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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51777553 No.51777553 [Reply] [Original]

VTubing has finally destroyed my perception of reality, and I've wasted so much fucking time around this shithole that I'm not even angry,I'm downright depressed, I fucking hate all of you.

I will never get back the time that I've wasted in here.And you will realize that this shit hobby leads to nowhere, sooner or later

>> No.51777611

> I'm not even angry,
You do seem pretty angry though. Calm down, take your pills and watch the Gura stream tonight.

>> No.51777623

>chumbuds when they realize this is the last stream of the year

>> No.51777662

>this is the last stream of the year
I'm suprised we're gettng another 2023 stream at all at this point. Secret to happiness is always low expectations.

>> No.51777707

You have no enemies. Lie back, take a breather, and enjoy the streams.

>> No.51777740

you're probably one of those people who looked down on couch potatoes who spend their time watching television, celebrity news, or cheering for sports team

>> No.51777852

Not OP but I still feel personally attacked. I'm guessing this is the case for you as well.

>> No.51777961

if you're getting into vtubing without acknowledging how much of a degenerate and time-wasting hobby it is, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. skill issue, op.

>> No.51778018
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Lmao. Baka. You ruin your own life. Go to church or off yourself. Idc.

>> No.51778021

Might I suggest becoming a coomer?

>> No.51778087

The sooner you accept that you were never under any circumstances going to accomplish what you think you should have by now, the better your life will be

>> No.51778136

>without acknowledging how much of a degenerate and time-wasting hobby it is,
There's nothing intrinsically degenerate about vtubing. It's just a form of streaming without showng your face, someone could literally make a vtuber channel about STEM or ancient theology if so they wished.

>> No.51778195

it only matters in the long run if you spent money on it, and especially if it was an actually-important amount of money to you. if you're a millionaire I'd understand wasting a few akasupas for attention from an e-girl because, I suppose because that's like $5 to normal people and it's your superpower to throw it around. if it crushes your income and you're sacrificing your other hobbies for the sake of trying to be a #1 super fan or get some vtuber's attention, yes that is a giant waste of time generally unless you're grooming a 2view in which case I think you're a loser either way money or not.

>> No.51778373

forgot to say, in other words, as long as vtubing is just free entertainment for you, it's not any more a drag on you than watching TV/youtube or whatever functionally. it's just better at getting you mentally invested in what's going on than the average TV show so you treat it differently. functionally it isn't. livestreaming is basically like a semi-interactive, sandbox medium form of television. that's all. don't treat it like the most important thing in the world because it isn't and never will be. it can still provide entertainment value sure but that's it.

>> No.51778376

>if you're a millionaire I'd understand wasting a few akasupas for attention from an e-girl
Check the Twitter accounts of the biggest paypigs, most of them are near broke or living on welfare already. Successful people don't waste money on e-girls.

>> No.51778427

Vtubing is a prolonged course in withstanding psychological warfare. And you failed. Get back in the slopline.

>> No.51778435

watching streams is a degenerate hobby. literally zero production value most of the time.

>> No.51778456

pretty much yeah it's self-selecting that people are running up their credit cards or wasting student loans on these things. maybe a few people actually have a ton of dosh to fuck around with although I think this was far more likely in 2020 covid mode vtubing than it is now. so basically because there are so few millionaires, I'm saying, it's gonna be a serious waste of money for most people. vtubers have it too fucking easy. people trip over themselves to try to please them and grab their attention - fans have too low of standards. if vtubers actually had to work harder for it maybe they'd respect the fans a bit more.

>> No.51778460

They do, but not through supers. They slide into DMs looking for someone who will accept a ticket to Saudi Arabia.

>> No.51778488

you value your time at $0 of opportunity cost per hour? enjoy being poor

>> No.51779224

Time IS money. This is a cope.

>> No.51779322

sounds like a you problem

>> No.51779569

not everyone is a money hungry jew anon, some people just want to enjoy their life

>> No.51779782

Free time costs money now? Maybe if you literally want to work 24/7 but it's just free time for me. I have money to toss around, I just spend it on things I actually-can-use like for hobbies that actually benefit me more than a trite "thank you" like music gear, games etc.

>> No.51780559

I guess they could anon, I'm imagining though that 99% of vtubers provide no information whatsoever and it's actually a parasocial relationship you're in which makes it more psychologically deranging than the already atrocious "hobby" of watching television for hours a day.

>> No.51780618

y-you too

>> No.51780818

It's all dog water. Just different brands.

>> No.51780905

OP is coping AND seething

>> No.51780981

Except me, I hate that bitch.

>> No.51781144
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>> No.51781285

Dumb take. If your idea of being a 'fan' is jerking off to shark cunny 3 times a day then sure. If your passion for vtubers leads you to clip videos and learn video editing, or sketch fan art and get good at drawing then it's absolutely not a waste of time.

>> No.51781749

This board has convinced themselves they are somehow better than the 3d simps everyone rightfully mocks. Not only are we exactly the same kind of trash but we also gossip about them like catty housewives. Unless your oshi is one of the few actually doing idol stuff and you support her purely based on the value of that you are no better than the sad sacks throwing money at e-girls on twitch.
Hana was right, Artia was right.

>> No.51782010

Shut the fuck up, pussy. Go do something else and stop using this site for more than an hour or two a day. It's not that hard.

>> No.51782164

If you jump into a pile of shit, then it's your own fault that you now stink.

>> No.51787416

Me too. Can't stand that fucker
