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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 46 KB, 375x553, GFp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51822034 No.51822034 [Reply] [Original]

DID goldfish princes really get gang-banged by 5 guys, is there any proof?

>> No.51822121

Does proof matter? /vt/ will decide.

>> No.51822475

As in a video of Marimari being DP'd and saying "yes it is me marimariveetee and I am having sex with five guys at once at offkai"? No. There's her friend telling a very sus story featuring
>Mari texts her begging her not to come to the room
>She finds her and five "people" on their beds
>They are doing something that she feels (while high) would get a noise complain
>"Juice" has been spilled and they have to change the sheets

>> No.51823001
File: 30 KB, 498x608, 1687212505504451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where is the clip of this.

Also is /vt/ only 3k people because thats how many subs she has thats tiny.

>> No.51823140

It has been posted all over twitter, sucks to be you if you don't check it.
She might have just wanted some privacy when meeting her fans. Just playing devil's advocate here people can meet and not have sex. She could have just had a close meeting.

>> No.51823242

Retard, she streams on Twitch and has like 29k followers there. She's a high 3view in her streams. That said, /vt/ could be even smaller than you guess.
As for the clip, do some fucking archive reps.

>> No.51823302

Unlikely, sex is sex. Also, the amount of debauchery that happened at OffKai was bring monitored by several threads, including /pcg/.

>> No.51823498

That already enough of a proof.

>> No.51823537
File: 441 KB, 1011x836, nyann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah I think we, 1 woman and 5 guys, should talk in private, just talk though
>my hotel room will be perfect for this
>let me just tell my roommate to text before she comes in

>> No.51823636

For "some reason" she's scrubbed the vod lol

>> No.51823956

How will mari respond I wonder. What will the damage control be.
We just played some cards okay. I just wanted to met my fans.

Unironically there is that tiny chance of that being true kek. This is vtubers and autists we're talking about maybe they were all too autstic to even think of having sex.

>> No.51823981

She already responded by shilling her merch like the grifter that she is

>> No.51824067

>how will Mari respond
By riding the wave and dubbing herself Sex God

>What will the damage control be
"it was just Mario Party eksdee"

Yeah sure a four player game with five guys and Mari
I'm sure they were taking turns, just not in Mario Party

>> No.51824109

Mari went "lol", which is the best way to go about it.
Hina's had a little meltdown insisting they were actually just playing mario party and swearing she'll never talk about irl shit again

>> No.51824142

Yes, I have the second guy.

>> No.51824222

I wish I was the last guy to get a nut off before Hina came in
Imagine being guy number five and getting shood out of the room before you came, lol

>> No.51824315

they are playing uno in bed

>> No.51824325

Who is this and why should I care?

>> No.51824327

>You might not have been one of the five guys
>But if you buy my merch you can feel lile you were!

>> No.51824340

mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/w4bksp.mp4


>> No.51824373

She is pure sex

>> No.51824374

Genuinely what the fuck do you expect this board to do for proof? Hire Columbo?

>> No.51824394

You take a look and laugh at the EN vtubing scene especially the twitch whore orbiters

>> No.51824487

They had the most hardcore match of mario party

>> No.51824538

That bitch HinaBoslutface is trying to sully Mari’s name out of jealousy, Mari has more followers and gets more views.

>> No.51824568

No, they were just playing Mario Party

>> No.51824594

They live in the same house and have nearly tied CCV and appear in each other's streams and collabs

>> No.51824602
File: 63 KB, 720x1141, 1631119798008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck would this retard go on stream and tell EVERYONE

>> No.51824654

it's possible considering the average con goers, cons are just an excuse for people to have orgies

>> No.51824676

She was stoned when she did it.

>By riding the wave and dubbing herself Sex God
Based as hell. I wouldn't be surprised if she put a hotel room mario party asmr up for sale lol

>> No.51824687

needs a womb overlay with the egg getting fertilized by sperm to really nail it

>> No.51824702

Why don't we hear anything from the 5 "guys"?
If that story is fake, wouldn't they be the first to say something "yeah we just hang out and play Mario party".

>> No.51824707

Because women will always tear each other down.

>> No.51824734

Why would the simps go against their queen?

>> No.51824745

If the story was real you'd think they'd be bragging about airtighting her tbqh

>> No.51824783

I hate to be that guy but there is a Mario Party esque game on the Wii U that has five players with the fifth one being bowser.

>> No.51824801

How is confirming that nothing happened "going against their queen"?

>> No.51824813

I was one of those 5 guys, I didn't get any... Fuck me for wanting sloppy 5ths

>> No.51824831

She's bragging about being a sex god on Twitter, if they expose her fraud now it's going to destroy her image

>> No.51824832

Don't try to slay the rrat, you fucking nerd. We're having fun

>> No.51824898

Kill yourself dramanigger.

>> No.51824910

Who is this fat korean fuck and how is he relevant to vtuubers?

>> No.51824926

Anon you can't be that autistic... Mari said that as a joke. Nobody normal would read her tweets and think "Oh yeah she confirmed she fucked these 5 guys and now she's bragging about it"

>> No.51824940

who brings a Wii U to a con in 2023?

>> No.51824948

>have nearly tied CCV

More like Mari usually as double Hina’s.

They may have been best friends but Hina has come to resent Mari’s success, she lost it wen someone mentioned Mari on her birthday stream.

>> No.51824982

he's a random guy in off-kai having orgies with vtubers because that's what happens in cons

>> No.51824988

Anon (you) are in a catalog thread about a "drama" that has already had 2 previous similar threads. (You)'re a dramanigger too

>> No.51825034

Can you please stop using your brain
Its killing this guys narrative >>51824926

>> No.51825035

Con goers are weird, man.

>> No.51825055
File: 311 KB, 700x400, Lisamelon_the_violated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care and will still watch her because she's the only chuuba that makes me genuinely laugh

>> No.51825084

that's a retarded rrat, wiiu sold like 10 copies

>> No.51825096

Ok enough shitposting. Sell me on your chuuba. Why should I watch her?

>> No.51825119

You posted the wrong image

>> No.51825125

if you donate to her you might get to fuck her at the next off-kai

>> No.51825166

I'm just saying that there's technically an explanation.

>> No.51825236

professional con-goer. check his profile, he has pics and videos like that for every con
that's what happens in cons, I'm sorry but if your oshi is a cosplayer or goes to cons, she also participates in orgies like that

>> No.51825246

They could have been taking turns playing a single player game too.

>> No.51825282

I'm not mad it happens desu, I just wish I was taking part.

>> No.51825305

There's nobody else doing the vtuber game like her, but she's a definite love it or hate it type deal comedy wise. She could talk for hours and naturally run with any bit. I'd describe her as "Pippa if she wasn't a mentally retarded containment breaker".

>> No.51825406

I know that cons are just a gathering of freaks I was just wondering why he gets posted all the time.
I have none, so I dont care if they degrade themselves like that. I was just curious who that dude was. Thanks clearing that up.

>> No.51825417

Mari possibly being a total whore aside...
Honestly, the fact that this bitch is just casually brings up a conversation like this to internet strangers is absolute insanity.
>Hey so you know that girl im friends with
>I know some of you are parasocial and weird about vtubers
>Let me share with you that one time I thought she was being gangbanged by 5 dudes at the same time
>But it was cool she was a whore though, she got me a bottle of water
Literal backstabbing behavior.
Beyond no longer friends, blacklisted for eternity.
Women moment beyond a coffee mug, its a whole fucking starbucks

>> No.51825427
File: 15 KB, 780x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.51825615

Hina has a very cute model. Too bad about everything else

>> No.51825706

>I'd describe her as "Pippa if she wasn't a mentally retarded containment breaker".
I was intrigued at first but you lost me here

>> No.51825808

>Mari possibly being a total whore aside...
It might not even hurt her. I doubt a person like that has a lot of purityfag fans and I for one did not care about her before, but might take a look now.

>> No.51825831

What does this Mari Mari individual think about black people?

>> No.51825870

Even if that's true its still a major red flag for a supposed friend of yours to go on the internet and tell people you went to 5 guys and not the restaurant

>> No.51825877

More importantly, did one of the guys shout the Plap Plap meme while railing her?

>> No.51825895

I don't know why, but her being a proud stoner/drug user is somehow just as bad as her friend being a vapid whore

>> No.51825982

offkai was just a big eye opening event for me. Hina's recounts of everything people were doing there was too much. Never trusting /lig/gers again.

>> No.51825990

What's wrong with stoner culture?

>> No.51825998

Might as well say wet water anon, it's a woman's nature to always take other down a peg

>> No.51826129

Too much of a newfag to not know what happens at cons?

>> No.51826169

Maybe so. Either way vtubers will never see another minute or penny from me ever again.

>> No.51826210
File: 29 KB, 267x250, Knife ear bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51826211

Source: it was me

>> No.51826250


>> No.51826255

Five Guys and Mari in one room

That's six people

Can you count?

>> No.51826332

Next year i will go to offkai and get pregnant atleast 1 2view.
But first i need to start grooming one, though i am probably gonna have lot of competion so my best bet would be try a strike attack approch while on site (no rape though, jail time no worth for a 2view)

>> No.51826337


>> No.51826359

she's yiiking outttt

>> No.51826442

How was the coping my dear cucks? Is the dripping cum from your oshi's whorehole while she lay on the bed staining the sheets all over ever came up to you imagination. The sweat, saliva and other bodily fluids mixing and evaporating in the room creating a musky humid atmosphere as the plap plap plap continues.

>> No.51826555

Yeah, and it's so intense that you need your roomate to let you know before they come into the room. Because you might be shouting no no words at the screen and the druggie's virgin ears are to sensitive for that.

>> No.51826605

>>"Juice" has been spilled and they have to change the sheets
This never happened, this was never claimed by Hina to have happened, this is entirely a /vt/ fabrication.

>> No.51826671

>"it was just Mario Party eksdee"
This actually checks out with what someone I know who went to Offkai claimed happened.

>> No.51826679

the fact that there's fucking posts trying to damage control this statement by Hina is what makes it the most fucking suspicious shit in the whole story.

>> No.51826696

Love my sex-goddess oshi

>> No.51826715

How is it damage control if it literally never happened?

>> No.51826797

just because you keep repeating it in your head that it didn't happen doesn't make it true
it makes you look like a schizoid lunatic

>> No.51826813

live reaction of hina's first vod that got nuked quoting what she said >>/vt/thread/51734539#p51735011

>> No.51826847

I'm not watching that.

>> No.51826883

it's literally a /lig/ post that happened at the time she said it.

>> No.51826901

My nigger I literally watched the VOD yesterday, no amount of gaslighting will work on me.

That's a single shitpost, not an actual quote. Notice how it's never brought up in any other post until the 5 guys thread was made.

>> No.51826944

>My nigger I literally watched the VOD yesterday
There were two vods. the first part got completely deleted because Hina named someone who didn't want to be publicly named. If you only saw one VOD you did not see the whole story.

>> No.51826993

Unfortunate that she said it later. I don't imagine any longer clips got made so now they've got a little deniability when there's a bit they can claim never happened.

>> No.51827040

Any corroborating evidence that shows there was a second VOD? Genuine question.

>> No.51827066

Just pick another vtuber. Why go for the new literal who that might have been gangbanged?

>> No.51827153

Why not? I'm not watching her for romance or sex or whatever.

I'm watching her for entertainment. If Hitler was a Vtuber I'd sure as fuck watch him dosn't matter to me what he does in his private time.

>> No.51827157

Bro I WISH I knew for sure my oshi'd been gangbanged. She's just assertively talked about what group sex is like so I know she did it but there's zero details.

>> No.51827167

Because she's fucking hilarious and I want her to have sex

>> No.51827184

>is there any proof
Nigga theres literally a video of her roommate saying she got told to not go in the room where she was with 5 strangers.
Are you all this retarded or coping hard? Why would you be coping anyway, she isnt GFE so it shouldnt matter if she was in a gangbang.

>> No.51827197
File: 511 KB, 1080x1376, just a friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>five total strangers were in my room!
>they were our friends nothing to see here
They really should have coordinated their damage control stories.

>> No.51827203

>Hina's recounts of everything people were doing there
link or qrd?

>> No.51827215

Not everyone is incel loser. Girls have sex okay ?

>> No.51827302

this is a recount. There seemed to just be general degeneracy in the south side meet up too they were all on edibles and stuff.

>> No.51827335

>took her key
That means Hina didn't get in that room until Mari let her in...

>> No.51827408

Is that real? Because if it is I have so much more questions

>> No.51827452

>admitting a certain someone was at offkai and deleting vod bc i guess she didnt publicly mention she was going

>> No.51827472

Or it was just unlocked, having 5guys over and locking the door would be way more sus

>> No.51827521

Every hotel room I've been in had auto locking doors...

>> No.51827531

You can leave a hotel room's door unlocked?

>> No.51827556

Idk but the videos from the Offkai Sybian orgy looked lame. It was all fatsos and uggos. At least Mari is cute so it would make sense she would organize her own gangbang.

>> No.51827616

>It was all fatsos and uggos.
They say this is often the case for con sex, but sometimes you get lucky...

>> No.51827665

Anon that wasn't the Offkai orgy. No sane people will ever post thé actual orgy online

>> No.51827676

But I don't look handsome enough to be handpicked by a cute horny vtuber like Mari. It's the autistic uggo orgy or nothing for me.

>> No.51827702

so ether Mari is a whore or Hina trying to sully Mari’s name.

>> No.51827706

They literally had the Filian fangirl that showed up on on stream in the videos...

>> No.51827796

Where could I find such thing for personal investigation whether it was offkai or not?

>> No.51827801
File: 306 KB, 1500x1912, aum0vxw951z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no amount of proof that will convince a simp.
Whatever is out there is enough for me to genuinely believe that yes, Mari got fucked by 5 guys at the con.

>> No.51827807

Mari has a boyfriend right?
Has he said anything about this at all or just keeping quiet?

>> No.51827838

The boyfriend was probably in the mix.

>> No.51827859


>> No.51827860


>> No.51827913

So it's unironically the Offpako Expo?

>> No.51827918

All conventions are like this

>> No.51827965

>cosplaying shania post meltdown
for those who don't know that's a /trash/ /wvt/ schizo who dated another /wvt/ schizo called odette, but got dumped after moving in together because she found him boring

>> No.51828070

all cons are like this
the orgies and cosplayer sluts are the main reasons why people go to cons

>> No.51828202
File: 40 KB, 616x353, 1674298272508902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51828284

I watched the stream live when she mentioned juice getting spilt on sheets, and they needed to get a change of sheets. Don't try to tell people that it never happened.

I just took it as Mari unironically spilling juice because that sounds like something she'd do.

>> No.51828367

Yeah, man-juice.

>> No.51828410


>> No.51828430


>> No.51828504

Thanks, anon, I'm not jealous anymore. This shit is repulsive.

>> No.51828546

this game isn't even about the cucking btw
it's just all about making satyr of a redditor mod lifestyle

>> No.51828619

THIS FAT ASIAN SON OF A BITCH Is Fucking You're Oshi and basically your fucking stupid

>> No.51829233
File: 186 KB, 220x221, meme-anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the moment when mari mari realized that the majority does believe she fucked 5 guys and that she should switch to damage control
but seriously, the way hina worded it doesn't leave much room for error, it's the closest thing you could say to "I walked in on my roommate getting gangbanged" without actually saying it

>> No.51829299

lilganbon more like lilgangbang amirite

>> No.51829366

>focusing her damage control to the groomcord because she knows most people wouldn't believe her
good strategy

>> No.51829435

She did, but she's trying to play it off as a joke/meme which honestly it's not a bad strat

>> No.51829474

Imagine being the 5th dude and not getting any....only to find out later they gave eachother STDs and you made it out clean.

>> No.51829526

If it was my oshi handing out STD's I'd be extra mad I missed it baka

>> No.51829623

yea i fuked her

>> No.51829795

Aya Hirano moment, be the bassist

>> No.51830035

That Bowser player? Me

>> No.51830262

That red haired vtuber sounds like a tranny

>> No.51830331

No point trying to convince people who don't watch you or donate, it's all about that simp money
I still want to see the changes in revenue over the next few months, I know those discord guys and they're all yes-men on the surface
Numbers speak louder than words

>> No.51831261

not every paying fan is a discord-dwelling atttention whore. My oshi's server is filled with poors who can't get attention otherwise

>> No.51832427

>airtighting mari
I am spectacularly erect right now.

>> No.51833126

that's extremely hot ngl
if it was my oshi I'd cum to this so hard

>> No.51833479

You can word things badly and its fine, happens all the time but Hina fucked it up with her inflection. The tone she used was what did most of the implying.

>> No.51833833

always remember she was high on drugs at the moment

>> No.51833909

>fucking marimari_en's armpit
lucky guy

>> No.51833916

Has Mari streamed since this shit became public?

>> No.51833932

She wasn’t high on stream when she retold the story

>> No.51833982

It’s been like 24 hours my guy

>> No.51833996

Ah, my mistake.

>> No.51834061


>> No.51834334

Some people are always high

>> No.51834338

"Five people", not "five men".
That implies some of them were women
there is a nonzero chance she was fucking your oshi, and/or someone cosplaying as your oshi

>> No.51834454

actually i know the group and there were two girls there, it wasnt a sex party it was just a bunch of nerds hanging out

>> No.51834650

she said "five strangers" then said "five guys"

>> No.51834661

Give the @ of the girls

>> No.51834687

Yeah, she did.

>> No.51834747

>Nostrils, ears, and eyes.

>> No.51834754

I will give them the chance to do it themselves if they want to in case they want to grit for it like she did, they are chuubas

>> No.51834756

yeah, sure thing bud. And I'm definitely fucking ur oshi. Lets keep going.

>> No.51834767

yeah sure lmao

>> No.51834770
File: 55 KB, 707x691, 1633881107208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically how do I get to participate in a chuuba gangbang? do they normally choose randos at the con? discord groomers? cosplayers and artists in her circle?

Note: I still think this was extremely vile.

>> No.51834787

>dude trust me

>> No.51834826

if you arent going to trust me anyway then why ask

>> No.51834829

Convention girls are huge whores, it is a known thing. Lots of chuubas had a history of it like Nyanners and Pomu.

>> No.51834861

Yeah, i was one of these girls, btw i am your mom and i got spitroasted by tyrone while Mari was licking the juices comming out under me

>> No.51834863

Hina doesn't even seem the type to befriend Mari. She comes off as a twitter scold with a stick up her ass.

>> No.51834910

if you're going to post bullshit without proof, why waste the keystrokes

>> No.51834917

I didn't ask, joining in to laugh at your lies.

>> No.51834920

You're being a little (possibly lying) bitch, Anon. You just have to say their name and everybody will believe you

>> No.51834955

Both can be simultaneously true.

>> No.51835033

Were the 3 guys chuubas too or just fans?

>> No.51835154

So 3 girls and 3 guys?
Sounds even more like a sex party, except now they've all got their own fuck partner.

>> No.51835292

No, she fucked them all. Ate the cum out of the other chuubas' assholes, or so that anon is saying.

>> No.51835341

How old is Mari btw?

>> No.51835374

Out of 10

>> No.51835428


>> No.51835435

38 (this is her son btw)

>> No.51835499

She told the story more than once and each time made sure to emphasise just how desperate Mari was for her to NOT enter the room without texting her first, seriously DON'T come back without giving me a heads up.
I don't care how autistic she is or how high she was, she knew what she was doing telling the story like that.

>> No.51835513

Hard proof? No. You're not going to find any phone videos floating around online of the gangbang.

A damning amount of evidence? Absolutely. You'd have to be pretty fucking delusional to not believe she engaged in sexual activity in a small room where five guys were present.

>> No.51835577

>They are our friend
>I saw 5 complet stranger sitting on our bed
They can't even get their stories straight lmao

>> No.51835607

I hate stoners so goddamn much.
If any of them are your "friend" might as well call them an enemy.
Thats all.

>> No.51835627


>> No.51835631

kek even the hugbox will notice the discrepancy right?

>> No.51835752

Can you SEAfags just go back to the latest niji drama already? You guys always embarrass yourselves anytime you try to talk about indies.

>> No.51835836

I'm almost upset that cons aren't like that (as far as I know) in the EU.

>> No.51835864

Yo chill Mari, it's just joke...
By the way if a sub now can I get a shot next year?

>> No.51836247

It's a shame I don't watch fish or I'd be cooming my brains out as we speak

>> No.51836284

>Unironically how do I get to participate in a chuuba gangbang?
You have to become known as one of "those guys" that people come to or introduce friends to. It's become pretty clear based on the amount of discussion lately that most people don't understand just how much sexual activity goes on at conventions.

There's a lot of it. A lot. This is nothing new either. These orgies/gangbangs/whatever you want to call them have been common occurrences for years, it's just that now vtubers are being thrown into the mix since that's something relatively new(and either way many vtubers were involved in this sort of stuff prior to getting into vtubing.) There are plenty of female cosplayers who go to conventions purely to make money. Many of them are effectively prostitutes. There is an entire culture around these convention sex sessions. It's analogous to college frat parties. You've got the people who are known for hosting good parties, the people who are known for bringing party sluts, the people who are known for bringing the drugs/alcohol, etc. You can see this sort of shit all over on twitter(examples have already posted in this thread of the sex toy guy.)

If you seriously want to get into this you either need connections with people who are already involved or you need to stand out as someone who those people would see as a good choice to invite. You can't just show up at a convention with a sign that says "invite me to a hotel orgy" and expect to get involved in one.

>> No.51836332

it's literally every category but the good ones
>mainstream content creators
>literal ewhores using "cosplay" as a reason to get laid

>> No.51836482

>how do I get to participate in a chuuba gangbang?
Donate a lot, be an attentionwhore in chat and in discord and in the vtuber's dms, try to become a mod. Try to aim for some low view vtuber

>> No.51836673

con sluts dont fuck the paypigs lmao, if they wanted to fuck paypigs they'd just dm them instead of doing it at a con

>> No.51836917

This makes the most sense to me. The smarmy 'your mind is in the gutter if you think they were men' when she very carefully avoided their gender makes me think it was a bunch vtubers who think their business of preying on losers would take a hit if people start asking who the guys they were with are.
It's also why she lied and called them strangers. >>51835577 And why she deleted the first vod that mentioned a person that didn't want to be known attending the event - the reason given is she didn't tell her fans she would be there, and I logically think that means she told them a lie that she would be somewhere else.
Basically, the stoner just got tripped up trying to juggle all of these lies on top of lies and no one really believed her when she rarely told the truth.
Or there just degenerate weirdos, I could believe either.

>> No.51836938

Typical woman behavior, they will smile and joke acting like they don't care at all while seething behind the scenes

>> No.51837015

>this fuck has pictures of him being together with Magni
Some 2view male might have got MAGGED

>> No.51837035


>> No.51837086

t. poorfag

>> No.51837148

>Creampie of five different cums

>> No.51837342

Imagine being the 5th guy.

>> No.51837485


>> No.51837557
File: 299 KB, 3840x2160, 1687292737333013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a proof

>> No.51837584

just like churning butter

>> No.51837741
File: 40 KB, 680x383, 1675120569115271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a 39C fever has allowed me to talk to the other side. Their whispers tell me the tranny who spilled the beans is jealous and resentful that she did not fork him. Like many beta males they wormed their way close to the object of their desire and feeling scorned they are punishing Mari by spilling the beans on multiple occasions:

Claims to have public anxiety? Yet they walk around the convention high off their ass.
Didnt see a message? How many times did they tweet or use their phone on the floor? Unlikely they didnt see it.

So the whispers tell me this is what truly happened, make of it what you will as i fight my fever.

>> No.51837854

>I don't know why
same shit, different toilet. Both are the bottom of the barrels in society running communities and the status quo to the ground

>> No.51838074

nice try mari

>> No.51838146

Anon, weed helps with anxiety....

>> No.51838290

She was shouting it herself.

>> No.51838499

Until it doesn't

>> No.51838684

>>why the fuck would this retard go on stream and tell EVERYONE
Anon, you kinda answered your question

>> No.51840257

It sounds like damage control to me. Mari's trying to explain away the texts.

>> No.51840844


>> No.51841247

he's fucking your oshi

>> No.51841623

Cons are literally just an excuse for nerds to fuck other nerds.

>> No.51841823

Fuck me, Hina is a retard.
This is reminding me of the infamous house party which spawned all those "Gura was raped" and "Gura is pregnant" rrats. Calli really threw fuel on the fire when said that Gura was getting up to "shenanigans" at that party.

I do find it odd that Hina would leave this detail out. The door would only be unlocked if it was chocked open or the lock had been tampered with. The truth about Mari's texts will come out if Hina can clarify if she had her key on her or not.

>> No.51841959

Cons are meeting places for degenerate weirdo's yes. It's pretty much common knowledge if you regularly go to cons that the amount of fucking going on is insane.

Just think about it, bunch of sex starved nerds thrown together in hotels/con centers, tons of after parties and alchohol/drugs going around, it would be strange if this shit wasn't going on.

>> No.51841975

At this point Hina will say whatever to corroborate Mari’s damage control, true or not, to try and salvage their friendship.
Hina repeatedly implied the worst on stream and her following tweets didn’t make it any better, Mari has every right to be pissed, even if she didn’t get gangbanged.

>> No.51842401

>salvage their friendship
I suspect this is closer to the truth than any of the rrats in this or previous threads.
Be it an orgy or just Mario Party, there's a chance that Hina acted spitefully and tried to air Mari's dirty laundry due to being left out, or taking the worst possible stance from being told to give Mari a heads-up before she came back.

>> No.51842529

Its not really a hit for Mari, she can meme it up and make a bit out of it but id be fucking surprised if the people in the scene didnt losts respect for Hina. Like that one smug tweet about "frow now not sharing stuff she does with other streamers offline" BITCH thats standard procedure with friends, you always ask for permission, double check and get your story straight before sharing it.

>> No.51842705

And the women who go to these cons just put out to sex starved nerds that are probably the least attractive men on Earth? That piece of the puzzle doesn't seem to fit.

>> No.51842805

If so that's really sad. Someone tried to fuck another vtuber I watch and they caught it on cam. It was pretty fucked up because (1) that's weird and (2) they weren't interested at all but the dude didn't stop trying.

>> No.51842882

>A few assholes spreading rumours
Now I won't deny that /vt/ loves it's rrats but she basically pushed out the rumour fully formed all by herself
>turned people playing Mario Party and drinking into something it wasn't
Maybe say that was what was going on instead of talking about desperate texts to not come in, strangers on the bed, juice stains on the bed and changing sheets. Holy fuck this woman

>> No.51842996

>they weren't interested at all but the dude didn't stop trying.
Anon are you really trying to compare a potential situation where a vtuber would get a train ran on her consensually and an actual rape attempt?

>> No.51843034

You’re overestimating the difficulty and underestimating the barrier of entry. You either have to be paying their bills or know the secret handshake. Some guy was pretending to be someone well known and it was working well enough. Probably got at least 1 mid tier vtuber

>> No.51843105

>debating whether if your oshi sucked either 3 or 5 cocks in a con
the absolute state of western vtubing.

>> No.51843313

If only they had something that they could give in return. Something that has some sort of set value that can be exchange for goods and services. Nope, I'm drawing a blank. Truly a mystery for the ages.

>> No.51843361

People are retards. This is nothing new. You can occasionally pull this off in places with pretty high security, difference is you're likely to get in legal trouble there while tricking some retarded slut has no consequence.

>> No.51843476

It's really a double edged sword, you would think no one cares because it's Mari and she's not really GFE.
But because it's Mari it's very believable that she got fucked by 5 guys at offkai, and it turns out that some people do care.

>> No.51843602

GFE or not people love calling out whores for being whores.

>> No.51844376

no, it’s just retards on this board that have never been to a con or gotten laid that jump to their own conclusions. but it’s funnier to think about a bunch of sweaty neckbeards from SEA shitflinging over a streamer they don’t even watch

>> No.51844441

It's amazing to me that people this delusional actually exist. Holy shit. O.J didn't murder anyone either.

>> No.51844483

She was so defensive about not being sexy and gungho about ruining whatever sexy perception people could have
1. i understand now witnessing this horny thread
2. i don't understand since she is actually secretly horny

>> No.51844611

People have their heads up their ass about what a girlfriend experience actually is.

>> No.51844688

>is there any proof?
Of course not, but that won't stop retards from running with whatever the juiciest rrat of the moment is.

>> No.51844745

The real story here is her friend doing her dirty like that.

>> No.51844878

>implying sluts fuck paypigs

>> No.51844910
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This will be the nth time a petite, short, loli-type girl is actually a fucking nympho that I know. From highschool, college and work from various companies, I've hearing stories of those types of girls either having a carousel of exboyfriends, a fucking pervert/rides along with men's perverted jokes, very touchy or generally have a lot of male ""friends"".

I am really contemplating that maybe loli girls are a big red flag I should avoid like a plague.

>> No.51845058

I've watched some collabs with Hina in it, she genuinely might be one of the dumbest vtubers in existence.

>> No.51845116

A bit of clout, drugs or just sharing your hotel room, it's enough to bang consluts, there's dudes who jump from con to
con purely for this reason. I haven't gone to one in years but we're in a hedonistic period so I can only guess how easier must be currently

>> No.51845122
File: 674 KB, 498x365, haunter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real fun begins when mari tries to convince her loyal paypigs that she's not a whore

mari could argue that "cursing like a sailor" is just a bit, and that she's just a shy/awkward girl irl

but as everyone knows, nyanners was no different

>> No.51845152

Anon, the only reason any woman would ever portray herself as a loli is to attract degenerates. Of course it's a red flag.

>> No.51845288

Many such cases, but keep coping poorfag, whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.51845500

Benefit of the doubt is on her side currently, but those who understand women and anime cons know. A woman who brings a bunch of her fans back to the hotel room to play Mario Party together seems less likely unless anyone can confirm she's actually THAT autistic.

>> No.51845575

>unless anyone can confirm she's actually THAT autistic.
She's older than 12 and a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog.

>> No.51845651

>Benefit of the doubt is on her side currently
You can't be fucking serious.

>> No.51845677
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She would never, my oshi is too pure!

>> No.51845711

She didn't categorically deny it, which means that she will be known as the gangbang tuber for the rest of the career. Regardless of what actually happened.

>> No.51845795
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>She didn't categorically deny it
Bit of an understatement there.

>> No.51845878

Until one of the fags in the room with her spills the beans, we only have her stoner friend's say so.

>> No.51845889

11mg of thc for someone who apparently consistently smokes weed. The alcohol equivalent would be 2-4 standard drinks.

>> No.51846024

It was an edible. If you watch the stream she was really fucked up.

>> No.51846099


>> No.51846153

yes because you need advanced notice for mario party

>> No.51846327

Oh, that might be it. Stoner bakers tend to have questionable portion sizes. Im just speaking on my experuence with Delta-8 gummies

>> No.51846403

>Benefit of the doubt is on her side currently
Anon I'm sure and many others don't know about this but when you repeatedly ask your good friend to not come into your room that they are sharing with you and you repeatedly ask for a warning in advance it means you're doing something that demands privacy.

Mario Party does not demand privacy. Think long and hard about why someone would demand privacy after inviting a bunch of guys over.

>> No.51846452

a woman talking to me is GFE

>> No.51846558

>Think long and hard about why someone would demand privacy after inviting a bunch of guys over.
A very serious game of mario party, maybe they got competitive. I heard there were noise complaints.

>> No.51846598

Mario party isn’t a joke, anon. Some people take it very seriously.

>> No.51846679

Doing an educated guess, Im guessing Kisaka was one of those girls. She was running the merch booth.

>> No.51846920

my balls hurt from how much I came to this

>> No.51846965

>five strangers i have never seen before
cope harder, anon

>> No.51847005

What Mari did is her own business, issue here was Hina airing it without double checking, what a dumb bitch. Thats how you become that friend no one shares secrets with.

>> No.51847065

it's hilarious that a girl that regularly uses slang wrong or uses kindergardener level language (grippers, stompers, criss-cross applesauce) caused some people to lose their mind by using the word "shenaningans"

>> No.51847104

Yeah, who though?

>> No.51847282

doesn't she have a boyfried or some shit. At least I remember aethel implied that last year

>> No.51847304

>What Mari did is her own business
This is true. It's also entirely her fault for being stupid enough to do that sort of thing in a room with a stoner and expecting her warnings/requests to be honored.

>> No.51847340

stoners cant keep secrets which is why it was used in mk ultra to get info from the mob

>> No.51847447

>ever trusting an unironic stoner
her mistake, are they still living together?

>> No.51847460

The solution to this is simple, really. Mari just needs to post her hymen to prove that it's still intact. Problem solved.

>> No.51847622

Some retards get lose lips when high because they think it's a funny story to tell and keep the conversation going.

>> No.51847654

I mean if the person I was rooming with had an orgy in our room and even on my bed I'd probably air it out, like wtf that's nasty

>> No.51847789

Stoner. If you don't have a stoner friend you wouldn't understand. It's very likely that she honestly had no clue what was happening/what had happened and in her pot-riddled brain she thought it would be a genuinely funny story to tell because she failed to realize what it would imply.

This sort of shit happens pretty frequently with potheads. They can legit be this stupid and not realize it.

>> No.51847852

Airing out the room definitely seems like a good idea at least, I mean sheesh imagine the smell

>> No.51847889

>not stealing the sheets as a keepsake and sniffing them from time to time when you feel down

>> No.51848529

do you really belieb?

>> No.51848812

Why cant it be both? 4 bros play mario kart while mari and her favorite have sex in the background

>> No.51848869

That just seems way sadder, I’m depressed now

>> No.51848870

>>51848812 (me)
Whoever wins goes next

>> No.51848946
File: 40 KB, 182x182, 1665068725451245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm... I won in Mario Kart

>> No.51849005

That'd be pretty hot honestly. Casual fucking while doing other activities is a top tier fetish. With five guys in the room she could have a dick in her at all times. Imagine her trying to stay focused and win minigames while her pussy is being pounded.

>> No.51849047


>> No.51849079


>> No.51849727

It's not really about how Mari feels about it though, but how her paypigs do. I'm sure there are some who weren't invited/couldn't attend that feel like shit right now, whether or not they silently leave will determine if it's a hit to her or not

>> No.51849894

If we learned anything from this, it's that a sock on the door still beats texting.

>> No.51850485

One of her prominent fanartists has left her discord. Probably waiting on hearing from Mari's account of the story on her stream tonight to judge if he should join back or not.

>> No.51850689

As someone who's never watched her, this keeps getting more and more entertaining.

>> No.51850951

It's cute that people think (a) this happened, (b) Mari could get laid, (c) Mari's fans would care if she had sex

>> No.51850968

sad cope

>> No.51851078

It's amusing to think about what she's cooking up. It's either going to be convoluted or she's going to double down on something retarded like "guys it was just Mario Party I swear."

>> No.51851119
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whether she did or did not isn't the issue to me
if she didn't, business as usual
if she did, she's still my oshi but i want the details so i can COOOOOOM

>> No.51851172

You've never watched her

>> No.51851230

Anon, literally any female can get laid with zero effort. You're fucking retarded if you think otherwise.

>> No.51851249

Where's the video
I want to COOM to this con fuckmeat

>> No.51851261

shes a woman
literally any woman could get gangbanged

>> No.51851327

I can tell you've never watched her if you couldn't tell I was joking

>> No.51851460

sad cope

>> No.51851637

This is the most sympathetic I've seen /vt/ react to a rrat, the whole situation really is kinda fucked up

>> No.51851773

That's all the proof I need
These "people" aren't vtubers

>> No.51851777

ive donated a few hundred dollars so i can safely say im a good friends with mari mari

stop slut shaming her you all know you would sleep with 5 vtubers if you had the chance

>> No.51851786

>i was just pretending to be retarded
Every time.

>> No.51851845

You've never watched her

>> No.51851957

I'm tired of that timeloop. When is Mari talking about what actually happened, again?

>> No.51851989

It's okay anon. You don't need to keep this going. I accept your concession.
>You've never watched her
Concession preemptively accepted again.

>> No.51852020

I'm sorry that Mari is too much of a sex god for you

>> No.51852061

This whole kerfuffle has gotten me thinking, what other vtubers went to offkai just to get some dick? Wouldn't be surprised if that was the only reason a lot of them even went.

>> No.51852087

You can tell not a single person who watches Mari is in this thread. No one watches her for gfe they watch her to hear a retarded woman say some of the most retarded things a human could possibly say

>> No.51852196

Why would I watch a whore?

>> No.51852206

Every female vtuber is GFE to someone

>> No.51852229

Doesn't change the fact that it's fun to ridicule a whore

>> No.51852270

You have sad life Anons....

>> No.51852303


>> No.51852350
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>> No.51852361

Whatever you say pajeet

>> No.51852364

You can't stop some people from being delusional schizos. Doesn't change the fact that the chuuba never tried to appeal to GFE fags

>> No.51852425

Doesn't change the fact that every paypig is a GFEfag

>> No.51852503

Well, it sounds like those people should have been watching her friend who spilled the beans instead, cause she's said some pretty retarded things. Banging five relative strangers at once is nasty even if you aren't pretending to be people's girlfriend on the internet and it's funny to imagine this chick getting busted trying to do that, simple as that.

>> No.51852511

Ridiculing girl for getting in a gangbang with 5 guys is equals to me watching gfe? And I'm not saying it did actually happened but your train of thought Is weird anon. Just because I don't like whores doesn't mean every chuuba should be seiso gf for me.

>> No.51852537

I'd only sleep with one vtuber, my oshi, and only after 1 month of a committed relationship.
I'm not a slut.

>> No.51852553

Not true. Some paypigs have gf or full familly. Some of them are just rich and want to support their favourite V.

>> No.51852583

Anon you're overstepping the boundaries of delusion

>> No.51852624


>> No.51852650

I've been lurking because the situation sounds funny

>> No.51852716

Then why do so many people shower her with money and gifts?

>> No.51852923

For the same reason people shower streamers like Xqc or Asmongold with money and gifts.
GFE was never the only reason people give money to female streamers either

>> No.51852981

I've had the misfortune of watching her a couple times, my oishi raided her

>> No.51853120

Is she really that bad?

>> No.51853127

>You can tell not a single person who watches Mari is in this thread. No one watches her for gfe
Anon you're a fucking retard. GFE or not doesn't matter. Literally any female who is discovered to be a whore gets this sort of treatment. Name a single time a female streamer or content creator got gangbanged, people found out about it and public perception only got better.

>> No.51853234

My ears, mate, my ears

>> No.51853238

Its the main reasom tho, a 100ccv andy does not receive the same amount of donations as a female of similar size.

>> No.51853265

Not that anon, but she really isn't that bad

>> No.51853267

>Name a single time a female streamer or content creator got gangbanged, people found out about it and public perception only got better.
This time, when I found out that Mari's love of "Truckin', fuckin', and crankin' mah hog" isn't just a joke

>> No.51853274

Can't say for sure if she fucked all 5 of them.
I'd say there's a high chancce she fucked at least one of them and the rest were watching.
I mean... all the videos and pics coming out of Offkai so far are rainfurfest tier degeneracy... so I'd need proof against rather than for the gangbang.
The reaction of her clique definitely points to it being closer to the truth than not.

>> No.51853334

>all the videos and pics coming out of Offkai so far are rainfurfest tier degeneracy
Let's not go that far anon. Nobody is slinging shit-filled diapers around.

>> No.51853399

It is a big reason yes. But not always the main one. There are indies who openly have a boyfriend and make clear they'll never date you and yet are still very successful

>> No.51853485

About the only thing they didn't do ... as far as we know.

>> No.51853547

are cons just the Olympic Village for asians and weebs?

>> No.51853675

Don't be delusional, they don't receive that much donations and not for the same reason. Coco's main source of superchats were blue superchats when she went to the bathroom.
I watch a couple 1k males fleshies, they only get subs no dono.

>> No.51853797

Basically. Any large gathering of people where privacy is nearby will lead to a whole lot of fucking. It happens at every con, it happens at the Olympics, it even fucking happened at occupy wallstreet with people who had tents set up. Woodstock was out in the open and people were fucking constantly(possibly because almost everyone there was high.)

People enjoy fucking. I guarantee there's going to be a lot of it in any event that brings together a large number of people with similar interests who have access to any degree of privacy. That's simply what humans do.

>> No.51853810

Let me explain this so even a brainlet like you can understand it:
You dono to males to get noticed by chat.
You dono to females to get noticed by the streamer.

Don't need to explain further, anyone who's watched streams knows this is the case.

>> No.51853823

kek, i'm not going to watch you whether you pulled a zoe quinn or not

>> No.51853903

Anon you didn't have to make your coming out like that but good for you, I guess?

>> No.51853966

It's fucked when people will make excuses for chuubas to get orgies in cons but when my guy Vic Mignogna does it, he's slapped with a MeToo allegation
Cruel world we live in

>> No.51854030

>such a cucked findom faggot he doesnt' even want to get anything out of his dono
Nah bruh. You're just gay.

>> No.51854205

Now ill proceed to develope FOMO for con orgies

>> No.51854266

literally who the fuck is this

>> No.51854288

Nigger if you have a rampant need of being noticed for every donos you give, you probably got the money from your minimum wage 9 to 5. You should probably learn how to spend your money more wisely.

>> No.51854471

Some semi-big Nijisanji fanboy

>> No.51854517

Yeah bro I'm the 9 to 5 wagey. Meanwhile you're throwing your money away for nothing.
If you ever wondered why you're a poorfaggtot, you just got your reason right here.

If I give out money I fully expect a sevrice to be provided. The service in this case is the streamer laughing, or chat lauging at the streamer.

Meanwhile you're "supporting your oshi" or whatever the fuck. As I said, that's some findom faggotry I'm not into. If you're gay that's your own problem, don't expect the rest of us to be into that shit.

>> No.51854574

It goes on even at CPAC from what I've heard.

>> No.51854599


>> No.51854685

On the other hand, Mari is a brotuber

>> No.51854723

>female brotuber
thats just GFE

>> No.51854761

No, I don't want my girlfriend to be my bro, that's gay

>> No.51854774

The bubble butt kind of "bro"

>> No.51854866

I'd fuck my bro if he was a girl, no homo

>> No.51855019

You get nothing out of it monkey. You get outside of a 2s endorphin rush when your oshi reads your retarded ass message. And since you seem like a delusional moron, you probably think you have a "chance", since you got "noticed".
Meanwhile your oshi fucks her bf behind the scenes and sucks cocks in cons' bathrooms.

You're not and never were paying for a "service" you fucking illiterate mongrel. The very definition of a donation is something you give in order to help. Nothing was ever promised to your braindead ass. If you think you're entitled to a "service" because you gave 10 bucks to a streamer you must live a sad an pathetic life

>> No.51855089

You never kissed your homies goodnight?

>> No.51855135

Ok you got me there, maybe a little

>> No.51855301

Based on her reaction she did have sex with 5 guys. Being high doesn't mean you misread texts. She's worried about her source of income aka the simps not donating to her anymore, while pretending it was nothing on Twitter.
Sex in cons have been going on for as long as I can remember. There's a famous voice actress who had sex with her fans before. Idk if it was Tara Strong or someone else.
There's been stories of sex in cons before like the LA one. Forgot what game it was for, I think it was Smash bros, where the wife of the guy had sex with 5 other men for a week. They're still together to this day from what I remember.
Also since when did Mario Party accommodate 6 people?

>> No.51855326

imagine paying for your oshi's condoms, now that's dedication

>> No.51855456
File: 9 KB, 267x189, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T'was I and mine own very shadow clones. Verily!

>> No.51855566

Or that one wife that got passed around during a speedrun charity

>> No.51855600

You guys are way too trusting of Hina's account of saying that there were "like 5 people", as if someone high out of their mind could be able to take a coherent headcount during the incident, or during her retelling of the story on stream.

>> No.51855666

Why is it always 5 guys

>> No.51855685

>DID goldfish princes really get gang-banged by 5 guys, is there any proof?
No it's more outrage bait for clout like when she said nigger, why do you people not get fake drama happens all the time with streamers

>> No.51855729

5 guys is the perfect amount for an orgy
>3 holes and 2 hands

>> No.51855765

Mari's reaction confirmed the story. She did not deny it, she simply said it was a misunderstanding and that everyone present was playing Mario Party. Stop coping so hard.

>> No.51855783

Oh nice, a new angle.

>> No.51855793

There must be a "five guys" parody of the ducktales theme from way back then, but I can't find one.

>> No.51855796

>why the fuck would this retard go on stream and tell EVERYONE
because her friend told her to. This is all kayfabe

>> No.51856337

For downroader abirity

>> No.51856419

Females' ability to fuck shit up by simply talking is unparalleled.

>> No.51856600

Yes she crushed my balls

>> No.51856753

This was all planned none of it is real both girls are laughing about it on discord

>> No.51856806

Where is the edit of Mari kneeling on the sofa with the five melanin-rich gentlemen behind her smiling? Mario Party game in place of basketball.

>> No.51856810

At most she just sucked some dicks, even a pornstar would find it hard to take 5 at once

>> No.51856892

Nobody said anything about them all going at once. It's far more common for everyone to take their turn at these orgies because most guys only last a few minutes when they're in a hole.

>> No.51856982

wtf is wrong with women. all she has to do is go "This didn't happen. I never did it"

>> No.51857072

It's far too late for that. It did happen, she essentially confirmed it with her earliest reactions, now she's trying to downplay it and act like this doesn't bother her.

>> No.51857077

You ever seen an orgy, son? At most you have two people being serviced at once, but most of the time, people are waiting to take their turn.

>> No.51857209

So what, you just stand there jerking off while you wait for your turn? That sounds kinda lame

>> No.51857211

even still, 5 is a lot. even a seasoned slut would find it difficult

>> No.51857459

Is it really that hard if they cum fast? I've had sex with a slut for a couple of hours on end and she didn't seem to have a hard time doing it.

>> No.51857499

This whole thread has me thinking that I'm really missing out by not going to cons. Although I probably would just end up sitting in my hotel room alone.

>> No.51857548

Only if they're all trying to do anal or something. Five guys, each only lasting a few minutes, maybe three or so taking the pussy with one or two wanting a blowjob? You underestimate how much of a pounding the average woman can take. Unless there's some kind of medical condition(some have thin uterus walls for example) a good 30-60 minutes of sex should be no problem unless it's relentless rough sex. You and I both know your average con-goer can't sustain hard pounding for a prolonged period.

>> No.51857559

>Although I probably would just end up sitting in my hotel room alone.
Yeah, it's kinda like going abroad. If you can't get laid at home you won't get laid if you go.

>> No.51857630

Don't be like that Anons. I'll go with you at Anime expo and we'll get all the vtuber pussy together!

>> No.51857631

You're not going to get brought to an orgy simply for showing up. You need to know the right people. This is easy for vtubers/content creators in general because they already have their circles which is why this sort of thing is so common with them.

>> No.51858054

We just need to get a crew together and find a vtuber who will take literal money to have sex with us!

>> No.51858096

>really get gang-banged by 5 guys
That doesn't happen irl. Only in porn.

>> No.51858162

Reality really is stranger than fiction...

>> No.51858267

>vshitshow finally tries to buy /vt/'s love by whoring out their girls, including rushia and pikamee, specifically to /vt/ posters at the next con
Would it work?
