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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51910529 No.51910529 [Reply] [Original]

Let this be a lesson for whoever that is going to be in EN3 (I know you lurk here)
>Just stream, don't break immersion.

Everyone knew who Fauna was before debut and still gave her a chance despite that (no dox shit).
She inclined by having 5 days of streams per week which is pretty rare for the EN branch. Those are pretty simple streams with as safe of a content as you can imagine: minecraft, ASMR, and flavor of the month game, which is borderline... boring. Due to not having many choices people eventually went to her stream and stick around even though there is nothing particular about her streams.

And then she threw it all away just because she felt like lecturing her own audiences. Pic related showing the decline in numbers. She can get to 10k viewers consistently with solo Minecraft but not anymore after the yab.
I am surprised but most of them still don't understand that watching vtubers is a form of escapism. "Maidenless" by Kronii or in this case, "we cannot be friends" by Fauna is absolutely unnecessary. Those are the things that they should not impose upon their viewers. The fans KNOW all these stuffs, but choose to keep the illusion because real life is enough for them, they just want to relax and watch and interact with some cute anime girls behind a screen in their free time. If even the anime girls are starting to shame them for not conforming to the norm, is there a reason to even watch them anymore?
So EN3, please, give us streams, and none of these bullshits.

>> No.51910622

>hangs out with kronii
>makes an incredibly unforced error where she shits on her loser manbaby audience

>> No.51910649

You’re right.

>> No.51910749
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>still biggest ccv and only holoen to incline
mommy i kneel

>> No.51910823

when are you going to update this image with her latest streams?

>> No.51910842

You are brown lol

>> No.51910856 [DELETED] 

Damn, cucklings are irredeemable at this point.

>> No.51910862

I agree Anon, everyone from EN3 should filter mentally ill people as soon as possible.

>> No.51910869 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51910953

>talks about how EN3 should behave
>cucklings getting defensive instead
every time

>> No.51910961

this yab was pretty much fabricated from retarded containment breakers form here why would most saplings care?

>> No.51911003

There's nothing wrong with what Fauna said.

>> No.51911048
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Also, you already spammed this exact post multiple times https://archive.palanq.win/vt/search/image/2KHBrA2jWUPhzpMXLbs_yQ/

>> No.51911097

Oh they don't. Most of them just leave instead of being loud like OP.

>> No.51911108

I think her lecture was pretty stupid and uncalled for but I still love her and wouldn't drop her for it but makes me happy that people blame Kronii for it, fuck her

>> No.51911129


>> No.51911163 [DELETED] 

>sapkeks blamed Kronii
>Fauwhore blamed Babski
Like chuuba like fans.

>> No.51911164

wait, you thought fauna was your friend? are you some kinda fag?

>> No.51911208

>Games before the "yab" is Minecraft
>Games after the "yab" is Bioshock
Bioshock has fewer viewers than Minecraft. More news at eleven.

>> No.51911298

Wait, she's inclining?

>> No.51911521
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More like, the OP is a shitposter who never updates his image because he's trying to push a narrative
Hey OP, why did Ina's Minecraft streams drop below Fauna's when she used to have way higher Minecraft streams? Can you give us the narrative for that?

>> No.51911819

My biggest issue with when vtubers try to address their audience is that the reason they do it is not to help thier fans but to help clear their conscious.

All the the girls who have said something about the connection that fans have for them as not being real or that they should improve themselves don't mean it when they say it. If you are a vtuber and you want to help them you give them advice or be happy when you see them succeed. I know there is a lot of criticism for gura but one of the first things she said as a way to push toward her fans to do better was to rub the white stuff of the top of the tongue, she also has told a story about being happy about hearing her fans getting together and becoming a couple.

Ame has never said anything about how to improve yourself. Fauna makes ASMR which is exclusively a coomer bait stream.

Any perspective English gen 3 girls before you address your fans you should be result orientated. Fauna and ame's or any of hololive English girls fuck ups did not change those fans all they did was become a hater or left for a new girl. You are replaceable they are going to hire you to replace the people and gain back the fans that hololive English has lost

>> No.51912018
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I think the OP should play video games instead of obsessing over this.

>> No.51912036

uuhhhh... faunaschizos??? our narrative?

>> No.51912516

fuck that, be single, learn japanese, no memeshit, no males, no politcs, no moralfagging, don't fucking attack unicorns/idolfags - just dont fucking say anything about them, shut your fucking mouth
see: Irys, Kiara

>> No.51912624

Unicorns are not fans. They should be mocked and insulted relentlessly until they mindbreak

>> No.51912719

The lecture is very poorly delevered in faunas case atleast she did a little good but kronii was an absolute disaster, it's not like jps havnt done it take suisei for example who has said multiple times that she can't be with her fans and is still one of the most popular vtuber to ever exist but yes avoiding these rants is the best way
Also one thing id like to say to any future en member is learn from jp, en is fine and all but jp branch surpasses all living vtubers by 2X you need to understand why pekora can become the biggest streamer on YouTube, why suisei can become a mainstream singer in japan they are the once who have dedicated themselves to there character to the point where it might be indistinguishable from there true self if you can copy the jp formula, with the holo branding success is but a matter of time

>> No.51912872 [DELETED] 

>be a disingenuous unicornigger
>wh-why so defensive cucks?

>> No.51913033

>be proven that your numbers are wrong
>ignore it and go on nonsensical ESL rant instead

>> No.51913314

fauna's asmr is not coomer bait. rhythmic squicking noises while she blows in one ear just sounds like celery.

>> No.51913421

Numberfags get the rope

>> No.51913552

>Fauna makes ASMR which is exclusively a coomer bait stream
Holy coom brain rot. All because your whores only do ear licking/ntr ASMR doesn't mean ASMR is coom bait

>> No.51913604

The second most funny thing after fucking with /pol/fags is fucking with /vt/schizos

>> No.51913655

EN3 will collab with males and you will like it

>> No.51913728

>even though there is nothing particular about her streams.
female fingers typed this

>> No.51913844

You are still with this? Nobody outside of 4chan handful of schizos was hurt for that comment, move on already.

>> No.51913993
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The schizo is an actual nolife, how hololive got this psychopath is crazy. All that i can come out with is that this is one jealous bitch that losing her "imaginary spot" to fauna.

>> No.51914037

At least Fauna still doesn't male collab. Don't care if she hates parasocials like me.

>> No.51914106

Imagine thinking everyone who post something against Fauna is just 1 person. You are the schizo here.

>> No.51914345

Let this be a lesson that OP is a massive faggot.

>> No.51914351

ogey faunaschizo

>> No.51914581

Probably an unwanted opinion given I'm a former Holofan that moved to Niji and Indies, but I've always found their lecturing of fans to be quite egregious given that, more than anything, their entire business model is about bleeding the wallets dry of parasocial men.

Niji has the same issue in some aspects, but for the most part you can say that their shitty birthday merch appeals to normie otaku who want something cheap for their itabag. Do people think Kiara could sell a bunch of dudes in their 30's on branded fucking oven mitts if they weren't already neck deep in the idol support cycle? Fuck no. It's less self-sabotage and more lacking of self-awareness. The moment you pen a contract to join Holo you have to know where your salary is coming from: it's coming from hard working but lonely dudes who just want some kind of escapism when they clock out. The worst part of Fauna (and others who did the same) is that those same people she's berating will double down on giving her more money if she comes under fire, because that's the community they've bred.

>> No.51914621

>OP still mad to this day Kronii's "friends of the opposite sex" comment was only directed at him since he probably sent one of the boyfriend supas so he still tries to spam the board and gaslight others into thinking she was referring to her fanbase as a whole for almost a whole year now

>> No.51914649

but everything she does is so cute and adorable!

>> No.51914753

You know what? Fair. I'm like that with Rosemi.

>> No.51914862

>The worst part of Fauna (and others who did the same) is that those same people she's berating will double down on giving her more money if she comes under fire, because that's the community they've bred.
As a former Holofan who moved on to others, you would know that most of these threads are bait posts taken out of context. Fauna wasn't even berating her fans. Did you think Elira was shitting on her fans too?

>> No.51914977

Kronii is one hundred percent the reason for all of this. Can't stand that lesbo bitch.

>> No.51915012 [DELETED] 
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Please Explain this Anon

>> No.51915066 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51915119

NTA but I mean, like 50% of the audience probably is, it's all seanigs

>> No.51915549

I, too, a former Holofan, agrered that fauna is dgoingo desttyro asfl ?Ic ant' I can't fucking do this how fucking retarded are you fucking niggers I fucking hate you how do you keep doing this why are you keep ing doi dino this fuck fuck fuck have ofuck fujc oaI \y ou fniggers

>> No.51915730

This, and stream.

>> No.51915871

I just got my confirmation email for EN 3. I will absolutely make it clear from the start that I am an entertainer and not your girlfriend. First and foremost EN is about diversity and inclusion and not about pleasing incel pedophiles.

>> No.51916015

Based. Enjoy being a holoEN with lower number than Kiara.

>> No.51916297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51916407

Even with the worse than retarded sample size it's not even that different.

>> No.51916515 [DELETED] 

>Everyone knew who Fauna was before debut and still gave her a chance despite that (no dox shit).
Speak for yourself, people who followed Fauna got what they fucking deserved imo. Same for Mumei although she hasn't slipped yet.

I'm also just gonna paste a post I've seen before cause it sums up things pretty well.

>I'm gonna try and make an actual essay post here and then maybe copy it and use it again later since this shit keeps coming up. I'm sure many people will go TLDR and mucho texto and "didn't read lol" but I actually do care about Hololive and Hololive EN keeps running into the same issue in my opinion.

>It's probably a long shot given the state of the board these past 2 years, but if you were around for Myth's debut, you should remember debut Mori. She was awkwardly abrasive and contrarian and tried to do everything possible to show that she was "different" from what people had come to expect from Hololive. Whether that was collabing with Trash Taste faggots, not doing even the slightest hint of fanservicey requests, or aggressively shooting down any Takamori banter, she was just unpleasant to be around. The reason she was like this is the same reason Ame told her viewers to improve themselves, the same reason Kronii imploded, the same reason Fauna said her viewers weren't her friends, and the same reason Ina keeps lecturing her viewers. They don't get vtubing. Or at least, they don't get why Hololive JP in particular is so popular.

>Hololive JP is popular because the talents, for the most part, realize they are selling a product, a dream, an illusion. You have to be careful not to break that illusion, but in return people will give you insane amounts of money. This product is part the avatar, and part the person behind it but never really entirely one or the other. There has to be a balance, as Kizuna Ai showed, you can't just have the avatar with another person behind it. But you also can't just be yourself with an avatar, that's where the often used insult of "ethot with an avatar" comes in. You need some bit of character.

>It's this bit that Western women, and particularly Hololive EN seems to struggle with. They want to prove they are bigger and better than the avatar. That people would like them for themselves, give money them for themselves, first draft, unedited. Which is total fucking bullshit. There's a reason they don't talk about their political stances or past relationships. There's a reason you aren't supposed to know their real names, real faces, real ages. Hololive is supposed to provide a nice neat digestible little package and for some reason, these women just fucking chafe at providing that, even if they stand to reap the benefits and make millions off it. Even the ones who weren't blatantly against it from the beginning like Fauna or Ina can't help every now and then but slip and drop the mask so they can lecture their fans because that's what the "real them" would do. That's what they really think.

>Do you really think Nene wants people to report when they masturbate to her? Do you think any woman really wants that? Does Luna really think she's a baby? Is every single Holo in JP just somehow forever single and lonely despite many of them being charismatic, funny, and probably not hideous? No. But they know how to keep up kayfabe without their ego getting in the way, something most of Hololive EN just can't stomach. And they resent it, some openly like Mori and Kronii from the beginning, and some like Fauna or Ame or Ina when it just bubbles out at the worst time. But these hypocrites will rake in money hand over fist from sad lonely men, while still trying to convince themselves they aren't taking advantage of anyone. These men are willing to be taken advantage of, is it too much to ask that they don't openly spit on them after the transaction goes through?

>> No.51916516

Cause and consequence not found

>> No.51916569

Agree but I'll just say that Funa did not "shame fans for not conforming to norms". She was extremely polite and humble but honest. What she said was not an insult or criticism it was just stating facts.
Yes it breaks escapism, and it was unnecessary, she went on a tangent far longer and more serious than she needed to.
She should have just smiled and moved along without drawing attention to it but she fucked up.
But there was no disrespect there or contempt for her audience.
It is not comparable to the bullshit Kronii did, she actually shows disgust and contempt towards her fans and has shamed them intentionally.
So they are not the same thing.

But they really all should just learn from JP and embrace the anime woman mindset. You don't see theatre actors break character or mall santas telling kids they are actually named Bob and have been dealing with a divorce and need extra cash for christmas.
Just let the fans have their fantasy.

>> No.51916610

>2 unarchived
Did he show the Voxcock too much times?

>> No.51916618

EN3 is designated Tempus Collab partners

>> No.51916671

So you're just going to ignore this?

>> No.51916703 [DELETED] 

what is up with unicucks and writing walls of text

>> No.51916712 [DELETED] 

You know how you could be honest? If you told every single person you met "You're going to die someday." In fact, if you said nothing but that, you'd be the most honest person in the history of the world and would state facts your entire life. However that would be extremely rude and off putting and I'd argue, does demonstrate disrespect and contempt for people by not taking in the time or place. And yes, Kronii is a cunt but Kronies are all cucks anyways so they deserve it.

>> No.51916747


>> No.51916758

I know this is fake but if it was real I would stan someone like this so hard

>> No.51916762

its a samefag if it wasnt obvious already

>> No.51916765

The original fans actually care about their hobby so they are invested and write things out, instead of just being ESL shitposters like you.

>> No.51916910

>instead of just being ESL shitposters like you
literally all of it is the same inane bad faith shit that's been repeated ad infinitum

>> No.51916911

>But there was no disrespect there or contempt for her audience.
>It is not comparable to the bullshit Kronii did, she actually shows disgust and contempt towards her fans and has shamed them intentionally.
Also this. Saplings don't know how easy they got off.

>> No.51916977

You guys keep going on about shaming the audience but looking at the (absolute) state of vtuber fans from the way people on this board post I think a little shame would do you guys some good. Shame is a tool for keeping a community healthy y'know.

>> No.51917004

Yeah because death is very scary and people dread it, it's a tragedy.
Being told you are not someone's friend is not something that should cause a similar reaction in any normal functional healthy person.
I guess you could make an argument that Funa should know that her audience is full of fragile weak minded babies that will have a mental breakdown if the anime woman tells them she is not their friend so being honest about that is just as mentally exhausting as telling normal people they will die.
But one could also counter argue that perhaps if something like that bothers people so much they actually need to hear it to grow up and "better themselves".
So in the end what Fauna said is similar to what Ame said in subtext but where Ame came off as petty and arrogant Fauna at least seems sincere when she said it in good faith.

>> No.51917009

Why do unicorns use incel as an insult lmao
Lack of self awareness?

>> No.51917253
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>same game
>no overlap
>almost same timezone

>> No.51917275

Never forget

>> No.51917345


see for yourself, she said what she said

>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>it is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really
>and if you can have a good time here then that makes me happy
>That's if I'm being really real, which maybe, I don't know did you want me to be real? and this goes for every streamer I think
>I don't know, I used to.. really- because I've always liked youtubers and stuff
>And I used to look at youtubers and be like: "OMG if only I could be their friend! like I really wish I could be their friend, it would be so cool"
>But as I've gotten older, I've realized like there's nothing particularly special or that amazing that makes the youtuber different from anyone else
>Just because they're a youtubers doesn't mean they would be good friends to you
>The people you know in real life, your friends, they can be better friends to you than any youtuber can be
>They're just as cool, they have just as many interesting ideas and cool traits about themselves than the youtubers who you admire do
>I think its easy to look at youtubers and then admire them but I promise if you look at your friends through the same lens you will also see the cool things about your friends that makes your friends special too
>youtubers are just normal people, I mean I'm a kirin, keeper of nature but I'm pretty normal, or maybe I'm not I don't know
>but yea, I think I understand cause I used to always watch youtubers and want to be their friends and I think that's normal to some extent
>but its important to keep in mind that I'm just here to stream and hopefully entertain you and make your day better in some way
>I promise its better that way, its better that way, its better that way
>You should cherish your friends in your life. mmhm hmm, and I hope you can have a good time in the sapling community
>There are many people you can make friends with

also said this with heart-shaped pupils on lmao

>> No.51917475

Don't think he's denying the event happened, he's denying saplings cared. Explain this:
Fauna used to get worse Minecraft numbers than Ina and Kronii. Why are her numbers better than them now?

>> No.51917569

minecraft mondays. people know when to watch.

>> No.51917636

So basically you're outright admitting that this "yab" did shit all?

>> No.51917731

eh, probably not much. just look at how many fans gura retains. most of their fans are.. some kind of normie i don't really understand.

>> No.51917763

So basically you're admitting that you're writing all these fucking wall of texts over nothing then?

>> No.51917772
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I would say donation and merch sales are the real indicators.

E.g. Kronii's birthday merch sales were so bad they had to extend the order period, which is unheard of.

>> No.51917812

If we're using that cope, then I can point out the 8.6k Minecraft stream was not on a Monday. Ina and Kronii both had schedules anyway.
I don't think this is the guy writing walls of text

>> No.51917831

Just watch Ina.

>> No.51917887

i'm not the one writing them

>> No.51917945

I for one am shocked that Cover would allow a merch period to be extended because... the talent was out of commission for weeks after the announcement.

>> No.51917959

She just got some of her best ASMR stream numbers ever yesterday, the yab is overblown by antis and/or shitposters.

>> No.51917969

no lies here

>> No.51917999

Instant ESL/SEA identifier. They will never learn non-countable nouns aren't plural. It's only cute when Anya says it, not these faggots.

>> No.51918243

for whoever that is going to be in EN3,
don't listen to this guy.
Just be you and don't let fans dictate what they think you should be. Those fans will be the first to turn on you if they don't get their way.

>> No.51918268
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Go off, sisters! Those unichuds should be mass executed and be replaced with more Tempus gens. Only us sisters will remain and we will get infinite love from our cute boys!

>> No.51918409
File: 153 KB, 595x553, 6F851D74-8C53-4651-B49E-5D8291E56ACF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only applies if you’re an empowered girlboss, though. If you’re one of the boys you MUST do as we say as we invest literal blood sweat and tears into you! Don’t EVER mention the existence of one of those whores or else!

>> No.51918468

Her SC numbers are about the same, although in fairness they were never particularly strong to begin with.

>> No.51918567
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>> No.51918764

Fauna was like this before joining Hololive.

>> No.51918898

Are you going to keep ignoring this?

>> No.51919170

>numbers numbers numbers
>i'm obsessed with numbers!

>> No.51919367

>Until May

Come back in a few months and we will talk again

>> No.51919368
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>> No.51919553
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>""""yab"""" has not affected her numbers at all
>clearly this means it will affect her numbers in the future
So that's the cope you're using. Good to know.

>> No.51919675

This is why EN is garbage compared to JP. Because of people like you

>> No.51921140

Mucho texto, but very truthful. I have just accepted that western VTubing is something completely different to what VTubing was originally, and appeals to different people. If you want quality escapist fantasies to soothe your crippling loneliness, take the JP pill and crank that suspension of disbelief to the max. If, on the other hand, you hate yourself so much that you want to actively feel like shit then go to any EN streamer and huff copium until you overdose. Either way, we watch chuubas because we are degens and there's something not-quite-right in our heads. So I will keep watching my 3-view western indies as long as they make some good content, and I will stick with my JP oshi to heal my rotting soul with her cute antics.

>> No.51921648

>EN is about diversity and inclusion
No it fucking isn't. It's about selling a product: entertainment/escapism. If you want to do something about diversity and inclusion go do your activism somewhere else, don't invade other people's niches so you can do your grandstanding behind an anime booba character.

>> No.51922572

He deletes streams where he gets low numbers

>> No.51923124

Very based

>> No.51923181

Unicorns never use that word, the fuck you on about? Twittannies have taken the word and spew it out all the time along with parasocial.

>> No.51923850

>If you are a vtuber and you want to help them you give them advice or be happy when you see them succeed
Fauna did exactly this in the very scene you're referencing and your ilk was shitposting "how dare she give us advice and telling us she wants us to be happy and succeed and take care of ourselves, who is SHE to say those things" like two weeks ago. Now it's "she should be giving advice"? Why the change in angle? Why the straight up lie about what happened?

>> No.51927032

I love Fauna.

>> No.51928451

>tfw Irys got a supa from that fag Babski and caught herself before reading it fully
That's why she's my wife. But seriously though, how is this dude not banned from every Holos chat?

>> No.51928939

>newer vods have less views than older vods that have had more time to accumulate views
>this proves some schizo theory i have
>t. retard

>> No.51929269

Don't listen to this retard, en3 femchads. You should have talent freedom and prove being an empowered woman! Regularly do collabs with males and flirt with them on stream to prove you are a high-tier female. Also, openly hate your fans and tell them how disgusted you are at them so they know their place. Don't stream more than once a week because it will look like you're trying way too hard, you should respect EN's culture or else you will be shamed for being a pickme "not like the other girls" type.
If you don't follow this Golden Rule then you might as well say goodbye to your vtubing career.

>> No.51929422

How the fuck is this thread still here, why are people still responding, why are people still arguing when the OP has gone full fucking retard since her numbers have returned to normal for literally everything else as shown >>51911048

How are you faggots STILL responding? She had one bad week with a poor game choice (fuck you bioshock) and an RPG fan game and people kept taking it as fucking gospel that she reclined. She had a fucking 10k ASMR just yesterday which is fucking unheard of for her, that shit is RARE. Like holy fuck why hasn't this thread got nuked when OP has been doing this shit too fucking often.

>> No.51929493

ITT a grown man is still seething that Elmo won't invite him to sesame street to hang out.

>> No.51930172

You better be entertaining then (you aren't).

>> No.51931695

Listen, faggots. There's something called a "Graph". It's visualizes data in an easy to read and understand form. Please use it in the future instead of whatever garbage system you seem to be trying to create.

>> No.51931879

shut the fuck up numberfag, and go back to your containment thread

>> No.51936043


>> No.51936257


>> No.51938060

the issue was she responded to bait, the SC was the schizo retard who said "do you view your stream watches as friends or simps" - exact wording. She said neither.
The guy has since been banned kek.

>> No.51938161

Kronii got absolutely fucked over by shipping though. Like egregiously bad.

>> No.51939396

fauna's "yab" didn't even get taken seriously by the majority of this board. of course it wouldn't affect anything.

>> No.51939797

Anyone who is buying Kronii merch deserves it

>> No.51940062

Female, they cant help it. Even if they *like* their audience they will shit on them at some point because thats what women do

>> No.51940090 [DELETED] 

did anything change? you know her not so hidden "secret" ruins her whole thing, right?
cucks like her, so what? it's an actual industry nowadays

>> No.51941268


>> No.51941413

So... what are you even bitching about then?

>> No.51943181 [DELETED] 

>deleted for calling saplings "cucks"
I guess sapmod woke up. If this thread is created during xir timezone I don't think it would even survive.

>> No.51944651

Fauna is a horsefag deflection thread

>> No.51944752
File: 413 KB, 645x1561, 1683722979994123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51945251

Yeah idk what the fuck they were thinking. DHL (or whatever shipper in your region) could pull up to her house and rob everything she owns and it wouldn't even be close to what they made her lose in potential sales, myself included.

>> No.51945319

We need to bring back looney bins. Holy fuckeroni

>> No.51946792

>blaming Kronii
This is a general western whores/thots problem not just Kronii.

>> No.51947058

>The viewers don’t need to be told this!!
Why do you guys keep saying this? She was responding to a viewer/superchat that asked it, so apparently they do.

>> No.51947712

Faunaschizo BTFO of /uuu/ for the past week, jannies deleting his shit threads, so starts coping with his usual anti banter.
Imagine being this mindbroken KEK

>> No.51948083 [DELETED] 

>jannies deleting
Yeah there is a sapjanny squatting in this thread right now. All posts mentioning "cucks" are deleted because he doesn't want everyone to know that it is the major fetish among saplings. Current hours are his active time.

>> No.51948582

>Wall of text that's essentially about numbers and hoping someone at Cover reads it
Nobody gives a fuck! Just go jerk off to an Excel sheet for fuck's sake.

>> No.51949049

Absolutely take this lesson to heart EN 3: filter these faggots early and often so you can focus on healthy audience growth!

>> No.51949751

>Filter these faggots
Another benefit is that those who remain are the loyal. Meaning to them, you'll never do anything wrong and they will support you financially forever. Call it the Furea model.

>> No.51950453

God my chaser ass hopes you have a big dick.

>> No.51951258

To all EN3 member itt, go ahead and enable those tempus dude, I dare you

>> No.51951748


>> No.51953848

No matter what they do they still rack in enough money to retire. Look at Kronii.

>> No.51955341
File: 13 KB, 382x190, ftggfgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who decided to stop watching fauna because of the yab I seriously doubt that's why her numbers went down, minecraft is just very fucking boring no matter who's streaming it.

>> No.51955427

The girls have ignored $100 SCs before so don't get why ignoring a $10 SC would be so hard.

>> No.51955753

she just did a horse stream to simp the clown

>> No.51955920

It may not be sex themed like Choco's but fauna's asmr does have some sexual energy (mostly romantic) since its a anime girl whispering into your ear and doing shit that a girlfriend/wife would be doing for you.

>> No.51956237

She just used the SC as an excuse to lecture her viewers.

>> No.51957540




>> No.51959215

why exclude gura in these
if it's because there's too little streams just add an asterisk or something

>> No.51959248


>> No.51960091

Holy fuck... We're STILL seething about this? I genuinely wonder what the suicide rate for unicorns is. It has to be approaching troon levels. You must not have a single thing going for you to be this assblasted over a gentle reminder that you're probably not actually friends with someone you've never spoken to one on one.

>> No.51960183

it's one guy who's reposted the exact same thread multiple times, and it's not even a unicorn but a blatant anti
if you can't tell that much you're as bad as he is, frankly

>> No.51961700

You're replying to the actual schizo. The clue is in the forth sentence.

>> No.51962869

one of the first things they teach you in any high school class that uses even a single graph is that correlation isn’t causation. But… I guess I shouldn’t really expect any modicum of intellect from this board

>> No.51962912

>look ma, I made the thread again

>> No.51965037

well done

>> No.51966421

the tree minecraft is especially boring. a little of her talking with something happening is fine, but hours of her doing it with nothing really happening is more than i can handle.

>> No.51966574

jfc what happened to the niji homos?

>> No.51968340

I expected a schizo post instead of the complete truth
