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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 84 KB, 527x696, kibara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5161608 No.5161608 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had any dreams about VTubers? I just had a dream I got accepted into Hololive EN as their first male member, which makes absolutely no sense because I have no streaming experience or even any real footprint on the internet so I have no idea why they would choose me. So the first thing I remember having to do in the dream is having me and Кiara were teaming up on a quest to rescue Calli from a dungeon. It was like a video game and I had magic abilities like resurrection but it was also real life somehow. Anyway Кiara was really nice and friendly to me the whole time. Later in the dream we were in the chatroom with the other Hololive members and I was about to change my username to my new VTuber name, which was "Mercurial Twilight" but then someone else came in the room and his name was also Mercurial something so I hesitated because I thought people would be confused. I have no idea why I would even have a name like Mercurial Twilight, I've never seen that name before in my life and it doesn't sound at all like the kind of name I would choose if I were to actually become a VTuber, nor does it even sound much like any of the other Hololive names. But it's the name I was given in my dream. At any rate, it was at that point that I introduced myself to the rest of HoloEN and thanked them for accepting me despite my lack of experience, and that's the last thing I remember about the dream. It's weird because I wouldn't have picked Кiara as my favorite but when I woke up from this dream I felt a strong desire to start supporting her heavily because she was so nice to me in the dream.

>> No.5161869

lmao nigger I ain't reading that
learn to format your shit

>> No.5161949


>> No.5161994

I aint reading all that. Im happy for u tho or sorry that happened

>> No.5162104

Last night I had a dream about living with Coco, Rushia, Aqua, Marine, and Polka. Coco was under a lot of stress pretty consistently, becoming a bit lethargic in the process. Polka was having a 'midlife crisis' as I put it, and she was frequently away - the people on here were convinced that was her having a secret boyfriend and that the final yab was upon us.

Aqua, however, was vile. She was rude and cold-hearted to her roommates; everyone but me. Marine and Rushia were incredibly sad, Aqua continuing to put them down, even in front of me. At one point I pulled Rushia into a hug to comfort her and I could feel Aqua glaring at me, furious that I did so. I whispered into Rushia's ear that Aqua is being manipulative and that she and Marine should stand up for themselves, and she gave me a sort of surprised look as if she hadn't considered it before. Then I woke up.

>> No.5162187

I once had a dream about doing anal with roboco. Her ass felt fucking nice

>> No.5162191

no i'm not a schizo

>> No.5162237

Wake up Schizo there wont be any new male male member in Hololive anytime soon atleast not in the next 2 years. From your post its clear you are an Orange bitch fan and never saw the boys but if you ever saw Holostars (the actual male branch of Hololive) then you would know they have openly stated to their fans and their managers that don't a new gen or an en branch as they have just got their momentum and are now inclining thanks to the EN fanbase. Even Apex Legend Astel stated his viewer ship is 20% jap 80% rest of the world. So, if any new EN male vtuber gets introduced in Hololive it will kill their growth so, it is not happening.

P.S. - The Orange bitch & her paypigs need to neck themselves for the good of the world.

>> No.5165625

What do you think it means?

>> No.5165674

had a dream where i fucked Kiara's roommate. actually turned me from being an anti to being a fan. funny how sex does that to a man

>> No.5165730

I don't know, that I wanted to hug Rushia even though I don't watch her. Every Vtuber I don't watch that much I end up hugging. I doubt Aqua is some secret behind the scenes megabitch.

>> No.5165753

You're saying you've had multiple dreams where you hug Vtubers you don't watch?

>> No.5165834

I had two dreams about Matsuri in the same week and been a member and started watching her a lot more since. It’s weird what dreams do to you.

>> No.5165848

Subaru on more than one occasion and once with Luna, though that one is a vague notion of a memory. Looking at my dream journal, it turns out the Subaru dreams were a month apart - and now with this, it'd be another month between vtuber dreams (though I swear I hugged Subaru a few days ago as well? Or at least thought about her).

"Dreamed about trying to reconnect with an old Japanese exchange student I met who I was very close to. Turned out to be Subaru, but I didn't let her know that I knew she was Subaru. She was still incredibly friendly and happy to see me, letting me know through bad English texts."

>> No.5165860
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Is Kiara actually a dream demon who visits people at night to convert them into her fans?

>> No.5165890 [DELETED] 

only l*dditors format shit, get fucked

>> No.5165913


>> No.5165944

I had a dream about fucking Ame and then playing Overwatch with her. I've never once played Overwatch and detest that shit ass game. Pussy will do strange things to a man.

>> No.5165979

Weird because she has never played Overwatch either.

>> No.5165992
File: 967 KB, 2345x3882, 4564917 - 730596a5a7fbbe09cf2ba22f6f36de86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I was hugging Suisei in bed, now this happened a few months ago but afraid to share just because, fuck I can actually grasp her hair and even smell it, it smells girly yet with an elegant fragrant in it, it was then she woke up and we look at each other in the eye, she was actually smiling at me. I've only ever watched Suisei a few times at the time, and that dream made her my oshi now, but fuck that was an unreal dream.

>> No.5166044

She played it during the charity stream, but this dream was long before that. So your point still stands.

>> No.5166049

I had a dream where they were doing Hololive Spanish and I was chosen as one of it's male members (From what I remember there was 2 guys and 3 girls for that generation). And like you, I had no idea why I was picked because, despite speaking Spanish, I have little to no footprint on the net despite some articles.

We were all at my house looking at the avatars we would be getting and I somehow got an overly designed demonic delinquent character called Julio Diablos. Reddish skin, opened shirt exposed firm but scarred chest, sharp eyes, some small horns, the works. After that, I realized I was dreaming and promptly woke up.

>> No.5166090
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Reminds me of this for some reason.

>> No.5166451

I had a dream where I let Gura use my computer and the little shit installed a bunch of viruses on it.

>> No.5166469

>"But Anon, it says click here for free shrimp!"
>Get hit with fourteen separate types of ransomware vying for control of your Paypal account

>> No.5166506

I prefer the interpretation that she actually pulled out a USB and manually installed some viruses that she happened to be carrying with her.

>> No.5166645

Only dream I had was a short time ago where Towa-sama was staying over at my place since she had nowhere else to go and we played games together.
Dream ended with us going to a beach to build sandcastles despite the fact it was raining.

>> No.5166648

>I-I'm not retarded! I'm j-just keeping the o t h e r s i t e users out, I swear!

>> No.5166904

Come on down to the other site
Come with us through the gates of hell
We will drag you from where you are
To where you belong

>> No.5166935

last night I had a dream where Watame was my friend and we would hang out lol
I'm not even a watamate

>> No.5167739

What's with everyone having Hololive dreams literally last night, are we that obsessed with Hololive?

>> No.5168030

I wrote a lot of Hololive fanfiction last night so that may have something to do with it? I can never trigger them by just consuming a lot of chuuba content. It just happens.

>> No.5170481

What kinds of things are you writing about in your fanfiction?

>> No.5170566
File: 255 KB, 1024x1024, Someplace far away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) being influenced by Ina to make you doubt your friends, trying to push you into isolation so she can capture you via sleep walking and trap you in a perfect painted world of her own creation on the order of the Ancient Ones to piss off another pantheon taking interest in you. It's part of something ongoing for the writing thread.

>> No.5171847

>proper writing is for ledditors
This is why contrarians are pathetic

>> No.5171872

He's gone...

>> No.5171885

Not reading that but I did, it was a nightmare about Kiara doing the final yab. It was back when the Vei shit was going on, so I blame you fags.

>> No.5171927

What Vei shit?

>> No.5171945

Like the pink cat shit but actually upsetting

>> No.5172171

Further details?

>> No.5174205

On second thought I really don't want to know anymore about /vt/'s stupid lingo than I have to. The whole "roommate" thing already pisses me off because Kiara has mentioned on stream having an actual roommate. So it's like, thanks for picking the dumbest slang possible that is sabotaged by having an actual roommate.

>> No.5174374

Yes. Source: Her roomate's mother's friend's daughter.

>> No.5174428

>overly designed demonic delinquent character called Julio Diablos. Reddish skin, opened shirt exposed firm but scarred chest, sharp eyes, some small horns, the works
Sounds based if you ask me.

>> No.5174451
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Had four. In the first one I was hanging out and shooting the shit with pekora on a bench in some very green and very beautiful garden. Had a whale of a time.
In the second one, I was sneaking through some dark warehouse with gura. I remember having to climb up on a shelf and gura got up first and offered to pull me up. Her hand was small and very warm.
Third one is kinda blurry. All I remember was that I was dancing with kiara in some small ballroom. She had her arms around my neck and I had mine on her lower back as we were twirling around. She was very warm and smooth.
In the fourth one I was sitting at the dinner table with my extended family, but sitting to the right of me was nina (pic related). We were talking and having a great time and at one point we both started uncontrollably giggling at some stupid jokes that only made sense in a dream. I remember waking up and realising that those "jokes" were just some garbled nonsensical sentences which I promptly forgot.
Haven't had any others so far, but I've been neglecting my dream journal lately. Really atypical dreams for me since I almost never dream of anything pleasant.

>> No.5174526

>I remember waking up and realising that those "jokes" were just some garbled nonsensical sentences which I promptly forgot.
yeah I get that type of thing too sometimes

>> No.5174640

Crazier thing is when I wake up, write it down, and it actually makes sense. Like how did my mind even come up with that.

>> No.5175588


>> No.5175621

The fuck are getting angry at, newfag, sorry I didn't bother to spoofed you something even lowest iq rebbitor should know.

>> No.5178339

Watching a DnD collab between Holostars EN Gen 1 and 2. Four players, 1 DM and the extra player as whatever story character the DM needed at the time. Was about as chaotic and infantile as you'd expect between bros but overall very pleasant. Woke up and was saddened that such a thing doesn't exist. Pretty sure Cali's TTRPG project inspired it.

>> No.5182200


>> No.5182626

I feel asleep watching Pochi play Minecraft. Then I had a dream I played Minecraft with Pochi. Then I woke up and Pochi was still playing Minecraft. That’s all.

>> No.5182740

nice one, Mercurial Twilight.

I have shared my dream here before but since there's a thread for it, I had a dream that I went on a movie date with Kiara, and during the movie she was streaming and loudly reacting to everything on the screen. Other people in the theatre were getting angry and telling her to shut up. It was really embarrassing. After the movie was over she asked me how it felt having a "one of a kind experience" and I tried to be polite about it.

>> No.5182788
File: 469 KB, 2480x3508, E38-ydVVUAMAOKu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is long and i might need to make 2 posts so get ready.
OK so this sounds kinda weird and I'll try my best to remember them both, but i had 2 dreams about Aloe. The first one was taking place in the rain inside a sky scraper where i was in some custom map for PAYDAY 2, after we got some kind of bag from the vault i gave it to the clerk on the bottom floor to let her (aloe) into the building.
After that it wasn't even the game anymore and it turned into a waiting room near the exit of the building. There i see Aloe on a chair and i giver her a wig of some sort (yellowish purple short haired) and i told her good luck on her interview. I didn't get a response on her but shes refuse it or look angry and i left the building and was instantly near a grocery store near my house where i bought a bag of cold fried chicken and slipped and woke up.

>> No.5183001
File: 7 KB, 226x223, 1620820731458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fucked 10 Vtubers in my dreams so far.

>> No.5183253
File: 2.12 MB, 965x1600, 5c5b91fae5de131afc7ebb7dd9b1f579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2nd dream took place in one of my aunt's houses i remembered back when i was a kid. I don't remember the main reason why i was there but i do remember being inside one of my cousins room which was modified with another room i remembered, so it had lie 3 small beds in it and 2 closets. I was playing near one of the giant structures that hold a power-line and shit and fell off of it and feel into the room from the roof.
When i landed in the room Lamy and Botan were on the bed to the farthest corner to the right and just spectated me. my aunt comes out of the closet and asks me if i was alright and i was okay. After that a knock on the door and i open it to see Aloe who was asking if it was okay to come in. I said yes and after that i wasn't me i was now in the eyes of aloe, who then speaks to Lamy and Botan saying how much she missed them, but it really threw me off i heard it as if it were my voice and my brain must have assumed she was reincarnated but at the cost of her voice.
After she said that it turned into a angle view of her getting hugged all of gen 5 who came out of nowhere, like i was watching them now. Also weird she had her voice back. After i leave the room to go to the bathroom and my uncle is telling me to do the dishes and then i wake up.
Honestly i have no idea what the dreams mean, and they have been puzzling me since they are the only dream i had with vtubers. I'm not even interested with aloe or delta, maybe its some subconscious thing.

>> No.5184271

Fuck, now I want a Suisei dream

>> No.5184655
File: 203 KB, 850x1172, Houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_oridays_sample-9408232916394af5f43cea875827e24f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream I married Marine I like Marine

>> No.5186679
File: 633 KB, 2497x2847, __uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_tsumumi_kandume103__88e231d7cbecfd2ceacfbe7675651d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream with Rushia in it. It didn't look exactly like her, but I just knew it to be her. She was still small and flat. I had to do something dangerous but necessary, I don't really remember what, but after I did it, Rushia ran over to me and hugged my head to her chest while crying because she was so worried for me. I remember thinking her worry wasn't necessary, but I was so touched by it that I started tearing up too. I could feel her chest against my cheek - petite, firm, but still soft where it could give; and feeling her hands laid on the top and back of my head. I woke up with eye crust sealing my eyelashes shut.

The most bizarre parts are that I don't even watch Rushia, I just see her in the occasional clip; and that I prefer cowtits over flat. If she did all that to me, I can't even imagine what fandeads go through.

>> No.5191884

>keep ending up on fucking twitter through screencaps

>> No.5191946
File: 34 KB, 390x82, 0X0X0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.5191948

Had a dream haachama was my girlfriend and she drove a really clunky old pick up truck.

>> No.5191990

I had a dream I bet the last breath out of Kiara. Then I realized it wasn't a dream. This just happened. The collab won't happen anymore. You're welcome.

>> No.5192014
File: 387 KB, 454x572, Calli disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I was in my bed, underneath my covers. Calliope appeared at my bedside, leaned over, and kissed me on the forehead.

I'm a teamate.

>> No.5192049

That she is vshoujo tier garbage.

>> No.5192259

Recently had a dream that I lived in this apartment building where I accidentally let loose a murderous spirit which could possess people and influence them, one of the people living in that building was Amelia, I was doing my best to exorcise the spirit and was searching everywhere, eventually I traced it to her room and found her ravenously eating sliced bread from the influence of the spirit so I attempted an exorcism. I seemingly succeeded and she calmed down so I sent her to sleep but a little while later she rushes me down pushes me to the ground and puts her hands around my neck, I'm gasping for air and I feel my heart going a mile a second, eventually everything goes dark and I feel my heart stop as I die at the hands of a possessed Amelia Watson.

>> No.5192423

bro she just wanted to eat bread

>> No.5192510

I dreamed how Shizuma Rin helped me get out of a haunted/zombified mansion in which all doors are randomized, never knowing where you'll end up. Had also that "wanna run, but can't" type of situation, too. Watched her re 8 stream recently, must be why. Needless to say, she was cool and chill throughout the ordeal.

>> No.5196055

>burst into Vtuber's room. Ame is eating bread
>put her ass to sleep using voodoo magic
>She wakes up later and strangles me
You had it coming.

>> No.5197803

based if true

>> No.5197938

So if I want to have a wet dream about Kiara I need to hate her? Holy fuck, no wonder she has so many "antis", they're just fucking her senseless everytime they sleep.

>> No.5198210 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 301x330, AMESHOUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my Ame was my helicopter pilot in my mission to blow up an enemy cuban port. Before we took a woman tried stole a cross bow from the helicopter and accidentally shot herself with it. Ame was shaken but we had to take off. Our plot was foiled when she flew us through a giant naval battle and craft was damaged she managed to get us to safety but not before she was injured. Thank you for your sacrifice Ame. I'll never forget you.

>> No.5198360
File: 173 KB, 301x330, AMESHOUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my dream, Ame was my helicopter pilot in my mission to blow up an enemy cuban port. Before we took a woman tried to steal a crossbow from the helicopter and accidentally shot herself with it. Ame was shaken but we had to take off. Our plot was foiled when she flew us through a giant naval battle and craft was damaged she managed to get us to safety but not before she was injured. Thank you for your sacrifice Ame. I'll never forget you.

>> No.5199069
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These days I have been dreaming about the EN's, I never did before which I find weird I am having so many of them the past week, the dreams aren't too crazy, just me hanging with them in one way or another.

Often it have been with Ina, which confuses me since I don't see her streams as much, probably I watch more Ame and Gura streams. What does this mean, bros?

>> No.5202950

Had a dream once where I went to a hotel with a big pink bed with a faceless ame.
I was naked and started crying and trying to hug her while she sat emotionless.

>> No.5203758

Pochi followed you into the dream.

>> No.5203892
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Yes a bunch of dreams about Mori, Reine and Delta that seemed to have predicted the future. I then used this info to act accordingly and started several meme wars on /jp/ and /vt/ over the past 6 months. The experience of deja vu is so bad at times I have to remind myself that I am real and this is all happening.

I am beyond your mortal meds now.

>> No.5204062

>Dreams that predict the future
>About two months back I dreamt about seeing >>5170566 out of the corner of my eye on my other monitor
>It turns out I'm the one who made the fucking post
>Sickening feeling of deja vu hits
This isn't even the first time I've seen mundane shit in dreams that I see way later. It's been like this since fucking sixth grade. I hate this.

>> No.5204204

Sounds like you have

>> No.5204209
File: 318 KB, 500x523, 1623071649577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep with Korone's stream on one time and had a dream I was eating out her roommate

>> No.5204331

Haunted mansion with randomized doors and you can't run sounds more like Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion.

>> No.5204858

>Before we took a woman tried to steal a crossbow from the helicopter and accidentally shot herself with it. Ame was shaken but we had to take off.

>> No.5205416

Anon just needs meds, that's all

>> No.5205992

I had a dream where Suisei was a serial killer on trial and I worked with other hoshiyomis to help her escape. She was in a prison jumpsuit (although they let her keep the jewelry for some reason) with her wrists and ankles shackled, as well as a mask that I guess was supposed to stop her biting. I don't remember the entire plan, but my job was to impersonate a bailiff and escort her to a bathroom where we could sneak out of the window and into a getaway car. The plan worked out and we were helping her get the cuffs off, and that's when I woke up.

>> No.5206045

What a loyal fanbase Suisei has that she could be a serial killer and they'd still break her out of prison.

>> No.5211770


>> No.5211953

I dreamed that Gura tried to kill me, woke up screaming and everything. In the dream, I was at an amusement part eating a candy apple and she just came out of nowhere and jumped on me, keep trying to choke and she overpowered me and was hitting my head against the pavement. I remembered being terrified but also pissed cause i dropped my apple.

>> No.5212041

I dreamed about Asacoco and Coco having fun with her old model, Aloe and Nene was guess. Everyone was having fun like there was no chinx menace happened.
The next day of that dream Coco announced her graduation.

>> No.5212284

That's a really fucking creepy rrat.

>> No.5212924

I dreamt that Haato, Subaru, Okayu, and Korone announced their graduations. Not that interesting, but hey, you asked.

>> No.5213204

Recently? Because Haato did just go on hiatus.

>> No.5214264
File: 150 KB, 1888x1080, 1617021656031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago I dreamt that I had to go and recover Mori's drowned body inside of an underwater cave. I got inside of the cave after touching a runed stone pillar that teleported me there and then drowned in the icy cold water after swimming around for a while and realizing the receiving pillar wouldn't send me back, so I guess in a way I did end up finding her. Don't even watch her streams though, I can probably count the amount I've watched on my hands.

>> No.5216735

Fittingly, she's playing a game right now about escaping from hell.

>> No.5217958

And probably the only one that's actually true.

>> No.5219544

It's frightening how easy this is to envision.

>> No.5219745

In case anyone doesn't understand what I was doing with this post, I responded to two posts that used the word "deja vu", which might lead one to think I was about to sing Deja Vu from Initial D. Instead I surprised people by singing another song from Initial D called Spark in the Dark.

>> No.5220990
File: 24 KB, 567x381, 492601F4-E837-4E13-947A-F2EF404E3148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only holo related dream I’ve had was of marine. I was watching her stream on the tv while I was lying on the floor reading a book or something and suddenly heard her say “I want you to cum for me” in perfect english and I instantly had an earth shattering, knee knocking orgasm. When I woke up the nut had soaked through my underwear to my sheets and comforter, which I had just washed the day before. Fuck you marine

>> No.5221050


>> No.5221201

I dreamed that Coco was supposed to discuss her graduation on Nerdrotic Live for some reason...

>> No.5221208

Anon that wasn't a dream...

>> No.5221245

so mori is basically a reaper in a dead body right? so fapping to her is basically necrophilia right?

>> No.5221288
File: 295 KB, 334x465, 1623009656383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep trying to have lewd Kiara dreams, but they keep distorting into weird SWAT team raids where me and a team raid a crackhouse and kill crackheads alongside Kiara who is my teammate.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.5221418

Had a dream where I became a girl, debut in EN 2, carried Hololive on a global stage and had an interview with Elon Musk and various world leaders about the importance of animated characters for a digital future.

>> No.5221422

This is literally what happens to me any time I hear Marine speak.

>> No.5221447

Calm down Rushia, nobody's judging you.

>> No.5221500

kill yourself please

>> No.5221544

The key here is to try to have SWAT team crackhouse raid dreams and they will turn into lewd Kiara dreams.

>> No.5221657
File: 2.10 MB, 1204x1500, 1614390996-e7c95c35e88e108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where I met Flare, and she had a new outfit that was a soccer uniform (red shirt and white shorts). I tried to compliment her in broken japanese, and she tried to respond in broken english. She also showed me her trading card collection.

Because of this dream, my wish is for more Vtubers to get sports themed alternate costumes

>> No.5221665

bruh I don't even watch Kiara either and I remember having dreams of her before too... wtf is going on why does she keep showing up in our dreams

>> No.5221688

She lives rent free on /vt/'s heads

>> No.5221739

By the way, is it a common thing that people here actually watch VTubers on their TV? In theory I could but I prefer to watch on my computer or if I want to watch it in bed or something I use my tablet.

>> No.5223126

This morning, I dreamt about /vt/ for the first time. I saw a pinned thread of Fubuki’s graduation announcement. Apparently, she just announced it unprompted without script. The entire Hololive fandom in Twitter and reddit immediately dissolved themselves after the announcement and HoloPro is virtually dead.

After I realized I was dreaming, I immediately jumped out of my bed. I’ve reading too much /vt/ rrat.

>> No.5223574

Honestly I think it legitimately would have those repercussions if it happened. Coco was a lot more expendable than Fubuki is.

>> No.5224152

Sports outfits are really versatile. First, you can have sports outfit-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing sports outfits flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's sports outfits and putting them on like, "Haha, got your sports outfits!"

>> No.5224212


>> No.5225427

She should have sucked me off.

>> No.5225886

Then maybe you should have fallen asleep watching her suck you off.

>> No.5226228

I know I wouldn't be reasonable to give all the chuubas a new costume for one event, but I wish they all had gym uniforms for the Minecraft sports day.

>> No.5226318

Are you for real? They give them costumes for New Years and that has really limited usage outside of January. They actually should give them sports day costumes because first of all it's an event they partake in every year and second they could have potential general use when they're in the mood.

>> No.5226399

I had a dream where I was trying to talk with Aqua in my broken Japanese and she was laughing at me. I don't even watch Aqua

>> No.5227174

I have never watched vshojo but this night I dreamt that IronMouse dragged me to an abandoned hospital and we had lots of sex. Then we went to an island with dirty water and I fought against Flying Man and a ninja from that new Zelda game to earn a 28% discount for an Emu

>> No.5227543

>All I remember was that I was dancing with kiara in some small ballroom.
That reminds me I once dreamt of an ice cream shop. It was a huge mansion with a small metal ice cream buffet in the center. Everything was yellowy like an old photo, I saw a girl in white dress and then woke up.

>> No.5227623

I had a dream about Ayame sucking me off and her horns poked my stomach. Pretty weird but I’ll do it again.

>> No.5227728

I've had a dream about Amelia giving me a thighjob with her pantyhose on

>> No.5227912

Flying Man? As in from Earthbound?

>> No.5227943

yes that one. He was green and red in my dream (the red wwas blood)

>> No.5227947

That sounds horrifying. And the girl was probably Kiara.

>> No.5230213

Trust me, Aqua was crying on the inside.

>> No.5230405

Pochi transcends the physical. Truly best girl.


>> No.5230805

I’ve only ever had one Hololive dream and weirdly enough Kiara was the only person in it despite me barely watching her. It was a few months ago so the details are a bit crappy, but basically she was in my basement just sort of standing around, not locked up or anything. Then I ran up to her and told her I was a fan of sorts, but she looked at me with this face of disgust. I’m not talking about the look of disgust typical in anime that turns weebs on, I mean an actual genuine look of anger and disgust, the kind that makes you feel shame in your gut. I think the look had something to do with being recognized by a fan (even though it was Kiara still in Vtuber form). Naturally I sort of moved away out of shame, and the dream ended there.

Since then, Kiara is the only Hololive member I’m actually afraid of. I don’t know why she’s so common in dreams. Maybe something to do with her voice subconsciously implanting herself into our dreams. I’m not a dream scientist or anything though.

>> No.5231052

I'm afraid of Kiara in general. There's something intimidating about her.

>> No.5233552

Welp, gonna try to have another Hololive dream. Wish me luck.

>> No.5233704

You just afraid because one day she'll rally up the Krauts to take back the glory of Germany

>> No.5233817

Good luck anon

>> No.5234191

I had about Artemis... And I hate that fish.

>> No.5234607

I had a dream where I was roommates at a Japanese Hotel with Fubuki. We were having dinner at a common area of the hotel with some of the other guests, including Stephen fucking Colbert.
Then, all of us, as a group, walked outside to what seemed like an abandoned warehouse to look at a sports car. Fubuki then grabbed me by the arm as we ran back to the hotel, past the hotel's library, back into our room, and we had steamy, vanilla sex; then I woke up.


>> No.5236176

I dreamt of my oshi saying "I love you all so much" to chat. I don't think that will ever actually happen.

>> No.5237975
File: 125 KB, 567x500, 1615176024899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I relived all of my Highschool life with the knowledge i have now, the only difference was that Matuli was my love interest.

Really fun, high school was wild.
Woke up and preordered her nendoroid

>> No.5238007

I don't watch much Okayu, but I had a dream where she was sitting on my chest laughing at me. I came

>> No.5238065


okayu only laughs at fun things. you must be fun. do you by any chance look like a gorilla?

>> No.5238077

I had a couple Gura dreams this week but I forget what they were about. I should start writing them down.

>> No.5238132

Sadly no. And I lack chunkyness

>> No.5238204

I daydream about being a HoloEN streamer all the time when im on the computer. It makes playing games and browsing much more fun

>> No.5238276

Do you imagine yourself as a girl? I do. I'm not a tranny or gay, it's just fun to imagine being a vtuber.

>> No.5238369

Nah as a man, just being myself with an audience and female friends I can talk about my interests with

>> No.5238643
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I dream about being with my oshi now and then. I normally don't remember anything about my dreams, but I can remember when these ones happen because the emotional high lasts long after most of the details fade from memory. Sometimes it's romantic and sometimes we just hang out, but it's always very wholesome.

>> No.5238787
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I imagine myself restreaming a world cup match in 240p while shouting broken English in a shitty mic

>> No.5240972

Have you ever had a dream that that you um you had you'd you would you could you'd do you wi you wants you you could do so you you'd do you could you you want you want him to do you so much you could do anything?

>> No.5241277


>> No.5242296

>Hey anon that was a pretty good SWAT raid (annoying laugh), want to fuck?

>> No.5244871

Not the anon but what the fuck it worked for me

>> No.5245556
File: 195 KB, 338x322, 1622259004340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three days ago I dreamt that someone leaked Gura's adress so I traveled to her house as fast as I could to protect her but when I arrived some schizo had already kidnapped her and left.
What does it mean? Can any psychoanalyst tell me? Gura isn't even my oshii btw

>> No.5246377
File: 1.09 MB, 1400x2100, snuff dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where Snuffy was doing a charity stream on PornHub, she was playing Street Fighter 4

>> No.5246776

>on pornhub
The day I see Snuffy's facetracking capture every twitch of her muscles as she orgasms is the day I die happy.

>> No.5251941

A couple months back I had a dream where Me and Reine had to confront a pregnant Lady because the child she was carrying wasn't human and she was convinced the child was normal. Can't remember what we were armed with but we were ready to fight whatever was about come out.

>> No.5255207

How do you "try to have" a SWAT raid dream?

>> No.5255286

Can you stop spelling it oshii? This isn't the first time I've seen someone post Watame while spelling it oshii. You must be the same person as that time.

>> No.5255836
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A couple of days ago I had a dream about Risu sleeping over at my house

>> No.5260642

Calli would be more into Sans than Papyrus, she has expressed her preference for manlets repeatedly on stream.

>> No.5261703

I left a video of a Swat raid playing as I was falling asleep. Next thing I know I dreamed about Kiara, but it wasn't anything lewd unfortunately.

>> No.5261756

I never dream but I've been daydreaming about Kiara's roommate a lot lately.

>> No.5262927

Well that is a hilarious tactic and it is highly amusing that it actually worked.

>> No.5266579

I was going to post something along these lines.

>> No.5267735


>> No.5271092

Huh? The one she watched Game of Thrones with?

>> No.5271332

Kiss of death, lol.

>> No.5272939

My head is not ready for Kiara's voice this early in the morning.

>> No.5276075

I'm not ready for anything ever.

>> No.5281821
File: 219 KB, 850x1304, __sakura_miko_and_35p_hololive_drawn_by_roke_taikodon__sample-b636aeee403efd288d3e40275774a314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever had any dreams about VTubers?
yep, I had a dream where Miko came to take my virginity because I was dying.

>> No.5282078

don't worry i got it

>> No.5284955

This guy gets it.

>> No.5286218

I have the same feeling. But why? Why she is so intimidating? How she can do that?

>> No.5286262

Tell us your dreams with her
