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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52251719 No.52251719 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some of your favorites?

>> No.52251854

Don’t put my shondo next to those other two whores

>> No.52252096

I pick all 3, femcel stinkoid.

>> No.52252258

Don't put my yellow whore next to those other two grifters.

>> No.52252293
File: 10 KB, 357x297, 1679962774821293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use my wife for your bait threads.

>> No.52252501

Stinky trio! stinky trio! She's a member if the stinky trio!

>> No.52252577
File: 192 KB, 489x465, 1684484889721766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is not stinky!

>> No.52252735

Shondo my beloved schizo wife

>> No.52252831

I adore Shondo, but sometimes I feel like her fans are getting as ridiculous as Kiki's. Why can't people just realize that she wants to entertain when she can?? She's not a pinko commie faggot, and she's not a right wing death squad.
Poor girl just tries to please her viewers.

>> No.52252929

I pick all of them, including you OP

>> No.52253000
File: 398 KB, 2560x1536, otis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not a right wing death squad
No, but her son is. Heil Otis!

>> No.52253021
File: 53 KB, 663x536, 1686811992289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't put my... Wait I'm left with pippa?

>> No.52253036

>Right wing
Lumi is just as much of a larper and for fuck sake Shondo literally only made political by retarded schizos on blue bird swamp

>> No.52253129

>Not a grifter

>> No.52253190

Shondo is easily the worst of those three

>> No.52253203

Hard to argue with those digits..

>> No.52253944

>Shondo cucked her fans
>Pippa cucked her fans
Did Lumi also do it?

>> No.52253997

>Shondo cucked her fans

>> No.52254072

beast ;) hands typed this

>> No.52254118

Right, and having a meltdown over a dude unfollowing you on twitter is completely normal behavior

>> No.52254226

kill yourself pedo

>> No.52254330

>a meltdown over a dude
She had multiple meltdowns over multiple longtime regulars.
She is severely mentally ill and is on 5 different meds (some over the max dosage) just to function. She isn't normal by any means.

>> No.52254336

Holy cope

>> No.52254434

>he does not possess the knowledge
do your reps, there are even clips

>> No.52254534

Lumi is right wing? She's just slightly unhinged for comedic effect

>> No.52254619

Oh he knows, he’s just coping

>> No.52254732
File: 60 KB, 179x227, FkBCBmVXoAEKpgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so easy to siphon chud money.

>> No.52254764

So her fanbase is clearly okay with her getting emotionally attached to men, got it.

>> No.52254796

Those men are her fanbase, you fucking retard.

>> No.52254810

reminder to report the piss-haired whore for ban evasion on twitter

>> No.52254840

Two of these aren't right wing, they are "dirtbag left" (which is a stupid concept anyway, but it's not rightwing)

>> No.52254939

She preaches loving all her fans equally yet clearly she doesn’t. She’ll never love you as much as she loves darkkal.

>> No.52254985

a couple years back there was a chuuba who was in a free to play game and made a swastika out of bushes or something for comedic effect. No w*man is unironically based and tradpilled but some are just less retarded than others. The bar is so low for them that if they hold any social opinion that was the norm 20 years ago they're MEGA BASED AND REDPILLED.

>> No.52255121

>there are even clips
Of what? She's a centrist who never voted and never will.

>> No.52255220

>3 progressive girls
>right wing
This is why conservatism, is so retarded that you end up calling 3 online egirls that support LGBT stuff, "right wing"

>> No.52255476

>her fans are getting as ridiculous as Kiki's
Pink Kiki or 4chan Kiki?

>> No.52255573

None of these skanks are trad or 'based', but if Catboy Kami had a live2d model I'd watch his streams.

>> No.52255653


>> No.52255669

They both fit honestly. There almost just as cucked as pink Kiki’s fans, and they’re certainly uberschizo like 4chan Kiki’s fans

>> No.52255717


>> No.52255735

Why was she banned in the first place?

>> No.52255770

You will never date a flesh woman vtuber.

>> No.52255806

Remember that Pippa drama? She replied to Pippa's QRT with "Kill him"

>> No.52255865

>just as cucked as pink Kiki’s fans
That's an overstatement if I've ever seen one. Shondo and Pippa are both pure untouched maidens compared to Kiki.

>> No.52255995

So you bought her lies? She self admitted that she flew to florida twice to visit her 6’6 boyfriend, surely they just held hands right?

>> No.52256151

I'm glad you're preoccupied with your cuck fantasies I'll personally continue enjoying basically the only unicorn-friendly english speaking chuuba there is.

>> No.52256197

Her desperately trying to keep the unicorn shit going is annoying though, I'm not autistic enough to role play with her.

>> No.52256240

Then fuck off.

>> No.52256309

I can't do that, she's somewhat entertaining and a massive lolcow. You should've seen the last stream when she was mumbling like a retard.

>> No.52256312

She's also just a good streamer I don't see why it'd negatively impact your experience

>> No.52256361

Because it's nothing more than virtue signaling, also it limits her collab opportunities to just 1view literally whos.

>> No.52256480

>she was mumbling like a retard.
She is literally mentally ill and was off her meds. Shondo's not a lolcow she's just sick.

>> No.52256511

>literally mentally ill and was off her meds
That's what makes her a lolcow.

>> No.52256548

Post the shitty new lumi model if you're going to try and shill veibae clones

>> No.52256600

You don't know what that word means, you disgusting SEAnigger. Hang yourself in your mudhut instead of shitting up this board.

>> No.52256652

Reminder that you were caught red-handed, cameltoe. Would be a shame if you got thrilled

>> No.52256674

lumi did it in cyberlive, yeah. this is probably true with every vtuber though, let's be real. if even vtubers like rushia and shondo does it there's just no hope.

>> No.52256678

All her collab partners are at least 2views and she had one slated with chibidoki at one point. She collabed with neurosama who is bigger than herself but also a robot.
>virtue signalling
She's a unicorn herself though, she's only enforcing on herself a standard that she appreciates on other streamers. She doesn't drop a chuuba if they do a male collab but she won't watch it. She's a love live fan after all.

>> No.52256723

they just refuse to accept that actions speak louder than words for some reason. because she SAYS she loves everyone equally, that's what counts even though her actions indicate the exact opposite. i think it's a zoomer thing.

>> No.52256732

She oshis Rushia dude. And she never cared about the Mafu shit either. She is not a unicorn at all.

>> No.52256795

She's planning to marry him so she can quit streaming and Shondokeks can't cope. Please understand.

>> No.52256821

>You don't know what that word means
So Chris Chan wearing a Sonic medallion because he's mentally challenged doesn't make him a lolcow? Kys faggot.
I'm not going to bring up her past relationship because I don't expect any woman to be virgin but I suggest that you start digging through the archive, her first male collab was eons ago yet she virtue signals about not collabing with males? GTFO with that hypocrisy.

>> No.52256857

That was the weirdest shit to me about her, she still defends Rushia even after ayyylmaoo guy shit.

>> No.52256887

Cute girls can't be lolcows. Simple as.

>> No.52256912

it's the fate of unicorns to be cucked and cope
what's crazy is that if it didn't get her canned then the unicorns would have left, but I think they developed cognitive dissonance because the pain of losing her was worse than being cucked

>> No.52256918

They can be grifters though

>> No.52256923

Cope shondokek.

>> No.52256953

Idk if she was coping though. I think she just thinks that vtubers are higher beings than their fans and can get away with doing anything. Hence her past and current behavior.

>> No.52256978

>she did a male collab all of once and it was such a bad experience she swore it off after
this is supposed to make me think she doesn't actually care about male collabs?
was she even a holofag yet at that point?

>> No.52257011

She twerked all over his cock and claimed harassment after lmao. Shondocucks are pathetic

>> No.52257054

>this is supposed to make me think she doesn't actually care about male collabs?
Yes. At the time she probably didn't have this whole unicorn persona and husband shit planned out in detail.

>> No.52257074

i wouldn't mind stuff like this normally, but in such a heated situation it's kind of a fucked up thing to do when you have 22k+ unhinged mentally ill white knights behind you willing to do your bidding. she should stay banned. fucking hate streamers thinking they can do whatever they want and get away with anything. fuck them.

>> No.52257127

The mafu shit wasn't new info to any actual Rushia fan; everything just got co-opted by tourists from both sides who cared about the incident solely as a way to push their agenda

>> No.52257136

Nice pol thread, now I know who to avoid.
Advanced gatekeeping strat?

>> No.52257172

>not going to bring up her past relationship because I don't expect any woman to be virgin
I agree, however when the girl pushes this angle that she is a virgin, that barely knows what sex is, her past starts to matter.
I don't care if Shondo is a virgin or not, but when she pushes hard angle that she is, when she flies overseas to meet the guy, like come on... I can understand if something like that happens once, but when you look at her past and things alike came up, it stops being a coincidence. What she says doesn't adds up with what happened in the past.

>> No.52257195

Killing yourself

>> No.52257194

Despite the dumb rrats Pippa and Shondo are still virgins, although Lumi is not.

>> No.52257228

she also likes wonton. i don't remember her exact words, but when the wonton yab happened she told wonton something to the effect of "people should fuck off and mind their own business".

>> No.52257254

Frankly the "shondo is a virgin" rrat is less believable at this point

>> No.52257265

She explains it in this subathon, it's up to you if you buy it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEtQx7wqjsI&list=PLD94LVnXbwidDJj-f05xkbdZKz2tPvDN8&index=4&t=17303s

>> No.52257276

>I don't care if Shondo is a virgin or not,
I care
I don't want to be watching somebody's used cumdumpster acting cute and innocent by hiding behind a 3d model

>> No.52257305

Lumi’s got a higher chance of being a virgin than Pippa anon, and that’s with the Camelot shit being confirmed fake.

>> No.52257328

it's not just that. she flew out to meet him twice, both being multiple week long stays. she also used to write in a much more raunchy way as proven by logs that have been posted the past couple of weeks. let's just say she really loved talking about cum and dicks at one point, and this was during the time she was with him or right before. but nah, they totally just held hands teehee.

>> No.52257337

And she said "People should grow up and move on" about Nyanners ditching her fanbase.
I don't think she ever grew out of her man hating phase. She probably thinks it's their right to lie and exploit as much as they want.

>> No.52257350

She has provided direct evidence that her hymen is still intact. I don't know what more you can expect.

>> No.52257359

Ur going to kill yourself to gatekeep? Wat

>> No.52257395

And the second time was without her mom. It was just the two of them, all alone, all week.
They fucked like wild animals.

>> No.52257400

That's what I am saying, when the girl pretends to be not what she is, it matters. If the girl says well I'm not a virgin, I'll think, sure, I understand, if you aren't a slut, it doesn't matter much to me.

>> No.52257441

So she was flirting with a guy? Must mean she's already pregnant for sure.

>> No.52257458

>twitter posts
First of all, blowies and handies count for something. Second, how do you know she was telling the truth over text.

>> No.52257468

No, it means she was fucking him.

>> No.52257475

they were living together for a long time

>> No.52257502

She was a hololive fanatic and a love live fanatic. If she ever thought of herself as different from those, she changed her mind after her bad experiences collabing and dating. Why am I supposed to distrust her now that she actually holds herself to the standards of the entertainment she enjoys?

>> No.52257524

No she didn't, she was just explaining on twitter what she saw. She could literally write anything.

>> No.52257531

Didn't she blow her boss for a promotion? She knows what cum tastes like.

>> No.52257573

don't even bother dude, they believe every syllable that leaves her lips, despite admitting in a different context that she's so unbelievably mentally ill she can't function at all without heavy meds and her family's help. shondo herself has also admitted on stream that she "used to be" a compulsive liar. none of that matters though, she's always speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. not even a detail can be misremembered.

>> No.52257577

They lived together for a while. They aren’t together now as far as I know (he was still active in a certain discord a few months back), but I find it unlikely she stayed a virgin throughout that stretch regardless of what her thoughts on premarital sex is.
Maybe she did, I doubt it though.

>> No.52257615

>mod bf is still around but he's not active
Jesus Christ how naïve are the shondocucks?! Why on God's green earth would she let her ex have mod privileges if she's not dating him anymore?

>> No.52257620

Yeah, she blew me to get into an internship

>> No.52257624

what makes it unlikely to me is that they were together during their puberty and that both were heavily into kink shit openly together. just seems weird that they wouldn't explore that at all in person with each other, especially when they both had fur suits etc. oh well.
