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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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52012156 No.52012156 [Reply] [Original]

>watch chuuba
>enjoy it at first
>watch them more
>you start to notice her actual personality being a terrible bitch and a legitimately awful person
>and you don't even delve into her life or anything you just notice how terrible she is
>start to not enjoy her and end up stopping

Have you ever experienced this? With whom? If you tell yours I'll tell you mine (pic unrelated)

>> No.52012518

Any of the talents from CLP (some small vtuber "company" but will bullshit and call it a talent agency if you ask them). Expecting a nice group and community, but all you find are fags, yuribaiters, snobs, and people who sucks on the cock on whoever pours money on discord nitro.

Talents are mid at best with 1 out of 4 pretty much carrying what's left of the group. She's mid af though.

>> No.52012986

Mori, around June of the first year of her debut. I got tired of the constant “I’m sooooo tired (from the responsibilities I took on despite no one asking me to) so I’m gonna take it easy in the streams to recover :)” bullshit. Watching her back then was like being a third-class citizen for how little she gave a fuck about actually streaming.

>> No.52013022

never went that far, they just get "demoted" for me, meaning i just return to being a casual of her, not giving a single cent and only watch whatever clips of her that are actually funny.

>> No.52013285

Enna. Started out watching her because her stream was funny. Stopped when I started to notice that not only is she a compulsive liar, tells fake stories, and that she is a terrible person and shits on her fanbase, pretends to be poor and a virgin for supas
And that was just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.52013324
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Ame describes this perfectly for me. She looked great at first but her awful personality started to come out more and more.
It was my fault for looking at doxx too which worsened my opinion on her.

>> No.52013852

Any chuuba with BPD. If you’re familiar with how BPD women are they are very fun and outgoing at first only to out themselves as literally satan in a woman’s body later on.

>> No.52014473
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>> No.52014688

The more you watch her the more her stories about being disliked at school/work make sense. I pity the people that were forced to interact with her. Not surprised Gura and Ame barely interact with her anymore outside of big streams.

>> No.52014748

I just drop em OP. Real advice: get a better hobby or go back to anime. These women will never like you.

>> No.52014783

I don't have this problem because I watch hololive and it genuinely seems that above everything, they look for women who aren't bitter narcissistic cunts like the majority of western women who hate men because they have a double digit body count and think all men are horrible assholes that just use them when it's in fact the other way around.
Except Kronii. She can be nice, but she also seems like a bitch sometimes.

>> No.52014867

name a vtuber with BPD.

>> No.52014881

You threadreaders are so easy to spot, Ina is an angel and has been since debut

>> No.52014914


>> No.52014923

This just describes women in general.

>> No.52014968

All of them, takes me 6 months or so notice before making the jump to the next one

>> No.52014977

pretty much Ame

>> No.52015013

Amelia Watson

>> No.52015018

Gura (and to a less extent Ina) are the only girls in vtubing who I have ever been able to stay with them for a long time.
Gura has a shitty personality sometimes but she still feels genuine so I can't help but like her.

>> No.52015059

Social Media breeds Narcissism go figure.

>> No.52015377
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>> No.52015437

yeah, by me

>> No.52015509

(You) don't belong here, AO

>> No.52015592

most chuubas get boring after a year desu

>> No.52015651

you need to have genuine love for them as if they were your girlfriend. only then will your interest remain and love continue to grow.

>> No.52016130

I'd generously rate half of holos in this list, just as a casual watcher. It is very easy to thresh the wheat once you notice during collabs which people interact with other holos, and which people interact with a tvtropes character trait list of what the other holo is supposed to be like.

>> No.52016192

Parasocialism is the only way to stay a fan. I do not recommend though, i went hard on parasocialism and my oshi cucked me. Be careful.

>> No.52016251 [SPOILER] 
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who would that be

>> No.52016379

I spent $10k on an indie last year only to have them graduate end of the year because of "mental health issues"

shit was so funny that I laughed for a few minutes when she announced it. never again anons.

>> No.52016380

Wrong one but you get the point. She's from EN.

>> No.52016575

Ami and Lumi (the /vrt/ ones) were the opposite of this for me. They both seem to be such genuinely great women, that when they started noticing and having outright conversations with me, mid stream, and giving a shit about me, that I got weirded out and left to never return again.
I still browse /vt/ because it's fascinating, but I knew the pit I'd be throwing myself down if I got actually invested in those two. Still, I think they're both lovely and wish only the best for them.

>> No.52016708

Ami is legitimately an angel.

>> No.52016868

I can never go back. She's too great of a person. I would absolutely tank all the work I've put in myself, by getting too invested in her filling a void in my life. And desu if she knew one of her fans was choosing between self destructive parasocialism with her, or genuine self improvement, she'd probably support my decision too.

I only shared my situation because I figured it would be an interesting contrast for the type of people who read these kinds of threads.

>> No.52018402

Menace, Lumi, Ame, Kronii, Rushia, Finana, and Vei. Some had a good first impression but made it clear after only a couple streams, a couple of them took months for me to figure it out and I really liked them before.

>> No.52018446

Which one, there's three of them

>> No.52019168


>> No.52019173
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>ctrl + f
>6 results

>> No.52019338

6 people bettered themselves, Ame would be happy

>> No.52019558

It's "improve" themselves. Get her catchphrase right.

>> No.52021457

Vienna. She's great most of the time, but also one of those people that turn "I disagree with this" into "I'm going to generalize and dismiss everyone who thinks this way" the moment something gets frustrating for her. It's one of those perfectly reasonable character flaws that can really grate a person.

>> No.52023319

It obviously can't be the retro one, she's completely benign. The worst you could accuse her of is aloofness

>> No.52023409

tf is CLP
customer licensing portal???

>> No.52023500

Sometimes Ame says shit where I can't tell if it's coming from a place of looking down on viewers or if she's giving a bad delivery of snark.

>> No.52023515

Selen. Though i wouldnt call her a bitch. It was more like wow a legit gamer girl. O wait the way she plays videogames is is exactly like how those assholes i hated playing videogames with plays videogames.

>> No.52023959

The one who is a terrible bitch and a legitimately awful person. That should have been obvious if you read the OP.

>> No.52024333

yeah, one named OP, started out alright making okay threads but then I quickly found out he's a faggot

>> No.52024426

This is bound to happen if you start as eop and learn japanese by immersing yourself with streams and vtubers by the way.
Wanting to overcome language barriers and understand oshi is a wonderful thing but there's always the possibility of you starting to dislike them the more you understand what they're saying. Ignorance is a bliss.

>> No.52024467

her debut song made me think her stream content would be a lot different from the abrasive personality ngl.

>> No.52025377
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>watch chuuba
>enjoy it at first
>watch her more
>she updates her model
>i hate it
>stop watching her

>> No.52025434

any nijiEN

>> No.52025845

Enna has a thing where you go from 'haha, she's a cunt' to 'holy shit, she's a CUNT' the more you watch her.

>> No.52025952

Yes, with Mori, Kiara, Ame and Ina.

>> No.52026039

Chuubas are about illusions, if you talk to real life women you'll immediately notice they're bitches because they see no reason to hide it. Chuubas keep a lid on it until they've got your money.

>> No.52026055

Shondo I guess. I wouldn't say awful personality, but just grew tired of her meltdowns. And her non-existent self awareness about some things. I wish her all the best, but she will end up like Rushia I feel like, I don't think she can be happy, mental illness or not.

>> No.52026099

>le funny boss bitch
>alright, maybe she's too much of a bitch

>> No.52026294

There was a 2view I liked a lot who always seemed to cause trouble for the other people around her. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, attributing it to her autism and generally being socially awkward, but over time and through the things she let slip on stream it became clear she was actually just an incredible bitch behind the scenes.
She eventually graduated and used her graduation speech to try and throw other vtubers under the bus. It later came out that she was talking out her ass and was constantly talking shit about everyone else behind their backs, she probably just thought it'd be funny to cause as much trouble as she could on the way out.

Lesson learned, never trust a woman.

>> No.52026612


>> No.52026677

Not watching people because they legitimately have terrible personalities is a thing on every entertainment medium, schizo. Watching vtubers has made you delusional

>> No.52026730

What's wrong with Kronii? She did some wrong things but I don't see it as malicious

>> No.52026780

Not a terrible person at all, but I had to drop Utano Pandora because of the constant whining.

>> No.52026979

My honest to goodness assessment of Enna is that she is probably cute, but has a terrible personality thats why men pump and dump her

>> No.52026989


>> No.52027078

Ame it took a few weeks after her debut, I rly liked her debut stream and few after it.

Kronii was kinda the same, first few weeks with Frostpunk and some other games was chill but then she just grew boring and her personality never grew on more rather the opposite.

>> No.52027144

like going MIA for 3 months despite promising to keep ppl updated?
fallen angel perhaps if anything

>> No.52027160

Gura took off her mask this year

>> No.52027177
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Picrel was mildly interesting to me when she was new, but yeah.

You loser cucks are so easy to spot, Ina had been boring since debut. People with low standards like (you) are why EN VTubing standards are so low.

>> No.52027250

The more I learn about chuubas the more I dislike them. It’s better to be left in the dark about pretty much everything

>> No.52027371

The reverse is also true. I discovered my oshi once I knew enough japanese to understand them properly

>> No.52027590

say hi to discord for me

>> No.52027632

man, I remember when Lumi was first shilled here
she was perfect, and it also made me interested in other cyberlive girls
when the yabbening happened I couldn't shake of the feeling of 'fake bitch', so I stopped watching her
I follow pretty much all of the former cyber talents so I'm glad it happened I guess

>> No.52027634

Ame, I could tell from her first FPS stream what she was really like but had enough distance and unfamiliarity with vtubers to watch without that spoiling the experience. Eventually it caught up so I don't watch her much anymore

>> No.52027689

her twitter is full of "I'm trying my best!!!" and it often leaks into her streams as well
I wish her well though and will consider changing browsers in the near future

>> No.52027693
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not the being a terrible bitch and a legitimately awful person part, but just disappointed that her early days persona turned out to be a facade

>> No.52027722

What was Lamy like early on?

>> No.52027779
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her new model lacks soul.
Also she stream twitch last I remember.
Based, but I get where anon is coming from, I think.
The difference with Vtubers compared to other traditional entertainment mediums (let's say movies, television programming, music, and theatre, for a few) is that very often the subject is speaking to (you) through speaking to a vague audience, compared to regular media's method of communicating being either way more subtle, or blatant to the point that they might as well end their piece with
>The moral of the story is _________

Both Checked.

>> No.52027790

dont sweat it anon at least that money went to their therapy

>> No.52027815

then you shouldnt be here, get out before its too late

>> No.52027891

gentle, soft-spoken, reserved, yamato nadeshiko vibes

>> No.52027943
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>yamato nadeshiko
>he trusted

>> No.52028039


>> No.52028046
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yes i trusted
i should have trasted nenechi from the beginning instead

>> No.52028061

Compulsive liar

>> No.52028138

Nha, Kronii is just avery awkward nerd, any intent she has to be mean is either to look, cool, be sassy or she just being deadpan serious because her thick brain cant read the room.
so she isnt intentionaly malitious, just clumbcily so, same with her humor, is more like the awkard kid that sudenly get the spotlight and try to act cool than the bitch queen

>> No.52028154
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I think he was talking about Crescent Link Productions, Previously Deep Sea Productions. From what I remember the previous owner screwed up with its previous talents and decided to rebrand. Only to screw it up again and ran to steam to become a Visual novel maker. To be fair, he isn't wrong, that company and the people around it are shit.

Fun fact: They are close friends with Gira, you know, the cunt who owns Kometa.

>> No.52028180

gura is just dumb, like really dumb, so its funny but also very anoying.
that and she is a farm girl, so dosnt have much interest apart from country and internet related.
leaving in the bunnies is hard man

>> No.52028199

Ame and Enna, but specially Enna.
At first I thought she was playing up her character and it was funny, then that character started showing up at inappropiate times and I realize it wasn't a character anymore. The moment Kyo joined the company and became her sidekick things scalated even more.

>> No.52028256
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Her, and everybody in EN1 except for Kiara.

Ami is vod or logged-out only for me. I don't want her to draw me into her web.

>> No.52028261

she is just too neurotic
she wants to chill and have fun, but then she tryhard on it and get extreses, then blow up on the first person that brakes the last straw
seen it waay too manny times
she should have been like A chan, more manager/staff with a recuring apearence so she dosnt gets super estressed by the spotlight

>> No.52028286

She definitely is intentionally malicious, you don't backstab your fans accidentally.

>> No.52028314

yap. too elitest, and depend a lot on Archivments and Medals to feed her Ego.
also does trought other boosting her, but her main is personal gain.
she just has to learn that is fine to fail and one is more than just trophies

>> No.52028376

honestly, this one was visibly full of baggages and red flags.
if anyone genuinely fell for her and simped for her, it's probably because they skipped their middle-school-tier human interaction reps or japanese reps (which perfectly explains her former and current fanbase)

>> No.52028416

backstab fans? when?
if this about males.... sigh

>> No.52028473

>ctrl + f irys
>no result
bot thread

>> No.52028500

Irys has done nothing wrong. She’s pretty perfect

>> No.52028543


>> No.52028586

Flare, I was a gachi during the lizard days

>> No.52028596

It's when you go on stream and read the complaints of your fans, genuinely try to understand them, and come to an agreement. Then the next day tell your fans to fuck off, go on vacation and come back saying fans are entitled.

>> No.52028633

Early 2021. migo joined her collab with suipiss in midway of game mario party. her akwardness make me uncomfortable that time.

>> No.52028673

Gura for me, but it sure didn't happen while she was streaming. Christ, the situation just gets worse and worse and it seems like it'll never stop, and she'll never address it.

>> No.52029398

You would whine to if you got death threats everyday.

>> No.52029940

Oh, are they part of his harem too?

>> No.52030222

Fuck man you just described Kiara better than i could. Exactly what happened to me

>> No.52030314

beeing checking other post adn treaths, some complain about kronii, mind you is just havent been watching anyone resently, studies and work have keep be bussy
how bad are things? is dificult to judge with all the drama queen sperging in /here/

>> No.52030335

That is a very... creative spelling of clumsily. Gold star for trying.

>> No.52030444

Nah, the previous batch pretty much said "Fuck vtubing" and went on with their lives as far as I know. The current batch has one terminated for "illegal use of her social accounts", one went on hiatus months after her debut (probably gave up after seeing her shit sub counts), the other where the company poured their resources went on hiatus, and the last one is pretty much carrying that shithole of a company alone.

>> No.52030806


>> No.52031600

Which Ami?

>> No.52031703

Yeah this. She's like an actual psychopath or something I've never seen express any actual emotions besides disdain, disgust, anger, and laughing at other people.
>I still wanna fuck her tho

>> No.52031812

No, I only watch hololive and maybe 3-4 small corpo chubas.

>> No.52031941

no, i guess i am a good judge of character
or really oblivious, but thats fine too?

>> No.52031962

Mori. I thought she was more mature but then I saw how she and her roommate respond to controversies. Instead of ignoring them or apologizing she’d make things even worse by responding in her “fuck the haters” way, and now she’s a laughingstock among both normies and unicorns on Twitter. I’m genuinely embarrassed by her actions.

>> No.52032033

Probably Lumi

>> No.52032041

Yuko, I'm still watching her, but it feels like I'm watching a trainwreck in slow motion, After taking a short break she has been acting more unhinged, drinking alcohol or caffeine in almost every stream. Good for content but it makes her act very impulsively and say stuff that makes her look extremely selfish. I think she may end up hurting her fans if she keeps acting like this. A lot of her viewers are /here/, they are unfaithful as hell and are already preparing their exit strategy with the new idol girls, but her more normal viewers are deeply invested in her and don't know anything about her previous exploits. I hope she can keep her filter on, because without one she is fucking scary.

>> No.52032096

Irys is pretty inoffensive. She's kinda like Bae, they're just naive and anything stupid they say cannot feasibly be attributed to malice.

>> No.52032271

This. Her mask-off moments made me back off and find a new oshi.
All streamers have moments of weakness when they break character, and it's very telling. My new oshi also has those, but every time she just comes across as a sweetheart. The contrast is insane.

>> No.52032397

Anything specific? I watched her a bit early on, but I could only take the awkward personality and "bad at videogames" schtick for so long.

>> No.52032410

>Have you ever experienced this? With whom?

>> No.52032646

the real question for me is; what are some EN chuubas whose rm has a genuinely beautiful personality, and it bleeds through into their streams for the better?

>> No.52032815

Sheeppy is cool but Kiara legitimately cares about her fans unlike Gura, Ina, and Mori definitely.

>> No.52032877

Oh they're fantastic. I applaud their work ethic. Ami legitimately does love her fans and cares about them and buckos love and care about Ami. It's honestly pretty wholesome.

>> No.52032900

melody, somehow

>> No.52032981
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Amiya Aranha

>> No.52033061


>> No.52033164

let me guess, it's a western vtuber

>> No.52033169

the "holoen experience"
your oshi is the streamer whose bitchiness you can forgive.

>> No.52033250

happened with all of the EN except my wife

>> No.52033673

Not a regular viewer, but I've enjoyed Flare streams in the past, mostly because she's not constantly screaming or trying too hard. I have had the thought that I might dislike her if I spoke Japanese. Would love to get your thoughts.

>> No.52033824

Seriously funny that she believes it's cool to be Twitch streamers' dog.
Ecelebs who she believe her friends didn't even read her "16 hours work a day" tweet, they made her read a rule book as thick as a dictionary.

>> No.52034723

>One time stumble on a thread about chuubas parasocial for their fans
>At one point some chuuba started to write about herself, how she feels about her viewers but is afraid they would find her creepy if they knew
>From the stuff she said I realized it's this small indie I watched
>Until that point I watched her rather casually, but was moved and since then watched her whenever I could
>She is sweetheart and unironically a good person, she never gave me a reason to doubt her
I'm sorry for you and really hope you will find chuuba worth your time

>> No.52034841

She has Bitch and Pussy Disorder alright

>> No.52034940

who dat?
like, the porn one? that's really funny

>> No.52036338


>> No.52036767
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>Have you ever experienced this?

I first thought that she was sweet and cute with her high pitched voice and squeaks

But then she literally insulted a artist who draws her or her group, telling that artist to stop with his hobby of drawing ect.

And then I realized her pattern of behavior
she just puts on an act

Afterwards I learned that she has a lot of blood in her hands with her ex company

>> No.52036898

Unironically Mori the TT stuff didn't bother me initially because it was just a podcast but when the jump king donation arc began I immediately was snapped out of it. I felt especially vindicated over it when she tweeted her gloating on her separate account when Kronii got management to cover for her about her Holostar collab spergout
Thank god I got out of it because my former brothers in arms have become some of the biggest yesmen in the vtubing sphere

>> No.52037327

She was a very different character back then but nothing wrong with her even if you understood jap

>> No.52037522


>> No.52039870

Why would you hate her new Model? It's cleaner, gave her way more movement (which she takes full advantage of), plus she got her Polpeller added. Unless you just had a thing for the constant half-lid expression on the old one

>> No.52039942

ami, actually
It's the extra pair of eyes and I find them really creepy.
sorry, ami :(

>> No.52042187


>> No.52042525

This thread is probably more geared towards female chuubas, but Vesper Noir ever since he went insane

>> No.52042769

Less terrible and awful and more pitiable and depressing, but Gura. She feels like she's an empty husk at this point who occasionally gets pushed by management to at least appear and put on a front, but even they seem to know Gura's batteries have gone so dry that they leave her alone most of the time and only bring her out when it's really needed; e.g. when a special event like her birthday, a senpai's event, or a sponsorship calls for her presence. The mood feels low it's not even worth the saviorfagging.

Enna is the more classic example of what OP asks for, though. She's a snidey cunt through and through, it's a wonder why I even found her humorous back when I was still eager to tune to her streams.

>> No.52043091

Ame and Calli, both have really bad tempers when pushed. Ame can dish out the toxic gamer gremlin persona, but is super stubborn and easily tilted when chat claps back even if it's just one guy. And Calli can't ignore haters and ends up making herself look way worse trying to "own" them. To her credit she's gotten a bit better at taking things in stride, like the horse stuff.
Aside from those two I can usually detect bitchy girls pretty easily and avoid getting into them in the first place.
I agree, I don't think she's a bitch, she's just really burned out and not into it anymore. She used to be my favorite but I don't watch her anymore because it's just her going "yuppp it's meeee gooba funni shark" clearly not enjoying herself. Like an animal at the zoo. I'll come back if she finds her groove again, but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.52043106

nah Flare is cool even when you understand her. My only problem with her is that she really wants 100% seiso + kid friendly so anything weird in vidya is a no go

>> No.52043110

What en chuuba actually likes fans

>> No.52043155

Oh the wolf

>> No.52043206

I remember Mori bitching because someone asked her for a heads-up when she collabs. A 5 seconds worth of effort and she started bitching. It was even a membership stream.

>> No.52043325

grazie, let the good times roll on then

>> No.52043331

>I can usually detect bitchy girls pretty easily.
I get you, that's a skill we can only acquire by witnessing a whole lot western ethots with inflated ego like Mori and Ame. But i wish i didn't have this skill... All i want is to see girls being kind and humble, but that's almost impossible in the west.

>> No.52043411

Pretty rare. Mumei, IRyS and Kiara kinda likes their fans albeit still not on the same level as JPs

>> No.52043462

Enna smoked bad Canadian party meth and it shows

>> No.52043511

Never got into her, everytime i tuned into her streams she was butthurt about something and just didnt gave me a good impressions

>> No.52043567

Post the drawings of the artists

>> No.52043663

murican education system kek

>> No.52043673
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>watch chuuba
>be instantly turned off by her fake entertainer personality
>watch her more
>start to notice flecks of her imperfect humanity seeping through
>can't help but love her

>> No.52043855

What's with the funny spoiler placement? This thread reeks of women. Kek.

>> No.52043944

Fauna. She might not be my friend. But my god she spoils us.

>> No.52044187

This. Huge.

>> No.52044236

All of HoloEN expect Mumei

>> No.52044327
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this. as an ex-kronie i appreciated that she took the time to try and understand both sides and even defended us from the comments calling us incels, in a membership guerilla btw. it made me happy and i was willing to accept male collabs if it was what she wanted. Then the very next day she backtracked, went MIA for 3 days, the company put out a statement and then she read a pre-written notice saying she'll collab with whoever she wanted. she just spit in my face and left us to get made fun of by homobeggars after defending us. so i went somewhere i was loved and never went back

>> No.52044367


>> No.52044462

For me it was a twitch/vrchat streamer named cori laika. He used to do stuff with fans all the time before locking them behind Patreon and calls out anyone who voices an opinion before banning them.
T. Former mod

>> No.52044528

I can't believe im about to say something nice about time woman, but she is genuinely as close to autistic as it gets without med certs so she expected the reaction to be like her prior life 3 digit fanbase that knew what rug she was munching on, with no malicious thought intended.

>> No.52044619

I got into him right before the suspension and although I enjoy his streams and collabs, there's still these weird tensions between him and other Tempus members sometimes. Going back and watching the early streams is like night and day, Tempus was so close back then.

>> No.52044922

It was very telling that he didn't join holostars rust arc, then couldn't get his zomboid server off the ground.

>> No.52044951

Was it just the male collabs or were there other concerns that had been building up as well?

>> No.52046225
File: 303 KB, 600x600, 1683846742364166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo. Milking and mocking her own condition is simply off-putting. It's not even train wreak, just a tragedy.

>> No.52046393

unpopular opinion: BuffPup
Liked her more with her old avatar. Not because I'm a furfag, but because she actually had to put effort into her streams. Nowadays she barely has to make any efforts, she easily sells herself with her boobs and fake horny behavior.

>> No.52047069

>like going MIA for 3 months despite promising to keep ppl updated?
Ina probably expected that management would at least let her make tweets and twitter spaces. That obviously didn't happen which is why she went radio silent for 3 months while having to use the management approved excuse that she was sick and than lost her work phone. There have recently been several of these hololive "health" breaks which had every sign of being a suspension.

>> No.52048475

deadbeat meido hates people talking about her TT days

>> No.52048602

Result of trying to put someone who remembers dial up and gets hard from bara on bara under control of a unironic caged piss baby.
Just like Gruumsh and Corel-"becomes-female-to-be-raped"-lon.

>> No.52048962


Ami Amami, Pina Pengin, Rita Kamishiro.

>> No.52049212

Her fans are the most disgusting people on earth. Saviorfags and legit pedos.

>> No.52049622

>I can usually detect bitchy girls pretty easily
>I don't think she's a bitch, she's just really burned out and not into it anymore
You can't make this shit up, holy crap

>> No.52049898
File: 479 KB, 661x651, 1682557060350375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch chuuba
>don't enjoy it at all
>watch her more
>notice that her rotten and lying personality shines in vtubbier context
>realise moe gap between internal and outgoing character

>> No.52049918

Juna "Toxic Bitch" Unugi from JewCorp
First time I drop someone because she is toxic and cunt.

>> No.52050054

Gura is not a bitch. Just an unfortunate victim of burnout and alcoholism.
Ame is a real bitch for example. Not talking about bodycount, it's all about personality.

>> No.52050228


>> No.52050380

QRD? I just remember early on she told mommy fags to fuck off, which was kinda based but I also knew it meant she was going to be a problem in the future.

>> No.52050635
File: 78 KB, 679x252, 1676976305591553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her discord is tragic. After every stream people race to tell Shondo how much it meant to them and how the stream literally saved their life, desperate for a single crumb of attention from the streamer.
As someone who doesn't usually watch vtubers it's wild to see

>> No.52050823

Kronii. This is all before her yab too. Started just kinda entertaining even if nervous but telltale signs of a menhera start cropping up the more watched her and you could just tell how she was bound to implode at one point or another.

>> No.52050839

I have to imagine this tongue in cheek.

>> No.52050899

Like I said you can't make this shit up. It is always the self proclaimed good judge of character that are the most delusional, easiest to manipulate retards.
Keep it cozy there chumbie, i hope you were able to buy the birthday merch btw

>> No.52050922


>> No.52051040

How so? I get she's quite the narcissist but that just makes her sexier.

>> No.52051098
File: 365 KB, 1272x1344, DAMN FEMALE KID[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F30f7zx.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fans are bitches too.

>> No.52051261

Maybe, this guy isn't the only one to make posts like this and they all do it after literally every stream. Could be an in-joke but I get the vibe that the entire community is extremely parasocial.

>> No.52051507
File: 1.90 MB, 666x720, 1678059003472676.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> start watching a chuuba
> she seems like a bitch
> watch a bit more
> she's actually a bit less of a bitch but actually also kinda cute and sweet

>> No.52051672

Your "enjoy it at first" would really have to refer to like a few hours of initial watching only because I cannot imagine how you could enjoy a vtuber for days and only then realize what their personality is like.
I feel like it's evident what kind of person someone is very quickly.

For example, I knew I'd dislike Mori and Kronii within hours, so I was never able to get to a point where I'd be a fan of someone for months and only then realize how I don't like them.

>> No.52051872

Not exactly
A lot of girls can act nice but let it slip on bad days

>> No.52051919

If Gura is a bitch she does a pretty darn good job at hiding it. Meanwhile for Ame her roastie ethot nature just oozes out of her constantly when she opens her mouth.

>> No.52051925


>> No.52051986

I get what you mean, but I think it's less to do with their inherent personality and more so to do with developments that come up from interacting with fans or with other chuubas in a collab.

>> No.52052036

This. It's more readily apparent when they break character and the mask slips.

>> No.52052277


>> No.52052320

I said I don't watch her anymore. Do you just enter random catalog threads and ctrl-f gura in hopes of finding chumbuds to get in fights with? What a sad life.

>> No.52052358

>Ame: constantly selfless, helps everyone out without expecting anything in return, makes a serious effort to be there whenever someone needs a shoulder to lean on and always tries to show up for special occasions
>Gura: Doesn't help anyone with anything, constantly ghosts her "friends" and coworkers even on their birthdays, constantly ghosts her own viewers
but yeah teammates are the bad judge of character lmao

>> No.52052389
File: 67 KB, 602x636, pankosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty obvious that shes trying to go for the /here/ and unicorn niche. People call Pippa a pickme but every clip i've seen has shown Shondo to be the the actual definition.

>> No.52052573

This is me with Al of them. Some I feel for, some I roll my eyes at. Almost every vtuber is ADHD bi polar medical issue woman. And every male vtuber either tries hard and becomes cringe or too gay to be interesting.

But every time they read my chat message that parasocial sucks me in. Why out of 4k viewers and various chat spams and trolls that my messages catch your interests?

>> No.52052630

ame is literally the kindest girl in holoEN, you literally can't name anyone who's done more to help others selflessly than her. you just think she's a bitch because she hurt your manbaby pride by being a better person than you.

>> No.52052711

True, they are kinda unhinged. For them Shondo can never do wrong, but don't you dare make same mistake as her they will burn you to the ground if they find you.

>> No.52052721

You're right. Ame is a good and kind person, it's just that her spiteful personality can rub you the wrong way

>> No.52052747

>Its pretty obvious that shes trying to go for the /here/ and unicorn niche
You say like it's a problem

>> No.52052784

>Makes a serious effort to be there whenever someone needs a shoulder to lean on.
Is that why nobody invites her for collabs and completely avoids her? Seems like nobody wants to be around her except Kiara.
Meanwhile everyone wants to be near Gura.

>> No.52052911

Why do you small corpo faggot groomers always act so dramatic and mentally ill? No one even knows who the fuck you are talking about you cunt

>> No.52052974 [DELETED] 

>Good kind person
She tries that image only on her Hololive persona, should've done your reps

>> No.52052994

>watch chuuba
>enjoy it at first
>watch them more
Could just replace this part with
>talk to woman

>> No.52053003

no it's because ame herself said she's burned out on collabing recently and needs to recharge her social battery. you don't watch her though so it's not like you'd know lol.

>> No.52053145

I've done my reps and she's an even kinder person than she appears to be. I bet you don't even know how she came to adopt Wellington you larping faggot.

>> No.52053200

Kronii especially, you know why there are so many jokes about her being a tsundere? It's because she's so shitty and lazy that her fans have to justify it as she secretly loves them, and not just her disgust and resignation that she couldn't even work at Subway so she might as well cash these checks showing through.

>> No.52053273

can you take your seething about vesper somewhere else you cuck

>> No.52053299

I know she said that, still weird nobody invites her for anything right? Ame herself said she won't refuse invitations

>> No.52053453

do you think that people are in a constant state of boolean values or something? if she's feeling burned out on collabs she will refuse. kiara tried to invite her to girls' talk on stream and she gave a non-committal answer.

>> No.52053544

She refused because she's not a girl and thus won't contribute

>> No.52053715

uh huh, either way she just didn't want to be part of it. besides that there are open invite collabs which she'll sit out if there's limited slots. she'll collab again when she's ready and motivated, and others will respect that.

>> No.52053761

>completely avoids her
Just a day ago Mumei and Zeta were talking about her karaoke the former literally livetweeting about it. I am biting this to put it out there the fact that you are undeniably an threadreading retard anti to any other retards scrolling through this retardation

>> No.52053848

Hasn't happened to me, all the chuubas I regularly watch have been great. I am a good judge of character
There have been a lot I have watched clips of and one or two streams of that I found entertaining but later realised they were a bitch. I just pay myself on the back for intrinsically knowing not to follow them closely

>> No.52054027

Early Lamy was so restrictive and I thank Marine every day for pulling her out of that shell.

>> No.52054148

Which chuubas do you watch?

>> No.52054467

When you have a meltdown over a donator leaving it is. I liked her because she was funny and not afraid to say out there shit on stream, not so i can listen to recycled /here/ opinions or lashouts at her donators.

>> No.52054594

Did you learn nothing from your HS days?

>> No.52056862
File: 1.39 MB, 1123x1296, 1683378456779697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For them Shondo can never do wrong, but don't you dare make same mistake as her they will burn you to the ground if they find you.
Thats every fucking chuuba

>> No.52056959

Whats wrong with her?
you know.. except the mental illness

>> No.52057169

From these replies, it seems to me that incels and vtuber watchers intersect pretty heavily.

>> No.52057443

Imagine watching your 2 view /here/-tuber oshi, developing a secret behind the scenes "relationship" with them, and finding out she's a total psycho that non-stop shit talks her fans during phone calls. I could still enjoy her content if I didn't find out what a wretched person she is.

>> No.52057498
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1595238388501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really enjoy this indie
>her energy and chat engagement is great
>look at rules
>"I am in a relationship, but even if I wasn't you wouldn't have a chance lol"

>> No.52057776

t. gypsy

>> No.52058842

I agree and is such a waste becouse I genuinely enjoy her singing

>> No.52059387

i hope u guys are being truthful and not taking little things they say and sitting alone in ur room while magnifying them into atrocities

>> No.52059953

But you still e-fuck her don't you?

>> No.52060096
File: 421 KB, 1637x2048, IMG_0603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, my oshi is unironically THE kindest soul to have ever stepped foot on this planet

>> No.52060250 [DELETED] 

Yeah mori until I found mumri

>> No.52060253

>From these replies, it seems to me that incels and vtuber watchers intersect pretty heavily.
More like vtubers don't really have anything to offer but parasocial feelings.

No insightful commentary, no craft, no education, no skills. Incels are the only audience they can possibly attract.

>> No.52060445

Come to Jesus.

>> No.52060912

This one for me
She's not a shitty person, but you can tell after a while that many of the negative things that come her way are mostly a result of her own doing...
Stuff like her complaining about her mental state, but not actually wanting to help herself, fostering negativity instead of brushing it off like she says she does, large undertones of self victimizing in the "oh the whole world is against me" sense, etc.
She reminds me of my sister: not a bad person, and ultimately quite good-natured... but she can be a lil bit wicked and resentful sometimes, whether she admits it or not.

>> No.52061386

This is exactly what i've said since this board was created.
Women are not funny, they have no skill at entertainment aside from focusing on being attractive. Exactly what ethots do.
Men are funny and way more skilled at any type of entertainment.

>> No.52061403
File: 1.11 MB, 1149x1138, 1681433523001631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever experienced this?
Yeah I used to be a global trinity poster because I never got into Kiara and Mori
Ame's frequent fits of rage, Gura's abandonment and Ina's relapse into FFXIV after speaking of how the addiction to that game was one of the dark parts of her life were for each the main reason for me leaving them. What they all have in common is that at some point I couldn't feel from any of them actual passion for content creation nor the drive to get better.

I think I got better at identifying chuubas I'll like or drop them before I get too invested. Or maybe with coping with a flaw or two as long as I get the content I like.

>> No.52061422

Somebody give this detective a medal

>> No.52061542

Naw, I got totally wasted and screamed at her and was made into content lol.

>> No.52061576

They can “trick” you into thinking they’re funny by pandering to /here/ and stealing 4chan lingo. Which just makes them seem relatable. But every ‘bases’ take is shit they hardly even believe themselves or they’ve heard from their boyfriends usually

>> No.52061662

That sounds like depression, anon. You don't know what a "bitch" is.

>> No.52061804

Ok, name 5 of your favorite male vtubers, and how they should collab with your oshi.

>> No.52061861

Chumbuds are so whipped kek

>> No.52061989
File: 210 KB, 270x352, koronemegane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch chuuba
>don't understand a fucking word but she makes cute noises
>do reps
>realize she's the greatest living entertainer
>still have difficulty explaining to guys in my band why her shrine is in our rehearsal space

>> No.52062320

Same. I know Lumi is a bitch but she's a *fun* bitch. Also, her taste in games doesn't totally suck, so she's at least somewhat watchable.

I don't even watch gura, you insufferable faggot. I'd rather spend my time with 2views that interact with chat than just be another gray name in the wave of emotes of big corpo.

>> No.52062509


>> No.52062661

Chibidoki, Kiara, Bao, Finana, artemis of the blue, succublushie, Froot, zentreya, CottontailVA, and some others I can't immediately name off the top of my head. But yeah.

Chibidoki is condescending and a genuine bitch that selectively chooses chat rules and will ban you on a whim

Kiara generally whines and is annoying to listen to. Not to mention in her early streaming days she would get in fights with her own audience who were trying to offer advice. Then her stunt of trying to force collabs with other members and suck up their viewership

Artemis not only makes a big deal over their fake identity but also was partnered with that weird creep Domoarigathanks that was constantly going after new upstarts, particularly female indie vtubers where his "interviews" are just minutes of beratement.

Succublushie spends more of her time vtweeting and getting into drama and then will cry victim when it backfires on her.

Froot, now DMCA abuse, among her other shit. Generally disingenuous and will swindle you if given the chance.

CottontailVA will spend the majority of her "just talking" streams arguing and being condescending with her audience. Generally not a good vibe.

Zentreya just lies to his audience all the time and carries the baggage of vrchat days when he was always around when drama appeared

Finana is disingenuous on her "self righteous" sense of "morals". The menhera episodes, the time she banned the word "trap" because it was "offensive" but later leaked she was joking about people having aids/HIV

Bao is either getting into drama or finding herself in drama and generally just a dumbass retard coomer

>> No.52062762

what's the vtuber's name and who is the artist?

>> No.52062893

Flare is cool even if you know what shes saying. Just a bit autistic about what she wants for her streams and image. Great lass though

>> No.52062912

What did Zen lied about? Not disagreeing just curious.

>> No.52063050

The great majority of Kronies wanted male collabs though and were upset when she said she wasn't going to make them.

>> No.52063068
File: 196 KB, 640x504, lgunduz0pf161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch indie chuuba
>they're really cute and has a pleasant voice, cute laugh and nice personality
>after watching for a few weeks just starts casually bringing up how she just does drugs constantly
>suddenly starts talking about her drugged out sexual escapades, general degeneracy, straight up says she's muting to smoke pot
>she suddenly seems way less nice and relaxed and more like she's just been stoned out of her gourd this whole time
>starts to just see her as a dirty unattractive person and just stop watching

>> No.52063099
File: 825 KB, 755x696, 1681737673975670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing you even gave a chance to all these awful streamers

>> No.52063141

I really enjoy watching fauna but she really broke the spell with her whole not friends schpiel, i still enjoy watching her but every so often something she does rubs me the wrong way and i dont make an effort to watch her streams

>> No.52063234

Basically any of them with an even slightly abrasive personality. I don't take lightly to being made fun of, even if it's over the internet.

>> No.52063637

That's your own damn fault, desu. You apply your own expectations to her and then get sad when they're inevitably dashed. There's no "vtubing manual", so everyone's just winging it.

>> No.52063846

Zen's always played the "I'm mute UwU" card since his early vrchat days. Majority of his discord responses in one particular server are just deranged schizo descriptions about how he want to slowly kill people. And on a voice stream where there were two separate voices, it was quite clear with which one was actually zen by who was familiar. If he actually said something then it'd be alot less shit, but his whole entire streaming amounts to stringing people along for the ride. And who wants to get strung along?

I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. CottontailVA does some good coomer VA shit, but seeing how she acts with people, I'd say that's the only good thing about her.

>> No.52063968

>Build up your image as a sweet GFE vtuber
>Adopt a persona that further enforces that image
>Do ASMR streams and constantly baby your chat

Yeah its totally purely the fans' fault for seeing her that way, she's totally free of blame.

>> No.52064241

You know exactly why Fauna doesn't do GFE.
Not defending her, by the way.

I just think it's hilarious an ASMR streamer can't do ASMR because of self imposed restrictions.

>> No.52064245

Mate, gonna be honest. For however long you were watching her, if you weren't in her inner circle or giving constant big Ds to be a known name, you never had a chance to begin with. Thinking that you out of however many are going to be THE ONE to be hers is a pipe dream. You got your hopes up and you got crushed by the GFE. Even then, donating to the GFE is just like giving 15k to some person you just met on a dating app.

>> No.52064299

>Doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality
>Cries about muhhh immersion when called out for getting too parasocial
It's your own damn fault for expecting any streamer to keep up a persona 100% of the time without hiccups. Goddamn, you're such a fucking pussy you're worse than an actual woman.

>> No.52064356

I don't have an oshi because i'm not schizo enough to devote myself to a random woman in the internet larping as an anime girl who has a 99% probability of having a boyfriend.

>> No.52064386

She's about the closest thing to a "brotuber" I've seen so far, so her little spiel kind of ruined the vibe, regardless of how well intentioned it was. Still, I don't hate her or anything and I still tune into her streams.

>> No.52064456

Fauna defense squad out in full force today huh

>> No.52064622

Holy projection lmfao

>> No.52064719

i feel spot on with >>52025845
she feels like the andy dick of vtubers

>> No.52064867

You mean like how ina bashed her english fans for her japanese fans art?
really angel like behavior there making takodachi's feel like shit for supporting her and forcing her fanbase to walk on eggshells

>> No.52065020

QRD on that art thing?

>> No.52065065

My Kiara experience

>> No.52065070

Rent free

>> No.52065307

A bunch of clip channels took the clip down after it caused issues in the comments

This isn't the first time Ina exposed how much she doesn't like vtuber fans, the first time she had to apologize for her comments in the guilty gear strive stream

>> No.52065539

Management forced her to apologize because of how stupid it is to yell at your all your fans for 1-2 comments a stream saying "ina's back!"

>> No.52065772

actually the perfect way to describe her

>> No.52065776
File: 406 KB, 512x512, 1593458723243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After thinking about it, I don't think any vtuber I was watching up to a certain point was dropped because she was a terrible bitch. Anybody I stopped watching was entirely due to how boring they were or how uninteresting their content was.

A lot of you mentioned Watson or Kronii, but I think those two just got boring VERY fast and have terrible taste in games. I don't see them as genuinely terrible people, only incredibly dull.
Ina might be the most boring woman on the planet, but a few weird tangents and complaints she's given live on stream aren't enough for me to consider her a complete bitch. Just another girl who got dropped because she's boring.

>> No.52066254

You faggots really love making mountains out of mole hills kek, you guys are like women.

>> No.52066668
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, 1682485578446270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kilia from EIEN Project. The first month was GFE bliss until the red flags started to show up.

>> No.52066723

>fauna defense squad
Not even. If you react this way to GFE chuubas then I have some bad news for you. Just ignore and block all GFE. Don't watch any of them.

>> No.52066929

why is she like this?

>> No.52067065

All of Holo en honestly, cover has driven it into their retard audience that their success is because of yagoo and management. Not their fans, their donators, or even their senpais. People will defend them to their dying breath but when their talent is in trouble they show that the emperor has no clothes.

>> No.52067258

>guilty gear strive stream
Oof, that's already a hard pass if she was bothering with guilty gear starve.

>> No.52067273

it would be understandable if it's 100 guys or whatever, but 1-2 guys? lmao hilarious

>> No.52071724

Wait for the AI girls.

>> No.52072135

i know this sounds corny as shit, but Ami keeps me thriving, i can happily work 10-12 hours a day and finish at 5:00AM with shitty coworkers, so i can throw an AKA at Ami so she can compliment me, however i don’t talk in chats because i don’t want to get super invested in a girl who will never love me, the only reason i can get through the day is because i know that Ami is waiting at home for me.

>> No.52072384

Kind of sad since no one should be harassed, but the net isn't some safe space. Reprimanding everyone just reveals that Ina isn't as chill as she should be. Lack of backbone.

>> No.52072517

Honestly, that's fine anon. Plenty of guys have lurked here over the years and we know we are wage slaves. What's important is that if you are happy from this, you are having a better day than the guy that is crumbling due to social / family / financial pressures.

>> No.52072895
File: 428 KB, 800x609, 1687659580110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been waiting for a whole decade already. Vtubers became the closest thing and they inevitably fuck it up in a way or another.

>> No.52073916
File: 273 KB, 600x663, kiwawasmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have experienced this, with Kiara. Been watching her and Myth from debut and at first I felt sorry for her and thought she was cute in a kind of 'pathetic person you are rooting for' kind of way. Eventually this became full blown love for her as I learned more about her and watched her obsessively. She went from being like this 'must protect' underdog I wanted to see win to a kind of reliable 'best friend' sort of thing where I'd just check out listening to her streams for hours on end.

However eventually, over time, more and more of all her little negative mannerisms became more noticeable, and I began to feel as though, the more I understood her psychology and personality deeply from how much she talks about herself/her life/her interactions with others, the more and more I came to the realization that she was a bad person and a lot of the mannerisms that I previously excused or saw as cute, became sinister as I came to understand the actual underpinnings and motivations behind them.
The passive aggressiveness, the underhanded bitchiness, the way she would view all other women as competition, all the little odd slights she would throw at her 'rivals' whether they would notice it or not (e.g. insisting on calling Bae 'Baelz, little things like that). Her general incessant neediness, her constant need for approval and attention and her totally dependent and cloying relationship to KFP. Eventually all of these things became really unbearable and almost everything about her seemed ugly. That's how I ended up not enjoying her anymore.
and then after this, as I forced myself to STILL keep watching and understanding more about this despicable woman, I eventually came to an even deeper understanding of her and all the things I hated about her became understandable and sympathetic. Evenetually as I suffered through the streams of this obnoxious woman, even her most detestable features became endearing in a way even more authentic than when I had liked her before, since this time around I truly understood her pathology and just how tragic of a figure she really is. At this point my hatred bounced all the way back around into thinking 'no, now I really really have to save this woman and see her overcome all of this and succeed. And now I love Kiara more than anyone. Maybe this is what having a wife is really like.

>> No.52074206

>watch chuuba
>start to not enjoy her and end up stopping
yes that's a benefit of so called parasocial relationships. it's completely optional, there is no personal obligation to it. you can simply leave, no one will notice or care that you're gone, or they might, but it won't matter very much

>> No.52075278

I see very few vtubers as being terrible people. But just like how you can despise someone but also recognize they’re not *bad*, just insufferable or a terrible friend, etc., you can view vtubers the same.
Like, I don’t think Kronii is a *bad* person, but she seems like she’d be a nightmare to be friends with and someone you should only hang out with in a large group of friends and keep at arm’s distance. But what those people “do wrong” isn’t deserving of punishment or even social condemnation. Just loneliness and losing friends. I guess in vtubing parasocial terms that’s equivalent to reclining

>> No.52075595


>> No.52075698

Yuko. She was pretty funny when I started watching her regularly (around the crash stream). I liked how she knew some military stuff, liked rock music and was actually a pretty talented individual. But her constant coomer pandering has completely turned me off. It's one thing to be an attentionwhore but acting like a whore for attention? Just set up a fan meetup orgy already if you're that into it

>> No.52077912

I don't even watch vtubers and this thread is just another reminder why. Most of them are just boring, scream too much, or make horny jokes 24/7.

It's like watching a child or a mentally disabled person have a tantrum. I don't see how people can do it for hours on end.

>> No.52079887

they are very lonely or make the mistake of thinking they've befriended the vtuber.

>> No.52080366

why are you even here then? Go back

>> No.52080749

This describes IRyS to a tee.

>> No.52081348
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At a certain point less fortunate people start to find genuine human relationships too daunting and troublesome.

In vtubing you can have everything until the kayfabe on both side starts peeling off and even then it might still be bearable as not all the unsightly human parts are there, or the occasional instances you find a human genuine likeable enough then realize there's a always a finite time and limit to this relationship anyways. The parasocial aspect, whether they motivate you to be a better person or further your obsession, happy or sad, like how normal people may find in any meaningful fellowship, but in an instant and less healthy form. Truly maddening when it's all you have, but there may be beauty when you learn to just live in the moment and cope until you find something worthwhile yourself in real life.

>> No.52082530

There are exceptions to this rule, though.
Pekora, Marine, Botan. Elira, Selen, Pomu. People watch them because they're entertaining, not because of muh parasocial.
That's why I personally believe if they make another persona, hell, even IRL persona, they would succeed.

>> No.52085720


There was this indie called mana that had a ton of potential and actually grew fast for a bit but she turned out to not only be menhera, but i started to think she might have real mental issues like narcissism or schizo. The commie shit i can ignore. again, she had a ton of potential had she not bring her IRL stuff out into the open.

Came to check up on how she is and theres an entire thread of people shitting on her when her twitter got deleted for actual hate speech.

For corpo, its enna. i dont need to say anything else.

>> No.52085790

It's weird to think of her as ever not being completely terrible.

>> No.52085921

I was intrigued by her voice. but when i started to see hints of her being an actual shitty person, whether its from ignorance or not, it was a no from me.

I am cursed by being drawn to people with above average voices.

good thing i don't understand a word suisei says.

>> No.52086285

Dropped her partly because of this and the other part because every stream was 30-60 minutes of technical troubleshooting before the stream would even start. Even if my time wasn't exactly precious during that lockdown era it still felt absolutely wasted on this.

>> No.52086532

You ever try Amiya Aranha? She seems nice enough and has a strong, rich singing voice.

>> No.52087256


Thanks! Not a fan of the model but she got pipes and seems comfy.

>> No.52090290


>> No.52090926
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Based grudgeposter.

>> No.52091084
File: 290 KB, 343x357, 1665778327449193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f
>0 matches

>> No.52091724

Half of all liggers.
A lot of the ligger girls are actual fucking angels
Some are the devil and some are angels so it balances out

>> No.52091774

They absolutely did not

>> No.52091835

No she never was. Replace angel with boring and it makes sense. She's not a lovely person she's just inoffensive and quiet

>> No.52091880
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Almost every chuuba I watch. Women are just like that, huh.

Gura was the lesser evil and simply stupid, but I could immediately detect when she didn't want to stream because of burnout or whatever she had.

>> No.52092018

Who was it anon

>> No.52092218


>> No.52092230

Gura is unironically one of the most honest out there.

>> No.52092353


>> No.52092506

Good to see you again anons, are you interested now that the mouse announced gen2 auditions or moved on entirely?

>> No.52092508
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>> No.52092556

History revisioner
Being female when he is male

>> No.52092673

Teammates still with ame are fucking delusional lmao

>> No.52093879

Rushia is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Not BDP (borderline personality disorder)

>> No.52093930

I stopped in to veibae's stream of BotW and I couldn't get passed her voice and her bitchy attitude. She's such a fucking cunt and I cannot for the life of me understand why people watch her in the first place. All it took was about 30 minutes for me to realize this.
