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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51896363 No.51896363 [Reply] [Original]

Road to ICC2023 Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.

>Indonesian Vtuber Schedules

>SEA Vtuber Database

Previous thread: >>51686690

>> No.51896536

Opening up this thread with some /news/
>Gema 3D Concert confirmed for October
Gema also teased that she'll partner with local chain Burger Bangor for meals

In another /news/, CF17 confirmed their dates at Dec 16-17

Also apparently after some drama(?) Komandan decided to take a hiatus? She said that she wants to focus on scholarship for S2 LN but we'll see if it's true

>> No.51896856

Sad, my nearest burger bangor already turned into mixue

>> No.51896963

>"muh vtuber cant get affiliates with REAL products!"
>jaret hp
>gema bangor

>> No.51896964

>Gema also teased that she'll partner with local chain Burger Bangor for meals
and they say it was hard to get sponsor as vtuber

>> No.51897168

>In another /news/, CF17 confirmed their dates at Dec 16-17
man, my oshis graduated and now i ain't got no desire to come to cf no more
i hope that one dude selling like, 15 volumes of kancolle artbook open online po or something

>> No.51897181

What make people live Mixue so much? I prefer Gelato or Supermarket bought Ice Cream

>> No.51897214


>> No.51897330

gelato is overpriced as fuck and supermarket ice cream is boring
mixue is like a step up from regular soft-serve except still cheap

>> No.51897699

Comeback stronger, komandan. Until then, have a nice rest

>> No.51897935

McD ice cream is still my favorite

>> No.51898112

McD ice cream machine always broken anon

>> No.51898132

>former streamer
>some random twitch indies
Hololive is much bigger than the entire non-holo ID chuubas. You guys need to stop repeating the same mistake as ID3 prediction.

>> No.51898229

LMAO an American think Indoesian McD Soft Serve Ice Cream machines are also broken like US branches.
USA is so "free" even their Ice Cream machine technicians are fucking lazy

>> No.51898269

>some random twitch indies
eh is there any good ID twitch streamer?

>> No.51898293

Because Gelato is pure and not using milk.
Gelato is when people actually make good ice cream and not just using shortcuts like milk or artificial stuff or crazy amount of sugar.

>> No.51898327

silvia hiatus isnt related to that drama.

hint 1 : Livium goes to campus.
hint 2 : my cock

>> No.51898370


>> No.51898396

how the fuck did you make gelato without milk

>> No.51898421

https://www.youtube.com/live/LoZZVYkXvNU not gfe but there's this tho

>> No.51898432

you got me anon, iam actually hanmak

>> No.51898833

Even if you're Indonesian, stop using American meme in Indonesian setting when you don't know what is it about.
Indonesian McD, KFC, Church Chicken/Texas Friend Chicken, Burger King, Carls Jr etc etc are all better than their American main branch
I actually accidentally found Indonesian Carls Jr. It's fucking expensive but damn it's good.
Not spicy enough tho. But that's typical for us Indonesian.

>> No.51898979

>kfc? mcd? heh, i eat at hisana
>burger king? heh, i eat at burger bangor

>> No.51899011

so what is this all about?

>> No.51899075

is that good cause non my area,only got rocket chiken

>> No.51899089

i've read some of DOSA BESAR things on that kikebook group, and iam surprised that she blurted out about having a bf. is this our first local vchuuba who admittedly(kinda) having a boyfriend?

>> No.51899125


> laughing while bite a juicy bites of Tobbys Fried Chicken

>> No.51899235

no, they're quite dry
if you have dr.chicken or dbesto in your area, i would recommend it. their sambal are amazing

>> No.51899396

fucking hell i hate living in the mountain
not really tho i like it here

>> No.51899405

I lived with my brother

>> No.51899576

Sabana is still better anon.

>> No.51899629

>Indonesian Gachikoi
We... we're not parasocial, we swear!
>Also Indonesian Gachikoi
She has a boyfriend! langit runtuh aAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.51899683

Just be like me, learn to make your own fried chicken until you find the mix that actually taste good.
I even believe that I can sell my fried chicken and people gonna love it.

>> No.51899723

i give you better
> every male collab
i ship this ship, coz their cute

> after 2-3 more male collab
dahlah lonte penyefong laki, duit lu semua dibuat beli kondom

i don't andastand are they really gachikoi or just bocil edgy trying to copy unicorn behaviour

>> No.51899734

Don't forget about this too
>Indonesian fans can take the banter
Also: Indonesian fans easily baper

>> No.51899843

>listening at kikebook retardation
just delete the app anon, i know every phone with that but just stop and reminder every post that you read on kikebook is base on your interest

>> No.51899926

but but... facebook is important for jual beli burung lovebird anon

>> No.51900106

Holy shit this is the worse one indeed.
Irish people can take a full on 100% craic and will not get offended
Indonesian people only getting 1% of craic and they will be super offended and seething for years
Note for dumbasses: That video is supposed to be a joke.

>> No.51900120

> 1. No Deidey lewd
> 2. No Mita lewd


>> No.51900438

fuck your lovebird anon i will goreng that lil shit to make kfc

>> No.51900703

drama qrd?
what the hell is hanmak?
there's one deidey lewd in the archive >>42898912, but not lewd enough
i might commission someone to draw deidey's lewd after i stopped being a simp for chuba.
or steal biiter's hdd, i bet he has lots of deidey's lewd in it.

>> No.51900936

hana makia
is she really this irelevent so much for the biggest ID chuba in 2020

>> No.51901024 [DELETED] 

sorry, i don't watch niji.
in fact i don't watch any indo chuba.
i' just here hanging out with my rekan sebangsa.

>> No.51901178

sorry, i don't watch niji.
in fact i don't watch any indo chuba.
i'm just here hanging out with my rekan sebangsa.

>> No.51901314

Kay food check
Mikaasuma emel
Laika Dreadout
Lilian terazab

>> No.51901718

sabana better

>> No.51902031

Send nudes for prove

>> No.51902249

Check your inbox ^o^

>> No.51903134

>moona and iofi explaining why her merch not get resell
holyshit did yesterday "barisan sakit" post get share by kikebook

>> No.51903266

Kanna Menkrep
Kkiko reads wattpad
Kousei troublemaker
Pirrou The Typing Of The Dead: Overkill
Dipi adu waifu
Ellise cattails
Ael palorant
Ririsu Tarots Harris
Wyne Kartrider
Tf Miti's doing rn?
Rena gartic

>> No.51903321

Did I miss something?

>> No.51903367

check this post in last thread >>51828199

>> No.51903417

>Open youtube
>FalseEyeDramafaggot posting video
>Offkai is full of drama and people crying over moving to Kick
Even with all the bullshit in ID Vtubing scene, at least we fare better and have less drama and not as catty as them Muricans.

>> No.51903509
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>Hololive decided to resell several highest seller ID merchandise
>Some ID cunts got their panties in the know because there's no Moona merch in the list.
Meanwhile only two people (including me) who complain about the lack of Risusaurus

>> No.51903574

only because we're 2-8 years behind the rest of the world, so we haven't entered that phase yet

>> No.51903592

>anniversary & birthday merch items sold between July 2022 and January 2023
>moona anniversary merch sell at April 2023
barisan sakit hati jump in since they can't read

>> No.51903643

Can't wait for the day we have our own offkai and witness our own clusterfuck

>> No.51903688
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>they knew
Did M-chan browse those spicy FB groups and /warkop/?

>> No.51903699

yeah can't wait to fuck some of the 2 view indie

>> No.51904155

They probably have spy(or spies) interns to check up on the biggest groups out there and submit daily report to M-chan.

>> No.51904425

iam m-chan, and i will reward everyone here with free fuck ticket with any member that you choose

>> No.51904433


ghost pudding is live guys

>> No.51904502
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While I can see it's gonna be the case, that means those groups have considerable influence on ID VTubers discussion, whether you hate them or not. Names like Bang Upi are there. Some local VTubers even started to promote themselves on those spicy FB groups, especially on VPU.

Not sure about /warkop/, though. Except for some local VTubers leaking something on this thread again.

>> No.51904789


>> No.51904916

Yeah, there is 1.23M celebration sold on November - December 2022, but it's just arrive on tokopedia this month, No point adding it to resell list

>> No.51905184

my dick is exclusive for deisex only

>> No.51905355

Facebook is the most active social media platform for weebs, simpers, and gamers in ID, yet also too many toxic edgy weebs kebelet roasting & drama seeker. Kek. Facebook sure really strong in groups community, but only relying on Facebook & Twitter are not enough if you want ID Vtuber can reach & got accepted in normies scene. Besides, Instagram, YouTube, and Chinktod are the best platform to make promotion & endorsement content, for now. If you feels Facebook too toxic, you can leave it, just like Miti already did, and instead only focus on Twitter & Discord for the community.

>> No.51906361

Vtuber simulator lol

>> No.51906370
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Damn, they've naturalized AZKi

>> No.51906860

Meissa sed singings
Naya fanfiction writing
Ocha-Tokki chuubatalks
Zen's final birthday countdown
Lala builds astronot

>> No.51906925
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>Zen's final birthday countdown
>suddenly Lumi is there out of nowhere

>> No.51907005

is not bang AL the go to for collab? every indie chuuba choose him as their first flesh streamer collab. hell i even saw him collab with literal who, whos pc so shit she use .jpg to play a game

>> No.51907954

Meedy Mortuary Assistant

>> No.51908888

Eh, dunnno. Sabana differs between one stall and the other. Fortunately, the one near my office is pretty good. However, I'm still curious about the Indomaret fried chicken

>> No.51909233

Olive friend chicken>>>>>>>power gap>>>>your goyslop
come here to Jogja i will treat you with the best chicken in the world

>> No.51909424

campus chicken?

>> No.51909489

not even KFP??

>> No.51909536

>watching meissa rn
why does she have low ccv?
i've been in her stream a few times and it always like this.

>> No.51910414

Mixue and Mie Gacoan are the same. The taste is not the best, but for its price range it's very good.
Other brands with the same quality as Mixue usually priced at least 22k-25k, while Mixue can keep it at 16k. Gacoan is ridiculously cheap, for the same quality, you have to pay at least 18k in other places. Gacoan is also very clean, you won't get that cleanliness for paying the same amount to street side Mie Ayam.
It's baffling whenever people say that there are tastier options than them, well there are, but no one can sell it as cheap as them.
They've successfully went past the viral phase and still sells well. They've unlocked the ultimate strategy to survive in Indonesia: sell higher than average quality product but keep it cheap with minimum profit margin, costumer retention will make more profit in the end even though you get less profit per serving than any other competitors, because the market is big and hungry as long as you can find the right balance between price and quality. Something that vtubing world could also learn.

>> No.51910521

Damn, malam Jumat Kliwon with nyai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAyLU1ZYndg

>> No.51910765

Kawi's A little to the left
Mai ngapex to HSR(?)

>> No.51910800


Ollie used to got canceled, many online harrasment, even body shaming from kikebook in the past, she still can get new viewers from normie audience (even tho mostly are bocil from Windia Nata) & her slot in Holoidcaf3 almost fully filled, she also always take opportunity as a guest in many events Jejepangan, and people still accept her.

Kobo got many canceled on kikebook still not lost her audience on IG & Tiktok, and her response about retards thread from kikebook like "Hah? What? Why? Where? Ga tau ah bodo amat, Idk, I'm not using fb guys". She also still got hype on the last Comifuro, Holoidcaf3, and recently Oh Asmara pretty good on multiplatforms (YT, Tiktok, Spotify).

Cupang after got cancelled about LGBTQ, she still can gain decent - high engagement on YT short & IG reels. Miti too, after drama lewd Vtuber on Deddy Botak comments section, she still can have decent CCV, got huge money from donos (especially Mediashare) & her engagement in short format content videos still good too.

>> No.51911779

>Miti too, after drama lewd Vtuber on Deddy Botak comments section

>> No.51912659

Sekali layar terkembang, surut kita berpantang!

>> No.51913383

Pada zaman dahuluuuuuu....

MiawAug & Windah talked about Vtuber content who provide about lewd things is not good with Botak, then Miti comment on that video comment section, immaditialy many comments pointed Miti as one of Vtuber who sell lewd contents. Become hot on the Twitter, and Miti announced will graduate, but MiawAug send message to Miti, for not to graduate and better to tobat, learn each other for become more better & poaitive in provide contents. After MiawAug show screenshot DM with Miti about want to change herself, people on Twitter & IG forgived Miti, but not for kikebook. After that, she announced to stop using FB & deleted her FB account permanently.

>> No.51914039
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is funny tho since the target is this group not miti

>> No.51915068

who are they?
i see.

>> No.51915411

snowdrop id

>> No.51915525

welp past midnight here anon for you

>> No.51915609

The funny thing is in the past, Mine sarcastically called out Snowdrop for constantly producing lewd content, only to be called out back by Louise (the rrat, white-red hair girl).

>> No.51916056

personally as a viewer, i dont have problem with lewd contents but a bit annoyed when that content affected other vtubers negatively (like that snowdrop id live masturbation), normies will think that vtuber = live hentai

>> No.51916125

qrd about loise vs mine?

>> No.51916476

wait mine have lewd stuff?

>> No.51916601

>live masturbation
what the hell?

>> No.51917741

Yeah, Cacang supposedly masturbated on stream. Coupled with Snowdrop lewdness, Mine called them out. It was so messy (yet quick) that /warkop/ catched stray by Mine deciding to mention /warkop/ out of nowhere. It also leads to the hybrid VTuber discourse, which Airi talked about. So, when Airi decided to show her face, some people from Facebook called Airi out for being a "hypocrite" and both have a bit of back and forth.

These things, amongst the others become ammos for kikebookfags to attack Airi early this year, forcing her to take a hiatus. I wish I were kidding, but it's a domino effect. Just because a lesbian decided to jack off on steam. God bless Helix and Cacang, lol.

>> No.51917867
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>Snowdrop ID
>a local VTuber agency with Helix and Charlotte as its spearhead
>there's one time where either Helix or Charlotte (not both of them at the same time) did content so lewd that it's bannable and there's fear that there might be bocil among her audience
>Mine sarcastically bring this up
>Louise fired back at her with "muh talent freedom" argument
>I forget whether Louise also pointed out that Mine did some lewd content (though it's nowhere close to what Helix and Charlotte did) or not
>Mine backpedaling
>I forget the rest of it, just look at >>51917741 awikwok

>> No.51918177
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>a lesbian that allegedly flicked her bean caused drama
>a come-out pansexual girl dragged into drama related to TERF (because of her false equivalence logic) and her Pride tweet
If something can go wrong, it'll go wrong.

>> No.51919323


>> No.51922524


>> No.51923492

I think intel from FB is still collected but only for consideration.
They still rely on Twitter and stream comments to see what demographic and their demands.
And I believe this containment board is also monitored, probably to see what kind of gachikoi and schizo they get.

>> No.51923515

trakteer tweeting a parody of this https://youtu.be/jC2QX_nrXW0?t=11m30s

>> No.51923696

The problem with Indonesia's franchising is the quality control is pretty dog shit sometimes.
With the like of Richeese and Hotways they have far stricter quality control and it will guarantee same tasting chicken on all their branches.
But Sabana and Hisana with their "warung gerobak" isn't always controlled. I don't know if they even have rgional manager or not.

>> No.51924174

Yeah. I actually tried Mie Gacoan once. The taste is basic and they cover it by making it spicy enough. I prefer Mie Pak Karso.
>Vtubing can also learn
No please don't. Making yourself "cheap" don't work for Vtuber. Vtuber is about filling certain niche that will make you remembered and refered to when they want to watch specific thing.
Personality is also important. Plain boring guy/girl schtick will not work with vtubing because your avatar isn't always express your real emotion.

>> No.51924427

Kikebook cancellation tend to came from 1 or 2 people who try to make it a big yab my making stupid list and spamming the page with hate over and over again. I think Cover's M-chan knew that and knew how to deal with them.
Also fucking sane people will not fall into those kind of fabricated yabs. Harassment and body shaming make you sound petty and pathetic. Kobo reaction is also perfect. By not checking FB and keep trucking along she simply kill all the buzz those antis trying to build.

>> No.51925238

>big yab my making

>> No.51927792


>> No.51929123

lack of exposure I guess

>> No.51932212


>> No.51936071

never had one :(

>> No.51939592

I wonder if those kind of girls still exist. I think not.

>> No.51942156

They move to Instagram and Only Fans anon

>> No.51944502

I think Kobo (or at least through the advice of M-chan) has the right mentality to deal with antis rn. Not sure about the other talent, though

>> No.51944626

Mine was wearing panty on her model head in a stream + thumbnail stream. its basically a war between gravure cosplayers circle vs mine circle (yes including airi cordelia). Snowdrop is a closed circle. they barely do collab outside their agency. i never saw them collabing with another agency talents. They used to have many gachikois, i dont know how their situation now

>> No.51945082

do anyone knows any indo fleshtuber who give a creative reaction to holospehere? like the general holos memes without dramas and for fun, like nagz or koefficient did?

>> No.51945225

>creative reaction
i know you gonna hate this but.....bang al

>> No.51945305

Major vtuber conflict so far in ID

1. Miti circle vs Shekuma circle (2021)
2. Mine circle vs Snowdrop Circle (2022)
3. Deidey vs Astelica (2022)

Keiko, that poison snail, and terong should be next in line creating conflict since they have bad personality (gimmick + not gimmick)

>> No.51945368

shit, now that youve mentioned it, i think he is, kind of

>> No.51945451

I think most of HoloID girl already have capabilities to handle the Antis.
Basically they try not to engage or acknowledge the antis.
But i don't know how hard is that affecting their mental health.

>> No.51945552

I remember when I saw Ollie's membership leak that essentially Ollie said that she visited Facebook while M-chan prohibited her to do so (along with 4chan and others), only to find out she actually found many wholesome content (presumably from hug-box style FB group).
>But i don't know how hard is that affecting their mental health.
Moona's Perisai Jitu should be the glimpse of it.

>> No.51946154

I mean, Perisai Jitu is good, but people are reading way too much into it. I think it's just a Barnum Effect for a rising artist, and not especially about Holos, or Moona in particular.

>> No.51946180

cover id collect the data, you know from the receiver perspective all donators email are visible, they also said there is a warn list on their database, they collect data from everywhere, social media, forums, chats and donations. and once they found your email + alt accounts got in on the warn list, you are no longer eligible to attend any of their private event, thats why you got an approval email before attending their holocafe before maybe thats why not a lot of pemaloe passed kekw

>> No.51946413

Why you guys still think that kikebook retards who make slander thread & hate speech towards vtubers are antis? They're literally also Vtuber enjoyers too. They spread bad think/make slander thread about Vtubers and then that information reach to normies, become hate fuels/reason to hate Vtuber. So, the one who make ordinary people have bad impression about Vtuber community are from Vtuber fans itself who indirectly always sells Vtuber community ugliness to public.

>> No.51946491
File: 25 KB, 714x204, xyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine sending this to a teenager

>> No.51946630

Are you sure about that? You make it like Cover have a psy op or a team of e-shinobi to take care of those people.
Imagine you keep making fake rrat about Hololive and suddenly Iroha slit your throat

>> No.51946715

i just check out yori trakteer page: Literally zero gachikoi, not much donation... zero donation on her 2 last stream.

poor girl

>> No.51946718

>Childish message sent by a man-child to a teenager.
It's SMP and SMA all over again.

>> No.51946879


>> No.51947000
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I mean, I can imagine they'll do it since Hololive had to deal with so many dramas in the past. Not sure how they handle the anonymous forum and doxx sites that'll affect JP and EN branches respectively, except to ensure the talent to ignore them. ID girls are pretty much taking it easy compared to JP and EN, I guess.

>> No.51947069

Genuinely curious, does none of her fans from JKT48 become at least one of her gachis? Because I think it shouldn't be that hard to convert them right? Eh, it's probably Rendy's fault again, kek

>> No.51947203

So, which one of you going to save her anon?
Kaigai Nikki?

>> No.51947690

one may wonder why. Also, she doesnt open her membership + not collabing with other vtuber while literally almost no one will reject a collab from ex JKT member. Something feels fishy.

>> No.51947798

anon, there are cheap tools $20/month to check emails associate, email accounts with the same ips and any websites that specific emails got registered, unless you had 3 layers of vps + vpn, they still can detect you, they dont need to kill the rrats, just stop you from attending their events or denied your job proposal as part of their talents is enough

>> No.51947987

She's probably just a dumbass who don't know how to branch out as Vtuber

>> No.51948054

>Implying they know that kind of tool existed

>> No.51948060

she's still a child, it's okay

>> No.51948087

yori is under "that" management anon

>> No.51948232

>cheap tools

>> No.51948284

Jaka Angkasa was there too.
Scroll a bit more after that Wibu Tolol one.
He said the same thing.
What tools?

>> No.51948651

he'd die virgin
if you know where to look, most of free tools to check indepth data on internet are by japs and chinks

>> No.51949017

For a company that just built a multimillion dollars studio, yes.

>> No.51949101

I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about if Cover corpo even know that kind of tool exists.

>> No.51950139

Even tho that kind of tools exist, Holo ID too misqueen to recruit data entry employee

>> No.51950268

Clipper Fanfare ch dead

>> No.51950340

y'see, company buy subscriptions in yearly, not monthly, so that's ~200$
that amount usually requires a written proposal to branch manager and most likely get rejected coz no clear immediate benefits

>> No.51950379

that fu*ker. i hate stupid donation message and kikebook so much

>> No.51950500

I mean, I can get clipper marked as duplicate content and shits, but spam?
Sounds like they got hacked and started streaming spaceX NFT or something.

>> No.51951688

Isn't this the one who abandoned hololive after becoming big from clipping them and instead started to clip some other smol corpo? Deserved if so.

>> No.51951930

Fanfare is your average weeb tragedy. He went to spend his earnings on hololive merchandises and that L2D model, but ended up having financial difficulties. As a result, he had to sell his merchandises at a far lower price.

>> No.51951999

I don't think this is about duplicate content. I smell something fishy.
Also dude threatening Youtube's twitter account, I don't think that's a wise move you fucking idiot.

>> No.51952182

>he had to sell his merchandises at a far lower price.
damn you, now you got my attention

>> No.51952305


>> No.51952450

genuine question
would you think of your oshi when you listening to khutbah, or you just fell asleep?

>> No.51952502

>no option to actually hear the khutbah

>> No.51952828

My Masjid, the speakers might
1. Went crap and I can't even hear what the Imam say
2. Went too loud it hurt my ears
3. Actually work well and I can hear what the Imam said

But it also depend on the orator skill of the Imam

>> No.51952953

i think it's the other way around.
they used to clip for kawaii and after gen 3 graduated they switched to clipping holo.
didn't realize they are selling their collection.
is it because youtube kill their monetization?
they lost their source of income.

>> No.51953807

Hey, at least she got this acting gig as local toku heroine, right?

>> No.51954383

not orang dalam here
Nimo TV will be back i just wondering which chuuba will take the lead to conquer that market. reminder in Nimo TV you can play copyright stuff, for example music

>> No.51954459

well yes, she has works here and there. but still

>> No.51954509

Rora Meeza

>> No.51955311

Yeah, I feel that if she wants to go full chuuba route, she should quit from that talent agency, and start building network that's serious about chuuba business. Do what Shannon/Shiru has been doing with the AKA folks, talk with Epel, or ask advice from Deidey (if the ExJKT/Trainee rrat are assumed to be true, then it's even easier for her to approach Deidey).

>> No.51955651 [DELETED] 

Isn't Kejeblos ex-JKT too?

>> No.51955720

Isn't Kejeblos ex-JKT too?

>> No.51956545

Yeah, and she fares better compared to Yori

>> No.51956948

>miti vs shekuma
>keiko, poison snail
literally who?

>> No.51957173

thing is, seems she doesnt want to go to full chuuba route: still in school + irl singing career.
probably rendy is the best option for her

>> No.51957277

Tell me who

>> No.51957299

different age, experience, networks, management. Also, KJ schizo and coom baiting which attracts viewers/clippers isnt exactly Yori area of expertise. yori is way too young and seiso in the industry

>> No.51957310

what is this? https://twitter.com/EpelEvelyn/status/1671785920725647361?t=piCYTKr-AnbtQib7aBpynA&s=19

>> No.51957336

anyone know how to grow an audience like this, streamer and viewers bantering using mediashare, If we can replicate this formula we can farm millions IDR every stream

>> No.51957422

we can see there is this JKT-related-vtuber circle in jakarta. Another separate circle in Bandung (mainly cosplayer) and Surabaya.

>> No.51957501

need Ollie / KJ / Elaine / Miti level of energy + enthusiasm. Not every vtuber is insane.

>> No.51957594

3D videotron

>> No.51957925

How do we tell this JPsis?

>> No.51957985
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>> No.51957996

should sent reparation by giving me cute jp wife

>> No.51958321

Check her bio. She's a full-time mom, at least according to her.

>> No.51959415


Leifa Nerine too

>> No.51960006

>Our book is not telling us about invasion
This makes me think about whether we got any invasion that I didn't even know happening.
As far as I know, other than timor-timor, and occasional spats with Malaysia, we're pretty much chill, ain't it?
Though I guess there's the petrus phase and all.

>> No.51960405

Japan did many horrible things during WW2, so their history books try to hide the facts as much as they can.
Same thing with us, the gov did huge massacre during the purging of PKI but they don't tell you in history books.
They only tell PKI killed 6 generals and 1 officer that's all.
Exact number is not known but some sources even said it was almost 1 million killed in the massacre.

>> No.51960537

wait, I swear I learn about G30SPKI in my school and how horrible it is, though they don't exactly tell how much dieded coz we're kids and all.

>> No.51960628

They mentioned in history books that they captured some guys, that's all.
They didn't tell you how they butchered them.
No numbers either.
Some rot in prison too for 30+ years until Soeharto lengser.

>> No.51960655

They only tell you about the G30SPKI, and not the massacre the army did after that.

>> No.51960749

>They didn't tell you how they butchered them.
To be fair, you don't tell this to teenagers.
People often forget that gore is also R18.
>No numbers either.
Isn't it more like because no one knows exactly how many died?

>and not the massacre the army did after that.
I honestly always thought G30SPKI refer more to what happens after 30 Sept.

>> No.51960847

You do reralize that Timor Timur invasion was a direct order from USA right? Indonesia actually don't give a fuck about Timor Timur at first but when USA heard that Fretelin is a communist party they shit their pants because they don't want Cuba 2.0 that's very close to Australia.

>> No.51960931

>To be fair, you don't tell this to teenagers.
>People often forget that gore is also R18.
You're right.
>Isn't it more like because no one knows exactly how many died?
Some are exaggerated, but Orba tried to minimalize the victims as many as they could.
Lots of things happened before and after that day.
The massacre is one of the aftermaths.

>> No.51960966

you know realize, indonesia was a vassal of the us during soeharto regime

>> No.51961019

to be honest if USA didn't intervention Dutch invasion by telling them no marshall plan for you we already balkanized

>> No.51961021

and then some people dare to say "piye? sek enak jamanku toh" with soeharto photo, like what the fuck indoooog indooog asdfasdfasdfadsf

>> No.51961025

A lot of people knew that anon. This is not 1996 anymore.

>> No.51961079

the reason why the us backstab the dutch, was because they don't want more soviet influence.

>> No.51961105
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I don't have /vt/ version of this so take this one.

>> No.51961108

Not really. The The Dutch stopped because they running out of money and equipment.
That's what make it amazing that Indonesia is still a united front until now. They really want to balkanized Ambon and Papua because they're salivating over the natural resources.
Right now even Australia want that sweet sweet Papua's gold.
They already steal oil and gas from Timor Leste, Australia is not subtle about wanting to be a colonizer again

>> No.51961149

yep but remember we truly neutral now since we know how its fell like
>to close to Russia PKI happen
>to close to USA dictator

>> No.51961246

and now we are Chinese vassal state kek
>partai banteng keep pushing these propaganda that we own the biggest nickel mines in the world
>we told the west to suck a dick no more nickel for you
>all the nickel company owned by Chinese

>> No.51961299

and here i thought '98 supposedly cripples any chinese influence in our country

>> No.51961408

Oh you sweet summer child
Also when China finally develop that new battery that use salt rather than nickel and Toyota develop better hydrogen fueled car, we will be fucked.

>> No.51961431

have you ever wonder why chinese in Thai / Malaysians are buddhist / Tao, while chinese Indo are christians?

also, christians in indonesia are less than 2% back then in 1945, compared 10 % now.

Soeharto forgoten legacy

>> No.51961458

The one affected by 1998 isn't the one who have that much power anon

>> No.51961488

>all the nickel company owned by Chinese
anon that old news there a reason why hyudai(korea),wuling(china) make their own pabrik in indonesia,ban export mean no export doesn't matter is west or china
btw look at this 2020 news
burn the chinese

>> No.51961634

>Claim that Chindos are Christians
>Conveniently forget about Chinese Buddhists Chinese Confucianism
>Or tons of Klenteng in Indonesia
I remember someone made a huge 20 meters Kwan Im statue and it was pretty recent.

>> No.51961687

Most Chindo are Christians or Catholics, anon.
Just because they build a huge statue doesn't mean they are lots of them.
They just have lots of money.

>> No.51961809

Oh now, here we go again. I hate history & politic subject.

>> No.51961986

I wanna say jas merah, but we can talk about ICC if you want
though I don't see holoID talking bout it even though it starts today and they're invited

>> No.51962101

i only participate in talking about chuuba if Kobo get involved in the discussion
i cant wait all those spicy story from JP

>> No.51962140
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>I don't see holoID talking bout it

>> No.51962239

I watch her a lot too. Tbh she is that chill type vtuber while our audience prefer a loud one. Also can't be help her agency isn't that big. Her roulette stream is really fun, but she is too emabarassed to do it more often.

>> No.51962283

Fair enough
I'm more expecting the one like epel did tho, but I stand corrected.

>> No.51962721

have you guys seen this?

>> No.51962832
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yeah i watch the news
they talk about hololive as idol vtuber and color/anycolor as big vtuber corpo

>> No.51962854


>> No.51963006

> no translation
fk it anon, why do you torture me this way

>> No.51963304
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orgy after con?

>> No.51963352
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eh the sub fine,just use your wibu power anon
Inside Cunny Creampie

>> No.51963435

I mean recentlyy there's Raimu Asukabe thing.

>> No.51963477

Use cnnuy or cnuyy anon

>> No.51963935

Yep, I actually saw it before it got translated. I was hoping for someone to translate the signature wall.

>> No.51963997

I use youtube's text to translation.
It's a fucking mess because it rarely translate anything but when it did, it actually do a pretty okay job.
What I catch is that one of the panel member is questioning about what it mean to be human anymore when the balance between human and 2D start to tilt.
Dude is so young and yet he asked the heavy question lol

>> No.51965328

So what's the drama again?

>> No.51965379

So it's the biggest studio in Japan with that kind of techs and facility. It means they can get a lot of contracts from other companies just to use their studio. Hell, they probably can even get contracts from overseas too. Especially movie studios who need to shoot some scenes in Japan and need the greenscreen or screencap techs for the Japanese casts.

>> No.51965429

nothingburger. basically kikebook try nggoreng silvia word out of context

>> No.51965514

Just normal day on Facebook. Ga goreng orang, ga makan

>> No.51965796

just an exaggeration.
they hate vtuber who pansos that scizo streamer AL.
they starting to look like /vt/ wannabe, hell the entire FB community is basically just 4chan at this point.

>> No.51965857

Males buka FB. Is thread gorengan about komandan still happen on kikebook?

>> No.51965969

such a bizzare feeling watching livium vtuber seminar at UI

>> No.51966084

Stop buka FB man. It's not worth it.
Even Mark no longer give a shit about it.

>> No.51966085

how, report it plsss

>> No.51966207

instead one of their mods who popularize "eh eh chamber" is leaving the grup

>> No.51966237

there's around 40-60 people

>> No.51966498

Hey hey people, if you are interested in the Warhammer 40K cards game, I'll be giving away steam keys in my stream for the closed alpha.

>> No.51966839

That's really zannen. The timming really close with komandan hiatus, so the drama fastly become sinked down. Before, I really hoped it will become big drama with NapLive involved, and Upi stand for NapLive (his circle member). >Upi vs kikebook groups...
Since I hate both of them, I really hoped they're will fight each others.

>Moderator group that popularize eh eh chamber? Who is it?
If i'm not wrong he using suisei pp? No?

>> No.51967078


>> No.51967281

but the majority of that group doesn't hate naplive, they only attack vtuber, maybe its because upi there so they kinda reluctant to slander napking

>> No.51967321

btw guys, sorry for OOT
iam just curious why many people on twitter mocking ocean gate submarine accident?

>> No.51967320

Maybe Livium already know before hand that komandan will hiatus so they push the audition for second wave. Kinda thing it's weird they announce second wave audition when all their talent except for komandan is established

>> No.51967396

KJBlosck with a company that started merintis in metaverse world(?)
So, i see.. if.. if.. only, there's a time in the future some big/quite famous influencers start to interest in about vtubers, maybe the reason because they're see vtuber potential for metaverse & nft. IMO

>> No.51967460

Lilian eats prindapan fud

>> No.51967467

Nah, they don't have courage to face Upi. Upi will find and confront them. So they choose to roast vtuber because no action will be taken against them.

>> No.51967504

yeah of course they're don't have big enough dick for slander upi and his circle (+their militan fanbase).

>> No.51967643

>le bilioner want money from submarine tourist
>make cheap submarine that controled by logitech controler
>no gps system
>cheap material that can't handle the water preassure
i wonder why anon

>> No.51967749

Igni MHR
Nima Coffee Talk

Super Bnuuy Man koleb
>Miyu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFKcyc6JaUs
>Laika : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ojO436evUw

>> No.51967814

Zen final birthday-anniv

>> No.51967936

Fuck maha5

>> No.51968285

>sena has bladder infection
oh dear...

>> No.51968293

luthfi is PV anon

>> No.51968344

poor sena, too much unprotected sex

>> No.51969015

> hangout with kobo
> get exposed to horny ojisan
> ? ? ? ?
> bladder infection

yeah, this is all coincidence

>> No.51969345

Iirc Yami Barabara has confess she has a husband after she quits her agency

>> No.51969748

> Yami, Gema, Iuna, Aria Galaksia, Moona

>> No.51969853

yami barbara? admin yami?

>> No.51969964

Idk man, there's something cute about it when a married woman (bonus point if she's a housewife and/or a mother) try to pass as a younger girl (high-schooler to college age range). Imagine the expression of her husband (and children, if she has one)

>> No.51970118

i dont mind either as long their husband isnt on stream. i dont care anything behind the stream as long they dont bring their male counterpart into the stream itself or on their social media.

>> No.51970171

come on man, do your reps

>> No.51970285

Huh? i thought Gema is a man

>> No.51970488

sometimes. her husband is also sometimes a women.

>> No.51970621

Miti ngabrut
What should be done or don't online?
Rynn Only Up!
Kay mediashare
Ethel-Ymel-Aneki DND
Nara voice review
Tiona Gartic Phone
Gebi One Hand Clapping
Mikuru Varmintz
Happy Anniv Alisia!
Groomed Banana Meme Review
Ririsu fucks Svarog

>> No.51970635

wtf? are they snails?

>> No.51970829

go to /hag/ anon, you'll fit there

>> No.51970977

welcome to the vtuber world anon: a world filled with gender shifter

>> No.51971612

Rena Gartic
Sho Madfather
Leone Sons of the Forest
Nihongo Tomio
Meissa Balorant

>> No.51971685

It's interesting when you named every chuubas then you just rolled with "Groomed ___" when it comes to YumeLive talents awikwok. I know about the rrat, though. Also, the audition from YumeLive closed yesterday.

>> No.51972295

>The ship never certified for safety
>Idiot CEO order viewing glass rated for 1300 meter deep. Too cheap to pay for the one rated for 4000 meter deep (the depth of Titanic wreck)
>Carbon fiber is a wrong material for submersible, but he insists on using it because of the meme
>Using consumer grade electronics inside. Not made to withstand rigorous activities like.... dunno, going 4000 meters deep under the cold, dark, unforgiving sea
>Fired the expert that warned him about safety, hire 20something crew because they're innovative! (and of course fucking cheap)
>250K ticket might be expensive, but surprisingly it's actually pretty cheap because in reality fuel for going to the titanic wreck cost over a million dollars
>Billionaire and his friends willingly pay for the ticket even when their waiver clearly said that the sub is not even certified and still experimental
>James Cameron said it the best: "If you make an experimental submersible, don't bring guests, go in yourself, alone"

>> No.51972356

>there's something cute
Cute? You mean FUCKING HOT!

>> No.51972391

it's peak comedy when iron lung developers commented that they basically realized their game in reality

>> No.51972408

Dunno man, I can't shed the image of her giving her husband a BJ after she's done streaming

>> No.51972503

This made me realize, will Markiplier gonna postpone the release of that movie after this OceanGate stuff happened?

>> No.51972561

>Miti ngabrut
>Rynn Only Up!
same links

>> No.51972714

Meissa playing Valorant

>> No.51973001


>> No.51974227

>page 10 in 25 minutes
the fuck is going on in the catalog?

>> No.51974358

Gema ranks your mediashare

>> No.51974413

apparently some homos raided holos
yeah, idk either

>> No.51974466
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>imagine she secretly having sex on stream while you watch her
like that twitch 3dpd whore (i forgot the name)
who was raided?
who raided?

>> No.51974506

>25 min
thats quite normal actually
especially this hour

>> No.51974543

iirc vesper raid kiara yesterday, or this morning? i don't remember

>> No.51974589

Vesper raided Kiara.

>> No.51974909
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And funnily enough, the logitech controller survives the implosion

>> No.51975242

>yabba dabba do strikes again
I knew it.

>> No.51975333
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>> No.51975437

i don't really care who holo girls he fk yesterday, iam more interested on why he never collabing with regus

>> No.51975478

the "EN Bang Al" we deserve

>> No.51975532

Louise Minecraft
Kawi sing and talk

>> No.51976436

wtf so you telling me the ringleader of boxing group is the one who collab with Ollie?

>> No.51976963

Ironically, yes.
He just often monitoring in many ghibah vtuber groups. But even tho he not make any thread/drama, still... just with the fact/prove that he joined in many ghibah vtuber groups.. if only he not a influencer, holo id already blacklist him since a long time.

>> No.51977153

i see so in short if youre streamer kecil you need to lick his feet so his army will not attack you, no wonder Windah kneeling to him

>> No.51979112

Nyai Ghostwire

>> No.51981100

Catalog being catalog I guess

>> No.51981237

Ooh, nice! Aku padamu, nyai!

>> No.51981769

Making love passionately with Deidey

>> No.51982760


>> No.51985384

Oh you know why

>> No.51986715

EU hours please understand

>> No.51989216

Good thing I'm awake now. Don't die thread.

>> No.51991862

subuh gan

>> No.51994138

Makes you wonder what's the theme for next batch from groomcorp since Jolly Jungle was surely animals and their recent ones are fruits

>> No.51996439

drinking deidey's fresh milk in the morning feels so good after all night playing ml* with her
*not mobile legend

>> No.51997769

Veggies I guess? Whatever it is, it's more important to make sure their latest gen don't graduate again kek

>> No.51999222

almost bump limit.
bake a new one for tonight?

>> No.52002599

is there any new news?

>> No.52002719

Lutfhi once search "chuubas x real face" on stream anon (i don't remember who, i think it was gura).

>> No.52003029

Is there any ID Chuuba who have their own figures other than Jaret?

>> No.52003172

>other than Jaret
he can't keep getting away with this

>> No.52003314

nope just some keychain and acrylic

>> No.52004964

so far no one i guess?
even the holoID girls also want their own berhala. and looking from their reaction, i bet they will not have one for this year.
that got me thinking, what makes it hard to make a berhala?

>> No.52005045

berhala is haram, anon

>> No.52005141

I wanna go to ICC but it seems a certain political party will gather around GBK
should I take TJ instead?

>> No.52005787

I thought they're busy with that pesantren right now?

>> No.52008043

Fure, actually.

>> No.52009680

Oh right, i kinda missed pre ordering Holo ID gen1-2 plushie. I wish there will be some local seller who stock it

I see

>> No.52011249

nah, they can't because i bet yumekek put something about talent should be under their flag for at least 2 years
it was written at audition form

>> No.52012023

Meedy sleepy talks
Laika morning talks
Geby RFA

>> No.52012419

They can still pull a Suika if they want to quit

>> No.52012635

I kinda missed suika, what happened to her?

>> No.52014970

That'd be a clusterfuck if it really happens, but so far I think they're holding those newbies pretty well

>> No.52016186

Staying low-profile I guess. She still do rm streams from time to time, but mostly just to play Valo or do karaoke

>> No.52016928

All countries should tell their dark history in schools as a cautionary tale just like the Germans do.
