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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51958305 No.51958305 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese fans ARE NOT HAPPY that Miko and IRyS have to share march space with the Homos.

>> No.51958369
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A whole 7 japanese fans. That's essentially half the population.

>> No.51958396

who's the target consumer for this product? cuckolds?

>> No.51958440

sane people who dont fall in love with anime streamers

>> No.51958500

Must be a falseflagger, right?

>> No.51958517

cvcks and twitter trannies like >>51958440 for example.

>> No.51958522

sane people who dont fall in love with anime streamers won't buy anime streamers merch
and people who fall in love with anime streamers won't buy this cuckolded product

>> No.51958608

what a huge fucking baby kek

>> No.51958633

So no one???

>> No.51958681

Popular demand

>> No.51958703

He's not wrong

>> No.51958714

Screencapping your own tweets is cringe OP

>> No.51958716

Dare I say based?

>> No.51958728


>> No.51958753
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>> No.51958909

Why do you act like people don't buy merch unless they are in love and want to fuck said creator? You think the people who buy xQc's merch want to fuck him?

>> No.51958927
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>> No.51958992
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I bought a Roman Reigns shirt the other day, so I must want to fuck him.

>> No.51959004

Uh based?

>> No.51959120

Looks like I found one of vt's true oshis lol

>> No.51959150

>Japanese fans ARE NOT HAPPY
But did they start a petition to show how unhappy they are?

>> No.51959162

why would cover do this whenrys never mentioned the existence of tempiss REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.51959163

So no one, since those people don't buy merch.

>> No.51959166

why would you even wear drawing of two men. only gays do.

>> No.51959186

there's retards from 5ch too

>> No.51959298

Sane people don't watch anime streamers.

>> No.51959300

If they are faggots or females probably yes.

>> No.51959480

Such a revelation OP

>> No.51959520

>Sane people
>Watching vtubers

>> No.51959589

Why was IRyS chosen as EN's representative? Isn't Gura the face of the branch?

>> No.51959670

No Kiara is the leader and face of EN

>> No.51959728

Why are they pushing Holostars so hard? If I wanted to watch a male streamer I'd just watch a real live one who is really good at a specific game or exceptionally funny. Why do these guys need an anime avatar.

>> No.51959752

I am going to harass and potentially beat this stupid nip within an inch of his life if he ever mentions my oshi.

>> No.51959761

Yagoo has to artificially inflate Holostars revenue to justify their existence to the shareholders.

>> No.51959762

This is the fakest shit I've ever seen. What a garbage thread

>> No.51959766

>Why was IRyS chosen as EN's representative?
because she's left out of a lot of things, as she's not Myth or Council
they need to give her something

>> No.51959813

This is why people hate chumkeks you don't even follow your own streamer. Gura was the EN representative last year

>> No.51959857

Dont, you're gonna make a martyr.

>> No.51959902

You mean just how every dipshit creepy kid who got bullied then became martyr and then all bullying of socially unwell kids stopped.

>> No.51959921

>t. Closet homo

>> No.51959989

Based kai, tell them the truth.

>> No.51960055

>Cheap shitty t-shirt with Holo on it.
>That will be 20 buckeroos plus 40 for the shipping.
>Cheap shitty t-shirt with Holo and Star on it.
>That will be 20 buckeroos plus 40 for the shipping.
I will not buy either you cheap greedy fucks.

>> No.51960094

>Another twitter screencap of literal who thread

>> No.51960145

You need to be 18 to post on 4channel

>> No.51960217

Imagine the chumkeks seething over Gura being put next to the homos.

>> No.51960501

What the fuck do you watch Vtubers for if not for the attachment to the anime model?

Have we gone the full circle now and pretend that people watch Choco and Chloe because people really like their voices and their voices only? Even Migo has her tits exploding from her sides in most of her outfits.

>> No.51960797

because anime model funni
lil anime person wiggling around lookit them go

>> No.51961104

He isnt wrong

>> No.51961535
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The interactions are more important than the asthetic. I like to listen to them, and I prefer streams that don't require me to look at the screen all the time unless it's a big tournament or so. The vtuber personality and streaming preferences play a role too. Most of all, I watch collabs and I like seeing games I don't know or have not been played before by other vtubers I know.

>> No.51961604


>> No.51961609

This is what EN is missing, a proud and loud unicorn.

>> No.51961639

mindless consumers

>> No.51961771

I like the models but don't have any romantic interest in them and am mainly just glad there's a corner of the internet where I don't have to worry about face reveal begging plaguing the comments and eventually ruining the channel.

>> No.51961837
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>I'm a casual fan take that!

>> No.51961854


>> No.51961917

Last thing we need is these mfs being justified. Believe me I so wanna join you but we gotta know better. Already, they're tarring us with the same schizo brush they themselves are guilty of.

>> No.51961922
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>Noooooo you're not allowed to like vtubers because they're funny little anime people you have to obsess over them and literally fall in love with them or else you're not a real fan!

>> No.51961948

>Japanese fans
>one guy

>> No.51961984

I never understood why people prop up the validity of such a statement by posting a couple things and using it to declare everyone must be like that

>> No.51962004

Because it's easy, and sometimes it even works.

>> No.51962036

You are not a hardcore fan by being proud about your mental illness.

>> No.51962039

>Why was IRyS chosen as EN's representative?
because she's half jap

>> No.51962122

You are now realized that all of them are asian

>> No.51962158

Ah shit, wrong board

>> No.51962403

lol fuckin idiot

>> No.51963333

In a way you are kind of right though

>> No.51963476
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>I'm a casual fan take that!

>> No.51963525

But I'm not a casual fan. I buy merch while you're probably pirating membership content of your "oshi".

>> No.51963538


>> No.51963560

So all male vtuber fans

>> No.51963629
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>But I'm not a casual fan. I buy merch while you're probably pirating membership content of your "oshi".

>> No.51963759

>no counterpoint
>botted replies
I accept your concession

>> No.51963820

Not surprised that you're an ENshitter.

>> No.51964005
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>I'm not crying I'm not crying!!!!!!
>Take me seriously chud!!!!

>> No.51964094

Gura derangement syndrome. You will never be a woman.

>> No.51964165

A literal coomer twitchfag.

>> No.51964189

Here’s your last (you)
>you will continue obsessing over women who will never know your name(and whose real name you will never know), throwing large amounts of money just to hear them say your username, and freaking out when they deviate even the slightest bit from the lie that they are literally in love with you
>I will continue laughing while watching the funny anime people dance around and buying things like concert tickets and memberships for additional content because I appreciate the entertainment they provide me
That is all

>> No.51964412

If you have zero feelings for vtubers and still unironically enjoy their bland and boring content, then you are definitely not the sane one.

>> No.51964422
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>Here’s your last (you)
>>you will continue obsessing over women who will never know your name(and whose real name you will never know), throwing large amounts of money just to hear them say your username, and freaking out when they deviate even the slightest bit from the lie that they are literally in love with you
>>I will continue laughing while watching the funny anime people dance around and buying things like concert tickets and memberships for additional content because I appreciate the entertainment they provide me
>That is all

>> No.51964425


>> No.51964443

Why are you insulting yourself like this?

>> No.51964469

Hi newfag!

>> No.51964560

Because this is the second iteration of this that is specifically for this year. Gura, Sora, and Risu were the original representatives, now we got the second wave of it, which has these guys. Next year we'll get new representatives.

>> No.51964619

And they'll still seethe because le males. In their comfy kino female-only space.

>> No.51964643

>when the freshness is over
Ok then why are there so many demands for not only EN3 but JP7 and ID4 too....checkmate

>> No.51964800

Is every homobeggar as illiterate as you?

>> No.51964848

Is every incel easily agitated as you?

>> No.51965035

Nice grammar, dipshit. Hahahaha. I'll take that as a yes. I bet your ears gonna be red reading this.

>> No.51965061

0 35p will get that shirt, I thought management wanted to sell merch what the fuck

>> No.51966068

Wtf? Is this merch for troons?

>> No.51966157

Hey don't be mean to the IRyStocrats bro

>> No.51966243


>> No.51966588

They voted for homo nekopara. They deserve it.

>> No.51966703
File: 49 KB, 350x362, 1672224280829436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck do you watch Vtubers for if not for the attachment to the anime model?
... For entertainment? Because they are funny or interesting?

You can't possibly be telling me you watch vtubers for hours on end EXCLUSIVELY because their models make your ding dong feel good.

Christ's sake.

>> No.51966820

Thats a westerner though

>> No.51966928

newfag. Maybe you'd be better off watching fleshstreamers.

>> No.51966961

Least obvious jp larp. No one talks like that.

>> No.51967042

While that's just one guy I agree it'd sell better if it only had the girls on it. Stars have little popularity and people will just get things that only have their oshi on it rather than this.

>> No.51967103

>Oh you find this entertaining? Too bad you are not enjoying it the way I do, go back

>> No.51967115

why are you attracted to someone you think is bland and boring

>> No.51967132

are they wrong tho?

>> No.51967170

Wtf bro. I specifically watch Silvervale to jack off to her tits and voice. What are you even doing here? Fleshstreamers are that way.

>> No.51967192

Too bad, I'm cool with it

>> No.51967218

And porn is that way

>> No.51967298

That's most marriages

>> No.51967466

Yes, on Silvervale's stream. Thanks, faggot.

>> No.51967490

IRyS above "loli" and Ollie above "meet" (meat). Fucking genius.

>> No.51967637

Nigga doesn't even know about the purge :laughing_emoji: point and laugh at this newfag!

>> No.51967663

Do I look fucking Nipponease to you? I don't give a rat's ass what the discount Chinks think, I just watch cgdct.

>> No.51967737


>> No.51969582

ok, fine

>> No.51970150
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literal discord post

>> No.51970258

You will always be a newfag

>> No.51970704

Normalfags truly destroy everything.

>> No.51971107

>bland and boring content,
they are the most entertaining streamers in the world
what kind of retarded cope is this
you are the most pathetic individual i have ever seen

>> No.51971310


The genre that rotted many a man's brain.

>> No.51971515

If you dont I will

>> No.51971795

>OP screenshots his own twitter post and posts it /here/
>retards get as mad as he is

>> No.51972048

This. StarsEN, StarsJP, HoloJP, HoloEN, HoloID all have wildly different fanbases. Ollie simps for everyone, but I'm pretty sure that IRyS has never once interacted with any of the other ambassadors before, especially not the Holostars - so having a tapestry / shirt where they're all together on a shopping trip is bizarre.

It's like if Warner Bros tried to sell combined Game of Thrones, Batman and 90 Day Fiance merch.

>> No.51972108

EN and JP have the same fans.

>> No.51972192

Im not happy with homos near Miko either. It's disgusting. No man is allowed near Miko. Not even me and she's my wife.

>> No.51972277

I don't think so. I'd probably buy an Irys shirt. Miko's fine but she's not someone id active buy merch from. Ollie, just no, and my interest dwindles as it gets further down the list..

>> No.51972666

>but I'm pretty sure that IRyS has never once interacted with any of the other ambassadors before
threadreader chama...

>> No.51973273

I'm not happy Miko has to share merch with irys either.
