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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51898463 No.51898463 [Reply] [Original]

She completely leaned into the 5guys rrat and turned it into marketing material. Her engagement on Twitter and the ccv on her latest Twitch stream have been inclining. That MtF blabbermouth might have done her a favor in the end.

>> No.51898557

>Her engagement on Twitter
Doesn't pay the bills.
>and the ccv on her latest Twitch stream have been inclining
Not true. I saw it.

>> No.51898571

God can you imagine how busted up and ugly a chick has to be to have to fuck ANIME FANS of all people

>> No.51898574

You've got to admit, she's smart. This should be the standard reaction for every vtuber to rrats.

>> No.51898705

She's op trying to shill her streams again.

>> No.51898741
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>damage control in ads
>damage control in bait
Inhale deeply

>> No.51898762

That’s embarrassing

>> No.51898783

Ah, the newest NTR vtuber.

>> No.51898809

dont selfpost here, whore

>> No.51898832

This reminds me of Mori replying to the cuckbeat bait comic on twitter

>> No.51898905
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It's a safe bet the ads/leaning into the meme was her boyfriend or mods idea who use 4ch regularly. It's the kind of thing that can sort of work if you play it off right but during the stream she was clearly upset and annoyed about people thinking there was even a chance about it being true. Someone joking doesn't threaten subs saying she'll ban any subs that are a year old for believing it in a flat voice.

>> No.51898936

Sounds like she’s upset she got exposed for being a turbo-whore

>> No.51898942

only on twitter
she's seething and damage controlling really hard on discord

>> No.51898947

Nothing will be funnier than that first 2-3 hours cuckbeats tried to defend it as a nothingburger before even leddit turned on her in disgust.

>> No.51898957

This is the same girl who survived a saying nigga live on stream scandal. Which only helped her incline.
I wouldn't be surprised if the entire thing was orchestrated to give her another scandal to give her another boost.

>> No.51898958

I'd say buy an ad already but she already did that, too.

>> No.51898972

Buy an ad- oh, you did. Carry on then.

>> No.51899004


>> No.51899010

post proof

>> No.51899021

that's different. Lonely men on here will champion any vtuber that uses nignog because it lets them delude themselves they actually could date ''a fellow non-normie that knows le truth!''. You know what doesn't help with that? Getting dicked down by multiple other dudes while you donate each stream like a cuck.

>> No.51899038

Can cofirm, I'm the bf. Also let me know if anybody wants to join me and Mari this Saturday, she had less than 50 cocks inside of her this week so we could use the help.

>> No.51899072

check the archives, it's been posted multiple times

>> No.51899101

>while you donate each stream like a cuck.
Jokes on you Im into that shit.

>> No.51899130

people who spam the n-word are usually into cuckoldry

>> No.51899159

give the post # then

>> No.51899178

he's been doing the same shit for at least three threads. he won't show anything.

>> No.51899239

>Someone joking doesn't threaten subs saying she'll ban any subs that are a year old for believing it in a flat voice.
Is this fragile behaviour real?
For a second I actually thought she might be based enough to just roll with it and make it into banter - that's really the only positive thing you can do after something like this.

>> No.51899283

No it isn't. Mori liking the cuck art on twitter tmade trolls aware of the fact they could get under her skin and they managed to give her a meltdown.
People will probably mention 5guys in her chat for years now until she has a woman moment.

>> No.51899343

Mori works for Cover Corp, Mari is a small indie without much of a career to lose. She'll either ride the controversy to success or would have retired after a while anyway due to falling viewership.

>> No.51899422

Her vod is 4 hours long and she brings it up throughout the whole stream. Put it on in the background if you think she's meming, she's very annoyed about this whole mess.

>> No.51899631

Nobody cares. We just gonna laugh at her for a week then this slut will never be mentioned again. Like legit, nobody ever mentioned her in the past two years this board existed.

>> No.51899640

NTA, but There is one screenshot where she isn't seething but just upset about whole thing. That's it.

>> No.51899653

They also tried to claim the Mori account that donated to Connor was "fake" before Mori confirmed it herself kek

>> No.51899686

You haven't seen her ""based"" clips posted before? They're not that rare.

>> No.51899701

Her 3 highest paypigs are literal 4channers

>> No.51899742

Do you know if they got the invite to the offkai hotel?

>> No.51899762

You are half-right, people will laugh about it and that's it, but everytime someone will bring her up people will mention 5guys.

>> No.51899765

My only actual exposure to this chick is the soundpost of the plap meme and I've pretty much written her off as diet pippa

>> No.51899768

>That MtF blabbermouth
Ha I knew this faggot is a troon

>> No.51899825

Pippa is diet Mari. This chick handled 5 cocks on one night while Pippa's fans have to live off that one clip of her exbf flirting with her before they fucked later

>> No.51899827

and anytime there's a convention announced the incident will be brought up.

>> No.51899871

True, I think in general people will be less trustful of chuubas who go to conventions, and the trust is already in the ground. Not that chuubas care

>> No.51900092

More like Diet Nyanners.

Pippa is smart and content-pilled. Mari is impulsive and dumb as a rock. She attracts people who are interested in this type of shit:


>> No.51900156

she's my new oshi! if i donate enough she might fuck me at the next con!!! posts like this are what did her favors. she got to be the /vt/ hot topic of the day. let it die. from all accounts even without this she should quit.

>> No.51900207

Pippa became the very thing she made fun of when she started streaming

>> No.51900268

Hina is a girl, good job ruining the last good will Mari had

>> No.51900354
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They all do in the end. The goal is to cumulate a loyal, desperate, pathetic mountain of simps that will follow you regardless the path you end up going. Pippa's whipped her fans so well she could do a Vei and date Asmongold and all they'd do is start calling him a gigachad.

>> No.51900410

>Someone joking doesn't threaten subs saying she'll ban any subs that are a year old for believing it in a flat voice.
You could potentially ruin her with this

>> No.51900466

I mean what else do you do when the rrat is actually true?
Because make no mistake, she fucked 5 guys and her "friend" threw her under the bus

>> No.51900533

>They all do in the end.
Isn't exclusive to vtubers. Same with fleshies desu

>> No.51900663
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Pippa is like that girl in high school who is nice to you and has a great sense of humor, but she's kinda gross and doesn't smell too good so you don't really want to fuck her

>> No.51900857

There could be a video recording of the scene and you still wouldn't believe it.

>> No.51900928

It obviously isn't her, you are posting some random whore

>> No.51901030

She'll be fine if most of her viewers are the type that are on twitter saying things like "nice" "congrats on the sex" "damn, get it girl!" "guys, it's her sex life, if everyone consents and they use protection it's none of our business" "it didn't happen, but even if it did why would anyone care?" . But are they?

>> No.51901063

Nta but in the actual thread about this towards the bottom it was posted

>> No.51901073

Nope. Those people don't pay the bills.

>> No.51901115

Her friend didn't mean to do it, she is just a retarded pothead.
Which means she's still a shit person, just not a malicious one.

>> No.51901172

does anyone know how much money it would take for me to get into the top5 donors in her chat?

>> No.51901198

Those people are flaky as fuck.

>> No.51901371

It was a rhetoric, there isn't a video.

>> No.51901421

Sigh I wish my oshi had sex with viewers

>> No.51901491

I just gave an example what they would say anon

>> No.51901494

I'm just saying that 6 million seems a bit high

>> No.51901506

>She completely leaned into the 5guys rrat and turned it into marketing material. Her engagement on Twitter and the ccv on her latest Twitch stream have been inclining. That MtF blabbermouth might have done her a favor in the end.
/#/fags are retarded kek
sayu is a millionare according to you

>> No.51902576

Incidentally my former oshis a fan of both sayu and mari mari

>> No.51902814

Literally the best move she could do.

>> No.51902902

I’m sure when OffKai roles around next year and 5 Guys is the one thing she’s most known for she’ll probably wish her retarded friend kept her mouth shut

>> No.51902960

The best move would have been to not fuck 5 guys at offkai

>> No.51903185

It never was an issue for Mari in the first place, more when she is actually funny. Hina being a lose lips was the real revelation, that shit gets you ostracized. Her peers might still be "cool" with her but trust will not be the same.

>> No.51904766

I mean, if they were good it might have been a good move. The question is, can she handle the fallout and turn it into a meme she's comfortable with?

>> No.51905121

She says it was a complete lie and never happened.

>> No.51905140

Newest? She and her bf openly talk about how they are NTRing her fans who don't know about him on his streams. I've seen regulars in her discord also joke about how she's an NTR streamer for over a year

>> No.51905195

>Pipkin Pippa
>not impulsive and dumb as a rock

>> No.51905212

It's her only move but the drama buff wouldn't last long. Her fans would believe her and go along with the joke for now but they know from the back of their head as much as she denies it there's always the possibility that it actually happened. The seeds of doubt have already been sowed. The clock has started ticking for her.

>> No.51905331

Do you think her bf is having a laugh now or could the thought of the possibility of her gf being fucked by five sweaty nerds be mildly ntr-ing him?

>> No.51905431

He might be a cuck and fapping to it

>> No.51906010

Did it make things uncomfortable for her and her boyfriend or something? Or did her parents see it and had some choice words to say?

>> No.51906118

You can't tell a woman to not have sex. It's their only purpose in life

>> No.51906204

It wasn't liking cuck art that made them know, it was her reaction to the "condom money for Connor" superchat that started the whole thing.

>> No.51906266


>> No.51906294

I love NTR and cuckolding i wish my girlfriend would get fucked by 5 guys.

>> No.51906440


>> No.51906514

She mentioned some things specifically
>Before she knew the extent of the rrat, people were apologizing to her at meet and greets for mean tweets they made and trying to suck up to her with "I know you'd never do that! I deleted my tweet right after" which is how she found out about it
>She found all the 5guys jokes funny
>She didn't know what to do about being called a whore. That seemed to shake her a bit.

>> No.51906548

bro... he was one of the guys

>> No.51906629


>> No.51906662

>MtF blabbermouth
are tourists really not familiar with Hina and saying she's trans now?

>> No.51906681

Based... If I was her BF I'd also want to be guy #5. Watch a few guys ream her to really get the boner engine going and then slip in for that loose and slimy final round!

>> No.51906759

>pekora and miko actually play into the rape rrat
Would be kino

>> No.51906899

Imagine pekora whimpering in fear every time migo is in the same room

>> No.51907368

lazy post, but you're not wrong. if we learned anything from that little episode it's that Mari is not cancel-able

>> No.51907419

still a whore, dont watch

>> No.51907465

This saga has shown me just how much of a /vt/ sister I have become. I didn't watch her before, I probably won't start doing so and I wish her the best of luck riding this wave because she seemed pretty nice in her recent twitch stream but I NEED to know if she mario partied 5 guys because sisters.

And what about her friend, omg what a bitch >she knew what she was doing >she was probably just jealous nobody wanted to touch >her female cock and wasn't invited, Mira better dump that snitch nothing good from keeping such a toxic person in your life
So who is going to spill the tea? Will it be paypig number 6? the jilted boyfriend? the rapist offkai staff member who has nothing to lose?
I don't even care about the submarine anymore this is what I care about.

>> No.51907496

sure you don't. keep DMing her boyfriend/mod to unban you.

>> No.51907515
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Imagine being cvck to the point that you came from her Discord to try to damage control something that happened, you won't be uncvcked, anon. Not just that Hina confirmed the act, but RPR also confirmed the existence of these orgies into cons. It's over, just assume you funded her orgies and move on to another vtuber or hobby.

>> No.51907565

At Offkai, Sayu bumped into a crying girl who was high on edibles.

>> No.51907589

>. Not just that Hina confirmed the act, but RPR
you think these holocels and ninjifags know who RPR is? Try communicating with people like a human

>> No.51907649

>you think these holocels and ninjifags know who RPR is?
He collabs with Holos and Nijis...

>> No.51907688

why do newfags call it this

>> No.51907700

She bought an ad admitting to it, no point in denying it now.

>> No.51907790

I respect it. Its better than pretending it didnt happen and baiting her fanbase to white knight her. Least shes embracing shes a whore and running off with it

>> No.51907918

Does this board bimbofy its users?

>> No.51908163

Holy cope. Even if Hina has backtracked on the implied gangbang, her testimony at the very least confirms that Mari hangs around people who do drugs, if not that she does them herself. Drugs and gangbangs are like peanut butter and jelly.

>> No.51908288

So were the people who paid for the virtual meet and greet invited or were they not cool enough to hang with her irl lmao

>> No.51908506

that edible? me.
holy shit, are you serious? drugs and gangbangs...right...

>> No.51908685

>RPR also confirmed the existence of these orgies into cons
You know who else confirmed it? Your mother and I We confirmed it together when I fucked your mother at a con Hopefully you are not chinese or that would be very offensive.

>> No.51908821

Those 5 guys prob paid extra for offpako like with real idols in japan. Lets be honest here whoever your oshi is she prob has gotten laid alot in each con she has been

>> No.51908896

>instead of getting mad at a rrat she played along with it
Based move, really.

>> No.51909193

Business idea: ASMR Streamer Con. Go meet your oshi and get your ears licked.

>> No.51909647

It's called being irony poisoned, we'll see how funny it is 3 months down the line

>> No.51910005
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You're so smart. Why didn't she do the same?

>> No.51910081

ASS flubbed on stream and had to improvise. She failed. Mari had time to think of a strategy and put it into action over writing.

>> No.51910162

You mean telling her viewers to pretend the wonton reveal didn’t happen wasn’t a genius play?

>> No.51910228

> bro, i went to this con last weekend and ended up fucking a vtuber
> dude, which one?
> ah, uh.. you wouldn't know her... she's a 2-view..

>> No.51910231

No, she was mad as hell too.

>> No.51910297

>exaggerates to downplay what actually happened
she's pathetic. i'm starting to really dislike these herp derp look at me i'm so random, ironic and quirky chuubas. they're desperately trying to be unique but they all end up being the exact same thing instead.

>> No.51910500

Unfollowing him

>> No.51910612

>who do drugs
Why is there a subset of /vt/ anons who speak about drugs as if they are 78 year-old US government officials

>> No.51910712


>> No.51910750

Southeast asians where in their country they would be executed holding a weed nugget

>> No.51910763

anyone hopped up on goofballs should be caned.

>> No.51910794

Q: Did this vtuber really have sex with five billion people?

A: No, just 5.

>> No.51910872

What if I told you she only had sex with 3 of them while the other 2 watched

>> No.51910900

If this story isnt true why did that one chick go into so much detail like saying they change to go out and change the bedsheets
Oh sorry she just had a "autism attack"

>> No.51911006

She should be happy she isn't a man. She'd be a literal rapist for taking advantage of those 5 adult women.

>> No.51911093


>> No.51911160

>5guys ho
>5 articles about how vtuber fans are dead
>5 years of ethics in vtubing journalism

>> No.51911200

Who the fuck are you quoting, retard? Her having together with us is based and the base choice she made. Every non schizo /here/ is happy of the current state of things

>> No.51911236

Because they aren't Americans, where any degeneracy except incest is allowed.

>> No.51911280

She doesn't have a boyfriend. It's a rrat people made up

>> No.51911290

Devils advocate but have you ever been to a con party with a bunch of nerds. I have and there is no sex but a lot drinking and snacks and very few places to sit so technically it's feasible that they could have messed up her bed in an entirely non sexual matter

>> No.51911338

zuh? America has relatively harsh laws compared to some places. Just say your are SEA based and thank us for allowing you to use our internet

>> No.51911344

>He wasn't cool enough to get invited by the con sluts

>> No.51911352

ruthless and based

>> No.51911365

The boyfriend confirmed they’ve been together since 2021 and Mari has mentioned it on stream.

>> No.51911373

Do you think the guys hanging out a con with Mari Mari were "cool" by any objective or relative standard?

>> No.51911415

Source next thread?

>> No.51911431

There are hundreds or thousands of guys at cons that don't get the chuubussy. The famous five had to have SOMETHING special to get the chance

>> No.51911454

A lot of tourists here but she has never done much to disguise that she had a boyfriend around the time period anim mentioned. Don't know if they are still together. He was a mod, shocking surprise

>> No.51911478

I think they just shared her passion for Mario party

>> No.51911527

I'm not SEA though...I'm europoor, the alcoholic kind.

>> No.51911534

Ok then link me one(1) timestamp of an instance when she talked about it. If she was that open about it it shouldn't be hard to find, right?

>> No.51911546

What shithole country in EU still has draconian vice laws

>> No.51911589

I'm not invested in convincing you or spoon feeding you but I have followed her for a long time and if you actually go to /lig/ where they are up on Mari Mari lore, this is an uncontroversial thing and not a secret

>> No.51911636

Here's a post from him saying it

>> No.51911776

growing up in a family full of drug addicts and drunks has made me despise you "people."

>> No.51911838

Good for her
I still won't watch a 5p gangbang whore, but whatever works for you, faggot OP

>> No.51911839

It's poetic how a chuuba named DUMPLING shirara got fucked over by WONTONs. They are somewhat similar oriental bread-based foods filled a filler made of meat and or vegetables or sometimes paste. Pottery.

>> No.51911848

Thanks. Finally. So since she calls herself an incel, it's safe to assume they're not together anymore?

>> No.51911879

Which people. I'm the person you're responding to and I'm on a prescription med for my allergies, if that counts

>> No.51911887

There has been no indication they’ve broken up. Calling herself an incel is like Lumi calling herself a virgin.

>> No.51911890

>Mari had time to think
I wonder if she thought alone or had a think tank (ghetto-tier) behind her. She's an indie so no manager but maybe her close relations helped her think this out.

>> No.51911920

>it's safe to assume they're not together anymore?
Why, exactly? You aren't an incel if you have a recent ex. She's lying in any case.

>> No.51911937

None of her viewers believe it

>> No.51911941

She says and implies a lot of things like that she's asexual. Take it all with a grain of salt but no one has ever doubted the boyfriend thing

>> No.51911990

Good thing all vtuber journalists are right wing dramatubers like false, nousagi and khyo. Otherwise this really would be goobergate the threesquel...

>> No.51912038

I've been on /vt/ daily since the board was created and hardly ever even seen this bitch mentioned outside of the indies general. This whole thing screams coordinated publicity stunt and astroturfing. I hope the 5 minutes of fame was worth it.

>> No.51912173


>> No.51912199

I had exes and still want to get into more relationships but I can't. If she's the same thing, she's an incel.

Does she have ever being caught lying though. If she has a proven record of being a liar that changes everything in the 5 guys case

>> No.51912234

i hate these degenerates. turning a cartoon festival into some kind of drug fueled orgy. i heard she had a bed right by the con entrance and anyone who wanted could participate once. after that they stamped your hand with the con logo.

>> No.51912254

Why would you believe any woman calling themselves an incel, let alone one with fans who want to fuck her? Imagine it.
>Ohhh woe is me! I cannot find dick, no matter how I try! Isn't it horrible, horny guys who want to fuck me?

>> No.51912361

This is why conspiracy theorists have childlike minds that ascribe diabolical plans to things that actually arise from incompetence. If you had ever watched 5 mins of any Hina stream and still think she has the capability to plan anything, much less a coordinated publicity campaign by starting sex rumors about her (literal) roommate, you're simply dumb

>> No.51912550

I really wonder how it unfolded to her. Like when and how it happened lol, and what her initial reaction was.

>> No.51912596

>leaning into it
That's retarded. There's a reason why even the most schizo tuubas avoid these kinds of things. She's made it socially acceptable to talk about. If she's fine with that whatever but that just means this story will stay with her a lot longer then if she avoided it.

She gets a small short term boost cause of morbid curiosity of the gangbang story but long term now she'll only be known for it. Unless she wants to target a very small ntr niche she chased away a lot of unicorns and regular fans.

>> No.51912600

She talked about it on stream

>> No.51912610

Oh I should check it out then.

>> No.51913052

When is she streaming mario party

>> No.51913255


>> No.51913409

>If she's the same thing, she's an incel.
Oh yes, the classic woman "I've been single for a couple of months so I'm forever alone" line. I've heard it from an ex too, and it turned out she'd literally been single a single-digit amount of weeks and was yet to go on a holiday her ex paid for her.

>> No.51913412

She surely didn't chase away any of her regular fanbase. If a unicorn was into Mari in the first place considering her standard content I have no idea what to tell them. If anything I'd have to ask them the question why Mari in the first place?

>> No.51913770

I don't get this argument. Only unicorns dont like whore behaviour or what? People always yapping about unicorns, when it isn't even unicorn issue, it's a whore issue. Well it's not really an issue, but it's fun to shitpost about her being a whore and getting 5guyed.

>> No.51913853

what does this mean

>> No.51913923

Yes most normal viewers are no going to care about sex meme that probably never happened.

>> No.51913960

Something something only virgin can ride it, you can figure out everything else on your own.

>> No.51913966

I think you highly overestimate how many people would be turned away from something like this. Most Mari's fanbase wouldn't care about if she did, or did not have sex.

>> No.51914012

Lurk more

>> No.51914013

>probably never happened
Keep coping. She couldn't even keep the story straight when trying to damage control in her discord.

>> No.51914043

honestly more than anything im surprised that there are still people out there who are stupid enough who want to talk about a gangbang story while also knowing they shouldn't, so they just try to avoid giving any incriminating details while also giving a story which couldn't possibly be anything other than a gangbang

>> No.51914049

so unsuccessful streamer stays unsuccessful

>> No.51914062

Share the screenshot of the damage control

>> No.51914101

Maybe you right, since I don't know her fanbase, but I'd say there is a difference between having sex and having 6some, which probably didn't happen, but still.

>> No.51914141

Some people are weird, I'm sure there's at least 5 unicorns regularly watching Mari
Their dick is in the wrong place

>> No.51914203

You can find any online girl with atleast some following there will be a guy, who will be in love with her, whether she is a whore, streamer, e-girl, model, whatever.

>> No.51914210
File: 511 KB, 1080x1376, just a friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hina says she entered the room and saw five strangers
>Mari says they were mutual friends and she had the key

>> No.51914277

Incest is too pure for them.

>> No.51914279

> i might not be in the room, so text me so i can be there to let you in
the real important question is why hina didn't join in.

>> No.51914322

If they truly do exist, I personally would like to probe their brain. When the world is out there and they decide to settle on Mari, I need to understand their rationale.

>> No.51914404

hina said mari's texts said something to the effect of: WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T COME INTO THE ROOM WITHOUT TEXTING ME FIRST.

Who is lying?

>> No.51914423

Maybe she hits their rescue instincts? I used to be a gosling for a slutty chuuba and the fantasy for me was definitely to take care of her and heal her menhera.

>> No.51914425

You don’t know about nyanners and pomu huh?

>> No.51914527

Froot has unicorns; my guess is denial

>> No.51914580

There is definitely something romantic about fixing slutty girl and turning her into "trad wife". I once saw a nice doujin about brother fixing his sister the same way, it was nice and cute. But reality probably more disappointing...

>> No.51914589

Reminds me how fans of lemonleaf, or whatever her name was, didn’t believe her boyfriend was real even though she even had him on stream.

>> No.51914652

Wonton was the same way.

>> No.51914689

phone screenshot when

>> No.51914725

>whatever her name was
Just say Fauna's PL

>> No.51914735

i saw a movie like that... pretty woman?

>> No.51914799

Veibae had unicorns.

>> No.51914808


>> No.51914833

That would be the worst move they could do. Since their version obviously don't match, it would expose one of them as a liar. I don't think they want to do that since they're friends

>> No.51914886

Doujinshii whatever anon. YWNBJ

>> No.51914930


>> No.51914929

It's not quite that for me, I was turned on by her sluttiness and would have loved to listen to (and jack it to) stories from back then. "Fixing" her is definitely a charm point, but mostly making her happy rather than trying to mold her into another person.

>> No.51914983

Shut up and stop hating yourself

>> No.51915001

If it matched Mari's narrative, they could spin it as Hina goofing it up while stoned to the gills. And if it matched Hina's narrative, well... They probably wouldn't want to show it.

>> No.51915079

>mold her into another person.
I mean if her whole personality was her pussy sure. Eitherway I hear you anon, I won't understand, but it is what it is. Maybe if i weren't a lonely guy I would think like you.

>> No.51915156

>There is definitely something romantic about fixing slutty girl and turning her into "trad wife"
no it's just cucked like >>51914929

>> No.51915297

I don't think it's cucked, if we are talking in idealised way where you know she won't relapse.
The problem with cheaters and sluts most of the time is that they will relapse towards their natural state, that's why you should avoid them, and that's besides body count which is gross, but I think negligible if you connect on spiritual level.

>> No.51915424

Oh to be a fly on the wall of this convention.
How many 2views got fucked in every hole they have in the name of networking/impressing their oil barons? That Cooksie impersonator was absolutely trying to use the clout to get some 2views to sleep with him.

>> No.51915491

idk why you'd prefer a used up whore vs a pure virgin if you want to talk about idealism
The other anon literally wanted to jack off to the tought of the girl getting railed more than "helping her"

>> No.51915495

>I mean if her whole personality was her pussy sure.
Depends on how literally you take "tradwife", I guess. Turning her into a 50's housewife would definitely destroy the real her.

Yeah, frankly I think it's more romantic to imagine someone like that finally finding happiness than virgins pairing off in their teens.

>> No.51915500

Why do you guys always band cheaters and sluts together?
Sluts are just women that love sex and dicks. It doesn't mean she will cheat on her partner or that she can't be satisfied by only one dick

>> No.51915635

>I think it's more romantic to imagine someone like that finally finding happiness than virgins pairing off in their teens.
I think you have just adapted to the current reality honestly
>Sluts are just women that love sex and dicks. It doesn't mean she will cheat on her partner or that she can't be satisfied by only one dick
sure bro, keep coping

>> No.51915638

How much does she cost to put out, 100 bucks? 200?

>> No.51915654

>It doesn't mean she will cheat on her partner or that she can't be satisfied by only one dick

>> No.51915715

Anon, these girls are capable of charging $19,000 for feet pics. The smart ones would not put out for so little.

>> No.51915768

>>I think you have just adapted to the current reality honestly
That's true. I wasn't into women like that before a few of them tricked me into a relationship by pretending to be pure and I had to decide if I wanted to dump them or get used to it when I was already reeled in. Get the works a couple of times and honest, open sluts start looking mighty fine...

>> No.51915785

>texted "her"
Mari needs to realize these gossipy faggots are caricatures of whores with negative values in society.

>> No.51915796

A slut will have sexual experience to satisfy you. That's also why MILF are hot.
The "pure virgin" trope is ok on paper but you're playing gacha she might be the lamest sexual partner you could possibly have, unwilling to learn anything. I rather have a woman that got her holes used and built exp than a dead fish in bed for the rest of my life

>> No.51915828

I say this as a longtime Mari fincel, and someone who would probably be described a unicorn by more casual fans (but not for Mari). This whole thing is only hilarious no matter what happened. The idea that Mari would actually get passed the autism to pull 5 mods into a burger and fries scenario with Mario Party and juice is one of the funniest images I've ever had the pleasure to imagine. Now that enough time has passed most lurkers on this board or /lig/ weren't around when we were complaining about her boyfriend, she finally has another bit to pull viewers from this site. My recommendation, watch her she's funny and has tasteful opinions for a wannabe zoomer millennial, but don't expect gameplay to start until about 2-4 hours in.

>> No.51915870

I don't prefer, I think it's just romantic in its own way. Ofcourse if I had to pick a perfect match, I'd prefer her to be a virgin.
It's just something I would watch or read about and thought hmm that was something.
I meant trad wife as in just loyal wifey, which helps you out at home. I shouldn't have called it that way then.
What if you are not enough for a slut? She will cheat. I think cheaters are ultimately more gross, but I still have a distrust of sluts, just to a lesser extent.

>> No.51915900

Are you guys virgins? You never had that kinky gf that was known for her sexual prowesses but stuck with you for a while?

>> No.51915973

I only fuck whores.

>> No.51916006

You do realize Hina smokes weed, right?

>> No.51916012

I don't know man, maybe it has something to do with fent hollowing out my community or stoners substituting weed use for having a personality.

>> No.51916047

I think being sex machine in bed and being slut are slightly different things, sure they overlap, but not always. There are plenty of sluts that are logs in bed, and vice versa.

>> No.51916058

Why has no one DM'd prince for his take on this

>> No.51916083

>Are you guys virgins?

>> No.51916106

>What if you are not enough for a slut?
Don't take that the wrong way but that's kinda a beta way to think, Anon. If you choose to be insecure like that instead of focusing on making your sexlife fun for her of course it won't work out. That's also why trying to tame a slut is fun. You have to not be boring in your own attitude.
And I also hate cheaters but that's a completely other story

>> No.51916109

Prince has been dead for years.

>> No.51916154

I'm sorry for you Anon. Come with me at the next con. We will get you some of that 2 views pussy

>> No.51916196

>It doesn't mean she will cheat on her partner or that she can't be satisfied by only one dick
You know what they say anon - no matter how much you feed a wolf, it'll always look back to the forest. You can take a whore out of the streets but you can't take the streets out of a whore.

>> No.51916199

Why are people concerned about this when a dude stalked Mari and Coqui and others, as an offkai volunteer, and then bragged about how he touched their hands and said to coqui 'you're lucky your friends were there or else i'd have raped you'

>> No.51916231

That's not what I meant. It's not that i think I'm not enough for her, it's that if it actually happens and she won't communicate with me, she'll probably find someone on the side or try to breakup.
Im not sure if it makes sense...

>> No.51916239

How would we know they didn't just text eachother something that supports Mari's narrative after the fact, and then edit the timestamps?

>> No.51916259

because he didn't fuck her, duh...

>> No.51916260

nta, but I saw the con vids, that shit looks nastier than just paying for a 1 on 1 with a prostitute

>> No.51916289

>>51916231 (me)
I think I'm fairly open to a lot of things, as long as it's not scat or pegging or sharing.

>> No.51916298

I’m seeing an advertisement for it on this goddamn board

>> No.51916330

Yeah, that's what I said.

>> No.51916358

I think he is just a retard that doesn't differentiate between IRL meet up and online "hehe lol I'd rape you". And what should we say about him? Pretty sure he was handled by staff.

>> No.51916359

I live in Europe so rain check on that. I don't know man, I'm 27, I used to dream organically falling in love with someone and then I got left behind.
I probably need to put myself in situations where I meet people.

>> No.51916375

this is so funny, the friend who tried to smear her must be seething right now

>> No.51916390

but he didn't rape anyone, so this is more interesting.

>> No.51916398

Brand risk Marimari underscore EN is a damage control God but she can't hold a sponsored stream to save her career.

>> No.51916405

>Creep and stalker
>Actual rape threat
>He saw their ID
Yeah that shit is fucked. But what do you want us to do about it? We're just having fun shitposting about some sex con that probably never happened

>> No.51916446

So I legit have a chance? Based

>> No.51916481

She's a fish. The most she did was squirt her caviar onto a rock and then five guys jizzed on the eggs.

>> No.51916539

I don't even think she was deliberately trying to smear her. She said so many nice things about Mari in the very same clip where she told the story.
I think Hina and Mari are just in a social circle where they all party, do drugs, and have casual sex, and that's their "normal". Hina's probably the type that never cared to understand VTuber culture, and just didn't get the memo that Mari had to hide all that shit from her viewers.

>> No.51916553

All week this same stupid faggot has been shilling this phony tryhard on /vt/, every day, shitting up the catalogue with multiple threads about a fucking 2view
I'm not watching your stupid oshi now stop posting her or at least contain it to a general

>> No.51916614

>contain it to a general
This IS the con orgy general.

>> No.51916620

There is nothing else to talk in catalog retard. Should we talk about another nijinegroes Vs holochuds?

>> No.51916645

Context matters. Why it's funny with Mari is because she never lashed out in insecurity and her channel is small enough that the news overshadows any attempt to just be business as usual.
Meanwhile Mori had picked up the cuck shit after another incident, making her look extremely insecure. Plus her channel is so big that she had a thousand other things or people she could focus on and instead she lashed out at those same people when she did something stupid.

The real trick for Mari is to find a way to not let this be a primary identity for her, use the spotlight to showcase she's got a good breadth of humour or a talent to show.

>> No.51916665

Mari doesn't do drugs and due to being gluten intolerant, can't even handle beer. Hina is a known shit poster, so she naturally shit post. The two even live together. You can sometimes hear Mari scream while Hina's streaming.

>> No.51916700

Her previous identity was saying nigger during an improv rap.

>> No.51916719


>> No.51916720

Shut the fuck. This is not some broken phone gossip. Hina, who was literally there, expressed the events in one of worst ways possible and you can blame people for interpreting it the way they did.

>> No.51916779

You can blame autist for interpreting it the way they did.

>> No.51916802

Listen man, I have a friend, she is completely dick crazed. She takes it in the ass, had threesomes, a whole collection of dildos. A huge slut. She met that guy and actually fell in love with him.
They were together for 5 years. She never cheated on him. Being a slut doesn't mean you can't be faithful.
Then again you if you want a relationship with a slut you just need to know what you're getting into. You might not find a wife but you can still have a great time a faithful relationship

>> No.51916820

So she's hololive material? Hololive was built on the back of saying Nigga

>> No.51916857

He means the previous thing she was known for

>> No.51916875

>expressed the events in one of worst ways possible

how would you reword this then?

>> No.51916949

Ah, makes sense.

>> No.51917018

we need more lewds, this is all I got


>> No.51917093

You don't know if she cheated or not, unless she's the type to brag about it or you're actually just talking about yourself.

>> No.51917121
File: 171 KB, 350x332, uuuh oooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hina didn't say what they were doing
>retard from /vt/ who was probably banned from mari and hina's discord gets angry and spreads the rumor
>/vt/ falls for it

>> No.51917190

Nigga shut the fuck up, 5 strangers, DONT COME IN WITHOUT MESSAGING ME repeated 3 times, playing mario party my ass lmao

>> No.51917246

She's my friend, idiot. We talk about that stuff.

>> No.51917288

Yes, Mari just so happened to have a man in her ass while she gave Hina a waterbottle and a hug and let her stay the rest of the time she was in there. Yep. Totally fucking five guys.

>> No.51917330

A cheater won't admit that they're cheating to someone just because it's their friend, retard.

>> No.51917339

Are you an actual retard or is this some kind of maricord psyop?

>> No.51917359

>I probably need to put myself in situations where I meet people.
Cons are actually good places to do that. I'm sure they have conventions wherever you are in Europe

>> No.51917416

>Not a new IP
Do you get to go first in the next con orgy if you damage control hard enough for Mari?

>> No.51917479

actually, the real message was 'don't come in without messaging me, i'm fucking my top 5 whales and don't want to share' 4 times.

>> No.51917499

You don't freak out and go into shock from seeing a bunch of friends you know playing Mario Party, not if you're only on weed
Acid maybe, but an edible?

>> No.51917523

Boy it's not like I'm in this thread already voicing the fact that Mari's too stupid to have sex.

>> No.51917527

>no u!
That's the best you could come up with?

>> No.51917548

>Randomly think he knows my friend better than I do
Anonchama... This girl used to send me her naked ass whenever she wasn't in a relationship and call me crying because that dumbass got drunk and is affraid to end up alone because she thinks she's used goods. I know almost everything in her life

>> No.51917618

drugs fry your brain like a fried egg dude.

>> No.51917681
File: 384 KB, 535x379, exactly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hina ate an edible once and started to cry at LSD Dream Simulator. She can't handle her weed at all, and this is a common fact.
>Mari 'dumbass' Mari, ever having sex, with men, when she has stated on stream multiple times she thinks women are sexier
>Some literal retard who was banned from her twitch chat started this rumor
Man if you believe shit like this, I got a bridge to sell you.

>> No.51917706

11mg of weed lmao

>> No.51917709

True, I was the fifth one.

>> No.51917734

>ever having sex, with men
So she's never had sex with her boyfriend? Seems unlikely.

>> No.51917788

What happened?

>> No.51917797

The 'boyfriend' was a guy she roleplayed with in VRChat back in 2017. Unless you're mistaking and are thinking of Hina's ex who fucked her, got up in mid thrust, and proceeded to make a magic the gathering deck.

>> No.51917835


>> No.51917849

>Almost everything
So you don't know everything, and I don't know why you think admiting to cheating is comparable to sending nudes or venting.

>> No.51917888

>make a magic the gathering deck
Qrd? Sounds funny

>> No.51917895

>The 'boyfriend' was a guy she roleplayed with in VRChat back in 2017.
>Ive been with mari since 2021.
You guys need to get your narratives together.

>> No.51917902

>cucks still damage controlling
Shut up already, let this shit die. It's old news at this point.

>> No.51917970

never. i'm going to make new posts until you idiots stop responding.

>> No.51917986

nice try, mari

>> No.51917997

Thats retarded anon, and you know it, you are also retarded
Not every yab should be leaned on

>> No.51918023


>> No.51918031

Hina had a boyfriend, who, in the middle of sex, got up and left the room. Hina thought he was just going to clean off his cock and come back, but twenty minutes passed. She got up and found him making a Magic the Gathering deck.
>a deleted post from a probable liar.
Funny, cause Mari was living with her mom until last year.

>> No.51918115

You can never know everything about someone, moron. I'm not a mind reader.
I'm just trying to make you understand that we're close, but your autistic ass can't even get that.
And why are you so obsesed by the cheating thing did your mom cheat on your dad or something?

>> No.51918179

>>You can never know everything about someone, moron. I'm not a mind reader.
>She never cheated on him.

>> No.51918247


>> No.51918261

See this is why I asked for a timestamp of Mari saying she has a bf.
Now Anons are fighting amongst themselves and are wasting energy. When all that energy could be used to investigate if the sex with the 5guys actually happened instead

>> No.51918277
File: 40 KB, 918x726, HoloHoax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 million in just 4 years with only 3 holes? The numbers don't add up, I think it was faked.

>> No.51918296

Even a decade after it died, Gooblegobble lives rent-free in your head.

>> No.51918320

Mari's legit too stupid to know what actual sex is.

>> No.51918354

>when she has stated on stream multiple times she thinks women are sexier
Buddy, come on. "Pretend to be a lesbian" is literally page two of the vtuber playbook, it's right there next to "pretend to be single"

>> No.51918357

Listen Anon I'm sorry your mom was a cheating slut. It's ok it happens. Not everybody is like that. You can trust some women

>> No.51918374

It's not possible with no access to the sex site or fuckers. It's gonna be she said she said until someone new squeaks.

>> No.51918377

I get that you're close, I'm just not an autistic nigger like yourself so I call bullshit on your super special whore friend who's super slutty but could stay faithful for 5 years when you can't know that. Especially since the relationship failed in the end.

>> No.51918385

>groomercord is memoryholing the boyfriend
I thought Mari Mari couldn't have unicorns, they told me she wasn't GFE

>> No.51918435

We have evidence of her saying penises are disgusting. Someone sent a penis pic to her business email and she started dry heaving. Was probably the same guy who started this rrat.

>> No.51918441

But that's your own narrative. I'm asking for a proof. Did she or didn't she said she has a boyfriend on stream

>> No.51918442

Orgy at offkai

>> No.51918464

quick rundown? Was this the one who said "my boyfriend"

>> No.51918486

Had, but hasn't been with him since she stopped playing VRChat.

>> No.51918492

I guess Mari's decided leaning on it was a bad idea after all lol

>> No.51918506

I have bever encountered a more naive poster in this board

>> No.51918514

people you get offended by the word nigger are usually into cuckoldry

>> No.51918524

>People will probably mention 5guys in her chat for years now until she has a woman moment.
This, she's going to have a breakdown a year from now when it's not "funny" anymore that she's apparently a disgusting gangbanged whore and that's all she's known for.

>> No.51918548


>> No.51918552

I thought /vt/ hated her?

>> No.51918557

>any woman that doesn't want unsolicited dick pics is a dyke

>> No.51918570

What you're saying is someone should find out which room she was staying in, get a black light and a scientific kit and rent the room to investigate? Got it

>> No.51918613

According to /vt/? Yes. If she even mentions masturbating, she's a whore who sucks 74 cocks in a single day.

>> No.51918625

Yes! And we should get five guys and a smalltime chuuba together so we can run experiments to replicate the cumstains!

>> No.51918634

do you have a link to it? Haven't been able to find it

>> No.51918650

He was the one fed up with her actually. Because outside of being a slut she's kind of a toxic crazy bitch too. Same reason I don't want to date her

>> No.51918714

>crying because that dumbass got drunk and is affraid to end up alone because she thinks she's used goods
That's pretty funny considering the 5 years guy didn't work out in the end. Is that still her personal best? Is she back on the wagon?

>> No.51918723

Genius idea! If any femanon 2 views chuuba is down to help our investigation please manifest yourself right now

>> No.51918733

The video leaked, guys

>> No.51918757

I dont, i think she is really funny actually but the shitpost Hina provided just too good.

>> No.51918774

I'm not sorry, anon's mom had some cake, and not just for anon's birthday party, if you get my meaning.

>> No.51918790

Unless she started dating a woman there is no reason to believe she's full lesbian. All we have is the boyfriend rrat and that doesn't exactly help your psyop.

>> No.51918823

>Hina said they were total strangers
>she was high
>they were actual mutual friends.
Hina can't handle edibles. Or booze.

>> No.51918863

Yeah it was her longest time in a relationship. Now she's back to one night stands, 2 weeks relationships and that kind of bullshit

>> No.51918877

Doesn't change that the whore got a train ran on her.

>> No.51918938
File: 87 KB, 309x305, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless she started dating a woman
>moves out from her mother's house
>moves in with a 5'8 woman with giant tits that constantly lactates
>said large, lactating woman is bisexual who leans towards a female preference.
>the two act like 'moms' to each other, making sure they're comfortable and fed.
>mari even snuck into Hina's bed when she was scared since they were living alone, together.

>> No.51918942

the real question is how do you play mario party with 6 people, you just don't. Irrefutable evidence imo, mario party is a z tier game to watch your friends play

>> No.51918960

>MtF blabbermouth
Can someone explain to me why nobody cared she was sleeping in the same room as a man pretending to be a woman? That is the actual scandal here but you faggots are so accepting of freaks (being freaks yourself) you never even took this angle.

>> No.51918985

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlP9vcvhSs0

>> No.51918994

Oh easy, one guy was fucking another guy's bussy. I've seen those confession threads on /v/ a lot. 'We were playing mario party, when suddenly, i sucked his dick'

>> No.51919028

kek maybe her fears have some merit to them then

>> No.51919056

>Hina's suddenly a tranny

>> No.51919072

Anything to not lose my stars

>> No.51919080


I want mari discord fags to leave unless they share funny screenshots of the damage control that's happening there

>> No.51919105

Apparently streamable links are spam?

>> No.51919113

just wanted to watch

>> No.51919120

I don't know anything about either of them beyond the girl getting gangbanged but... you're telling me that voice doesn't belong to a tranny? What an unfortunate woman then

>> No.51919133

So you believe she got gangbanged then?

>> No.51919145

So about that bridge I wanna sell you. Will that be cash or charge?

>> No.51919212

Sometimes, women have deep voices, anon. You'd learn this if you went outside.
Fuck no. If it was a gang bang, why would three of them be on Hina's bed, when two men and Mari were on Mari's bed?

>> No.51919241

just post another epic video of fishies inseminating eggs, bet you got tons of laughs at her discord

>> No.51919258

i trust her when she said it didn't happen.

>> No.51919270

It's not a deep voice, Anon. It's a "male trying to sound like a female" voice.

>> No.51919278

>Touch grass lawl.
Go back.

>> No.51919296

There's literally none in there, they're more concerned about the offkai dude who threatened to rape Coqui.

>> No.51919326

>I guess I must be dumb
>Cause you had a pocket full of horses
>Trojan and some of them used
>But it was OffKai, I guess that makes it alright
>And you say, "What have I got to lose?"
>And honey I say
>Little Fish Princess
>Baby, you're much too fast
>Little Fish Princess
>You need a love that's gonna last

>> No.51919332

fuck thats hard to watch

>> No.51919338

listen to the expert

>> No.51919352

So...a deep voice.

>> No.51919399

Thank you Discord spy-san

>> No.51919426

Sharing is caring anon you need to wait for your turn.

>> No.51919482

Yeah, it's a tranny for sure.

>> No.51919502

Jesus shut the fuck up. Who the fuck cares if Hina is a trans or not. We're talking about more important things here. Was the Offkai sex real or not?

>> No.51919524

hina was the fifth dude

>> No.51919532

Nah, at most, she took two guys, while two other guys fucked each other. The last guy played Mario Party's story mode and cried.

>> No.51919541

Unironically, why do you trust her?

>> No.51919583

Kronii has a deep voice. Mori has a deep voice. Neither of them sound like a tranny. This bitch does. Though props to her? him? it? Sounds less like a tranny than Artemis of the Blue.

>> No.51919624
File: 93 KB, 262x400, lizard lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is this. I dunno if it has any relevance.
A tranny that naturally produces breast milk, who queefs, and was born a woman? How odd. Those trannies are getting crafty.

>> No.51919627

Yeah, Hina's chromosomes would only be relevant if she'd been the one being gangbanged.

>> No.51919688

Fat women tend to have deeper voices, dumbass.

>> No.51919726

What's the plot of mario party?

>> No.51919742

holy fucking shit this absolute cunt whore, someone should behead her (not being ironic)

also the faggots in chat going along with it are disgusting

>> No.51919745

Anon, just because you have a permanent open wound you need to continue to dilate doesn't mean you need to go on a crusade in this thread to stop the "deadnaming" of other trannies.

>> No.51919805

Depends on the game. Mario Party 2 was what ever board you go to, be it pirate or cowboy or horror, Bowser would show up, and fuck everyone's day up, until the person who wins the board defeats him in a cutscene.
Mario Party 3 has the gang fighting over who wants to be the super star.
Four had them collect presents.

>> No.51919861

>produces breast milk
mtf trannies on HRT can end up with induced breast milk production because of the estrogen
A man pretending to be a woman, farting out their well used asshole.
>born a woman
crafty wordplay there, trannies say Bruce Jenner was a woman when he was the most decorated "male" gold medalist olympian, cause he was BORN a woman, MTF trannies are BORN women

>> No.51919875

Deep voices = Trannies.
Fat women = Trannies
This is according to /vt/ law, according to you.
So your mother? The fattest whore I know? Tranny.

>> No.51919918

you don't need to disrespect Anon's mother like that because you're jealous she, at one point, had a functioning womb and ovaries

>> No.51919920

>secretly attends a con without telling her viewers
>invites several men to her room without telling her roommate
>b-but g-guys... i'm an incel too.. you t-trust me, right?

>> No.51919946

don't mario party collabs usually end in a graduation?

>> No.51919954

Hina's boyfriend stopped plowing her cunt to play magic the gathering. Explain that, /pol/.

>> No.51919984

Yes, and that Hina rrated because she's jealous

>> No.51919986

>texts her roommate a bunch of times "DON'T COME BACK RIGHT NOW"
>had to change the bed sheets because "juice was spilled"

>> No.51920010

The cunny must have been mighty loose...

>> No.51920031

Hina rrated to punish her for being a shitty roommate and not paying rent, and also because "she" is jealous that the whore has a vagina (as opposed to a neo vagina) to be fucked in.

>> No.51920035

>functioning womb and ovaries
How are they functioning? They spewed out a fucking fag like this
The best chromosomes this anon could have gotten dribbled down his mother's inner thigh and dried on the whore house floor.

>> No.51920058
File: 184 KB, 1024x750, five-guys-burger-fries-drink-flickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what the big deal is

>> No.51920093

Probably realized mid-bang he was actually fucking a wound on some guy's crotch and that magic would be a better use of his time

>> No.51920169

Women with deep voices exist, /vt/. Not all of them are trannies. They're usually land whales Or did /vt/ desensitize you to believe all women have high pitched anime voices like Coqui, Ironmouse, Nyanners and Henya?

>> No.51920175

I'm Eurorich coming to LA for AnimeExpo. Is five guys even good? Should I try it while I'm here?

>> No.51920201

>That MtF blabbermouth might have done her a favor in the end.
BECAUSE IT WAS INTENTIONAL they both planned this rrat

>> No.51920218

The texts are all you need to know something sus was going on or just about to happen. Probably not a gangbang but almost certainly a hookup and If her boyfriend wasn't already in that room he should be asking to see if those texts line up with how Hina described them.

>> No.51920236

It's better then McDonalds and Burgerking. The fries are so much better, and properly salted most of the time.

>> No.51920303

Hey, what if the five guys where just gay? It's OffKai, an anime convention. There's a good chance they were gay.

>> No.51920321

>Is five guys even good?
Yes, though expensive.
>Should I try it while I'm here?
Burger and fries.

>> No.51920334

>if her boyfriend wasn't already in the room
her boyfriend is in a long distance relationship and wasn't at the con at all lmao, this miserable whore cunt

>> No.51920376

The five men in question were Mr. Beast, Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Jerma and Vinesauce.

>> No.51920481

Jerma wasn't there, it was actually Ice Poseidon.

>> No.51920500

>there were five men in Mari's room
>five men went into the submarine, the Titan.
>five bodies have been confirmed in the wreckage of the titan.
>marimari is an aquatic themed vtuber (a goldfish)

>> No.51920773

If that's true and he wasn't there then Hina not only threw her under the bus with her viewers but also blew up her relationship, some friend she is.
There is no circumstance where sending panicked texts about not coming back without telling her whilst hosting guys in her hotel room is innocent. It's not even coomer mind it's the biggest of red flags and absolutely cheater behaviour.

>> No.51920916

>then Hina not only threw her under the bus with her viewers but also blew up her relationship
ummmm based tranny? If she actually fucked even one guy as a hookup at this con let alone was aiming to fuck 5 she DESERVES to get slut shamed in public and blown up in front of her viewers and she blew up HER OWN relationship, it wasn't the tranny's fault, if anything the tranny in its own roundabout retard blabbermouth way did the right thing

>> No.51920924

it's pretty low skill cheating.

>> No.51921004

It is good but you'll spend about $20 for a standard smash burger and a lot of fries. Try In 'n Out, you won't regret it.

>> No.51921096

You are not wrong but I am just making the observation that it is still shitty friend behaviour to out her publicly on a livestream instead of keeping it all private and just idk telling the boyfriend or something.

>> No.51921188

>controller to steer the sub/play mario party

>> No.51921199

>out her publicly on a livestream
whores get what they fuckin' deserve, she's lucky we don't have honor killings in the west

>> No.51921249

mario party 4 is the best one btw
also mari is a whore lol

>> No.51921548

>mari is a whore lol
Maybe but she's our whore, now

>> No.51921566

speak for whorself

>> No.51921882
File: 29 KB, 267x250, 1687334183882537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone seems to going on about if Mari is turbo whore, but I think the real takeaway is how much of a back stabbing cunt Hina is.

>> No.51921921

Not now Hina-schizo

>> No.51921929

Exposing whores is based.

>> No.51922006

If Mari had nothing to hide, there wouldn't be a back to stab.

>> No.51922154

Can't trust druggies

>> No.51922210

huh? the whole thing could be fabricated

>> No.51922410

>Having a tranny roommate is the real scandal!

I mean I'm not a fan of trannies, but this is some raging turbo autism

>> No.51922535

It's not autism. It's /pol/ brainrot

>> No.51922734

There was ill intention, just full on weed brain rot

>> No.51922769

All the rratmongering comes from the way she described the texts, I would absolutely believe a bunch of nerds getting together to play mario party if it wasn't for the
texts she apparently received from Mari.
Until one of them clears that part up nobody is going to buy the innocent explanation and if she really made THAT up then yeah she was doing wilful character assassination

>> No.51923160

need a phone screenshot.

>> No.51923259

>I would absolutely believe a bunch of nerds getting together to play mario party
There's also the fact that it's a 4 player game. Two of them were just there to watch? Maybe, but they weren't watching any Mario Party, that's for sure.

>> No.51923427

Nah that is a stretch, people sit around watching other people play games all the time. It's the texts that made it sound seedy as fuck and that was all Hina's account.

>> No.51923969

A gathering in a hotel room during a con is already suspicious enough to generate rrats, Hina really added the details to solidify it

>> No.51923986

Mari never denied those texts being real so...

>> No.51924350

It can be good but the lettuce is consistently lame.

>> No.51924514

>5 bodies have been confirmed in the wreckage
Anon there is no confirming the bodies at that depth. They would have literally been imploded into dust. They'd be lucky to find a piece of bone.
