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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52127473 No.52127473 [Reply] [Original]

Well this wave is dead on arrival. See you in 3 months for the next.

>> No.52127693

buy a fucking ad

>> No.52128114

There ain't no way his numbers are that low in his fucking second stream.

Wtf happened with the fucking debut buff

>> No.52128134


>> No.52128153

>open stream for one second
>nigga really just copypasted the entire MAL top 20 as his favorite anime
what the fuck is wrong with Nijisanji

>> No.52128203
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>> No.52128449


>> No.52128495

Might actually be a bit shorter than 3 months considering this gen was already delayed and they apparently already have the next mixed one ready to go.

>> No.52128841

the next gen will be luxiem 2.0 in terms of popularity

>> No.52128858
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Not really into NijiEN either but I checked and he didn't really copypaste the MAL top 20.

>> No.52129222

since there were no catalogthreads about it i didn't really follow the debut but isn't one of them apparently "i'm pomu but a guy"? or something

>> No.52129239
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Do you people have nothing to do all day but hatewatch nijisanji?
you're gonna die of an aneurysm in your early 40's by the way you put your mind to the shitter.

>> No.52129398

holy fucking shit that's the most generic list of anime i've ever seen

>> No.52129424

Niji outright panders to those types so they have to deal with their backlash.

>> No.52129431

>/vt/sisters siding with a tranny flag profile called gay yaoi bootyhole to get back at Niji
Lmao this board is so fucking sad

>> No.52129505

Why even bother writing out a list at that point?

>> No.52129532

get better one liners

>> No.52129872

this is practically standard for NijiEN now though
I think only Hex cracked 10k for his second and third streams in XSoleil

>> No.52129899

>Oshi no Ko named first
AHAHAHAHA of course

>> No.52130179

Sister to hatewatch something you have to actually watch the thing and as you can see if this is hatewatching this guy is gonna be a 3 view in a week

>> No.52130351
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>Watching and giving him the views
People just want to poke at the trashfire that is NijiEN. They're already starting to decline a day after debut, its just another example of how NijiEN declined.

>> No.52130422
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You people spend all day, every day hatewatching nijisanji.
Even I only watch a few hours of streams because I work and take care of my place.
Yet this time you spend it's not doing something you enjoy, do you understand?

>> No.52130424

>shortened PR interval
>J wave
>U wave
that EKG reading is fucked. is this guy really a doctor?

>> No.52130463

>Vantacrow 5k
holokeks status?

>> No.52130506

My theory is the "mixed gen" is now just an all-female gen since the male hires were all fired

>> No.52130592


>> No.52130636

A broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.52130769

>oshi no ko listed first
>oh fuck my game tastes are embarrasingly bad so lets just list popular streaming games in niji and holo haha
are the two other homos any better? considering this is supposed to be nijien male gamers wave at least one of them has some tastes right?

>> No.52130922

Its not really hatewatching when you aren't watching the streams. Proper hatewatching would at least support the talents more in that sense.

>> No.52131245

>dead on arrival
>same numbers and at times more than a few of the holoEN girls
Damn bro, must suck only watching numbers.

>> No.52131281

>apex and LoL
another shithead, nothing to watch here.

>> No.52131603

honeymoon period retard

>> No.52131712
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the black dude doesn’t list apex, valorant and LoL at least

>> No.52131916 [DELETED] 

>thinks they will keep these numbers
the absolute state of nijiniggers

>> No.52133921

so uh why did they ask for your matchmaking ranks again? made me feel insecure about not being top of the leaderboard...

>> No.52135808

Debuted yesterday vs going on for 2 years. Sure dude they are gonna kill it in a month when the debut buff ends and the new toy interest disapears.

>> No.52137085


>> No.52137296


>> No.52137665

bandage boy and the blonde guy are going to be utter shitters who do even worse than ILuna.
The Vantacrow guy will be a 1k andy.

>> No.52137822

Anon, Scarle and Aia were getting like 8k viewers in their first week. Today they are around 500 ccv

>> No.52138932

That has to do with the talent.
Making the most money of any of the girls because being lower in CCV yet making the most money and streaming the most literally proves numbers aren't anything.
She literally shot herself in the foot ontop of being trash. Everyone post Lazusyida (when NijiEN was new so it had low numbers anyway) had great numbers and majority maintain around their usual average, which seems to work out for them.

>> No.52139286

Scarle is just a e-thot who makes kissy noises. She does no content worth anything except for horny, lonely men

>> No.52139442

I actually clicked on this 2.0 after hearing that the bondage tweet was a misrepresentation (surprise surprise) but I don't enjoy his voice. Sorry fella not making it to Strike 3 before being out for me

>> No.52139749

are you a horny lonely man anon?

>> No.52145293

Scarle may cater to her super chatters she is not even my type of content but Scarle arguably the only one from season 2 that is bringing new content to Nijisanji.

>> No.52145459

Why is he doing a 2.0? Did something happen the first time?

>> No.52145656

Iluna debuted to 90k and we all know how that ended.

>> No.52147087

if this e-thot was a holo you would be worshipping her
shame non of the current holoen members can make this kind of shit work, for various reasons, KEK

>> No.52148273

>already bleeding viewers

>> No.52149045

really whatever the FOTM competitive games are is all you can really expect from "gamers" but that's no excuse for having equally frontrunning anime

>> No.52153209 [DELETED] 

>you people
Unironically lumping this board together LOOOL. This retard doesn’t know that this is a holoboard lmao. Maybe if your shitter Nijiniggers weren’t so easy to laugh at then people wouldn’t be making these posts. Go make another gura/Tempus/unicorn thread, faggot.

>> No.52153307

No. It’s just classic Niji numberniggering desperation.

>> No.52153476

>most generic
>Shomin Sample
yeah, he listed a lot of anime, and in doing so hit a bunch of generic shit, but where have you ever seen Shomin Sample on a favourites list?

>> No.52154000

debut 2.0s are just them elaborating on themselves more since Niji debuts are 30 minutes long, it's basically for people who are actually considering investing their time into them instead of the majority tourists on their debut 1.0

>> No.52154156

Since debut 1 is a special program in the main channel, it's a shorter segment of 30 minutes.
Debut 2.0 is an expanded stream of their debuts the day after the program, that can go for a normal stream time but usually 2-3 hours and it's basically a zatsu.

>> No.52155765

So a regular female vtuber?

>> No.52155976

Wait, wasn't this the gamer wave? Are none of them actually the 'pro gamers' they were after? Did they really settle on just three variety streamers?

>> No.52156150

It's funny because I associate the word 'wave' with a horde of zombies attacking my yard.

>> No.52156202

>Have you ever tried bandage?
What would that mean?

>> No.52156214

Turns out gamers don't want to join the Ubisoft equivalent of vtuber companies.

>> No.52156254

In their defense, allegedly the original gamer wave's members got canned so Niji scrambled to find replacements.

>> No.52156659
File: 920 KB, 1100x1720, 1498268128238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always spot fake additions to the list. Fire Emblem's a good example. There isn't a single godamn FE fan under the sun that likes the entire franchise, and you can tell a lot about what kind of fan somebody is by which FE they say is their favorite.
>If some faggot says 3H or Fates is their favorite, they're a poser bandwagoneer or a liar.
>If they say Sacred Stones, they're a casual but at least they've messed around with some of the older games.
>If they say Echoes, Gaiden, Shadow Dragon, or Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light, they're a hipster.
>If they say Binding Blade, they're a Smashfag pretending to like the series.
>If they say Blazing Sword, they probably actually like the game, because no English-Speaking casuals know it by anything but "Fire Emblem" because it never got the subtitle outside of Japan.
>If they say Path of Radiance or Genaology of the Holy War then they're cool.
>If they say Radiant Dawn they're unironically and truly a r/FireEmblem refugee
>If they say Thracia 776 they're either a masochist, a gamer, or really good at lying.

>> No.52156854

his anime list is just as shit though. i love how like half of every vtuber's list came out in the last year or two. i fucking hate normalfags so bad. it's okay, you don't have to pretend to like something you have zero interest in. just put tv-shows, movies or books or something instead. my fucking god, nobody believes your dumb pickme bullshit.

>> No.52156958

This is the kind of autism I come here for. I don't know a single thing about FE but I appreciate this post. I have nothing else to add to this thread besides that I pity these poor bastards trying to cast a wide net and catch a bigger audience than they can actually retain with their real tastes.

>> No.52156967

It'd be smarter to put on anime from a decade ago anyway. This might be projecting, but I'd wager most of /vt/ that actually checks the list isn't watching every anime every season anymore. Maybe like one or two shows a season and even then mostly just keeping up with the serials they're already watching.

>> No.52157080

Small corpos have adopted Niji's short debut + debut 2.0 style for years now.
Both Pixellink and Idol gen 2 have had debut 2.0s recently.

>> No.52157243

>>If they say Path of Radiance or Genaology of the Holy War then they're cool.
my top 2 and i like most of them (besides the gacha obviously). don't undersell fe3 though, it has legitimate merit if you're a retrofag. worst is probably gaiden, but IMO it was still worth a try until echoes came out.
>If they say Radiant Dawn they're unironically and truly a r/FireEmblem refugee
i think you could apply this to 776 too.

>> No.52157459

>Kingdoms of Amalur

>> No.52157587

What if I say Awakening

>> No.52157695

True, but my point still stands. If you say a big franchise that's shifted a lot over the years, and just list the singular franchise title, it looks fake and gay.
>Assassin's Creed
Which one? There's a massive difference between somebody that liked Ezio's games and somebody that preferred Valhalla.
>Tales of
Are you a Symphoniafag, Abyssfag, Vesperiafag, or one of the 2Dbros? There's a lot of variance here too.
>Monster Hunter
MonHun fans would gut you if you said "I like Monster Hunter" and it turned out your favorite was Rise.
>Final Fantasy
7Fags and 8Fags have been at war for 20 years, and there's 13 other games in the mainline series. And a bunch of spinoffs on top of that.

See what I mean? Just fucking voice an actual opinion. Listing franchises you're kinda into is an easy way to piss off the people you're trying to bait in.

>> No.52157782

Your game references a bunch of good segments from better games, so it's a respectable, if limited, opinion. Can't deny that Awakening saved the franchise, so the fans of it usually get left alone or get called casuals.

>> No.52157876

They're feeling the debut burnout from Niji

>> No.52157920

>Releases waves of livers every few months or so
>Constant yab after yab
>Just recently gundou mirei graduated
Gee anon, I wonder why...

>> No.52157933

>Oshi no Ko
Retards really do get carried by the hype around the fotm anime and believe it's their favorite kek

>> No.52157957

You gotta give a little, anon. I mean, what is he supposed to put there? "FE4, FE7, FE8, FE9, FE13, FE15" or whatever? Gotta remember that he's trying to communicate to as broad an audience as possible. Most people will see Fire Emblem and think, "Oh, right, Awakening and Edelgard!". The important information for users that he's wants to share is that he likes tactical RPGs, not that he hates self-inserts or that he loves base conversations.

>> No.52158090

But I, an autistic retard on the internet, find that differentiation very important and use the list to judge whether somebody is even interesting enough to watch after debut!
At least mention your favorite on stream.

>> No.52158118

I think this may signify the end of pre-debut forced, cringey twitter horniness. People are tired of it, and it shows. It's almost always out of character and transparently phony.

>> No.52158130

If there's debut burnout even a good 6 months since the last wave, which is actually the longest they've gone without a release, then that is really not good.
I think there's an overall larger burnout though against males in the big corpo scene. Both HoloEN and NijiEN has released nothing but male-laden groups since last year, and there hasn't been any female-exclusive groups since... Ethyria.

>> No.52158263

Anon, he is a male vtuber who listed Fire Emblem in his list of liked game for his Nijisanji EN Debut.
(You) will not survive when he autistically enthusiasm dumps on you.

>> No.52158475

I am used to every vtuber list Hunter X Hunter as their favorite anime.

>> No.52158526

Do any of these new niji hire's play anything past current gen / popular on twitch games?
I don't expect much of these new talents but jesus the talent scouters must be picking them out from nursery rooms

>> No.52158626
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I don't think it's debut burnout, I think it's just Niji burnout. Don't forget that since the last wave
>Zaion suspended
>#CutForHex drama
>Kyo getting caught on his RM account
>The Secret GC stream that outed half of NijiEN as /here/
>NijiEN concert announced and cancelled due to "Covid"
>False and Khyo both got copystriked by Anycolor and won
>Zaion Terminated with a blatant hit piece
>All the drama surrounding NijiEN talents putting Zaion on blast in a concerted smear job
>Sayu revived and broke the news on NijiEN's management
>news on 2% broke
>a bunch of IDs got graduated, including the OGs that aren't Hana.
>This very wave got leaked by a 4th member that quit once he found out how abysmal the cut was.
>Gundou was suspended, left on the shelf for almost 2 months, and then terminated. Over a baseball joke.
And I know I'm forgetting shit. It has been a completely awful time for NijiEN since Enna won the belt at WrestleSanji. Some people might be turned off, burnt out, or otherwise just done with the whole company, and honestly? Who could blame them?

>> No.52158747

The problem is that NijiEN really can't do a female-exclusive wave anymore. They chased off male fans of female livers with a mixture of shipping shit, as well as having the males talents literally be shoved into "GIRLS NIGHT OUT/GIRLS ONLY" streams. Hell I think Nina said a while ago that they couldn't have a girls only server for Minecraft or something which really shows management's priorities.
And even beyond the problems with the branch's management, the other problem is that a third of the females are basically thots. I don't mean mean in a Projekt Melody sense where she's a cam girl but you know what you're getting into and she has interests besides that. I mean in a sense where the rug gets pulled from underneath you or you find out when a ship starts or you learn that the girls basically joined to be closer to the male talents, or the talents act like townbikes like Millie and Enna as "humor". So why would those male fans basically support the female talents there when they can watch any other number of corpos or indies or 2-3 views that don't offer this terrible experience?

I don't even hate all the male talents since there were fun streams had like Vox during Wrestlesanji, Rosemi/Pomu/Fulgur/Pio playing Mario Party, Vox and Pomu doing this Shakespeare play, Sonny and friends playing TF2, the branch is totally capable of having lighthearted fun moments but for some reason it just wallows in drama and filth.

>> No.52158751

All they had to do was debut him while the koshien event was booming...
gdi that shinove dude is already jobbing.

>> No.52158803

I don't watch, I just hate :)

>> No.52158924

good thing this is the gamer wave and not the anime enjoyer wave
>checks the rest
my bad, the GAYmer wave.

>> No.52158930

What was that? I know the others but not that one.

>> No.52158987

Hex with the dildo.

>> No.52158995

Theres a couple of good ones in there like clannad and angel beats. But most of those were the popular entry level anime of the last decade.

>> No.52159058

Ah. Yeah I know that one, I think I'm more or less caught up then.

>> No.52161214

As far as anime tastes of currently debuting chuubas go I've seen much worse lists. At least with this guy you can tell that he's been watching anime for some time and he still watches it regularly seeing some classic stuff like FMP, Angel Beats, Clannad, AnoHana mixed with recent seasonal FOTM shit.

>> No.52161310

More like a broken cock

>> No.52161410

>Binbougami ga!
Holy fucking based, even though he's a Niji

>> No.52161581

2.0.1 with donation reading soon

>> No.52165736

After firing gundou? Are you serious?

>> No.52165781


>> No.52166006

If people who're in their >25 think that this is hilarious then they should rethink their life choices, if they can think.

>> No.52166063

shinove signed up to anycolor?

>> No.52166110

Anon look at the time

>> No.52169142

The EN dream is ending.

>> No.52169649

>3 debut streams
Is this the new meta?

>> No.52169917

Way to take a shit on everyone and filter them out in your debut week.

>> No.52170426

What a shit, schizophrenic list.

>> No.52170675

Too much Kpop.

In fact, too much everything.

>> No.52170830

I am physically incapable of caring about them without a debut song. They will now be memoryholed.

>> No.52170965

She's nice. She's like that overly friendly girl in parties.

>> No.52171093

NTA, but I'm tired of people ewhoring like that. I found Rushia embarrassing. I just don't want it anywhere near my content.

>> No.52171436

Didn't even know there was a new wave debuting! Hope these guys survive the cesspit.

>> No.52171993
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>Seto no Hanayome
Nice, I think this is the first time I see a vtuber listing my favorite anime. I might watch a few streams just because of that.

>> No.52173169

I’m pretty sure HoloID3 also did Debut 2.0 streams. With Kaela’s trashfire of a debut stream, I can see the merits of doing one.

>> No.52175032

I honestly don't know what NijiEN's game plan is at this point.

>> No.52175638

>Binbougami Ga

>> No.52175699

idk, but some sisters were coping after some nijihomos tried to deflect from their failure concert and vox's stealth suspension by claiming: "their new manager was personal, a idol industry veteran, they met him during their "trip to japan"(suspensions) and they were very very happy with him"
Obviously that didn't last LMAO

>> No.52175913

I’m surprised no one’s commenting on his English. No offense to him, I just thought people would be bothered by that.

>> No.52176076

They have no game plan, and they never had. That’s NijiEN’s main problem because they’re stumbling around like a chicken with its head cut off.
It’s very apparent when you look back at how the branch started off to where it is now. Bar Finana the Lazusydia era was arguably Hololike, not on par but it was a decent alternative and male collabs weren’t weekly, nor was there an underlying feeling of romance much as it was streamers dicking around in games and having fun. Then Ethyria came into the picture and the raunchiness was starting to be dialed up, and there was some sort of shipping coming into play. Then Luxiem came into being and whatever Hololike feeling remained fucking died the moment they pandered hard to Chinese fumejos, some who could barely even speak English. And they basically did it with the shitty intention of pumping up their numbers both financially and in terms of subs/views, without thinking about any of the long term damage it might cause the community or the branch. Shipping was also a blight that didn’t die with AkuRei being a thing, nevermind Luca very obviously trying to get close to as many girls as he could. And that’s not even getting into management’s hilarious attempts at milking Luxiem, like trying to shove in a “half-anniversary” celebration for them that basically took away from Lazusydia’s 1 year of being the branch’s figures, or “The Luxiem Channel” and PuchiLuxiem.
And that’s not even getting into some of the more boneheaded decisions made along the way like pandering to Twitter instead of appealing to their own audiences on YouTube, or the decision to hire Yugo and Meloco, which no offence to either of them as people, but they’re obvious ESLs who shouldn’t have been hired for an English focused branch. Now we’re here where neither the fans of the male or female talents are really all that happy about the branch, and it’s shown by the declining view counts.

>> No.52176311

Apparently you can buy ads on 4chan! How about you buy one instead of shitting up the catalog?

>> No.52177007

Nice try but I'm not watching them.
One tried a lame joke on twitter and that was enough to not only out them as sexpests but also as ESL trash too.
