposed to keep it quiet. Shondo physically cannot keep secrets so if Nina does have a boyfriend it would be logical to keep it from her, but if Shondo ever found out it would both hurt her and I doubt she could exist without slipping up at some point. She's a chronic oversharer, which is part of why a lot of Shondobros trust Nina and the barbie girls.

>> No.52263073

Barbie? Do you mean Olivia?

>> No.52263092

>spilling the beans
What beans.

>> No.52263113

You don't know about the Barbie girls?
It's a group chat. It's Shondo, Nina, Olivia, the Based Bean, Abi, Inis and Tanya.

>> No.52263158 [SPOILER] 

I meant, they visited nina so if she lived with someone

>> No.52263176

Wouldn't happen on purpose, as another anon has said Shondo is a chronic oversharer who cannot keep a secret, even under actual NDA.

>> No.52263298

that's an interesting mix of individuals

>> No.52263331

Nina's big ass

>> No.52263353

Nina's fangs...

>> No.52263558
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Nina's big ass fangs...

>> No.52263582

If I were to try and get art like that made of her, where should I ask and how much would that approximately cost?

>> No.52263647

>when nina said "good boy"
Yeah, I felt that.

>> No.52263662

skeb, 7000 - 11000 yen

>> No.52264108

Sorry if this is off-topic but why did other Nina even graduate? I feel like this thread will give me a less schizophrenic answer.

>> No.52264125
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>> No.52264209

she literally wrote it in her announcement and not even in a neutral way. something like "performing below her capabilities" or in that notion, which basically means "shit management is holding me back and I aaaAAAA"

>> No.52264220

Probably company policy issues

>> No.52264258

other ninabros gave you the answers, but we all know its because she shouldnt have ignored nina

>> No.52264301

Targeted harassment from Nina bros who want their Nina to be the top Nina

>> No.52264365

Corporate speak is so boring and soulless I can never get to the end of the paragraph but thank you.

I heard she was challenged to a sing-off at OffKai for the title of Neener but backed out because she couldn't handle the pressure.

>> No.52264539

Target of harrassment from Luxiemsisters and management being a bunch of faggots as per usual to keep it simple. She'll likely return to her old Twitch channel after she leaves.

>> No.52264754

she really would cry, wouldnt she...?

>> No.52264843

See? Her outfit design is already like a wedding dress.
What if this is her final form and she changes to it once she gets married IRL?

>> No.52264853

AI art even nailed bat's ears, amazing stuff

>> No.52265170
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Do not perceive!

>> No.52265197

oh fuck oh shit i saw

>> No.52265280

uh, interesting

>> No.52265303

w-what is going on in this image

>> No.52265364

its a rorschach test and you only have her lower nina on your mind

>> No.52265427

nina giving birth
wait what

>> No.52265443

its worse than just a mere bf...

>> No.52265524
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>> No.52265654
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just embrace it, man

>> No.52265710


>> No.52265770

could make a decent fortnite backpack

>> No.52265778


>> No.52265794

mesugaki loli nina with no domination loss

>> No.52265965

Eagerly awaiting news on Lolina

>> No.52266212

The last thing she said about it was a complication pushed it back to August, unfortunately.

>> No.52266261

she has no luck huh

>> No.52266286

at least the ear licking asmr arrives next week

>> No.52266317

Looking forward to the batch of ordered songs as well

>> No.52266324

why can't artists not fuck up ONCE

>> No.52266473

Oh yeah, forgot to talk about this, Nina was on Grape's stream for about an hour on Sunday

>> No.52266529

Nina lives in the Netherlands, right? Has she tried weed?

>> No.52266549

Shibe, start the reactor!

>> No.52266561

She did, she's not a fan, her older brother is a pot-head, so it soured her relationship to the whole thing

>> No.52266637

Actually a little surprised. I feel like Nina would have been the kind of girl who didn't get involved with stuff like that.

>> No.52266808

It's fairly normal there, and she only tried it the one time as an edible.

>> No.52266855

Are there any VODs saved of this?

>> No.52266945

ninas bimbovoice.....

>> No.52267176
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she has told that story multiple times so it's definitely somewhere in the archives, good luck finding it though...

>> No.52268297

dropping your spaghetti in front of nina...

>> No.52268485
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>likes cool guys who get awkward in intimate moments
I'm in

>> No.52269262

Damn, it must be a fairly big sponsor if she's announcing the announcement

>> No.52269267
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I'm happy that Nina was able to get a sponsorship for a game she loves, and it played perfectly into her usual schedule. Curious what her new sponsorship will be.

>> No.52269417

Super comfy stream I'm just happy we get more Nina airtime

>> No.52269499

it was a good stream, didn't skip gameplay for once

>> No.52276154

fuck nina

>> No.52276463


>> No.52276621
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Titfuck Nina

>> No.52276884
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Fucking Nina for the sole purpose of procreation!
