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File: 103 KB, 640x703, kr7bft3y5m7b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51934912 No.51934912 [Reply] [Original]

How come it's okay for JPs to show ignorance about sensitive topics but when ENs do it they get shit on here?

>> No.51934995

they'd get praise here not sure what you on about

>> No.51935018


>> No.51935172

Yes, a death camp.

>> No.51935457

That is fucking hilarious.

>> No.51935717

They were frendos anyway until japs lost the war

>> No.51935785

That's hilarious

>> No.51935854

Any geoguesser outside japan is a yab waiting to happen.

>bunch of homeless people shooting up in LA while a prostitute twerks on a cop car

>> No.51935859

>How come it's okay for JPs to show ignorance about sensitive topics but when ENs do it they get shit on here?
Because an EN spin-off branch from a Japanese company needs to know more about the JP side than the JP side needs to know about the entire fucking western world.

>> No.51935994

Kinda awkward situation oof

>> No.51936163

you must come from an alternate dimension, people here say based or just laugh, go complain to twittards and reddit

>> No.51937145

Real answer: the japanese governement was so good at denying their own war crimes that, unlike germans, no japanese people know about that stuff.
It's not taught in school at any point. As seen with Az here, the average japanese person don't even know they did war crimes. The name Nanjing means nothing to them. As a japanese, you really need to go out of your way and do your own reasearchs to learn about that stuff.
So it's unironically not their fault.

>> No.51937480

This >>51937145
Average Japanese don't even know what Indonesia is. As far as they know, their country only fight on some uninhabited island in the pacific and Okinawa.

>> No.51937641

ok ken-sama

>> No.51937751

Is that a hypothetical or did that actually happen?

>> No.51937817

hypothetical. it's early morning in SEAland, so the catalog is full of people seething about the west again.

>> No.51938012

You sound like a Chinese apologist.

>> No.51938441

? Hell no. Fuck bugs. My post had nothing to do with China you retard. I don't know how you can have that big of a reading comprehension issue.

>> No.51938787
File: 81 KB, 915x662, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you think no homeless people are shooting up in LA?

>> No.51939016

Captured by geoguesser and being seen on stream.

>> No.51939220

Not that I know of.

Not sure if you're the same guy that was seething about seaniggers but you need a wake up call if you think only they aren't fans of cringe.

>> No.51939241

Because the US occupied Japan and had to make it a forward base against the USSR, they didn’t push the war crimes into their education. US agents supported nationalist and anti communist sentiments, painting Japan as a victim of WWII from Russian and Chinese “aggression”. Top imperial officials also got out with a slap on the rest unlike the Germans with Nuremberg. Most even went back into politics. This deceit was never corrected in their education system or cultural consciousness so that today Japanese people have little understanding of WWII.

There’s also lingering ultra-nationalist tendencies like worshiping the emperor (also kept around to rally Japanese support against USSR) and other shit that’s kind of esoteric but flares up in some conservative policies like turning Koreans and Chinese into a defacto underclass.

Like, most Japanese simply do not know that Nanking or comfort women happened and therefore, ironically, get really pissed at Korea and China for bringing it up. Japanese think it’s some tactic by then to play the victim against the true victim Japan and get reparations from them (very little ever paid, by US direction). It’s honestly a honestly a wonder Japan is as liberal as it is.

>> No.51939337

Oh boy I sure love Chinese propaganda
Next you'll say something about muh shrine
The reality is dead Chinese aren't important enough to teach

>> No.51939416

You mentioned Nanjing, which absolutely has to do with China, but he’s obviously missing the point.

>> No.51939461

>Japan is as liberal as it is.
Anything 1 nanometer to the right is liberal to you idiots

No harm was done AZKi is a good girl this is less bad than Mio's comment to Anya

>> No.51939613

That's really fucking funny.

>> No.51939625

Reason Japanese get mad over the comfort women shit is because they paid reparations in the 70's and Korea just cries for more for internal politics

>> No.51939641

>Not having 5000 years of culture

>> No.51939659

>Did Japan help Indonesia build something here
In a way...

>> No.51939777

the usa used to be based? wtf happened

>> No.51939803

well anya is a wild girl

>> No.51939909 [DELETED] 

The Japs have no fucking idea what happened in World War 2 other then big bad America kept fire bombing them for no reason then upgraded to Nuke. They the innocent party. It's a mystery why the US Navy fucking obliterated every ship the Japs had bigger than a fishing boat, flattened all the cities and sent in Marines Butcher all those honorabu Japanese soldiers doing nothing but defending their Eat Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Little wonder why 80 years later some Vsinger can't get the message and the Zoomer ID girl has to laugh it off

>> No.51939978

>>51934912 (OP)
The Japs have no fucking idea what happened in World War 2 other then big bad America kept fire bombing them for no reason then upgraded to Nuke. They the innocent party. It's a mystery why the US Navy fucking obliterated every ship the Japs had bigger than a fishing boat, flattened all the cities and sent in the Marines butcher all those honorabu Japanese soldiers doing nothing but defending their East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Little wonder why 80 years later some Vsinger can't get the message and the Zoomer ID girl has to laugh it off.

>> No.51940016

What did mio say about her?

>> No.51940064

Nah, I just wanted to see it if it existed.

>> No.51940105

The 1965 immigration act is what happend

>> No.51940121

I have no idea what you are saying. Japan has a very liberal political system: robust elections, multiple political parties, minor corruption, little political violence, etc. Strong civil liberties and norms. Social programs and safety nets.

They are one of the clearest representations of a liberal democracy in the world.

>> No.51940122

When the fuck was an EN member forced to acknowledge sensitive topics? Did Kiara have to condemn Hitler or something?

>> No.51940138

USA is based in a ton of countries.

>> No.51940202

She asked Anya if she ate wild pigeons because she didn’t think Indonesia had supermarkets, to name one ever.

>> No.51940270

The CIA deliberately covered up the issue of comfort women, but now China is deliberately reigniting it despite Japan paying back reparations ten fold. The war ended almost 80 fucking years ago and none of those soldiers are even alive anymore.
Not even true. Japan has it drilled into them that they were the aggressors during World War 2. And nowhere in Japan is it even remotely accepted that "big bad America attacked us for no reason".

>> No.51940331

Hasn’t the Liberal Democratic Party been in power almost continuously since the 1950s?

>> No.51940333

I actually have no idea what Japan did in Indo desu. no one really gave a shit about ID and honestly still p much no one ever talks about them even with their insane population.

>> No.51940399

right LMAO that was so fucking based

>> No.51940452

You'll see ESL keep stating Japanese don't learn about WW2 because China has been pushing that on all of SE and East Asia. Koreans and Japanese being hateful of each other just pushes S Korea into China's future "united" Korean puppet.

>> No.51940649

They just invaded, kicked the Dutch out and then all the Indonesians that cheered them on went "Oh shit these guys treat us even worse" while Japan just used it as staging grounds for further expansion. Lots of slave labor, beatings and rape. Not as much bombings and sacking of cities.
As far as WW2 goes they were relatively lucky.

>> No.51940886

They didn't just not add things to their education, there are a lot of things that were censored in the post war era by the US, and policies they put in place. One of the most amusing things they censored, was censorship itself. They did a great job of it too, despite also enforcing freedom of speech. The end result was that a lot of people didn't even realize that it wasn't allowed to criticize the Japanese government nor the US, and any issues or questionable actions that were happening or had happened were kept quiet to censor censorship. From the US side the only thing that really mattered after the war was transforming Japan into a docile trade partner while enhancing their anti-commie tendencies, which were already quite strong at the time.

>> No.51941018

Honestly not many people are familiar with that part of WW2, not in Europe at least.

>> No.51941071

the US tried to go even further. In the south part of the Chiba peninsula, the US military tried outlawing the Japanese language itself and was trying to force English as the new common language. Eventually they gave up because it was obviously untenable and unrealistic.

>> No.51941114

Japan has some of the worst history curriculums.

>> No.51941197

Technically indonesia didnt even exist then. So its irrelevant history

>> No.51941316

LMFAO WHATTTTT thats pretty fucked up but funny lmfao

>> No.51941366

Based Mio.
Indogs are savages.

>> No.51941381

>didn't exist
They were just called the indies

>> No.51941482

It was awkward for little Anya

>> No.51941621

Dutch east indies, but they already called themselves indonesia since 1928

>> No.51941641

>Mio's comment to Anya

Which was?

>> No.51942008

Imagine a Japanese Hong Kong
Half of Japan's problems would be gone
They should have listened

>> No.51942186

lmao, weebs being delusional is always pretty funny.

>> No.51942557

Go ask a woman in your country that hasn't been in school for over a decade about history. While she's performing infront of 10k people.

>> No.51942619

I agree with the rest of your post but

>> No.51942746
File: 870 KB, 1080x1506, Mio-mama and me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino from Mio-mama
> Mio Birthday Live was coming up, discussion related to her looking forward to it.
> Anya remembers that first interaction was during one of your Fortune Telling streams etc.
> Anya talks about her "extreme" Komyushou and says that she's living a "wild" life.
"wairudo" has the implication of being frugal and feral in Japanese, closer to the original term "wild" animals, rather than the slang it is now.
> Mio asks for any story of her being "wild", Anya answers that her life has been wild ever since getting into hololive (discommunication, Anya uses the slang as known in English, but Mio catches the nuance as "wild animal lifestyle" and gets super curious.
> Mio asks whether it's something like "catching a wild pigeon and cooking it"?
> Anya is surprised by the power of Mio's imagination. Mio asks if it's "wild" kek.
> Mio then asks if she has eaten a wild pigeon? Anya says that she has not.
> Anya asks her the same question. Mio replies that she's a Wolf that has forgotten her "feral" origins, so she normally eats the meat she buys from supermarket.
> Mio wonders whether Anya has any "wild" episodes/incidents?
> Anya diverts the topic mentioning that she felt Mio's fortune telling was very accurate.
> Mio asks for specific points, Anya says she forgot since it was a long time ago, but she remembers at least 70% was super accurate.
> Mio says that she might check out clips if someone has made it on twitter.
> Mio is super curious about Anya's "wild" side, asks if she does campfires daily or something like that.
> Anya says she does that in Games and stuff.
> Mio says that's "a little" wild.
> Anya tries to overcome her komyushou and invite Mio to play some games, asks her whether she plays any.
> Mio replies that she does, but mostly plays single player games.
> Also mentions that since her health hasn't been that good, she hasn't been playing that much.
> She also says she sometimes gets pretty big motion sickness from games, despite being part of "gamers".
> Mio likes "strange" games, like "Kuuki Yomi". Also likes singleplayer Simulation games where she can build, work etc.
> Anya gets asked the same Q, she likes RPGs more, singleplayer as well. She also likes multiplayer games if she gets invited by someone.
> Mentions that she's super bad at inviting others, and would be happy to join if invited.
> Mio jokingly asks why she decided to do this reverse call-in stream. Anya replies that it's because she's "wild".
> Mio (again missing the slang nuance from English) gets super curious to hear any "wild episodes" she had.
> Anya mentions she wants to become wild like a wolf (at this point idk wtf Anya is even trying to say), says wolves are "wild" aren't they?
> Anya again diverts topic back to looking forward to Mio's live, and wonders if she can expect something "wild".
> Mio replies that she's hoping that she can eat her cake (implies : without repeating the same thing that happened last time).
> Conversation begins to conclude, Mio again asks her to tell her any stories about Anya's "wild episodes".
> Anya replies that she will, and she disconnects.

>> No.51943444
File: 322 KB, 734x821, 1687130572762572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's laughably bad. this is article about japan history books from 1991

>> No.51943687

heck, even Indonesia education doesn't really goes deep in japanese occupation history. At most it's just teach about romusha, japanese organization, their leader, etc.

>> No.51944067

>Japan has it drilled into them that they were the aggressors during World War 2.
Explain why so many international students don't even know that Japan was allied with Germany. Truth is that the average japanese under the age of 60 something has no idea what happened between 1933-1945 outside of the nukes. My coworker only learned about WWII outside of Hiroshima when she arrived in the US, and this is someone who took the IB program.

>> No.51944079

I definitely remember there being a couple prostitutes on an American street in some vtuber's geoguessor stream.

>> No.51944147

Weird, cause the indonesian guys I knew had this joke: "3 centuries of dutch rule was preferable to 3 years of japanese rule". Then again, maybe it's more common in the older generation.

>> No.51944242

Ah, the wonder of miscommunication. Thanks a lot. I needed that laugh.

>> No.51944418

Wow, this is extremely funny yet sad. Honestly feels like a parody.

>> No.51944515

As far as people know, they treat other country relatives better than china, i haven't heard of rape incident brought up, mass killing. It just a normal occupation with govermental bodies to manage the people. So the acceptance level of their occupation are high because they kick the dutch, also the occupation doesn't last long so nobody care.

>> No.51944585

Well, they teach that in class. But the book and teacher doesn't go in deep about what happened in that 3 years, just it's worse than dutch.
I think, Indonesia government intentionally obscured the sheer horror of japanese occupation when they started looking for Japanese Investor in the 70s and to avoid another Malari Incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malari_incident..

>> No.51944592

>bunch of homeless people shooting up in LA while a prostitute twerks on a cop car
This sounds cool as hell

>> No.51944670

This is 32 years ago

>> No.51944675

Can I adopt that thing on the right?
I'm sure it would feel pretty happy if I adopted it.

>> No.51944774

Well, compared to Korean and Chinese where they already have long history of grudge with constant raid from japan. It's easier for Indonesian to forgive when they only there for less than 4 years.

>> No.51944827

Man, you really need to brush up on history if that's what you believe. See >>51944147
That wouldn't be a common indo joke if Japan was nice. Hell, specifically in Indonesia, the IJA kidnapped dutch POW wives as "Comfort women". Also here's the warcrimes list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_occupation_of_the_Dutch_East_Indies#Treatment_of_the_Indonesian_population

>> No.51944882

>avoid another Malari Incident
Makes sense. It always comes down to money.

>> No.51944953

Because Asians don't have crippling white guilt. They also toned down the foreign interventions unlike the Westoids.

>> No.51945039

The Japanese know they were the aggressors but they seem to have no fucking concept of what their aggression actually means. The fact that they still moan about Hiroshima is evidence enough

>> No.51945056

>90% of the discourse in this thread is about politics and history and not about vtubers
GO BACK. Jesus fuck you /pol/ and reddit retards have no hobbies.

>> No.51945057
File: 379 KB, 1378x2039, ayame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys actually care about history? Like i'm american and i have no idea what USA did to anyone or anything or what other countries did to us or care for it. Like what thing can someone from another country say that'll make me offended?
and before you say 9/11, i make twin tower jokes all the time

>> No.51945078

>i haven't heard of rape incident brought up, mass killing.
There were massacres, forced labor, indo comfort women, etc.
Millions starved under occupation.

Younger generations probably don't care too much

>> No.51945229

You're why America is a laughing stock and almost completely a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.51945250

>despite Japan paying back reparations ten fold
I doubt Japan paid jackshit to China.

>> No.51945292

It's not her fault the Japanese educations system whited out ww2.

>> No.51945316

Of course you don't care, you've lived in peace for your entire life. You also live in one of the few countries that can do anything without worrying about consequences. Things are a bit different if you actually lived through a war or another traumatizing event.

>> No.51945369

Japs literally rewrite all history books, not even spin but full revision. I don’t blame the people now, how could’ve they known when education shape them this way. Other folks well, they choose to be ignorant when there’s plenty of information and freedom and access to seek them

>> No.51945372

i'm curious why do i need to care about MUH ANCESTORS when i'm learning about technology and the future

>> No.51945487

>actually caring about something you were never alive to experience or be directly impacted by

>> No.51945498

You better than those screaming reparation 24/7 when they feel offended.

>> No.51945565

bro, i read those history books and those bibliographies bro.
it's like i lived through it and experienced it
their pain is my pain
and i saw it on tik tok

>> No.51945584

No one else gives a fuck. The only people that care about this are SEAniggers and gooks

>> No.51945608

The US tried to invade Canada once and the Canadians burned the White House.

>> No.51945869

since gundou just graduated, I remember her japanese history streams where she covered the history from all the way back to thousands of years ago to meiji restoration. I'm guessing that's also the general coverage of their history education in schools.

>> No.51945941

>I doubt Japan paid jackshit to China.
they didn't, at first because of the civil war. CCP and KMT were still fighting and reparations were not a priority.

Then when the commies fully took over, Mao actually waived them off from paying reparations to open diplomatic ties with Japan in the 70s.

>> No.51946028

They could learn why the Chinese and Koreans resent them, but aside from that it probably doesn't affect normal people. The Japanese have left most of their history behind and Japan is not likely gonna become a genuine military power in the future. So it's not immediately relevant to the present in the way it is for the US.

>> No.51946108

>you have to apologize for your history b-because.... YOU JUST HAVE TO OK

>> No.51946120
File: 701 KB, 680x929, 1674308931137623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay if it's cute anime girls

>> No.51946153
File: 140 KB, 608x398, 1660566313941939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about from 10 years ago

>> No.51946489

>Mao actually waived them off from paying reparations to open diplomatic ties with Japan in the 70s.
That probably paid off in the long term. Both sides gained from economic cooperation. Chinese butthurt over Japan today is probably more about their alliance with the US.

>> No.51946542

the most 14-year-old post I've ever seen on here

>> No.51948082
File: 1.03 MB, 820x547, sea ID1619317368838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51948490

Japan is culturally sheltered and apologetic about it so it's ok. Unlike Chinese tourists who are as arrogant as sin, generally a menace to local communities outside of their money, and like to shit in public fountains.

>> No.51948853

Japan did nothing wrong

>> No.51949134

because westoids want to be offended. Its a valuable social capital

>> No.51949591

>"Like i'm american and i have no idea what USA did to anyone or anything"
That has always be the problem for your country

>> No.51952843

Jap soldiers who refused to return home after the surrender helped the Indos fight for their independence from the Dutch who decided to return and reclaim the territory after the Japs had fermented rebellion and a sense of independence in the populace with spies and agitators before the outbreak of ww2. There's a huge cemetery for them.
Kek the indos can thank the nips for chasing the white man out of SEA because they sure as shit weren't going to even try to do it themselves.
Still, the nips in typically cruel bugman fashion performed biological warfare experiments on some laborers there amongst all the other shit that went on during that time.
Contrariwise after the japs going their shit moving again Indo was one of their first ports of call to set up massive infrastructure and training for the population, helpjg build the local economy.

As you can imagine the view of the japs there would be a mixed, conflicted bag.

>> No.51953161

>And today it's time to talk about world war- ANYONE WANNA WATCH SOME MORE NOBUNAGA ANIME?!

>> No.51953464

>says right there they teach it
You're just upset Japanese school isn't anti-Japanese studies
Insane and buttmad Korean or Chinese

>> No.51953791

Just learn history from Fate, everyone's hot and it's replacing google searches for historical figures anyway.

>> No.51954115

Sounds better than german history education which is almost exclusively concerned with WW2 and what terrible people germans are

>> No.51954221

If watched the news, it claims that Russia blew up their own oil pipeline. Also blowing up the damn that supplies water to Crimea. US History.

>> No.51954294 [DELETED] 

Unlike the pussies that the West turned into after 9-11
The kids that grew up in SEAnigger land didn't hold grudges over things that didn't involve them directly and just watched anime

>> No.51954340

>Japan emperor, empress visit indonesia
>Azki ollie geoguessr
hmmm ogey

>> No.51954551

As much as Canada likes to take credit when it comes up, it was actually Peninsular War veterans shipped in from across the Atlantic that did that, rather than Canadian units.
A bunch of Japanese troops awaiting repatriation were also used by the Dutch, as the internationally-recognized legal authority over the country, to suppress the Indonesian nationalists in the very early stages.

>> No.51955102

Well they got gooks and indogs in their company, so a bit of sensitivity training is needed especially for the japs

>> No.51955214

i believe it

>> No.51955308

They’re allowed to leave their history behind, other countries aren’t. German got split, and Japan's neighbors also had their land split off and continually interfered with. US is a special case anyways since their strategy is not defense nor deterrence but overwhelming dominance. They went a bit too hard in desert storm, destroying a country in a month with little loss. Now US is pretending to be surprised by real attempts at military build up instead of keeping a bloated army with rusting ww2 gear and running on propaganda cope. All of it makes plenty of sense within developmental and historic context, but conveniently left out as propaganda in the current agenda. Everywhere you go, no one learn from history. You don’t need guilt, you need the lesson. That won’t happen though, war will instead. Then again, who cares in the context of dominance since there’s no loss.

>> No.51955584


>> No.51955642

i don't care anon history is history
btw check this out

>> No.51955648

This doesn't make sense to me, the US occupied Germany too and has many bases there to this day, why would they treat Germany so differently?

>> No.51956795

>why would they treat Germany so differently?
Germany was already split between the West and the USSR, and both sides had introduced de-nazification. Meanwhile, the US basically had sole control of Japan.

The US needed a strong ally in Asia, so instead of "de-nazifying" and rebuilding Japan from the ground up like they did with Germany, they basically kept Japan as is with the government intact to get Japan up on their feet quicker after the war, so that they could help push back the Soviets in the East. The US did not want to take any risks since communism was spreading so quickly in Asia. The Soviet backed CCP won the civil war and took over China, Soviets controlled half of Korea, communist revolts were happening in SEA, etc.

>> No.51957048

The goal for Germany (West Germany at the time) was to turn it into a huge propaganda piece to promote capitalism and liberal democracy to their Warsaw Pact neighbors. Being thorough in Denazification was an aspect of that competition with the Soviets, and even then they cut corners in order to build up the Bundeswehr. Europe was the primary focus for the Cold War, Japan was a secondary concern. Also, the US wasn’t the sole occupier in Germany, even if you exclude the Soviets, so they had to placate countries like France, who got invaded, and Britain, who was subjected to an extensive bombing campaign.

>> No.51957117

Thanks for the history lesson fren

>> No.51957374

>more about the JP side than the JP side needs to know about the entire fucking western world.
The JP side doesn't even know shit about their own country because their fathers are chronic warcrime deniers

>> No.51957580

I agree although I think the factors that led each country to war also contributed to their different occupation approaches. Germany had just lost WW1 but rebounded and started WW2 by directing animosity towards the allies who had beaten them and the jews and democrats within their country. So the goal of the allies was to ensure the country accepted their fault for WW2 and would never strike out within the region again.
The factors for Japan going to war were primarily that they did not have any strong allies in the region since they were following a largely isolationist policy until the 19th century. Then as their economy was growing they were running into resource shortages since they're just an island nation so the goal was expansion, elevating their position in the region, and securing enough resources to keep their economy growing. As you mentioned the US wanted a new forward base in the region and to halt the spread of communism. By developing Japan into an ally they were able to gain the foothold in the region and Japan was given a strong ally that solved 2 of their 3 prewar issues.
The Allies initially planned on splitting Japan as they split Germany but the US was already feeling the tensions between east and west Germany and didn't want to share, the european countries were all devastated from the war and the US did the vast majority of the fighting against Japan so only the USSR really complained when the US decided to take over the full occupation of the island.

>> No.51957658

who said about covering up, retard take your meds
>Japan is not likely gonna become a genuine military power in the future
we might see fully militarized japan in the next decade since they've been trying to repeal article 9 for a while now

>> No.51957734

>which were already quite strong at the time.
Uh no

>> No.51957903

You would think that the singularly most important event for the Japanese in their entire history would be more than 19 pages.

Perhaps even a whole course.

>> No.51958110

That’s also a good point. No need to worry about another “stab in the back” myth for a country that got nuked twice.

>> No.51958132

>i´m ignorant and proud
you are the dream lemming of powerful people in Washington

>> No.51958149

>conservative when it comes to self-hatred
>holds grudges longer than a 40 year old wine mom
You have to go back. Troons and self-hating whites stay in Europe and California

>> No.51958276

It's not the United States' fault Japan is the way it is. They've been self-governing for decades.

The truth of the matter is that like all Asians they're obsessed with their image. The far-right nationalists that keep the LDP in power vehemently reject any responsibility of war crimes or sometimes that they occurred at all.

Japan is a thoroughly corrupt nation, it's just oblique and bureaucratic enough to give cover to it. There's a reason why the far-right are in bed with the Yakuza, the police, and local politicians.

>> No.51958384

Ken...sama? Qrd?

>> No.51958603

>The Allies initially planned on splitting Japan as they split Germany but the US was already feeling the tensions between east and west Germany and didn't want to share
They actually offered China as well to be a part of the occupation, but they declined as they were fighting against the communists in the civil war and didn't have the means to occupy/fund an occupation. I wonder how that would have turned out.
They probably would have introduced some kind of "de-nazification" if they did.
Though I wonder what would happen to their occupational zone once they lost the civil war and retreated to Taiwan.

>> No.51958699

A particularly braindead weeb. The implication is that he doesn’t actually know anything about the JPs he worships and puts them on a pedestal solely because they’re from Japan because he’s frustrated with the West.

>> No.51958835

Because westerners are fueled with victimhood and sensualization and emotionally manipulate the public, the whole world knows history and avoid making the same mistakes only white people turn it into a holiday and cry about things that happened 100 years ago, while their soliders invade and kill people, the epitome of hypocrisy.

>> No.51959124

It also helped that Japan is a very stable country even in their defeat. The economy is so good because their people are so obedient. Even when Japan nationalize many of their industries from private sectors no one protested or start a war.

>> No.51959167

I think the shared occupation plans were off the table after the US used nukes and there wasn't an invasion of the mainlands.
Even if China was given a role in the occupation once the communists won the civil war the US would've said the occupation agreement was with the old government and just taken over those zones. Theres no chance the US would allow a communist country to take over governing parts of Japan.

>> No.51959218

It will be hilarious if Aski is a Japanese Princess and Ollie is a Yogyakartan princess.

>> No.51959260

I hate Fate because it keep forcing the idea that King Arthur is fuckable.

>> No.51959655

Historically speaking it's never simple.
There's even Dutch people that symphatize with local freedom movement as well. Usually the one who was born and grew up in Indonesia. Also several Dutch people who experienced Nazi occupation and realize how bad it was.

>> No.51959749

Are you retarded? Genuine question

>> No.51959793

That's not even LA you faggot

>> No.51959839

Chinese, Japanese and Koreans hate each other since thousands of years ago anon.
Chinese people love belittling Japanese people by calling them "Wa" (Dwarf) and considered inferior, Korean kingdoms hate both Chinese and Japanese because they look down on Koreans as just a bunch of pirates and invading them often. Japan of course was hated due to WW2.

>> No.51959863

Well you lost against goat herders after spending 20 years and 2 trillion dollars for one thing.

>> No.51959905

It's the way you use your technology. If you don't learn from the past you will use that tech to opress other people again.
USA, actually a fucking colonizer since 1960s.

>> No.51959962
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>other shit that’s kind of esoteric but flares up in some conservative policies like turning Koreans and Chinese into a defacto underclass
>when the US didn't even need to tell them to do that they just acted on their own

>> No.51959984
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You're the dream citizen for American parliament. All you need to do is to consoom and never ask question while they busy shiponing your money into their pocket.

>> No.51960057

This is still probably a better mindset than most of the retards in this thread who are just regurgitating what they read in some BBC article.

>> No.51960110

The French and British got involved. You can bet if they didn't a lot more shit might have gone under the rug, just look at shit like Gladio and Paperclip to see just how much the US actually gave a shit about former nazi's.

>> No.51960157

Japan was fucking moron back then. If they actually treat Indonesia well from beginning they will have strong ally.
But noooooooooooooo, those fucking idiots had to rape Indonesian women, forcing them to bow to the sun and calling the emperor a god. Also stealing food, gold and metal.
Even admiral Maeda was an exception. While other IJN officers runaway like bunch of cowards or killing themselves he was like "Wait a minute, this is not right. We're supposed to follow the way of Bushido!" and let Indonesian freedom fighters to actually write an independent declaration in his house.

Japanese in WW2 are mostly hypocrite and liars.

>> No.51960244

Because while the Dutch only forcing people to plant specific crops and building infrastructures, Japanese occupants went too far and start raping and taking all the foods and golds. Making people hungry and taking their wife/daughters are recipe for violent revolt.

>> No.51960286

>removes dutch

>> No.51960300

lol., to be fair some Indonesian lifestyles can be considered wild for average Japanese. I don't think many Japanese butcher their own food.

>> No.51960387

>Sacking of cities
Well, except when Indonesian freedom fighters decided to burn down the City of Bandung before the Dutch arrive to re-occupy it. They even made a song about it.

>> No.51960426

The thing is, the battle in Indonesian islands are pushed to minimum because the Dutch and Brits already fled the area when they lose in Singapore.

>> No.51960469

The US strategy seems to have worked. Japan was not turned into a communist shithole, and also did not become some punished, embittered, and vengeful state like Germany did after WW1.

>> No.51960484

lol you never read further into Japan's WW2 history. They knew they invading other countries and imprisoning and killing their own people who went against that.

>> No.51960547

US did not treat Germany differently, they even air dropped supplies on Berlin since the people were all starving under Soviet rule. Japan was wise to surrender to the US before USSR could invade them.

>> No.51960614

They didn't even help right after the war either. After Japan surrendered, Indonesia was given to the British to control, but Sukarno declared independence.
Instead of helping Indonesia, the Japanese troops fought the Indonesians to re-take control for the British. They killed thousands of Indonesians in Java before the British took over.

>> No.51960734

Because brits and the french are normal about crushing their enemies into dust, raping and killing the entire population, burning their cities and villages and salting their fields. America is super fucking weird and does these strange things like topping the entire military and government in some random country and then not proceeding to kill and replace the undefended citizens, and then having the country still be a country at the end of it. Its really fucking unusual and most people who study geopolitics still find it confusing, many believe it to be illegal somehow.

>> No.51960967

>Because brits and the french are normal about crushing their enemies into dust
I call bullshit
If Brit really did that why The British Raj still exist?
The Brits did kill a lot of aborigines but that because people they sent to Australia are fucking criminals.
I'm not trying to defend British and France (to be honest, fuck France) but razing the whole country is almost impossible now and they're not like the Golden Horde.

>> No.51961017

The US is more than willing to break everything they can until the enemy submits, after they they have no problem helping them rebuild and build strong ties after, let bygones be bygones and mutually profit(an help against the soviets). In general I think it's why many around the world have a habit of being confused about US/Japanese relations now since both sides were more than willing to treat the others like animals within a century ago but the cold war was a hell of a time.

>> No.51961351

The US is weird
After they won WW2 they have this weird sense of wanting to be the "hero" of the story.
So when they start invading others, they tend to only topple the top and left that country acting like they just giving the locals their "freedom"
Then they got surprise Pikachu face'd when that country became unstable and run by a bunch of dictators or warlords.
Then they got more surprise Pikachu face'd when said country declare USA as their enemy.

>> No.51961464

Imagine being black and living in LA lol.

>> No.51961827

>they tend to only topple the top and left that country
tell that to iraq's completely demolished infrastructure and cities

>> No.51961864

>it's okay for JPs to show ignorance about sensitive topics
>since gundou just graduated
... kek?

>> No.51962016

>they tend to only topple the top and left that country
Lmaoooo yeah and also privatize the oil give it to a bunch of US based companies and also create a new burgeoning poppy industry because they just love flowers

>> No.51962201

They are both the same kind of disease.
People that defend Japan are weebs, nothing more.
They are both scummy as fuck at the highest levels, just like ANY OTHER COUNTRY is.

>> No.51962300

The top here means the leaders and the upper beaurecrats anon. Not cities.

>> No.51962440

that time TV Tokyo aired one of those zero-budget Hello! Project tv shows where the girls learned about Uncle Hitler

>> No.51962883

funniest post in the thread

>> No.51964063

Yep, and introducing McDonald of all thing.
McD opened their first branch in Jakarta inSarinah plaza after Indonesia regime shifted from Soekarno to Soharto. They don't serve rice at first and confused why no one want to eat in their place.

>> No.51964413

Yeah I love history, I'm not a vapid loser like you that consooms and lives only in the moment

>> No.51964499

>i love history
>it's all rape

>> No.51964525


>> No.51964552

no this is patrick

>> No.51964620

I’m almost starting to think that Anya might not actually be Japanese…

>> No.51964632

The Dutch weren't trying to win any war

>> No.51964753

The Dutch got complacent after hundreds of years enjoying so much wealth. And they literally surrender to German after fighting for just a week lol.

>> No.51964883

I don't. We frog raped niggas, muslims, algerians, even made quite a few slaves out of them as well as some other shenanigans that would make the Nankin look like a small achievement to pull off, but I couldn't care less about any of that because it's all in the past.

>> No.51965065

You frogs can't even beat Vietnamese freedom fighters.
It got so bad they use your troops for example of what a shitty army was.

>> No.51965540

The difference is that AZKi here just assumes Japan was helping with something, being the friendly neighbourhood big brother that can’t do anything wrong. You would at least consider that the US committed some violence overseas.

>> No.51966028

it's LA

>> No.51966366

Because weebs will always forgive and defend whatever japan did/does

>> No.51967823
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>> No.51967971

classic american

>> No.51968440
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Atleast they're being paid when the Dutch were around, afterall rebellion is terrible for business. That being said they did bunch of massacres, mostly chinese and indigenous people

>> No.51968656
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ID also invites JP to celebrate the day Japan being nuked and JP have no clue about it

>> No.51969838

Excuse me but I'm a weeb but I don't defend that kind of crap.
Only stupid young weebs are like that.

>> No.51969960

"Indonesia" was created by Japanese collaborators, literal Quislings

>> No.51970132

>That being said they did bunch of massacres, mostly chinese and indigenous people
You mean the massacres that pale in comparison to what Indonesians themselves did during the 60s?

>> No.51971858

Not really, the word is already around, even before Konggres Pemuda/Youth Congress

>> No.51971903

You don't know about Daendels don't ya

>> No.51972120

I'm talking about the founding of the actual country, not the concept
I sure don't, probably because he didn't kill a million people

>> No.51972654

>kill a million people
That's over exaggeration and you know that
Daendels killed more
His solution is just to bury the dead under the road they built.
No wonder Pantura is so fucking cursed.

>> No.51972866



>> No.51972923
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>because he didn't kill a million people
-builing a lot of fort
-making 1.100km of road without food or pay if you dead your son is next
-rice?what rice you plant sugar and coffee now
-food?why you don't need that
-you have kingdom? fuck your kingdom
-we need more soldier?just take some local here
-you have land? what land that land is mine now
-btw do guys know about taxes yeah we have that now
-ow is harvest season?nice give it to me 90% of them for free
he kill a lot of people off-screen anon

>> No.51973105

1: thats funny 2: im not japanese or indonesian so i dont care

>> No.51973788

>ignorant and proud of it

>> No.51973896
File: 63 KB, 447x680, FymKci5aYAAP1Zg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13,290:Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>8,236: Ame (Hololive)
> 7,754:Fauna (Hololive)
>6,566:Vedal (Indie)
>5,411:Kiara (Hololive)

>2x Hololive
>3x Nijisanji
>17x Vshojo
>0x Mythic
>0x Indie

EN TWITCH/YOUTUBE TALLY W/ TWITCH DEBUFF [Twitch avg vs YT peak] (06/23)*
>9,883:Ironmouse (Vshojo)
>8,236: Ame (Hololive)
> 7,754:Fauna (Hololive)
>5,891:Vedal (Indie)
>5,411:Kiara (Hololive)

>2x Hololive
>3x Nijisanji
>17x Vshojo
>0x Mythic
>0x Indie

>> No.51974517

a nation that doesnt know their history is doomed to repeat it

>> No.51974891

Holy KEK, reminds me of when Ollie used the word barbaric to highlight the idea of a public and highly performative marriage proposal as being cool but that caused miscommunication, it gets a little clear that her vocabulary is shaky in places which causes some Indonesianisms to arise.

>> No.51975306

>Like what thing can someone from another country say that'll make me offended?

Try saying "Holocaust is a jewish lie" in public and see what happens.

>> No.51977192

Nothing outside of cucked nations. People over here would laugh and think you are cooky, but they wouldn't be outraged or concerned.

>> No.51978908

The New York agreement was one of America's worst foreign policy blunders in all of history.

>> No.51979040

>No wonder Pantura is so fucking cursed.

>> No.51979589

Good. Germans are pathetic degenerates for spitting on their grandparents and I'm polish

>> No.51979693

It was part of the deal after WWIi, they dont whine too much a out a couple of cities, we dont probe their police actions in occupied territory

>> No.51979847

Germans and others are taught a bunch of jew lies, good on the Japanese for refusing to brainwash their population

>> No.51979936


>> No.51979942

It's probably happening right now.

>> No.51980239

>America lets several crimes slip into obscurity and doesn't dispose of the emperor
America really is just a bunch of weebs

>> No.51980297

Matthew Perry was just the first of many.

>> No.51980512

It's the opposite. Their grandparents forever sullied the German race with their hineous crimes.

>> No.51980523

You jew lies were btfo in the holocaust debate between Mike Enoch and Mathew Cockrell. It's laughable for a westoid to call the Japanese ignorant when they are nothing more than brainwashed jewish cattle.

>> No.51980672

lmao the japanese schools doesnt give a fuck

>> No.51981439

Nah, that doesn't have much to do with it, it's really simple. Having a docile trade partner is profitable, all else is irrelevant in the pursuit of money.

>> No.51982396

>You jew lies were btfo in the holocaust debate between Mike Enoch and Mathew Cockrell
That's not how truth works you fucking retard. You first have to disprove the mountains and mountains of books and evidence, "defeating" some rando in a debate doesn't mean shit.

>> No.51984246

Yes, that's what I'm saying. I told the other anon who think Indonesian govt killed a lot more people during the 1960s when Daendels killed more.

>> No.51984370

a qrd about that bunker?

>> No.51984380

Yep, this is because in Indonesia some salty comments is already considered "toxic" while completely forget that in the west it means something way worse than just some banter.

>> No.51984432

>the average japanese person don't even know they did war crimes
Good, because the average japanese person alive today did not actually commit war crimes.
Eternal guilt over something someone you never met did is limited to white people.

>> No.51984467

because except for gooks and chinks, nobody in asia cares about ww2. having such a victim complex is unhealthy and lame.

>> No.51984481

>thank the nips for chasing the white man out of SEA
dunno about other SEA countries, but it was USA who "forced" the dutch to get out of Indonesia
US wants the current freeport mines for themselves

>> No.51984841

Pantura (Pantai Utara/North Beach) road is what we call old Anyer-Panarukan road, the road ordered to built by the Dutch's Governor General/Military Governor Herman Willem Daendels to connect the island from east to west following the Javanese northern coastline.
He wants it done as fast as possible so he ordered forced labor of locals that led to the death of countless people (The Dutch even trying to downplay it) but forcing people to make 1000 KM in just one year in that era where heavy machineries don't exist yet, it's pretty clear it's more than they claim to be.
Even now that road is always damaged one way or another, a lot of accidents and horrible traffics. Pretty much a miserable experience for drivers. Some even consider that the road is cursed from so many souls killed to build that road.
This is why when our current president start building toll highways connecting the entire land of Java, people prefer those highways because they're safer and actually fun to ride.

>> No.51984952

It's because they knew if they killed the empire, a character that referred as "god" in Japan, will cause the whole population to do "Jibaku" or figthing to death.
Figthing millions is not something US govt want to deal with.

>> No.51985090

Most of us don't know anon. Japan built a shit ton of bunkers all over Indonesia because they thought Indonesia will be the last line of defense.
What they don't expect is Japan losing the naval battle in Philippines seas and had to pull their fighting power out from Indonesia to defend islands around Japan from US island hopping tactic.

>> No.51985301
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I assumed it was a general war crimes relic but one of the video's comments mentioned "THE bunker" like it was of special significance so I googled it. Might not be the exact same one but...
>The Lubang Jepang tunnel system was built by Romusa, Indonesian prisoners of war and other prisoners which were forced to work. A lot of them were coal miners from Sawahlunto. Many of the workers from Java and Sumatra died during the construction, and all surviving workers were killed and buried in one passage they had built before, to keep the tunnels secret. It worked, and the bunker was secret until after the war. And until today it is unknown when the tunnels were actually started and how long it took.

>> No.51985649

Hmmm I see just like Nazi thing (after all Japan was one of them)

>> No.51985692
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at least Ollie handled it well kek

>> No.51985757

The use of Romusha/forced labor to death wasn't just for that bunker though. There's a lot of defensive projects done by Romusha all over Indonesia and even overseas. I remember some railroads in Burma was also done by many Indonesian Romusha, many never coming back home.
Even some of my family was also forced to be a romusha. My great uncle was forced to work on a beach, cutting down trees and and sharpen them and put them on the beach as spikes (obviously to stop beach invasion) only for the big waves to ruin them. He had to work everyday rebuilding the spikes and many died from exhaustion and lack of food.
My other great uncle was recruited as Japanese local army and by fate he was sent to monitor the Romusha working on the beach and found his brother there.
He helped sneak his brother out and tell him to flee to the hills and hide there.
They both survived the war.

>> No.51985941

It was primarily the
>and all surviving workers were killed and buried in one passage they had built before
that had me bwuh'ing.

>> No.51986036

Also neat story, I appreciate the happy ending.

>> No.51986422

Jewish lies

>> No.51986667

Yeah, that's Japanese MO dealing with workers when they're done.
While everyone talking about Nanking massacre, no one talking about Romusha massacre.
This is why I always consider Japanese "bushido" as just Japanese hypocrisy and lies. If you read about Japan's Sengoku Jidai era, even the old samurai common tactic to cripple a rival shogun is to kill that shogun's peasants and burn the village down. Japan... no, the whole east Asians are fucking barbaric who hide behind "bushido" code that only benefit them.

And this is coming from a weeb who loves anime for decades. But I no longer fall into the narrative that "Japan is just misunderstood" bullshit.

>> No.51986939

So who built the bunker? Aliens?

>> No.51987042

Calm down Jerry, this' about the non-aryans.

>> No.51987862

>no one talking about Romusha massacre
There's also plenty of others in SEA and Indonesia alone

>Japan formally surrenders
>Indonesian nationalists declare independence and ask Japanese occupying troops to surrender
>Japanese troops refuse and start a campaign to take control of the city they were in
>Indonesians kill Japanese POWs in retaliation, and Japanese troops in turn massacre thousands of Indonesians

Indonesians to them were just free slaves for their war effort.

>> No.51989350

Yeah. They forget that they have limited troops and resources. When the war almost ended they want to use PETA (Japanese army corps consisting of Indonesian people) but because years of shitty treatment the PETA rebelled and they had to dismiss the whole corps.
The only Japanese tactic that work was the bike battalion

>> No.51989597

Indogs deserved it

>> No.51989859

Paid wage labourers

>> No.51990379

>the whole east Asians are fucking barbaric who hide behind "bushido" code that only benefit them.
Not to offend you indogbro, but I feel like it's not just east Asians, but Asians in general. I work with a lot of all kind of Asians, and all of them are great dudes, but they are sometimes bloodthirsty for no reason really. Or don't backdown even if they are wrong and start getting angry.

>> No.51991020

That word really has lost all meaning huh

>> No.51991484


>> No.51992097
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Yeah, I know. But we SEAfolks tend to keep it internally and prefer to kill each other of our own kind.
East Asians on the other hand, they bring their problem to other countries and that's no bueno.
Like the great Eddie Izzard said
"We're sorta fine with Stalin or Pol Pot killing millions, because they kill their own people. But the moment Hitler invade neighbour next door.... stupid man, we won't stand for that were we?"

>> No.51992275

Because the idea that Japan is isolationist is still pretty big so most people just generally assume they wouldn't know better in regards to foreign history/subjects so if everyone already expects that then why get mad?

>> No.51992924

Yeah, imagine losing in war against burger.
All german women should do annual naked dogeza for losing.

>> No.51993370

I'm gonna 9/11 Ayame horn.

>> No.51993994

no one cares about JP obviously

>> No.51994058

What that one reparations scenario early on in Sengoku Rance a reference to that in any way?

>> No.51994321

You are not so much "innovative" as you are "uninspired."

>> No.51994534

I don't know about that particular Indonesian bunker.
But yeah, there are several bunker in Sumatra and Java that is built during Japan invasion.
It's built by unpaid local worker, just in case the WW2 reach Java/Sumatra and US start bombing the Japanese living there.
So obviously Japanese tried to keep the information about the bunker secret.

The only one bunker that I ever saw is this one:
Probably can find some video in youtube too.

>> No.51994820

Except the NL takes an hour to cross by car and had like 5 million people, there's no way they'd be able to fight the Nazis without needless death and destruction, just look at what's happening in Ukraine with Russia roflstomping them

>> No.51998832

They could if they had built fortifications and cooperated with the French from the start instead of trying to remain neutral.

>> No.51999733

I don't get it.

>> No.52005174

Excuses excuses
Even Maltans fought harder and survived over 2 years of siege.

>> No.52005922

What sensitive topic? You think we are bitch like american or something?

>> No.52008979

Well this is 4chan, pretty much a Murrican site. Of course they expect us to act about political stuff like them.

>> No.52009016

The West became too meek.

>> No.52013323

I'd take you more seriously if you hadn't added the Polish thing because it sure seems to me that Poland has been taken over by right wing extremists that have a habit of using ww2 to deflect criticism of their bullshit

>> No.52016532

someone sounds annoyed :3

>> No.52016924

Ropedance, /pol/tard.

>> No.52017727

Anyer-Panarukan Global

>> No.52017870

if you're a nigger

>> No.52017924

>hurr muh warcrimes
Gonna cry?

>> No.52017991

That's great, they don't need to hate themselves over something that happened before they were born like whites do

>> No.52018501

There's nothing wrong with knowing the past

>> No.52019303

Why would a Japanese education system be telling things from the American perspective? That's all this is really seething about here, that it's not treating America as the main character and engaging in self-flagellation over it. If we're going to talk about poor history education regarding to Pearl Harbor, however, I have to ask, did your curriculum cover such details as FDR levying sanctions specifically and explicitly to provoke an attack that he could use to get the US involved in the war (which the vast majority of Americans strongly opposed) and then funneling the bulk of the war resources into the Euro front (while the majority of Americans wanted to stick mostly to the Pacific front)? Or was yours less about actions and motives and more about sappy quotes about how evil anyone who doesn't support Global Nigger Communism is?

>> No.52021056

EN Twitter
nuff said

>> No.52024306

>do you guys actually care about history?

>> No.52024466

The opposite, its tyranny was directed inward. Unless you'd consider communist countries meek?

>> No.52024504

Stop asking questions.

>> No.52025132

A larger factor leading to war in the first place was the US immigration policies which basically was targeted at Japanese people. Japan sought to continue growing their economy and feared becoming a target for western imperialism so they started their own imperialist policies. The sanctions were levied after Japan was already at war and conflict with the US was inevitable because of all the western colonial territories they needed to seize in the region. If the sanctions hadn't come when they did Japan most likely would've tried to further invade Russia and China but the sanctions on oil accelerated their timeline so they needed to secure their positions in southeast asia. Japan never thought they could defeat the US in a direct war so their strategy was to take key areas and establish a defensive parameter to dissuade the US by making it too costly to retake the region but they underestimated how strong American support for the war would be and a few early defeats of their navy combined with the US island hopping strategy forced them to abandon that plan to try and redeploy to defend their mainland.
No one was in favor of another world war which is why Europe sat on their hands and let Germany get as far as they did. Germany actually declared war on the US following the attack on pearl harbor, which opened the door for the US to officially enter the European conflict. The US focus on the war with Germany first was prioritizing the bigger threat, because despite how hard a seaborne assault on France would be, it would be almost impossible to launch a European invasion if Germany defeated the UK. The Pacific war was always going to be a war in the air and sea and not really on the ground, while a war in Europe didn't really need the navy which the US was rebuilding anyway, the situation with Japan wasn't really changing and after the battle of midway the US navy would always have superiority in the pacific.

>> No.52026657 [DELETED] 

What kind of tyranny allowing people to shoplift with consequence? Or how they spent billions for homeless who only use it for drug money? Or how they don't care about their own veterans and pensioners?
At least with Indonesia we still a 3rd world country. USA claim to be a 1st world country with so much riches and look what happened to them now. Fuck, we used to look up to you back in the 80s and 90s, but now USA is just a shadow of its former self.

>> No.52028297

I don't think the US immigration policies affect Japan much. They're good with their industry. But yeah the oil policy is correct. This is why IJA invaded China and IJN want to grab Indonesia for their oil supply.

>> No.52028669

you are wrong in corruption and violence
like japanese TV, everything is MADE BELIVE YOU ARE HAPPY TIME
seriously, omicide and organize crimes are rebrand as suicide
and most of the Strict culture comes from the empire era when Japan reconstruct to a WW2 superpower, they NEVER los that.
so much so that the Gakuran, highscool uniform is both for the ARMY and the NAVY, imagine that, highschool make you dress and act ready for miliotary service.
this is somewhat knowledge by the population tho, thus WHY the tries of Japanes politicans and NOW the US for japan to get its army back and be ready to INVAde is taking so long.
people know that if the country get the full army back and cn IVADe with any pretext, politicans will use it, like how the US ones does
How mnny Americans died in Iraq alone? for what?

>> No.52028741

Legally AND illegally
which is the country is Invading right now that congress was discusing to retreat troops meanwile the UN american enbasador was like "we dont know of american troops there""?
i seriously ask, i am bad with names

>> No.52028769

I was responding to anon claiming that sanctions were imposed to incite Japan to attack the US which is false because Japan already was on the path to war with the US prior to imposing sanctions. I agree immigration policy wasn't a major factor compared to the need for resources and territory to sustain their growth. However I think the immigration ban was more about the West continuing to view Asia as a place for colonization and not as actual countries to respect on a world scale. It wasn't a true motivator for war but it did factor into the increasing tensions between the countries and feed into the idea that Japan should establish their own independent block within east Asia from the west.

>> No.52028849

that a country didnt exist as is new dosnt mean the population at the time didnt exist.
that is the most backwards excuse for colonialism i have ever read

>> No.52028999

for what i know this was more in the closes part to japan, the ones farther from japan see less of this and end up amjorly becoming independant because Japan just coudnt bother to goverm them all, so put local as art of goverment, and as long as they pay tribute they where let be
this mindyou is from a withe source, so can you expand or dispell false information? thanks!

>> No.52029070

yes, its just a semi quasi-facist state where the culture and propaganda has made something so weird that japanese TV are concider the crazies shit ever imagine.
not tomention the ranpant xenophobia.
but the US liek this as long as is not directed to them so yea.

>> No.52029127

they are not HERo, just a BULLY, who after beating you to a pulp say"lets play agains! i am the HERo, and you are my disposable sidekick!"
as well as the japanese know SHIT about ww2, ask any american about CONDOR and see them just stare at you like you are making shi up -.-

>> No.52029173

exactly, they do the roman thing
We invade barbarians and bring civilization!
procide to put a corrupt goverment and extract as much wealth as slaves as posible
why people think China become the sewt shop of the world under american sponsorship until its own goverment took charge?

>> No.52029234

at least is concistant, you have to admire that

>> No.52029312

you realize is not who "kill more"
a masacre is a massacre.
both can be true

>> No.52029385

What part of not repeating history dont you get?
is noit about making people fell victim
is about them not letting happen again to OTHEr o to even THEMSELVES
like, you see Jews talking about the holocoaust, and then you ahve the asholes in israel, like seriously, president directly calling for public culling that even India is apheal!
at least this are mostly a minority of asholes and most jwes reject this mentality

>> No.52029406

ENs should know better, japs gets a pass

>> No.52029696

>Just because school uniform is based on the military doesn't mean the whole country still want to be military regime again.
Also not all organized crime murder reported as suicide. That's just ridiculous even for Japanese people.

>> No.52029742

Germany: Apologize for what happened in the last major war.

Japan: "Nothing happens."

>> No.52029768

You can just claim black and white truth. Of course most events happened in highly populated area. My gramp even said that his rural village went almost untouched except for mandated romusha recruitment and forcefully taking their recently harvested crops away. Calling it a false information shows you're a typical American.

>> No.52029923

It's not even about denying war crimes. Japanese education about WW2 basically amounts to "we got firebombed, how sad :(" and "we got nuked, how sad :(". None of them have any idea about anything wartime at all. It goes beyond denying warcrimes to just straight up pretending the only important part of the war was how bullied they were by the end.

It's really important to understand this because it explains why their government are secretly so militant despite their peaceful public/legal stances. They aren't anti-war because they think war is bad, but because they know what it feels like to lose

>> No.52029981

Pearl Harbor watchalong when

>> No.52030026

Because America has the highest standard and results for education. So one of our own not knowing stuff like this is not a prideful moment

>> No.52030128

A common mistake people make is not understanding that 1930s Japan was a military dictatorship, and each branch of the military behaved pretty autonomously (in fact they were even competing with each other for access to resources) which is why you would see the IJN and the IJA invade different places. Working from a standpoint of there being a meaningfully coordinated front prior to Pearl Harbor is a complete mistake

>> No.52030443

Not inherently, but this isn't just about "learning the past"

>> No.52031187

I remember an IJA platoon (or is it Battalion?) stranded on an island and sending distress message.
It took IJN a long time to actually sending rescue.
This is actually addressed with Indonesian armed forces as well.
At first Indonesian armed forces are allowed to be split onto various Corps. But after Communist rebellion in the 60s when Airforce Corps sided with communists the concept of independent Corps are dismissed.

>> No.52031763

>America has the highest standard and results for education
Are you sure about that?

>> No.52031767
File: 156 KB, 960x960, FqOlYAiagAEHFNh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War crimes. See >>51985301
Japan enslaved Indonesians and forced them to "build something here" for Japanese use. Any who didn't die in the process were killed upon its completion.
Azki was clearly oblivious of this, so asked. But the way she phrased the question - naturally assuming the best of her country - made it all the more insulting/awkward/wholesome(?). Chat & Ollie are picrel.
It's like if... nevermind, every analogy I can think of would lead to rampant shitposting given where we are.

>> No.52031795

I read that post as sarcasm lel

>> No.52032130

Ah actually I have one.
Imagine if this collab was a Hawaii tour with a 'murican HoloEN and she asked the same thing after noticing the word "Japan" on a Pearl Harbor memorial kek.

>> No.52032213

Completely off-topic but so is this thread
Remember that pajeet chick who was talking about how America bad on day 1 of the invasion of Ukraine, saying "what is a wagner!? Show me a wagner they don't exist its American propaganda."

>> No.52032243

Pajeet with futachika mana

>> No.52034237

Also it's amazing how Russia can fuck themselves up.
I mean, what kind of idiot shelled their own allies, angered said allies and turn back and occupying Moscow in one night?

>> No.52035671

JPs are so based

>> No.52038935

Ignorance is never based

>> No.52039374

based elevens

>> No.52039656

that's most countries, westerners think nationalism is evil so they teach children to hate their own countries

>> No.52040104

When you read about Unit 731 your tune might change. It really makes you think what lurks in modern society when you realise what madness Japan’s government approved of not even a century ago.
