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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5215960 No.5215960 [Reply] [Original]

I got into VTubers a year ago and remember watching hours worth of content regularly. Now I can barely watch most of the streams. I do try to catch my oshi's streams when she's on but I can't bring myself to go and watch the archives. Anyone else feel like this? I still enjoy watching them but I just don't really feel like I can keep up anymore and I just let most of the notifications pass me by.

>> No.5216003

no one cares you anime fag

>> No.5216025

so? go watch/do something else then

>> No.5216049

>hobby no longer interesting, what do?
Do something else. It's a hobby.

>> No.5216090

Yes I feel you. The retarded shit on this board aside from a few things like small indies and asmr are making go back to /m/ and start watching more anime, especially since ill start doing side jobs more and eventually get a real job.
Im tired of the retards here that either go "muh final yab" or "any critism means you're an anti/drama nigger"

>> No.5216303

Just enjoy the content and avoid the schitzo posts. It's much healthier for your mental health, and to avoid burnout. Good luck on the job search anon.

>> No.5216370
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i catch what streams i can in my free time and don't bother with VODs unless it's something i was waiting for that i missed. you don't need to be 0% or 100% into vtubers, it's just entertainment.
letting this boards gossip warp your perception of vtubers means you need to get a grip

>> No.5216407

I feel you, there has been a precipitous decline since they put the boots to Haachama. Hololive just seems to have lost the spark that made it enjoyable, it’s basically just going through the motions at this point. Some streamers have remained the same (like Ina), but others have suffered greatly from the apparent sanitization. I don’t watch disgusting bullshit like Nyanners, who just swears and tries way too hard to be risqué. They are so scared of offending, they can’t relax enough to be fun anymore.

>> No.5216429

And yet you have time to make this sad thread and whine like a bitch. Fuck off if you aren't feeling it anymore.

>> No.5217279
File: 117 KB, 1424x437, all vtubers are contemptible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Vtubing is bad for the soul. Pic related.

>> No.5217549
File: 99 KB, 434x400, Gigamelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have one oshi and just stick to that one. It's literally that easy. Unsubscribe from everyone you don't actually watch, surely enough you may have subbed from one reason or the other but if you're not watching them, what's the point. If you have lingering attachment for anyone who wasn't your oshi, just watch clips.

Suddenly your day has a lot more hours and you spend much less time on this containment board. It's that easy.

>> No.5217674

Boring 200-word essay from a boring EOP lol

>> No.5218470

He's not wrong, though. Having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu. We used to know that around these parts. But a large part the vt demo probably isn't native to 4chan.

>> No.5219808

That's how the cookie crumbles. Our brains are wired as such that we cant fawn over one thing all our life. These interests simply come and go. Remember the fortnite craze & hate, remember the Cod montages and FAE Clan craze, remember the fidget spinners. These interests are momentary until a new one catches our eye.

>> No.5221304

Probably because most of them play the same games or do the same thing repeatedly every stream. Here's some suggestions if you know Japanese:
Fumino Tamaki
Mochizuki Himari
Akatsuki Yuni

And of course there was Haachama before she got crushed by management and burned out.

>> No.5221434

Even better than one waifu is having zero waifus, and to watch chuubas for the experience of the story(line) performed by them, not to halfassedly fill an empty void of social contact in your life.

>> No.5222045

Agreed with this post. Honeymoon has been over since new year for me and if there aren't any interesting streams going on I do something else.

>> No.5227968

Watch the vods I want and ignore the ones I don't. Don't interact or pay attention to other fans, they're all fucking retarded. Don't take the yuri-bait, don't be a paypig, don't invest emotions. Just enjoy the autistic screeching.

>> No.5228162

That's when you're a normie, a fad junkie that jumps on the current hot topic to feel like a part of something and then jump ship leaving trash everywhere. Your normie brain can be wired that way, but it's not the case for everyone. Not everyone jumped in on Fortnite, CoD montages and fidget spinners. In fact many saw them as the fads they are. Vtubers not such a thing.

>> No.5231297

Tried this advice and instantly my penis grew 3 times larger. Thanks anon!

>> No.5231921

>Even better than one waifu is having zero waifus, and to watch chuubas for the experience of the story(line) performed by them
That shit is boring. Vtubers in general are actually extremely unremarkable without the idol/parasocial elements. I (and most sane peope) would rather watch regular streamers or anime.

>> No.5232202

People actually watch the full archives? I watch streams live, and for any moments I want to rewatch I’ll just check out clips.

>> No.5232234

>Don't interact or pay attention to other fans
You’re doing that right now…

But I agree. It’s a whole other experience once you ignore the community.

>> No.5232408

The natural fate of EOP
