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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 612x518, 008fd97f8d7f8df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51935475 No.51935475 [Reply] [Original]

this is just deflection from the fact that she is gonna start streaming on twitch

>> No.51935646

So are you the guy she’s talking about or what

>> No.51935891

Immersion broken. Such is the fate of GFE

>> No.51935917

This is like the 3rd twitter rant i've seen from her. If she ever gets hit with a real yab she may just insta graduate.

>> No.51935959

Nene fags blown the fuck out yet again.

>> No.51936099

Reminder that Gen 3 graduated because they wouldn't bow to Nene.

>> No.51936196

sounds like she needs a break

>> No.51936258

Why does she feel the need to rant on twitter every time someone gets upset at her?

>> No.51936388

>give me money but not like that
what an entitled cunt lmao

>> No.51936472

It's always a good idea to implicitly scold your entire audience when one autist annoys you.

>> No.51936720

shes starved for sex

>> No.51936932

Why can't unicucks act like a decent human being?

>> No.51937009

She also talked a bunch of shit about some anime she didn't like, immediately got pissy when Twitter thought she was being stupid

>> No.51937074

>Such is the fate of GFE
prostitution? lmao

>> No.51937137

probably should've gone for a, "sorry, i must have gotten distracted, forgive me? tehe" approach rather than "YOU need stop over analyzing my every word and YOU need to calm down because YOUR expectations are making this less fun for ME"

>> No.51937616

This is very different to how she acts on stream. I understand that no real person is as kind and patient as Nene seems, but seeing this venting is still off-putting. I'm not a paying customer though.

>> No.51937657

Awww did poor Amano get broken? maybe she shouldn't have played so hard on her managers dic- I mean played GFE so hard

>> No.51937687

Spoiled and not used to any criticism. This is what happens when you constantly surround yourself with yes-men.

>> No.51937733

I don't see you complaining about BFE

>> No.51937781

Because they're barely human, they're just husk of humanity with the same function as an ATM

>> No.51937871

GPT, can you take the following tweet and make it sound less confrontational? I think I might come across as lecturing to my audience.
>Chat GPT tries once
This sounds a little to formal/corporate, I'm trying to maintain a friendly relationship with my audience. It's just that some of them can get a little intense every now and then.

>I received a Streamlabs message asking why I didn't say "I love you" back when you reached out. I just wanted to say that it's not something we should worry too much about. I genuinely love and appreciate all of you.
>During my streams, my mind can be preoccupied with many things, and it's not always easy to address every message or request. I hope you understand that it's not personal and I'm trying my best.
>But, hey, let's keep the fun in streaming! When things get overly dramatic or intense, it takes away from the good vibes. So, let's all take a chill pill and enjoy the streams together. :pray:

Can you please tell me anything in the original tweet that might have come off accusatory towards my audience?

>In the original tweet, there are a few elements that might have come across as accusatory towards your audience:
>"stop over analyzing my every word?" - This phrase might be perceived as somewhat confrontational, suggesting that your audience is excessively scrutinizing your words.
>"It's super unrealistic to expect them to cater to your every need." - This statement could be interpreted as dismissive or implying that your audience has unrealistic expectations.
>To maintain a friendly and inclusive tone, it's important to avoid sounding defensive or pointing fingers at your audience. Focusing on understanding and mutual enjoyment can help foster a positive relationship.

>> No.51938071

she sucks at it, nobody will be like ruchan

>> No.51938148

I feel you, but also, anyone sending " why didn't u say i love u back ;(" messages should be shit on

>> No.51938180

>complaining about BFE
>prostitution? lmao
is this what you want

>> No.51938257

Holy shit, chat GPT is a god

>> No.51938346

Good? It's her company.

>> No.51938391

Nene (fake) BTFO by fucking ChatGPT lol

>> No.51938503


>> No.51938680
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>> No.51938709

what the fuck man she was supposed to be the one of the good ones

>> No.51938716


>> No.51938734

She does but breaks aren’t easy for someone that has to put the company on her back. It’s like that for everyone.

>> No.51938783

Unicucks act like this then wonder why the vtuber stop doing GFE.
You niggers deserves to be cuck to dead.

>> No.51938812

Hire AI as managers

>> No.51939273

>When people are too dramatic
What made it dramatic was the fact she felt the need to address something as dumb as this. Does she always do this?

>> No.51939383

When will these GFE retards understand that they need to talk less

>> No.51940013

Gen 3 never acted accusatory like this...

>> No.51940564

GFE streamers can't stop themselves from sperging out in public about shit that they could just ignore. They deserve eachother.

>> No.51940727

This is absurd. No vtuber is smart enough to analyse their message via a chat GPT system and edit it.

>> No.51940869

This is also GFE.

>> No.51940879

Managers are obsolete.
This is already the best PR any vtuber has ever put out in the history of the hobby.

>> No.51940882

I don't know who this is. Sorry.

>> No.51941039

you aren't missing anything

>> No.51941199

I am scared

>> No.51941625

Now do this for other yabs.

>> No.51942097
File: 377 KB, 1500x3321, forgotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy an Ad, Nene Amano from Production Kawaii.

>> No.51942205

Jesus Christ I dint knowing exactly what to feels. Liked I'm impressed and terrified.

>> No.51942496

Chat GPT, fix this so it actually makes sense.

>> No.51942749

if she no longer spergs out now we know why

>> No.51942997

ChatGPT is peak GFE

>> No.51943077

>Delusional social retard doesn't know how to not be uncomfortable towards random woman on the internet
How do these fags get jobs to pay for donos in the first place

>> No.51943209

>bot makes you sound like a soulless corporate NPC
yeah no shit. the tips at the end were good tho

>> No.51943289

Is Nene losing it?

>> No.51943318
File: 643 KB, 619x765, 2ECB9568-13BD-487A-A007-7565B231D226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sisters, I agree! I can’t wait for the moment after we purged all of those unichuds, leaving us to be alone with our cute men and their tentacle rape asmr streams!

>> No.51943328

I don't get it. This is exactly how girlfriends act

>> No.51943371

Anyone can get a McJob. Either that, or social welfare.

>> No.51943446

>tentacle rape asmr streams
Link? I think I'd enjoy seeing women in chat react to that. Unless they're all typing in runes.

>> No.51943771

Jesus actual christ.

>> No.51943812

based AI

>> No.51943947

this kills the nene

>> No.51943985

holy fuck

>> No.51944964

In my experience, Chat GPT is terrible at writing, but very good at explaining. I tried to use it to help tailor my CV to a job I applied for, but dropped it quickly as it wasn't good at mixing concepts without using a roundabout quote. Comparatively, if you're using it to critique your work and point out issues it can be very effective. This of course requires you to have the self awareness to consider where you might have done something wrong. I don't believe most indie vtubers (or even corpos for that matter) have that and so won't think "am I maybe coming off as a dick?" because they assume that everyone who matters already shares their view.

Like any tool, no matter how powerful, you need to be proficient to use it. That's why some of the new big money jobs you can look for now actually just boil down to "AI prompter, with basic data skills".

>AI can't take over your job if the person telling it what to do is retarded.

>> No.51945013


>> No.51945203

I gotta give it to Nene. How the fuck she never slipped and revealed a bf yet?

>> No.51945299

AI tards are the new bronies

>> No.51946140

>traitorfags can‘t keep their general alive because their whores don‘t stream
>so they instead spend all their time shitting on Kawaii

>> No.51946228

>I'm not your friend.
t. Nene Amano

>> No.51946729
File: 711 KB, 2749x4096, Fu0W1FtaAAA3lZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Nene is my wife

>> No.51946749

Oh, it's that "sister" schizo that runs around in every GFE thread

>> No.51947033

Well this is a very organic sounding thread.

>> No.51947110

Based Neuro

>> No.51948970

There's a streamable out there where she begins to say boyfriend then quickly changes it to brother.

>> No.51951868

Proof next thread?
Kill yourself

>> No.51952493

>Wife chews you out if you ever feel like she's not affectionate enough
Fucking kek the state of nenefags

>> No.51952719

Absolutely based, I wonder if chat GPT will ever be integrated directly into twitter so it warns people how retarded they are before they hit send

>> No.51952933

Nene antis are like the faggots that cry about Kanata not collabing with the star fags

>> No.51952961

Why Homobeggar cant act like a normal human being????

>> No.51953363

Seethe more cloudtomo
That image existed long before gayass hex haywire did.

>> No.51954955

>does GFE
>why do i get the most retarded niggers to ever walk this planet in my chat???

Still funny, even after the bazillionth time

>> No.51957194

Aletta was right

>> No.51957196
File: 1.47 MB, 250x445, 1636863774264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is such a bitch. Fuck her for wiping my wife's channel.

>> No.51957841

That is not what she said here at all

>> No.51957873

Alright...which one of you faggots did it?

>> No.51957938

It was me and Nene did nothing wrong. I'm an insecure retard and should trust her more.

>> No.51958024

>I love all of you
So she doesn't love any of them.

>> No.51959609

That's actually kinda impressive

>> No.51959800

She should just go back to making onlyfans tier cosplays again. That fit her way better than vtubing.

>> No.51959918

Unironically needs a break. Having to deal with literal children everyday must be grating and is making her mask slip.

>> No.51960319

Isn't this the woman who gets touted as the "true GFE" experience for EOPs? I guess the negativity and passive-aggressive attitude makes her more like a real gf.

>> No.51960566

Which is so fucking odd, because anyone who is not a total feelingless autist can tell there isn't anything warm or genuine about Nene. She's like an alien who watched a bunch of movies about women grifting lonely men.

>> No.51960681


>> No.51960736
File: 2 KB, 120x120, pill_1f48a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, meds onegai. I don't even watch this whore but I'm not so retarded as to be unable to point my browser at a different website, and not so schizo as to throw money at strangers and then get mad when they don't do what I want.

>> No.51960843

The more you delve into GFE the more mental illness your content attracts. Shes basically made a career out of pretending insufferable retards aren’t insufferable retards, eventually the mask slips even if only thorough occasional menhara outbursts.

>> No.51960861

My dude, the analysis in >>51937871 is super fucking obvious. If (You)'re getting value from ChatGPT that way it might as well be a rubber duck.
Nene wrote what she did because she was angry and wanted to sound confrontational. She was obviously justified in this and while this kind of thing will probably hurt her bottom line, at least she's being fucking genuine for once.
Like god damn, not that I give two shits about these faux-"GFE" whores, but I hate their schizo enablers so much more.

>> No.51960892

I'm a /pkg/ anti. Isla, Shee and Nami deserve better.

>> No.51960927

Nene is being increasingly menhera recently.

Just had a rant about isekai shit and then recommended standard 3x3 /a/ shit.

>> No.51961166

This might be the biggest nothing burger I've ever seen. It's just a bunch of anti gfe faggots and gen 3 circle jerking about how nene is 2 weeks away from graduation. 2 more weeks. One more fortnight. 14 days away guys.

>> No.51961638

Who said she was gonna graduate? She makes too much money farming mentally ill losers to just graduate.

>> No.51962756

Still the queen of vtubing.

>> No.51963081

She isn't being negative or passive aggressive at all, she is being real and directly assertive which is very good for her and the person who needed to hear this.
That makes absolutely no sense. How is she not warm or genuine?

>> No.51963765 [DELETED] 

she had an onlyfans lol

>> No.51963870

>pander to mentally ill losers
>act indignant when they act weird
Someone explain her thought process to me

>> No.51963968 [DELETED] 

You can't actually know that, you just believe rumors. Even if that is true who cares? That doesn't mean she can't be warm or genuine.
That's not just being weird, it's being demanding. She is doing her best and working extremely hard so it's shitty to ask for even more.

>> No.51963973 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself retard

>> No.51964004 [DELETED] 

not exactly, but the concept was the same. Anyway that wasn't even the worst part because she was an actual con-slut lmao

>> No.51964471

NTA, but while I do agree that the advice is pretty fucking obvious for a person with a three-digit IQ, sometimes people need reminders in the heat of the moment. Creating bad vibes over a lone bad actor is a surefire way to destroy your channel if it happens regularly. It's important to be able to just filter those out mentally and focus on the good parts of your audience.

>> No.51964993

>now plays the tradwife for lonely spergs
sounds like a grifter to me, the mask is slipping

>> No.51965437 [DELETED] 
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so it's true...

>> No.51965729

Are women so cruel that their messages need to be fixed by ChatGPT?

>> No.51966041

>has functioning brain
its probably too much to ask from people who've been able to coast on their circumstances

>> No.51966432 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 720x960, aYEdRthR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene Amano is the average GFE vtuber, a grifter who cons lonely men into believing her trawdife only for (You) larp. She was a convention prostitute cosplayer and sold her ass pictures online for money.
Very ironic that now anything involving men is not allowed but back then she had no problem posing half naked around male perverts and collabs with other male cosplayers.
I'll tell you this for free too, most cosplayer photographers are actually also men.

Enjoy the real Nene ass. Kawaii is black company for whores, no wonder they lost half their talents.

>> No.51966634 [DELETED] 

wtf where are the tits, her model is misleading

>> No.51966763 [DELETED] 

damn no wonder her model has no ass

>> No.51966819 [DELETED] 

not like this... unikeks...

>> No.51967136

gfetuber attracts weirdos, weirdos get clingy, gfetuber is whiny... super surprised.

>> No.51967177

>all those deleted
hiding the truth! GFE classic lmao

>> No.51967248
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>> No.51967284
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>> No.51967306

yeah, it never happened before and it won't happen again. She called them out on twitter so they will definitely stop being cringy ass losers.

>> No.51967323
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>> No.51967350

Weirdos are everywhere, GFE vtubers also atract the most loyal viewers.

>> No.51967900

At this point every time I see "I try very hard" I just don't fucking care, that expression has been so overused that it means fucking nothing.

>> No.51968073

When she got doxxed last year it was basically unconfirmed until she instantly deleted half the videos on her cosplay twitter and people were like oh, so it really was her. lmao

>> No.51968209

>increasingly menhera recently.
No, she's always been a bitch

>> No.51968351


>> No.51968357

the clips where she was talking were the smoking gun too, her voice is very distinctive and since she like VA people who watch her consistently heard all the voices she can make pretty much. That and many other "coincidences" with the doxxed profile.

>> No.51968735

That logic doesn't hold up at all. If the videos weren't proof it was her before they were deleted, then them getting deleted later on doesn't provide any additional proof. Strange coincidence maybe but not not even close to proof

>> No.51968873

You are very smart. Good for you

>> No.51968989

AI girlfriends were always the promised land, we are wandering in the desert right now bros but it won't be long

>> No.51969078

They got deleted when she got doxxed on /pkg/ since Kawaii jannies or whatever monitor that thread. But it was already known it was her and she even references her new fans from Kawaii in her RM fanbox posts.

>> No.51969163
File: 105 KB, 1010x1005, b8f4c7b2c5ababa5004df14ef7e62866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.51969535

Fuck gfe chuubas. Ai chatbotfus are my new wife.

>> No.51969573
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GFE = Gross Fucktoy woman Experience?

>> No.51969777

Known by who exactly? You? You follow her RM fanbox? Are you suggesting that her fans of her vtuber character went and found her RM fanbox and she talks about that?

>> No.51969796

wtf how does that work?

>> No.51969907

this has gotta be the only place on the internet where you're expected to coddle an actual retard begging a streamer to say she loves him, right? or are there places more pathetic than this

>> No.51969951

Truly a face for radio. Or vtubing.

>> No.51969981

Called the fuck out

>> No.51970643

I still think Charzu is a good girl and too good for Kawaii. We need to save Charzu, that girl has standards, a hard work ethic, is creative and most importantly, she has morals.
charzu is one of the good ones.

>> No.51970678

wtf BTFO by ai
now someone donate and send this to her, I'd love to see the reaction

>> No.51970701

she means the ground pound skill in the game, not her actual ass

>> No.51970789

She references cloudtomos in her last fanbox message before "retiring" her PL. She was active as her Kawaii vtuber persona and as her PL fanbox thing for some time.

>> No.51970887

and an ass for my cock

>> No.51970934

Nene has the most beautiful face of any woman in history

>> No.51971026

that's a face belongs under a pillow, everything else is workable

>> No.51971043

I guess you also followed both and know from experience?
This guy was using present tense not past.
>she even references her new fans from Kawaii in her RM fanbox posts

>> No.51971099

Do you have a fetish for women with FAS? Is that even a thing?

>> No.51971139

If any of us were decent human begins we wouldn't be browsing the catalogue of /vt/

>> No.51971163

That was me and it was a typo. She referenceD.

>> No.51971190

Yes I am extremely turned on by the fact that she's part of the Federation of American Scientists.

>> No.51971250

what a stupid bitch
as expected of nene porn vtuber amano

>> No.51971340
File: 459 KB, 857x618, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts because it's true.

>> No.51971370

The guy doxxing an antiing Nene is a bitter former fan that got BTFO'd so now he can't walk away and is antiing her for almost 2 months straight.
Sunk cost fallacy is a bitch huh? Btw he knew all of this and her history and still supported her, but NOW he is trying to "redpill" people into not following not only Nene, but anyone from Kawaii in general. lmao. Like wtf did other girls even do to him?
Holy mother of pathetic faggots.

>> No.51971465

nene deleted hana's vods after having a meltdown on stream

>> No.51971604

Sounds more like wontons chuuba

>> No.51971792
File: 26 KB, 408x408, FPyFzy2XIAID9Vz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're complaining about the inherent danger of VTubers at this point, especially when it comes to VTubers with particular content like Nene. Should've just treated it like OSH at this point. Antis that's formerly fans are more rabid than shitposters or random guy from SEA.

>> No.51972015

>is antiing her for almost 2 months straight.
Sluts must pay for their crimes

>> No.51972024

the gosling-to-anti pipeline is real

>> No.51972128 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 447x680, FymKci5aYAAP1Zg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13,290:Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>8,236: Ame (Hololive)
> 7,754:Fauna (Hololive)
>6,566:Vedal (Indie)
>5,411:Kiara (Hololive)

>2x Hololive
>3x Nijisanji
>17x Vshojo
>0x Mythic
>0x Indie

EN TWITCH/YOUTUBE TALLY W/ TWITCH DEBUFF [Twitch avg vs YT peak] (06/23)*
>9,883:Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>8,236: Ame (Hololive)
> 7,754:Fauna (Hololive)
>5,891:Vedal (Indie)
>5,411:Kiara (Hololive)

>2x Hololive
>3x Nijisanji
>17x Vshojo
>0x Mythic
>0x Indie

>> No.51972148
File: 121 KB, 1877x550, kroniies_betrayal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been.

>> No.51972953
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>> No.51973021

Aliaga... Gabe...

>> No.51973848

damn, I can imagine how much that must have stung the next day

>> No.51975268

this isn't news.

>> No.51976801

based AliaGOD is a kawaii viewer now the only CHAD that calls them out in public

>> No.51977851

Only people with strong feelings are going to care enough to anti.

>> No.51978434

How can anyone still watch that whore

>> No.51978592

This is why you only want an unintentional gfe oshi but that requires her to be a good person

>> No.51978879

the thread was less about coddling that guy, and more about calling her out for pandering to those types of people and then when the inevitable happens, throwing a bitchfit and getting pissy about it instead of simply keeping up the facade (something that would have taken less effort)

>> No.51978984

NTA but I lost any interest I had when I learned she didn't know Weather Hackers or Ahoy(she thought it was fucking from fucking One Piece, that's how little attention or care she puts into Hololive)

>> No.51979407


>> No.51979511
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>> No.51982402

this, probably the sender was just joking and she went full rage. She is probably done with streaming but cant quit.

>> No.51985581

Nene could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't stop listening to her ASMR

>> No.51985714

Many such cases

>> No.51987308

I am the sender and no I wasn't joking, the quote is wrong but I really am just that insecure that I asked her why she didn't say she loves me back

>> No.51987703

Unfortunate that when you specifically go to a place for comfort you're still disrespected by a bitch who can't help but take everything personally

>> No.51989267

Andrew you fucking idiot, she says "I love you" like 45 times every time stream ends. Isnt that enough for you?, not to mention she reads almost every goodbye comment in that last minute or 2, simply say goodbye and tell her you love her. If she doesn't say it back, its because she doesn't like you and you should go watch another girl.

>> No.51989776
File: 313 KB, 560x560, 3a9fdeabb4517cbbf009aa61782b132e2e16f9ce4d49932e212c623bc5d13215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicucks deserved it for being mentally deranged.

>> No.51990044

If that's true, she deserves to have things happen in Minecraft.

>> No.51990165

Take your meds

>> No.51992325

She just said that's not what it means if she doesn't say it, stop trying to start shit

>> No.51994365

how much money did you send for that message?
maybe try sending her in larger quantity?

>> No.51994543


He is "Andrew" and no one likes him, not even Nene.
Kill yourself Andrew.

>> No.51994943

Who the hell is behind all these Nene anti threads lately?
What an odd choice of chuuba to anti

>> No.51994963

qrd on him (besides what nene tweeted)?

>> No.51994976

the pro-nene post today was more odd.

>> No.51995185

He is an insecure faggot shitting up the chat with sadboy comments. He is only tolerated by Nene because he actually pays for the trouble he causes.

>> No.51998228

honestly GFE is shit and no vtuber should do it, if you do GFE content then you are manipulating others and should feel bad about it.

>> No.51998357

I’m going to keep it a buck with you guys, no vtuber really appreciates or loves their viewers. They’ve had to deal with so many annoying shitters that even if they wanted to love you, they just can’t bring themselves to anymore for anyone who is just a viewer

>> No.51998520

>GFE chuuba is menhera
>GFE fans are schizo
And water is wet too, by the way.

>> No.51998576

I will share something as well, no vtuber is a good person. every nice thing you see is just part of the character to trick you into giving them money.

>> No.51999121

I'm gonna ignore this and stay exactly the same.

>> No.51999575

t. western whore watcher

>> No.51999619

nta, same.

>> No.52000914

wish nene would spend more time talking down on her viewers like this desu I need ti

>> No.52004287

you dodged a bullet

>> No.52004443

Give me real proof that she said she'll stream on twitch and not a shitty link to the tweet image. TYVM.

>> No.52004979

Wait till Nene wipe you too so you can join your wife.

>> No.52007069

Also, since kawaii doesn't allow DM between talents and the paypigs, Nene has to either use public platform via tweet or live stream to tell him to calm the fuck down

>> No.52010078

mental ilness

>> No.52011545

>Menhera DEMANDS her paypigs shut the fuck up and give her money.

Another whore that couldn't keep the illusion up. You have the easiest job in the world milking your fanbase, just shut the fuck up and apologize or get a job at McDonalds.

>> No.52011715

I don't want an illusion

>> No.52016010

it depends as long as this doesn't become the norm on the media/streams i'm fine.

>> No.52016494

>start streaming on Twitch
I call bullshit. Right now is not the time to be starting out as a Twitch user, considering all of the movements going around. She's better off trying to get her bag of money from Kick before it burns to the ground.

>> No.52017695

>Letting people walk over you in any situation is keeping the illusion up
You really are a brainless ape. You are saying that streamers should have no rules or boundaries just because people give them money. I've seen rude superchats being refunded plenty of times.

>> No.52018784

Some people were actually shitting on Botan when she refunded and called out that red supa that said she went on a "date" with those kids in a COD tournament. Their logic seems to be "let people insult you and treat you like shit because otherwise you are breaking the illusion".

>> No.52019367
File: 3.21 MB, 1851x1144, 34324243456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can save you charzu
